def solve(self,msg=0,**kwarg): # kind = 'CBC' if 'kind' in kwarg: kind = kwarg['kind'] time_limit = None if 'time_limit' in kwarg: time_limit = float(kwarg['time_limit']) random_seed = None if 'random_seed' in kwarg: random_seed = kwarg['random_seed'] ratio_gap = None if 'ratio_gap' in kwarg: ratio_gap = float(kwarg['ratio_gap']) start_time = time.time() # select solver for pl if kind == 'CPLEX': if time_limit is not None: # pulp does currently not support a timelimit in 1.5.9 self.mip.solve(pl.CPLEX_CMD(msg=msg, timelimit=time_limit)) else: self.mip.solve(pl.CPLEX_CMD(msg=msg)) elif kind == 'GLPK': self.mip.solve(pl.GLPK_CMD(msg=msg)) elif kind == 'SCIP': self.mip.solve(SCIP_CMD(msg=msg,time_limit=time_limit,ratio_gap=ratio_gap)) elif kind == 'CBC' or kind == 'COIN': options = [] if time_limit is not None: options.extend(['sec', str(time_limit)]) if random_seed is not None: options.extend(['randomSeed', str(random_seed)]) options.extend(['randomCbcSeed', str(random_seed)]) if ratio_gap is not None: options.extend(['ratio', str(ratio_gap)]) if kind == 'CBC': self.mip.solve(pl.PULP_CBC_CMD(msg=msg, options=options)) elif kind == 'COIN': self.mip.solve(pl.COIN(msg=msg, options=options)) elif kind == 'GUROBI': # GUROBI_CMD does not support a timelimit or epgap # GUROBI cannot dispatch parameters from options correctly options=[] if time_limit is not None: if ratio_gap is not None: self.mip.solve(pl.GUROBI(msg=msg,timeLimit=time_limit,epgap=ratio_gap)) elif time_limit is not None: self.mip.solve(pl.GUROBI(msg=msg, timeLimit=time_limit)) elif ratio_gap is not None: self.mip.solve(pl.GUROBI(msg=msg, epgap=ratio_gap)) else: self.mip.solve(pl.GUROBI_CMD(msg=msg)) else: raise Exception('ERROR: solver ' + kind + ' not known') if msg: print('INFO: execution time for solving mip (sec) = ' + str(time.time() - start_time)) if self.mip.status == 1 and msg: print('INFO: objective = ' + str(pl.value(self.mip.objective)))
def test_threshold(self): threshold = covering.create_threshold_model( self.binary_coverage_point2, 30) threshold_i = covering.create_threshold_model( self.binary_coverage_point2, 100) threshold.solve(pulp.GUROBI()) threshold_i.solve(pulp.GUROBI()) ids = utilities.get_ids(threshold, "facility2_service_areas") self.assertEqual(['10', '20', '4'], ids) self.assertEqual(threshold_i.status, pulp.constants.LpStatusInfeasible)
def test_traumah(self): traumah = covering.create_traumah_model(self.traumah_coverage, 5, 10) traumah_i = covering.create_traumah_model(self.traumah_coverage, 100, 100) traumah.solve(pulp.GUROBI()) traumah_i.solve(pulp.GUROBI()) ad_ids = utilities.get_ids(traumah, "AirDepot") tc_ids = utilities.get_ids(traumah, "TraumaCenter") self.assertEqual(['0', '1', '2', '4', '5'], ad_ids) self.assertEqual( ['10', '12', '15', '16', '18', '19', '21', '22', '7', '9'], tc_ids) self.assertEqual(traumah_i.status, pulp.constants.LpStatusInfeasible)
def test_cc_threshold(self): ccthreshold = covering.create_cc_threshold_model( self.partial_coverage2, 80) ccthreshold_i = covering.create_cc_threshold_model( self.partial_coverage2, 100) ccthreshold.solve(pulp.GUROBI()) ccthreshold_i.solve(pulp.GUROBI()) ids = utilities.get_ids(ccthreshold, "facility2_service_areas") self.assertEqual([ '1', '10', '11', '13', '15', '17', '19', '20', '21', '22', '3', '4', '7', '9' ], ids) self.assertEqual(ccthreshold_i.status, pulp.constants.LpStatusInfeasible)
def convexCombination(points, point): '''Calculates if a point is a convex combination of another points in the hull, this is done to avoid unecessary point in the hull calculation. ''' points_idx = [i for i in range(len(points))] dim_idx = [j for j in range(len(point))] prob = lp.LpProblem("max mean", lp.LpMinimize) alpha = list( lp.LpVariable.dicts('alpha', points_idx, cat='Continuous').values()) for j in dim_idx: prob += (lp.lpSum([alpha[i] * points[i][j] for i in points_idx]) == point[j]) prob += lp.lpSum([alpha[i] for i in points_idx]) == 1 for i in points_idx: if all(points[i] == point): prob += alpha[i] == 0 else: prob += alpha[i] >= 0 grbs = lp.GUROBI(msg=False, OutputFlag=False, Threads=1) if grbs.available(): prob.solve(grbs) else: cbcs = lp.PULP_CBC_CMD(threads=1) prob.solve(cbcs, use_mps=False) feasible = False if prob.status in [-1, -2] else True return feasible
def _solve(self): if self.solver == "cbc": self.prob.solve( pulp.PULP_CBC_CMD( msg=0, maxSeconds=self.time_limit, options=["startalg", "barrier", "crossover", "0"], )) elif self.solver == "cplex": self.prob.solve( pulp.CPLEX_CMD( msg=0, timelimit=self.time_limit, options=["set lpmethod 4", "set barrier crossover -1"], )) elif self.solver == "gurobi": gurobi_options = [ ("Method", 2), # 2 = barrier ("Crossover", 0), ] # Only specify time limit if given (o.w. errors) if self.time_limit is not None: gurobi_options.append(( "TimeLimit", self.time_limit, )) self.prob.solve(pulp.GUROBI(msg=0, options=gurobi_options))
def test_gurobi(self, ilp): """Test method for GUROBI.""" try: ilp.solve(pulp.GUROBI()) assert round(pulp.value(ilp.objective), 0) == 5 except pulp.solvers.PulpSolverError:"Solver not installed")
def __calcFirstW(self, goal=1, eps=0.00): oidx = [i for i in range(self.M)] Nsols = len(self.solutionsList) assert self.M == Nsols, 'only fist W' # Create a gurobi model prob = lp.LpProblem("max_mean", lp.LpMaximize) # prob = mip.Model(sense=mip.MAXIMIZE, solver_name=mip.GRB) # Creation of linear integer variables w = list( lp.LpVariable.dicts('w', oidx, lowBound=0, upBound=1, cat='Continuous').values()) # w = list(prob.add_var()) uR = self.__globalL v = lp.LpVariable('v', cat='Continuous') # v = prob.add_var(name='v', var_type=mip.CONTINUOUS) for conN, sols in enumerate(self.solutionsList): d, dvec = self.__calcD(sols) expr = v - lp.lpDot(w, self.__normf(sols.objs)) # expr = v-mip.xsum(w[i]*self.__normf(sols.objs)[i] for i in range()) prob += expr <= 0 #manter for i in oidx: prob += w[i] >= 0 #manter prob += lp.lpSum([w[i] for i in oidx]) == 1 # prob += mip.xsum([w[i] for i in oidx]) == 1 prob += v - lp.lpDot(w, self.__normf(uR)) # prob += v-mip.xsum(w*self.__normf(uR)[i] for i in range()) try: grbs = lp.GUROBI(msg=False, OutputFlag=False) prob.solve(grbs) except: prob.solve() # status = prob.optimize() feasible = False if prob.status in [-1, -2] else True # feasible = status == OptimizationStatus.OPTIMAL or status == OptimizationStatus.FEASIBLE if feasible: w_ = np.array( [lp.value(w[i]) if lp.value(w[i]) >= 0 else 0 for i in oidx]) # w_ = np.array([w[i].x if w[i].x >= 0 else 0 for i in oidx]) if self.__norm: w_ = w_ / (self.__globalU - self.__globalL) fobj = lp.value(prob.objective) # fobj = prob.objective_values[0] self.__w = np.array(w_) self.__importance = fobj else: raise ('Somethig wrong')
def __calcImportance(self, solutionsList): '''Calculates the importance of a weight using Equation 2 to find the lower point and Proposition 4 of the referenced work to calculate the importance. ''' oidx = [i for i in range(self.M)] prob = lp.LpProblem("Lower point", lp.LpMinimize) uR = list(lp.LpVariable.dicts('uR', oidx, cat='Continuous').values()) for value, sols in enumerate(solutionsList): expr = lp.lpDot(self.__normw(sols.w), uR) cons = self.__normf(sols.objs) @ self.__normw(sols.w) prob += expr >= cons prob += lp.lpDot(self.__normw(self.w), uR) grbs = lp.GUROBI(msg=False, OutputFlag=False, Threads=1) if grbs.available(): prob.solve(grbs) else: cbcs = lp.PULP_CBC_CMD(threads=1) prob.solve(cbcs, use_mps=False) feasible = False if prob.status in [-1, -2] else True self.__uR = np.array([lp.value(uR[i]) for i in oidx]) if feasible: self.__importance = ((self.__normw(self.w) @ self.__point - self.__normw(self.w) @ self.__uR) / (self.__normw(sols.w) @ np.ones(self.M))) else: raise ('Non-feasible solution')
def PathSplitting(sn, vnr_list, node_mapping_list, edge_mapping_list, request_queue): # Create the 'prob' object to contain the optimization problem data prob = pulp.LpProblem("Multi-commodity Flow", pulp.LpMinimize) # Build summation list for the objective function objFn = [] # First create a total integer trailer flow variable, and tie it to the arc var = pulp.LpVariable("TrailerFlow(%s,%s)" % (str(i), str(j)), lowBound=0, cat=pulp.LpInteger) a_dict['dvTrailerFlow'] = var # The objective function is added to 'prob' first # lpSum takes a list of coefficients*LpVariables and makes a summation prob += pulp.lpSum(objFn), "Allocated BW" # Add the constraint for each commodity specific arc for vnr in vnr_list: prob += pulp.lpSum(objFn) <= vnr.edges[edge]['bw'] prob += arcs[a]['dvFlows'][k] <= M * arcs[a]['dvIntree'][ dest], " Consistency Arc (%s,%s) Commodity(%s,%s) " % ( str(i), str(j), str(k_orig), str(k_dest)) # Write out as a .LP file prob.writeLP("LinkSplitting.lp") # The problem is solved, in this case explicitly asking for Gurobi prob.solve(pulp.GUROBI()) # The status of the solution is printed to the screen print("Status:", pulp.LpStatus[prob.status])
def _solve(self, relax: bool, time_limit: Optional[int]): # Set variable types if not relax: # Set partitioning constraints and artificial variables to integer # (for the periodic case) for node in self.G.nodes(): if (node not in ["Source", "Sink"] and "depot_from" not in self.G.nodes[node] and "depot_to" not in self.G.nodes[node]): for const in self.prob.constraints: # Modify the self.prob object (the # self.set_covering_constrs object cannot be modified # (?)) if "visit_node" in const: self.prob.constraints[ const].sense = pulp.LpConstraintEQ if (self.periodic and self.G.nodes[node]["frequency"] > 1 and node != "Source"): self.dummy[node].cat = pulp.LpInteger # Set route variables to integer for var in self.y.values(): # Disallow routes that visit multiple nodes if "non" in var.upBound = 0 var.lowBound = 0 = pulp.LpInteger # Force vehicle bound artificial variable to 0 for var in self.dummy_bound.values(): if "artificial_bound_" in var.upBound = 0 var.lowBound = 0 # Solve with appropriate solver if self.solver == "cbc": self.prob.solve( pulp.PULP_CBC_CMD( msg=False, timeLimit=time_limit, options=["startalg", "barrier", "crossover", "0"], )) elif self.solver == "cplex": self.prob.solve( pulp.CPLEX_CMD( msg=False, timeLimit=time_limit, # options=["set lpmethod 4", "set barrier crossover -1"], # set barrier crossover -1 is deprecated options=["set lpmethod 4", "set solutiontype 2"], )) elif self.solver == "gurobi": gurobi_options = [ ("Method", 2), # 2 = barrier ("Crossover", 0), ] # Only specify time limit if given (o.w. errors) if time_limit is not None: gurobi_options.append(( "TimeLimit", time_limit, )) self.prob.solve(pulp.GUROBI(msg=False, options=gurobi_options))
def test_lscp(self): merged_dict = covering.merge_coverages( [self.binary_coverage_point, self.binary_coverage_point2]) merged_dict = covering.update_serviceable_demand( merged_dict, self.serviceable_demand_point) lscp = covering.create_lscp_model(merged_dict) lscp_i = covering.create_lscp_model(self.binary_coverage_point) lscp.solve(pulp.GUROBI()) lscp_i.solve(pulp.GUROBI()) ids = utilities.get_ids(lscp, "facility_service_areas") ids2 = utilities.get_ids(lscp, "facility2_service_areas") self.assertEqual(['1', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7'], ids) self.assertEqual([ '0', '1', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '19', '2', '20', '22', '4', '5', '6', '7', '9' ], ids2) self.assertEqual(lscp_i.status, pulp.constants.LpStatusInfeasible)
def test_cc_threshold(self): ccthreshold = covering.create_cc_threshold_model( self.partial_coverage2, 80, "ccthreshold.lp") ccthreshold.solve(pulp.GUROBI()) ids = utilities.get_ids(ccthreshold, "facility2_service_areas") self.assertEqual([ '1', '10', '11', '13', '15', '17', '19', '20', '21', '22', '3', '4', '7', '9' ], ids)
def problem(alfa, path): """Objective (bi)""" prob = pulp.LpProblem('1-MRMCSP', pulp.LpMaximize) Z1 = pulp.lpSum( [m[m_]['weight'] * yrm[r_ + "_" + m_] for r_ in r for m_ in m]) Z2 = pulp.lpSum([ zodij["{}_{}_{}_{}".format(o, d, i, j)] * dij["{}_{}".format(i, j)] for o in origins for d in destins for i in stops for j in stops ]) # alfa = 0.001 prob += alfa * Z1 - (1 - alfa) * Z2 """Constraints""" for r_ in r: for m_ in m: prob += pulp.lpSum([xj[j] for j in Nm[m_] ]) >= yrm[r_ + '_' + m_], "c2_{}-{}".format( r_, m_) # (2) for o in origins: for d in destins: prob += pulp.lpSum([ zodij["{}_{}_{}_{}".format(o, d, o, j)] for j in stops ]) == 1, "c3_{}-{}".format(o, d) # (3) prob += pulp.lpSum([ zodij["{}_{}_{}_{}".format(o, d, j, o)] for j in stops ]) == 0, "c3a_{}-{}".format(o, d) # (3a) prob += pulp.lpSum([ zodij["{}_{}_{}_{}".format(o, d, i, d)] for i in stops ]) == 1, "c4_{}-{}".format(o, d) # (4) prob += pulp.lpSum([ zodij["{}_{}_{}_{}".format(o, d, d, i)] for i in stops ]) == 0, "c4a_{}-{}".format(o, d) # (4a) prob += pulp.lpSum([ zodij["{}_{}_{}_{}".format(o, d, i, i)] for i in stops ]) == 0, "cii_{}-{}".format(o, d) # (4a) prob += pulp.lpSum([ zodij["{}_{}_{}".format(o, d, s_)] for s_ in s_notallowed ]) == 0, "ciii_{}-{}".format(o, d) # (4a) for j in stops: prob += pulp.lpSum([ zodij["{}_{}_{}_{}".format(o, d, i, j)] for i in stops ]) == xj[j], "c6_{}-{}-{}-{}".format(o, d, i, j) # (6) if j[0] != 'o' and j[0] != 'd': prob += pulp.lpSum([ zodij["{}_{}_{}_{}".format(o, d, i, j)] for i in stops ]) - pulp.lpSum([ zodij["{}_{}_{}_{}".format(o, d, j, k)] for k in stops ]) == 0, "c5_{}-{}-{}-{}".format(o, d, i, j) print('Solving MRMCSP for alfa = {} \n...'.format(alfa)) prob.solve(pulp.GUROBI(msg=0)) print("Objective: ", pulp.value(prob.objective), '\n') # print(pulp.LpStatus[prob.status],'\n') # print([(z,zodij[z].varValue) for z in zodij if zodij[z].varValue==1]) # print([(j,xj[j].varValue) for j in xj if xj[j].varValue==1]) pd.Series([(z, zodij[z].varValue) for z in zodij if zodij[z].varValue == 1]).to_csv(path)
def test_bclpcc(self): merged_dict = covering.merge_coverages( [self.partial_coverage, self.partial_coverage2]) merged_dict = covering.update_serviceable_demand( merged_dict, self.serviceable_demand_polygon) bclpcc = covering.create_bclpcc_model(merged_dict, {"total": 3}, 0.2) bclpcc.solve(pulp.GUROBI()) ids = utilities.get_ids(bclpcc, "facility_service_areas") ids2 = utilities.get_ids(bclpcc, "facility2_service_areas") self.assertEqual(['4'], ids) self.assertEqual(['10'], ids2)
def _solve(self, time_limit): if self.solver == "cbc": self.prob.solve(pulp.PULP_CBC_CMD(msg=False, timeLimit=time_limit)) elif self.solver == "cplex": self.prob.solve(pulp.CPLEX_CMD(msg=False, timeLimit=time_limit)) elif self.solver == "gurobi": gurobi_options = [] if time_limit is not None: gurobi_options.append(( "TimeLimit", time_limit, )) self.prob.solve(pulp.GUROBI(msg=False, options=gurobi_options))
def _get_solver(solver_name, timelimit): if solver_name == "cplex": return pulp.CPLEX_PY(msg=0, timeLimit=timelimit) elif solver_name == "gurobi": return pulp.GUROBI(msg=0, timeLimit=timelimit) elif solver_name == "glpk": return pulp.GLPK(msg=0, options=["--tmlim", str(timelimit)]) elif solver_name == "cbc": return pulp.COIN(msg=0, maxSeconds=timelimit) elif solver_name == "scip": return pulp.SCIP(msg=0, options=["-c", f"set limits time {timelimit}"]) raise ValueError("Invalid Solver Name")
def test_backup(self): merged_dict = covering.merge_coverages( [self.binary_coverage_point, self.binary_coverage_point2]) merged_dict = covering.update_serviceable_demand( merged_dict, self.serviceable_demand_point) bclp = covering.create_backup_model(merged_dict, {"total": 30}) bclp.solve(pulp.GUROBI()) ids = utilities.get_ids(bclp, "facility_service_areas") ids2 = utilities.get_ids(bclp, "facility2_service_areas") self.assertEqual(['1', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7'], ids) self.assertEqual([ '0', '1', '10', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19', '2', '20', '22', '3', '4', '5', '6', '8', '9' ], ids2)
def optimize(self): """ Default solver is 'cbc' unless solver is set to something else. You may need to provide a path for any of the solvers using 'path' argument. """ if model_params['write_lp']:'Writing the lp file!') self.model.writeLP( + '.lp')'Optimization starts!') _solver = pulp.PULP_CBC_CMD(keepFiles=model_params['write_log'], fracGap=model_params['mip_gap'], maxSeconds=model_params['time_limit'], msg=model_params['display_log']) if model_params['solver'] == 'gurobi': _solver = pulp.GUROBI(msg=model_params['write_log'], timeLimit=model_params['time_limit'], epgap=model_params['mip_gap']) elif model_params['solver'] == 'cplex': options = [] if model_params['mip_gap']: set_mip_gap = "set mip tolerances mipgap {}".format( model_params['mip_gap']) options.append(set_mip_gap) _solver = pulp.CPLEX_CMD(keepFiles=model_params['write_log'], options=options, timelimit=model_params['time_limit'], msg=model_params['display_log']) elif model_params['solver'] == 'glpk': # Read more about glpk options: options = [] if model_params['mip_gap']: set_mip_gap = "--mipgap {}".format(model_params['mip_gap']) options.append(set_mip_gap) if model_params['time_limit']: set_time_limit = "--tmlim {}".format( model_params['time_limit']) options.append(set_time_limit) _solver = pulp.GLPK_CMD(keepFiles=model_params['write_log'], options=options, msg=model_params['display_log']) self.model.solve(solver=_solver) if self.model.status == pulp.LpStatusOptimal:'The solution is optimal and the objective value ' 'is ${:,.2f}'.format(pulp.value(self.model.objective)))
def solve_ilp_problem(self, word_num, p, dep_length=None, parents=None, matrix=None, solver='glpk', mx=0.7, mn=0.2, w2=0.5, saved=None): max_length = int(mx * word_num) min_length = int(mn * word_num) prob = pulp.LpProblem('sentence_compression', pulp.LpMaximize) # initialize the word binary variables c = pulp.LpVariable.dicts(name='c', indexs=range(word_num), lowBound=0, upBound=1, cat='Integer') #objective function prob += sum((p[i] - w2 * dep_length[i]) * c[i] for i in range( word_num)) #p[i] is the probability for retain the words # #constraints if parents is not None: for j in range(word_num): if parents[j] > 0: prob += c[j] <= c[parents[j]] if saved is not None: for s in saved: prob += c[s[0]] >= c[s[1]] prob += sum([c[i] for i in range(word_num)]) <= max_length prob += sum([c[i] for i in range(word_num)]) >= min_length if solver == 'gurobi': prob.solve(pulp.GUROBI(msg=0)) elif solver == 'glpk': prob.solve(pulp.GLPK(msg=0)) elif solver == 'cplex': prob.solve(pulp.CPLEX(msg=0)) else: sys.exit('no solver specified') values = [c[j].varValue for j in range(word_num)] solution = [j for j in range(word_num) if c[j].varValue == 1] return (pulp.value(prob.objective), solution, values)
def __calcImportance(self, solutionsList): '''Calculates the importance of a weight P2 of referenced work to calculate the importance. ''' if any(self.w + 10**-5 >= 1): self.__importance = -float('inf') return oidx = [i for i in range(self.M)] prob = lp.LpProblem("xNISE procedure", lp.LpMinimize) uR = list(lp.LpVariable.dicts('uR', oidx, cat='Continuous').values()) for value, sols in enumerate(solutionsList): expr = lp.lpDot(self.__normw(sols.w), uR) cons = self.__normf(sols.objs) @ self.__normw(sols.w) prob += expr >= cons for i in oidx: prob += uR[i] <= self.__normf(self.__globalU)[i] prob += lp.lpDot(self.__normw(self.w), uR) grbs = lp.GUROBI(msg=False, OutputFlag=False, Threads=1) if grbs.available(): prob.solve(grbs) else: cbcs = lp.PULP_CBC_CMD(threads=1) prob.solve(cbcs, use_mps=False) feasible = False if prob.status in [-1, -2] else True self.__uR = np.array([lp.value(uR[i]) for i in oidx]) if feasible: self.__importance = (self.__normw(self.w) @ self.__point - self.__normw(self.w) @ self.__uR) else: raise ('Non-feasible solution')
def _solve(self, relax: bool, time_limit: Optional[int]): # Set variable types for var in self.prob.variables(): if relax: = pulp.LpContinuous else: = pulp.LpInteger # Force vehicle bound artificial variable to 0 if "artificial_bound_" in var.upBound = 0 var.lowBound = 0 self.prob.writeLP("master.lp") # Solve with appropriate solver if self.solver == "cbc": self.prob.solve( pulp.PULP_CBC_CMD( msg=False, timeLimit=time_limit, options=["startalg", "barrier", "crossover", "0"], )) elif self.solver == "cplex": self.prob.solve( pulp.CPLEX_CMD( msg=False, timeLimit=time_limit, options=["set lpmethod 4", "set barrier crossover -1"], )) elif self.solver == "gurobi": gurobi_options = [ ("Method", 2), # 2 = barrier ("Crossover", 0), ] # Only specify time limit if given (o.w. errors) if time_limit is not None: gurobi_options.append(( "TimeLimit", time_limit, )) self.prob.solve(pulp.GUROBI(msg=False, options=gurobi_options))
def optimize(self): """ Default solver is 'cbc' unless solver is set to something else. You may need to provide a path for any of the solvers using 'path' argument. """ _solver = None s_name = model_params['solver'] w_log = model_params['write_log'] disp_log = model_params['display_log'] mip_gap = model_params['mip_gap'] tl = model_params['time_limit'] if model_params['write_lp']:'Writing the lp file!') self.model.writeLP( + '.lp') if not s_name or s_name == 'cbc': _solver = pulp.PULP_CBC_CMD(keepFiles=w_log, msg=disp_log, gapRel=mip_gap, timeLimit=tl) elif s_name == 'gurobi': # One can use GUROBI_CMD like CPLEX_CMD and pass mip_gap and time_limit as options _solver = pulp.GUROBI(msg=w_log, gapRel=mip_gap, timeLimit=tl) elif s_name == 'cplex': _solver = pulp.CPLEX_CMD(keepFiles=w_log, msg=disp_log, gapRel=mip_gap, timelimit=tl) elif s_name == 'glpk': # Read more about glpk options: options = [] if mip_gap: set_mip_gap = f'--mipgap {mip_gap}' options.append(set_mip_gap) _solver = pulp.GLPK_CMD(keepFiles=w_log, msg=disp_log, options=options, timeLimit=tl) elif s_name == 'xpress': _solver = pulp.XPRESS(keepFiles=w_log, msg=disp_log, gapRel=mip_gap, timeLimit=tl)'Optimization starts!') self.model.solve(solver=_solver) if self.model.status == pulp.LpStatusOptimal:'The solution is optimal and the objective value ' f'is ${self.model.objective.value():,.2f}')
import pulp as solver from pulp import * import time import gc z = 0 solvers = [ solver.CPLEX(timeLimit=30), solver.GLPK(), solver.GUROBI(), solver.PULP_CBC_CMD(), solver.COIN() ] solverUsado = 3 def solver_exact(g, init, final, is_first, is_last, name): var = [(i + ',' + str(t)) for i in g.edge for t in range(1, g.z)] var2 = [(str(i) + ',' + str(t)) for i in g.vertices for t in range(1, g.z)] X = solver.LpVariable.dicts("X", var, cat=solver.LpBinary) Y = solver.LpVariable.dicts("Y", var2, cat=solver.LpBinary) problem = solver.LpProblem("The_best_Cut", solver.LpMinimize) if is_first: problem += (solver.lpSum( X.get( str(i.split(',')[0]) + ',' + str(i.split(',')[1]) + ',' + str(t)) * g.mis[i.split(',')[0]][i.split(',')[1]] for i in g.edge for t in range(1, g.z)) + solver.lpSum( ((g.pis[k.split(',')[0]][k.split(',')[1]])) - ((g.mis[k.split(',')[0]][k.split(',')[1]])) for k in g.edgeCuts) / 2) + solver.lpSum(
low = [] high = [] for a, a_dict in combo.items(): if combo[a]['customer'] == i: low += [combo[a]['dv'][1], combo[a]['dv'][3]] high += [combo[a]['dv'][0], combo[a]['dv'][2]] prob += pulp.lpSum(sum(low)) == 1 prob += pulp.lpSum(sum(high)) == 1 #constraint 3 for i in Zip: prob += pulp.lpSum(combo[(i, j)]['dv'] for j in CustLoc) <= M * FacilityLocations[i] ## #for all j: sum[k,m,i](x[i,j,m,k])<=M[j] # Write out as a .LP file prob.writeLP("UPS_network.lp") # The problem is solved using PuLP's choice of Solver prob.solve(pulp.GUROBI()) #prob.solve() print("Status:", pulp.LpStatus[prob.status]) for v in prob.variables(): if v.varValue > 0: print(, "=", v.varValue) #print out only locations that were planted. also print out #no. print("Total Cost = ", pulp.value(prob.objective))
# you must chose a team each week for team in MASTER_NAMES_LIST: # you may only use each team once problem += pulp.lpSum(results['{team}_var'.format(team=team)]) <= 1 for i in range(1, 18): # you may only use one team per week problem += pulp.lpSum(results.transpose()[i][32:64]) == 1 # we're looking to maximize the expected value. This is how we do that: optimize = pulp.LpAffineExpression([]) # i think that the sums of these logs is equivalent to maximizing the expected value in this case. problem += pulp.lpSum(X) # solve problem.solve(pulp.GUROBI()) # Let's go ahead and actually get these things results = [ str(i) for i in problem.variables() if i.value() != 0 and[0] not in 'LW' ] results = sorted(results, key=lambda x: kkey(x[-2:])) for team in results: print team import pdb pdb.set_trace()
def __lpHeur(self, w=None, uR=None, eps=0.01): if type(w) == type(None) and type(uR) == type(None): w = np.random.rand(self.M) w = w / w.sum() if type(w) != type(None) and type(uR) != type(None): raise ('w and uR are not None') searchw = type(w) == type(None) oidx = list(range(self.M)) # Create a gurobi model prob = lp.LpProblem("max mean heur", lp.LpMinimize) if searchw: w = list( lp.LpVariable.dicts('w', oidx, lowBound=0, upBound=1, cat='Continuous').values()) prob += lp.lpSum([w[i] for i in oidx]) == 1 else: uR = list( lp.LpVariable.dicts('uR', oidx, lowBound=0, upBound=1, cat='Continuous').values()) v = lp.LpVariable('v', cat='Continuous') muBaux = [] for value, sols in enumerate(self.solutionsList): aux = lp.lpDot(w,self.__norm(sols.objs))\ if searchw else w@self.__norm(sols.objs) prob += v - aux <= 0 muBaux += [v - aux] if not searchw: for value, sols in enumerate(self.solutionsList): expr = lp.lpDot(uR, sols.w) cons = self.__norm(sols.objs) @ sols.w prob += expr >= cons * (1 - eps) for i in oidx: prob += uR[i] >= self.__norm(self.__globalL)[i] if searchw: wuR = lp.lpDot(w, uR) else: wuR = lp.lpDot(w, uR) prob += wuR - v try: grbs = lp.GUROBI(timeLimit=10, epgap=0.1, msg=False) prob.solve(grbs) except: prob.solve() feasible = False if prob.status in [-1, -2, -3] else True if feasible: muB_ = [0 if lp.value(mu) >= 0 else 1 for mu in muBaux] w_ = np.array([lp.value(w[i]) if lp.value(w[i])>=0 else 0 for i in oidx])\ if searchw else w uR_ = np.array([lp.value(uR[i]) for i in oidx])\ if not searchw else uR fobj = lp.value(prob.objective) else: w_, uR_, muB_, fobj = [None, None, None, None] return w_, uR_, muB_, fobj
import numpy as np import pandas as pd import pulp from ..unfairness_optimiser import UnfairnessOptimizer from ..unfairness_optimiser import generate_weights from ..unfairness import unfairness_progression from .heuristics import objective_heuristic try: from import trange except Exception: trange = range _solver = pulp.GUROBI(mip=True, msg=False) if _solver.available() is False: _solver = None def single_query(ranking, t, k, p, theta, iterations): global _solver optimiser = UnfairnessOptimizer(t, k, p, theta, solver=_solver) unfairness_track = [] for i in trange(iterations): unfairness = optimiser.optimise_unfairness(ranking) unfairness_track.append(unfairness) return unfairness_track
# int_timeslots_per_day, int_week, int_max_period_of_week, int_min_period_of_week, # int_weight_room_capacity = int_weight_room_capacity, int_weight_curriculum_compactness = int_weight_curriculum_compactness, int_weight_minimum_working_days = int_weight_minimum_working_days, int_weight_room_stability = int_weight_room_stability, int_weight_lecturer_preferences = int_weight_lecturer_preferences, int_weight_double_lecturs = int_weight_double_lecturs, int_weight_unscheduled_lectures= int_weight_unscheduled_lectures, int_weight_lunch_break=int_weight_lunch_break, int_weigth_course_window = int_weigth_course_window, # ) #=========================================================================== print('Problem file (.mps) succesfully built!') # ------- Solve-------- pulp.LpSolverDefault.msg = 1 prob.writeLP('CurriculumTimetabling.lp', mip=True) # Solve problem using Gurobi prob.solve(pulp.GUROBI(timeLimit=900, epgap = 0.05, preSolve = 0, Heuristics=0.5)) print('Current Week:', int_week) print('Status:', pulp.LpStatus[prob.status]) # Print Optimal Solution. Contrary to the standard Gurobi console solution output, this output also considers constant terms from the objective function print('Objective Value:', pulp.value(prob.objective)) # Print solution to variables #for v in prob.variables(): #print(, '=', v.varValue) # ------- Save solution --------- # Store solution in dictionary Dic_solution = { variables.varValue for variables in prob.variables() if variables.varValue > 0}
def solve_ilp_problem(self, summary_size=100, units="WORDS", solver='glpk', excluded_solutions=[], unique=False): """Solve the ILP formulation of the concept-based model. :param summary_size: the maximum size in words of the summary, defaults to 100. :param units: defaults to "WORDS" :param solver: the solver used, defaults to glpk :param excluded_solutions: (list of list): a list of subsets of sentences that are to be excluded, defaults to [] :param unique: (bool): modify the model so that it produces only one optimal solution, defaults to False :return: (value, set) tuple (int, list): the value of the objective function and the set of selected sentences as a tuple. """ # initialize container shortcuts concepts = self.weights.keys() w = self.weights L = summary_size C = len(concepts) S = len(self.sentences) if not self.word_frequencies: self.compute_word_frequency() tokens = self.word_frequencies.keys() f = self.word_frequencies T = len(tokens) # HACK Sort keys concepts = sorted(self.weights, key=self.weights.get, reverse=True) # formulation of the ILP problem prob = pulp.LpProblem(self.input_directory, pulp.LpMaximize) # initialize the concepts binary variables c = pulp.LpVariable.dicts(name='c', indexs=range(C), lowBound=0, upBound=1, cat='Integer') # initialize the sentences binary variables s = pulp.LpVariable.dicts(name='s', indexs=range(S), lowBound=0, upBound=1, cat='Integer') # initialize the word binary variables t = pulp.LpVariable.dicts(name='t', indexs=range(T), lowBound=0, upBound=1, cat='Integer') # OBJECTIVE FUNCTION prob += pulp.lpSum(w[concepts[i]] * c[i] for i in range(C)) if unique: prob += pulp.lpSum(w[concepts[i]] * c[i] for i in range(C)) + \ 10e-6 * pulp.lpSum(f[tokens[k]] * t[k] for k in range(T)) # CONSTRAINT FOR SUMMARY SIZE if units == "WORDS": prob += pulp.lpSum(s[j] * self.sentences[j].length for j in range(S)) <= L if units == "CHARACTERS": prob += pulp.lpSum(s[j] * len(self.sentences[j].untokenized_form) for j in range(S)) <= L # INTEGRITY CONSTRAINTS for i in range(C): for j in range(S): if concepts[i] in self.sentences[j].concepts: prob += s[j] <= c[i] for i in range(C): prob += pulp.lpSum( s[j] for j in range(S) if concepts[i] in self.sentences[j].concepts) >= c[i] # WORD INTEGRITY CONSTRAINTS if unique: for k in range(T): for j in self.w2s[tokens[k]]: prob += s[j] <= t[k] for k in range(T): prob += pulp.lpSum(s[j] for j in self.w2s[tokens[k]]) >= t[k] # CONSTRAINTS FOR FINDING OPTIMAL SOLUTIONS for sentence_set in excluded_solutions: prob += pulp.lpSum([s[j] for j in sentence_set ]) <= len(sentence_set) - 1 # prob.writeLP('test.lp') # solving the ilp problem try: print('Solving using Cplex') prob.solve(pulp.CPLEX(msg=0)) except: print('Fallback to mentioned solver') if solver == 'gurobi': prob.solve(pulp.GUROBI(msg=0)) elif solver == 'glpk': prob.solve(pulp.GLPK(msg=0)) else: sys.exit('no solver specified') # retreive the optimal subset of sentences solution = set([j for j in range(S) if s[j].varValue == 1]) # returns the (objective function value, solution) tuple return (pulp.value(prob.objective), solution)