コード例 #1
def main(input_path="ubicaciones.csv",
         balance_deviations=[0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.3]):
    Use different balance deviations to test complex lp function to minimize.
        input_path : csv path with information regarding agencies, frequency, volume and coordinates
        balance_deviations = list with percentage of deviations, for calaculation refer to stops_gap and items_gap
    df = pd.read_csv(input_path)
    df.loc[df[df["Vol_Entrega"] == 0].index, "Vol_Entrega"] = 1

    zones = ["D1", "D2", "D3", "D4", "D5", "D6"]
    agencies = list("A" + df["Id_Cliente"].astype(str))
    vol_delivery = list(df["Vol_Entrega"])
    vol_stores = list(df["Vol_Entrega"] * df["Frecuencia"])
    frequency = list(df["Frecuencia"])
    stores_volume = dict(zip(agencies, vol_stores))
    stores_frequency = dict(zip(agencies, frequency))
    vol_delivery = dict(zip(agencies, vol_delivery))

    scaler = MinMaxScaler()
    fitted_scaler = scaler.fit(df[["lat", "lon"]])
    scaled_coordinates = fitted_scaler.transform(df[["lat", "lon"]])

    kmeans = KMeansConstrained(n_clusters=6,
    kmeans_values = kmeans.fit(scaled_coordinates)
    df["kmeans"] = list(kmeans.predict(scaled_coordinates))

    vectorized_lat_lon = df[["lat", "lon"]].to_numpy()
    cluster_centers = fitted_scaler.inverse_transform(kmeans.cluster_centers_)
    distance_matrix = cdist(cluster_centers,

    routes = [(z, a) for z in zones for a in agencies]
    distances = pulp.makeDict([zones, agencies], distance_matrix, 0)
    flow = pulp.LpVariable.dicts("Distribution", (zones, agencies), 0, None)
    using = pulp.LpVariable.dicts("BelongstoZone", (zones, agencies), 0, 1,

    for percentage in balance_deviations:
        prob = pulp.LpProblem("BrewingDataCup2020_" + str(percentage),
        prob += pulp.lpSum([
            distances[z][a] * flow[z][a] for (z, a) in routes
        ]) + pulp.lpSum([distances[z][a] * using[z][a]
                         for (z, a) in routes]), "totalCosts"
        stops_upper, stops_lower = stops_gap(percentage)
        distr_upper, distr_lower = items_gap(percentage)
        for z in zones:
            prob += pulp.lpSum([using[z][a] for a in agencies
                                ]) <= stops_upper, "SumStopsInZoneUpper %s" % z
            prob += pulp.lpSum([using[z][a] for a in agencies
                                ]) >= stops_lower, "SumStopsInZoneLower %s" % z
            prob += pulp.lpSum([flow[z][a] for a in agencies
                                ]) <= distr_upper, "SumDistrInZoneUpper %s" % z
            prob += pulp.lpSum([flow[z][a] for a in agencies
                                ]) >= distr_lower, "SumDistrInZoneLower %s" % z
        for z in zones:
            for a in agencies:
                prob += flow[z][a] - (100000 * using[z][a]) <= 0
                prob += flow[z][a] <= vol_delivery[a]
        for a in agencies:
            prob += pulp.lpSum([flow[z][a] for z in zones
                                ]) >= stores_volume[a], "Distribution %s" % a
            prob += pulp.lpSum([
                using[z][a] for z in zones
            ]) == stores_frequency[a], "FrequencyDistribution %s" % a

        prob.writeLP("lp_files/milp_brewing_" + str(percentage) + ".lp")
        solver = pulp.CPLEX_CMD(path=path_to_cplex)
        print("Estado: ", pulp.LpStatus[prob.status])
        print("Total Cost: ", pulp.value(prob.objective))

        final_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=["D1", "D2", "D3", "D4", "D5", "D6"],
                                index=(range(1, 3626)))
        final_distr = dict()
        for v in prob.variables():
            if (v.name).find("BelongstoZone_") == 0:
                if v.varValue > 0:
                    dist = v.name[14:]
                    zone = dist[:2]
                    id_cliente = int(dist[4:])
                    final_df.loc[id_cliente, zone] = 1

        final_df.fillna(0, inplace=True)
        final_df = final_df.astype(int).reset_index().rename(
            columns={"index": "Id_Cliente"})
        final_df.to_csv("lp_solutions/cplex_opt_" + str(percentage) + "_" +
                        str(pulp.value(prob.objective)) + ".csv",
コード例 #2
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: j2kan/ta-works
def algorithm_run():
    # Format course data
    df_course_info = format_course_info()
    df_course_info.drop(['course_unit'], axis=1, inplace=True)
    # Format applicant data
    df_ranking_info = format_rankings_info()
    df_ranking_info.drop(['course_unit', 'student_unit'], axis=1, inplace=True)
    # Format algortihm input
    courses = []
    courses_supply = dict()
    for index, row in df_course_info.iterrows():
        num_pos = row[3] + row[4] + row[5] + row[6]
        courses_supply[row[0]] = num_pos
    students = []
    costs = {}
    for i in courses:
        costs[i] = []
    temp = []
    for index, row in df_ranking_info.iterrows():
        if (row[1] not in students):
        if (row[2] == 0 or row[3] == 0):
            temp.append([row[0], row[1], 0])
            temp.append([row[0], row[1], row[2] + row[3]])
    for i in temp:
    student_demand = dict()
    for i in students:
        student_demand[i] = 1
    costs_list = []
    for i in courses:
    # Algorithm run
    costs_list = pulp.makeDict([courses, students], costs_list, 0)
    prob = pulp.LpProblem("TA_Assignment", pulp.LpMaximize)
    assignment = [(c, s) for c in courses for s in students]
    x = pulp.LpVariable.dicts("decision", (courses, students), cat='Binary')
    prob += sum([
        x[c][s] for (c, s) in assignment
    ]) - 0.01 * sum([x[c][s] * costs_list[c][s] for (c, s) in assignment])
    for c in courses:
        prob += sum(x[c][s] for s in students) <= courses_supply[c], \
    for c in courses:
        for s in students:
            prob += x[c][s] <= costs_list[c][s], \
            "Feasibility_{}_{}".format(s, c)
    for s in students:
        prob += sum(x[c][s] for c in courses) <= 1, \
    return x, costs_list, courses, students, courses_supply
コード例 #3
def runPulp(matriz) :
    prop = pulp.LpProblem("Asignacion",pulp.LpMinimize)

    acts = []
    d_acts = {}
    for j in range(len(matriz[0])):
        d_acts[f'A{j}'] = 1
    turns = []
    d_turns = {}
    for i in range(len(matriz)):
        d_turns[f'T{i}'] = 1

    newM = makeMatriz(matriz)

    costos = pulp.makeDict([acts,turns],newM,0)

    asigns = [(c,b) for c in acts for b in turns]

    x = pulp.LpVariable.dicts("asigns", (acts,turns),lowBound = 0, cat = pulp.LpInteger)

    prop += sum(x[c][b] * costos [c][b] for (c,b) in asigns) #, \ "Suma_de_costos_de asigns"

    for c in acts:
        prop += sum([x[c][b] for b in turns]) == d_acts[c] #, \ "Suma_de_productos_que_salen_de_%s"%c

    for b in turns:
        prop += sum([x[c][b] for c in acts]) <= d_turns[b] #, \ "Suma_de_productos_que_entran_a_%s"%b

    solve = []
    for v in prop.variables():
        if v.varValue == 1.0 :
            s = v.name.split('_')
            s = s[1:]
            i = int(s[1][1:])
            j = int(s[0][1:])

    return solve
コード例 #4
def modeloPulp():
    global costos
    #Creamos el problema de transporte utilizando la variable prob
    prob = pulp.LpProblem("Problema_de_distribución", pulp.LpMinimize)
    # Convertimos los costos en un diccionario de PuLP
    costos = pulp.makeDict([ofertas, demandas], costos, 0)
    # Creamos una lista de tuplas que contiene todas las posibles rutas de tranporte.
    rutas = [(c, b) for c in ofertas for b in demandas]
    # creamos diccionario x que contendrá la candidad enviada en las rutas
    x = pulp.LpVariable.dicts("Ruta", (ofertas, demandas),
    # Agregamos la función objetivo al problema
    prob += sum([x[c][b]*costos[c][b] for (c,b) in rutas]), \
    # Agregamos la restricción de máxima oferta de cada cervecería al problema.

    for c in ofertas:
        prob += sum([x[c][b] for b in demandas]) <= ofertas[c], \

    # Agregamos la restricción de demanda mínima de cada bar
    for b in demandas:
        prob += sum([x[c][b] for c in ofertas]) >= demandas[b], \
# Resolviendo el problema.

    cuadroTexto.insert(INSERT, "Valoración del resultado: \n\n")
        INSERT, "Estado: {}".format(pulp.LpStatus[prob.status]) + "\n\n")
        "Mejor solución encontrada para cada variable de decisión: \n\n")
    # Imprimimos cada variable con su solución óptima.
    for v in prob.variables():
                           "{0:} = {1:}".format(v.name, v.varValue) + "\n")
    # Imprimimos el valor óptimo de la función objetivo
    cuadroTexto.insert(INSERT, "\nCosto total de transporte: \n \n")
    cuadroTexto.insert(INSERT, "Costo = {}".format(prob.objective.value()))
コード例 #5
ファイル: hitchcock.py プロジェクト: wlxiong/PyMarkovActv
    def __init__(self, home_list, work_list, util_matrix):
        """ Input a list of utils
            utils = [   #Works
                    #1 2 3 4 5
                    [2,4,5,2,1],#A   Homes
                    [3,1,3,2,3] #B
        self.util_matrix = util_matrix
        self.homes = dict((home, home.houses) for home in home_list)
        self.works = dict((work, work.jobs) for work in work_list)
        self.utils = makeDict([home_list, work_list], util_matrix, 0)

        # Creates the 'prob' variable to contain the problem data
        self.prob = LpProblem("Residential Location Choice Problem", LpMinimize)

        # Creates a list of tuples containing all the possible location choices
        self.choices = [(h, w) for h in self.homes for w in self.works.keys()]

        # A dictionary called 'volumes' is created to contain the referenced variables(the choices)
        self.volumes = LpVariable.dicts("choice", (self.homes, self.works), 0, None, LpContinuous)

        # The objective function is added to 'prob' first
        self.prob += (
            lpSum([self.volumes[h][w] * self.utils[h][w] for (h, w) in self.choices]),

        # The supply maximum constraints are added to prob for each supply node (home)
        for h in self.homes:
            self.prob += (
                lpSum([self.volumes[h][w] for w in self.works]) <= self.homes[h],
                "Sum_of_Products_out_of_Home_%s" % h,

        # The demand minimum constraints are added to prob for each demand node (work)
        for w in self.works:
            self.prob += (
                lpSum([self.volumes[h][w] for h in self.homes]) >= self.works[w],
                "Sum_of_Products_into_Work%s" % w,
コード例 #6
    def __init__(self, home_list, work_list, util_matrix):
        """ Input a list of utils
            utils = [   #Works
                    #1 2 3 4 5
                    [2,4,5,2,1],#A   Homes
                    [3,1,3,2,3] #B
        self.util_matrix = util_matrix
        self.homes = dict((home, home.houses) for home in home_list)
        self.works = dict((work, work.jobs) for work in work_list)
        self.utils = makeDict([home_list, work_list], util_matrix, 0)

        # Creates the 'prob' variable to contain the problem data
        self.prob = LpProblem("Residential Location Choice Problem",

        # Creates a list of tuples containing all the possible location choices
        self.choices = [(h, w) for h in self.homes for w in self.works.keys()]

        # A dictionary called 'volumes' is created to contain the referenced variables(the choices)
        self.volumes = LpVariable.dicts("choice", (self.homes, self.works), 0,
                                        None, LpContinuous)

        # The objective function is added to 'prob' first
        self.prob += lpSum([
            self.volumes[h][w] * self.utils[h][w] for (h, w) in self.choices
        ]), "Sum_of_Transporting_Costs"

        # The supply maximum constraints are added to prob for each supply node (home)
        for h in self.homes:
            self.prob += lpSum([
                self.volumes[h][w] for w in self.works
            ]) <= self.homes[h], "Sum_of_Products_out_of_Home_%s" % h

        # The demand minimum constraints are added to prob for each demand node (work)
        for w in self.works:
            self.prob += lpSum([
                self.volumes[h][w] for h in self.homes
            ]) >= self.works[w], "Sum_of_Products_into_Work%s" % w
コード例 #7
ファイル: model.py プロジェクト: FirdoseSaeik/hashcode-2017
import pulp, inspect

from libs import Log, Timed

time_limit = 10

n = 10
capacity = 165

index = map(str, range(n))
weights = pulp.makeDict([index], [23, 31, 29, 44, 53, 38, 63, 85, 89, 82])
values = pulp.makeDict([index], [92, 57, 49, 68, 60, 43, 67, 84, 87, 72])

lp_vars = pulp.LpVariable.dicts("x", index, 0, 1, pulp.LpInteger)
prob = pulp.LpProblem("Knapsack Problem", sense=pulp.LpMaximize)

prob += pulp.lpSum([lp_vars[i] * values[i] for i in index]), "Total_Value"

prob += pulp.lpSum([lp_vars[i] * weights[i]
                    for i in index]) <= capacity, "Capacity"


for v in prob.variables():
    Log(v.name + ' = ' + str(v.varValue))
コード例 #8
        block[d] = 1
        for r in mealrecs['recipes']:
            grid.append((s, d, r))

arrays = [steptypes, daydim]
ind = pd.MultiIndex.from_product(arrays)

costmat = pd.DataFrame([], columns=ind, index=mealrecs['recipes'])

for a in adirs:
    steps = a['steps']
    for stp in steps:
        costmat[stp['type']].loc[a['Name']] = stp['time']

costl = np.zeros((noofdays, len(mealrecs['recipes']), len(steptypes)))
for cnt, s in enumerate(steptypes):
    costl[cnt] = costmat[s].values

costs = makeDict([steptypes, daydim, mealrecs['recipes']], costl, 0)

objfunc = []
#objfunc+=[x[s][d][r]*costs[s][d][r] for (s,d,r) in grid]

for d in daydim:
    block.update(dict.fromkeys(daydim, 1))
    block[d] = 0
    for s in steptypes:
        objfunc += [
            x[s][d][r] * costs[s][d][r] - reduction[s] * x[s][d][r]
            for r in mealrecs['recipes']
コード例 #9
# Creates a dictionary for the number of units of demand for each demand node
demand = {"1":500,

# Creates a list of costs of each transportation path
costs = [  #Bars
         #1 2 3 4 5
         [2,4,5,2,1],#A Warehouses
         [3,1,3,2,3] #B

# The cost data is made into a dictionary
costs = pulp.makeDict([warehouses, bars], costs, 0)

# Creates the 'prob' variable to contain the problem data
prob = pulp.LpProblem("Beer Distribution Problem", pulp.LpMinimize)

# Creates a list of all tuples containing all the possible routes for transport
routes = [(w,b) for w in warehouses for b in bars]

# A dictionary called x is created to contain quantity shipped on the routes
x = pulp.LpVariable.dicts("routes", (warehouses, bars),
                        lowBound = 0,
                        cat = pulp.LpInteger)

# The objective function is added to 'prob' first
prob += sum([x[w][b]*costs[w][b] for (w,b) in routes]), \
# Creates a dictionary for the number of units of demand for each demand node
demand = {"1":500,

# Creates a list of costs of each transportation path
costs = [   #Bars
         #1 2 3 4 5
         [2,4,5,2,1],#A   Warehouses
         [3,1,3,2,3] #B

# The cost data is made into a dictionary
costs = pulp.makeDict([warehouses, bars], costs,0)

# Creates the 'prob' variable to contain the problem data
prob = pulp.LpProblem("Beer Distribution Problem", pulp.LpMinimize)

# Creates a list of tuples containing all the possible routes for transport
routes = [(w,b) for w in warehouses for b in bars]

# A dictionary called x is created to contain quantity shipped on the routes
x = pulp.LpVariable.dicts("route", (warehouses, bars),
                        lowBound = 0,
                        cat = pulp.LpInteger)

# The objective function is added to 'prob' first
prob += sum([x[w][b]*costs[w][b] for (w,b) in routes]), \
コード例 #11
# diccionario con la capacidad de demanda de cada bar
demanda = {"Bar 1":500,
           "Bar 2":900,
           "Bar 3":1800,
           "Bar 4":200,
           "Bar 5":700,}

# Lista con los costos de transporte de cada nodo
costos = [   #Bares
         [2,4,5,2,1],#  Cervecerías

# Convertimos los costos en un diccionario de PuLP
costos = pulp.makeDict([cervecerias, bares], costos,0)

# Creamos una lista de tuplas que contiene todas las posibles rutas de tranporte.
rutas = [(c,b) for c in cervecerias for b in bares]

# In[9]:

# creamos diccionario x que contendrá la candidad enviada en las rutas
x = pulp.LpVariable.dicts("ruta", (cervecerias, bares), 
                        lowBound = 0,
                        cat = pulp.LpInteger)

# Agregamos la función objetivo al problema
prob += sum([x[c][b]*costos[c][b] for (c,b) in rutas]),             "Suma_de_costos_de_transporte"
コード例 #12
def permutation(centers_cells_space_time_in_omega0,centers_cells_space_time_in_omega1):
	nb_elt = len(centers_cells_space_time_in_omega0)
	# construction of the constraint matrix for the minimisation
	'''A_eq = np.zeros((2*nb_elt,nb_elt**2))
	for i in range(nb_elt):
		for j in range(nb_elt):
			A_eq[i,j+i*nb_elt] = 1.0

	for i in range(nb_elt):
		for j in range(nb_elt):
			A_eq[i+nb_elt,(j-1)*nb_elt+i] = 1.0
	b_eq = np.ones(2*nb_elt)'''

	# computation of the different cost
	costs = np.array(np.zeros((nb_elt,nb_elt)))
	for i in range(nb_elt):
		for j in range(nb_elt):
			x0 = centers_cells_space_time_in_omega0[i,0]
			y0 = centers_cells_space_time_in_omega0[i,1]
			t0 = centers_cells_space_time_in_omega0[i,2]
			x1 = centers_cells_space_time_in_omega1[j,0]
			y1 = centers_cells_space_time_in_omega1[j,1]
			t1 = centers_cells_space_time_in_omega1[j,2]
			costs[i,j] = cost(x0,y0,t0,x1,y1,t1)


	# Creates a list of all the supply nodes
	warehouses = range(nb_elt)

	# Creates a list of all demand nodes
	bars = range(nb_elt)

	# The cost data is made into a dictionary
	costs_dic = pulp.makeDict([warehouses, bars], costs,0)

	# Creates the prob variable to contain the problem data
	prob = pulp.LpProblem("Beer Distribution Problem", pulp.LpMinimize)

	# Creates a list of tuples containing all the possible routes for transport
	routes = [(w,b) for w in warehouses for b in bars]

	# A dictionary called x is created to contain quantity shipped on the routes
	x = pulp.LpVariable.dicts("route", (warehouses, bars), lowBound = 0, cat = pulp.LpInteger)

	# The objective function is added to prob first
	prob += sum([x[w][b]*costs_dic[w][b] for (w,b) in routes]), "Sum_of_Transporting_Costs"

	# Supply maximum constraints are added to prob for each supply node (warehouse)
	for w in warehouses:
		prob += sum([x[w][b] for b in bars]) == 1, "Sum_of_Products_out_of_Warehouse_%s"%w

	# Demand minimum constraints are added to prob for each demand node (bar)
	for b in bars:
		prob += sum([x[w][b] for w in warehouses]) == 1, "Sum_of_Products_into_Bar%s"%b

	# The problem data is written to an .lp file

	# The problem is solved using PuLPs choice of Solver

	# The status of the solution is printed to the screen
	print("Status:", pulp.LpStatus[prob.status])

	# Each of the variables is printed with its resolved optimum value
	#for v in prob.variables():
	#	print v.name, "=", v.varValue

	A = np.zeros((nb_elt,nb_elt))
	for i in range(nb_elt):
		for j in range(nb_elt):
			A[i,j] = x[i][j].value()

	#print A

	# The optimised objective function value is printed to the screen
	print("Total Cost of Transportation = ", prob.objective.value())

	costs2 = A*np.transpose(np.matrix(costs))


	'''J1 = 0
	J2 = 0
	for i in range(nb_elt):
		J1 += costs[i,i]
		J2 += costs2[i,i]


	return A
コード例 #13
costmat = pd.DataFrame([], columns=recipes.index, index=ings.index)
costmat.fillna(ln, inplace=True)
ings['costperquant'] = ings.cost / ings.quant

for col in costmat.columns:
    if col != 'dump':
        rec = recipes[col:col]
        includedings = pd.DataFrame(rec.ingredients[0]).name
                    col] = ings.costperquant[includedings]
        costmat[col] = ings.costperquant

costsl = costmat.values.tolist()
costs = makeDict([supl, deml], costsl, 0)

x = LpVariable.dicts("route_", (supl, deml), lowBound=0, cat=LpContinuous)

xb = LpVariable.dicts("choice_", (deml), lowBound=0, upBound=1, cat=LpBinary)

xi = LpVariable.dicts("items_", (supl, deml),

prob = LpProblem("Testing", LpMinimize)

objfunc = []
objfunc += [x[w][b] * costs[w][b] for (w, b) in grid]
コード例 #14
ファイル: Main.py プロジェクト: SebDaugaard/SeCom_OR_Model
from pulp import makeDict, LpProblem, LpMaximize, LpVariable, lpSum, solvers, LpStatus, value
#from Data import 
from Inventory import*
from Tariff import *
from BOM import *
import time
import winsound
from SQL_Load import s_per, f_per, bound_capital
sto_dem2 = [1.028, 1.057, 1.087]

# The data is made into a dictionary
supply = makeDict([production, product], supply,0)
cost_produce = makeDict([production, product], cost_produce,0)
container_cap = makeDict([product], container_cap,0)
fam_fix = makeDict([nr_families, production], fam_fix_data,0)
item_family = makeDict([nr_families, product], fam_bin, 0)
selling_price = makeDict([country, product], selling_price, 0)
demand = makeDict([country, product], demand_c,0)
fly = makeDict([production, warehouse, product], fly,0)
ship = makeDict([production, warehouse, product], sail,0)
big_M_Fam = makeDict([nr_families, production], big_M_Fam,0) 
avg_inv = makeDict([year, production, warehouse, product], avg_inven,0)
holding = makeDict([warehouse, product], holding_cost, 0)
growth_per_production = makeDict([production], growth_produce, 0)
sto_dem = makeDict([year], sto_dem2, 0)
year_seq = makeDict([year], year_sequence, 0)
growth_per_dem = makeDict([country, product], dem_grow, 0)
taa_dem = makeDict([production, country, product], taa_demand,0)
taa_dem_grow = makeDict([production, country, year_sequence], taa_list,0)
wh_country = makeDict([warehouse, country], wh_cou,0)
tariff = makeDict([production, country, product], tariffs,0)
コード例 #15
def solveWithSolver(dicProducers, Campus, dicDemand, dicCostsMatrix,
                    dicCapacities, dicVehicle, dist):
    for camp in Campus:
        campus = [camp]
        for day in dicDemand[camp]:
            print('campus : ', camp, ', jour : ', day)
            supply = dicDemand[camp][day]
            # print('supply', supply)

            Producers = dicProducers[camp]
            # print('producers', Producers)

            vehicle = dicVehicle[camp]
            # print('vehicle', vehicle)

            Capacity = dicCapacities[camp]
            # print('Capacities', Capacity)

            transportation_costs = dicCostsMatrix[camp]
            # print('Matrix', transportation_costs)

            costs = pulp.makeDict([campus + Producers, campus + Producers],
                                  transportation_costs, 0)

            distance_max = int(dist)
            Np = len(Producers)

            Vehicle = [(i, k) for i in campus + Producers for k in Producers]
            Routes = [(i, j, k) for i in campus + Producers
                      for j in campus + Producers for k in Producers]

            # lp variable declaration
            vars_routes = pulp.LpVariable.dicts(
                "Route", (campus + Producers, campus + Producers, Producers),
                0, None, pulp.LpBinary)
            vars_visit = pulp.LpVariable.dicts("Visit",
                                               (campus + Producers, Producers),
                                               0, None, pulp.LpBinary)

            # problem and objective fonction
            prob = pulp.LpProblem("Coopain_VRP_Problem", pulp.LpMinimize)
            prob += pulp.lpSum([
                vars_routes[i][j][k] * costs[i][j] for (i, j, k) in Routes
            ]), "Sum_of_Transporting_Costs"

            # Producers can only be visited 1 time
            for i in Producers:
                prob += pulp.lpSum(
                    for k in Producers) == 1, "visit_of_producers{0}".format(i)

            # Only 1 route by producer
            for k in Producers:
                for i in campus + Producers:
                    prob += (pulp.lpSum([vars_routes[i][j][k] for j in campus + Producers])
                             + pulp.lpSum([vars_routes[j][i][k] for j in campus + Producers])) \
                        <= 2, "visit_of_vehicle{0}_{1}".format(k, i)

            # disable routes from a producer to directely himself
            for i in campus + Producers:
                prob += pulp.lpSum([vars_routes[i][i][k] for k in Producers
                                    ]) == 0, "no_autovisit{0}".format(i)

            # conservation of flux 1
            for i in campus + Producers:
                for k in Producers:
                    prob += pulp.lpSum([vars_routes[i][j][k] for j in campus + Producers]) \
                        == vars_visit[i][k], "visit_of_producers1_{0}_{1}".format(i, k)

            # conservation of flux 2
            for i in campus + Producers:
                for k in Producers:
                    prob += pulp.lpSum([vars_routes[j][i][k] for j in campus + Producers]) \
                        == vars_visit[i][k], "visit_of_producers2_{0}_{1}".format(i, k)

            # an inexistent vehicle can't do a path
            for k in Producers:
                prob += pulp.lpSum([vars_routes[i][j][k] for i in campus + Producers for j in campus + Producers]) \
                    <= 2*Np*vehicle[k], "vehicle_exists{0}".format(k)

            # a producer who uses his vehicle is at the beginnig of a loop
            for k in Producers:
                prob += pulp.lpSum([vars_visit[i][k] for i in Producers]) \
                    <= 2 * Np * vars_routes[campus[0]][k][k], "first_place{0}".format(k)

            # a producer can't use his vehicle too much
            for k in Producers:
                prob += pulp.lpSum([vars_routes[i][j][k] * costs[i][j] for i in campus + Producers for j in campus + Producers]) \
                    <= distance_max, "distance_max{0}".format(k)

            # a vehicule have a capacity
            for k in Producers:
                prob += pulp.lpSum([vars_visit[i][k] * supply[i] for i in Producers]) \
                    <= Capacity[k], "respect_capacity{0}".format(k)

            # no underloop
            for subset in rt.powerset(Producers):
                longueur = len(subset)
                subset_id = ""
                for m in range(longueur):
                    subset_id += subset[m] + "_"
                for k in Producers:
                    prob += pulp.lpSum([vars_routes[i][j][k] for i in subset for j in subset]) \
                        <= longueur-1, "no_underloop_{0}{1}".format(subset_id, k)

            # The problem data is written to an .lp file
            # prob.writeLP("CoopainVRPProblem.lp")

            # The problem is solved using Cplex
            # prob.solve(pulp.getSolver('GUROBI_CMD', timeLimit=10))

            # The status of the solution is printed to the screen
            # print("Status:", pulp.LpStatus[prob.status])

            # Each significant variables is in listeRoute
            listeRoute = []
            for v in prob.variables():
                if v.varValue and v.name[:6] == 'Route_':
                lenRoute = len(listeRoute)

            # initialisation des dictionnaires
            dictResultat: Dict[str, List[str]] = {}
            dictRoute: Dict[str, List[str]] = {}
            for i in range(lenRoute):
                for j in range(len(listeRoute[i])):
                    if listeRoute[i][-j - 1:] in Producers:
                        dictResultat[listeRoute[i][-j - 1:]] = []
                        dictRoute[listeRoute[i][-j - 1:]] = []

            # remplissage de dictRoute
            for i in range(lenRoute):
                for j in range(len(listeRoute[i])):
                    if listeRoute[i][-j - 1:] in Producers:
                        dictRoute[listeRoute[i][-j - 1:]].append(
                            listeRoute[i][:-j - 2])

            # remplissage de dictResultat
            for vehicule in [*dictRoute]:
                finBoucle = 0
                visiteActuelle = vehicule
                while (finBoucle == 0):
                    for i in range(len(dictRoute[vehicule])):
                        for j in range(len(dictRoute[vehicule][i])):
                            if dictRoute[vehicule][i][:j] == visiteActuelle:
                                if (finBoucle == 0):
                                    visiteActuelle = dictRoute[vehicule][i][j +
                                    if visiteActuelle == vehicule:
                                        finBoucle = 1

    return dictResultat, pulp.value(prob.objective)
コード例 #16
def dynamic(items,poids,valeur,Poids_Max):

    print "items =",items
    print "poids =",poids
    print "valeurs =",valeur
    print "Poids max =",Poids_Max
    #creation du tableau
    T=pulp.makeDict([items,[i for i in range(Poids_Max+1)]],[ [None for i in range(Poids_Max+1)] for j in range(len(items))])

    #initialisation: item 1
    for j in range(1,Poids_Max+1):
        if poids[1]<=j:
    for i in items:
    #print 'i=%s' %1
    #print T

    #programmation dynamique
    for i in items:
        if i>1:
            for j in range(1,Poids_Max+1):
                #print " "
                #print 'i=%s, j=%s' %(i,j)
                if j-poids[i]>=0:
                    T[i][j]=max(T[i-1][j],valeur[i]+ T[i-1][j-poids[i]])

    #which items are in the solution?
    #print i
    while i>0 and j >0:
        if T[i][j]!=T[i-1][j]:
            #print T[i][j],"!=",T[i-1][j],"?"
        #print "i=",i
        if i==1:
            if T[i][j]>0:
        #print "i=",i
        #print keep
    tab=np.array([[T[i][j] for j in range(1,Poids_Max+1)]for i in items])
    #print tab
    #print "select items:",keep
    #return T[items[-1]][Poids_Max]
    return (keep,T[items[-1]][Poids_Max])
コード例 #17
# http://www.mit.edu/~jvielma/lectures/IAP2018/slides.pdf
# Assign n workers to complete m tasks
# At most one task per worker
# Assume n = 3, m = 2
prob = LpProblem("Job Shop", LpMinimize)

# Input
# Time it takes worker n to complete task m
timeInput = [[4, 3], [6, 5], [5, 6]]

# Worker and Task IDs
# Let's just use 0, 1, 2, etc... for this example
workers = range(len(timeInput))
tasks = range(len(timeInput[1]))

time = makeDict([workers, tasks], timeInput)

# Decision variables
# What worker is assigned to which task
x = LpVariable.dicts("WorkerToTask", (workers, tasks), 0, 1, LpInteger)

# Objective function
# Minimize the total time worked
prob += lpSum([time[w][t] * x[w][t] for w in workers
               for t in tasks]), "Objective"

# Constraints
# Each task must have one worker
for t in tasks:
    prob += lpSum(x[w][t] for w in workers) == 1, "Task" + str(t)
コード例 #18
def build_pulp_problem():
    # Creates a list of all the supply nodes
    Plants = ["San Francisco", "Los Angeles", "Phoenix", "Denver"]

    # Creates a dictionary of lists for the number of units of supply at
    # each plant and the fixed cost of running each plant
    supplyData = {  # Plant     Supply  Fixed Cost
        "San Francisco": [1700, 70000],
        "Los Angeles": [2000, 70000],
        "Phoenix": [1700, 65000],
        "Denver": [2000, 70000],

    # Creates a list of all demand nodes
    Stores = ["San Diego", "Barstow", "Tucson", "Dallas"]

    # Creates a dictionary for the number of units of demand at each store
    demand = {  # Store    Demand
        "San Diego": 1700,
        "Barstow": 1000,
        "Tucson": 1500,
        "Dallas": 1200,

    # Creates a list of costs for each transportation path
    costs = [  # Stores
        # SD BA TU DA
        [5, 3, 2, 6],  # SF
        [4, 7, 8, 10],  # LA    Plants
        [6, 5, 3, 8],  # PH
        [9, 8, 6, 5],  # DE

    # Creates a list of tuples containing all the possible routes for transport
    Routes = [(p, s) for p in Plants for s in Stores]

    # Splits the dictionaries to be more understandable
    (supply, fixedCost) = pulp.splitDict(supplyData)

    # The cost data is made into a dictionary
    costs = pulp.makeDict([Plants, Stores], costs, 0)

    plants_stores = [(p, s) for p in Plants for s in Stores]

    # Creates the problem variables of the Flow on the Arcs
    flow = pulp.LpVariable.dicts("Route", plants_stores, 0, None,

    # Creates the master problem variables of whether to build the Plants or not
    build = pulp.LpVariable.dicts("BuildaPlant", Plants, 0, 1, pulp.LpInteger)

    # Creates the 'prob' variable to contain the problem data
    prob = pulp.LpProblem("Computer Plant Problem", pulp.LpMinimize)

    # The objective function is added to prob - The sum of the transportation costs and the building fixed costs
    prob += (
        pulp.lpSum([flow[p, s] * costs[p][s] for (p, s) in Routes]) +
        pulp.lpSum([fixedCost[p] * build[p] for p in Plants]),
        "Total Costs",

    # The Supply maximum constraints are added for each supply node (plant)
    for p in Plants:
        prob += (
            pulp.lpSum([flow[p, s] for s in Stores]) <= supply[p] * build[p],
            "Sum of Products out of Plant %s" % p,

    # The Demand minimum constraints are added for each demand node (store)
    for s in Stores:
        prob += (
            pulp.lpSum([flow[p, s] for p in Plants]) >= demand[s],
            "Sum of Products into Stores %s" % s,

    return prob
コード例 #19
def beer():
    The Beer Distribution Problem for the PuLP Modeller
    Authors: Antony Phillips, Dr Stuart Mitchell 2007
    # Creates a list of all the supply nodes
    warehouses = ["A", "B"]

    # Creates a dictionary for the number of units of supply for each supply node
    supply = {"A": 1000, "B": 4000}

    # Creates a list of all demand nodes
    bars = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"]

    # Creates a dictionary for the number of units of demand for each demand node
    demand = {"1": 500, "2":900, "3":1800, "4":200, "5":700,}

    # Creates a list of costs of each transportation path
    costs = [  # Bars # 1 2 3 4 5
        [2, 4, 5, 2, 1],    # A Warehouses
        [3, 1, 3, 2, 3]     # B

    # Fixed Transportation cost
    fixedCosts = [  # Bars # 1 2 3 4 5
        [20000, 20000, 20000, 20000, 20000],    # A Warehouses
        [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]     # B

    # The cost data is made into a dictionary
    costs = pulp.makeDict([warehouses, bars], costs, 0)

    # The cost data is made into a dictionary
    fixedCosts = pulp.makeDict([warehouses, bars], fixedCosts, 0)

    # Creates the prob variable to contain the problem data
    prob = pulp.LpProblem("Beer Distribution Problem", pulp.LpMinimize)

    # Creates a list of tuples containing all the possible routes for transport
    routes = [(w, b) for w in warehouses for b in bars]

    # A dictionary called x is created to contain quantity shipped on the routes
    x = pulp.LpVariable.dicts("route", (warehouses, bars), lowBound = 0, cat = pulp.LpInteger)

    # The objective function is added to prob first
    prob += sum([((x[w][b] * costs[w][b]) + fixedCosts[w][b]) for (w, b) in routes]), "Sum_of_Transporting_Costs"

    # Supply maximum constraints are added to prob for each supply node (warehouse)
    for w in warehouses:
        prob += sum([x[w][b] for b in bars]) <= supply[w], "Sum_of_Products_out_of_Warehouse_%s" % w

    # Demand minimum constraints are added to prob for each demand node (bar)
    for b in bars:
        prob += sum([x[w][b] for w in warehouses]) >= demand[b], \
        "Sum_of_Products_into_Bar%s" % b

    # The problem data is written to an .lp file

    # The problem is solved using PuLP's choice of Solver

    # The status of the solution is printed to the screen
    print "Status:", pulp.LpStatus[prob.status]

    # Each of the variables is printed with it's resolved optimum value
    for v in prob.variables():
        print v.name, "=", v.varValue

    # The optimised objective function value is printed to the screen
    print "Total Cost of Transportation = ", prob.objective.value()
コード例 #20
# demand here for all the students will be 1 since they can only be assigned to at max 1 course
student_demand = dict()

for i in students:
    student_demand[i] = 1

costs_list = []

for i in courses:

### Algorithm formulation ###

costs_list = pulp.makeDict([courses, students], costs_list, 0)

# create the LP object, set up as a maximization problem
prob = pulp.LpProblem("TA_Assignment", pulp.LpMaximize)

# create a list of possible assignments
assignment = [(c,s) for c in courses for s in students]

# variables created to determine optimal assignment
x = pulp.LpVariable.dicts("decision", (courses, students), cat='Binary')
prob += sum([x[c][s] for (c,s) in assignment]) - 0.01*sum([x[c][s]*costs_list[c][s] for (c,s) in assignment])

# add constraint
for c in courses:
    prob += sum(x[c][s] for s in students) <= courses_supply[c], \
コード例 #21
def transportation_problem():
	# Creates a list of all the supply nodes.
	Warehouses = ["A", "B"]
	# Creates a dictionary for the number of units of supply for each supply node.
	supply = {"A": 1000, "B": 4000}
	# Creates a list of all demand nodes.
	Bars = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"]
	# Creates a dictionary for the number of units of demand for each demand node.
	demand = {

	# Creates a list of costs of each transportation path.
	costs = [
		# Bars.
		#1  2  3  4  5.
		[2, 4, 5, 2, 1], #A  Warehouses.
		[3, 1, 3, 2, 3]  #B

	# The cost data is made into a dictionary.
	costs = pulp.makeDict([Warehouses, Bars], costs, 0)

	# Creates the 'prob' variable to contain the problem data.
	prob = pulp.LpProblem("Beer Distribution Problem", pulp.LpMinimize)

	# Creates a list of tuples containing all the possible routes for transport.
	Routes = [(w, b) for w in Warehouses for b in Bars]

	# A dictionary called 'Vars' is created to contain the referenced variables(the routes).
	vars = pulp.LpVariable.dicts("Route", (Warehouses, Bars), 0, None, pulp.LpInteger)

	# The objective function is added to 'prob' first.
	prob += pulp.lpSum([vars[w][b] * costs[w][b] for (w, b) in Routes]), "Sum_of_Transporting_Costs"

	# The supply maximum constraints are added to prob for each supply node (warehouse).
	for w in Warehouses:
		prob += pulp.lpSum([vars[w][b] for b in Bars]) <= supply[w], "Sum_of_Products_out_of_Warehouse_{}".format(w)

	# The demand minimum constraints are added to prob for each demand node (bar).
	for b in Bars:
		prob += pulp.lpSum([vars[w][b] for w in Warehouses]) >= demand[b], "Sum_of_Products_into_Bar{}".format(b)
	# The problem data is written to an .lp file.

	# The problem is solved using PuLP's choice of Solver.

	# The status of the solution is printed to the screen.
	print("Status: {}.".format(pulp.LpStatus[prob.status]))

	# Each of the variables is printed with it's resolved optimum value.
	for v in prob.variables():
		print("\t{} = {}.".format(v.name, v.varValue))

	# The optimised objective function value is printed to the screen.
	print("Total Cost of Transportation = {}.".format(pulp.value(prob.objective)))