def problem2(): patient = LVTestPatient("benchmark") setup_general_parameters() params = setup_adjoint_contraction_parameters() params["base_bc"] = "fixed" material_model = "guccione" solver_parameters, pressure, paramvec = make_solver_params(params, patient) V_real = df.FunctionSpace(solver_parameters["mesh"], "R", 0) gamma = df.Function(V_real, name="gamma") matparams = setup_material_parameters(material_model) matparams["C"] = 10.0 matparams["bf"] = 1.0 matparams["bt"] = 1.0 matparams["bfs"] = 1.0 args = (patient.fiber, gamma, matparams, "active_stress", patient.sheet, patient.sheet_normal, params["T_ref"]) material = Guccione(*args) solver_parameters["material"] = material solver = LVSolver(solver_parameters) solver.parameters["solve"]["snes_solver"]["report"] = True solver.solve() iterate_pressure(solver, 10.0, pressure) u, p = solver.get_state().split(deepcopy=True) f = df.XDMFFile(df.mpi_comm_world(), "benchmark_2.xdmf") f.write(u)
from pulse_adjoint.unloading import * from pulse_adjoint.setup_parameters import setup_general_parameters setup_general_parameters() from pulse_adjoint import LVTestPatient geo_lv = LVTestPatient() p_lv = 2.0 from pulse_adjoint import BiVTestPatient geo_biv = BiVTestPatient() p_biv = (2.0, 1.0) def test_fixed_point_lv(): unloader = FixedPoint(geo_lv, p_lv, h5name="fixedpoint_lv.h5", options={"maxiter": 15}) unloader.unload() def test_raghavan_lv(): unloader = Raghavan(geo_lv, p_lv, h5name="raghavan_biv.h5", options={"maxiter": 1}) unloader.unload() def test_hybrid_lv():
def general_solver(parameters, advanced_parameters): print 'TESTING THREAD1' setup_general_parameters() patient = parameters['patient'] mesh = patient.mesh mesh_name = parameters['mesh_name'] marked_mesh = patient.ffun N = df.FacetNormal(mesh) fibers = patient.fiber # Getting BC BC_type = parameters['BC_type'] def make_dirichlet_bcs(W): V = W if W.sub(0).num_sub_spaces() == 0 else W.sub(0) if BC_type == 'fix_x': no_base_x_tran_bc = df.DirichletBC(V.sub(0), df.Constant(0.0), marked_mesh, patient.markers["BASE"][0]) elif BC_type == 'fixed': no_base_x_tran_bc = df.DirichletBC(V, df.Constant( (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)), marked_mesh, patient.markers["BASE"][0]) return no_base_x_tran_bc # Contraction parameter # gamma = Constant(0.0) #gamma = df.Function(df.FunctionSpace(mesh, "R", 0)) gamma = RegionalParameter(patient.sfun) gamma_values = parameters['gamma'] gamma_base = gamma_values['gamma_base'] gamma_mid = gamma_values['gamma_mid'] gamma_apical = gamma_values['gamma_apical'] gamma_apex = gamma_values['gamma_apex'] gamma_arr = np.array(gamma_base + gamma_mid + gamma_apical + gamma_apex) G = RegionalParameter(patient.sfun) G.vector()[:] = gamma_arr G_ = df.project(G.get_function(), G.get_ind_space()) f_gamma = df.XDMFFile(df.mpi_comm_world(), "activation.xdmf") f_gamma.write(G_) # Pressure pressure = df.Constant(0.0) lv_pressure = df.Constant(0.0) rv_pressure = df.Constant(0.0) #lv_pressure = df.Constant(0.0) #rv_pressure = df.Constant(0.0) # Spring spring_constant = advanced_parameters['spring_constant'] spring = df.Constant(spring_constant) spring_area = advanced_parameters['spring_area'] # Set up material model material_model = advanced_parameters['material_model'] active_model = advanced_parameters['active_model'] T_ref = advanced_parameters['T_ref'] matparams = advanced_parameters['mat_params'] #matparams=setup_material_parameters(material_model) if material_model == 'guccione': try: args = (fibers, gamma, matparams, active_model, patient.sheet, patient.sheet_normal, T_ref) except AttributeError: print 'Mesh does not have "sheet" attribute, choose another material model.' return else: args = ( fibers, gamma, matparams, active_model, #patient.sheet, #patient.sheet_normal, T_ref) if material_model == 'holzapfel_ogden': material = mat.HolzapfelOgden(*args) elif material_model == 'guccione': material = mat.Guccione(*args) elif material_model == 'neo_hookean': material = mat.NeoHookean(*args) # Create parameters for the solver if mesh_name == 'biv_ellipsoid.h5': params = { "mesh": mesh, "facet_function": marked_mesh, "facet_normal": N, "state_space": "P_2:P_1", "compressibility": { "type": "incompressible", "lambda": 0.0 }, "material": material, "bc": { "dirichlet": make_dirichlet_bcs, "neumann": [[lv_pressure, patient.markers["ENDO_LV"][0]], [rv_pressure, patient.markers["ENDO_RV"][0]]], "robin": [[spring, patient.markers[spring_area][0]]] } } else: params = { "mesh": mesh, "facet_function": marked_mesh, "facet_normal": N, "state_space": "P_2:P_1", "compressibility": { "type": "incompressible", "lambda": 0.0 }, "material": material, "bc": { "dirichlet": make_dirichlet_bcs, "neumann": [[pressure, patient.markers["ENDO"][0]]], "robin": [[spring, patient.markers[spring_area][0]]] } } df.parameters["adjoint"]["stop_annotating"] = True # Initialize solver solver = LVSolver(params) print 'TESTING THREAD2' # Solve for the initial state folder_path = parameters['folder_path'] u, p = solver.get_state().split(deepcopy=True) U = df.Function(u.function_space(), name="displacement") f = df.XDMFFile(df.mpi_comm_world(), folder_path + "/displacement.xdmf") sigma_f = solver.postprocess().cauchy_stress_component(fibers) V = df.FunctionSpace(mesh, 'DG', 1) sf = df.project(sigma_f, V) SF = df.Function(sf.function_space(), name='stress') g = df.XDMFFile(df.mpi_comm_world(), folder_path + "/stress.xdmf") solver.solve() u1, p1 = solver.get_state().split(deepcopy=True) U.assign(u1) f.write(U) sigma_f1 = solver.postprocess().cauchy_stress_component(fibers) sf1 = df.project(sigma_f1, V) SF.assign(sf1) g.write(SF) # Put on some pressure and solve plv = parameters['lv_pressure'] prv = parameters['rv_pressure'] if mesh_name == 'biv_ellipsoid.h5': iterate("pressure", solver, (plv, prv), { "p_lv": lv_pressure, "p_rv": rv_pressure }) else: iterate("pressure", solver, plv, {"p_lv": pressure}) u2, p2 = solver.get_state().split(deepcopy=True) U.assign(u2) f.write(U) sigma_f2 = solver.postprocess().cauchy_stress_component(fibers) sf2 = df.project(sigma_f2, V) SF.assign(sf2) g.write(SF) # Put on some active contraction and solve cont_mult = parameters['contraction_multiplier'] g_ = cont_mult * gamma_arr iterate("gamma", solver, g_, gamma, max_nr_crash=100, max_iters=100) u3, p3 = solver.get_state().split(deepcopy=True) U.assign(u3) f.write(U) sigma_f3 = solver.postprocess().cauchy_stress_component(fibers) sf3 = df.project(sigma_f3, V) SF.assign(sf3) g.write(SF) fname_u = "output_u.h5" if os.path.isfile(fname_u): os.remove(fname_u) u1.rename("u1", "displacement") u2.rename("u2", "displacement") u3.rename("u3", "displacement") fname_sf = "output_sf.h5" if os.path.isfile(fname_sf): os.remove(fname_sf) sf1.rename("sf1", "stress") sf2.rename("sf2", "stress") sf3.rename("sf3", "stress") save_to_h5(fname_u, mesh, u1, u2, u3) save_to_h5(fname_sf, mesh, sf1, sf2, sf3) return u1, u2, u3, sf1, sf2, sf3
def closed_loop(parameters, advanced_parameters, CL_parameters): #################### ### Gernal setup ### #################### setup_general_parameters() df.PETScOptions.set('ksp_type', 'preonly') df.PETScOptions.set('pc_factor_mat_solver_package', 'mumps') df.PETScOptions.set("mat_mumps_icntl_7", 6) ############ ### MESH ### ############ patient = parameters['patient'] meshname = parameters['mesh_name'] mesh = parameters['mesh'] mesh = patient.mesh X = df.SpatialCoordinate(mesh) N = df.FacetNormal(mesh) # Cycle lenght BCL = CL_parameters['BCL'] t = CL_parameters['t'] # Time increment dt = CL_parameters['dt'] # End-Diastolic volume ED_vol = CL_parameters['ED_vol'] ##################################### # Parameters for Windkessel model ### ##################################### # Aorta compliance (reduce) Cao = CL_parameters['Cao'] # Venous compliace Cven = CL_parameters['Cven'] # Dead volume Vart0 = CL_parameters['Vart0'] Vven0 = CL_parameters['Vven0'] # Aortic resistance Rao = CL_parameters['Rao'] Rven = CL_parameters['Rven'] # Peripheral resistance (increase) Rper = CL_parameters['Rper'] V_ven = CL_parameters['V_ven'] V_art = CL_parameters['V_art'] # scale geometry to match hemodynamics parameters mesh.coordinates()[:] *= CL_parameters['mesh_scaler'] ###################### ### Material model ### ###################### material_model = advanced_parameters['material_model'] #################### ### Active model ### #################### active_model = advanced_parameters['active_model'] T_ref = advanced_parameters['T_ref'] # These can be used to adjust the contractility gamma_base = parameters['gamma']['gamma_base'] gamma_mid = parameters['gamma']['gamma_mid'] gamma_apical = parameters['gamma']['gamma_apical'] gamma_apex = parameters['gamma']['gamma_apex'] gamma_arr = np.array(gamma_base + gamma_mid + gamma_apical + gamma_apex) # gamma_arr = np.ones(17) ############## ### OUTPUT ### ############## dir_results = "results" if not os.path.exists(dir_results): os.makedirs(dir_results) disp_file = df.XDMFFile(df.mpi_comm_world(), "{}/displacement.xdmf".format(dir_results)) pv_data = {"pressure":[], "volume":[]} output = "/".join([dir_results, "output_{}_ed{}.h5".format(meshname, ED_vol)]) G = RegionalParameter(patient.sfun) G.vector()[:] = gamma_arr G_ = df.project(G.get_function(), G.get_ind_space()) f_gamma = df.XDMFFile(df.mpi_comm_world(), "{}/activation.xdmf".format(dir_results)) f_gamma.write(G_) ######################## ### Setup Parameters ### ######################## params = setup_application_parameters(material_model) params.remove("Material_parameters") matparams = df.Parameters("Material_parameters") for k, v in advanced_parameters['mat_params'].iteritems(): matparams.add(k,v) params.add(matparams) params["base_bc"] = parameters['BC_type'] params["base_spring_k"] = advanced_parameters['spring_constant'] # params["base_bc"] = "fixed" params["active_model"] = active_model params["T_ref"] = T_ref params["gamma_space"] = "regional" ###################### ### Initialization ### ###################### # Solver paramters check_patient_attributes(patient) solver_parameters, _, _ = make_solver_params(params, patient) # Cavity volume V0 = df.Expression("vol",vol = 0, name = "Vtarget", degree=1) solver_parameters["volume"] = V0 # Solver solver = LVSolver3Field(solver_parameters, use_snes=True) df.set_log_active(True) solver.parameters["solve"]["snes_solver"]["report"] =True solver.parameters["solve"]["snes_solver"]['maximum_iterations'] = 50 # Surface measure ds = df.Measure("exterior_facet", domain = solver.parameters["mesh"], subdomain_data = solver.parameters["facet_function"]) dsendo = ds(solver.parameters["markers"]["ENDO"][0]) # Set cavity volume V0.vol = df.assemble(solver._V_u*dsendo) print V0.vol # Initial solve solver.solve() # Save initial state w = solver.get_state() u, p, pinn = w.split(deepcopy=True) U_save = df.Function(u.function_space(), name = "displacement") U_save.assign(u) disp_file.write(U_save) file_format = "a" if os.path.isfile('pv_data_plot.txt') else "w" pv_data_plot = open('pv_data_plot.txt', file_format) pv_data_plot.write('{},'.format(float(pinn)/1000.0)) pv_data_plot.write('{}\n'.format(V0.vol)) pv_data["pressure"].append(float(pinn)/1000.0) pv_data["volume"].append(V0.vol) # Active contraction from force import ca_transient V_real = df.FunctionSpace(mesh, "R", 0) gamma = solver.parameters["material"].get_gamma() # times = np.linspace(0,200,200) # target_gamma = ca_transient(times) # plt.plot(target_gamma) # # exit()g ####################### ### Inflation Phase ### ####################### inflate = True # Check if inflation allready exist if os.path.isfile(output): with df.HDF5File(df.mpi_comm_world(), output, "r") as h5file: if h5file.has_dataset("inflation"):, "inflation") print ("\nInflation phase fetched from output file.") inflate = False if inflate: print ("\nInflate geometry to volume : {}\n".format(ED_vol)) initial_step = int((ED_vol - V0.vol) / 10.0) +1 control_values, prev_states = iterate("expression", solver, V0, "vol", ED_vol, continuation=False, initial_number_of_steps=initial_step, log_level=10) # Store outout for i, wi in enumerate(prev_states): ui, pi, pinni = wi.split(deepcopy=True) U_save.assign(ui) disp_file.write(U_save) print ("V = {}".format(control_values[i])) print ("P = {}".format(float(pinni)/1000.0)) pv_data_plot.write('{},'.format(float(pinni)/1000.0)) pv_data_plot.write('{}\n'.format(control_values[i])) pv_data["pressure"].append(float(pinni)/1000.0) pv_data["volume"].append(control_values[i]) with df.HDF5File(df.mpi_comm_world(), output, "w") as h5file: h5file.write(solver.get_state(), "inflation") # Store ED solution w = solver.get_state() u, p, pinn = w.split(deepcopy=True) U_save.assign(u) disp_file.write(U_save) pv_data_plot.write('{},'.format(float(pinn)/1000.0)) pv_data_plot.write('{}\n'.format(ED_vol)) pv_data["pressure"].append(float(pinn)/1000.0) pv_data["volume"].append(ED_vol) print ("\nInflation succeded! Current pressure: {} kPa\n\n".format(float(pinn)/1000.0)) pv_data_plot.close() ######################### ### Closed loop cycle ### ######################### while (t < BCL): w = solver.get_state() u, p, pinn = w.split(deepcopy=True) p_cav = float(pinn) V_cav = df.assemble(solver._V_u*dsendo) if t + dt > BCL: dt = BCL - t t = t + dt target_gamma = ca_transient(t) # Update windkessel model Part = 1.0/Cao*(V_art - Vart0); Pven = 1.0/Cven*(V_ven - Vven0); PLV = float(p_cav); print ("PLV = {}".format(PLV)) print ("Part = {}".format(Part)) # Flux trough aortic valve if(PLV <= Part): Qao = 0.0; else: Qao = 1.0/Rao*(PLV - Part); # Flux trough mitral valve if(PLV >= Pven): Qmv = 0.0; else: Qmv = 1.0/Rven*(Pven - PLV); Qper = 1.0/Rper*(Part - Pven); V_cav = V_cav + dt*(Qmv - Qao); V_art = V_art + dt*(Qao - Qper); V_ven = V_ven + dt*(Qper - Qmv); # Update cavity volume V0.vol = V_cav # Iterate active contraction if t <= 150: target_gamma_ = target_gamma * gamma_arr _, states = iterate("gamma", solver, target_gamma_, gamma, initial_number_of_steps = 1) else: solver.solve() # Adapt time step if len(states) == 1: dt *= 1.7 else: dt *= 0.5 dt = min(dt, 10) # Store data ui, pi, pinni = solver.get_state().split(deepcopy=True) U_save.assign(ui) disp_file.write(U_save) Pcav = float(pinni)/1000.0 pv_data_plot = open('pv_data_plot.txt', 'a') pv_data_plot.write('{},'.format(Pcav)) pv_data_plot.write('{}\n'.format(V_cav)) pv_data_plot.close() pv_data["pressure"].append(Pcav) pv_data["volume"].append(V_cav) msg = ("\n\nTime:\t{}".format(t) + \ "\ndt:\t{}".format(dt) +\ "\ngamma:\t{}".format(target_gamma) +\ "\nV_cav:\t{}".format(V_cav) + \ "\nV_art:\t{}".format(V_art) + \ "\nV_ven:\t{}".format(V_ven) + \ "\nPart:\t{}".format(Part) + \ "\nPven:\t{}".format(Pven) + \ "\nPLV:\t{}".format(Pcav) + \ "\nQper:\t{}".format(Qper) + \ "\nQao:\t{}".format(Qao) + \ "\nQmv:\t{}\n\n".format(Qmv)) print ((msg)) #============================================================================== # fig = plt.figure() # ax = fig.gca() # ax.plot(pv_data["volume"], pv_data["pressure"]) # ax.set_ylabel("Pressure (kPa)") # ax.set_xlabel("Volume (ml)") # # # fig.savefig("/".join([dir_results, "pv_loop.png"])) # #============================================================================== return #import threading #thread1 = threading.Thread(target = closed_loop) #thread1.start()
def problem3(): patient = LVTestPatient("benchmark") setup_general_parameters() params = setup_adjoint_contraction_parameters() params["phase"] == "all" active_model = "active_stress" params["active_model"] = active_model params["T_ref"] = 60.0 params["base_bc"] = "fixed" # material_model = "guccione" material_model = "holzapfel_ogden" # material_model = "neo_hookean" solver_parameters, pressure, paramvec = make_solver_params(params, patient) V_real = df.FunctionSpace(solver_parameters["mesh"], "R", 0) gamma = df.Function(V_real, name="gamma") target_gamma = df.Function(V_real, name="target gamma") matparams = setup_material_parameters(material_model) if material_model == "guccione": matparams["C"] = 2.0 matparams["bf"] = 8.0 matparams["bt"] = 2.0 matparams["bfs"] = 4.0 args = (patient.fiber, gamma, matparams, active_model, patient.sheet, patient.sheet_normal, params["T_ref"]) if material_model == "guccione": material = Guccione(*args) else: material = HolzapfelOgden(*args) solver_parameters["material"] = material solver = LVSolver(solver_parameters) solver.parameters["solve"]["snes_solver"]["report"] = True solver.solve() p_end = 15.0 g_end = 1.0 N = 5 df.set_log_active(True) df.set_log_level(df.INFO) f = df.XDMFFile(df.mpi_comm_world(), "benchmark_3.xdmf") u, p = solver.get_state().split(deepcopy=True) U = df.Function(u.function_space(), name="displacement") for (plv, g) in zip(np.linspace(0, p_end, N), np.linspace(0, g_end, N)): t = df.Timer("Test Material Model") t.start() iterate_pressure(solver, plv, pressure) u, p = solver.get_state().split(deepcopy=True) U.assign(u) f.write(U) target_gamma.assign(df.Constant(g)) iterate_gamma(solver, target_gamma, gamma) u, p = solver.get_state().split(deepcopy=True) U.assign(u) f.write(U)