def __init__(self, name: str, content_dir: str, index_document: str, error_document: str, opts: pulumi.ResourceOptions = None): super().__init__('StaticWebSite', name, None, opts) = name # Create the S3 bucket self.s3_bucket = s3.Bucket(name, website={ 'index_document': index_document, 'error_document': error_document }) bucket_name = # Copy website content files to the newly created S3 bucket for file in os.listdir(content_dir): filepath = os.path.join(content_dir, file) mime_type, _ = mimetypes.guess_type(filepath) s3.BucketObject(file, bucket=bucket_name, source=FileAsset(filepath), content_type=mime_type) # Set bucket policy to enable read access for all users s3.BucketPolicy("bucket-policy", bucket=bucket_name, policy=bucket_name.apply(public_read_policy_for_bucket)) super().register_outputs({})
def bucket_object_converter(filepath): """ Takes a file path and returns an bucket object managed by Pulumi """ relative_path = filepath.replace(web_contents_root_path + '/', '') # Determine the mimetype using the `mimetypes` module. mime_type, _ = mimetypes.guess_type(filepath) content_file = pulumi_aws.s3.BucketObject( relative_path, key=relative_path, acl='public-read', bucket=content_bucket, content_type=mime_type, source=FileAsset(filepath), opts=ResourceOptions(parent=content_bucket))
BucketObject( resource_name="airflow-requirements", opts=ResourceOptions(parent=bucket),, content=content, key="requirements.txt", server_side_encryption="AES256", ) BucketObject( resource_name="airflow-dag", opts=ResourceOptions(parent=bucket),, key="dags/", server_side_encryption="AES256", source=FileAsset(path="./"), ) def prepare_kube_config(kube_config: str) -> str: kube_config["users"][0]["user"]["exec"][ "command"] = "/usr/local/airflow/.local/bin/aws" return json.dumps(kube_config, indent=4) BucketObject( resource_name="airflow-kube-config", opts=ResourceOptions(parent=bucket),, content=cluster.kubeconfig.apply(prepare_kube_config), key="dags/.kube/config",
import mimetypes import os from pulumi import export, FileAsset from pulumi_aws import s3 web_bucket = s3.Bucket('s3-website-bucket', website={"index_document": "index.html"}) content_dir = "www" for file in os.listdir(content_dir): filepath = os.path.join(content_dir, file) mime_type, _ = mimetypes.guess_type(filepath) obj = s3.BucketObject(file,, source=FileAsset(filepath), content_type=mime_type) def public_read_policy_for_bucket(bucket_name): return json.dumps({ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [{ "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": "*", "Action": ["s3:GetObject"], "Resource": [ f"arn:aws:s3:::{bucket_name}/*", ] }]
from pulumi import export, FileAsset, ResourceOptions, Output from pulumi_aws import s3, lambda_, apigateway import iam LAMBDA_SOURCE = '' LAMBDA_PACKAGE = '' LAMBDA_VERSION = '1.0.0' os.system('zip %s %s' % (LAMBDA_PACKAGE, LAMBDA_SOURCE)) # Create an AWS resource (S3 Bucket) bucket = s3.Bucket('lambda-api-gateway-example') mime_type, _ = mimetypes.guess_type(LAMBDA_PACKAGE) obj = s3.BucketObject(LAMBDA_VERSION + '/' + LAMBDA_PACKAGE,, source=FileAsset(LAMBDA_PACKAGE), content_type=mime_type) example_fn = lambda_.Function( 'ServerlessExample',, s3_key=LAMBDA_VERSION + '/' + LAMBDA_PACKAGE, handler="lambda.handler", runtime="python3.7", role=iam.lambda_role.arn, ) example_api = apigateway.RestApi( 'ServerlessExample', description='Pulumi Lambda API Gateway Example') proxy_root_met = apigateway.Method('proxy_root',
def StaticSite(self, name, domain, zone, content_dir, __opts__): """ A static site, at the given domain with the contents of the given directory. Uses S3, CloudFront, ACM, and Route53. """ web_bucket = s3.Bucket( f'{name}-bucket', bucket=domain, website={ "index_document": "index.html", "errorDocument": "404.html", }, acl='public-read', website_domain=domain, **opts(parent=self), ) for absp, relp in walk(content_dir): mime_type, _ = mimetypes.guess_type(str(absp)) s3.BucketObject( f'{name}-{relp!s}', key=str(relp),, source=FileAsset(str(absp)), content_type=mime_type, **opts(parent=web_bucket), ) bucket_name = s3.BucketPolicy( f"{name}-policy", bucket=bucket_name, policy=bucket_name.apply(public_read_policy_for_bucket), **opts(parent=web_bucket), ) cert = Certificate( f"{name}-cert", domain=domain, zone=zone, **opts(parent=self, region='us-east-1'), ) distro = cloudfront.Distribution( f"{name}-dist", enabled=True, # Alternate aliases the CloudFront distribution can be reached at, in addition to # Required if you want to access the distribution via config.targetDomain as well. aliases=[domain], is_ipv6_enabled=True, # We only specify one origin for this distribution, the S3 content bucket. origins=[ { "originId": web_bucket.arn, "domainName": web_bucket.website_endpoint, "customOriginConfig": { # Amazon S3 doesn't support HTTPS connections when using an S3 bucket configured as a website endpoint. "originProtocolPolicy": "http-only", "httpPort": 80, "httpsPort": 443, "originSslProtocols": ["TLSv1.2"], }, }, ], default_root_object="index.html", # A CloudFront distribution can configure different cache behaviors based on the request path. # Here we just specify a single, default cache behavior which is just read-only requests to S3. default_cache_behavior={ "targetOriginId": web_bucket.arn, "viewerProtocolPolicy": "redirect-to-https", "allowedMethods": ["GET", "HEAD", "OPTIONS"], "cachedMethods": ["GET", "HEAD", "OPTIONS"], "forwardedValues": { "cookies": {"forward": "none"}, "queryString": False, }, "minTtl": 0, "defaultTtl": 10*60, "maxTtl": 10*60, }, # "All" is the most broad distribution, and also the most expensive. # "100" is the least broad, and also the least expensive. price_class="PriceClass_100", # You can customize error responses. When CloudFront recieves an error from the origin (e.g. # S3 or some other web service) it can return a different error code, and return the # response for a different resource. custom_error_responses=[ {"errorCode": 404, "responseCode": 404, "responsePagePath": "/404.html"}, ], restrictions={ "geoRestriction": { "restrictionType": "none", }, }, viewer_certificate={ "acmCertificateArn": cert.cert_arn, "sslSupportMethod": "sni-only", }, # loggingConfig: { # bucket: logsBucket.bucketDomainName, # includeCookies: false, # prefix: `${config.targetDomain}/`, # }, **opts(parent=self), ) a_aaaa( f"{name}-record", name=domain, zone_id=zone.zone_id, aliases=[ { 'name': distro.domain_name, 'zone_id': distro.hosted_zone_id, 'evaluate_target_health': True, }, ], **opts(parent=self), ) return { 'url': f'https://{domain}/' }