def get_votes(self): # org.add_source("") tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() download_files(tmpdir) # read through each csv file files = [f for f in os.listdir(tmpdir)] for f in files: name = f.replace('.csv', '') with open(tmpdir + '/' + f, 'rb') as csvfile: csvfile = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',') next(csvfile) for row in csvfile: session = self.session date = row[1].split()[0] v_type = 'other' passed = 'Carried' in row[6] if not 'tie' in row[6]: yes_count, no_count = row[6].split()[1].split('-') else: yes_count, no_count = 1, 1 motion = row[3].replace('\xc4', '').replace('\xc2', '') vote = Vote(self.jurisdiction.division_name, session, date, motion, v_type, passed, int(yes_count), int(no_count)), VOTES[row[5]]) scan_files(tmpdir, f, vote, row) vote.add_source("") yield vote os.remove(tmpdir + '/' + f) shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)
def get_votes(self): for page in self.iterpages(): for subject in page.xpath('//div[@class="ContainerPanel"]'): dates = subject.xpath(".//font[@color='#276598']/b/text()") motions = [x.strip() for x in subject.xpath(".//div[@style='width:260px; float:left;']/text()")] votes = subject.xpath(".//div[@style='width:150px; float:right;']") docket = subject.xpath(".//div[@class='HeaderContent']/b/text()") docket = filter(lambda x: "docket" in x.lower(), docket) docket = docket[0] if docket else None for date, motion, vote in zip(dates, motions, votes): when = dt.datetime.strptime(date, "%m/%d/%Y") motion = motion.strip() if motion == "": self.warning("Skipping vote.") continue v = Vote( session=self.session, organization="Boston City Council", type="other", passed=False, date=when.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), motion=motion, yes_count=0, no_count=0, ) if docket: v.set_bill(docket) yes, no, other = 0, 0, 0 vit = iter(vote.xpath("./div")) vote = zip(vit, vit, vit) for who, entry, _ in vote: how = entry.text who = who.text if how == "Y": v.yes(who) yes += 1 elif how == "N": no += 1 else: v.other(who) other += 1 for count in v.vote_counts: count["count"] = {"yes": yes, "no": no, "other": other}[count["vote_type"]] v.add_source(DURL, note="root") yield v
def get_votes(self): # org.add_source("") tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() download_files(tmpdir) # read through each csv file files = [f for f in os.listdir(tmpdir)] for f in files: name = f.replace('.csv', '') with open(tmpdir + '/' + f, 'rb') as csvfile: csvfile = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',') next(csvfile) for row in csvfile: session = self.session date = row[1].split()[0] v_type = 'other' passed = 'Carried' in row[6] if not 'tie' in row[6]: yes_count, no_count = row[6].split()[1].split('-') else: yes_count, no_count = 1, 1 motion = row[3].replace('\xc4', '').replace('\xc2', '') vote = Vote(self.jurisdiction.division_name, session, date, motion, v_type, passed, int(yes_count), int(no_count)), VOTES[row[5]]) scan_files(tmpdir, f, vote, row) vote.add_source( "") yield vote os.remove(tmpdir + '/' + f) shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)
def get_votes(self): for page in self.iterpages(): for subject in page.xpath('//div[@class="ContainerPanel"]'): dates = subject.xpath(".//font[@color='#276598']/b/text()") motions = [ x.strip() for x in subject.xpath( ".//div[@style='width:260px; float:left;']/text()") ] votes = subject.xpath( ".//div[@style='width:150px; float:right;']") docket = subject.xpath( ".//div[@class='HeaderContent']/b/text()") docket = filter(lambda x: "docket" in x.lower(), docket) docket = docket[0] if docket else None for date, motion, vote in zip(dates, motions, votes): when = dt.datetime.strptime(date, "%m/%d/%Y") motion = motion.strip() if motion == "": self.warning("Skipping vote.") continue v = Vote( session=self.session, organization="Boston City Council", type='other', passed=False, date=when.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), motion=motion, yes_count=0, no_count=0, ) if docket: v.set_bill(docket) yes, no, other = 0, 0, 0 vit = iter(vote.xpath("./div")) vote = zip(vit, vit, vit) for who, entry, _ in vote: how = entry.text who = who.text if how == 'Y': v.yes(who) yes += 1 elif how == 'N': no += 1 else: v.other(who) other += 1 for count in v.vote_counts: count['count'] = { "yes": yes, "no": no, "other": other }[count['vote_type']] v.add_source(DURL, note='root') yield v
def migrate_votes(self, state): spec = {} if state: spec['state'] = state for entry in self.billy_db.votes.find(spec, timeout=False): #def __init__(self, session, date, type, passed, # yes_count, no_count, other_count=0, # chamber=None, **kwargs): when = dt.datetime.strftime(entry['date'], "%Y-%m-%d") if entry.get('type') is None: continue org_name = entry.get('committee') if org_name: # There's a committee tied to this vote. org_id = entry.get('committee_id') ocdid = _hot_cache.get(org_id) else: # OK. We don't have a committee. We should have a chamber. # Let's fallback on the COW. ocdid = _hot_cache.get('{state}-{chamber}'.format(**entry)) org_name = name_cache.get(ocdid) if ocdid is None or org_name is None: if entry['chamber'] == 'joint': print(""" XXX: Vote is marked as joint, but has no committee. This is likely (totally is) a bug. Please fix the scraper. We'll pass on it in the meantime. VoteID: %s" % (entry['_id'])""") continue raise Exception("""Can't look up the legislature? Something went wrong internally. The cache might be wrong for some reason. Look into this.""") v = Vote( organization=org_name, organization_id=ocdid, motion=entry['motion'], session=entry['session'], date=when, type=entry['type'], passed=entry['passed'], yes_count=entry['yes_count'], no_count=entry['no_count'], other_count=entry['other_count'], chamber=entry['chamber'], #created_at=entry['created_at'], #updated_at=entry['updated_at'], ) v.identifiers = [{'scheme': 'openstates', 'identifier': entry['_id']}] v._openstates_id = entry['_id'] for source in entry['sources']: v.add_source(**source) if v.sources == []: continue # emit warning for vtype in ['yes', 'no', 'other']: for voter in entry["%s_votes" % (vtype)]: id = voter.get('leg_id', None) hcid = _hot_cache.get(id, None) getattr(v, vtype)(name=voter['name'], id=hcid) hcid = _hot_cache.get(entry['bill_id'], None) bid = hcid # The bill_id coming off the entry is an ugly OpenStates bigID. # We need to actually get the bill and use that for this. This # results in kinda a silly slowdown. Perhaps we can cache titles. bill_id = entry['bill_id'] # as fallback. if bid: if bid in name_cache: bill_id = name_cache[bid] # The following is the old code path. However, if the bill didn't # get converted, we won't have the object in the database anyway, # so, we'll make a memory/network tradeoff here. # -- PRT # # dbill = db.bills.find_one({"_id": bid}) # if dbill: # bill_id = dbill['name'] v.set_bill(what=bill_id, id=bid, chamber=entry['chamber']) self.save_object(v)