コード例 #1
def test_fuentes(filename, inoct):
    # Test against data exported from pvwatts.nrel.gov
    data = _read_pvwatts_8760(DATA_DIR / filename)
    data = data.iloc[:24*7, :]  # just use one week
    inputs = {
        'poa_global': data['Plane of Array Irradiance (W/m^2)'],
        'temp_air': data['Ambient Temperature (C)'],
        'wind_speed': data['Wind Speed (m/s)'],
        'noct_installed': inoct,
    expected_tcell = data['Cell Temperature (C)']
    expected_tcell.name = 'tmod'
    actual_tcell = temperature.fuentes(**inputs)
    # the SSC implementation of PVWatts diverges from the Fuentes model at
    # at night by setting Tcell=Tamb when POA=0. This not only means that
    # nighttime values are slightly different (Fuentes models cooling to sky
    # at night), but because of the thermal inertia, there is a transient
    # error after dawn as well. Test each case separately:
    is_night = inputs['poa_global'] == 0
    is_dawn = is_night.shift(1) & ~is_night
    is_daytime = (inputs['poa_global'] > 0) & ~is_dawn
    # the accuracy is probably higher than 3 digits here, but the PVWatts
    # export data has low precision so can only test up to 3 digits
    # use lower precision for dawn times to accommodate the dawn transient
    error = actual_tcell[is_dawn] - expected_tcell[is_dawn]
    assert (error.abs() < 0.1).all()
    # sanity check on night values -- Fuentes not much lower than PVWatts
    night_difference = expected_tcell[is_night] - actual_tcell[is_night]
    assert night_difference.max() < 6
    assert night_difference.min() > 0
コード例 #2
def test_fuentes_timezone(tz):
    index = pd.date_range('2019-01-01', freq='h', periods=3, tz=tz)

    df = pd.DataFrame({'poa_global': 1000, 'temp_air': 20, 'wind_speed': 1},

    out = temperature.fuentes(df['poa_global'], df['temp_air'],
                              df['wind_speed'], noct_installed=45)

    assert_series_equal(out, pd.Series([47.85, 50.85, 50.85], index=index,