コード例 #1
class LastSession(object):
    EPOCH_TOKEN = '[epoch '
    EPOCH_PARSER = re.compile(r'^.+\[epoch (\d+)\] (.+)')
    EPOCH_DATA_PARSER = re.compile(r'([a-z_]+)=([^\s]+)')
    TRAINING_TOKEN = ' training epoch '
    START_TOKEN = 'connecting to http'
    DEAUTH_TOKEN = 'deauthing '
    ASSOC_TOKEN = 'sending association frame to '
    HANDSHAKE_TOKEN = '!!! captured new handshake '
    PEER_TOKEN = 'detected unit '

    def __init__(self, config):
        self.config = config
        self.voice = Voice(lang=config['main']['lang'])
        self.path = config['main']['log']
        self.last_session = []
        self.last_session_id = ''
        self.last_saved_session_id = ''
        self.duration = ''
        self.duration_human = ''
        self.deauthed = 0
        self.associated = 0
        self.handshakes = 0
        self.peers = 0
        self.last_peer = None
        self.epochs = 0
        self.train_epochs = 0
        self.min_reward = 1000
        self.max_reward = -1000
        self.avg_reward = 0
        self._peer_parser = re.compile(
            'detected unit (.+)@(.+) \(v.+\) on channel \d+ \(([\d\-]+) dBm\) \[sid:(.+) pwnd_tot:(\d+) uptime:(\d+)\]')
        self.parsed = False

    def _get_last_saved_session_id(self):
        saved = ''
            with open(LAST_SESSION_FILE, 'rt') as fp:
                saved = fp.read().strip()
            saved = ''
        return saved

    def save_session_id(self):
        with open(LAST_SESSION_FILE, 'w+t') as fp:
            self.last_saved_session_id = self.last_session_id

    def _parse_datetime(self, dt):
        dt = dt.split('.')[0]
        dt = dt.split(',')[0]
        dt = datetime.strptime(dt.split('.')[0], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
        return time.mktime(dt.timetuple())

    def _parse_stats(self):
        self.duration = ''
        self.duration_human = ''
        self.deauthed = 0
        self.associated = 0
        self.handshakes = 0
        self.epochs = 0
        self.train_epochs = 0
        self.peers = 0
        self.last_peer = None
        self.min_reward = 1000
        self.max_reward = -1000
        self.avg_reward = 0

        started_at = None
        stopped_at = None
        cache = {}

        for line in self.last_session:
            parts = line.split(']')
            if len(parts) < 2:

                line_timestamp = parts[0].strip('[')
                line = ']'.join(parts[1:])
                stopped_at = self._parse_datetime(line_timestamp)
                if started_at is None:
                    started_at = stopped_at

                if LastSession.DEAUTH_TOKEN in line and line not in cache:
                    self.deauthed += 1
                    cache[line] = 1

                elif LastSession.ASSOC_TOKEN in line and line not in cache:
                    self.associated += 1
                    cache[line] = 1

                elif LastSession.HANDSHAKE_TOKEN in line and line not in cache:
                    self.handshakes += 1
                    cache[line] = 1

                elif LastSession.TRAINING_TOKEN in line:
                    self.train_epochs += 1

                elif LastSession.EPOCH_TOKEN in line:
                    self.epochs += 1
                    m = LastSession.EPOCH_PARSER.findall(line)
                    if m:
                        epoch_num, epoch_data = m[0]
                        m = LastSession.EPOCH_DATA_PARSER.findall(epoch_data)
                        for key, value in m:
                            if key == 'reward':
                                reward = float(value)
                                self.avg_reward += reward
                                if reward < self.min_reward:
                                    self.min_reward = reward

                                elif reward > self.max_reward:
                                    self.max_reward = reward

                elif LastSession.PEER_TOKEN in line:
                    m = self._peer_parser.findall(line)
                    if m:
                        name, pubkey, rssi, sid, pwnd_tot, uptime = m[0]
                        if pubkey not in cache:
                            self.last_peer = Peer({
                                'session_id': sid,
                                'channel': 1,
                                'rssi': int(rssi),
                                'identity': pubkey,
                                    'name': name,
                                    'pwnd_tot': int(pwnd_tot)
                            self.peers += 1
                            cache[pubkey] = self.last_peer
                            cache[pubkey].adv['pwnd_tot'] = pwnd_tot
            except Exception as e:
                logging.error("error parsing line '%s': %s" % (line, e))

        if started_at is not None:
            self.duration = stopped_at - started_at
            mins, secs = divmod(self.duration, 60)
            hours, mins = divmod(mins, 60)
            hours = mins = secs = 0

        self.duration = '%02d:%02d:%02d' % (hours, mins, secs)
        self.duration_human = []
        if hours > 0:
            self.duration_human.append('%d %s' % (hours, self.voice.hhmmss(hours, 'h')))
        if mins > 0:
            self.duration_human.append('%d %s' % (mins, self.voice.hhmmss(mins, 'm')))
        if secs > 0:
            self.duration_human.append('%d %s' % (secs, self.voice.hhmmss(secs, 's')))

        self.duration_human = ', '.join(self.duration_human)
        self.avg_reward /= (self.epochs if self.epochs else 1)

    def parse(self):
        lines = []

        if os.path.exists(self.path):
            with FileReadBackwards(self.path, encoding="utf-8") as fp:
                for line in fp:
                    line = line.strip()
                    if line != "" and line[0] != '[':
                    if LastSession.START_TOKEN in line:

        if len(lines) == 0:
            lines.append("Initial Session");

        self.last_session = lines
        self.last_session_id = hashlib.md5(lines[0].encode()).hexdigest()
        self.last_saved_session_id = self._get_last_saved_session_id()

        self.parsed = True

    def is_new(self):
        return self.last_session_id != self.last_saved_session_id
コード例 #2
ファイル: log.py プロジェクト: xw1998/pwnagotchi
class LastSession:
    EPOCH_TOKEN = '[epoch '
    EPOCH_PARSER = re.compile(r'^.+\[epoch (\d+)\] (.+)')
    EPOCH_DATA_PARSER = re.compile(r'([a-z_]+)=([^\s]+)')
    TRAINING_TOKEN = ' training epoch '
    START_TOKEN = 'connecting to http'
    DEAUTH_TOKEN = 'deauthing '
    ASSOC_TOKEN = 'sending association frame to '
    HANDSHAKE_TOKEN = '!!! captured new handshake '

    def __init__(self, config):
        self.config = config
        self.voice = Voice(lang=config['main']['lang'])
        self.path = config['main']['log']['path']
        self.last_session = []
        self.last_session_id = ''
        self.last_saved_session_id = ''
        self.duration = ''
        self.duration_human = ''
        self.deauthed = 0
        self.associated = 0
        self.handshakes = 0
        self.epochs = 0
        self.train_epochs = 0
        self.min_reward = 1000
        self.max_reward = -1000
        self.avg_reward = 0
        self.parsed = False

    def _get_last_saved_session_id(self):
        saved = ''
            with open(LAST_SESSION_FILE, 'rt') as fp:
                saved = fp.read().strip()
            saved = ''
        return saved

    def save_session_id(self):
        with open(LAST_SESSION_FILE, 'w+t') as fp:
            self.last_saved_session_id = self.last_session_id

    def _parse_datetime(self, dt):
        dt = dt.split('.')[0]
        dt = dt.split(',')[0]
        dt = datetime.strptime(dt.split('.')[0], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
        return time.mktime(dt.timetuple())

    def _parse_stats(self):
        self.duration = ''
        self.duration_human = ''
        self.deauthed = 0
        self.associated = 0
        self.handshakes = 0
        self.epochs = 0
        self.train_epochs = 0
        self.min_reward = 1000
        self.max_reward = -1000
        self.avg_reward = 0

        started_at = None
        stopped_at = None
        cache = {}

        for line in self.last_session:
            parts = line.split(']')
            if len(parts) < 2:

                line_timestamp = parts[0].strip('[')
                line = ']'.join(parts[1:])
                stopped_at = self._parse_datetime(line_timestamp)
                if started_at is None:
                    started_at = stopped_at

                if LastSession.DEAUTH_TOKEN in line and line not in cache:
                    self.deauthed += 1
                    cache[line] = 1

                elif LastSession.ASSOC_TOKEN in line and line not in cache:
                    self.associated += 1
                    cache[line] = 1

                elif LastSession.HANDSHAKE_TOKEN in line and line not in cache:
                    self.handshakes += 1
                    cache[line] = 1

                elif LastSession.TRAINING_TOKEN in line:
                    self.train_epochs += 1

                elif LastSession.EPOCH_TOKEN in line:
                    self.epochs += 1
                    m = LastSession.EPOCH_PARSER.findall(line)
                    if m:
                        epoch_num, epoch_data = m[0]
                        m = LastSession.EPOCH_DATA_PARSER.findall(epoch_data)
                        for key, value in m:
                            if key == 'reward':
                                reward = float(value)
                                self.avg_reward += reward
                                if reward < self.min_reward:
                                    self.min_reward = reward

                                elif reward > self.max_reward:
                                    self.max_reward = reward

            except Exception as e:
                logging.error("error parsing line '%s': %s" % (line, e))

        if started_at is not None:
            self.duration = stopped_at - started_at
            mins, secs = divmod(self.duration, 60)
            hours, mins = divmod(mins, 60)
            hours = mins = secs = 0

        self.duration = '%02d:%02d:%02d' % (hours, mins, secs)
        self.duration_human = []
        if hours > 0:
            self.duration_human.append('%d %s' %
                                       (hours, self.voice.hhmmss(hours, 'h')))
        if mins > 0:
            self.duration_human.append('%d %s' %
                                       (mins, self.voice.hhmmss(mins, 'm')))
        if secs > 0:
            self.duration_human.append('%d %s' %
                                       (secs, self.voice.hhmmss(secs, 's')))

        self.duration_human = ', '.join(self.duration_human)
        self.avg_reward /= (self.epochs if self.epochs else 1)

    def parse(self, ui, skip=False):
        if skip:
            logging.debug("skipping parsing of the last session logs ...")
            logging.debug("reading last session logs ...")


            lines = []

            if os.path.exists(self.path):
                with FileReadBackwards(self.path, encoding="utf-8") as fp:
                    for line in fp:
                        line = line.strip()
                        if line != "" and line[0] != '[':
                        if LastSession.START_TOKEN in line:

                        lines_so_far = len(lines)
                        if lines_so_far % 100 == 0:


            if len(lines) == 0:
                lines.append("Initial Session")


            self.last_session = lines
            self.last_session_id = hashlib.md5(lines[0].encode()).hexdigest()
            self.last_saved_session_id = self._get_last_saved_session_id()

            logging.debug("parsing last session logs (%d lines) ..." %

        self.parsed = True

    def is_new(self):
        return self.last_session_id != self.last_saved_session_id