コード例 #1
ファイル: test_trajectory.py プロジェクト: elcorto/pwtools
def test_compress():
    old = get_rand_traj()
    # fake integer arrary which should not be casted
    assert old.forces is not None
    old.forces = np.ones_like(old.forces).astype(int)
    float_dtype_old = old.coords.dtype
    float_dtype_new = np.float32
    assert float_dtype_new != float_dtype_old
    arr_t = type(np.array([1.0]))
    forget = ['stress', 'velocity']
    new = crys.compress(old, copy=True, dtype=float_dtype_new, forget=forget)
    for name in forget:
        assert getattr(new, name) is None
        assert getattr(old, name) is not None
    for name in old.attr_lst:
        if name in forget:
        attr_old = getattr(old, name)
        if type(attr_old) == arr_t:
            attr_new = getattr(new, name)
            if (attr_old.dtype == float_dtype_old) and \
                print name
                assert type(attr_new) == arr_t
                assert attr_new.dtype == float_dtype_new
                # for all non-integer attrs, there must be a small numerical
                # difference
                assert abs(attr_old - attr_new).sum() > 0.0
                assert attr_old.dtype == attr_new.dtype
    # sanity check
    assert new.forces.dtype.kind in ('u','i')
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_trajectory.py プロジェクト: elcorto/pwtools
def test_mean():
    tr = get_rand_traj()
    st_mean = crys.mean(tr)
    attrs_only_traj = ['time', 'timestep', 'nstep']
    for attr_name in tr.attr_lst:
        attr = getattr(st_mean, attr_name)
        if attr_name in attrs_only_traj:
            assert attr is None, "%s is not None" %attr_name
        elif attr_name in tr.attrs_nstep:
            assert np.allclose(attr, 
                               getattr(tr, attr_name).mean(axis=tr.timeaxis))
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_trajectory.py プロジェクト: elcorto/pwtools
def test_concatenate():
    st = get_rand_struct()
    nstep = 5
    # cat Structure
    tr_cat = crys.concatenate([st]*nstep)
    keys = tr_cat.attr_lst
    assert tr_cat.nstep == nstep
    for x in tr_cat:
        assert_dict_with_all_types_equal(x.__dict__, st.__dict__,
    none_attrs = ['ekin', 'timestep', 'velocity', 'temperature', 'time']
    for attr_name in tr_cat.attrs_nstep:
        if attr_name in none_attrs:
            assert getattr(tr_cat, attr_name) is None
            print "test_concatenate: shape[0] == nstep:", attr_name
            assert getattr(tr_cat, attr_name).shape[0] == nstep
            print "test_concatenate: shape[0] == nstep:", attr_name, "...ok"
    # cat Trajectory
    tr = get_rand_traj()
    tr_cat = crys.concatenate([tr]*3)
    assert tr_cat.nstep == 3*tr.nstep
    none_attrs = ['timestep', 'time']
    keys = remove_from_lst(tr_cat.attr_lst, none_attrs)
    for x in [tr_cat[0:tr.nstep], 
        assert_dict_with_all_types_equal(x.__dict__, tr.__dict__,
    for attr_name in tr_cat.attrs_nstep:
        if attr_name in none_attrs:
            assert getattr(tr_cat, attr_name) is None
            assert getattr(tr_cat, attr_name).shape[0] == 3*tr.nstep

    # cat mixed, Structure is minimal API
    st = get_rand_struct()
    tr = crys.concatenate([st]*5)
    tr_cat = crys.concatenate([st]*5 + [tr])
    assert tr_cat.nstep == 10
    none_attrs = ['ekin', 'timestep', 'velocity', 'temperature', 'time']
    keys = remove_from_lst(tr_cat.attr_lst, none_attrs)
    for x in tr_cat:
        assert_dict_with_all_types_equal(x.__dict__, st.__dict__,
    for attr_name in tr_cat.attrs_nstep:
        if attr_name in none_attrs:
            assert getattr(tr_cat, attr_name) is None
            assert getattr(tr_cat, attr_name).shape[0] == 10
コード例 #4
def test():
    # Explicit code duplication even though we could use [...,0,:] which should
    # work for (natoms,3) and (nstep,natoms,3) arrays [we use it in
    # center_on_atom()],  but check if it really does.
    st = rc.get_rand_struct()
    stc = center_on_atom(st, idx=0, copy=True)
    assert (st.coords_frac != stc.coords_frac).all()
    assert (st.coords != stc.coords).all()
    assert (st.coords_frac[0,:] != np.array([0.5]*3)).all()
    assert (stc.coords_frac[0,:] == np.array([0.5]*3)).all()
    assert (stc.coords_frac[1:,:] != np.array([0.5]*3)).all()

    tr = rc.get_rand_traj()
    trc = center_on_atom(tr, idx=0, copy=True)
    assert (tr.coords_frac != trc.coords_frac).all()
    assert (tr.coords != trc.coords).all()
    assert (tr.coords_frac[:,0,:] != np.array([0.5]*3)).all()
    assert (trc.coords_frac[:,0,:] == np.array([0.5]*3)).all()
    assert (trc.coords_frac[:,1:,:] != np.array([0.5]*3)).all()
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_trajectory.py プロジェクト: elcorto/pwtools
def test_api():
    tr = get_rand_traj()
    st = get_rand_struct()
    for name in st.attr_lst:
        assert getattr(tr, name) is not None
    for name in tr.attrs_only_traj:
        assert getattr(st, name) is None
    aa = tr[0]      # Structure
    bb = tr[0:1]    # Trajectory
    keys = set.difference(set(aa.attr_lst), set(aa.attrs_only_traj))
    assert aa.is_struct
    assert bb.is_traj
    # remove timeaxis before comparing arrays
    for name in bb.attrs_nstep:
        attr = getattr(bb, name)
        if attr.ndim == 1:
            setattr(bb, name, attr[0])
            setattr(bb, name, attr[0,...])
    assert_dict_with_all_types_equal(aa.__dict__, bb.__dict__, keys=keys)
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_trajectory.py プロジェクト: elcorto/pwtools
def test_smooth():
    tr = get_rand_traj()
    assert len(tr.attrs_nstep) > 0
    trs = crys.smooth(tr, hanning(11))
    assert len(trs.attrs_nstep) > 0
    assert_attrs_not_none(trs, attr_lst=tr.attr_lst)
    for name in tr.attrs_nstep:
        a1 = getattr(tr, name)
        a2 = getattr(trs, name)
        assert a1.shape == a2.shape
        assert np.abs(a1 - a2).sum() > 0.0
    assert trs.timestep == tr.timestep
    assert trs.nstep == tr.nstep
    # reproduce data with kernel [0,1,0]
    trs = crys.smooth(tr, hanning(3))
    for name in tr.attrs_nstep:
        a1 = getattr(tr, name)
        a2 = getattr(trs, name)
        assert np.allclose(a1, a2)
    trs1 = crys.smooth(tr, hanning(3), method=1)
    trs2 = crys.smooth(tr, hanning(3), method=2)
    assert len(trs1.attrs_nstep) > 0
    assert len(trs2.attrs_nstep) > 0
    for name in tr.attrs_nstep:
        a1 = getattr(tr, name)
        a2 = getattr(trs1, name)
        a3 = getattr(trs2, name)
        assert np.allclose(a1, a2)
        assert np.allclose(a1, a3)
    trs1 = crys.smooth(tr, hanning(11), method=1)
    trs2 = crys.smooth(tr, hanning(11), method=2)
    assert len(trs1.attrs_nstep) > 0
    assert len(trs2.attrs_nstep) > 0
    for name in trs1.attrs_nstep:
        a1 = getattr(trs1, name)
        a2 = getattr(trs2, name)
        assert np.allclose(a1, a2)