def test_cif_parse(): tools.skip_if_pkg_missing('CifFile') for filename in ['files/cif_struct.cif', 'files/cif_cart_struct.cif']: p1 = CifFile(filename).get_struct() assert p1.cell is not None assert p1.cryst_const is not None assert p1.symbols is not None assert p1.coords is not None assert p1.coords_frac is not None # test writing filename = os.path.join(testdir, 'test_write_cif.cif') io.write_cif(filename, p1) p2 = CifFile(filename).get_struct() np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(p1.coords_frac, p2.coords_frac) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(p1.coords, p2.coords) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(p1.cryst_const, p2.cryst_const) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(p1.cell, p2.cell) assert p1.symbols == p2.symbols
def test_symmetry(): tools.skip_if_pkg_missing('pyspglib') st_prim = crys.Structure(coords_frac=np.array([[0] * 3, [.5] * 3]), cryst_const=np.array([3.5] * 3 + [60] * 3), symbols=['Al', 'N']) st_sc = crys.scell(st_prim, (2, 3, 4)) st_prim2 = symmetry.spglib_get_primitive(st_sc, symprec=1e-2) # irreducible structs assert symmetry.spglib_get_primitive(st_prim, symprec=1e-2) is None assert symmetry.spglib_get_primitive(st_prim2, symprec=1e-2) is None for st in [st_prim, st_sc, st_prim2]: assert symmetry.spglib_get_spacegroup(st_prim, symprec=1e-2) == (225, 'Fm-3m') # this is redundant since we have is_same_struct(), but keep it anyway tools.assert_dict_with_all_types_almost_equal( st_prim.__dict__, st_prim2.__dict__, keys=['natoms', 'symbols', 'volume', 'cryst_const']) assert symmetry.is_same_struct(st_prim, st_prim2)
def test_angle(): # CaCl struct, the supercell will have 0 and 180 degrees -> check corner # cases tools.skip_if_pkg_missing('CifFile') st = io.read_cif('files/angle/rs.cif') st = crys.scell(st, (2, 1, 1)) nang = st.natoms * (st.natoms - 1) * (st.natoms - 2) mask_val = 999.0 for deg in [True, False]: for pbc in [True, False]: agf = crys.angles(st, pbc=pbc, mask_val=mask_val) agpy, aipy = angles(st, pbc=pbc, mask_val=mask_val) eps = np.finfo(float).eps * 5 assert np.allclose(agf, agpy) assert aipy.shape[0] == nang assert len((agf != mask_val).nonzero()[0]) == nang angleidx = np.array(list(zip(*(agf != mask_val).nonzero()))) assert (angleidx == aipy).all() assert not np.isnan(agpy).any(), "python angle nan" assert not np.isnan(agf).any(), "fortran angle nan" # do we have 0 and 180 degrees? assert (agf < eps).any(), "no zero degree cases" assert (agf - 180.0 < eps).any(), "no 180 degree cases" assert (agf >= 0.0).all(), "negative angles"
def test_cif2sgroup(): tools.skip_if_pkg_missing('CifFile') exe = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../../bin/') cmd = '{e} files/cif_struct.cif > cif2sgroup.log'.format(e=exe), check=True, shell=True)
def __init__(self): tools.skip_if_pkg_missing('pyspglib')