コード例 #1
ファイル: GnuQueryBroker.py プロジェクト: hawkeye438/metpx
 def prepareQuery(self):
         @summary:  Buildup the query  to be executed.
     directory = GeneralStatsLibraryMethods.getPathToLogFiles( LOCAL_MACHINE, self.queryParameters.machines[0] )
     self.graphicProducer = GnuGraphicProducer( directory = directory, fileType = self.queryParameters.fileType,\
                                                   clientNames = self.queryParameters.sourLients, \
                                                   groupName = self.queryParameters.groupName, \
                                                   timespan = int(self.queryParameters.span), currentTime = self.queryParameters.endTime,\
                                                   productTypes = self.queryParameters.products, logger= None, logging = False,\
                                                   machines = self.queryParameters.machines, workingLanguage = self.queryParameters.language,\
                                                   outputLanguage = self.queryParameters.language )
コード例 #2
ファイル: GnuQueryBroker.py プロジェクト: khosrow/metpx
    def prepareQuery(self):
            @summary:  Buildup the query  to be executed.

        directory = GeneralStatsLibraryMethods.getPathToLogFiles(
            LOCAL_MACHINE, self.queryParameters.machines[0])


        self.graphicProducer = GnuGraphicProducer( directory = directory, fileType = self.queryParameters.fileType,\
                                                      clientNames = self.queryParameters.sourLients, \
                                                      groupName = self.queryParameters.groupName, \
                                                      timespan = int(self.queryParameters.span), currentTime = self.queryParameters.endTime,\
                                                      productTypes = self.queryParameters.products, logger= None, logging = False,\
                                                      machines = self.queryParameters.machines, workingLanguage = self.queryParameters.language,\
                                                      outputLanguage = self.queryParameters.language )
コード例 #3
ファイル: LogFileCollector.py プロジェクト: khosrow/metpx
                if usefull == True:


            if self.logger != None:
                    _("Warning in LogFileCollector. Folder named %s does not exist."
                      ) % self.directory)

if __name__ == "__main__":
        Small test case. Tests if everything works plus gives an idea on proper usage.

    pathToLogFiles = GeneralStatsLibraryMethods.getPathToLogFiles(

    lfc = LogFileCollector(startTime="2006-07-20 01:00:00",
                           endTime="2006-07-20 02:00:00",

    print "Files returned : %s " % lfc.entries
コード例 #4
def getOptionsFromParser( parser ):
        @summary : This method parses the argv received when 
                   the program was called.
                   It takes the params wich have been passed by
                   the user and sets them in the corresponding 
                   fields of the infos variable.   
        @note :    If errors are encountered in parameters used, 
                   it will immediatly terminate the application. 
    currentTime   = []
    ( options, args )= parser.parse_args()            
    collectUpToNow   = options.collectUpToNow
    timespan         = options.timespan
    machines         = options.machines.replace( ' ','').split(',')
    clientNames      = options.clients.replace( ' ','' ).split(',')
    types            = options.types.replace( ' ', '').split(',')
    currentTime      = options.currentTime.replace('"','').replace("'",'')
    fileType         = options.fileType.replace("'",'')
    collectUpToNow   = options.collectUpToNow
    copy             = options.copy
    combineClients   = options.combineClients
    productTypes     = options.productTypes.replace( ' ', '' ).split( ',' )     
    groupName        = options.groupName.replace( ' ','' ) 
    outputLanguage   = options.outputLanguage
    try: # Makes sure date is of valid format. 
         # Makes sure only one space is kept between date and hour.
        t =  time.strptime( currentTime, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' )
        split = currentTime.split()
        currentTime = "%s %s" %( split[0], split[1] )

        print _("Error. The date format must be YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" )
        print _("Use -h for help.")
        print _("Program terminated.")
        if int( timespan ) < 1 :
        print _("Error. The timespan value needs to be an integer one above 0." )
        print _("Use -h for help.")
        print _("Program terminated.")
    if fileType != "tx" and fileType != "rx":
        print _("Error. File type must be either tx or rx.")
        print _('Multiple types are not accepted.' )
        print _("Use -h for additional help.")
        print _("Program terminated.")
    if groupName != "" and combineClients == False :
        print _("Error. -g|--groupeName option requires the --combineClients options.")
        print _('Group names are otherwise irrelevant.' )
        print _("Use -h for additional help.")
        print _("Program terminated.")
    try :
        if fileType == "tx":       
            validTypes = [ _("errors"), _("filecount"), _("bytecount"), _("latency") ]
            if types[0] == _("All"):
                types = validTypes
            else :
                for t in types :
                    if t not in validTypes:
                        raise Exception("")
            validTypes = [ _("errors"), _("filecount"), _("bytecount") ]
            if types[0] == _("All"):
                types = validTypes
            else :
                for t in types :
                    if t not in validTypes:
                        raise Exception("")

        print _("Error. With %s fileType, possible data types values are : %s.") %( fileType,validTypes )
        print _('For multiple types use this syntax : -t "type1,type2"') 
        print _("Use -h for additional help.")
        print _("Program terminated.")
    if outputLanguage not in LanguageTools.getSupportedLanguages():
        print _("Error. %s is not one of the supproted languages")
        print _("Use one of the following languages : %s" % str( LanguageTools.getSupportedLanguages() ).replace("[","").replace("]","") )
        print _("Use -h for additional help.")
        print _("Program terminated.")
    clientNames = GeneralStatsLibraryMethods.filterClientsNamesUsingWilcardFilters( currentTime, timespan, clientNames, machines, [fileType])
    directory =  GeneralStatsLibraryMethods.getPathToLogFiles( LOCAL_MACHINE, machines[0] )
    infos = _GraphicsInfos( collectUpToNow = collectUpToNow, currentTime = currentTime, clientNames = clientNames,\
                            groupName = groupName,  directory = directory , types = types, fileType = fileType, \
                            timespan = timespan, productTypes = productTypes, machines = machines, copy = copy, \
                            combineClients = combineClients, outputLanguage = outputLanguage )
    if collectUpToNow == False:
        infos.endTime = StatsDateLib.getIsoWithRoundedHours( infos.currentTime ) 
    return infos 
コード例 #5
ファイル: LogFileCollector.py プロジェクト: khosrow/metpx
                usefull = self.containsUsefullInfo(fileName)

                if usefull == True:


            if self.logger != None:
                self.logger.warning(_("Warning in LogFileCollector. Folder named %s does not exist.") % self.directory)

if __name__ == "__main__":
        Small test case. Tests if everything works plus gives an idea on proper usage.

    pathToLogFiles = GeneralStatsLibraryMethods.getPathToLogFiles(LOCAL_MACHINE, LOCAL_MACHINE)

    lfc = LogFileCollector(
        startTime="2006-07-20 01:00:00",
        endTime="2006-07-20 02:00:00",

    print "Files returned : %s " % lfc.entries
コード例 #6
ファイル: generateGnuGraphics.py プロジェクト: khosrow/metpx
def getOptionsFromParser(parser):
        @summary : This method parses the argv received when 
                   the program was called.
                   It takes the params wich have been passed by
                   the user and sets them in the corresponding 
                   fields of the infos variable.   
        @note :    If errors are encountered in parameters used, 
                   it will immediatly terminate the application. 

    currentTime = []

    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
    collectUpToNow = options.collectUpToNow
    timespan = options.timespan
    machines = options.machines.replace(' ', '').split(',')
    clientNames = options.clients.replace(' ', '').split(',')
    types = options.types.replace(' ', '').split(',')
    currentTime = options.currentTime.replace('"', '').replace("'", '')
    fileType = options.fileType.replace("'", '')
    collectUpToNow = options.collectUpToNow
    copy = options.copy
    combineClients = options.combineClients
    productTypes = options.productTypes.replace(' ', '').split(',')
    groupName = options.groupName.replace(' ', '')
    outputLanguage = options.outputLanguage

    try:  # Makes sure date is of valid format.
        # Makes sure only one space is kept between date and hour.
        t = time.strptime(currentTime, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
        split = currentTime.split()
        currentTime = "%s %s" % (split[0], split[1])

        print _("Error. The date format must be YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS")
        print _("Use -h for help.")
        print _("Program terminated.")

        if int(timespan) < 1:


        print _(
            "Error. The timespan value needs to be an integer one above 0.")
        print _("Use -h for help.")
        print _("Program terminated.")

    if fileType != "tx" and fileType != "rx":
        print _("Error. File type must be either tx or rx.")
        print _('Multiple types are not accepted.')
        print _("Use -h for additional help.")
        print _("Program terminated.")

    if groupName != "" and combineClients == False:
        print _(
            "Error. -g|--groupeName option requires the --combineClients options."
        print _('Group names are otherwise irrelevant.')
        print _("Use -h for additional help.")
        print _("Program terminated.")


        if fileType == "tx":
            validTypes = [

            if types[0] == _("All"):
                types = validTypes
                for t in types:
                    if t not in validTypes:
                        raise Exception("")
            validTypes = [_("errors"), _("filecount"), _("bytecount")]

            if types[0] == _("All"):
                types = validTypes

                for t in types:
                    if t not in validTypes:
                        raise Exception("")


        print _("Error. With %s fileType, possible data types values are : %s."
                ) % (fileType, validTypes)
        print _('For multiple types use this syntax : -t "type1,type2"')
        print _("Use -h for additional help.")
        print _("Program terminated.")

    if outputLanguage not in LanguageTools.getSupportedLanguages():
        print _("Error. %s is not one of the supproted languages")
        print _("Use one of the following languages : %s" %
                    "[", "").replace("]", ""))
        print _("Use -h for additional help.")
        print _("Program terminated.")

    clientNames = GeneralStatsLibraryMethods.filterClientsNamesUsingWilcardFilters(
        currentTime, timespan, clientNames, machines, [fileType])

    directory = GeneralStatsLibraryMethods.getPathToLogFiles(
        LOCAL_MACHINE, machines[0])

    infos = _GraphicsInfos( collectUpToNow = collectUpToNow, currentTime = currentTime, clientNames = clientNames,\
                            groupName = groupName,  directory = directory , types = types, fileType = fileType, \
                            timespan = timespan, productTypes = productTypes, machines = machines, copy = copy, \
                            combineClients = combineClients, outputLanguage = outputLanguage )

    if collectUpToNow == False:
        infos.endTime = StatsDateLib.getIsoWithRoundedHours(infos.currentTime)

    return infos
コード例 #7
ファイル: pickleUpdater.py プロジェクト: hawkeye438/metpx
def updateHourlyPickles( infos, paths, logger = None ):
        @summary : This method is to be used when hourly pickling is done. -1 pickle per hour per client. 
        This method needs will update the pickles by collecting data from the time of the last 
        pickle up to the current date.(System time or the one specified by the user.)
        If for some reason data wasnt collected for one or more hour since last pickle,pickles
        for the missing hours will be created and filled with data. 
        If no entries are found for this client in the pickled-times file, we take for granted that
        this is a new client. In that case data will be collected from the top of the hour up to the 
        time of the call.
        If new client has been producing data before the day of the first call, user can specify a 
        different time than system time to specify the first day to pickle. He can then call this 
        method with the current system time, and data between first day and current time will be 
        collected so that pickling can continue like the other clients can.
    sp = StatsPickler( logger = logger )
    pathToLogFiles = GeneralStatsLibraryMethods.getPathToLogFiles( LOCAL_MACHINE, infos.machine )
    for i in range( len (infos.clients) ) :
        sp.client = infos.clients[i]
        width = StatsDateLib.getSecondsSinceEpoch(infos.endTime) - StatsDateLib.getSecondsSinceEpoch( StatsDateLib.getIsoWithRoundedHours(infos.startTimes[i] ) ) 
        if width > StatsDateLib.HOUR :#In case pickling didnt happen for a few hours for some reason...   
            hours = [infos.startTimes[i]]
            hours.extend( StatsDateLib.getSeparatorsWithStartTime( infos.startTimes[i], interval = StatsDateLib.HOUR, width = width ))
            for j in range( len(hours)-1 ): #Covers hours where no pickling was done.                               
                startOfTheHour = StatsDateLib.getIsoWithRoundedHours( hours[j] )
                startTime = startOfTheHour        
                endTime = StatsDateLib.getIsoFromEpoch( StatsDateLib.getSecondsSinceEpoch( StatsDateLib.getIsoWithRoundedHours(hours[j+1] ) ))
                #print " client : %s startTime : %s endTime : %s" %(infos.clients[i], startTime, endTime )
                if startTime >= endTime and logger != None :                                
                        logger.warning( _("Startime used in updateHourlyPickles was greater or equal to end time.") )    
                sp.pickleName =  StatsPickler.buildThisHoursFileName( client = infos.clients[i], currentTime =  startOfTheHour, machine = infos.machine, fileType = infos.fileType )
                sp.collectStats( types = infos.types, startTime = startTime , endTime = endTime, interval = infos.interval * StatsDateLib.MINUTE,\
                                 directory = pathToLogFiles, fileType = infos.fileType )                     
            startTime = infos.startTimes[i]
            endTime   = infos.endTime             
            startOfTheHour = StatsDateLib.getIsoWithRoundedHours( infos.startTimes[i] )
            #print " client : %s startTime : %s endTime : %s" %(infos.clients[i], startTime, endTime )               
            if startTime >= endTime and logger != None :#to be removed                
                    logger.warning( _("Startime used in updateHourlyPickles was greater or equal to end time.") )    
            sp.pickleName = StatsPickler.buildThisHoursFileName( client = infos.clients[i], currentTime = startOfTheHour, machine = infos.machine, fileType = infos.fileType )            
            sp.collectStats( infos.types, startTime = startTime, endTime = endTime, interval = infos.interval * StatsDateLib.MINUTE, directory = pathToLogFiles, fileType = infos.fileType )        
        setLastUpdate( machine = infos.machine, client = infos.clients[i], fileType = infos.fileType, currentDate = infos.currentDate, paths = paths, collectUpToNow = infos.collectUpToNow )
コード例 #8
ファイル: pickleUpdater.py プロジェクト: hawkeye438/metpx
def getOptionsFromParser( parser, paths, logger = None  ):
        @summary : This method parses the argv received when the program was called
                   It takes the params wich have been passed by the user and sets them 
                   in the corresponding fields of the hlE variable.   
        @Warning : If errors are encountered in parameters used, it will immediatly terminate 
                   the application. 
    directories  = []
    startTimes   = []
    ( options, args ) = parser.parse_args()        
    interval       = options.interval
    collectUpToNow = options.collectUpToNow 
    currentDate    = options.currentDate.replace( '"','' ).replace( "'",'' )
    currentDate    = StatsDateLib.getIsoWithRoundedHours( currentDate ) 
    fileType       = options.fileType.replace( "'",'' )
    machine        = options.machine.replace( " ","" )
    clients        = options.clients.replace(' ','' ).split( ',' )
    types          = options.types.replace( ' ', '' ).split( ',' )
    pathToLogFiles = GeneralStatsLibraryMethods.getPathToLogFiles( LOCAL_MACHINE, machine )
    #print "*****pathToLogFiles %s" %pathToLogFiles
    try: # Makes sure date is of valid format. 
         # Makes sure only one space is kept between date and hour.
        t =  time.strptime( currentDate, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' )
        split = currentDate.split()
        currentDate = "%s %s" %( split[0],split[1] )

        print _("Error. The date format must be YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" )
        print _("Use -h for help.")
        print _("Program terminated.")
        if int( interval ) < 1 :
        print _("Error. The interval value needs to be an integer one above 0." )
        print _("Use -h for help.")
        print _("Program terminated.")
    if fileType != "tx" and fileType != "rx":
        print _("Error. File type must be either tx or rx.")
        print _('Multiple types are not accepted.' )
        print _("Use -h for additional help.")
        print _("Program terminated.")
    if fileType == "tx":       
        validTypes = [ _("errors"), _("latency"), _("bytecount") ]

        validTypes = [ _("errors"), _("bytecount") ]
    if types[0] == _("All"):
        types = validTypes
    try :
        for t in types :
            if t not in validTypes:

        print _("Error. With %s fileType, possible data types values are : %s.") %(fileType,validTypes )
        print _('For multiple types use this syntax : -t "type1,type2"' )
        print _("Use -h for additional help.")
        print _("Program terminated.")

    def translateType(typeToTranslate):
        translations = { _("errors"):"errors", _("latency"):"latency", _("bytecount"):"bytecount" }
        return translations[typeToTranslate]
    types = map( translateType, types )     

    if clients[0] == _("All") :
        rxNames, txNames = GeneralStatsLibraryMethods.getRxTxNames( LOCAL_MACHINE, machine )
        if fileType == "tx": 
            clients = txNames                     
            clients = rxNames          
    #print "clients found :%s" %clients   
    # Verify that each client needs to be updated. 
    # If not we add a warning to the logger and removwe the client from the list
    # since it's not needed, but other clients might be.
    usefullClients = []
    for client in clients :
        startTime = getLastUpdate( machine = machine, client = client, fileType= fileType, currentDate =  currentDate , paths = paths, collectUpToNow = collectUpToNow )
        if currentDate > startTime:
            #print " client : %s currentDate : %s   startTime : %s" %( client, currentDate, startTime )
            directories.append( pathToLogFiles )
            startTimes.append( startTime )
            usefullClients.append( client )
            #print "This client was not updated since it's last update was more recent than specified date : %s" %client
            if logger != None :
                    logger.warning( _("This client was not updated since it's last update was more recent than specified date : %s") %client)      
                except :
    infos = _UpdaterInfos( currentDate = currentDate, clients = usefullClients, startTimes = startTimes, directories = directories ,\
                           types = types, collectUpToNow = collectUpToNow, fileType = fileType, machine = machine )
    if collectUpToNow == False:
        infos.endTime = StatsDateLib.getIsoWithRoundedHours( infos.currentDate ) 
    return infos