コード例 #1
ファイル: GnuQueryBroker.py プロジェクト: hawkeye438/metpx
 def __init__(self,  querierLanguage, queryParameters = None, replyParameters = None,\
              graphicProducer = None ):
         @summary: GnuQueryBroker constructor.
         @param querierLanguage : Language spoken by the qerier at the time of the query.
         @param queryParameters: _QueryParameters instance wich 
                                 contains the query parameters. 
         @param replyParameters :
         @param graphicProducer :  
     self.queryParameters = queryParameters
     self.graphicProducer = graphicProducer
     self.replyParameters = replyParameters
     self.querierLanguage = querierLanguage 
     if self.querierLanguage not in LanguageTools.getSupportedLanguages():
         raise Exception( "Error. Unsupported language detected in GnuQueryBroker. %s is not a supported language."%( self.querierLanguage ) )
     else:#language is supposed to be supported 
         global _
         _ = self.getTranslatorForModule( CURRENT_MODULE_ABS_PATH, self.querierLanguage )
コード例 #2
ファイル: GnuQueryBroker.py プロジェクト: khosrow/metpx
    def __init__(self,  querierLanguage, queryParameters = None, replyParameters = None,\
                 graphicProducer = None ):
            @summary: GnuQueryBroker constructor.
            @param querierLanguage : Language spoken by the qerier at the time of the query.
            @param queryParameters: _QueryParameters instance wich 
                                    contains the query parameters. 
            @param replyParameters :
            @param graphicProducer :  

        self.queryParameters = queryParameters
        self.graphicProducer = graphicProducer
        self.replyParameters = replyParameters
        self.querierLanguage = querierLanguage

        if self.querierLanguage not in LanguageTools.getSupportedLanguages():
            raise Exception(
                "Error. Unsupported language detected in GnuQueryBroker. %s is not a supported language."
                % (self.querierLanguage))
        else:  #language is supposed to be supported
            global _
            _ = self.getTranslatorForModule(CURRENT_MODULE_ABS_PATH,
コード例 #3
def main():
        @summary: Based on the plotter specified in the received form,
                  executes query using a broker that's specific to 
                  the said plotter.


        form = getForm()

        language = getLanguage(form)

        if language == "":  # unspecified language.

            querier = getQuerierLocation(form)
            reply = "images=;error=" + "Error in query broker. Cannot proceed with query. No language was specified."  #No language, do not translate.
            returnToQueriersLocationWithReply(querier, reply)

        elif language not in LanguageTools.getSupportedLanguages(
        ):  # unsupported language

            querier = getQuerierLocation(form)
            reply = "images=;error=" + "Error in query broker. Cannot proceed with query. %s is not a supported language." % language  #Unsupported language, do not translate.
            returnToQueriersLocationWithReply(querier, reply)

        else:  #params seem ok

            handlePlotRequest(form, language)

    except Exception, instance:  #temp file helpfull for debugging!
        fileHandle = open('graphicsRequestBrokerDebuggingOutput', 'w')
コード例 #4
ファイル: StatsDateLib.py プロジェクト: hawkeye438/metpx
 def setLanguage( language ):
         @summary : sets specified language as the 
                    language used for translations 
                    throughout the entire class. 
     if language in LanguageTools.getSupportedLanguages() :
             global _ 
             _ =  LanguageTools.getTranslatorForModule( CURRENT_MODULE_ABS_PATH, language )
コード例 #5
ファイル: GnuQueryBroker.py プロジェクト: hawkeye438/metpx
 def searchForParameterErrors(self):
         @summary : Validates parameters.
         @return  : Returns the first error 
                    found within the current
                    query parameters. 
     global _ 
     error = ""
     try :
         if self.queryParameters.plotter != "gnuplot":
             error = _("Internal error. GnuQueryBroker was not called to plota gnuplot graphic.")
         for fileType in self.queryParameters.fileTypes :
             if fileType != "tx" and fileType != "rx":
                 error = _("Error. FileType needs to be either rx or tx.")
         if self.queryParameters.sourLients == []:
             if self.queryParameters.groupName == "":
                 error = _("Error. At least one sourlient name needs to be specified.")
                 error = _("Error. When specifying a group name without any sourlients names, the group must be a pre-existing group.")
         if self.queryParameters.machines == []:
             error = _("Error. At least one machine name needs to be specified.")
         if self.queryParameters.combine != 'true' and self.queryParameters.combine != 'false':
             error = _("Error. Combine sourlients option needs to be either true or false."  )
         if self.queryParameters.statsTypes == []:
             error = _("Error. At Leat one statsType needs to be specified.")
             error = _("Error. Span(in hours) value needs to be numeric.")          
         if self.queryParameters.language == "" :
             error = _("Error. No language was specified by the querier. Please speciffy a language. Ex : lang=fr")
         elif self.queryParameters.language not in LanguageTools.getSupportedLanguages() :
             error = _("Error. Unsupported language detected in GnuQueryBroker. %s is not a supported language.")%( self.queryParameters.language) 
     return error  
コード例 #6
ファイル: StatsDateLib.py プロジェクト: khosrow/metpx
    def setLanguage(language):
            @summary : sets specified language as the 
                       language used for translations 
                       throughout the entire class. 

        if language in LanguageTools.getSupportedLanguages():
            global _
            _ = LanguageTools.getTranslatorForModule(CURRENT_MODULE_ABS_PATH,
コード例 #7
ファイル: DocWebPageGenerator.py プロジェクト: khosrow/metpx
    def __init__(self, languages=None):
            @param languages: list of languages 
                              for which to generate
                              the doc web pages.

        global _

        self.mainLanguage = LanguageTools.getMainApplicationLanguage()
        self.languages = languages or LanguageTools.getSupportedLanguages()
コード例 #8
 def __init__( self, languages = None ):
         @param languages: list of languages 
                           for which to generate
                           the doc web pages.
     global _ 
     self.mainLanguage = LanguageTools.getMainApplicationLanguage()
     self.languages = languages or LanguageTools.getSupportedLanguages()
コード例 #9
 def generateTopWebPage(self):
         @summary : Generates the top web page based on the 
     configParameters = StatsConfigParameters()
     machineParameters = MachineConfigParameters()
     supportedLanguages = LanguageTools.getSupportedLanguages()
     self.__createTheWebPage(  configParameters.sourceMachinesTags, supportedLanguages )
コード例 #10
    def __init__(self, timeOfRequest, outputLanguage):
            @param timeOfRequest : Time at which the graphics are requested.
            @param outputLanguage : Language in which to output the graphics.

        self.timeOfRequest = timeOfRequest
        self.outputLanguage = outputLanguage

        if outputLanguage not in LanguageTools.getSupportedLanguages():
            raise Exception("Usage of unsuported language detected in timeOfRequest constructor.")
コード例 #11
 def __init__( self, outputLanguage ):
         @param outputLanguage: Language that will be displayed on the web page.
     self.outputLanguage = outputLanguage
     if self.outputLanguage not in LanguageTools.getSupportedLanguages():
         raise Exception( "Error. Unsupported language detected in TopWebPageGenerator. %s is not a supported language." %(self.outputLanguage) )
         global _ #Global translator for this module.
         _ = self.getTranslatorForModule( CURRENT_MODULE_ABS_PATH, self.outputLanguage )
コード例 #12
ファイル: TopWebPageGenerator.py プロジェクト: khosrow/metpx
    def generateTopWebPage(self):
            @summary : Generates the top web page based on the 

        configParameters = StatsConfigParameters()

        machineParameters = MachineConfigParameters()
        supportedLanguages = LanguageTools.getSupportedLanguages()
コード例 #13
    def __init__(self, timeOfRequest, outputLanguage):
            @param timeOfRequest : Time at which the graphics are requested.
            @param outputLanguage : Language in which to output the graphics.

        self.timeOfRequest = timeOfRequest
        self.outputLanguage = outputLanguage

        if outputLanguage not in LanguageTools.getSupportedLanguages():
            raise Exception(
                "Usage of unsuported language detected in timeOfRequest constructor."
コード例 #14
ファイル: TopWebPageGenerator.py プロジェクト: khosrow/metpx
    def __init__(self, outputLanguage):
            @param outputLanguage: Language that will be displayed on the web page.

        self.outputLanguage = outputLanguage

        if self.outputLanguage not in LanguageTools.getSupportedLanguages():
            raise Exception(
                "Error. Unsupported language detected in TopWebPageGenerator. %s is not a supported language."
                % (self.outputLanguage))
            global _  #Global translator for this module.
            _ = self.getTranslatorForModule(CURRENT_MODULE_ABS_PATH,
コード例 #15
def main():
        @summary: Based on the plotter specified in the received form,
                  executes query using a broker that's specific to 
                  the said plotter.
        form = getForm()
        language = getLanguage( form )
        if language == "" : # unspecified language.
            querier = getQuerierLocation( form )
            reply = "images=;error=" + "Error in query broker. Cannot proceed with query. No language was specified." #No language, do not translate.
            returnToQueriersLocationWithReply( querier, reply )
        elif language not in LanguageTools.getSupportedLanguages(): # unsupported language
            querier = getQuerierLocation( form )
            reply = "images=;error=" + "Error in query broker. Cannot proceed with query. %s is not a supported language." %language #Unsupported language, do not translate.
            returnToQueriersLocationWithReply( querier, reply )
        else: #params seem ok
            setGlobalLanguageParameters( language  )
            handlePlotRequest( form, language )
    except Exception, instance :   #temp file helpfull for debugging!
        fileHandle= open('graphicsRequestBrokerDebuggingOutput','w')
        fileHandle.write( str(instance) )
コード例 #16
ファイル: updateWordsInDB.py プロジェクト: khosrow/metpx
def main():
        Generates the web page based on the received 
        machines and file type parameters.

    error = ''
    form = getForm()
    #print form

        wordType = form['wordType']
        if wordType != 'products' and wordType != 'groupName':
            error = "Error. Word type needs to be either products or groupName."

        wordType = ""

        language = form['lang']
        if language not in LanguageTools.getSupportedLanguages():
        language = LanguageTools.getMainApplicationLanguage()

        word = form['word']
        word = word.replace(' ', '')
        error = "Error. Word needs to be specified."
        word = ""

    if word != "":
        updateWordsFromDB(wordType, word, language)

コード例 #17
ファイル: updateWordsInDB.py プロジェクト: khosrow/metpx
def main():
        Generates the web page based on the received 
        machines and file type parameters.

    error = ""
    form = getForm()
    # print form

        wordType = form["wordType"]
        if wordType != "products" and wordType != "groupName":
            error = "Error. Word type needs to be either products or groupName."

        wordType = ""

        language = form["lang"]
        if language not in LanguageTools.getSupportedLanguages():
        language = LanguageTools.getMainApplicationLanguage()

        word = form["word"]
        word = word.replace(" ", "")
        error = "Error. Word needs to be specified."
        word = ""

    if word != "":
        updateWordsFromDB(wordType, word, language)

コード例 #18
def getGraphicProducerFromParserOptions( parser ):
        This method parses the argv received when the program was called
        It takes the params wich have been passed by the user and sets them 
        in the corresponding fields of the infos variable.   
        If errors are encountered in parameters used, it will immediatly terminate 
        the application. 
    graphicType = _("other")
    mergerType = ""
    ( options, args )= parser.parse_args()        
    timespan         = options.timespan
    machines         = options.machines.replace( ' ','').split(',')
    clientNames      = options.clients.replace( ' ','' ).split(',')
    types            = options.types.replace( ' ', '').split(',')
    date             = options.date.replace('"','').replace("'",'')
    fileType         = options.fileType.replace("'",'')
    havingRun        = options.havingRun
    individual       = options.individual
    totals           = options.totals
    daily            = options.daily
    weekly           = options.weekly
    monthly          = options.monthly
    yearly           = options.yearly    
    fixedCurrent     = options.fixedCurrent
    fixedPrevious    = options.fixedPrevious
    copy             = options.copy
    turnOffLogging   = options.turnOffLogging
    outputLanguage   = options.outputLanguage
    if outputLanguage == "":
        outputLanguage = LanguageTools.getMainApplicationLanguage()
    else :
        if outputLanguage not in LanguageTools.getSupportedLanguages():
            print _("Error. The specified language is not currently supported by this application.")
            print _("Please specify one of the following languages %s or use the default value()" %( str( LanguageTools.getSupportedLanguages() ).replace("[","").replace("]",""), LanguageTools.getMainApplicationLanguage()  ) )
            print _("Program terminated.")
    counter = 0  
    specialParameters = [daily, monthly, weekly, yearly]
    for specialParameter in specialParameters:
        if specialParameter:
            counter = counter + 1 
    if counter > 1 :
        print _("Error. Only one of the daily, weekly and yearly options can be use at a time ")
        print _("Use -h for help.")
        print _("Program terminated.")
    elif counter == 1 and timespan != None :
        print _("Error. When using the daily, the weekly or the yearly options timespan cannot be specified. " )
        print _("Use -h for help.")
        print _("Program terminated.")
    elif counter == 0:    
        if fixedPrevious or fixedCurrent:
            print _("Error. When using one of the fixed options, please use either the -d -m -w or -y options. " )
            print _("Use -h for help.")
            print _("Program terminated.")
        if copy :
            if daily or not( weekly or monthly or yearly ):
                print _("Error. Copying can only be used with the -m -w or -y options. ") 
                print _("Use -h for help.")
                print _("Program terminated.")
    if counter == 0 and timespan == None :
        timespan = 12
    if fixedPrevious and fixedCurrent:
        print _("Error. Please use only one of the fixed options,either fixedPrevious or fixedCurrent. ") 
        print _("Use -h for help.")
        print _("Program terminated.")
    if individual and totals:
        print _("Error. Please use only one of the group options,either individual or totals. ")
        print _("Use -h for help.")
        print _("Program terminated.")
    try: # Makes sure date is of valid format. 
         # Makes sure only one space is kept between date and hour.
        t =  time.strptime( date, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' )
        split = date.split()
        date = "%s %s" %( split[0], split[1] )

        print _("Error. The date format must be YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS")
        print _("Use -h for help.")
        print _("Program terminated.")
    #Set graphic type based on parameters. Only one tpye is allowed at once based on previous validation.
    if daily :
        graphicType = _("daily")
        if fixedPrevious == False and fixedCurrent == False :
            timespan = 24
    elif weekly:
        graphicType = _("weekly")
        if fixedPrevious == False and fixedCurrent == False :
            timespan = 24 * 7
    elif monthly:
        graphicType = _("monthly")
        if fixedPrevious == False and fixedCurrent == False :
            timespan = 24 * 30
    elif yearly:
        graphicType = _("yearly")      
        if fixedPrevious == False and fixedCurrent == False :
            timespan = 24 * 365
    start, end = StatsDateLib.getStartEndInIsoFormat(date, timespan, graphicType, fixedCurrent, fixedPrevious )
    timespan = int( StatsDateLib.getSecondsSinceEpoch( end ) - StatsDateLib.getSecondsSinceEpoch( start ) ) / 3600    
    #print "timespan %s" %timespan                           
        if int( timespan ) < 1 :
        print _("Error. The timespan value needs to be an integer one above 0.") 
        print _("Use -h for help.")
        print _("Program terminated.")
    if fileType != "tx" and fileType != "rx":        
        print _("Error. File type must be either tx or rx.")
        print  "Specified file type was : ", fileType
        print _("Multiple types are not accepted.") 
        print _("Use -h for additional help.")
        print _("Program terminated.")
    if havingRun == True and clientNames[0] != _("ALL"):
        print _("Error. Cannot use the havingRun option while specifying client/source names.")
        print _("To use havingRun, do not use -c|--client option.")
        print _("Use -h for additional help.")
        print _("Program terminated.")
    if clientNames[0] == _("ALL"):
        # Get all of the client/sources that have run between graph's start and end. 
        if totals == True or havingRun == True :          
            #print start, end, machines       
            rxNames, txNames = GeneralStatsLibraryMethods.getRxTxNamesHavingRunDuringPeriod( start, end, machines,None, havingrunOnAllMachines = True )
            mergerType = _("totalForMachine")
        else:#Build graphs only for currently runningclient/sources.      
            rxNames, txNames = GeneralStatsLibraryMethods.getRxTxNames( LOCAL_MACHINE, machines[0] )
            mergerType = _("group")
        if fileType == _("tx"):    
            clientNames = txNames  
            #print clientNames
            clientNames = rxNames    
        if totals == True :  
            mergerType = _("regular")
    #--------------------------------------------------------------------- try :
    if fileType == _("tx"):       
        validTypes = [ _("latency"), _("bytecount"), _("errors"), _("filesOverMaxLatency"), _("filecount") ]
        if types[0] == _("All") :
            types = validTypes
        else :
            for t in types :
                if t not in validTypes:
                    raise Exception("%s is not a valid type" %t)
        validTypes = [ _("bytecount"), _("errors"), _("filecount") ]
        if types[0] == _("All"):
            types = validTypes
        else :
            for t in types :
                if t not in validTypes:
                        raise Exception("")

    #------------------------------------------------------------------- except:
        #----------------------------------------------------------- print types
        # print _("Error. With %s fileType, possible data types values are : %s.") %( fileType, validTypes )
        #---- print _("For multiple types use this syntax : -t 'type1','type2'")
        #-------------------------------- print _("Use -h for additional help.")
        #---------------------------------------- print _("Program terminated.")
        #------------------------------------------------------------ sys.exit()
    if individual != True :        
        combinedMachineName = ""
        for machine in machines:
            combinedMachineName = combinedMachineName + machine
        machines = [ combinedMachineName ]              
    if len(clientNames) <1:
        print _("Error. No client/sources were found that matched the specified parameters") %( fileType, validTypes )
        print _("Verify parameters used, especially the machines parameter.")
        print _("Use -h for additional help.")
        print _("Program terminated.")

    if len(clientNames) <1:
        print _("Error. No client/sources were found that matched the specified parameters")
        print _("Verify parameters used, especially the machines parameter.")
        print _("Use -h for additional help.")
        print _("Program terminated.")
    elif len(clientNames) == 1 and totals == True:   
        print _("Error. Cannot use totals option with only one client/source name.")
        print _("Either remove --total option or use more than one client/source..")
        print _("Use -h for additional help.")
        print _("Program terminated.")
    end = StatsDateLib.getIsoWithRoundedHours( end )
    graphicsProducer = RRDGraphicProducer( startTime = start, endTime = end, graphicType = graphicType, clientNames = clientNames, types = types, timespan = timespan, machines = machines, fileType = fileType,\
                                           totals = totals, copy = copy, mergerType = mergerType,turnOffLogging = turnOffLogging, inputLanguage = LanguageTools.getMainApplicationLanguage() ,  outputLanguage = outputLanguage )   
    return graphicsProducer                       
コード例 #19
    def __init__( self, timespan,  stats = None, clientNames = None, groupName = "", type='lines',           \
                  interval=1, imageName="gnuplotOutput", title = "Stats", currentTime = "",now = False,      \
                  statsTypes = None, productTypes = None, logger = None, logging = True, fileType = "tx", \
                  machines = "", entryType = "minute", maxLatency = 15, workingLanguage = None, outputLanguage = None ):
            @summary : GnuPlotter constructor. 
        #TODO Verify if all theses fileds are really necessary.    
        machines = "%s" %machines
        machines = machines.replace( "[","").replace( "]","" ).replace( "'", "" )
        self.now         = now                     # False means we round to the top of the hour, True we don't
        self.stats       = stats or []             # ClientStatsPickler instance.
        self.clientNames = clientNames or []       # Clients for wich we are producing the graphics. 
        self.groupName   = groupName               # Group name used when combining data of numerous client/sources.
        self.timespan    = timespan                # Helpfull to build titles 
        self.currentTime = currentTime             # Time of call
        self.type        = 'impulses'              # Must be in: ['linespoint', 'lines', 'boxes', 'impulses'].
        self.fileType    = fileType                # Type of file for wich the data was collected
        self.imageName   = imageName               # Name of the image file.
        self.nbFiles     = []                      # Number of files found in the data collected per server.
        self.nbErrors    = []                      # Number of errors found per server
        self.graph       = Gnuplot.Gnuplot()       # The gnuplot graphic object itself. 
        self.timeOfMax   = [[]]                    # Time where the maximum value occured.  
        self.machines    = machines                # List of machine where we collected info.
        self.entryType   = entryType               # Entry type :  minute, hour, week, month
        self.clientName  = ""                      # Name of the client we are dealing with 
        self.maxLatency  = maxLatency              # Maximum latency 
        self.maximums    = [[]]                    # List of all maximum values 1 for each graphic.
        self.minimums    = [[]]                    # Minimum value of all pairs.
        self.means       = [[]]                    # Mean of all the pairs.
        self.maxFileNames= [[]]                    # Name of file where value is the highest .
        self.filesWhereMaxOccured = [[]]           # List of files for wich said maximums occured.  
        self.statsTypes  = statsTypes or []        # List of data types to plot per client.
        self.totalNumberOfBytes    = []            # Total of bytes for each client 
        self.nbFilesOverMaxLatency = []            # Numbers of files for wich the latency was too long.
        self.ratioOverLatency      = []            # % of files for wich the latency was too long. 
        self.const = len( self.stats ) -1          # Usefull constant
        self.productTypes = productTypes           # Type of product for wich the graph is being generated.  
        self.loggerName       = 'gnuPlotter'
        self.logger           = logger
        self.logging          = logging
        self.workingLanguage  = workingLanguage   # Language with whom we are currently working, in which the string parameters were specified.
        self.outputLanguage  = outputLanguage    # Language in which the graphics will be produced.
        if self.logging == True:
            if self.logger == None: # Enable logging
                self.logger = Logger( StatsPaths.STATSLOGGING +  'stats_' + self.loggerName + '.log',\
                                      'INFO', 'TX' + self.loggerName, bytes = True  ) 
                self.logger = self.logger.getLogger()
        if self.workingLanguage == None:
            self.workingLanguage = LanguageTools.getMainApplicationLanguage()
        if self.outputLanguage == None:    
            self.outputLanguage = LanguageTools.getMainApplicationLanguage()
        if self.workingLanguage not in LanguageTools.getSupportedLanguages():
            if self.logging == True:
                _ = self.getTranslatorForModule( CURRENT_MODULE_ABS_PATH, self.workingLanguage )
                self.logger.error( _("Error. %s is not a supported working language.") %( self.workingLanguage )  )
        if self.outputLanguage not in LanguageTools.getSupportedLanguages():
            if self.logging == True:
                _ = self.getTranslatorForModule( CURRENT_MODULE_ABS_PATH, self.workingLanguage )
                self.logger.error( _("Error. %s is not a supported output language.") %( self.outputLanguage )  )        
        _ = self.getTranslatorForModule(CURRENT_MODULE_ABS_PATH, self.workingLanguage)
        self.productTypes = productTypes or [ _( "All" ) ]
        _ = self.getTranslatorForModule( CURRENT_MODULE_ABS_PATH, self.outputLanguage )        
        if self.fileType == 'tx':
            self.sourlient = _("Client")
            self.sourlient = _("Source")

        self.xtics       = self.getXTics( )        # Seperators on the x axis.
コード例 #20
def getOptionsFromParser( parser ):
        @summary : This method parses the argv received when the program was called
                   It takes the params wich have been passed by the user and sets them 
                   in the corresponding fields of the infos variable.   
                   If errors are encountered in parameters used, it will immediatly terminate 
                   the application. 
    ( options, args )= parser.parse_args()        
    timespan         = options.timespan
    machines         = options.machines.replace( ' ','' ).split( ',' )
    combinedName     = options.machines.replace( ' ','' ).replace( '[','' ).replace( ']', '' )
    date             = options.date.replace( '"','' ).replace( "'",'')
    logins           = options.logins.replace( '"', '' ).replace( " ","" ).split( ',' )     
    combine          = options.combine
    individual       = options.individual
    outputLanguage   = options.outputLanguage
    try: # Makes sure date is of valid format. 
         # Makes sure only one space is kept between date and hour.
        t =  time.strptime( date, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' )#will raise exception if format is wrong.
        split = date.split()
        currentTime = "%s %s" %( split[0], split[1] )

        print _( "Error. The date format must be YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" )
        print _( "Use -h for help." )
        print _( "Program terminated." )
        if int( timespan ) < 1 :
        print _( "Error. The timespan value needs to be an integer one above 0." )
        print _( "Use -h for help." )
        print _( "Program terminated." )
    if len( logins ) != len( machines ) :
        print _( "Error. Number of logins does not match number of machines." )
        print _( "Use -l 'login1,login2,loginX' for multiple machines." )
        print _( "Program terminated." )         
    if outputLanguage not in LanguageTools.getSupportedLanguages():
        print _("Error. %s is not one of the supproted languages")
        print _("Use one of the following languages : %s") % str( LanguageTools.getSupportedLanguages() ).replace("[","").replace("]","") 
        print _("Use -h for additional help.")
        print _("Program terminated.")
    if len( machines ) == 1:
        combine    = False 
        individual = True           
    elif combine == False and individual == False :#no option specified + len >1      
        combine = True    
    infos = _Infos( date = date, machines = machines, timespan = timespan, logins = logins,\
                    combine = combine, individual = individual, combinedName = combinedName,\
                    outputLanguage = outputLanguage  )   
    return infos     
コード例 #21
def getOptionsFromParser(parser):
        @summary : This method parses the argv received when the program was called
                   It takes the params wich have been passed by the user and sets them 
                   in the corresponding fields of the infos variable.   
                   If errors are encountered in parameters used, it will immediatly terminate 
                   the application. 

    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
    timespan = options.timespan
    machines = options.machines.replace(' ', '').split(',')
    combinedName = options.machines.replace(' ',
                                                        '').replace(']', '')
    date = options.date.replace('"', '').replace("'", '')
    logins = options.logins.replace('"', '').replace(" ", "").split(',')
    combine = options.combine
    individual = options.individual
    outputLanguage = options.outputLanguage

    try:  # Makes sure date is of valid format.
        # Makes sure only one space is kept between date and hour.
        t = time.strptime(
            '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')  #will raise exception if format is wrong.
        split = date.split()
        currentTime = "%s %s" % (split[0], split[1])

        print _("Error. The date format must be YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS")
        print _("Use -h for help.")
        print _("Program terminated.")

        if int(timespan) < 1:


        print _(
            "Error. The timespan value needs to be an integer one above 0.")
        print _("Use -h for help.")
        print _("Program terminated.")

    if len(logins) != len(machines):
        print _("Error. Number of logins does not match number of machines.")
        print _("Use -l 'login1,login2,loginX' for multiple machines.")
        print _("Program terminated.")

    if outputLanguage not in LanguageTools.getSupportedLanguages():
        print _("Error. %s is not one of the supproted languages")
        print _("Use one of the following languages : %s") % str(
            LanguageTools.getSupportedLanguages()).replace("[", "").replace(
                "]", "")
        print _("Use -h for additional help.")
        print _("Program terminated.")

    if len(machines) == 1:
        combine = False
        individual = True

    elif combine == False and individual == False:  #no option specified + len >1
        combine = True

    infos = _Infos( date = date, machines = machines, timespan = timespan, logins = logins,\
                    combine = combine, individual = individual, combinedName = combinedName,\
                    outputLanguage = outputLanguage  )

    return infos
コード例 #22
ファイル: generateGnuGraphics.py プロジェクト: khosrow/metpx
def getOptionsFromParser(parser):
        @summary : This method parses the argv received when 
                   the program was called.
                   It takes the params wich have been passed by
                   the user and sets them in the corresponding 
                   fields of the infos variable.   
        @note :    If errors are encountered in parameters used, 
                   it will immediatly terminate the application. 

    currentTime = []

    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
    collectUpToNow = options.collectUpToNow
    timespan = options.timespan
    machines = options.machines.replace(' ', '').split(',')
    clientNames = options.clients.replace(' ', '').split(',')
    types = options.types.replace(' ', '').split(',')
    currentTime = options.currentTime.replace('"', '').replace("'", '')
    fileType = options.fileType.replace("'", '')
    collectUpToNow = options.collectUpToNow
    copy = options.copy
    combineClients = options.combineClients
    productTypes = options.productTypes.replace(' ', '').split(',')
    groupName = options.groupName.replace(' ', '')
    outputLanguage = options.outputLanguage

    try:  # Makes sure date is of valid format.
        # Makes sure only one space is kept between date and hour.
        t = time.strptime(currentTime, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
        split = currentTime.split()
        currentTime = "%s %s" % (split[0], split[1])

        print _("Error. The date format must be YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS")
        print _("Use -h for help.")
        print _("Program terminated.")

        if int(timespan) < 1:


        print _(
            "Error. The timespan value needs to be an integer one above 0.")
        print _("Use -h for help.")
        print _("Program terminated.")

    if fileType != "tx" and fileType != "rx":
        print _("Error. File type must be either tx or rx.")
        print _('Multiple types are not accepted.')
        print _("Use -h for additional help.")
        print _("Program terminated.")

    if groupName != "" and combineClients == False:
        print _(
            "Error. -g|--groupeName option requires the --combineClients options."
        print _('Group names are otherwise irrelevant.')
        print _("Use -h for additional help.")
        print _("Program terminated.")


        if fileType == "tx":
            validTypes = [

            if types[0] == _("All"):
                types = validTypes
                for t in types:
                    if t not in validTypes:
                        raise Exception("")
            validTypes = [_("errors"), _("filecount"), _("bytecount")]

            if types[0] == _("All"):
                types = validTypes

                for t in types:
                    if t not in validTypes:
                        raise Exception("")


        print _("Error. With %s fileType, possible data types values are : %s."
                ) % (fileType, validTypes)
        print _('For multiple types use this syntax : -t "type1,type2"')
        print _("Use -h for additional help.")
        print _("Program terminated.")

    if outputLanguage not in LanguageTools.getSupportedLanguages():
        print _("Error. %s is not one of the supproted languages")
        print _("Use one of the following languages : %s" %
                    "[", "").replace("]", ""))
        print _("Use -h for additional help.")
        print _("Program terminated.")

    clientNames = GeneralStatsLibraryMethods.filterClientsNamesUsingWilcardFilters(
        currentTime, timespan, clientNames, machines, [fileType])

    directory = GeneralStatsLibraryMethods.getPathToLogFiles(
        LOCAL_MACHINE, machines[0])

    infos = _GraphicsInfos( collectUpToNow = collectUpToNow, currentTime = currentTime, clientNames = clientNames,\
                            groupName = groupName,  directory = directory , types = types, fileType = fileType, \
                            timespan = timespan, productTypes = productTypes, machines = machines, copy = copy, \
                            combineClients = combineClients, outputLanguage = outputLanguage )

    if collectUpToNow == False:
        infos.endTime = StatsDateLib.getIsoWithRoundedHours(infos.currentTime)

    return infos
コード例 #23
def getOptionsFromParser( parser ):
        @summary : This method parses the argv received when 
                   the program was called.
                   It takes the params wich have been passed by
                   the user and sets them in the corresponding 
                   fields of the infos variable.   
        @note :    If errors are encountered in parameters used, 
                   it will immediatly terminate the application. 
    currentTime   = []
    ( options, args )= parser.parse_args()            
    collectUpToNow   = options.collectUpToNow
    timespan         = options.timespan
    machines         = options.machines.replace( ' ','').split(',')
    clientNames      = options.clients.replace( ' ','' ).split(',')
    types            = options.types.replace( ' ', '').split(',')
    currentTime      = options.currentTime.replace('"','').replace("'",'')
    fileType         = options.fileType.replace("'",'')
    collectUpToNow   = options.collectUpToNow
    copy             = options.copy
    combineClients   = options.combineClients
    productTypes     = options.productTypes.replace( ' ', '' ).split( ',' )     
    groupName        = options.groupName.replace( ' ','' ) 
    outputLanguage   = options.outputLanguage
    try: # Makes sure date is of valid format. 
         # Makes sure only one space is kept between date and hour.
        t =  time.strptime( currentTime, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' )
        split = currentTime.split()
        currentTime = "%s %s" %( split[0], split[1] )

        print _("Error. The date format must be YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" )
        print _("Use -h for help.")
        print _("Program terminated.")
        if int( timespan ) < 1 :
        print _("Error. The timespan value needs to be an integer one above 0." )
        print _("Use -h for help.")
        print _("Program terminated.")
    if fileType != "tx" and fileType != "rx":
        print _("Error. File type must be either tx or rx.")
        print _('Multiple types are not accepted.' )
        print _("Use -h for additional help.")
        print _("Program terminated.")
    if groupName != "" and combineClients == False :
        print _("Error. -g|--groupeName option requires the --combineClients options.")
        print _('Group names are otherwise irrelevant.' )
        print _("Use -h for additional help.")
        print _("Program terminated.")
    try :
        if fileType == "tx":       
            validTypes = [ _("errors"), _("filecount"), _("bytecount"), _("latency") ]
            if types[0] == _("All"):
                types = validTypes
            else :
                for t in types :
                    if t not in validTypes:
                        raise Exception("")
            validTypes = [ _("errors"), _("filecount"), _("bytecount") ]
            if types[0] == _("All"):
                types = validTypes
            else :
                for t in types :
                    if t not in validTypes:
                        raise Exception("")

        print _("Error. With %s fileType, possible data types values are : %s.") %( fileType,validTypes )
        print _('For multiple types use this syntax : -t "type1,type2"') 
        print _("Use -h for additional help.")
        print _("Program terminated.")
    if outputLanguage not in LanguageTools.getSupportedLanguages():
        print _("Error. %s is not one of the supproted languages")
        print _("Use one of the following languages : %s" % str( LanguageTools.getSupportedLanguages() ).replace("[","").replace("]","") )
        print _("Use -h for additional help.")
        print _("Program terminated.")
    clientNames = GeneralStatsLibraryMethods.filterClientsNamesUsingWilcardFilters( currentTime, timespan, clientNames, machines, [fileType])
    directory =  GeneralStatsLibraryMethods.getPathToLogFiles( LOCAL_MACHINE, machines[0] )
    infos = _GraphicsInfos( collectUpToNow = collectUpToNow, currentTime = currentTime, clientNames = clientNames,\
                            groupName = groupName,  directory = directory , types = types, fileType = fileType, \
                            timespan = timespan, productTypes = productTypes, machines = machines, copy = copy, \
                            combineClients = combineClients, outputLanguage = outputLanguage )
    if collectUpToNow == False:
        infos.endTime = StatsDateLib.getIsoWithRoundedHours( infos.currentTime ) 
    return infos 
コード例 #24
ファイル: GnuQueryBroker.py プロジェクト: khosrow/metpx
    def searchForParameterErrors(self):
            @summary : Validates parameters.
            @return  : Returns the first error 
                       found within the current
                       query parameters. 

        global _

        error = ""


            if self.queryParameters.plotter != "gnuplot":
                error = _(
                    "Internal error. GnuQueryBroker was not called to plota gnuplot graphic."

            for fileType in self.queryParameters.fileTypes:
                if fileType != "tx" and fileType != "rx":
                    error = _("Error. FileType needs to be either rx or tx.")

            if self.queryParameters.sourLients == []:
                if self.queryParameters.groupName == "":
                    error = _(
                        "Error. At least one sourlient name needs to be specified."
                    error = _(
                        "Error. When specifying a group name without any sourlients names, the group must be a pre-existing group."

            if self.queryParameters.machines == []:
                error = _(
                    "Error. At least one machine name needs to be specified.")

            if self.queryParameters.combine != 'true' and self.queryParameters.combine != 'false':
                error = _(
                    "Error. Combine sourlients option needs to be either true or false."

            if self.queryParameters.statsTypes == []:
                error = _(
                    "Error. At Leat one statsType needs to be specified.")

                error = _("Error. Span(in hours) value needs to be numeric.")

            if self.queryParameters.language == "":
                error = _(
                    "Error. No language was specified by the querier. Please speciffy a language. Ex : lang=fr"
            elif self.queryParameters.language not in LanguageTools.getSupportedLanguages(
                error = _(
                    "Error. Unsupported language detected in GnuQueryBroker. %s is not a supported language."
                ) % (self.queryParameters.language)



        return error