コード例 #1
ファイル: testUsdPrimRange.py プロジェクト: treyenelson/USD
    def test_PrimIsLoaded(self):
        for fmt in allFormats:
            payloadStage = Usd.Stage.CreateInMemory("payload." + fmt)
            p = payloadStage.DefinePrim("/Payload", "Scope")

            stage = Usd.Stage.CreateInMemory("scene." + fmt)
            foo = stage.DefinePrim("/Foo")
            foo.SetPayload(payloadStage.GetRootLayer(), "/Payload")

            self.assertEqual(stage.GetLoadSet(), ["/Foo"])


            x1 = list(Usd.PrimRange(foo, ~Usd.PrimIsLoaded))
            self.assertEqual(x1, [foo])

            x2 = list(Usd.PrimRange(foo, Usd.PrimIsLoaded))
            self.assertEqual(x2, [])


            x3 = list(Usd.PrimRange(foo, ~Usd.PrimIsLoaded))
            self.assertEqual(x3, [])

            x4 = list(Usd.PrimRange(foo, Usd.PrimIsLoaded))
            self.assertEqual(x4, [foo])
コード例 #2
ファイル: testUsdPrimRange.py プロジェクト: treyenelson/USD
    def test_PrimHasDefiningSpecifier(self):
        for fmt in allFormats:
            stageFile = 'testHasDefiningSpecifier.' + fmt
            stage = Usd.Stage.Open(stageFile)

            # In the case of nested overs and defs, the onus is
            # on the client to manually prune their results either by
            # restarting iteration upon hitting an over, or by iterating
            # through all prims.
            root = stage.GetPrimAtPath('/a1')
            actual = []
            expected = [stage.GetPrimAtPath(x) for x in ['/a1', '/a1/a2']]
            for prim in Usd.PrimRange.AllPrims(root):
                if prim.HasDefiningSpecifier():
            self.assertEqual(actual, expected)

            root = stage.GetPrimAtPath('/b1')
            actual = []
            expected = [
                for x in ['/b1/b2', '/b1/b2/b3/b4/b5/b6']
            for prim in Usd.PrimRange(root, Usd.PrimIsActive):
                if prim.HasDefiningSpecifier():
            self.assertEqual(actual, expected)

            # Note that the over is not included in our traversal.
            root = stage.GetPrimAtPath('/c1')
            actual = list(Usd.PrimRange(root, Usd.PrimHasDefiningSpecifier))
            expected = [
                stage.GetPrimAtPath(x) for x in ['/c1', '/c1/c2', '/c1/c2/c3']
            self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
コード例 #3
ファイル: testUsdPrimRange.py プロジェクト: treyenelson/USD
    def test_WithInstancing(self):
        for fmt in allFormats:
            refStage = Usd.Stage.CreateInMemory("reference." + fmt)

            stage = Usd.Stage.CreateInMemory("scene." + fmt)
            root = stage.DefinePrim("/Root")

            i = stage.DefinePrim("/Root/Instance")
            i.SetMetadata("instanceable", True)

            n = stage.DefinePrim("/Root/NonInstance")
            nChild = stage.GetPrimAtPath('/Root/NonInstance/Child')

            master = stage.GetMasters()[0]
            masterChild = master.GetChild('Child')

            # A default traversal of a stage with instances should not descend into
            # instance masters
                             [root, i, n, nChild])
                             [stage.GetPseudoRoot(), root, i, n, nChild])

            # But the tree iterator should allow traversal of the masters if
            # explicitly specified.
                             [master, masterChild])
コード例 #4
ファイル: testUsdPrimRange.py プロジェクト: treyenelson/USD
    def test_PrimIsDefined(self):
        for fmt in allFormats:
            s = Usd.Stage.CreateInMemory('TestPrimIsDefined.' + fmt)
            pseudoRoot = s.GetPrimAtPath("/")
            foo = s.DefinePrim("/Foo", "Mesh")
            bar = s.OverridePrim("/Bar")
            faz = s.DefinePrim("/Foo/Faz", "Mesh")
            baz = s.DefinePrim("/Bar/Baz", "Mesh")

            # Change specifier so that /Bar is an over prim with no type.
                "/Bar").specifier = Sdf.SpecifierOver

            # Default tree iterator should not hit undefined prims.
            x = list(Usd.PrimRange(pseudoRoot))
            self.assertEqual(x, [pseudoRoot, foo, faz])

            # Create a tree iterator and ensure that /Bar and its descendants aren't
            # traversed by it.
            x = list(Usd.PrimRange(pseudoRoot, Usd.PrimIsDefined))
            self.assertEqual(x, [pseudoRoot, foo, faz])

            # When we ask for undefined prim rooted at /Bar, verify that bar and baz
            # are returned.
            x = list(Usd.PrimRange(bar, ~Usd.PrimIsDefined))
            self.assertEqual(x, [bar, baz])
コード例 #5
def main():
    print("UsdSkelAppleFixup Begin.")

    # Create a new out usd file that sublayers the in usd file.  All edits
    # will go to the out usd file.  Start and end time is copied over.
    inFile = args.inusd
    outFile = args.outusd

    from pxr import Usd, UsdGeom, UsdSkel, Sdf

    dstLyr = Sdf.Layer.CreateNew(outFile)
    srcLyr = Sdf.Layer.FindOrOpen(inFile)
    stage = Usd.Stage.Open(dstLyr)

    layerStack = dstLyr.subLayerPaths
    layerStack.insert(len(layerStack), inFile)

    start = int(srcLyr.startTimeCode)
    end = int(srcLyr.endTimeCode)

    # Find all the skinned meshes and copy over the animation source to them

    # The the skel, anim, and mesh prims.
    skelPrims = [
        prim for prim in Usd.PrimRange(stage.GetPseudoRoot())
        if prim.IsA(UsdSkel.Skeleton)
    meshPrims = [
        prim for prim in Usd.PrimRange(stage.GetPseudoRoot())
        if prim.IsA(UsdGeom.Mesh)

    for skelPrim in skelPrims:

        skelCache = UsdSkel.Cache()
        skel = UsdSkel.Skeleton(skelPrim)
        skelQuery = skelCache.GetSkelQuery(skel)
        skelAnimQuery = skelQuery.GetAnimQuery()
        skelAnim = UsdSkel.Animation(skelAnimQuery.GetPrim())
        for mesh in meshPrims:
            rel = FindSkelBindingRel(stage, mesh)
            if rel:
                for target in rel.GetTargets():
                    if target == skelPrim.GetPath():
                        print("Copying the animationSource relationship to " +
                        # wire up the skeleton and animation source rels for temporary compatbility with Apple's expectations

コード例 #6
 def _ValidateInstanceDescendants(parentPath, expectedDescendantPaths):
     parent = s.GetPrimAtPath(parentPath)
     descendants = \
         list(Usd.PrimRange(parent, Usd.TraverseInstanceProxies()))
     expectedDescendants = \
         [s.GetPrimAtPath(p) for p in expectedDescendantPaths]
     self.assertEqual(expectedDescendants, descendants)
コード例 #7
ファイル: complianceChecker.py プロジェクト: ux3d/USD
    def _TraverseVariants(self, prim):
        from pxr import Usd
        if prim.IsInstanceProxy():
            return True

        vSets = prim.GetVariantSets()
        vSetNames = vSets.GetNames()
        allVariantNames = []
        for vSetName in vSetNames:
            vSet = vSets.GetVariantSet(vSetName)
            vNames = vSet.GetVariantNames()

        import itertools
        allVariations = itertools.product(*allVariantNames)

        for variation in allVariations:
            self._Msg("Testing variation %s of prim <%s>" %
                      (variation, prim.GetPath()))
            for (idx, sel) in enumerate(variation):
                vSets.SetSelection(vSetNames[idx], sel)
            for rule in self._rules:
            primRangeIt = iter(
                Usd.PrimRange(prim, Usd.TraverseInstanceProxies()))
            self._TraverseRange(primRangeIt, isStageRoot=False)
コード例 #8
    def iterFilteredChildPrims(self, startPrim):
        Returns an iterator over the next child prims of `startPrim` that
        satisfy `self.primFilter(child)`.

        This will traverse down the prim tree from each immediate child of
        `startPrim` until a qualifying prim is found or that branch of the
        hierarchy is exhausted.

        startPrim : Usd.Prim

        primFilter = self.primFilter
        if primFilter is None:
            for child in startPrim.GetFilteredChildren(self.primPredicate):
                yield child

        it = iter(
            Usd.PrimRange(startPrim, self.primPredicate).AllPrims(startPrim))
        for child in it:
            if primFilter(child):
                yield child
コード例 #9
    def BuildTree(self, startPrim):
        startItem = self._primPathToItemMap.get(startPrim.GetPath())
        if not startItem:

        # Add traversal of instances to predicate
        predicate = Usd.TraverseInstanceProxies(
                Usd.PrimIsActive & Usd.PrimIsDefined & ~Usd.PrimIsAbstract)
        childCount = len(startPrim.GetFilteredChildren(predicate))

        first = startItem.childCount()
        last = first + childCount - 1

        self.beginInsertRows(self.indexFromItem(startItem), first, last)

        prims = list(Usd.PrimRange(startPrim, predicate))

        # Iterate through prims, but skip the startPrim
        for prim in prims[1:]:
            if not self.IsPrimBoundable(prim, predicate):

            parentPrim = prim.GetParent()

            parentItem = self._primPathToItemMap.get(parentPrim.GetPath())
            if parentItem:
                primName = prim.GetName()
                primTypeName = prim.GetTypeName()
                primPath = prim.GetPath()
                hasUnloadedPayload = prim.HasPayload()

                # Use parentItem's import state to determine its child's
                # import state. (Note it is intentional that the parentItem's
                # data is tested to be equal to Checked or PartiallyChecked,
                # instead of just testing that it's *not* equal to Unchecked.
                # This is because when parentItem is the top-most root item,
                # its data is a header string instead of a CheckState).
                importState = Qt.Unchecked
                if parentItem.data(COL_IMPORT) == Qt.Checked or\
                    parentItem.data(COL_IMPORT) == Qt.PartiallyChecked:
                        importState = Qt.PartiallyChecked

                # Retrieve variants from the prim.
                variants = []
                variantSets = prim.GetVariantSets()
                for name in variantSets.GetNames():
                    variantSet = variantSets.GetVariantSet(name)
                        name = name,\
                        choices = variantSet.GetVariantNames(),\
                        initialSelection = variantSet.GetVariantSelection(),\
                        enabled = False))

                data = [primName, importState, primTypeName, variants]
                childItem = TreeItem(data, parentItem, primPath, hasUnloadedPayload)

                self._primPathToItemMap[primPath] = childItem

コード例 #10
 def getPrimsToTranslate(cls, parentPrim, onlyTranslateVisible):
     prims = []
     for prim in Usd.PrimRange(parentPrim):
         if prim.IsInstance():
             for instancedPrim in prim.GetFilteredChildren(
             if prim.GetTypeName() != 'Mesh':
             if onlyTranslateVisible and UsdGeom.Imageable(
                     prim).ComputeVisibility() == 'invisible':
     return prims
コード例 #11
ファイル: testUsdPrimRange.py プロジェクト: treyenelson/USD
    def test_PrimIsAbstract(self):
        for fmt in allFormats:
            s = Usd.Stage.CreateInMemory('TestPrimIsAbstract.' + fmt)
            group = s.DefinePrim("/Group", "Xform")
            c = s.CreateClassPrim("/class_Model")

            x1 = list(Usd.PrimRange(group, Usd.PrimIsAbstract))
            self.assertEqual(x1, [])

            x2 = list(Usd.PrimRange(group, ~Usd.PrimIsAbstract))
            self.assertEqual(x2, [group])

            x3 = list(Usd.PrimRange(c, Usd.PrimIsAbstract))
            self.assertEqual(x3, [c])

            x4 = list(Usd.PrimRange(c, ~Usd.PrimIsAbstract))
            self.assertEqual(x4, [])
コード例 #12
ファイル: testUsdPrimRange.py プロジェクト: treyenelson/USD
    def test_PrimIsInstanceOrMasterOrRoot(self):
        for fmt in allFormats:
            refStage = Usd.Stage.CreateInMemory("reference." + fmt)

            stage = Usd.Stage.CreateInMemory("scene." + fmt)
            root = stage.DefinePrim("/Root")

            i = stage.DefinePrim("/Root/Instance")
            i.SetMetadata("instanceable", True)

            n = stage.DefinePrim("/Root/NonInstance")
            nChild = stage.GetPrimAtPath('/Root/NonInstance/Child')

            # Test Usd.PrimIsInstance
            self.assertEqual(list(Usd.PrimRange(i, Usd.PrimIsInstance)), [i])
            self.assertEqual(list(Usd.PrimRange(i, ~Usd.PrimIsInstance)), [])

            self.assertEqual(list(Usd.PrimRange(n, Usd.PrimIsInstance)), [])
            self.assertEqual(list(Usd.PrimRange(n, ~Usd.PrimIsInstance)),
                             [n, nChild])

            self.assertEqual(list(Usd.PrimRange(root, Usd.PrimIsInstance)), [])
            self.assertEqual(list(Usd.PrimRange(root, ~Usd.PrimIsInstance)),
                             [root, n, nChild])
コード例 #13
ファイル: testUsdPrimRange.py プロジェクト: treyenelson/USD
    def test_PrimIsModelOrGroup(self):
        for fmt in allFormats:
            s = Usd.Stage.CreateInMemory('TestPrimIsModelOrGroup.' + fmt)
            group = s.DefinePrim("/Group", "Xform")
            model = s.DefinePrim("/Group/Model", "Model")
            mesh = s.DefinePrim("/Group/Model/Sbdv", "Mesh")

            x1 = list(Usd.PrimRange(group, Usd.PrimIsModel))
            self.assertEqual(x1, [group, model])

            x2 = list(Usd.PrimRange(group, Usd.PrimIsGroup))
            self.assertEqual(x2, [group])

            x3 = list(Usd.PrimRange(group, ~Usd.PrimIsModel))
            self.assertEqual(x3, [])

            x4 = list(Usd.PrimRange(mesh, ~Usd.PrimIsModel))
            self.assertEqual(x4, [mesh])

            x5 = list(Usd.PrimRange(group, Usd.PrimIsModel | Usd.PrimIsGroup))
            self.assertEqual(x5, [group, model])

            x6 = list(Usd.PrimRange(group, Usd.PrimIsModel & Usd.PrimIsGroup))
            self.assertEqual(x6, [group])
コード例 #14
ファイル: testUsdPrimRange.py プロジェクト: treyenelson/USD
    def test_PrimIsActive(self):
        for fmt in allFormats:
            s = Usd.Stage.CreateInMemory('TestPrimIsActive.' + fmt)
            foo = s.DefinePrim("/Foo", "Mesh")
            bar = s.DefinePrim("/Foo/Bar", "Mesh")
            baz = s.DefinePrim("/Foo/Bar/Baz", "Mesh")

            # Create a tree iterator and ensure that /Bar and its descendants aren't
            # traversed by it.
            x1 = list(Usd.PrimRange(foo, Usd.PrimIsActive))
            self.assertEqual(x1, [foo, bar])

            # Test to make sure the predicate is checked on the iteration root.
            x2 = list(Usd.PrimRange(baz, Usd.PrimIsActive))
            self.assertEqual(x2, [])

            x3 = list(Usd.PrimRange(baz, ~Usd.PrimIsActive))
            self.assertEqual(x3, [baz])

            x4 = list(Usd.PrimRange(bar, Usd.PrimIsActive))
            self.assertEqual(x4, [bar])
コード例 #15
    def BuildTree(self, startPrim):
        startItem = self._primPathToItemMap.get(startPrim.GetPath())
        if not startItem:

        # Add traversal of instances to predicate
        predicate = Usd.TraverseInstanceProxies(Usd.PrimIsActive
                                                & Usd.PrimIsDefined
                                                & ~Usd.PrimIsAbstract)
        childCount = len(startPrim.GetFilteredChildren(predicate))

        first = startItem.childCount()
        last = first + childCount - 1

        self.beginInsertRows(self.indexFromItem(startItem), first, last)

        prims = list(Usd.PrimRange(startPrim, predicate))

        # Iterate through prims, but skip the startPrim
        for prim in prims[1:]:
            if not self.IsPrimBoundable(prim, predicate):

            parentPrim = prim.GetParent()

            parentItem = self._primPathToItemMap.get(parentPrim.GetPath())
            if parentItem:

                primName = prim.GetName()
                primTypeName = prim.GetTypeName()
                primPath = prim.GetPath()
                hasUnloadedPayload = prim.HasPayload()

                # Retrieve variants from the prim.
                variants = []
                variantSets = prim.GetVariantSets()
                for name in variantSets.GetNames():
                    variantSet = variantSets.GetVariantSet(name)
                        name = name,\
                        choices = variantSet.GetVariantNames(),\
                        initialSelection = variantSet.GetVariantSelection(),\
                        enabled = False))

                data = [primName, Qt.Unchecked, primTypeName, variants]
                childItem = TreeItem(data, parentItem, primPath,

                self._primPathToItemMap[primPath] = childItem

コード例 #16
ファイル: testUsdPrimRange.py プロジェクト: treyenelson/USD
    def test_RoundTrip(self):
        for fmt in allFormats:
            stage = Usd.Stage.CreateInMemory('TestRoundTrip.' + fmt)
            prims = list(map(stage.DefinePrim, ['/foo', '/bar', '/baz']))

            treeRange = Usd.PrimRange(stage.GetPseudoRoot())
            tripped = Usd._TestPrimRangeRoundTrip(treeRange)
            self.assertEqual(treeRange, tripped)
            self.assertEqual(list(treeRange), list(tripped))

            treeRange = Usd.PrimRange.PreAndPostVisit(stage.GetPseudoRoot())
            tripped = Usd._TestPrimRangeRoundTrip(treeRange)
            self.assertEqual(treeRange, tripped)
            self.assertEqual(list(treeRange), list(tripped))
コード例 #17
def ValidateExpectedInstances(stage, expectedInstances):
    Validate the expected instances and prototypes on the given stage.
    expectedInstances is a mapping from:
        prototype prim path -> list of expected instance prim paths
    for (prototypePath, instancePaths) in expectedInstances.items():
        # Validate that all prims expected to be instances of the same prototype
        # are associated with the same prototype prim.
        prototype = stage.GetPrimAtPath(prototypePath)
        assert prototype, "Expected prototype <%s> does not exist" % prototypePath
        for p in instancePaths:
            prim = stage.GetPrimAtPath(p)
            assert prim, "Prim <%s> does not exist" % p
            assert prim.IsInstance(), "Prim <%s> is not an instance" % p
            assert prim.GetPrototype() == prototype, \
                "Instance <%s> does not have expected prototype <%s>" % \
                (p, prototype.GetPath())

        # Validate that the prototype prim's source prim index is one of
        # the instance's prim indexes.
        prototypePrimIndexPath = prototype._GetSourcePrimIndex().rootNode.path
        instancePrimIndexPaths = [
            for p in instancePaths

        assert prototypePrimIndexPath in instancePrimIndexPaths, \
            "Prototype <%s> using unexpected prim index <%s>, expected " \
            "one of %s" % (prototype.GetPath(), prototypePrimIndexPath,

    # Validate that we don't have any unexpected prototypes or instances.
    for prototype in stage.GetPrototypes():
        assert str(prototype.GetPath()) in expectedInstances

    for root in [stage.GetPseudoRoot()] + stage.GetPrototypes():
        for prim in Usd.PrimRange(root):
            if prim.IsInstance():
                assert str(prim.GetPath()) in \
                        str(prim.GetPrototype().GetPath()), []), \
                    "Found unexpected instance prim <%s> with prototype <%s>" %\
                    (prim.GetPath(), prim.GetPrototype().GetPath())
コード例 #18
def GetPrimLoadability(prim):
    """Return a tuple of (isLoadable, isLoaded) for 'prim', according to
    the following rules:
    A prim is loadable if it is active, and either of the following are true:
       * prim has a payload
       * prim is a model group
    The latter is useful because loading is recursive on a UsdStage, and it
    is convenient to be able to (e.g.) load everything loadable in a set.
    A prim 'isLoaded' only if there are no unloaded prims beneath it, i.e.
    it is stating whether the prim is "fully loaded".  This
    is a debatable definition, but seems useful for usdview's purposes."""
    if not (prim.IsActive() and (prim.IsGroup() or prim.HasPayload())):
        return (False, True)
    # XXX Note that we are potentially traversing the entire stage here.
    # If this becomes a performance issue, we can cast this query into C++,
    # cache results, etc.
    for p in Usd.PrimRange(prim, Usd.PrimIsActive):
        if not p.IsLoaded():
            return (True, False)
    return (True, True)
コード例 #19
def getSelectedVariants(rootPrim):
    Returns a mapping of all the currently selected variants below a certain
    prim in the stage.

    rootPrim : Usd.Prim

    Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]
        { primPath : { variantSetName : selectedVariantName }}
    selections = {}
    it = iter(Usd.PrimRange(rootPrim))
    for prim in it:
        if prim.HasVariantSets():
            variants = getPrimVariants(prim)
            selections[str(prim.GetPath())] = dict(variants)
        # we shouldn't need to travel below component level.
        if Usd.ModelAPI(prim).GetKind() == Kind.Tokens.component:
    return selections
コード例 #20
ファイル: usd.py プロジェクト: n1ckfg/kaolin
def _get_flattened_mesh_attributes(stage, scene_path, time):
    """Return mesh attributes flattened into a single mesh."""
    prim = stage.GetPrimAtPath(scene_path)
    if not prim:
        raise ValueError(f'No prim found at "{scene_path}".')

    mesh_prims = [x for x in Usd.PrimRange(prim).AllPrims(prim) if UsdGeom.Mesh(x)]
    cur_first_idx_faces = 0
    cur_first_idx_uvs = 0
    vertices, vertex_indices, face_vertex_counts, uvs, face_uvs_idx, face_normals, materials = [], [], [], [], [], [], []
    for mesh_prim in mesh_prims:
        mesh = UsdGeom.Mesh(mesh_prim)
        mesh_vertices = mesh.GetPointsAttr().Get(time=time)
        mesh_vertex_indices = mesh.GetFaceVertexIndicesAttr().Get(time=time)
        mesh_st = mesh.GetPrimvar('st')
        if mesh_st:
            mesh_uvs = mesh_st.Get(time=time)
            mesh_uv_indices = mesh_st.GetIndices(time=time)
            mesh_uv_interpolation = mesh_st.GetInterpolation()
        mesh_face_normals = mesh.GetNormalsAttr().Get(time=time)
        if mesh_vertices:
        if mesh_vertex_indices:
            vertex_indices.append(torch.tensor(mesh_vertex_indices) + cur_first_idx_faces)
            if vertices:
                cur_first_idx_faces += len(vertices[-1])
        if mesh_face_normals:
        if mesh_st and mesh_uvs:
            if mesh_uv_interpolation in ['vertex', 'varying']:
                if not mesh_uv_indices:
                    # for vertex and varying interpolation, length of mesh_uv_indices should match
                    # length of mesh_vertex_indices
                    mesh_uv_indices = list(range(len(mesh_uvs)))
                mesh_uv_indices = torch.tensor(mesh_uv_indices) + cur_first_idx_uvs
            elif mesh_uv_interpolation == 'faceVarying':
                if not mesh_uv_indices:
                    # for faceVarying interpolation, length of mesh_uv_indices should match
                    # num_faces * face_size
                    mesh_uv_indices = list(range(len(mesh_uvs)))
                face_uvs_idx.append(torch.tensor(mesh_uv_indices) + cur_first_idx_uvs)
                raise NotImplementedError(f'Interpolation type {mesh_uv_interpolation} is '
                                          'not currently supported')
            cur_first_idx_uvs += len(mesh_uvs)
    if not vertices:
        warnings.warn(f'Scene object at {scene_path} contains no vertices.', UserWarning)

    # Only import vertices if they are defined for the entire mesh
    if all([v is not None for v in vertices]) and len(vertices) > 0:
        vertices = torch.cat(vertices)
        vertices = None
    # Only import vertex index and counts if they are defined for the entire mesh
    if all([vi is not None for vi in vertex_indices]) and len(vertex_indices) > 0:
        face_vertex_counts = torch.cat(face_vertex_counts)
        vertex_indices = torch.cat(vertex_indices)
        face_vertex_counts = None
        vertex_indices = None
    # Only import UVs if they are defined for the entire mesh
    if not all([uv is not None for uv in uvs]) or len(uvs) == 0:
        if len(uvs) > 0:
            warnings.warn('UVs are missing for some child meshes for prim at '
                          f'{scene_path}. As a result, no UVs were imported.')
        uvs = None
        face_uvs_idx = None
        uvs = torch.cat(uvs)
        face_uvs_idx = torch.cat(face_uvs_idx)

    # Only import face_normals if they are defined for the entire mesh
    if not all([n is not None for n in face_normals]) or len(face_normals) == 0:
        if len(face_normals) > 0:
            warnings.warn('Face normals are missing for some child meshes for '
                          f'prim at {scene_path}. As a result, no Face Normals were imported.')
        face_normals = None
        face_normals = torch.cat(face_normals)

    return vertices, face_vertex_counts, vertex_indices, uvs, face_uvs_idx, face_normals, materials
コード例 #21
def iterVariablePrims(stage, root=None, lastRunData=None):
    Populate and yield a ``VariablePrimHelper`` for every asset prim with
    variants on a stage.

    stage : Usd.Stage
        A Valid stage with a session layer. May be modified.
    root : Optional[Usd.Prim]
        only yield helpers for prims that are children of this prim
    lastRunData : Optional[Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]]
        The last known defaults for prim variant selections as returned by
        This is external data that cannot be gathered from the stage, but allows
        us to make decisions about likely types of updates.

        initialized data structure for prim information.
    lastRunData = lastRunData or {}  # type: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]
    sessionLayer = stage.GetSessionLayer()

    if not root:
        root = stage.GetPseudoRoot()

    # Could pass UsdPrimIsModel predicate as an optimization if we are
    # confident that this will only be acting upon assets
    for prim in Usd.PrimRange(root):

        if not prim.HasVariantSets():
        # before checking asset name, we author a variant selection for prims
        # that have variants but are missing a selection so that it we at
        # least get a version of what exists under each variant
        varSets = prim.GetVariantSets()
        for varSetName in varSets.GetNames():
            varSet = varSets.GetVariantSet(varSetName)
            if not varSet.GetVariantSelection() and varSet.GetVariantNames():

        assetName = usdlib.utils.getAssetName(prim)
        if assetName is None:

        # This may not be the best long-term solution, but we want every
        # prim we're managing to have a PrimSpec in the session layer so we
        # can easily manage the "pinned" state of a variant selection.
        primPath = prim.GetPath()
        sessionPrimSpec = sessionLayer.GetPrimAtPath(primPath)
        if sessionPrimSpec is None:
            sessionPrimSpec = Sdf.CreatePrimInLayer(sessionLayer, primPath)

        item = VariablePrimHelper(
            oldDefaultVariants=lastRunData.get(str(primPath), {}),
        yield item
コード例 #22
def setCollisionGroupFranka(stage, prim_path, group_path, is_ghost):
    franka_prim = stage.GetPrimAtPath(prim_path)

    for p in Usd.PrimRange(franka_prim):
        set_collision_group(stage, p.GetPath(), group_path)