class Card(db.Model): __tablename__ = TableNames.Card card_id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True, unique=True, autoincrement=True) name = db.Column(db.String, nullable=False, unique=True) search_name = db.Column(db.String, unique=True) date_created = db.Column(db.DateTime, default=db.func.current_timestamp()) date_modified = db.Column(db.DateTime, default=db.func.current_timestamp(), onupdate=db.func.current_timestamp()) def __init__(self, name): = name self.search_name = Card.format_card_name_for_search(name) def serialize(self): output = {} output['card_id'] = self.card_id output['name'] = return output @staticmethod def format_card_name_for_search(input_name): REMOVED_CHARACTERS = [" ", "\\", ",", ".", "'"] formatted_string = input_name for c in REMOVED_CHARACTERS: formatted_string = formatted_string.replace(c, "") return formatted_string.lower() @staticmethod def search_card_by_name(input_name): """ : Given a card's name, we search for it in our database and : return the corresponding card object if there is a match. : : One tricky thing to account for is the appearance of "\" : in the mtgtop8 data and also : We use the format or removing spaces and all "\" chracters for now and will : audible if we need to define other formatting : : Returns None if can't be found """ formatted_name = Card.format_card_name_for_search(input_name) search_card = Card.query.filter_by(search_name=formatted_name).first() return search_card
class Event(db.Model): __tablename__ = TableNames.Event # this event_id is the e argument in # event_id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True, unique=True) decks = db.relationship(TableNames.Deck, backref="event", lazy=True, primaryjoin="Event.event_id == Deck.event_id", cascade="all,delete") event_format = db.Column(db.String) name = db.Column(db.String) date = db.Column(db.String) num_players = db.Column(db.Integer) date_created = db.Column(db.DateTime, default=db.func.current_timestamp()) date_modified = db.Column(db.DateTime, default=db.func.current_timestamp(), onupdate=db.func.current_timestamp()) @staticmethod def create_event(**kwargs): event = Event(**kwargs) db.session.add(event) db.session.commit() return event
class DeckCard(db.Model): __tablename__ = TableNames.DeckCard deck_card_id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True, unique=True, autoincrement=True) deck_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(TableNames.Deck + '.deck_id'), nullable=False) card_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(TableNames.Card + '.card_id'), nullable=False) quantity = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False) is_main_deck = db.Column(db.Boolean, nullable=False) card = db.relationship(TableNames.Card, lazy=True, primaryjoin="Card.card_id == DeckCard.card_id") date_created = db.Column(db.DateTime, default=db.func.current_timestamp()) date_modified = db.Column(db.DateTime, default=db.func.current_timestamp(), onupdate=db.func.current_timestamp())
class CollectionCard(db.Model): __tablename__ = TableNames.CollectionCard collection_card_id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True, unique = True, autoincrement = True) user_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(TableNames.User + '.user_id'), nullable = False) card_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(TableNames.Card + '.card_id'), nullable = False) quantity = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable = False) card = db.relationship(TableNames.Card , lazy = True, primaryjoin="CollectionCard.card_id == Card.card_id") date_created = db.Column(db.DateTime, default=db.func.current_timestamp()) date_modified = db.Column(db.DateTime, default=db.func.current_timestamp(), onupdate=db.func.current_timestamp()) def serialize(self): output = {} output['collection_card_id'] = self.collection_card_id output['card_id'] = self.card_id output['user_id'] = self.user_id output['quantity'] = self.quantity output['card'] = self.card.serialize() return output
class User(db.Model): __tablename__ = TableNames.User user_id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True, unique = True, autoincrement = True) collection = db.relationship(TableNames.CollectionCard, backref = "owner", lazy = True, primaryjoin="User.user_id == CollectionCard.user_id") username = db.Column(db.String, nullable = False) password_hash = db.Column(db.String, nullable = False) date_created = db.Column(db.DateTime, default=db.func.current_timestamp()) date_modified = db.Column(db.DateTime, default=db.func.current_timestamp(), onupdate=db.func.current_timestamp()) def __init__(self, username, password): """ : Initializes a user with an empty collection """ self.username = username self.password_hash = User.argonHash(password) self.jwt = self.create_jwt() def __repr__(self): return '<User %r >' % (self.username) def __str__(self): """ : returns a string with the user's information : including their collection : Make the string however you see fit """ pass def serialize(self, include_jwt = True): """ : Returns the user and their collection in dictionary form : This function needs to be implemented """ output = {} output['user_id'] = self.user_id output['username'] = self.username if include_jwt: output['jwt'] = self.create_jwt() output['collection'] = [card.serialize() for card in self.collection] return output def collection_size(self): """ : returns an integer with the number of cards in the collection """ size = 0 for card in self.collection: size += card.quantity return size def query_cards(self, search_query, query_limit = 100): """ : search_query: string input for what the user typed : return type: List of cards that match the search query. : A match is defined if the formatted search_query is a substring of the : search_card name property. : Make sure to include the quantity of each card for this user """ search_name = Card.format_card_name_for_search(search_query) matching_cards = Card.query.filter(Card.search_name.contains(search_name)).limit(query_limit) output = [] for card in matching_cards: check_if_in_collection = CollectionCard.query.filter_by(user_id = self.user_id, card_id = card.card_id).first() if check_if_in_collection: card_dict = {"quantity": check_if_in_collection.quantity, "card": card.serialize()} output.append(card_dict) else: card_dict = {"quantity": 0, "card": card.serialize()} output.append(card_dict) return output def add_card_to_collection(self, card, quantity): """ : card: is a Card object from : quantity : non-negative integer : adds this card and quantity to the user's collection : if the card already exists, we increment it's amount : return type: None """ if card is None: return None if quantity < 1: return None check_if_in_collection = CollectionCard.query.filter_by(user_id = self.user_id, card_id = card.card_id).first() if check_if_in_collection: check_if_in_collection.quantity += quantity db.session.commit() return None else: new_card = CollectionCard(user_id = self.user_id, card_id = card.card_id, quantity = quantity) db.session.add(new_card) db.session.commit() return None def remove_card_from_collection(self, card, quantity): """ : card: is a Card object from : quantity: non-negative integer : removes this card quantity pair from the collection. : If the collection doesn't have this amount of the : card, then remove all copies of the card : Remember when you set a card's quantity to zero : to actually delete the row from the database : return type: None """ if card is None: return None if quantity < 1: return None check_if_in_collection = CollectionCard.query.filter_by(user_id = self.user_id, card_id = card.card_id).first() if check_if_in_collection is None: return None if check_if_in_collection.quantity > quantity: check_if_in_collection.quantity -= quantity db.session.commit() else: db.session.delete(check_if_in_collection) db.session.commit() def missing_cards_from_main_deck(self, deck): """ : deck : Deck object from : Given a deck returns a list of tuples : indicating which cards are missing from the main deck : return type: list of tuples with Card object and quantity : example output: [(name, quantity),....] """ output = [] for deck_card in deck.main_deck: check_if_in_collection = CollectionCard.query.filter_by(user_id = self.user_id, card_id = deck_card.card_id).first() if check_if_in_collection: if check_if_in_collection.quantity < deck_card.quantity: card_dict = {"name":, "quantity": deck_card.quantity - check_if_in_collection.quantity, "card": deck_card.card} output.append(card_dict) else: if deck_card.quantity == 0: continue card_dict = {"name":, "quantity": deck_card.quantity, "card": deck_card.card} output.append(card_dict) return output def missing_cards_from_sideboard(self, deck): """ : deck : Deck object from : Given a deck returns a list of tuples of indicating : which cards are missing from the sideboard : return type: list of tuples with Card object and quantity : example output: [(name, quantity),....] : Hint: Get missing cards from deck and subtract missing cards from main_deck : Do this method last """ missing_from_whole_deck = self.missing_cards_from_deck(deck) missing_from_main_deck = self.missing_cards_from_main_deck(deck) output = [] for triple in missing_from_whole_deck: for also_triple in missing_from_main_deck: if also_triple["name"] == triple["name"]: if triple["quantity"] > also_triple["quantity"]: new_triple = {"name": triple["name"], "quantity": triple["quantity"] - also_triple["quantity"], "card": triple["card"]} output.append(new_triple) missing_from_whole_deck.remove(triple) else: missing_from_whole_deck.remove(triple) output = output + missing_from_whole_deck return output def missing_cards_from_deck(self, deck): """ : deck : Deck object from : Given a deck returns a tuple with 2 lists of : card objects indicating which cards are missing : from the main deck and sideboard : return type: list of tuples with Card object and quantity : example output: [(name, quantity),....] """ md_list = deck.main_deck sb_list = deck.sideboard needed_list = {} for deck_card in (md_list + sb_list): card_id = deck_card.card_id if needed_list.get(card_id): needed_list[card_id] += deck_card.quantity else: needed_list[card_id] = deck_card.quantity merged_list = md_list + sb_list output = [] for card_id, quantity in needed_list.items(): collection_card = CollectionCard.query.filter_by(user_id = self.user_id, card_id = card_id).first() this_card = Card.query.filter_by(card_id = card_id).first() if collection_card: if collection_card.quantity < quantity: card_dict = {"name":, "quantity": quantity - collection_card.quantity, "card": this_card} output.append(card_dict) else: card_dict = {"name":, "quantity": quantity, "card": this_card} output.append(card_dict) return output def has_deck(self, deck, missing_cards = 0): """ : deck : Deck object from : given a deck returns True if this collection can make the given deck : with this collection. : Optinal missing_cards parameter allows that many number of : cards from the collection that cannot be in the deck. : : Example: if a user had all of Jeskai except 4 Scalding Tarns : this function would return True for arguemnts (Jeskai, misisng_cards) where : missing_cards >= 4 and false for missing_cards < 4 : return type: boolean """ if deck is None: return None missing_from_whole_deck = self.missing_cards_from_deck(deck) if (missing_from_whole_deck is None) and missing_cards == 0: return True count = 0 for triple in missing_from_whole_deck: count += triple["quantity"] return count <= missing_cards def remove_deck(self, deck): """ : for every card in the deck, remove each card and it's quantity : from the collection. If the collection doesn't have every card in the deck : then do nothing to the collection and return None. Otherwise return the deck object : return type: deck object """ if not self.has_deck(deck): return None for deck_card in deck.main_deck: card = Card.query.filter_by(card_id = deck_card.card_id).first() self.remove_card_from_collection(card, deck_card.quantity) for deck_card in deck.sideboard: card = Card.query.filter_by(card_id = deck_card.card_id).first() self.remove_card_from_collection(card, deck_card.quantity) return deck def add_deck(self, deck): """ : for every card in the deck, add each card and it's quantity : to this collection : No return value """ for deck_card in deck.main_deck: card = Card.query.filter_by(card_id = deck_card.card_id).first() self.add_card_to_collection(card, deck_card.quantity) for deck_card in deck.sideboard: card = Card.query.filter_by(card_id = deck_card.card_id).first() self.add_card_to_collection(card, deck_card.quantity) @staticmethod def login(username, password): """ : Given a login attempt, returns the corresponding user if credentials are valid : If invalid, then returns None """ user_matches = User.query.filter_by(username = username).all() if len(user_matches) == 0: return None user = user_matches[0] if User.argonCheck(password, user.password_hash) == False: return None return user @staticmethod def check_password(password, password_confirm): if (password == "") or (password is None) or (password != password_confirm): return False return True @staticmethod def create_user(username, password, password_confirm): check_if_username_is_in_database = User.query.filter_by(username = username).first() check_if_legal_password = User.check_password(password, password_confirm) if (check_if_username_is_in_database is not None) or (not check_if_legal_password): return None else: new_user = User(username = username, password = password) db.session.add(new_user) db.session.commit() return new_user def create_jwt(self): payload = self.serialize(include_jwt = False) secret_key = os.environ.get(SECRET_KEY) this_jwt = jwt.encode(payload, secret_key, algorithm = algorithm) return this_jwt.decode(UTF8) @staticmethod def decode_jwt(jwt_str): if jwt_str is None: return None try: encoded = jwt_str.encode(UTF8) decoded = jwt.decode(encoded, os.environ.get(SECRET_KEY), algorithms=[algorithm]) user_id = decoded.get("user_id") if user_id is None: return None jwt_user = User.query.filter_by(user_id = user_id).first() return jwt_user except: return None @staticmethod def argonHash(pre_hash): """ : Uses argon algorithm to hash a string """ return argon2.using(rounds=4).hash(pre_hash) @staticmethod def argonCheck(pre_hash, post_hash): """ : Uses argon hash to check if the pre_hash and post_hash are a match : Returns True if so and False otherwise """ if pre_hash is None: return False return argon2.verify(pre_hash, post_hash)
class Deck(db.Model): __tablename__ = TableNames.Deck # this deck id is the d argument in # deck_id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True, unique=True) main_deck = db.relationship( TableNames.DeckCard, lazy=True, cascade="all,delete", primaryjoin= "and_(Deck.deck_id == DeckCard.deck_id, DeckCard.is_main_deck == True)" ) sideboard = db.relationship( TableNames.DeckCard, lazy=True, cascade="all,delete", primaryjoin= "and_(Deck.deck_id == DeckCard.deck_id, DeckCard.is_main_deck == False)" ) event_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(TableNames.Event + '.event_id'), nullable=False) name = db.Column(db.String) event_placing = db.Column(db.String) player = db.Column(db.String) url = db.Column(db.String) archetype = db.Column(db.String) date_created = db.Column(db.DateTime, default=db.func.current_timestamp()) date_modified = db.Column(db.DateTime, default=db.func.current_timestamp(), onupdate=db.func.current_timestamp()) def main_deck_size(self): """ : Returns the number of cards in the main_deck : Return type: integer """ def sideboard_size(self): """ : We have no limit on number of cards in the sideboard for now : Returns the number of cards in the sideboard : Return type: integer """ def missing_cards_from_deck(deck, tmp_collection): """ : deck : Deck object from : Given a deck returns a tuple with 2 lists of : card objects indicating which cards are missing : from the main deck and sideboard : return type: list of tuples with Card object and quantity : example output: [(name, quantity),....] """ md_list = deck.main_deck sb_list = deck.sideboard needed_list = {} for deck_card in (md_list + sb_list): card_id = deck_card.card_id if needed_list.get(card_id): needed_list[card_id] += deck_card.quantity else: needed_list[card_id] = deck_card.quantity output = [] for card_id, quantity in needed_list.items(): #collection_card = CollectionCard.query.filter_by(user_id = self.user_id, card_id = card_id).first() in_tmp_collection_flag = 0 cur_quantity = -1 for dic in tmp_collection: cur_card_id = dic['card_id'] if cur_card_id == card_id: in_tmp_collection_flag = 1 cur_quantity = dic['quantity'] this_card = Card.query.filter_by(card_id=card_id).first() if in_tmp_collection_flag: if cur_quantity < quantity: card_dict = { "card_id": this_card.card_id, "quantity": quantity - cur_quantity, "card": this_card.serialize() } output.append(card_dict) else: card_dict = { "card_id": this_card.card_id, "quantity": quantity, "card": this_card.serialize() } output.append(card_dict) return output def has_deck(deck, tmp_collection, missing_cards=0): """ : deck : Deck object from : given a deck returns True if this collection can make the given deck : with this collection. : Optinal missing_cards parameter allows that many number of : cards from the collection that cannot be in the deck. : : Example: if a user had all of Jeskai except 4 Scalding Tarns : this function would return True for arguemnts (Jeskai, misisng_cards) where : missing_cards >= 4 and false for missing_cards < 4 : return type: boolean """ if deck is None: return None missing_from_whole_deck = Deck.missing_cards_from_deck( deck, tmp_collection) if (missing_from_whole_deck is None) and missing_cards == 0: return True count = 0 for triple in missing_from_whole_deck: count += triple["quantity"] has_deck_flag = (count <= missing_cards) return (has_deck_flag, missing_from_whole_deck) @staticmethod def remove_deck_from_tmp(deck, tmp_collection): """ : for every card in the deck, remove each card and it's quantity : from the collection. If the collection doesn't have every card in the deck : then do nothing to the collection and return None. Otherwise return the deck object : return type: deck object """ #{'card': {'card_id': 1, 'name': 'Adorable Kitten'}, 'card_id': 1, 'collection_card_id': 14, 'quantity': 1, 'user_id': 2} for deck_card in deck.main_deck: card = Card.query.filter_by(card_id=deck_card.card_id).first() for dic in tmp_collection: card_id = dic['card_id'] if card_id == card.card_id: if dic['quantity'] > deck_card.quantity: dic['quantity'] -= deck_card.quantity else: dic['quantity'] = 0 for deck_card in deck.sideboard: card = Card.query.filter_by(card_id=deck_card.card_id).first() for dic in tmp_collection: card_id = dic['card_id'] if card_id == card.card_id: if dic['quantity'] > deck_card.quantity: dic['quantity'] -= deck_card.quantity else: dic['quantity'] = 0 return tmp_collection # @staticmethod # def user_collection_to_tmp_collection(collection): # new_collection = {} # for dictionary in collection: # card_id = dictionary['card_id'] # quantity = dictionary['quantity'] # name = dictionary['card']['name'] # new_collection[card_id] = (name,quantity) # return new_collection @staticmethod def add_deck_to_tmp(deck, tmp_collection): """ : for every card in the deck, add each card and it's quantity : to this collection : No return value """ #{'card': {'card_id': 1, 'name': 'Adorable Kitten'}, 'card_id': 1, 'collection_card_id': 14, 'quantity': 1, 'user_id': 2} for deck_card in deck.main_deck: card = Card.query.filter_by(card_id=deck_card.card_id).first() added_flag = 0 for dic in tmp_collection: card_id = dic['card_id'] if card_id == card.card_id: dic['quantity'] += deck_card.quantity added_flag = 1 if not added_flag: dic_to_add = { 'card': { 'card_id': card.card_id, 'name': }, 'card_id': card.card_id, 'quantity': deck_card.quantity } tmp_collection.append(dic_to_add) for deck_card in deck.sideboard: card = Card.query.filter_by(card_id=deck_card.card_id).first() added_flag = 0 for dic in tmp_collection: card_id = dic['card_id'] if card_id == card.card_id: dic['quantity'] += deck_card.quantity added_flag = 1 if not added_flag: dic_to_add = { 'card': { 'card_id': card.card_id, 'name': }, 'card_id': card.card_id, 'quantity': deck_card.quantity } tmp_collection.append(dic_to_add) return tmp_collection @staticmethod def create_deck(**kwargs): """ : if either maindeck or sideboard exists, then add the corresponding : DeckCard objects to match them. : Both will be input as lists of dictionaries : For example : main_deck = [ : {"name", "Scalding Tarn", "quantity" : 4}, : .... : {"name", "Steam Vents", "quantity" : 2} : ] : is a sample input : : We have this in the constructor since we don't plan on editing decks once : they are made. Hence there is no add/remove card form deck method """ name = kwargs.get("name") event_placing = kwargs.get("event_placing") event = kwargs.get("event") main_deck = kwargs.get("main_deck") sideboard = kwargs.get("sideboard") player = kwargs.get("player") deck_id = kwargs.get("deck_id") archetype = kwargs.get("archetype") url = kwargs.get("url") # check if the deck is already in the database prev_deck = Deck.query.filter_by(deck_id=deck_id).first() if prev_deck: return prev_deck new_deck = Deck(url=url, name=name, event_placing=event_placing, event_id=event.event_id, player=player, deck_id=deck_id, archetype=archetype) db.session.add(new_deck) db.session.commit() if main_deck: for card in main_deck: if card["quantity"] == 0: continue search_card = Card.search_card_by_name(card['name']) if search_card: deck_id = new_deck.deck_id quantity = card['quantity'] is_main_deck = True new_deck_card = DeckCard(card_id=search_card.card_id, deck_id=deck_id, quantity=quantity, is_main_deck=is_main_deck) db.session.add(new_deck_card) if sideboard: for card in sideboard: if card["quantity"] == 0: continue search_card = Card.search_card_by_name(card['name']) if search_card: deck_id = new_deck.deck_id quantity = card['quantity'] is_main_deck = False new_deck_card = DeckCard(card_id=search_card.card_id, deck_id=deck_id, quantity=quantity, is_main_deck=is_main_deck) db.session.add(new_deck_card) db.session.commit() return new_deck @staticmethod def get_decks(page): DECKS_PER_PAGE = 10 if page is not None: matching_decks = Deck.query.limit(page * DECKS_PER_PAGE).all() else: matching_decks = Deck.query.all() archetypes = set() length = Deck.query.count() output = [] for deck in matching_decks: deck_dic = { 'deck_id': deck.deck_id, 'name':, 'url': deck.url, 'archetype': deck.archetype, 'deck': deck.serialize(), } output.append(deck_dic) archetypes.add(deck.archetype) offset = 0 if length % 10 != 0: offset = 1 return output, length // DECKS_PER_PAGE + offset, sorted( list(archetypes)) def __repr__(self): return '<Deck %r %r %r>' % (, self.event_placing, self.event_id) def serialize(self): """ : Returns the deck object in dictionary form, including the main_deck and sideboard : """ output = { 'maindeck': [], 'sideboard': [], 'deck_id': self.deck_id, 'url': self.url, 'name': } for card in self.main_deck: output['maindeck'].append(card.card.serialize()) for card in self.sideboard: output['sideboard'].append(card.card.serialize()) return output