コード例 #1
def saveInterpersonalScore(gdb, project, email):

    index_nodes = gdb.get_or_create_index(neo4j.Node, "index_nodes")

    email_list = []

    a = index_nodes.get("author", email)
    a = a[0]
    if a:
        #get list of people to check for score, this way we don't have to run on every pairing which takes a long time
        q = "START a=node(" + str(
        ) + ") MATCH (a)-[:communication_score]->()<-[:communication_score]-(b) where a<>b return distinct(b);"
        result = neo4j.CypherQuery(gdb, q)
        for r in result.stream():

        for e in email_list:
            b = index_nodes.get("author", e)
            b = b[0]
            if b:
                q = "START a=node(" + str(a._id) + "), b=node(" + str(
                ) + ") MATCH (a)-[r:communication_score]->()<-[:communication_score]-(b) with sum(r.score) AS sum WHERE sum > 0 RETURN sum;"
                result = neo4j.CypherQuery(gdb, q)
                for r in result.stream():
                    rel, = gdb.create((a, "interpersonal_score", b, {
                        "score": float(r[0])
コード例 #2
def saveCommunication(gdb, project, email):

    index_nodes = gdb.get_or_create_index(neo4j.Node, "index_nodes")

    a = index_nodes.get("author", email)
    a = a[0]
    if a:
        q = "START a=node(" + str(
            a._id) + ") MATCH (a)-[:communication]->(e) RETURN DISTINCT e;"
        result = neo4j.CypherQuery(gdb, q)
            for r in result.stream():
                comm_score = 0
                q = "START a=node(" + str(a._id) + "), e=node(" + str(
                    r.e._id) + ") MATCH (a)-[c:communication]->(e) RETURN c;"
                result_nested = neo4j.CypherQuery(gdb, q)
                for c in result_nested.stream():
                    days = (
                        ((time.mktime(time.gmtime()) - float(c.c['epoch'])) /
                         60) / 60) / 24
                    comm_score = comm_score + math.pow(
                        (1 - devknowledge.settings.EXPONENTIAL_DECAY), days)
                rel, = gdb.create((a, "communication_score", r.e, {
                    "score": comm_score
        except ValueError:
            #TODO: find why this might be erroring in py2neo
            #raise ValueError("Cannot determine object type", data)
            print "Error: ValueError. continuing..."
コード例 #3
def saveFileScore(gdb, project, email):

    index_nodes = gdb.get_or_create_index(neo4j.Node, "index_nodes")

    #weighting: 1, 1/2, 1/4, etc.
    #same file, dependent files, middle-man file, etc.

    email_list = []

    a = index_nodes.get("author", email)
    a = a[0]
    if a:
        #figure out who we should query for paths, this prevents us from running on every single pairing which takes way too long
        q = "start a=node(" + str(
        ) + ") match a-[:expertise]->()-[:depends*0..2]-()<-[:expertise]-b where a<>b return distinct(b);"
        result = neo4j.CypherQuery(gdb, q)
        for r in result.stream():

        for e in email_list:
            b = index_nodes.get("author", e)
            b = b[0]
            if b:
                total_file_score = 0
                intermediate_score = 0

                #same file
                q = "START a=node(" + str(a._id) + "), b=node(" + str(
                ) + ") match a-[r:expertise]->()<-[:expertise]-b with sum(r.expertise) as sum WHERE sum > 0 return sum;"
                result = neo4j.CypherQuery(gdb, q)
                for r in result.stream():
                    intermediate_score += float(r[0])
                total_file_score += intermediate_score  #times 1
                intermediate_score = 0

                #dependent files
                q = "START a=node(" + str(a._id) + "), b=node(" + str(
                ) + ") match a-[r:expertise]->()-[:depends]-()<-[:expertise]-b with sum(r.expertise) as sum WHERE sum > 0 return sum;"
                result = neo4j.CypherQuery(gdb, q)
                for r in result.stream():
                    intermediate_score += float(r[0])
                total_file_score += intermediate_score * 0.5
                intermediate_score = 0

                #middle-man file
                q = "START a=node(" + str(a._id) + "), b=node(" + str(
                ) + ") match a-[r:expertise]->()-[:depends]-()-[:depends]-()<-[:expertise]-b with sum(r.expertise) as sum WHERE sum > 0 return sum;"
                result = neo4j.CypherQuery(gdb, q)
                for r in result.stream():
                    intermediate_score += float(r[0])
                total_file_score += intermediate_score * 0.25

                #create new relationship between A and B with the summed and weighted score value
                rel, = gdb.create((a, "file_score", b, {
                    "score": float(total_file_score)
コード例 #4
    def __reload(self, q):
        start_reload = time.time()
        self.session = 1 + q[0][0]
        self.frame_count = q[0][1]
        self.last_frame = q[0][2]
        self.last_timestamp = q[0][3]
        print ". ",
        query_str = "MATCH (actor:Actor) \
                     RETURN actor.actor, actor"

        query = neo4j.CypherQuery(self.gdb, query_str)
        for actor in query.stream():
            self.actors_dict[actor[0]] = actor[1]
        print ". ",
        query_str = "MATCH (interaction:Interaction)  \
                     RETURN interaction.actor1, \
                            interaction.actor2, \

        query = neo4j.CypherQuery(self.gdb, query_str)
        for interaction in query.stream():
                                    interaction[1])] = interaction[2]
        print ". ",
        return time.time() - start_reload
コード例 #5
ファイル: cma_test.py プロジェクト: borgified/assimilation
def auditalldrones():
    audit = AUDITS()
    qtext = "START droneroot=node:CMAclass('Drone:*') MATCH drone-[:IS_A]->droneroot RETURN drone"
    query = neo4j.CypherQuery(CMAdb.cdb.db, qtext)
    droneobjs = CMAdb.store.load_cypher_nodes(query, Drone)
    droneobjs = [drone for drone in droneobjs]
    numdrones = len(droneobjs)
    for droneid in range(0, numdrones):
        droneid = int(droneobjs[droneid].designation[6:])
    query = neo4j.CypherQuery(CMAdb.cdb.db,
                              '''START n=node:Drone('*:*') RETURN n''')
    queryobjs = CMAdb.store.load_cypher_nodes(query, Drone)
    queryobjs = [drone for drone in queryobjs]
    dronetbl = {}
    for drone in droneobjs:
        dronetbl[drone.designation] = drone
    querytbl = {}
    for drone in queryobjs:
        querytbl[drone.designation] = drone
    # Now compare them
    for drone in dronetbl:
        assert (querytbl[drone] is dronetbl[drone])
    for drone in querytbl:
        assert (querytbl[drone] is dronetbl[drone])
コード例 #6
ファイル: CommitInformation.py プロジェクト: carlsonp/jamii
def returnCommitInformation(project, commit):
		gdb = neo4j.GraphDatabaseService(settings.NEO4J_SERVER)
	except socket.error:
		print "Unable to connect to Neo4j: ", settings.NEO4J_SERVER
		return None

	q = "START a=node(*) where has(a.hash) return max(a.total_delta) as maximum;"
	result = neo4j.CypherQuery(gdb, q) #TODO: switch this so it's only a single return (so we don't have to go through the for loop)
	for r in result.stream():
		maximum = r['maximum']

	commit_info = None

	q = "START a=node(*) match a-[:impact]->() where a.hash = '"+commit+"' return distinct a;"
	result = neo4j.CypherQuery(gdb, q)
	for r in result.stream(): #TODO: switch this so it's only a single return (so we don't have to go through the for loop)
		converted_date = time.strftime('%Y/%m/%d', time.localtime(int(r.a['date'])))
		if r.a['total_delta'] == 0:
			impact_msg = "No technical change"
		elif r.a['total_delta'] < (maximum * 0.25):
			impact_msg = "Minimal technical change"
		elif r.a['total_delta'] < (maximum * 0.5):
			impact_msg = "Low technical change"
		elif r.a['total_delta'] < (maximum * 0.75):
			impact_msg = "Moderate technical change"
			impact_msg = "Substantial technical change."
		commit_info = CodeImpact(commit_hash=r.a['hash'], date=converted_date, delta_impact=round(r.a['total_delta'], 3), delta_impact_msg=impact_msg, logmsg=r.a['logmsg'], author_developer=r.a['author_developer'], author_email=r.a['author_email'])

	#if we don't have an :impact edge, we still need to populate the commit_info variable
	if not commit_info:
		q = "START a=node(*) where a.hash = '"+commit+"' return a;"
		result = neo4j.CypherQuery(gdb, q)
		for res in result.stream(): #TODO: switch this so it's only a single return (so we don't have to go through the for loop)
			converted_date = time.strftime('%Y/%m/%d', time.localtime(int(res.a['date'])))
			commit_info = CodeImpact(commit_hash=res.a['hash'], date=converted_date, delta_impact=0, delta_impact_msg="No technical change", logmsg=res.a['logmsg'], author_developer=res.a['author_developer'], author_email=res.a['author_email'])

	code_impact = []

	q = "START a=node(*) match a-[r:impact]->b where a.hash = '"+commit+"' optional match b<-[:has]-c return r, b, c order by r.impactvalue desc limit 10;"
	result = neo4j.CypherQuery(gdb, q)
	for r in result.stream():
		if r.c is not None:
			code_impact.append(CodeImpactFiles(code_impact=round(r.r['impactvalue'], 3), filename=r.b['filename'], function=r.b['function'], functionfilename=r.c['filename']))
			code_impact.append(CodeImpactFiles(code_impact=round(r.r['impactvalue'], 3), filename=r.b['filename'], function=r.b['function'], functionfilename=None))

	return commit_info, code_impact
コード例 #7
ファイル: cypher_test.py プロジェクト: adampassword/py2neo
def test_can_execute(graph):
    query = neo4j.CypherQuery(graph, "CREATE (a {name:'Alice'}) "
                              "RETURN a.name")
    results = query.execute()
    assert len(results) == 1
    assert len(results[0]) == 1
    assert results[0][0] == "Alice"
コード例 #8
ファイル: user.py プロジェクト: dynamicdeploy/networkx
 def get_user_by_username(self, graph_db, username):
     query = neo4j.CypherQuery(graph_db,
                               " MATCH (user:User {username: {username}}) " +
                               " RETURN user ")
     params = {"username": username}
     result = query.execute_one(**params)
     return result
コード例 #9
ファイル: CalcExpertise.py プロジェクト: carlsonp/jamii
def calculateExpertise(filename, authors, line_start, line_end):
        gdb = neo4j.GraphDatabaseService(settings.NEO4J_SERVER)
    except socket.error:
        print "Unable to connect to Neo4j: ", settings.NEO4J_SERVER
        return None

    index_nodes = gdb.get_or_create_index(neo4j.Node, "index_nodes")

    expertise = {}
    for author in authors:
        expertise[author] = 0

    devknowledge = {}
    knowledge_model = []

    f = index_nodes.get('filename', filename)
    f = f[0]

    if f:
        num_developers = 0
        # We need to return ALL developers here because we need the number of total developers for the calculation
        q = "START f=node(" + str(
        ) + ") MATCH f<-[rel:knowledge]-a WHERE rel.line_number >= " + str(
            line_start) + " AND rel.line_number <= " + str(
                line_end) + " return rel, a;"
        result = neo4j.CypherQuery(gdb, q)
        for r in result.stream():
            #print "Author: ", r.a['author']
            a = index_nodes.get("author", r.a['email'])
            a = a[0]
            if a:
                days = (((time.mktime(time.gmtime()) - float(r.rel['epoch'])) /
                         60) / 60) / 24
                #print "Days: " + str(days)
                expertise[r.a['author']] = expertise[r.a['author']] + math.pow(
                    (1 - settings.EXPONENTIAL_DECAY), days)
                #print "Expertise: ", expertise[r.a['author']]
            num_developers += 1
        #print "Number of developers: ", num_developers

        total = 0
        for author in authors:
            total = total + expertise[author] / num_developers
        #print "total: ", total
        for author in authors:
            #save expertise knowledge as percentage
            devknowledge[author] = round(
                ((expertise[author] / num_developers) / total) * 100, 2)

        #only return top 10
        for w in sorted(devknowledge, key=devknowledge.get, reverse=True)[:10]:
            if devknowledge[
                    w] > 1:  #only return developers who have one percent or greater expertise
                    DevKnowledge(name=w, knowledge=devknowledge[w]))

    return knowledge_model
コード例 #10
ファイル: list_developers.py プロジェクト: carlsonp/jamii
def returnDevelopers(project, letter, page):
        gdb = neo4j.GraphDatabaseService(settings.NEO4J_SERVER)
    except socket.error:
        print "Unable to connect to Neo4j: ", settings.NEO4J_SERVER
        return None

    developers = []

    #TODO: only return based on project label (this should be a little faster)
    #The match on file_score only returns developers who have contributed code so
    #we don't overpopulate the communication suggestions section with people who only posted to the mailing list.
    if letter.isalpha() and letter != "unknown":
        q = "START n=node(*) match n-[:file_score]->() WHERE HAS(n.author) AND n.author =~ '^[" + letter.upper(
        ) + "|" + letter.lower(
        ) + "].*' RETURN DISTINCT n ORDER BY n.author SKIP " + str(
            (page - 1) * 50) + " LIMIT 50;"
        #unknown name selected
        q = "START n=node(*) match n-[:file_score]->() WHERE HAS(n.author) AND (n.author =~ '^[^A-Za-z].*' OR n.author = '') RETURN DISTINCT n ORDER BY n.author SKIP " + str(
            (page - 1) * 50) + " LIMIT 50;"

    result = neo4j.CypherQuery(gdb, q)
    for r in result.stream():
        developers.append(Developer(name=r.n['author'], email=r.n['email']))

    return developers
コード例 #11
ファイル: user.py プロジェクト: dynamicdeploy/networkx
 def update_user(self, graph_db, username, firstname, lastname):
     query = neo4j.CypherQuery(graph_db,
                               "MATCH (user:User {username:{u}} )  " +
                               "SET user.firstname = {fn}, user.lastname = {ln}")
     params = {"u": username, "fn": firstname, "ln": lastname}
     result = query.execute(**params)
     return result
コード例 #12
ファイル: Git.py プロジェクト: carlsonp/jamii
def pruneDatabaseStaleFiles(all_files, project):
        gdb = neo4j.GraphDatabaseService(devknowledge.settings.NEO4J_SERVER)
        print "Unable to connect to Neo4j: ", devknowledge.settings.NEO4J_SERVER
        return None

    index_nodes = gdb.get_or_create_index(neo4j.Node, "index_nodes")

    #TODO: set processed boolean on all files, then delete later, this way we don't have to have a massive select statement
    q = "START f=node(*) WHERE HAS(f.filename) RETURN f;"
    #print q
    result = neo4j.CypherQuery(gdb, q)
    for record in result.stream():
        file = record.f["filename"].replace(project, "",
                                            1)  #replace first occurence
        if file not in all_files:
            #print "Deleting file ", record.f["filename"], " in database."
            #delete all edges first as this is a requirement before we can delete the node
            )  #delete all relationships connected to this node, both incoming and outgoing
            #clear out index
            index_nodes.remove("filename", record.f["filename"], record.f)
            #delete the file node
コード例 #13
    def save(self, subj, node=None):
        """ Save an object to a database node.

        :param subj: the object to save
        :param node: the database node to save to (if omitted, will re-save to
            same node as previous save)
        if node is not None:
            subj.__node__ = node
        # naively copy properties from object to node
        props = {}
        for key, value in subj.__dict__.items():
            if not key.startswith("_"):
                props[key] = value
        if hasattr(subj, "__node__"):
            query = neo4j.CypherQuery(self.graph, "START a=node({A}) "
                                                     "MATCH (a)-[r]->(b) "
                                                     "DELETE r")
            subj.__node__, = self.graph.create(props)
        # write rels
        if hasattr(subj, "__rel__"):
            batch = neo4j.WriteBatch(self.graph)
            for rel_type, rels in subj.__rel__.items():
                for rel_props, endpoint in rels:
                    end_node = self._get_node(endpoint)
                    if not neo4j.familiar(end_node, self.graph):
                        raise ValueError(end_node)
                    batch.create((subj.__node__, rel_type, end_node, rel_props))
        return subj
コード例 #14
def add_photo_user_rels():
    """ Adds relationships between photos and the users who took them. """
    query_string = """
		MATCH (u:FlickrUser), (p:FlickrPhoto) WHERE p.user = u.user_id MERGE (u)-[a:Authored]->(p)
    q = neo4j.CypherQuery(DB, query_string)
    results = q.execute()
コード例 #15
ファイル: over2neo.py プロジェクト: terratenney/riyadh_data
def add_places_relationships():
    # Iterates over all the tweets and other text data and
    # uses Aho Corasick to check for matches against all 1100 or so places at once.
    # If a match is found it adds the appropriate relationship to the graph.
    all_matches = []
    place_nodes = get_node_attr_by_label('OSM', 'name')
    place_ids = {p[1].lower(): p[0] for p in place_nodes}
    name_index = get_name_index([p[1] for p in place_nodes])
    tweet_texts = get_node_attr_by_label('Tweets', 'content')
    for _, tweet in enumerate(tweet_texts):
        tweet_id, text = tweet
        text = text.encode(
            'ascii', 'ignore'
        )  # TODO Work out how to use esmre to match unicode code points > 128
        matches = name_index.query(text.lower())
        for m in matches:
            if m[1] in place_ids:
                all_matches.append((tweet_id, place_ids[m[1]]))
    for i, match in enumerate(all_matches):
        tid, pid = match
        qs = """
			MATCH (n) WHERE id(n)={tid}
			MATCH (p) WHERE id(p)={pid}
			MERGE (n)-[m:MENTIONED]->(p)
        q = neo4j.CypherQuery(DB, qs)
        q.execute(tid=tid, pid=pid)
コード例 #16
ファイル: Neo4JLib.py プロジェクト: rogerkohler/al_lib
    def cypherQuery(self, qs):

        query = neo4j.CypherQuery(self.graph, qs)

        qd = query.execute().data

        listQuery = list()

        for x in qd:

            xl = list()

            for v in x.values:

                logger.debug(u"Type : %s" % type(v))

                if isinstance(v, Node):
                    name = v[u"aname"]

                elif isinstance(v, int) or isinstance(v, float):
                    count = v

                elif isinstance(v, str) or isinstance(v, unicode):
                    st = v



        return listQuery, qd
コード例 #17
ファイル: product.py プロジェクト: dynamicdeploy/networkx
    def create_user_view_and_return_views(self, graph_db, username,

        # create timestamp and string display
        ts = time.time()
        timestampAsStr = datetime.fromtimestamp(
            int(ts)).strftime('%m/%d/%Y') + " at " + datetime.fromtimestamp(
                int(ts)).strftime('%I:%M %p')

        query = neo4j.CypherQuery(
            graph_db, " MATCH (p:Product), (u:User { username:{u} })" +
            " WHERE id(p) = {productNodeId}" + " WITH u,p" +
            " MERGE (u)-[r:VIEWED]->(p)" +
            " SET r.dateAsStr={timestampAsStr}, r.timestamp={ts}" +
            " WITH u " + " MATCH (u)-[r:VIEWED]->(p)" +
            " RETURN p.title as title,  r.dateAsStr as dateAsStr" +
            " ORDER BY r.timestamp desc")
        params = {
            "productNodeId": productNodeId,
            "u": username,
            "timestampAsStr": timestampAsStr,
            "ts": ts
        result = query.execute(**params)

        result = self.get_product_trail_results_as_json(result)

        return result
コード例 #18
 def predice(self, nodo, rel, fast, top_n, filtrado):
     if not fast:
         votos = []
         for r in self.r_types[rel]:
             other = r["s"]
             if (r["s"] == nodo):
                 other = r["t"]
             p2 = neo4j.CypherQuery(
                 self.graph_db, "match (n)-[:" + rel[0] + "]-(m) where n." +
                 label + ' = "' + other + '" return m.' + label).execute()
             print p2
             if len(p2) > 0:
                 for p in p2:
                     prop2 = p["m." + label]
                 prop2 = prop2.replace(" ", "_")
                 other = other.replace(" ", "_")
                 if other in self.w2v and prop2 in self.w2v:
                     prop1 = self.similares([nodo, other], [prop2])[0][0]
         return max(set(votos), key=votos.count)
     if fast:
         sim = self.similares(nodo,
                              [self.w2v[nodo] + self.m_vectors[str(rel)]],
                              [], top_n, filtrado)
         f = []
         for s in sim:
         if len(f) > 0:
             return f
             return ""
コード例 #19
 def get_rels(self, traversals):
     if not os.path.exists("models/" + self.bd + "-trels.p"):
         f = open("models/" + self.bd + "-trels.p", "w")
         consulta = neo4j.CypherQuery(
             self.graph_db, "match (n)-[r]->(m) return n." + self.label +
             " as s,m." + self.label +
             " as t ,r,type(r) as tipo,labels(m) as tipot").execute()
         todas = []
         for c in consulta:
             todas.append([c.s, c.tipo, c.t, c.tipot])
         pickle.dump(todas, f)
         f = open("models/" + self.bd + "-trels.p", "r")
         todas = pickle.load(f)
     links = dict()
     for l in todas:
         link = dict()
         if l[0] and l[1] and l[2]:
             link["tipo"] = l[1]
             link["s"] = l[0].replace(" ", "_")
             link["t"] = l[2].replace(" ", "_")
             link["tipot"] = l[3][0].replace(" ", "_")
             if link["s"] in self.w2v and link["t"] in self.w2v:
                 link["v"] = self.w2v[link["t"]] - self.w2v[link["s"]]
                 if not link["tipo"] in links:
                     links[link["tipo"]] = []
     self.r_types = links
コード例 #20
ファイル: lastfm.py プロジェクト: dxe4/sockets
def get_all_artists():
    cypher = """
        START root=node:Artists("*:*")
        RETURN root
    query = neo4j.CypherQuery(graph_db, cypher)
    return [i[0].get_properties() for i in query.execute()]
コード例 #21
ファイル: lastfm.py プロジェクト: dxe4/sockets
def foo():
    artist = request.args.get('artist')
        result =  timeout_cache[artist]
        return json.dumps(result)
    except KeyError:
        print("no cache")
    cypher = """
        START artist=node:node_auto_index(name={})
        MATCH (artist)<-[r:RELATED]-(artist2)-[r1:RELATED]->(artist3)-[r2:RELATED]->(artist)
        RETURN artist, r.score, artist2, r1.score, artist3, r2.score
        limit 100
    query = neo4j.CypherQuery(graph_db, cypher)
    result = query.execute()

    result = list(result)
    origin = result[0][0].get_properties()
    related = [(i[1], i[2].get_properties(),
               i[3], i[4].get_properties()) for i in result]
    res = [origin, related]
    timeout_cache[artist] = res
    response = Response(json.dumps(res),  mimetype='application/json')
    response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = "*"
    return response
コード例 #22
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: adampassword/py2neo
 def _cypher(self, format_, query, params=None):
     if query == "-":
         query = self._in.read()
     record_set = neo4j.CypherQuery(self._graph,
                                    query).execute(**params or {})
     writer = ResultWriter(self._out)
     writer.write(format_, record_set)
コード例 #23
ファイル: product.py プロジェクト: dynamicdeploy/networkx
 def get_products_has_a_tag_and_user_uses_a_matching_tag(self, graph_db):
     query = neo4j.CypherQuery(
         graph_db, " MATCH (p:Product)-[:HAS]->(t)<-[:USES]-(u:User) " +
         " RETURN p.title as title , collect(u.username) as users, " +
         " collect(distinct t.wordPhrase) as tags ")
     result = query.execute()
     return result
コード例 #24
 def gen_bp_rules_by_ruleset(store, rulesetname):
     '''Return generator providing all BP rules for the given ruleset
     from py2neo import neo4j
     query = neo4j.CypherQuery(store.db, CMAconsts.QUERY_RULESET_RULES)
     return store.load_cypher_nodes(query, BPRules
     ,       params={'rulesetname': rulesetname})
コード例 #25
ファイル: weibo2neo.py プロジェクト: robinfang/sna_weibo_py
def queryOneNode(label, key, value):
    query_str = "match (n:%s) where n.%s='%s' return (n)" % (label, key, value)

    graph_db = neo4j.GraphDatabaseService()
    query = neo4j.CypherQuery(graph_db, query_str)
    a, = query.execute()
    return a[0]
コード例 #26
    def members_ring_order(self):
        'Return all the Drones that are members of this ring - in ring order'
        ## FIXME - There's a cypher query that will return these all in one go
        # START Drone=node:Drone(Drone="drone000001")
        # MATCH Drone-[:RingNext_The_One_Ring*]->NextDrone
        # RETURN NextDrone.designation, NextDrone

        if self._insertpoint1 is None:
            #print >> sys.stderr, 'NO INSERTPOINT1'
        if Store.is_abstract(self._insertpoint1):
            #print >> sys.stderr, ('YIELDING INSERTPOINT1:', self._insertpoint1
            #,       type(self._insertpoint1))
            yield self._insertpoint1
        startid = Store.id(self._insertpoint1)
        # We can't pre-compile this, but we hopefully we won't use it much...
        q = '''START Drone=node(%s)
             MATCH p=Drone-[:%s*0..]->NextDrone
             WHERE length(p) = 0 or Drone <> NextDrone
             RETURN NextDrone''' % (startid, self.ournexttype)
        query = neo4j.CypherQuery(CMAdb.cdb.db, q)
        for elem in CMAdb.store.load_cypher_nodes(query, Drone):
            yield elem
コード例 #27
ファイル: over2neo.py プロジェクト: terratenney/riyadh_data
def add_place_to_db(place, points_idx):
    place_type = place['tags']['place'] if 'place' in place['tags'] else place[
        'tags']['shop'] if 'shop' in place['tags'] else 'undefined'
    if place_type == 'undefined':
        print "undefined --> %s" % jsom.dumps(place['tags'])
    query_string = """ 
		MERGE ( place:Place:OSM:""" + place_type.replace(' ',
                                                   '_').capitalize() + """ {
			lat: {p}.lat,
			lon: {p}.lon,
			name: {p}.name,
			osmid: {p}.osmid,
			raw_tags: {p}.raw_tags
		RETURN place
    place_props = {
        k if k != 'tags' else 'raw_tags':
        v if k != 'tags' and v is not None and v != '' else json.dumps(v)
        for k, v in place.iteritems()
    q = neo4j.CypherQuery(DB, query_string)
    results = q.execute(p=place_props)
    place_node = results.data[0].values[0]
    points_idx.add('k', 'v', place_node)
コード例 #28
 def get_user_location(self, graph_db, username):
     query = neo4j.CypherQuery(graph_db, " MATCH (u:User { username : {u} } )-[:HAS]-(l:Location) " +
                               " RETURN u.username as username, l.address as address, l.city as city, l.state as state, " +
                               " l.zip as zip, l.lat as lat, l.lon as lon")
     params = {"u": username}
     result = query.execute(**params)
     return result
コード例 #29
 def deleteAnalysis(self, uuid):
     if uuid is None:
     query_text = "match (a:analysis {uuid: { uuid }})<-[r:has_analysis]-(x:raw_data) optional match (a)-[r1:generates_annotation]->(an:annotation) delete r, r1, an, a;"
     query = neo4j.CypherQuery(self.gdb, query_text)
     res = query.execute(uuid=uuid)
コード例 #30
ファイル: list_projects.py プロジェクト: carlsonp/jamii
def returnUniqueAuthors(project, filename):
        gdb = neo4j.GraphDatabaseService(settings.NEO4J_SERVER)
    except socket.error:
        print "Unable to connect to Neo4j: ", settings.NEO4J_SERVER
        return None

    index_nodes = gdb.get_or_create_index(neo4j.Node, "index_nodes")

        f = index_nodes.get('filename', project + "/" + filename)
        f = f[0]
        #we don't have data on this
        return None

    authors = []

    if f:
        q = "START f=node(" + str(
        ) + ") MATCH f<-[r:knowledge]-(a) RETURN DISTINCT a ORDER BY a.author;"
        result = neo4j.CypherQuery(gdb, q)
        for r in result.stream():

    return authors