def execute_write_pnts(self, content):, content[2], content[1], self.folder, self.write_rgb)
def zmq_process(activity_graph, srs_out_wkt, srs_in_wkt, node_store, octree_metadata, folder, write_rgb, verbosity): transformer = None if srs_out_wkt is not None: crs_out = CRS(srs_out_wkt) crs_in = CRS(srs_in_wkt) transformer = Transformer.from_crs(crs_in, crs_out) context = zmq.Context() # Socket to receive messages on skt = context.socket(zmq.DEALER) skt.connect('ipc:///tmp/py3dtiles1') startup_time = time.time() idle_time = 0 if activity_graph: activity = open('activity.{}.csv'.format(os.getpid()), 'w') # notify we're ready skt.send_multipart([b'']) while True: before = time.time() - startup_time skt.poll() after = time.time() - startup_time idle_time += after - before command = skt.recv_multipart() delta = time.time() - pickle.loads(command[0]) if delta > 0.01 and verbosity >= 1: print('{} / {} : Delta time: {}'.format(os.getpid(), round(after, 2), round(delta, 3))) command = command[1:] if len(command) == 1: command = pickle.loads(command[0]) command_type = 1 if command == b'shutdown': # ack break _, ext = os.path.splitext(command['filename']) init_reader_fn = if ext == '.las' else init_reader_fn(command['id'], command['filename'], command['offset_scale'], command['portion'], skt, transformer, verbosity) elif command[0] == b'pnts': command_type = 3, command[2], command[1], folder, write_rgb) skt.send_multipart([b'']) else: command_type = 2, octree_metadata, skt, verbosity) if activity_graph: print('{before}, {command_type}'.format(**locals()), file=activity) print('{before}, 0'.format(**locals()), file=activity) print('{after}, 0'.format(**locals()), file=activity) print('{after}, {command_type}'.format(**locals()), file=activity) if activity_graph: activity.close() if verbosity >= 1: print('total: {} sec, idle: {}'.format( round(time.time() - startup_time, 1), round(idle_time, 1))) skt.send_multipart([b'halted'])
def zmq_process(activity_graph, projection, node_store, octree_metadata, folder, write_rgb, verbosity): context = zmq.Context() # Socket to receive messages on skt = context.socket(zmq.DEALER) skt.connect('tcp://') startup_time = time.time() idle_time = 0 if activity_graph: activity = open('activity.{}.csv'.format(os.getpid()), 'w') # notify we're ready skt.send_multipart([b'']) while True: before = time.time() - startup_time skt.poll() after = time.time() - startup_time idle_time += after - before command = skt.recv_multipart() delta = time.time() - pickle.loads(command[0]) if delta > 0.01 and verbosity >= 1: print('{} / {} : Delta time: {}'.format(os.getpid(), round(after, 2), round(delta, 3))) command = command[1:] if len(command) == 1: command = pickle.loads(command[0]) command_type = 1 if command == b'shutdown': # ack break['id'], command['filename'], command['offset_scale'], command['portion'], skt, projection, verbosity) elif command[0] == b'pnts': command_type = 3, command[2], command[1], folder, write_rgb) skt.send_multipart([b'']) else: command_type = 2, octree_metadata, skt, verbosity) if activity_graph: print('{before}, {command_type}'.format(**locals()), file=activity) print('{before}, 0'.format(**locals()), file=activity) print('{after}, 0'.format(**locals()), file=activity) print('{after}, {command_type}'.format(**locals()), file=activity) if activity_graph: activity.close() if verbosity >= 1: print('total: {} sec, idle: {}'.format( round(time.time() - startup_time, 1), round(idle_time, 1))) skt.send_multipart([b'halted'])