コード例 #1
    def test_multi_checkpoints(self, tmp_path):
        """Test using checkpoints multiple times for a given model run."""
        # define a yaml for the base model run
        file_name = 'base_run.yaml'
        base_p, base_f = utilities.create_temporary_file(tmp_path, file_name)
        utilities.write_parameter_to_file(base_f, 'save_eta_grids', True)
        utilities.write_parameter_to_file(base_f, 'save_checkpoint', True)
        utilities.write_parameter_to_file(base_f, 'out_dir', tmp_path / 'test')
        baseModel = DeltaModel(input_file=base_p)

        # run base for 2 timesteps
        for _ in range(0, 50):

        # try defining a new model but plan to load checkpoint from baseModel
        file_name = 'base_run.yaml'
        base_p, base_f = utilities.create_temporary_file(tmp_path, file_name)
        utilities.write_parameter_to_file(base_f, 'save_eta_grids', True)
        utilities.write_parameter_to_file(base_f, 'save_checkpoint', True)
        utilities.write_parameter_to_file(base_f, 'resume_checkpoint', True)
        utilities.write_parameter_to_file(base_f, 'out_dir', tmp_path / 'test')
        resumeModel = DeltaModel(input_file=base_p)

        assert resumeModel.time <= baseModel.time

        # advance it more steps
        for _ in range(0, 25):

        # create another resume model
        resumeModel02 = DeltaModel(input_file=base_p)

        assert resumeModel02.time <= resumeModel.time  # should be same

        # step it some more
        nt_resume02 = 0
        while (resumeModel02._save_time_since_data != 0) or (nt_resume02 < 50):
            nt_resume02 += 1

        # assert that output netCDF4 exists
        exp_path_nc = os.path.join(tmp_path / 'test', 'pyDeltaRCM_output.nc')
        assert os.path.isfile(exp_path_nc)

        # load it into memory and check values in the netCDF4
        output = Dataset(exp_path_nc, 'r', allow_pickle=True)
        out_vars = output.variables.keys()
        # check that expected variables are in the file
        assert 'x' in out_vars
        assert 'y' in out_vars
        assert 'time' in out_vars
        assert 'eta' in out_vars
        # check attributes of variables
        assert output['time'][0].tolist() == 0.0
        assert output['time'][-1].tolist() == resumeModel02.time
コード例 #2
    def test_checkpoint_nc(self, tmp_path):
        """Test the netCDF that is written to by the checkpointing."""
        # define a yaml for the base model run
        file_name = 'base_run.yaml'
        base_p, base_f = utilities.create_temporary_file(tmp_path, file_name)
        utilities.write_parameter_to_file(base_f, 'out_dir', tmp_path / 'test')
        utilities.write_parameter_to_file(base_f, 'save_eta_grids', True)
        utilities.write_parameter_to_file(base_f, 'save_depth_grids', True)
        utilities.write_parameter_to_file(base_f, 'save_discharge_grids', True)
        utilities.write_parameter_to_file(base_f, 'save_sandfrac_grids', True)
        utilities.write_parameter_to_file(base_f, 'save_checkpoint', True)
        baseModel = DeltaModel(input_file=base_p)

        # run for some base number of steps
        nt_base = 50
        for _ in range(0, 50):

        # force the model run to end immmediately after exporting a checkpoint
        nt_var = 0
        while (baseModel._save_time_since_checkpoint != 0):
            nt_var += 1

        # then finalize

        # check that the time makes sense
        assert baseModel.time == baseModel._dt * (nt_base + nt_var)

        # try defining a new model but plan to load checkpoint from baseModel
        file_name = 'base_run.yaml'
        base_p, base_f = utilities.create_temporary_file(tmp_path, file_name)
        utilities.write_parameter_to_file(base_f, 'out_dir', tmp_path / 'test')
        utilities.write_parameter_to_file(base_f, 'save_eta_grids', True)
        utilities.write_parameter_to_file(base_f, 'save_depth_grids', True)
        utilities.write_parameter_to_file(base_f, 'save_discharge_grids', True)
        utilities.write_parameter_to_file(base_f, 'save_sandfrac_grids', True)
        utilities.write_parameter_to_file(base_f, 'save_checkpoint', False)
        utilities.write_parameter_to_file(base_f, 'resume_checkpoint', True)
        resumeModel = DeltaModel(input_file=base_p)

        assert resumeModel.time == baseModel.time  # same when resumed

        # advance it until output_data has been called again
        nt_resume = 0
        while (resumeModel._save_time_since_data != 0) or (nt_resume < 50):
            nt_resume += 1

        assert nt_resume > 0
        assert resumeModel.time > baseModel.time

        # assert that output netCDF4 exists
        exp_path_nc = os.path.join(tmp_path / 'test', 'pyDeltaRCM_output.nc')
        assert os.path.isfile(exp_path_nc)

        # load it into memory and check values in the netCDF4
        output = Dataset(exp_path_nc, 'r', allow_pickle=True)
        out_vars = output.variables.keys()

        # check that expected variables are in the file
        assert 'x' in out_vars
        assert 'y' in out_vars
        assert 'time' in out_vars
        assert 'eta' in out_vars
        assert 'depth' in out_vars
        assert 'discharge' in out_vars
        assert 'sandfrac' in out_vars

        # check attributes of variables
        assert output['time'][0].tolist() == 0.0
        assert output['time'][-1] == resumeModel.time
        assert output['time'][-1].tolist() == resumeModel._dt * \
            (nt_base + nt_var + nt_resume)
        assert output['eta'][0].shape == resumeModel.eta.shape
        assert output['eta'][-1].shape == resumeModel.eta.shape
        assert output['depth'][-1].shape == resumeModel.eta.shape
        assert output['discharge'][-1].shape == resumeModel.eta.shape
        assert output['sandfrac'][-1].shape == resumeModel.eta.shape
        # check the metadata
        assert output['meta']['L0'][:] == resumeModel.L0
        assert output['meta']['N0'][:] == resumeModel.N0
        assert output['meta']['CTR'][:] == resumeModel.CTR
        assert output['meta']['dx'][:] == resumeModel.dx
        assert output['meta']['h0'][:] == resumeModel.h0
        assert np.all(output['meta']['cell_type'][:] == resumeModel.cell_type)
        assert output['meta']['H_SL'][-1].data == resumeModel.H_SL
        assert output['meta']['f_bedload'][-1].data == resumeModel.f_bedload
        C0_from_file = float(output['meta']['C0_percent'][-1].data)
        assert pytest.approx(C0_from_file) == resumeModel.C0_percent
        assert output['meta']['u0'][-1].data == resumeModel.u0

        # checkpoint interval aligns w/ timestep dt so these should match
        assert output['time'][-1].tolist() == resumeModel.time
コード例 #3
    def test_load_ckpt_wo_netcdf_parallel_spinup_to_matrix(self, tmp_path):
        Test that multiple matrix runs can be resumed from a single checkpoint
        file, and take advantage of the preprocessor parallel infrastructure.
        # define a yaml with an output and checkpoint
        p = utilities.yaml_from_dict(tmp_path, 'input.yaml',
                                     {'save_checkpoint': True,
                                      'save_eta_grids': True})
        baseModel = DeltaModel(input_file=p)

        # run base for 2 timesteps
        for _ in range(0, 50):

        # get the number of times the data has been output in the base file
        bmsi = baseModel._save_iter
        assert bmsi > 0

        # check that files exist, and then delete nc
        assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(
            baseModel.prefix, 'pyDeltaRCM_output.nc'))
        assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(
            baseModel.prefix, 'checkpoint.npz'))

        # open the file and check dimensions
        exp_nc_path = os.path.join(baseModel.prefix, 'pyDeltaRCM_output.nc')
        output = Dataset(exp_nc_path, 'r', allow_pickle=True)
        out_vars = output.variables.keys()
        # check that expected variables are in the file
        assert 'x' in out_vars
        assert 'y' in out_vars
        assert 'time' in out_vars
        assert 'eta' in out_vars
        # check attributes of variables
        assert output['time'].shape[0] == bmsi


        # set up a matrix of runs
        resume_dict = {'save_checkpoint': False,
                       'resume_checkpoint': True,
                       'save_eta_grids': True,
                       'out_dir': os.path.join(tmp_path, 'matrix'),
                       'parallel': 4}
        _matrix = {'f_bedload': [0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1]}
        resume_dict['matrix'] = _matrix

        # let the preprocessor write the initial matrix and
        #    create a new output netcdf file
        pp = preprocessor.Preprocessor(
            timesteps=25)  # 2000

        # now copy the checkpoint
        for j, j_file in enumerate(pp.file_list):
            # get folder
            j_folder = j_file.parent

            # copy the spinup checkpoint to each of the folders
                src=os.path.join(baseModel.prefix, 'checkpoint.npz'),
                dst=os.path.join(tmp_path, 'matrix', j_folder))


        # first job save dimension
        fjsi = pp.job_list[0].deltamodel._save_iter

        # proceed with assertions
        for j, j_job in enumerate(pp.job_list):
            exp_nc_path = os.path.join(
                tmp_path, 'matrix', j_folder, 'pyDeltaRCM_output.nc')
            assert os.path.isfile(exp_nc_path)

            # check all jobs have same dimensionality
            jsi = j_job.deltamodel._save_iter
            assert jsi == fjsi

            # open the file and check dimensions
            output = Dataset(exp_nc_path, 'r', allow_pickle=True)
            out_vars = output.variables.keys()
            # check that expected variables are in the file
            assert 'x' in out_vars
            assert 'y' in out_vars
            assert 'time' in out_vars
            assert 'eta' in out_vars
            # check attributes of variables

            # this is the critical check, that the dimension of the second
            # netcdf is not expanded to begin at _save_ter from the initial
            # basemodel
            assert output['time'].shape[0] <= (bmsi // 2)
コード例 #4
    def test_simple_checkpoint(self, tmp_path):
        """Test checkpoint vs a base run.

        Also, checks resumed model against another checkpoint run.
        # define a yaml for the longer model run
        file_name = 'base_run.yaml'
        base_p, base_f = utilities.create_temporary_file(tmp_path, file_name)
        utilities.write_parameter_to_file(base_f, 'out_dir', tmp_path / 'test')
        utilities.write_parameter_to_file(base_f, 'save_checkpoint', True)
        longModel = DeltaModel(input_file=base_p)

        # run for some number of updates
        for _ in range(0, 50):

        # try defining a new model but plan to load checkpoint from longModel
        file_name = 'base_run.yaml'
        base_p, base_f = utilities.create_temporary_file(tmp_path, file_name)
        utilities.write_parameter_to_file(base_f, 'out_dir', tmp_path / 'test')
        utilities.write_parameter_to_file(base_f, 'resume_checkpoint', True)
        resumeModel = DeltaModel(input_file=base_p)

        # advance the resumed model until it catch up to longModel
        assert resumeModel.time < longModel.time
        while resumeModel._time < longModel._time:

        # the longModel and resumeModel should match
        assert longModel.time == resumeModel.time
        assert np.all(longModel.eta == resumeModel.eta)
        assert np.all(longModel.uw == resumeModel.uw)
        assert np.all(longModel.ux == resumeModel.ux)
        assert np.all(longModel.uy == resumeModel.uy)
        assert np.all(longModel.depth == resumeModel.depth)
        assert np.all(longModel.stage == resumeModel.stage)
        assert np.all(longModel.sand_frac == resumeModel.sand_frac)
        assert np.all(longModel.active_layer == resumeModel.active_layer)

        # define another model that loads the checkpoint
        file_name = 'base_run.yaml'
        base_p, base_f = utilities.create_temporary_file(tmp_path, file_name)
        utilities.write_parameter_to_file(base_f, 'out_dir', tmp_path / 'test')
        utilities.write_parameter_to_file(base_f, 'resume_checkpoint', True)
        resumeModel2 = DeltaModel(input_file=base_p)

        # advance the resumed model until it catch up to longModel
        while resumeModel2._time < resumeModel._time:

        # the two models that resumed from the checkpoint should be the same
        assert resumeModel2.time == resumeModel.time
        assert np.all(resumeModel2.uw == resumeModel.uw)
        assert np.all(resumeModel2.ux == resumeModel.ux)
        assert np.all(resumeModel2.uy == resumeModel.uy)
        assert np.all(resumeModel2.depth == resumeModel.depth)
        assert np.all(resumeModel2.stage == resumeModel.stage)
        assert np.all(resumeModel2.sand_frac == resumeModel.sand_frac)
        assert np.all(resumeModel2.active_layer == resumeModel.active_layer)
コード例 #5
    def test_checkpoint_diff_dt(self, tmp_path):
        """Test when checkpoint_dt does not match dt or save_dt."""
        # define a yaml for the base model run
        file_name = 'base_run.yaml'
        base_p, base_f = utilities.create_temporary_file(tmp_path, file_name)
        utilities.write_parameter_to_file(base_f, 'save_eta_grids', True)
        utilities.write_parameter_to_file(base_f, 'save_depth_grids', True)
        utilities.write_parameter_to_file(base_f, 'save_discharge_grids', True)
        utilities.write_parameter_to_file(base_f, 'save_checkpoint', True)
        utilities.write_parameter_to_file(base_f, 'out_dir', tmp_path / 'test')
        baseModel = DeltaModel(input_file=base_p)

        # modify the checkpoint dt to be different than save_dt
        baseModel._checkpoint_dt = (baseModel.save_dt * 0.65)

        for _ in range(0, 50):

        assert baseModel.time == baseModel._dt * 50
        baseModelSavedTime = (baseModel.time -
        assert baseModelSavedTime > 0

        # try defining a new model but plan to load checkpoint from baseModel
        file_name = 'base_run.yaml'
        base_p, base_f = utilities.create_temporary_file(tmp_path, file_name)
        utilities.write_parameter_to_file(base_f, 'save_eta_grids', True)
        utilities.write_parameter_to_file(base_f, 'save_depth_grids', True)
        utilities.write_parameter_to_file(base_f, 'save_discharge_grids', True)
        utilities.write_parameter_to_file(base_f, 'save_checkpoint', False)
        utilities.write_parameter_to_file(base_f, 'resume_checkpoint', True)
        utilities.write_parameter_to_file(base_f, 'out_dir', tmp_path / 'test')
        resumeModel = DeltaModel(input_file=base_p)

        assert resumeModel.time == baseModelSavedTime

        # advance until some steps and just saved
        nt_resume = 0
        while (resumeModel._save_time_since_data != 0) or (nt_resume < 50):
            nt_resume += 1

        # assert that output netCDF4 exists
        exp_path_nc = os.path.join(tmp_path / 'test', 'pyDeltaRCM_output.nc')
        assert os.path.isfile(exp_path_nc)

        # load it into memory and check values in the netCDF4
        output = Dataset(exp_path_nc, 'r', allow_pickle=True)
        out_vars = output.variables.keys()
        # check that expected variables are in the file
        assert 'x' in out_vars
        assert 'y' in out_vars
        assert 'time' in out_vars
        assert 'eta' in out_vars
        assert 'depth' in out_vars
        assert 'discharge' in out_vars
        # check attributes of variables
        assert output['time'][0].tolist() == 0.0
        assert output['time'][-1].tolist() == resumeModel.time