def closeEvent(self, event): poniFile = self.model().experimentSettingsModel().poniFile() if not poniFile.isSynchronized(): button = qt.QMessageBox.question( self, "calib2", "The PONI file was not saved.\nDo you really want to close the application?", qt.QMessageBox.Cancel | qt.QMessageBox.No | qt.QMessageBox.Yes, qt.QMessageBox.Yes) if button != qt.QMessageBox.Yes: event.ignore() return event.accept() CalibrationContext._releaseSingleton()
def pyFAI_calib2_main(): # It have to be done before loading Qt # --help must also work without Qt options = parse_options() if options.debug: logging.root.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # Then we can load Qt if options.opengl: silx.config.DEFAULT_PLOT_BACKEND = "opengl" pyFAI.resources.silx_integration() settings = qt.QSettings(qt.QSettings.IniFormat, qt.QSettings.UserScope, "pyfai", "pyfai-calib2", None) context = CalibrationContext(settings) context.restoreSettings() setup_model(context.getCalibrationModel(), options) window = CalibrationWindowXdart(context) window.setVisible(True) window.setAttribute(qt.Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose, True) context.saveSettings()
def main(): # It have to be done before loading Qt # --help must also work without Qt options = parse_options() if options.debug: logging.root.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # Then we can load Qt import silx from silx.gui import qt if options.opengl: silx.config.DEFAULT_PLOT_BACKEND = "opengl" # Make sure matplotlib is loaded first by silx import silx.gui.plot.matplotlib from pyFAI.gui.CalibrationWindow import CalibrationWindow from pyFAI.gui.CalibrationContext import CalibrationContext sys.excepthook = logUncaughtExceptions if options.qtargs is None: qtArgs = [] else: qtArgs = options.qtargs.split() app = qt.QApplication(qtArgs) pyFAI.resources.silx_integration() settings = qt.QSettings(qt.QSettings.IniFormat, qt.QSettings.UserScope, "pyfai", "pyfai-calib2", None) context = CalibrationContext(settings) context.restoreSettings() setup_model(context.getCalibrationModel(), options) window = CalibrationWindow(context) window.setVisible(True) window.setAttribute(qt.Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose, True) result = app.exec_() context.saveSettings() # remove ending warnings relative to QTimer app.deleteLater() return result
def initPeaksFromControlPoints(peakSelectionModel, controlPoints, context=None): """Initialize peak selection model using control points object :rtype: pyFAI.control_points.ControlPoints """ if not isinstance(peakSelectionModel, PeakSelectionModel): raise TypeError("Unexpected model type") if not isinstance(controlPoints, ControlPoints): raise TypeError("Unexpected model type") if context is None: context = CalibrationContext.instance() peakSelectionModel.clear() for label in controlPoints.get_labels(): group = controlPoints.get(lbl=label) peakModel = createRing(group.points, peakSelectionModel=peakSelectionModel, context=context) peakModel.setRingNumber(group.ring + 1) peakModel.setName(label) peakSelectionModel.append(peakModel)
def createRing(points, peakSelectionModel, ringNumber=None, context=None): """Create a new ring from a group of points :rtype: PeakModel """ if context is None: context = CalibrationContext.instance() name = _findUnusedName(peakSelectionModel) if ringNumber is None: ringNumber = 1 color = context.getMarkerColor(ringNumber - 1) peakModel = PeakModel(peakSelectionModel) peakModel.setName(name) peakModel.setColor(color) peakModel.setCoords(points) peakModel.setRingNumber(ringNumber) return peakModel
def createRing(points, peakSelectionModel, context=None): """Create a new ring from a group of points""" if context is None: context = CalibrationContext.instance() # reach the bigger name names = ["% 8s" % for p in peakSelectionModel] if len(names) > 0: names = list(sorted(names)) bigger = names[-1].strip() number = 0 for c in bigger: number = number * 26 + (ord(c) - ord('a')) else: number = -1 number = number + 1 # compute the next one name = "" if number == 0: name = "a" else: n = number while n > 0: c = n % 26 n = n // 26 name = chr(c + ord('a')) + name color = context.getMarkerColor(number) # TODO: color and name should be removed from the model # TODO: As result this function should be removed peakModel = PeakModel(peakSelectionModel) peakModel.setName(name) peakModel.setColor(color) peakModel.setCoords(points) peakModel.setRingNumber(1) return peakModel
def initPeaksFromControlPoints(peakSelectionModel, controlPoints, context=None): """Initialize peak selection model using control points object :rtype: pyFAI.control_points.ControlPoints """ if not isinstance(peakSelectionModel, PeakSelectionModel): raise TypeError("Unexpected model type") if not isinstance(controlPoints, ControlPoints): raise TypeError("Unexpected model type") if context is None: context = CalibrationContext.instance() peakSelectionModel.clear() for label in controlPoints.get_labels(): group = controlPoints.get(lbl=label) color = context.getMarkerColor(group.ring) points = numpy.array(group.points) peakModel = createRing(points, peakSelectionModel=peakSelectionModel, context=context) peakModel.setRingNumber(group.ring + 1) peakModel.setColor(color) peakModel.setName(label) peakSelectionModel.append(peakModel)
def create_context(self): settings = qt.QSettings() context = CalibrationContext(settings) return context
def setUp(self): # FIXME: It would be good to remove this singleton CalibrationContext._releaseSingleton() super(TestCalibration, self).setUp()
def main(): # It have to be done before loading Qt # --help must also work without Qt options = parse_options() if options.debug: logging.root.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # Then we can load Qt import silx from silx.gui import qt if options.opengl: silx.config.DEFAULT_PLOT_BACKEND = "opengl" # Make sure matplotlib is loaded first by silx import silx.gui.plot.matplotlib from pyFAI.gui.CalibrationWindow import CalibrationWindow from pyFAI.gui.CalibrationContext import CalibrationContext sys.excepthook = logUncaughtExceptions if options.qtargs is None: qtArgs = [] else: qtArgs = options.qtargs.split() app = qt.QApplication(qtArgs) pyFAI.resources.silx_integration() settings = qt.QSettings( qt.QSettings.IniFormat, qt.QSettings.UserScope, "pyfai", "pyfai-calib2", None ) context = CalibrationContext(settings) context.restoreSettings() setup_model(context.getCalibrationModel(), options) window = CalibrationWindow(context) # Begin modifications for bluesky_widgets from qtpy.QtWidgets import QDialog from import Search from bluesky_widgets.qt.searches import QtSearch from bluesky_widgets.examples.utils.generate_msgpack_data import get_catalog from bluesky_widgets.examples.utils.add_search_mixin import columns from qtpy.QtWidgets import QAction, QHBoxLayout, QPushButton, QVBoxLayout, QWidget example_catalog = get_catalog() class SearchDialog(QDialog): """ Combine the QtSearches widget with a button that processes selected Runs. """ def __init__(self, model, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) layout = QVBoxLayout() self.setLayout(layout) self.setModal(True) layout.addWidget(QtSearch(model)) accept = QPushButton("Open") reject = QPushButton("Cancel") # We'll just slip this into an existing widget --- not great form, but # this is just a silly example. accept.clicked.connect(self.accept) reject.clicked.connect(self.reject) buttons_widget = QWidget() buttons_layout = QHBoxLayout() buttons_widget.setLayout(buttons_layout) buttons_layout.addWidget(accept) buttons_layout.addWidget(reject) layout.addWidget(buttons_widget) def launch_dialog(): model = Search(example_catalog, columns=columns) dialog = SearchDialog(model) def open_catalog(): catalog = model.selection_as_catalog # TODO Extract the data from this. print(f"Open {len(catalog)} runs") dialog.accepted.connect(open_catalog) dialog.exec() menu = window.menuBar().addMenu("&Data Broker") launch_dialog_action = QAction("&Search") menu.addAction(launch_dialog_action) launch_dialog_action.triggered.connect(launch_dialog) # End modifications for bluesky_widgets window.setVisible(True) window.setAttribute(qt.Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose, True) result = app.exec_() context.saveSettings() # remove ending warnings relative to QTimer app.deleteLater() return result