コード例 #1
def decrypt(data, _key):
    ACCEPT JSON OF ENCRYPTED DATA  {"salt":s, "length":l, "data":d}
    from pyLibrary.queries import jx

    # Key and iv have not been generated or provided, bail out
    if _key is None:
        Log.error("Expecting a key")

    _input = convert.json2value(data)

    # Initialize encryption using key and iv
    key_expander_256 = key_expander.KeyExpander(256)
    expanded_key = key_expander_256.expand(_key)
    aes_cipher_256 = aes_cipher.AESCipher(expanded_key)
    aes_cbc_256 = cbc_mode.CBCMode(aes_cipher_256, 16)

    raw = convert.base642bytearray(_input.data)
    out_data = bytearray()
    for _, e in jx.groupby(raw, size=16):

    return str(out_data[:_input.length:]).decode("utf8")
コード例 #2
ファイル: crypto.py プロジェクト: davehunt/ActiveData
def encrypt(text, _key, salt=None):
    RETURN JSON OF ENCRYPTED DATA   {"salt":s, "length":l, "data":d}
    from pyLibrary.queries import jx

    if not isinstance(text, unicode):
        Log.error("only unicode is encrypted")
    if _key is None:
        Log.error("Expecting a key")
    if isinstance(_key, str):
        _key = bytearray(_key)
    if salt is None:
        salt = Random.bytes(16)

    data = bytearray(text.encode("utf8"))

    # Initialize encryption using key and iv
    key_expander_256 = key_expander.KeyExpander(256)
    expanded_key = key_expander_256.expand(_key)
    aes_cipher_256 = aes_cipher.AESCipher(expanded_key)
    aes_cbc_256 = cbc_mode.CBCMode(aes_cipher_256, 16)

    output = Dict()
    output.type = "AES256"
    output.salt = convert.bytes2base64(salt)
    output.length = len(data)

    encrypted = bytearray()
    for _, d in jx.groupby(data, size=16):
    output.data = convert.bytes2base64(encrypted)
    json = convert.value2json(output)

    if DEBUG:
        test = decrypt(json, _key)
        if test != text:
            Log.error("problem with encryption")

    return json