コード例 #1
ファイル: ept.py プロジェクト: umvarma/pynastran
    def _readPBEAM(self, data, n):
        PBEAM(5402,54,262) - the marker for Record 14
        .. todo:: add object
        s1 = Struct(b'4if')
        s2 = Struct(b'16f')
        s3 = Struct(b'11f')
        ntotal = 1072  # 44+12*84+20
        nproperties = (len(data) - n) // ntotal
        for i in range(nproperties):
            eData = data[n:n + 20]
            n += 20
            dataIn = list(s1.unpack(eData))
            self.binary_debug.write('  PBEAM=%s\n' % str(dataIn))
            (pid, mid, nsegs, ccf, x) = dataIn

            for i in range(12):
                eData = data[n:n + 64]
                n += 64
                pack = s2.unpack(eData)
                (so, xxb, a, i1, i2, i12, j, nsm, c1, c2, d1, d2, e1, e2, f1,
                 f2) = pack
                self.binary_debug.write('     %s\n' % str(pack))
            eData = data[n:n + 44]

            dataIn = list(s3.unpack(eData))
            #(k1,k2,s1,s2,nsia,nsib,cwa,cwb,m1a,m2a,m1b,m2b,n1a,n2a,n1b,n2b) = pack

            prop = PBEAM(None, dataIn)
        self.card_count['PBEAM'] = nproperties
        return n
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_beams.py プロジェクト: umvarma/pynastran
    def test_pbeam_02(self):
        lines = [
            '     ,  , ,2.0,-4.0',
            '     ,YES,1.0,5.3,56.2,78.6',
            '     ,   ,   ,2.5,-5.0',
            '     ,YES,1.0,5.3,56.2,78.6',
            '     ,   ,   ,2.5,-5.0',
            '     ,YES,1.0,5.3,56.2,78.6',
            '     ,   ,   ,2.5,-5.0',
            '     ,   ,   ,1.1,    ,2.1,,0.21',
            '     ,   ,   ,   ,    ,0.5,,0.0',

        card = bdf.process_card(lines)
        card = BDFCard(card)
        card2 = PBEAM(card)
        fields = card2.raw_fields()

        lines_expected = [
            'PBEAM         39       6     2.9     3.5    5.97      0.      0.      0.',
            '              0.      0.      2.     -4.      0.      0.      0.      0.',
            '             YES      1.     5.3    56.2    78.6      0.      0.      0.',
            '              0.      0.     2.5     -5.      0.      0.      0.      0.',
            '             YES      1.     5.3    56.2    78.6      0.      0.      0.',
            '              0.      0.     2.5     -5.      0.      0.      0.      0.',
            '             YES      1.     5.3    56.2    78.6      0.      0.      0.',
            '              0.      0.     2.5     -5.      0.      0.      0.      0.',
            '              1.      1.     1.1      0.     2.1     2.1     .21     .21',
            '              0.      0.      0.      0.      .5      .5      0.      0.'
        self._compare(fields, lines_expected)
コード例 #3
    def readPBEAM(self, data):
        PBEAM(5402,54,262) - the marker for Record 14
        @todo add object
        #print "reading PBEAM"
        while len(data) >= 1072:  # 44+12*84+20
            eData = data[:20]
            data = data[20:]
            dataIn = list(unpack(b'4if', eData))
            #print "len(out) = ",len(out)
            #print out
            (pid, mid, nsegs, ccf, x) = dataIn

            for i in xrange(12):
                eData = data[64:]
                data = data[:64]
                pack = unpack(b'16f', eData)
                (so, xxb, a, i1, i2, i12, j, nsm, c1, c2,
                    d1, d2, e1, e2, f1, f2) = pack

            eData = data[:44]
            data = data[44:]

            dataIn = list(unpack(b'11f', eData))
            #(k1,k2,s1,s2,nsia,nsib,cwa,cwb,m1a,m2a,m1b,m2b,n1a,n2a,n1b,n2b) = pack

            prop = PBEAM(None, dataIn)
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_beams.py プロジェクト: EPeterE/von_mises_rms
    def test_pbeam_01(self):
        lines = [
            '     ,  , ,2.0,-4.0',
            '     ,YES,1.0,5.3,56.2,78.6',
            '     ,   ,   ,2.5,-5.0',
            '     ,   ,   ,1.1,    ,2.1,,0.21',
            '     ,   ,   ,   ,    ,0.5,,0.0',
        card = bdf.process_card(lines)
        #print print_card(card)
        card = BDFCard(card)
        card2 = PBEAM(card)
        fields = card2.rawFields()
        msg = print_card(fields).rstrip()

        lines_expected = [
            'PBEAM         39       6     2.9     3.5    5.97      0.      0.      0.',
            '              0.      0.      2.     -4.      0.      0.      0.      0.',
            '             YES      1.     5.3    56.2    78.6    56.2      0.      0.',
            '              0.      0.      0.     2.5     -5.      0.      0.      0.',
            '              1.      1.     1.1      0.     2.1     2.1     .21     .21',
            '              0.      0.      0.      0.      .5      .5      0.      0.'
        lines_actual = msg.rstrip().split('\n')
        msg = '\n%s\n\n%s' % ('\n'.join(lines_expected), msg)
        msg += 'nlines_actual=%i nlines_expected=%i' % (len(lines_actual),
        self.assertEqual(len(lines_actual), len(lines_expected), msg)
        for actual, expected in zip(lines_actual, lines_expected):
            self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_beams.py プロジェクト: EPeterE/von_mises_rms
    def _test_pbeam_07(self):

        lines = [
            'PBEAM   100     100     1.00    10.     1.0                             +Z1',
            '+Z1     NO      1.0                                                     +Z4',
            '+Z4     0.0     0.0',
        card = bdf.process_card(lines)
        card = BDFCard(card)
        #print("card =", card)
        #with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):  # temporary RuntimeError
        card2 = PBEAM(card)

        if 0:
            fields = card2.rawFields()
            msg = print_card(fields)

            lines_actual = msg.rstrip().split('\n')
            msg = '\n%s\n\n%s' % ('\n'.join(lines_expected), msg)
            msg += 'nlines_actual=%i nlines_expected=%i' % (
                len(lines_actual), len(lines_expected))
            self.assertEqual(len(lines_actual), len(lines_expected), msg)
            for actual, expected in zip(lines_actual, lines_expected):
                msg = 'actual   = %r\n' % actual
                msg += 'expected = %r' % expected
                self.assertEqual(actual, expected, msg)
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_beams.py プロジェクト: EPeterE/von_mises_rms
    def test_pbeam_05(self):
        lines = [
            '     ,  , ,2.0,-4.0',

        card = bdf.process_card(lines)
        card = BDFCard(card)
        #print("card =", card)
        card2 = PBEAM(card)
        fields = card2.rawFields()
        msg = print_card(fields)

        lines_expected = [
            'PBEAM         39       6     2.9     3.5    5.97      0.      0.      0.',
            '              0.      0.      2.     -4.      0.      0.      0.      0.',
            '              1.      1.      0.      0.      0.      0.      0.      0.',
            '              0.      0.      0.      0.      0.      0.      0.      0.',
        lines_actual = msg.rstrip().split('\n')
        msg = '\n%s\n\n%s' % ('\n'.join(lines_expected), msg)
        msg += 'nlines_actual=%i nlines_expected=%i' % (len(lines_actual),
        self.assertEqual(len(lines_actual), len(lines_expected), msg)
        for actual, expected in zip(lines_actual, lines_expected):
            msg = 'actual   = %r\n' % actual
            msg += 'expected = %r' % expected
            self.assertEqual(actual, expected, msg)
コード例 #7
ファイル: test_beams.py プロジェクト: afcarl/cyNastran
    def test_pbeam_04(self):
        lines =['PBEAM,39,6,2.9,3.5,5.97',
                '     ,  , ,2.0,-4.0',
                '     ,   ,   ,1.1,    ,2.1,,0.21',
                '     ,   ,   ,   ,    ,0.5,,0.0',]

        card = bdf.process_card(lines)
        card = BDFCard(card)
        card2 = PBEAM(card)
        fields = card2.rawFields()
        lines_expected = ['PBEAM         39       6     2.9     3.5    5.97      0.      0.      0.',
                          '              0.      0.      2.     -4.      0.      0.      0.      0.',
                          '              1.      1.     1.1      0.     2.1     2.1     .21     .21',
                          '              0.      0.      0.      0.      .5      .5      0.      0.',]
        self._compare(fields, lines_expected)
コード例 #8
ファイル: test_beams.py プロジェクト: umvarma/pynastran
    def test_pbeam_08(self):  # should fail...
        lines = [
            'PBEAM*   4570049         4570010        .12             2.56-4          *    HRY',
            '*    HRY.005625                         8.889-4         6.4444-7        *    HRZ',
            '*    HRZ-.04            -.75            .04             -.75            *    HSA',
            '*    HSA.04             .75             -.04            .75             *    HSB',
            '*    HSB YES            1.              .12             2.56-4          *    HSC',
            '*    HSC.005625                         8.889-4         6.4444-7        *    HSD',
            '*    HSD-.04            -.75            .04             -.75            *    HSE',
            '*    HSE.04             .75             -.04            .75             *    HSF',
            '*    HSF.853433         .849842                                         *    HSG',
            '*    HSG',
        lines_expected = [
            'PBEAM*           4570049         4570010             .12         .000256',
            '*                .005625                        .0008889    .00000064444',
            '*                   -.04            -.75             .04            -.75',
            '*                    .04             .75            -.04             .75',
            '*                    YES              1.             .12         .000256',
            '*                .005625                        .0008889    .00000064444',
            '*                   -.04            -.75             .04            -.75',
            '*                    .04             .75            -.04             .75',
            '*                .853433         .849842',

        card = bdf.process_card(lines)
        card = BDFCard(card)
        #with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):  # temporary RuntimeError
        card2 = PBEAM(card)

        if 1:
            fields = card2.raw_fields()
            msg = print_card(fields)
            size = 16
            msg = card2.write_bdf(size, 'dummy')

            lines_actual = msg.rstrip().split('\n')
            msgA = '\n%s\n\n%s' % ('\n'.join(lines_expected), msg)
            msgA += 'nlines_actual=%i nlines_expected=%i' % (
                len(lines_actual), len(lines_expected))
            self.assertEqual(len(lines_actual), len(lines_expected), msg)
            for actual, expected in zip(lines_actual, lines_expected):
                actual = str(actual)
                expected = str(expected)
                msg = msgA + '\nactual   = %r\n' % actual
                msg += 'expected = %r' % expected
                self.assertEqual(actual, expected, msg)
コード例 #9
ファイル: test_beams.py プロジェクト: afcarl/cyNastran
    def test_pbeam_05(self):
        lines =['PBEAM,39,6,2.9,3.5,5.97',
                '     ,  , ,2.0,-4.0',]

        card = bdf.process_card(lines)
        card = BDFCard(card)
        card2 = PBEAM(card)
        fields = card2.rawFields()
        msg = print_card(fields)

        lines_expected = ['PBEAM         39       6     2.9     3.5    5.97      0.      0.      0.',
                          '              0.      0.      2.     -4.      0.      0.      0.      0.',
                          '              1.      1.      0.      0.      0.      0.      0.      0.',
                          '              0.      0.      0.      0.      0.      0.      0.      0.',]
        self._compare(fields, lines_expected)
コード例 #10
ファイル: test_beams.py プロジェクト: afcarl/cyNastran
 def test_pbeam_09(self):
     fields = [u'PBEAM', 4570049, 4570010, 0.12, 0.000256, 0.005625, None,
         0.0008889, 6.4444e-07, -0.04, -0.75, 0.04, -0.75, 0.04, 0.75,
         -0.04, 0.75, 'YES', 1.0, 0.12, 0.000256, 0.005625, 0.000256,
         None, 0.0008889, 6.4444e-07, -0.04, -0.75, 0.04, -0.75, 0.04,
         0.75, -0.04, 0.853433, 0.849842]
     #fields = [u'PBAR', 1510998, 1520998, 0.0, 4.9000000000000006e-14, 4.9000000000000006e-14, 0.0, 0.0, None, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, None, None, 0.0]
     card = print_card(fields)
     card = print_card(fields)
     lines = card.split('\n')
     card = bdf.process_card(lines)
     card2 = BDFCard(card)
     #with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):  # A=0, I12=0, K1=0
     pbeam = PBEAM(card2)
     fields2 = pbeam.reprFields()
     assert fields == fields
コード例 #11
ファイル: test_beams.py プロジェクト: afcarl/cyNastran
    def test_pbeam_06(self):
        lines =['PBEAM   1       1       1.      60.     1.                              PBEAM1',
                '+BEAM1  5.              -5.                                             PBEAM2',
                '+BEAM2  YES     1.      2.      240.                                    PBEAM3',
                '+BEAM3  10.             -10.                                            PBEAM4',
                '+BEAM4                  -.666667',]

        card = bdf.process_card(lines)
        card = BDFCard(card)
        card2 = PBEAM(card)
        fields = card2.rawFields()

        lines_expected = ['PBEAM          1       1      1.     60.      1.      0.      0.      0.',
                          '              5.      0.     -5.      0.      0.      0.      0.      0.',
                          '             YES      1.      2.    240.      0.      0.      0.      0.',
                          '             10.      0.    -10.      0.      0.      0.      0.      0.',
                          '              1.      1.-.666667      0.      0.      0.      0.      0.',
                          '              0.      0.      0.      0.      0.      0.      0.      0.',
        self._compare(fields, lines_expected)
コード例 #12
ファイル: test_beams.py プロジェクト: afcarl/cyNastran
    def test_pbeam_07(self):
        lines = ['PBEAM   100     100     1.00    10.     1.0                             +Z1',
                 '+Z1     NO      1.0                                                     +Z4',
                 '+Z4     0.0     0.0',]
        card = bdf.process_card(lines)
        card = BDFCard(card)
        with self.assertRaises(SyntaxError):  # ..todo:: is this correct?
            card2 = PBEAM(card)

        if 0:
            fields = card2.rawFields()
            msg = print_card(fields)

            lines_actual = msg.rstrip().split('\n')
            msg = '\n%s\n\n%s' % ('\n'.join(lines_expected), msg)
            msg += 'nlines_actual=%i nlines_expected=%i' % (len(lines_actual), len(lines_expected))
            self.assertEqual(len(lines_actual), len(lines_expected), msg)
            for actual, expected in zip(lines_actual, lines_expected):
                msg =  '\nactual   = %r\n' % actual
                msg += 'expected = %r' % expected
                self.assertEqual(actual, expected, msg)
コード例 #13
ファイル: test_beams.py プロジェクト: EPeterE/von_mises_rms
    def test_pbeam_06(self):
        lines = [
            'PBEAM   1       1       1.      60.     1.                              PBEAM1',
            '+BEAM1  5.              -5.                                             PBEAM2',
            '+BEAM2  YES     1.      2.      240.                                    PBEAM3',
            '+BEAM3  10.             -10.                                            PBEAM4',
            '+BEAM4                  -.666667',

        card = bdf.process_card(lines)
        card = BDFCard(card)
        #print("card =", card)
        card2 = PBEAM(card)
        fields = card2.rawFields()
        msg = print_card(fields)

        lines_expected = [
            'PBEAM          1       1      1.     60.      1.      0.      0.      0.',
            '              5.      0.     -5.      0.      0.      0.      0.      0.',
            '             YES      1.      2.    240.      0.    240.      0.      0.',
            '              0.     10.      0.    -10.      0.      0.      0.      0.',
            '              1.      1.-.666667      0.      0.      0.      0.      0.',
            '              0.      0.      0.      0.      0.      0.      0.      0.',
        lines_actual = msg.rstrip().split('\n')
        msg = '\n%s\n\n%s' % ('\n'.join(lines_expected), msg)
        msg += 'nlines_actual=%i nlines_expected=%i' % (len(lines_actual),
        self.assertEqual(len(lines_actual), len(lines_expected), msg)
        for actual, expected in zip(lines_actual, lines_expected):
            msg = 'actual   = %r\n' % actual
            msg += 'expected = %r' % expected
            self.assertEqual(actual, expected, msg)