コード例 #1
ファイル: radiation.py プロジェクト: w-matthewd/pyNastran
    def __init__(self, nodamb, famb, cntrlnd, eids, comment=''):
        if comment:
            self.comment = comment

        #: NODAMB Ambient point for radiation exchange. (Integer > 0)
        self.nodamb = nodamb

        #: Radiation view factor between the face and the ambient point.
        #: (Real > 0.0)
        self.famb = famb

        #: Control point for thermal flux load. (Integer > 0; Default = 0)
        self.cntrlnd = cntrlnd

        #: CHBDYi element identification number
        self.eids = expand_thru_by(eids)

        assert self.nodamb > 0
        assert self.famb > 0.0
        assert self.cntrlnd >= 0
        min_eid = min(self.eids)
        if min_eid < 1:
            msg = 'min(eids)=%i' % min_eid
            raise ValueError(msg)
        self.eids_ref = None
コード例 #2
    def __init__(self, sid, q0, cntrlnd, eids, comment=''):
        Creates a QBDY3 card

        sid : int
            Load set identification number. (Integer > 0)
        q0 : float; default=None
            Magnitude of thermal flux vector into face
        control_id : int; default=0
            Control point
        eids : List[int] or THRU
            Element identification number of a CHBDYE, CHBDYG, or
            CHBDYP entry
        comment : str; default=''
            a comment for the card

        if comment:
            self.comment = comment

        #: Load set identification number. (Integer > 0)
        self.sid = sid

        #: Heat flux into element
        self.q0 = q0

        #: Control point for thermal flux load. (Integer > 0; Default = 0)
        self.cntrlnd = cntrlnd

        #: CHBDYj element identification numbers
        self.eids = expand_thru_by(eids)
        self.eids_ref = None
コード例 #3
    def __init__(self, card=None, data=None, comment=''):
        if comment:
            self.comment = comment

        if card:
            #: NODAMB Ambient point for radiation exchange. (Integer > 0)
            self.nodamb = integer(card, 1, 'nodamb')
            assert self.nodamb > 0

            #: Radiation view factor between the face and the ambient point.
            #: (Real > 0.0)
            self.famb = double(card, 2, 'famb')
            assert self.famb > 0.0

            #: Control point for thermal flux load. (Integer > 0; Default = 0)
            self.cntrlnd = integer_or_blank(card, 3, 'cntrlnd', 0)
            assert self.cntrlnd >= 0

            nfields = card.nfields
            eids = fields(integer_or_string, card, 'eid', i=4, j=nfields)
            #: CHBDYi element identification number
            self.eids = expand_thru_by(eids)
            raise NotImplementedError(data)

        min_eid = min(self.eids)
        if min_eid < 1:
            msg = 'min(eids)=%i' % min_eid
            raise ValueError(msg)
コード例 #4
    def add_card(cls, card, comment=''):
        Adds a QVECT card from ``BDF.add_card(...)``

        card : BDFCard()
            a BDFCard object
        comment : str; default=''
            a comment for the card

        sid = integer(card, 1, 'sid')
        q0 = double(card, 2, 'q0')
        t_source = double_or_blank(card, 3, 't_source')
        ce = integer_or_blank(card, 4, 'ce', 0)
        vector_tableds = [
            integer_double_or_blank(card, 5, 'e1_tabled1', 0.0),
            integer_double_or_blank(card, 6, 'e2_tabled2', 0.0),
            integer_double_or_blank(card, 7, 'e3_tabled3', 0.0),
        control_id = integer_or_blank(card, 8, 'control_id', 0)

        i = 1
        eids = []
        for ifield in range(9, len(card)):
            eid = integer_or_string(card, ifield, 'eid_%i' % i)
            assert eid != 0, card
            i += 1
        elements = expand_thru_by(eids)
        return QVECT(sid, q0, elements, t_source=t_source,
                     ce=ce, vector_tableds=vector_tableds, control_id=control_id,
コード例 #5
    def __init__(self, line_id, nodes, comment=''):
        if comment:
            self.comment = comment

        self.line_id = line_id
        self.nodes = expand_thru_by(nodes)
        self.nodes_ref = None
コード例 #6
ファイル: thermal.py プロジェクト: watkinrt/pyNastran
    def __init__(self, card=None, data=None, comment=''):
        ThermalBC.__init__(self, card, data)
        if comment:
            self._comment = comment

        if card:
            #: NODAMB Ambient point for radiation exchange. (Integer > 0)
            self.nodamb = integer(card, 1, 'nodamb')
            assert self.nodamb > 0

            #: Radiation view factor between the face and the ambient point.
            #: (Real > 0.0)
            self.famb = double(card, 2, 'famb')
            assert self.famb > 0.0

            #: Control point for thermal flux load. (Integer > 0; Default = 0)
            self.cntrlnd = integer_or_blank(card, 3, 'cntrlnd', 0)
            assert self.cntrlnd >= 0

            nfields = card.nfields
            eids = fields(integer_or_string, card, 'eid', i=4, j=nfields)
            #: CHBDYi element identification number
            self.eids = expand_thru_by(eids)
            raise NotImplementedError(data)

        min_eid = min(self.eids)
        if min_eid < 1:
            msg = 'min(eids)=%i' % min_eid
            raise ValueError(msg)
コード例 #7
ファイル: test_base_card.py プロジェクト: ratalex/pyNastran
    def test_expand_thru(self):
        """tests expand_thru"""
        values = expand_thru(['1', 'THRU', '10'])
        assert values == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], values

        values = expand_thru(['1', 'thru', '10'])
        assert values == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], values

        values = expand_thru([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
        assert values == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], values

        values = expand_thru_by(['1', 'THRU', '10', 'BY', 2])
        assert values == [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10], values

        values = expand_thru_by(['1', 'thru', '10', 'by', 2])
        assert values == [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10], values

        values = expand_thru_by([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
        assert values == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], values
コード例 #8
ファイル: test_loads.py プロジェクト: zbhfut/pyNastran
    def test_accel1_2(self):
        """tests problematic ACCEL1 cards"""
        cards = [
            ['ACCEL1  1               -32.2   0.2672610.5345220.801784',
             '+       1       2       3       4       5'],
            ['ACCEL1  2               -64.4   0.2672610.5345220.801784',
             '+       6       THRU    9       10'],
            ['ACCEL1  3               -96.6   0.2672610.5345220.801784',
             '+       11      12      THRU    15'],
            ['ACCEL1  4               -128.8  0.2672610.5345220.801784',
             '+       1       THRU    10      BY      2       12      THRU    24',
             '+       BY      2'],
            ['ACCEL1  5               -161.0  0.2672610.5345220.801784',
             '+       14      THRU    24      BY      3'],
        fields = ['14', 'THRU', '24', 'BY', '2']
        fields = expand_thru_by(fields, set_fields=True, sort_fields=True)
        assert fields == [14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24], 'fields=%s' % fields
        assert collapse_thru_by(fields) == [14, 'THRU', 24, 'BY', 2], collapse_thru_by(fields)

        fields = ['2', 'THRU', '5', 'BY', '1', '10']
        fields = expand_thru_by(fields, set_fields=True, sort_fields=True)
        assert fields == [2, 3, 4, 5, 10], 'fields=%s' % fields
        assert collapse_thru_by(fields) == [2, 'THRU', 5, 10], collapse_thru_by(fields)

        fields = ['14', 'THRU', '24', 'BY', '3']
        fields = expand_thru_by(fields, set_fields=True, sort_fields=True)
        assert fields == [14, 17, 20, 23, 24], 'fields=%s' % fields
        # [14, 'THRU', 24, 'BY', 3] - this is the ideal answer, but close enough...
        assert collapse_thru_by(fields) == [14, 17, 20, 23, 24], collapse_thru_by(fields)

        fields = ['14', 'THRU', '24', 'BY', '2']
        fields = expand_thru_by(fields, set_fields=True, sort_fields=True)
        assert collapse_thru_by(fields) == [14, 'THRU', 24, 'BY', 2], collapse_thru_by(fields)

        model = BDF()
        for card_lines in cards:
            model.add_card(card_lines, 'ACCEL1', comment='',
                           is_list=False, has_none=True)

        for key, loads in sorted(model.loads.items()):
            for load in loads:
コード例 #9
    def add_card(cls, card, icard=0, comment=''):
        Adds a TEMPD card from ``BDF.add_card(...)``

        card : BDFCard()
            a BDFCard object
        icard : int; default=0
            sid to be parsed
        comment : str; default=''
            a comment for the card

        sid = integer(card, 1, 'sid')
        eid = integer(card, 2, 'eid')

        t = []
        ifield = 3
        for var in ['A', 'B', 'C']:
            ti = double_or_blank(card, ifield, 'T(%s)' % var, default=0.0)
            ifield += 1

        tpy = []
        tpz = []
        for var in ['A', 'B', 'C']:
            tpyi = double_or_blank(card, ifield, 'TPY(%s)' % var, default=0.0)
            tpzi = double_or_blank(card, ifield + 1, 'TPZ(%s)' % var, default=0.0)
            ifield += 2
        tc = []
        td = []
        te = []
        tf = []
        for var in ['A', 'B', 'C']:
            tci = double_or_blank(card, ifield, 'TC(%s)' % var, default=0.0)
            tdi = double_or_blank(card, ifield + 1, 'TD(%s)' % var, default=0.0)
            tei = double_or_blank(card, ifield + 2, 'TE(%s)' % var, default=0.0)
            tfi = double_or_blank(card, ifield + 3, 'TF(%s)' % var, default=0.0)
            ifield += 4
        ifield += 1 # skip the None

        list_fields = card[ifield:]
        eids = expand_thru_by(list_fields, set_fields=True, sort_fields=True,
                              require_int=True, allow_blanks=False)
        return TEMPB3(sid, eid, t, tpy, tpz, tc, td, te, tf, eids, comment=comment)
コード例 #10
    def __init__(self, sid, nsm_type, value, ids, comment=''):
        Creates an NSM1/NSML1 card

        sid : int
            Case control NSM id
        nsm_type : str
            Type of card the NSM is applied to
            valid_properties = {
        value : float
            NSM1:  the non-structural pass per unit length/area
            NSML1: the total non-structural pass per unit length/area;
                   the nsm will be broken down based on a weighted area/length
        ids : List[int]
            property ids or element ids depending on nsm_type
        comment : str; default=''
            a comment for the card
        if comment:
            self.comment = comment

        if isinstance(ids, integer_types):
            ids = [ids]
        if isinstance(ids, str):
            assert ids == 'ALL', 'ids=%r is not ALL' % ids
            ids = [ids]
            # With the 'THRU' and 'THRU', 'BY' forms, blanks fields are
            # allowed for readability. Any combination of a list of IDs
            # and 'THRU' and 'THRU', 'BY' is allowed. The "THRU" and "BY"
            # lists may have missing IDs. That is the list of IDs in a
            # THRU range need not be continuous.
            ids = expand_thru_by(ids, allow_blanks=True)
        assert len(ids) > 0, ids
        self.sid = sid
        self.nsm_type = nsm_type

        # TODO: expand the node ids
        self.ids = ids
        self.value = value
        if self.nsm_type not in self.valid_properties:
            raise TypeError('nsm_type=%r must be in [%s]' %
                            (self.nsm_type, ', '.join(self.valid_properties)))
        assert isinstance(ids, list), 'ids=%r is not a list' % (ids)
コード例 #11
ファイル: contact.py プロジェクト: dsegroup22/pyNastran
 def add_card(cls, card, comment=''):
     sid = integer(card, 1, 'sid')
     #: Number (float)
     nfields = card.nfields
     i = 2
     eid_data = []
     while i < nfields:
         d = integer_string_or_blank(card, i, 'field_%s' % i)
         if d is not None:
         i += 1
     eids = expand_thru_by(eid_data)
     return BSURF(sid, eids, comment=comment)
コード例 #12
 def add_card(cls, card, comment=''):
     sid = integer(card, 1, 'sid')
     #: Number (float)
     nfields = card.nfields
     i = 2
     eid_data = []
     while i < nfields:
         d = integer_string_or_blank(card, i, 'field_%s' % i)
         if d is not None:
         i += 1
     eids = expand_thru_by(eid_data)
     return BSURF(sid, eids, comment=comment)
コード例 #13
ファイル: loads.py プロジェクト: dsegroup22/pyNastran
    def add_card(cls, card, comment=''):
        sid = integer(card, 1, 'sid')

        qvol = double(card, 2, 'qvol')
        control_point = integer_or_blank(card, 3, 'control_id', 0)

        i = 1
        eids = []
        for ifield in range(4, len(card)):
            eid = integer_or_string(card, ifield, 'eid_%i' % i)
            i += 1
        elements = expand_thru_by(eids)
        return QVOL(sid, qvol, control_point, elements, comment=comment)
コード例 #14
ファイル: loads.py プロジェクト: saullocastro/pyNastran
    def add_card(cls, card, comment=''):
        sid = integer(card, 1, 'sid')

        qvol = double(card, 2, 'qvol')
        control_point = integer_or_blank(card, 3, 'control_id', 0)

        i = 1
        eids = []
        for ifield in range(4, len(card)):
            eid = integer_or_string(card, ifield, 'eid_%i' % i)
            i += 1
        elements = expand_thru_by(eids)
        return QVOL(sid, qvol, control_point, elements, comment=comment)
コード例 #15
ファイル: loads.py プロジェクト: dsegroup22/pyNastran
    def __init__(self, sid, Q0, cntrlnd, eids, comment=''):
        if comment:
            self.comment = comment

        #: Load set identification number. (Integer > 0)
        self.sid = sid

        #: Heat flux into element
        self.Q0 = Q0

        #: Control point for thermal flux load. (Integer > 0; Default = 0)
        self.cntrlnd = cntrlnd

        #: CHBDYj element identification numbers
        self.eids = expand_thru_by(eids)
コード例 #16
ファイル: loads.py プロジェクト: saullocastro/pyNastran
    def __init__(self, sid, Q0, cntrlnd, eids, comment=''):
        if comment:
            self.comment = comment

        #: Load set identification number. (Integer > 0)
        self.sid = sid

        #: Heat flux into element
        self.Q0 = Q0

        #: Control point for thermal flux load. (Integer > 0; Default = 0)
        self.cntrlnd = cntrlnd

        #: CHBDYj element identification numbers
        self.eids = expand_thru_by(eids)
コード例 #17
ファイル: contact.py プロジェクト: marcinch18/pyNastran
 def __init__(self, card=None, data=None, comment=''):
     if comment:
         self._comment = comment
     if card:
         #: Set identification number. (Unique Integer > 0)
         self.sid = integer(card, 1, 'sid')
         #: Number (float)
         nfields = card.nfields
         i = 2
         eid_data = []
         while i < nfields:
             d = integer_string_or_blank(card, i, 'field_%s' % i)
             if d is not None:
             i += 1
         #: Element identification numbers of shell elements. (Integer > 0)
         self.eids = expand_thru_by(eid_data)
         msg = '%s has not implemented data parsing' % self.type
         raise NotImplementedError(msg)
コード例 #18
ファイル: loads.py プロジェクト: zbhfut/pyNastran
    def add_card(cls, card, comment=''):
        Adds a QVOL card from ``BDF.add_card(...)``

        card : BDFCard()
            a BDFCard object
        comment : str; default=''
            a comment for the card
        sid = integer(card, 1, 'sid')
        qvol = double(card, 2, 'qvol')
        control_point = integer_or_blank(card, 3, 'control_id', 0)

        i = 1
        eids = []
        for ifield in range(4, len(card)):
            eid = integer_or_string(card, ifield, 'eid_%i' % i)
            i += 1
        elements = expand_thru_by(eids)
        return QVOL(sid, qvol, control_point, elements, comment=comment)
コード例 #19
    def add_card(cls, card, comment=''):
        Adds a BSURF card from ``BDF.add_card(...)``

        card : BDFCard()
            a BDFCard object
        comment : str; default=''
            a comment for the card
        sid = integer(card, 1, 'sid')
        #: Number (float)
        nfields = card.nfields
        i = 2
        eid_data = []
        while i < nfields:
            d = integer_string_or_blank(card, i, 'field_%s' % i)
            if d is not None:
            i += 1
        eids = expand_thru_by(eid_data)
        return BSURF(sid, eids, comment=comment)
コード例 #20
ファイル: radiation.py プロジェクト: numenic/pyNastran
    def __init__(self, nodamb, famb, cntrlnd, eids, comment=''):
        if comment:
            self.comment = comment

        #: NODAMB Ambient point for radiation exchange. (Integer > 0)
        self.nodamb = nodamb

        #: Radiation view factor between the face and the ambient point.
        #: (Real > 0.0)
        self.famb = famb

        #: Control point for thermal flux load. (Integer > 0; Default = 0)
        self.cntrlnd = cntrlnd

        #: CHBDYi element identification number
        if isinstance(eids, int):
            eids = [eids]
        self.eids = expand_thru_by(eids)

        assert self.nodamb > 0
        assert self.famb > 0.0
        assert self.cntrlnd >= 0
        self.eids_ref = None