コード例 #1
def _write_boundary(ugrid, boundary_filename, tag_filename):
    """writes an OpenFOAM boundary file"""
    with open(boundary_filename, 'wb') as boundary_file:
        #f.write('%i\n' % (nnodes))

        uboundaries = unique(ugrid.pids)
        nboundaries = len(uboundaries)
        boundary_file.write('%i\n' % nboundaries)

        tagger = TagReader()
        tag_data = tagger.read_tag_filename(tag_filename)

        isort = argsort(ugrid.pids)
        pids = ugrid.pids
        for iboundary in uboundaries:
            data = tag_data[iboundary]
            #name, is_visc, is_recon, is_rebuild, is_fixed, is_source,
            #is_trans, is_delete, bl_spacing, bl_thickness, nlayers = data
            name = data[0]

            i = where(iboundary == pids)[0]
            nfaces = i.max() - i.min() + 1
            startface = i.min()

            if len(i) != nfaces:
                msg = 'The data is unsorted...len(i)=%s nfaces=%s' % (len(i),
                raise RuntimeError(msg)
            boundary_file.write('    %s\n' % name)
            boundary_file.write('    {\n')
            boundary_file.write('        type patch;\n')
            #f.write('        type 1(wall);\n')  # create a new group
            boundary_file.write('        nFaces %i;\n' % nfaces)
            boundary_file.write('        startFace %i;\n' % startface)
            boundary_file.write('    }\n')
    ugrid.isort = isort
コード例 #2
    def _fill_surf_case(self, surf_filename, cases, ID, nnodes, nelements, model):
        base, ext = os.path.splitext(surf_filename)
        assert ext == '.surf', surf_filename

        tag_filename = base + '.tags'

        cases_new = []
        has_tag_data = False
        results_form = []
        geometry_form = [
            #('Region', 0, []),
            ('ElementID', 0, []),
            ('NodeID', 1, []),
            ('SurfaceID', 2, []),
            ('ReconFlag', 3, []),
            ('GridBC', 4, []),

            ('NormalX', 5, []),
            ('NormalY', 6, []),
            ('NormalZ', 7, []),

            ('normSpacing', 8, []),
            ('BL_thick', 9, []),
        nids = arange(1, nnodes + 1)
        norm_spacing = model.node_props[:, 0]
        bl_thickness = model.node_props[:, 1]

        ntris = model.tris.shape[0]
        nquads = model.quads.shape[0]
        #nelements = ntris + nquads
        eids = arange(1, nelements + 1)

        if ntris and nquads:
            element_props = vstack([model.tri_props, model.quad_props])
        elif ntris:
            element_props = model.tri_props
        elif nquads:
            element_props = model.quad_props

        surf_ids = element_props[:, 0]
        recon_flags = element_props[:, 1]
        grid_bcs = element_props[:, 2]

        normals = model.get_normals()
        eid_res = GuiResult(0, header='ElementID', title='ElementID',
                            location='centroid', scalar=eids)
        nid_res = GuiResult(0, header='NodeID', title='NodeID',
                            location='node', scalar=nids)
        surface_res = GuiResult(0, header='SurfaceID', title='SurfaceID',
                                location='centroid', scalar=surf_ids)

        recon_res = GuiResult(0, header='ReconFlag', title='ReconFlag',
                              location='centroid', scalar=recon_flags)
        gridbc_res = GuiResult(0, header='GridBC', title='GridBC',
                               location='centroid', scalar=grid_bcs)
        normalx_res = GuiResult(0, header='NormalX', title='NormalX',
                                location='centroid', scalar=normals[:, 0])
        normaly_res = GuiResult(0, header='NormalY', title='NormalY',
                                location='centroid', scalar=normals[:, 1])
        normalz_res = GuiResult(0, header='NormalZ', title='NormalZ',
                                location='centroid', scalar=normals[:, 2])

        normspacing_res = GuiResult(0, header='NormSpacing', title='NormSpacing',
                                    location='node', scalar=norm_spacing)
        blthick_res = GuiResult(0, header='BL_thick', title='BL_thick',
                                location='node', scalar=bl_thickness)

        icase = 0
        cases[icase] = (eid_res, (0, 'ElementID'))
        cases[icase + 1] = (nid_res, (0, 'NodeID'))
        cases[icase + 2] = (surface_res, (0, 'SurfaceID'))

        cases[icase + 3] = (recon_res, (0, 'ReconFlag'))
        cases[icase + 4] = (gridbc_res, (0, 'GridBC'))
        cases[icase + 5] = (normalx_res, (0, 'NormalX'))
        cases[icase + 6] = (normaly_res, (0, 'NormalY'))
        cases[icase + 7] = (normalz_res, (0, 'NormalZ'))

        cases[icase + 8] = (normspacing_res, (0, 'NormSpacing'))
        cases[icase + 9] = (blthick_res, (0, 'BL_thick'))
        icase += 10

        if os.path.exists(tag_filename):
            tagger = TagReader()
            data = tagger.read_tag_filename(tag_filename)

            int_data = ones((nelements, 8), dtype='int32') * -10.
            float_data = zeros((nelements, 2), dtype='float64')
            for key, datai in sorted(iteritems(data)):
                [name, is_visc, is_recon, is_rebuild, is_fixed, is_source,
                 is_trans, is_delete, bl_spacing, bl_thickness, nlayers] = datai
                i = where(surf_ids == key)[0]
                int_data[i, :] = [is_visc, is_recon, is_rebuild, is_fixed,
                                  is_source, is_trans, is_delete, nlayers]
                float_data[i, :] = [bl_spacing, bl_thickness]
                self.log.info('data[%i] = %s' % (key, name))

            has_tag_data = True
            tag_form = []
            tag_form.append(('is_visc', icase, []))
            tag_form.append(('is_recon', icase + 1, []))
            tag_form.append(('is_rebuild', icase + 2, []))
            tag_form.append(('is_fixed', icase + 3, []))
            tag_form.append(('is_source', icase + 4, []))
            tag_form.append(('is_trans', icase + 5, []))
            tag_form.append(('is_delete', icase + 6, []))
            tag_form.append(('nlayers', icase + 7, []))
            tag_form.append(('bl_spacing', icase + 8, []))
            tag_form.append(('bl_thickness', icase + 9, []))

            visc_res = GuiResult(0, header='is_visc', title='is_visc',
                                 location='centroid', scalar=int_data[:, 0])
            recon_res = GuiResult(0, header='is_recon', title='is_recon',
                                  location='centroid', scalar=int_data[:, 1])
            rebuild_res = GuiResult(0, header='is_rebuild', title='is_rebuild',
                                    location='centroid', scalar=int_data[:, 2])
            fixed_res = GuiResult(0, header='is_fixed', title='is_fixed',
                                  location='centroid', scalar=int_data[:, 3])
            source_res = GuiResult(0, header='is_source', title='is_source',
                                   location='centroid', scalar=int_data[:, 4])
            trans_res = GuiResult(0, header='is_trans', title='is_trans',
                                  location='centroid', scalar=int_data[:, 5])
            delete_res = GuiResult(0, header='is_delete', title='is_delete',
                                   location='centroid', scalar=int_data[:, 6])
            nlayers_res = GuiResult(0, header='nlayers', title='nlayers',
                                    location='centroid', scalar=int_data[:, 7])

            spacing_res = GuiResult(0, header='bl_spacing', title='bl_spacing',
                                    location='centroid', scalar=float_data[:, 0])
            blthickness_res = GuiResult(0, header='bl_thickness', title='bl_thickness',
                                        location='centroid', scalar=float_data[:, 1])

            cases[icase] = (visc_res, (0, 'is_visc'))
            cases[icase + 1] = (recon_res, (0, 'is_recon'))
            cases[icase + 2] = (rebuild_res, (0, 'is_rebuild'))
            cases[icase + 3] = (fixed_res, (0, 'is_fixed'))
            cases[icase + 4] = (source_res, (0, 'is_source'))
            cases[icase + 5] = (trans_res, (0, 'is_trans'))
            cases[icase + 6] = (delete_res, (0, 'is_delete'))
            cases[icase + 7] = (nlayers_res, (0, 'nlayers'))
            cases[icase + 8] = (spacing_res, (0, 'bl_spacing'))
            cases[icase + 9] = (blthickness_res, (0, 'bl_thickness'))

        form = [
            ('Geometry', None, geometry_form),
        if has_tag_data:
            form.append(('Tag Data', None, tag_form),)

        results_form = []
        if len(results_form):
            form.append(('Results', None, results_form))
        return form, cases
コード例 #3
    def _fill_ugrid3d_case(self, base, cases, ID, nnodes, nelements, model):
        tag_filename = base + '.tags'
        mapbc_filename = base.split('.')[0] + '.mapbc'
        self.log.info('mapbc_filename = %r' % mapbc_filename)

        cases_new = []
        has_tag_data = False
        has_mapbc_data = False
        results_form = []
        mapbc_form = []

        geometry_form = [
            #('Region', 0, []),
            ('ElementID', 0, []),
            ('NodeID', 1, []),
            ('SurfaceID', 2, []),
            #('normSpacing', 3, []),
            #('BL_thick', 4, []),
            #('ReconFlag', 5, []),
            #('GridBC', 6, []),

        ntris = model.tris.shape[0]
        nquads = model.quads.shape[0]
        #nelements = ntris + nquads
        eids = arange(1, nelements + 1)
        nids = arange(1, nnodes + 1)

        #grid_bcs = element_props[:, 2]

        #npids = len(model.pids)
        pids = model.pids
        eid_res = GuiResult(0, header='ElementID', title='ElementID',
                            location='centroid', scalar=eids)
        nid_res = GuiResult(0, header='NodeID', title='NodeID',
                            location='node', scalar=nids)
        surface_res = GuiResult(0, header='SurfaceID', title='SurfaceID',
                                location='centroid', scalar=pids)

        icase = 0
        cases[icase] = (eid_res, (0, 'ElementID'))
        cases[icase + 1] = (nid_res, (0, 'NodeID'))
        cases[icase + 2] = (surface_res, (0, 'SurfaceID'))

        icase = 3
        if os.path.exists(tag_filename):
            #surf_ids = element_props[:, 0]
            #recon_flags = element_props[:, 1]
            #cases[(ID, 2, 'ReconFlag', 1, 'centroid', '%i')] = recon_flags
            #cases[(ID, 3, 'GridBC',    1, 'centroid', '%i')] = grid_bcs

            tagger = TagReader()
            data = tagger.read_tag_filename(tag_filename)

            int_data = ones((nelements, 8), dtype='int32') * -10.
            float_data = zeros((nelements, 2), dtype='float64')
            for key, datai in sorted(iteritems(data)):
                [name, is_visc, is_recon, is_rebuild, is_fixed, is_source,
                 is_trans, is_delete, bl_spacing, bl_thickness, nlayers] = datai
                i = where(pids == key)[0]
                int_data[i, :] = [is_visc, is_recon, is_rebuild, is_fixed,
                                  is_source, is_trans, is_delete, nlayers]
                float_data[i, :] = [bl_spacing, bl_thickness]
                self.log.info('data[%i] = %s' % (key, name))

            has_tag_data = True
            tag_form = []
            tag_form.append(('is_visc', icase, []))
            tag_form.append(('is_recon', icase+1, []))
            tag_form.append(('is_rebuild', icase+2, []))
            tag_form.append(('is_fixed', icase+3, []))
            tag_form.append(('is_source', icase+4, []))
            tag_form.append(('is_trans', icase+5, []))
            tag_form.append(('is_delete', icase+6, []))
            tag_form.append(('nlayers', icase+7, []))
            tag_form.append(('bl_spacing', icase+8, []))
            tag_form.append(('bl_thickness', icase+9, []))

            visc_res = GuiResult(0, header='is_visc', title='is_visc',
                                 location='node', scalar=int_data[:, 0])
            recon_res = GuiResult(0, header='is_recon', title='is_recon',
                                  location='node', scalar=int_data[:, 1])
            rebuild_res = GuiResult(0, header='is_rebuild', title='is_rebuild',
                                    location='node', scalar=int_data[:, 2])
            fixed_res = GuiResult(0, header='is_fixed', title='is_fixed',
                                  location='node', scalar=int_data[:, 3])
            source_res = GuiResult(0, header='is_source', title='is_source',
                                   location='node', scalar=int_data[:, 4])
            trans_res = GuiResult(0, header='is_trans', title='is_trans',
                                  location='node', scalar=int_data[:, 5])
            delete_res = GuiResult(0, header='is_delete', title='is_delete',
                                   location='node', scalar=int_data[:, 6])
            nlayers_res = GuiResult(0, header='nlayers', title='nlayers',
                                    location='node', scalar=int_data[:, 7])

            spacing_res = GuiResult(0, header='bl_spacing', title='bl_spacing',
                                    location='centroid', scalar=float_data[:, 0])
            blthickness_res = GuiResult(0, header='bl_thickness', title='bl_thickness',
                                        location='centroid', scalar=float_data[:, 1])

            cases[icase] = (visc_res, (0, 'is_visc'))
            cases[icase + 1] = (recon_res, (0, 'is_recon'))
            cases[icase + 2] = (rebuild_res, (0, 'is_rebuild'))
            cases[icase + 3] = (fixed_res, (0, 'is_fixed'))
            cases[icase + 4] = (source_res, (0, 'is_source'))
            cases[icase + 5] = (trans_res, (0, 'is_trans'))
            cases[icase + 6] = (delete_res, (0, 'is_delete'))
            cases[icase + 7] = (nlayers_res, (0, 'nlayers'))

            cases[icase + 8] = (spacing_res, (0, 'bl_spacing'))
            cases[icase + 9] = (blthickness_res, (0, 'bl_thickness'))

            icase += 10
            self.log.warning('tag_filename=%r could not be found' % tag_filename)

        if os.path.exists(mapbc_filename):
            has_mapbc_data = True
            mapbc = open(mapbc_filename, 'r')
            lines = mapbc.readlines()
            lines = [line.strip() for line in lines
                     if not line.strip().startswith('#') and line.strip()]
            npatches = int(lines[0])
            mapbcs = zeros(pids.shape, dtype='int32')
            for ipatch in range(npatches):
                line = lines[ipatch + 1]
                iline, bc_num, name = line.split()
                iline = int(iline)
                bc_num = int(bc_num)
                assert ipatch + 1 == iline, 'line=%r; ipatch=%s iline=%s' % (line, ipatch + 1, iline)
                islot = where(pids == ipatch + 1)[0]
                if len(islot) == 0:
                    upids = unique(pids)
                    msg = 'ipatch=%s not found in pids=%s' % (ipatch + 1, upids)
                    raise RuntimeError(msg)
                mapbcs[islot] = bc_num
            mapbc_form.append(('Map BC', icase, []))

            mapbc_res = GuiResult(0, header='Map BC', title='Map BC',
                                  location='centroid', scalar=mapbcs)
            cases[icase + 9] = (mapbc_res, (0, 'Map BC'))
            self.log.warning('mapbc_filename=%r could not be found' % mapbc_filename)

        #norm_spacing = model.node_props[:, 0]
        #bl_thickness = model.node_props[:, 1]
        #cases[(ID, 1, 'normSpacing', 1, 'node', '%.3e', '')] = norm_spacing
        #cases[(ID, 2, 'BL_thick',    1, 'node', '%.3e', '')] = bl_thickness

        form = [
            ('Geometry', None, geometry_form),
        if has_tag_data:
            form.append(('Tag Data', None, tag_form),)
        if has_mapbc_data:
            form.append(('Map BC Data', None, mapbc_form),)

        results_form = []
        if len(results_form):
            form.append(('Results', None, results_form))
        return form, cases