def main(): """NSGA2 Optimization of 2D Rosenbrock Function""" # Problem setup opt_prob = pyOpt.Optimization('2D Rosenbrock', rosenbrock) opt_prob.addObj('f') opt_prob.addVar('x1', 'c', lower=0.0, upper=5.0, value=4.0) opt_prob.addVar('x2', 'c', lower=-5.0, upper=5.0, value=4.0) opt_prob.addCon('g1', 'i') print opt_prob nsga2 = pyOpt.NSGA2() nsga2.setOption('maxGen', 250) nsga2.setOption('pMut_real', 0.4) # nsga2.setOption('PrintOut',2) #Control output files import time tt = time.time() # Run the problem nsga2(opt_prob) print "Elapsed time: ", time.time() - tt, "seconds" print "Function Evaluations: ", count # Print the solution print opt_prob.solution(0)
def setupSNOPT(distributionClass, subspaceClass, X0, Optfun): print 'SNOPT' opt_prob = pyOpt.Optimization('Trial UQ', Optfun) curvar = 1 upperLimit = distributionClass.stdmax for index in range(distributionClass.dim): if subspaceClass.important_index[index] == True: opt_prob.addVar('var' + str(curvar), 'c', lower=0.001, upper=upperLimit[index], value=X0[curvar - 1]) curvar = curvar + 1 opt_prob.addObj('Objective Mass') opt_prob.addCon('g1', 'i') opt_prob.addCon('g2', 'i') print opt_prob snopt = pyOpt.pySNOPT.SNOPT() snopt.setOption('Major feasibility tolerance', value=5e-6) snopt.setOption('Major optimality tolerance', value=1e-5) snopt.setOption('Minor feasibility tolerance', value=5e-6) snopt.setOption('Major iterations limit', 500) exitVal = snopt(opt_prob, sens_type='FD') print exitVal
def PL_identify(D, lamb, ini_sol, alg_name='SLSQP'): """ Idenify the Probability Law (PL) Parameters --------------- D : mxn matrix D_ij is the entropy value calculated using candidate PL i and data in window j. lamb : float detection threshold ini_sol : list with m elements initial solution alg_name : str {'SLSQP', 'ALGENCAN'} algorithm name Returns -------------- Examples ---------------- >>> D = [[0.2, 0.3], [0.4, 1.4]] >>> ini_sol = [1, 1] >>> fstr, xstr, inform, opt_prob = PL_identify(D, 0.5, ini_sol, 'SLSQP') >>> print('opt_prob', opt_prob) >>> print('inform', inform) >>> print('xstr', xstr) >>> print('fstr', fstr) """ m = len(D) n = len(D[0]) def objfunc(x): f = sum(x) cn = n g = [0.0] * cn for j in range(n): g[j] = (D[i][j] - lamb) * x[j] + 0.01 fail = 0 return f, g, fail opt_prob = pyOpt.Optimization("PL Identification Problem", objfunc) opt_prob.addObj('f') for i in range(m): # opt_prob.addVar('x%d'%(i), 'c', lower=0.0, # upper=1.0, value = ini_sol[i]) opt_prob.addVar('x%d' % (i), 'c', lower=0.0, upper=1.0, value=ini_sol[i]) # opt_prob.addVar('x%d'%(i), 'i', lower=0.0, # upper=1.0, value = ini_sol[i]) opt_prob.addConGroup('ineq', n, type='i') alg = getattr(pyOpt, alg_name)() [fstr, xstr, inform] = alg(opt_prob) return fstr, xstr, inform, opt_prob
def getMinVal(self, xbounds, ybounds, diam): xmin = xbounds[0] xmax = xbounds[1] ymin = ybounds[0] ymax = ybounds[1] line = 'min(phi(x)), {}<=x1<={}, {}<=x2<={}'.format( xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) opt_prob = pyOpt.Optimization(line, self.objfunc) opt_prob.addObj('phi') opt_prob.addVar('x1', 'c', lower=xmin, upper=xmax, value=(xmax + xmin) / 2.0) opt_prob.addVar('x2', 'c', lower=ymin, upper=ymax, value=(ymax + ymin) / 2.0) nsga2 = pyOpt.MIDACO() nsga2.setOption('IPRINT', -1) nsga2(opt_prob) #MINPHI(x) = MINMAX(g1(x),g2(x),g3(x),g4(x) return opt_prob.solution(0)._objectives[0].value
def solvopt_problem (px, py, pz, lx, ly, lz, \ scx, scy, scz, radius): import pyOpt def objfunc(x): f = function_for_distance_fast (x[0], x[1], x[2], lx, ly, lz, \ scx, scy, scz, radius) g = [0.0] minr2 = -1.0 * f maxcon = -1e10; dis = (px - x[0]) * (px - x[0]) + \ (py - x[1]) * (py - x[1]) + \ (pz - x[2]) * (pz - x[2]) maxcon = -minr2 + dis g[0] = max (0, maxcon) fail = 0 return f,g, fail opt_prob = pyOpt.Optimization('TP37 Constrained Problem',objfunc) opt_prob.addObj('f') opt_prob.addVar('x1','c',lower=float('-inf'),upper=float('inf'),value=px) opt_prob.addVar('x2','c',lower=float('-inf'),upper=float('inf'),value=py) opt_prob.addVar('x3','c',lower=float('-inf'),upper=float('inf'),value=pz) opt_prob.addConGroup('g',1,'i') #print opt_prob solvopt = pyOpt.SOLVOPT() #solvopt = pyOpt.PSQP() solvopt.setOption('ftol', 1.0e-3) solvopt.setOption('iprint', -1) [fstr, xstr, inform] = solvopt(opt_prob,sens_type='FD') if len(xstr) < 3: print "error in solvopt" exit() f_px = float(xstr[0]) f_py = float(xstr[1]) f_pz = float(xstr[2]) #print opt_prob.solution(0) return float(fstr), f_px, f_py, f_pz
def main(): tinitial = time.time() # Inputs inputs = np.array( [.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.4, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, .7]) # build the vehicle vehicle = define_vehicle(inputs) # define the mission mission = define_mission(vehicle, inputs) # Have the optimizer call the wrapper mywrap = lambda inputs: wrap(inputs, vehicle, mission) opt_prob = pyOpt.Optimization('Fb', mywrap) opt_prob.addObj('Battery') opt_prob.addVar('x1', 'c', lower=0.06, upper=0.5, value=inputs[0]) opt_prob.addVar('x2', 'c', lower=1e-5, upper=3.0, value=inputs[1]) opt_prob.addVar('x3', 'c', lower=1e-5, upper=3.0, value=inputs[2]) opt_prob.addVar('x4', 'c', lower=1e-5, upper=3.0, value=inputs[3]) opt_prob.addVar('x5', 'c', lower=1e-5, upper=3.0, value=inputs[4]) opt_prob.addVar('x6', 'c', lower=1e-5, upper=3.0, value=inputs[5]) opt_prob.addVar('x7', 'c', lower=1e-5, upper=3.0, value=inputs[6]) opt_prob.addVar('x8', 'c', lower=1e-5, upper=3.0, value=inputs[7]) opt_prob.addVar('x9', 'c', lower=1e-5, upper=3.0, value=inputs[8]) opt_prob.addVar('x10', 'c', lower=1e-5, upper=3.0, value=inputs[9]) opt_prob.addVar('x11', 'c', lower=1e-5, upper=3.0, value=inputs[10]) opt_prob.addVar('x12', 'c', lower=1e-5, upper=3.0, value=inputs[11]) opt_prob.addVar('x13', 'c', lower=1e-5, upper=3.0, value=inputs[12]) opt_prob.addConGroup('g', 2, 'i') opt = pyOpt.pySNOPT.SNOPT() print opt_prob outputs = opt(opt_prob, sens_type='FD', sens_mode='pgc') if myrank == 0: vehicle, mission, results = run_plane(outputs[1]) deltat = time.time() - tinitial print('Time Elapsed') print(deltat) # Plot results post_process(vehicle, mission, results) return
def max_trimmed_efficiency(self, dvs, ref_origin_x=None, ref_origin_z=None): new_dvs = copy.copy(dvs) def objfunc(x): new_dvs[self.desvar.bf_index] = x[0] new_dvs[self.desvar.el_index] = x[1] f = -self.lift(new_dvs) / self.drag( new_dvs) # minus sign to Maximize g = [self.moment_y(new_dvs, ref_origin_x, ref_origin_z)] fail = 0 return f, g, fail opt_prob = pyOpt.Optimization('Max Trimmed Efficiency', objfunc) opt_prob.addObj('Efficiency') opt_prob.addCon('Trim', type='e', equal=0.0) opt_prob.addVar('bf', 'c', lower=self.desvar.bf_bound[0], upper=self.desvar.bf_bound[1], value=0.0) opt_prob.addVar('el', 'c', lower=self.desvar.el_bound[0], upper=self.desvar.el_bound[1], value=0.0) opt = pyOpt.SLSQP() opt.setOption('IPRINT', -1) opt.setOption('ACC', 1e-5) [Y_min, X_min, Info] = opt(opt_prob, sens_type='FD') # Could Improve sens_type !!!!!!!!!!! return -Y_min[0]
def optimize(self): #self._prepare_opt() self._opt_prob = pyOpt.Optimization('Optimial Excitation Trajectory', self._obj_func) self._add_vars2prob() self._add_obj2prob() self._add_const2prob() # print(self._opt_prob) #x = np.random.random((self._dyn.rbt_def.dof * (2*self._order+1))) #print(self._obj_func(x)) # PSQP # slsqp = pyOpt.pyPSQP.PSQP() # slsqp.setOption('MIT', 2) # slsqp.setOption('IPRINT', 2) # COBYLA #slsqp = pyOpt.pyCOBYLA.COBYLA() # Genetic Algorithm #slsqp = pyOpt.pyNSGA2.NSGA2() # SLSQP slsqp = pyOpt.pySLSQP.SLSQP() slsqp.setOption('IPRINT', 0) # slsqp.setOption('MAXIT', 300) #slsqp.setOption('ACC', 0.00001) # SOLVOPT # slsqp = pyOpt.pySOLVOPT.SOLVOPT() # slsqp.setOption('maxit', 5) #[fstr, xstr, inform] = slsqp(self._opt_prob, sens_type='FD') [fstr, xstr, inform] = slsqp(self._opt_prob) self.f_result = fstr self.x_result = xstr print('Condition number: {}'.format(fstr[0])) print('x: {}'.format(xstr)) #print('inform: ', inform) print self._opt_prob.solution(0)
def PMPOpt(): problem = getProblem() problem['h'] = 1 guess = problem['sol{}'.format(problem['h'])] opt = pyOpt.Optimization('Optimal PDG', lambda c: PMPCostScalar(c, problem)) opt.addVar('lambdaX', 'c', lower=0, upper=.25, value=guess[0]) opt.addVar('lambdaY', 'c', lower=0, upper=.25, value=guess[1]) opt.addVar('lambdaU', 'c', lower=0, upper=3, value=guess[2]) opt.addVar('lambdaV', 'c', lower=-3, upper=0, value=guess[3]) opt.addVar('lambdaM', 'c', lower=-1, upper=0, value=guess[4]) # opt.addVar('lambdaMu', 'c', lower=-10, upper=0, value=guess[5]) opt.addVar('tf', 'c', lower=guess[6] - 1, upper=guess[6] + 1, value=guess[6]) opt.addCon('xf', 'e') opt.addCon('yf', 'e') opt.addCon('vf', 'e') opt.addCon('uf', 'e') opt.addCon('lambdaMf', 'e') opt.addObj('J') # optimizer = pyOpt.ALGENCAN() # optimizer.setOption('epsfeas',1e-2) # optimizer.setOption('epsopt',1e-1) optimizer = pyOpt.SLSQP() optimizer.setOption('ACC', 1e-1) fopt, copt, info = optimizer(opt, sens_step=1e-5) print opt.solution(0) print info return copt, problem
def optimizeTrajectory(self): # type: () -> PulsedTrajectory # use non-linear optimization to find parameters for minimal # condition number trajectory # Instanciate Optimization Problem opt_prob = pyOpt.Optimization('Trajectory optimization', self.objectiveFunc) opt_prob.addObj('f') self.opt_prob = opt_prob self.addVarsAndConstraints(opt_prob) sol_vec = self.runOptimizer(opt_prob) sol_wf, sol_q, sol_a, sol_b = self.vecToParams(sol_vec) self.trajectory.initWithParams(sol_a, sol_b, sol_q,, sol_wf) if self.config['showOptimizationGraph']: plt.ioff() return self.trajectory
def Solve(self, problem): objective_function = lambda x: [problem.Calculate(x), 0, 0] lb, ub = problem.GetBounds() opt_prob = pyOpt.Optimization('Problem', objective_function) opt_prob.addObj('f') for i in range(problem.GetDimension()): opt_prob.addVar('x' + str(i), 'c', lower=lb[i], upper=ub[i], value=(lb[i] + ub[i]) / 2.) midaco_none = MIDACO(pll_type=None) midaco_none.setOption('IPRINT', -1) midaco_none.setOption('ISEED', 100) midaco_none.setOption('MAXEVAL', self.max_iters) midaco_none.setOption('FOCUS', -4) fstr, xstr, inform = midaco_none(opt_prob) n_evals = problem.GetCalculationsStatistics() return xstr, fstr[0], n_evals
def max_variance(self,XB, number = 1, exclude = []): assert XB.shape[0] == self.ndim, 'wrong dimension' X_min = [0.0]*len(XB) X_min[0] = XB[0][0]-1.0 while not is_in(X_min,XB): obj = self.objective prob = pyOpt.Optimization('Variance Maximization',obj) for ix in range(XB.shape[0]): prob.addVar('X%i'%ix,'c',lower=XB[ix,0],upper=XB[ix,1],value=0.) prob.addObj('Estimated Variance') opt_ALPSO = pyOpt.ALPSO(pll_type=None) #opt_ALPSO = pyOpt.ALPSO(pll_type='MP',args=[1.0]) opt_ALPSO.setOption('fileout',0) opt_ALPSO.setOption('maxOuterIter',10) opt_ALPSO.setOption('stopCriteria',1) # opt_ALPSO.setOption('SwarmSize',self.ndim*100) opt_ALPSO.setOption('SwarmSize',self.ndim*20) opt_SLSQP = pyOpt.SLSQP() opt_SLSQP.setOption('IPRINT',-1) opt_SLSQP.setOption('ACC',1e-5) vec = [] for index in range(number*10): print index+1, ' so far: ', len(vec) [YI_min,X_min,Info] = opt_ALPSO(prob) [YI_min,X_min,Info] = opt_SLSQP(prob.solution(index),sens_type='FD') if not is_already_in(X_min,vec+exclude) and is_in(X_min,XB): vec.append(X_min.tolist()) if len(vec) >= number: break if len(vec) == 1: return vec[0] return vec
# Instantiate Optimization Problem def objfunc(x): f = dadi.Inference._object_func(x, data, func_ex, pts_l, lower_bound=lower_bound, upper_bound=upper_bound) g = [] fail = 0 return f, g, fail opt_prob = pyOpt.Optimization('dadi optimization', objfunc) opt_prob.addVar('nu1_0', 'c', lower=lower_bound[0], upper=upper_bound[0], value=p1[0]) opt_prob.addVar('nu2_0', 'c', lower=lower_bound[1], upper=upper_bound[1], value=p1[1]) opt_prob.addVar('nu1', 'c', lower=lower_bound[2], upper=upper_bound[2], value=p1[2])
def __call__(self): """Overloaded call function to optimize cost directly """ def objfun(x, param={}): """The objective function, calculates costs and constraints Args: x(list[50]): A list of model DOF, Keyword Args: param(dict): Dictonary of parameters passed to the function. ['bayes']: The bayesian object Return: (float): f, The cost (list): g, list of constarints (bool): fail, failure flag """ if len(x) > 50: pdb.set_trace() bayes = param['bayes'] model_dict = bayes.models opt_key = bayes.opt_key model = model_dict[opt_key] x =, x[:50]) n_end = model.get_option('spline_end') n_dof = model.shape() # Update the model with the new data new_model = model.update_dof(x) model_dict[opt_key] = new_model new_bayes = bayes.update(models=model_dict) initial_data = new_bayes.get_data() log_like = 0 log_like += new_bayes.model_log_like() log_like += new_bayes.sim_log_like(initial_data) n_dof = new_bayes.shape()[1] model_indep = new_model.get_t() g = np.zeros(n_dof + 2) g[:n_dof] = -model.derivative(n=2)(model_indep[:-n_end]) g[n_dof] = model.derivative(n=1)(model_indep[n_end]) g[n_dof + 1] = -model(model_indep[-n_end]) return float(-log_like), g, False # end def gradfun(x, f, g, param={}, *args, **kwargs): """Function to calculate the gradients directly """ bayes = param['bayes'] model_dict = bayes.models opt_key = bayes.opt_key model = model_dict[opt_key] f1, g1, fail = objfun(x, param) step = 1E-6 dg = [] df = [] old_dof = copy.deepcopy(x) for i in xrange(x.shape[0]): x[i] += old_dof[i] * step f2, g2, fail = objfun(x, param) df.append((f2 - f1) / (old_dof[i] * step)) dg.append((g2 - g1) / (old_dof[i] * step)) x[i] -= old_dof[i] * step return df, np.array(dg).T, False opt_prob = pyOpt.Optimization('Cost Optimization', objfun) opt_model = self.models[self.opt_key] ndof = opt_model.shape() scaled_dof =, opt_model.get_dof()) opt_prob.addObj('cost') opt_prob.addVarGroup('dof', ndof, 'c', lower=0.5, upper=1.5, value=scaled_dof) opt_prob.addConGroup('Convexity', ndof, 'i') opt_prob.addCon('Monotonicity', 'i') opt_prob.addCon('Positive', 'i') optimizer = pyOpt.SLSQP() optimizer.setOption('IPRINT', 0) optimizer.setOption('MAXIT', 100) # optimizer = pyOpt.PSQP() # optimizer.setOption('IPRINT', 2) # optimizer.setOption('XMAX', 1e16) # optimizer = pyOpt.ALPSO() # optimizer.setOption('xinit', 1) # optimizer.setOption('fileout', 2) # optimizer.setOption('stopCriteria', 0) # optimizer.setOption('Scaling', 0) # optimizer = pyOpt.CONMIN() # optimizer.setOption('IPRINT', 4) [fstr, xstr, inform] = optimizer( opt_prob, sens_type='fd', # sens_step=1.0E-4, param={'bayes': self}) print(opt_prob.solution(0)) model_dict = self.models opt_key = self.opt_key model = model_dict[opt_key] new_model = model.update_dof(, xstr)) model_dict[opt_key] = new_model new_bayes = self.update(models=model_dict) sens_matrix = new_bayes.get_senns() return new_bayes, (None, None), sens_matrix
def Additive_Solve(self, problem, num_fidelity_levels=2, num_samples=10, max_iterations=10, tolerance=1e-6, opt_type='basic', num_starts=3, print_output=True): """Solves a multifidelity problem using an additive corrections Assumptions: N/A Source: N/A Inputs: problem [nexus()] num_fidelity_levels [int] num_samples [int] max_iterations [int] tolerance [float] opt_type [str] num_starts [int] print_output [bool] Outputs: (fOpt,xOpt) [tuple] Properties Used: N/A """ if print_output == False: devnull = open(os.devnull, 'w') sys.stdout = devnull if num_fidelity_levels != 2: raise NotImplementedError( 'Additive corrections are only implemented for 2 fidelity levels.' ) # History writing f_out = open('add_hist.txt', 'w') import datetime f_out.write(str( + '\n') inp = problem.optimization_problem.inputs obj = problem.optimization_problem.objective con = problem.optimization_problem.constraints # Set inputs nam = inp[:, 0] # Names ini = inp[:, 1] # Initials bnd = inp[:, 2] # Bounds scl = inp[:, 3] # Scale typ = inp[:, 4] # Type (x, scaled_constraints, x_low_bound, x_up_bound, con_up_edge, con_low_edge) = self.scale_vals(inp, con, ini, bnd, scl) # Get initial set of samples x_samples = latin_hypercube_sampling(len(x), num_samples, bounds=(x_low_bound, x_up_bound), criterion='center') # Initialize objective and constraint variables f = np.zeros([num_fidelity_levels, num_samples]) g = np.zeros( [num_fidelity_levels, num_samples, len(scaled_constraints)]) for level in range(1, num_fidelity_levels + 1): problem.fidelity_level = level for ii, x in enumerate(x_samples): res = self.evaluate_model(problem, x, scaled_constraints) f[level - 1, ii] = res[0] # objective value g[level - 1, ii, :] = res[1] # constraints vector converged = False for kk in range(max_iterations): # Build objective surrogate f_diff = f[1, :] - f[0, :] f_additive_surrogate_base = gaussian_process.GaussianProcessRegressor( ) f_additive_surrogate = x_samples, f_diff) # Build constraint surrogate g_diff = g[1, :] - g[0, :] g_additive_surrogate_base = gaussian_process.GaussianProcessRegressor( ) g_additive_surrogate = x_samples, g_diff) # Optimize corrected model # Chose method --------------- if opt_type == 'basic': # Next point determined by surrogate optimum problem.fidelity_level = 1 x_eval = latin_hypercube_sampling(len(x), 1, bounds=(x_low_bound, x_up_bound), criterion='random')[0] if self.local_optimizer == 'SNOPT': opt_prob = pyOpt.Optimization('SUAVE',self.evaluate_corrected_model, \ obj_surrogate=f_additive_surrogate,cons_surrogate=g_additive_surrogate) # Set up opt_prob self.initialize_opt_vals(opt_prob, obj, inp, x_low_bound, x_up_bound, con_low_edge, con_up_edge, nam, con, x_eval) opt = pyOpt.pySNOPT.SNOPT() outputs = opt(opt_prob, sens_type='FD',problem=problem, \ obj_surrogate=f_additive_surrogate,cons_surrogate=g_additive_surrogate)#, sens_step = sense_step) fOpt = outputs[0][0] xOpt = outputs[1] elif self.local_optimizer == 'SLSQP': x0, constraints = self.initialize_opt_vals_SLSQP( obj, inp, x_low_bound, x_up_bound, con_low_edge, con_up_edge, nam, con, x_eval, problem, g_additive_surrogate) res = minimize(self.evaluate_corrected_model, x0, constraints=constraints, args=(problem, f_additive_surrogate, g_additive_surrogate), options={ 'ftol': 1e-6, 'disp': True }) fOpt = res['fun'] xOpt = res['x'] else: raise NotImplementedError elif opt_type == 'MEI': # Next point determined by maximum expected improvement fstar = np.min(f[1, :]) problem.fidelity_level = 1 if self.global_optimizer == 'ALPSO': opt_prob = pyOpt.Optimization('SUAVE',self.evaluate_expected_improvement, \ obj_surrogate=f_additive_surrogate,cons_surrogate=g_additive_surrogate,fstar=fstar) # Set up opt_prob self.initialize_opt_vals(opt_prob, obj, inp, x_low_bound, x_up_bound, con_low_edge, con_up_edge, nam, con, None) # Use a global optimizer opt = pyOpt.pyALPSO.ALPSO() opt.setOption('maxOuterIter', value=20) opt.setOption('seed', value=1.) outputs = opt(opt_prob,problem=problem, \ obj_surrogate=f_additive_surrogate,cons_surrogate=g_additive_surrogate,fstar=fstar,cons=con)#, sens_step = sense_step) fOpt = np.nan imOpt = outputs[0] xOpt = outputs[1] elif self.global_optimizer == 'SHGO': xb, shgo_cons = self.initialize_opt_vals_SHGO( obj, inp, x_low_bound, x_up_bound, con_low_edge, con_up_edge, nam, con, problem, g_additive_surrogate) #self.global_optimizer = 'SHGO' options = {} #options['maxfev'] = 1 #self.expected_improvement_carpet(x_low_bound, x_up_bound, problem, f_additive_surrogate, g_additive_surrogate, fstar) res = shgo(self.evaluate_expected_improvement, xb, iters=2, args=(problem, f_additive_surrogate, g_additive_surrogate, fstar), constraints=shgo_cons, options=options) #self.global_optimizer = 'ALPSO' fOpt = np.nan imOpt = res['fun'] xOpt = res['x'] else: raise NotImplementedError # --------------------------------- complete_flag = False if np.any(np.isnan(xOpt)): complete_flag = True else: # Add new samples and check objective and constraint values f = np.hstack((f, np.zeros((num_fidelity_levels, 1)))) g = np.hstack((g, np.zeros( (num_fidelity_levels, 1, len(con))))) x_samples = np.vstack((x_samples, xOpt)) for level in range(1, num_fidelity_levels + 1): problem.fidelity_level = level res = self.evaluate_model(problem, xOpt, scaled_constraints) f[level - 1][-1] = res[0] g[level - 1][-1] = res[1] # History writing f_out.write('Iteration: ' + str(kk + 1) + '\n') f_out.write('x0 : ' + str(xOpt[0]) + '\n') f_out.write('x1 : ' + str(xOpt[1]) + '\n') if opt_type == 'basic': f_out.write('expd hi : ' + str(fOpt) + '\n') elif opt_type == 'MEI': f_out.write('expd imp : ' + str(imOpt) + '\n') f_out.write('low obj : ' + str(f[0][-1]) + '\n') f_out.write('hi obj : ' + str(f[1][-1]) + '\n') if kk == ( max_iterations - 1 ) or complete_flag == True: # Reached maximum number of iterations f_diff = f[1, :] - f[0, :] if opt_type == 'basic': # If basic setting f already has the expected optimum problem.fidelity_level = 2 fOpt = self.evaluate_model(problem, xOpt, scaled_constraints)[0][0] elif opt_type == 'MEI': # If MEI, find the optimum of the final surrogate min_ind = np.argmin(f[1]) x_eval = x_samples[min_ind] if self.local_optimizer == 'SNOPT': opt_prob = pyOpt.Optimization('SUAVE',self.evaluate_corrected_model, \ obj_surrogate=f_additive_surrogate,cons_surrogate=g_additive_surrogate) # Set up opt_prob self.initialize_opt_vals(opt_prob, obj, inp, x_low_bound, x_up_bound, con_low_edge, con_up_edge, nam, con, x_eval) fOpt, xOpt = self.run_objective_optimization( opt_prob, problem, f_additive_surrogate, g_additive_surrogate) elif self.local_optimizer == 'SLSQP': problem.fidelity_level = 1 x0, constraints = self.initialize_opt_vals_SLSQP( obj, inp, x_low_bound, x_up_bound, con_low_edge, con_up_edge, nam, con, x_eval, problem, g_additive_surrogate) res = minimize(self.evaluate_corrected_model, x0, constraints=constraints, args=(problem, f_additive_surrogate, g_additive_surrogate), options={ 'ftol': 1e-6, 'disp': True }) fOpt = res['fun'] xOpt = res['x'] problem.fidelity_level = 2 fOpt = self.evaluate_model(problem, xOpt, scaled_constraints)[0][0] f_out.write('x0_opt : ' + str(xOpt[0]) + '\n') f_out.write('x1_opt : ' + str(xOpt[1]) + '\n') f_out.write('final opt : ' + str(fOpt) + '\n') print('Iteration Limit Reached') break if np.abs(fOpt - f[1][-1]) < tolerance: # Converged within a tolerance print('Convergence reached') f_out.write('Convergence reached') f_diff = f[1, :] - f[0, :] converged = True if opt_type == 'MEI': problem.fidelity_level = 1 min_ind = np.argmin(f[1]) x_eval = x_samples[min_ind] if self.local_optimizer == 'SNOPT': opt_prob = pyOpt.Optimization('SUAVE',self.evaluate_corrected_model, \ obj_surrogate=f_additive_surrogate,cons_surrogate=g_additive_surrogate) initalize_opt_vals(opt_prob, obj, inp, x_low_bound, x_up_bound, con_low_edge, con_up_edge, nam, con, x_eval) opt = pyOpt.pySNOPT.SNOPT() outputs = opt(opt_prob, sens_type='FD',problem=problem, \ obj_surrogate=f_additive_surrogate,cons_surrogate=g_additive_surrogate)#, sens_step = sense_step) fOpt = outputs[0][0] xOpt = outputs[1] elif self.local_optimizer == 'SLSQP': x0, constraints = self.initialize_opt_vals_SLSQP( opt_prob, obj, inp, x_low_bound, x_up_bound, con_low_edge, con_up_edge, nam, con, x_eval, problem, g_additive_surrogate) res = minimize(self.evaluate_corrected_model, x0, constraints=constraints, args=(problem, f_additive_surrogate, g_additive_surrogate), options={ 'ftol': 1e-6, 'disp': True }) fOpt = res['fun'] xOpt = res['x'] else: raise NotImplementedError problem.fidelity_level = 2 fOpt = self.evaluate_model(problem, xOpt, scaled_constraints)[0][0] f_out.write('x0_opt : ' + str(xOpt[0]) + '\n') f_out.write('x1_opt : ' + str(xOpt[1]) + '\n') f_out.write('final opt : ' + str(fOpt) + '\n') break fOpt = f[1][-1] * 1. if converged == False: print('Iteration Limit reached') f_out.write('Maximum iteration limit reached') # Save sample data'x_samples.npy', x_samples)'f_data.npy', f) f_out.close() print(fOpt, xOpt) if print_output == False: sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ return (fOpt, xOpt)
def pyopt_problem(self, constraints=None, bounds=None, name="Problem", ignore_model_errors=False): '''Return a pyopt problem class that can be used with the PyOpt package, ''' import pyOpt from .optimization import constraints constraints = optimization.constraints.canonicalise(constraints) def obj(x): ''' Evaluates the functional for the given controls values. ''' fail = False if not ignore_model_errors: j = self(x) else: try: j = self(x) except: fail = True if constraints is not None: # Not sure how to do this in parallel, FIXME g = np.concatenate(constraints.function(x)) else: g = [ 0 ] # SNOPT fails if no constraints are given, hence add a dummy constraint return j, g, fail def grad(x, f, g): ''' Evaluates the gradient for the control values. f is the associated functional value and g are the values of the constraints. ''' fail = False if not ignore_model_errors: dj = self.derivative(x, forget=False) else: try: dj = self.derivative(x, forget=False) except: fail = True if constraints is not None: gJac = np.concatenate( [gather(c.jacobian(x)) for c in constraints]) else: gJac = np.zeros( len(x) ) # SNOPT fails if no constraints are given, hence add a dummy constraint info("j = %f\t\t|dJ| = %f" % (f[0], np.linalg.norm(dj))) return np.array([dj]), gJac, fail # Instantiate the optimization problem opt_prob = pyOpt.Optimization(name, obj) opt_prob.addObj('J') # Compute bounds m = self.get_controls() n = len(m) if bounds is not None: bounds_arr = [None, None] for i in range(2): if isinstance(bounds[i], float) or isinstance(bounds[i], int): bounds_arr[i] = np.ones(n) * bounds[i] else: bounds_arr[i] = np.array(bounds[i]) lb, ub = bounds_arr else: mx = np.finfo(np.double).max ub = mx * np.ones(n) mn = np.finfo(np.double).min lb = mn * np.ones(n) # Add controls opt_prob.addVarGroup("variables", n, type='c', value=m, lower=lb, upper=ub) # Add constraints if constraints is not None: for i, c in enumerate(constraints): if isinstance(c, optimization.constraints.EqualityConstraint): opt_prob.addConGroup(str(i) + 'th constraint', c._get_constraint_dim(), type='e', equal=0.0) elif isinstance(c, optimization.constraints.InequalityConstraint): opt_prob.addConGroup(str(i) + 'th constraint', c._get_constraint_dim(), type='i', lower=0.0, upper=np.inf) return opt_prob, grad
import pyOpt from pyOpt import SNOPT def objfunc(x): f = (x[0]+x[1]) g = [0.0] #print g g[0] = x[0]*x[0] + x[1]*x[1] fail = 0 return f,g, fail opt_prob = pyOpt.Optimization('2-D example wiki Constrained Problem',objfunc) opt_prob.addObj('f') opt_prob.addVar('x1','c',lower=0.0,upper=float('inf'),value=2.0) opt_prob.addVar('x2','c',lower=0.0,upper=float('inf'),value=2.0) opt_prob.addCon('g', type='i', lower=1, upper=2) solvopt = SNOPT() [fstr, xstr, inform] = solvopt(opt_prob,sens_type='FD') #print opt_prob print opt_prob.solution(0)
#======================================================================================================= #x :[t1,t2,t3,t4,psi] def objfunc(x): Jac = Jacobian( x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3], x[4]) #compute the jacobian at iteration k. Jacobian(t1,t2,t3,t4,psi) f = -sqrt((Jac * Jac.transpose()).det()) #constraints g = [0.0] * 1 fail = 0 return f, g, fail opt_prob = pyOpt.Optimization('TP37 Constrained Problem', objfunc) opt_prob.addObj('f') opt_prob.addVar('x1', 'c', lower=-3.14, upper=3.14, value=0) opt_prob.addVar('x2', 'c', lower=-3.14, upper=3.14, value=0) opt_prob.addVar('x3', 'c', lower=-3.14, upper=3.14, value=0) opt_prob.addVar('x4', 'c', lower=-3.14, upper=3.14, value=0) opt_prob.addVar('x5', 'c', lower=-3.14, upper=3.14, value=0) slsqp = pyOpt.SLSQP() slsqp.setOption('IPRINT', -1) #[fstr, xstr, inform] = slsqp(opt_prob,sens_type='FD') #print opt_prob.solution(0) #====================================================================================================== q_1 = Matrix([[0], [0], [0], [0], [0], [0], [3.14], [0]]) #initial posture pose_goal = Matrix([[5], [2], [1], [1], [1.5], [1]]) #pose goal q_computed = IK(pose_goal[0:3, 0:1], pose_goal[3:6, 0:1], q_1,
def identifyFeasibleStdFromFeasibleBase(self, xBase): self.xBase_feas = xBase # formulate problem as objective function if self.idf.opt['optInFeasibleParamSpace']: opt = pyOpt.Optimization('Constrained OLS', self.minimizeSolToCADFeasible) else: opt = pyOpt.Optimization('Constrained OLS', self.minimizeSolToCADStd) opt.addObj('u') ''' x_cons = self.mapStdToConsistent(self.idf.model.xStd[self.start_param:self.idf.model.num_model_params]) test = self.mapConsistentToStd(x_cons) print(test - self.idf.model.xStd[self.start_param:self.idf.model.num_model_params]) ''' self.addVarsAndConstraints(opt) # set previous sol as starting point (as primal should be already within constraints for # most solvers to perform well) if self.idf.opt['optInFeasibleParamSpace']: x_cons = self.mapStdToConsistent( self.idf.model.xStd[self.start_param:self.idf.model. num_model_params]) for i in range(len(opt.getVarSet())): #atm, we have 16*no_link + n_dof vars if i < len(x_cons): opt.getVar(i).value = x_cons[i] else: j = i - len(x_cons) opt.getVar(i).value = self.model.xStd[ self.idf.model.num_model_params + j] else: for i in range(len(opt.getVarSet())): opt.getVar(i).value = self.model.xStd[i + self.start_link * self.per_link] if self.idf.opt['verbose']: print(opt) if self.idf.opt['nlOptSolver'] == 'IPOPT': # not necessarily deterministic if self.idf.opt['verbose']: print('Using IPOPT') solver = pyOpt.IPOPT() #solver.setOption('linear_solver', 'ma97') #mumps or hsl: ma27, ma57, ma77, ma86, ma97 or mkl: pardiso #for details, see solver.setOption('max_iter', self.idf.opt['nlOptMaxIterations']) solver.setOption('print_level', 3) #0 none ... 5 max #don't start too far away from inital values (boundaries push even if starting inside feasible set) solver.setOption('bound_push', 0.0000001) solver.setOption('bound_frac', 0.0000001) #don't relax bounds solver.setOption('bound_relax_factor', 0.0) #1e-16) elif self.idf.opt['nlOptSolver'] == 'SLSQP': # solve optimization problem if self.idf.opt['verbose']: print('Using SLSQP') solver = pyOpt.SLSQP(disp_opts=True) solver.setOption('MAXIT', self.idf.opt['nlOptMaxIterations']) if self.idf.opt['verbose']: solver.setOption('IPRINT', 0) elif self.idf.opt['nlOptSolver'] == 'PSQP': # solve optimization problem if self.idf.opt['verbose']: print('Using PSQP') solver = pyOpt.PSQP(disp_opts=True) solver.setOption('MIT', self.idf.opt['nlOptMaxIterations']) if self.idf.opt['verbose']: solver.setOption('IPRINT', 0) elif self.idf.opt['nlOptSolver'] == 'ALPSO': if self.idf.opt['verbose']: print('Using ALPSO') solver = pyOpt.ALPSO(disp_opts=True) solver.setOption('stopCriteria', 0) solver.setOption('dynInnerIter', 1) # dynamic inner iter number solver.setOption('maxInnerIter', 5) solver.setOption('maxOuterIter', self.idf.opt['nlOptMaxIterations']) solver.setOption('printInnerIters', 0) solver.setOption('printOuterIters', 0) solver.setOption('SwarmSize', 100) solver.setOption('xinit', 1) elif self.idf.opt['nlOptSolver'] == 'NSGA2': if self.idf.opt['verbose']: print('Using NSGA2') solver = pyOpt.NSGA2(disp_opts=True) solver.setOption('PopSize', 100) # Population Size (a Multiple of 4) solver.setOption('maxGen', self.config['nlOptMaxIterations'] ) # Maximum Number of Generations solver.setOption( 'PrintOut', 0) # Flag to Turn On Output to files (0-None, 1-Subset, 2-All) solver.setOption( 'xinit', 1 ) # Use Initial Solution Flag (0 - random population, 1 - use given solution) #solver.serion('seed', sr.random()) # Random Number Seed 0..1 (0 - Auto based on time clock) #pCross_real 0.6 Probability of Crossover of Real Variable (0.6-1.0) solver.setOption( 'pMut_real', 0.5) # Probablity of Mutation of Real Variables (1/nreal) #eta_c 10.0 # Distribution Index for Crossover (5-20) must be > 0 #eta_m 20.0 # Distribution Index for Mutation (5-50) must be > 0 #pCross_bin 0.0 # Probability of Crossover of Binary Variable (0.6-1.0) #pMut_real 0.0 # Probability of Mutation of Binary Variables (1/nbits) else: print('Solver unknown') self.opt_prob = opt solver(opt) #run optimizer # set best solution again (is often different than final solver solution) if self.last_best_x is not None: for i in range(len(opt.getVarSet())): opt.getVar(i).value = self.last_best_x[i] else: self.last_best_x = self.model.xStd[self.start_param:] sol = opt.solution(0) if self.idf.opt['verbose']: print(sol) if self.idf.opt['optInFeasibleParamSpace'] and len( self.last_best_x) > len(self.model.xStd[self.start_param:]): # we get consistent parameterized params as solution x_std = self.mapConsistentToStd(self.last_best_x) self.model.xStd[self.start_param:self.idf.model. num_model_params] = x_std else: # we get std vars as solution self.model.xStd[self.start_param:] = self.last_best_x
def pySNOPT(project, x0=None, xb=None, its=100, accu=1e-12, grads=True): # handle input cases if x0 is None: x0 = [] if xb is None: xb = [] # function handles func = obj_f f_eqcons = con_ceq f_ieqcons = con_cieq # gradient handles if project.config.get('GRADIENT_METHOD', 'NONE') == 'NONE': fprime = None fprime_eqcons = None fprime_ieqcons = None else: fprime = obj_df fprime_eqcons = con_dceq fprime_ieqcons = con_dcieq # number of design variables dv_size = project.config['DEFINITION_DV']['SIZE'] n_dv = sum(dv_size) project.n_dv = n_dv # Initial guess if not x0: x0 = [0.0] * n_dv # prescale x0 dv_scales = project.config['DEFINITION_DV']['SCALE'] * 1 k = 0 for i, dv_scl in enumerate(dv_scales): dv_scales[i] = 1000. for j in range(dv_size[i]): x0[k] = x0[k] / dv_scl k = k + 1 # scale accuracy obj = project.config['OPT_OBJECTIVE'] obj_scale = [] for this_obj in obj.keys(): obj_scale = obj_scale + [obj[this_obj]['SCALE']] obj_scale = [100.] ieq_cons = project.config['OPT_CONSTRAINT']['INEQUALITY'] ieq_cons_scale = [] for this_con in ieq_cons.keys(): ieq_cons_scale = ieq_cons_scale + [ieq_cons[this_con]['SCALE']] ieq_cons_scale = [100., 100., 1000.] if len(project.config['OPT_CONSTRAINT']['EQUALITY']) > 0: raise NotImplementedError( 'Equality constaints have not been implemented for SU2 <-> SNOPT') # Only scale the accuracy for single-objective problems: if len(obj.keys()) == 1: accu = accu * obj_scale[0] # scale accuracy eps = 1.0e-06 # ---------------------------- # # SNOPT Specific Values # # ---------------------------- def snopt_func_base(xs, project): # s indicated SNOPT, otherwise they are direct SU2 inputs/outputs x = xs * 1 for i, val in enumerate(xs): x[i] = x[i] / dv_scales[i] f = func(x, project) fs = f * obj_scale[0] g = np.hstack([f_ieqcons(x, project), f_eqcons(x, project)]) gs = g * ieq_cons_scale fail = 0 #f *= obj_scale return fs, gs.tolist(), fail snopt_func_final = lambda x: snopt_func_base(x, project) opt_prob = pyOpt.Optimization('SUAVE', snopt_func_final) opt_prob.addObj('Objective') for i, val in enumerate(x0): var_name = 'x' + str(i) opt_prob.addVar(var_name, 'c', lower=xb[i][0] * dv_scales[i], upper=xb[i][1] * dv_scales[i], value=x0[i]) # final value already scaled for con in project.config['OPT_CONSTRAINT']['INEQUALITY']: bound = project.config['OPT_CONSTRAINT']['INEQUALITY'][con]['VALUE'] if project.config['OPT_CONSTRAINT']['INEQUALITY'][con]['SIGN'] == '>': opt_prob.addCon(con, type='i', lower=0., upper=np.inf) else: #opt_prob.addCon(con ,type='i',lower=-np.inf,upper=0.) opt_prob.addCon( con, type='i', lower=0., upper=np.inf ) # no change due to ineq functionality in this module for con in project.config['OPT_CONSTRAINT']['EQUALITY']: opt_prob.addCon(con, type='e', equal=bound) opt = pyOpt.pySNOPT.SNOPT() def grad_function_base(xs, fs, gs, project): # s indicated SNOPT, otherwise they are direct SU2 inputs/outputs x = xs * 1 for i, val in enumerate(x): x[i] = x[i] / dv_scales[i] g_obj = fprime(x, project) g_obj_s = g_obj * 1 for i, val in enumerate(dv_scales): g_obj_s[i] = g_obj[i] * obj_scale[0] / dv_scales[i] g_con = np.vstack( [fprime_ieqcons(x, project), fprime_eqcons(x, project)]) g_con_s = g_con * 1 for i, val in enumerate(dv_scales): g_con_s[:, i] = g_con_s[:, i] * np.atleast_2d( ieq_cons_scale) / dv_scales[i] fail = 0 return g_obj_s.tolist(), g_con_s.tolist(), fail grad_function_final = lambda x, f, g: grad_function_base(x, f, g, project) opt.setOption('Function precision', accu) opt.setOption('Verify level', 0) opt.setOption('Major optimality tolerance', eps) opt.setOption('Major iterations limit', its) outputs = opt(opt_prob, sens_type=grad_function_final) print('Ran SNOPT') print(outputs) return outputs
def opt_run(theta, m): ## Run a parameterized optimization problem # Usage # fs, ds = opt_run(theta, m) # Arguments # theta = estimated parameter vector # m = sample count # Returns # fs = optimum value # ds = optimum point That = gen_That(theta, m) def objfunc(x): # f = objective value # g = [-gc_stress, -gc_disp] f = obj(x) g = [0] * 2 try: gc_stress, _, _ = pma( func=lambda u: fcn_g_stress(u, d=x, theta=theta), gradFunc=lambda u: grad_g_stress(u, d=x, theta=theta), u0=u0, pf=pf_stress, tfmJac=lambda u: dUdT(u, theta=theta), That=That, C=Con) g[0] = -gc_stress gc_disp, _, _ = pma( func=lambda u: fcn_g_disp(u, d=x, theta=theta), gradFunc=lambda u: grad_g_disp(u, d=x, theta=theta), u0=u0, pf=pf_disp, tfmJac=lambda u: dUdT(u, theta=theta), That=That, C=Con) g[1] = -gc_disp fail = 0 except ValueError: fail = 1 return f, g, fail def gradfunc(x, f, g): grad_obj = [0] * 2 grad_obj[:] = objGrad(x) grad_con = np.zeros((2, 2)) try: _, mpp_stress, _ = pma( func=lambda u: fcn_g_stress(u, d=x, theta=theta), gradFunc=lambda u: grad_g_stress(u, d=x, theta=theta), u0=u0, pf=pf_stress, tfmJac=lambda u: dUdT(u, theta=theta), That=That, C=Con) grad_con[0] = -sens_g_stress(U=mpp_stress, d=x, theta=theta) _, mpp_disp, _ = pma( func=lambda u: fcn_g_disp(u, d=x, theta=theta), gradFunc=lambda u: grad_g_disp(u, d=x, theta=theta), u0=u0, pf=pf_disp, tfmJac=lambda u: dUdT(u, theta=theta), That=That, C=Con) grad_con[1] = -sens_g_disp(U=mpp_disp, d=x, theta=theta) fail = 0 except ValueError: fail = 1 return grad_obj, grad_con, fail opt_prob = pyOpt.Optimization("Cantilever Beam", objfunc) opt_prob.addObj("f") opt_prob.addVar("x1", "c", lower=2.0, upper=4.0, value=3.0) opt_prob.addVar("x2", "c", lower=2.0, upper=4.0, value=3.0) opt_prob.addCon("g1", "i") opt_prob.addCon("g2", "i") slsqp = pyOpt.SLSQP() slsqp.setOption("IPRINT", -1) [fstr, xstr, inform] = slsqp(opt_prob, sens_type=gradfunc) ds = [0] * 2 ds[0] = opt_prob.solution(0)._variables[0].value ds[1] = opt_prob.solution(0)._variables[1].value fs = opt_prob.solution(0)._objectives[0].value return fs, ds
def get_pyOpt_options(method, rd, lb, ub, tol, max_iter, **kwargs): """Get options for pyOpt module See `<>` method : str Which optimization algorithm `not working` SLSQP will be chosen. rd : :py:class`dolfin_adjoint.ReducedFunctional` The reduced functional lb : list Lower bound on the control ub : list Upper bound on the control tol : float Tolerance max_iter : int Maximum number of iterations *Returns* opt : tuple The optimization solver and the options, (solver, options) """ def obj(x): f, fail = rd(x, True) g = [] return f, g, fail def grad(x, f, g): fail = False try: dj = rd.derivative() except: fail = True # Contraints gradient gJac = np.zeros(len(x)) #"j = %f\t\t|dJ| = %f" % (f[0], np.linalg.norm(dj))) return np.array([dj]), gJac, fail # Create problem opt_prob = pyOpt.Optimization("Problem", obj) # Assign objective opt_prob.addObj("J") # Assign design variables (bounds) opt_prob.addVarGroup( "variables", kwargs["nvar"], type="c", value=kwargs["m"], lower=lb, upper=ub ) opt = pyOpt.pySLSQP.SLSQP() opt.setOption("ACC", tol) opt.setOption("MAXIT", max_iter) opt.setOption("IPRINT", -1) opt.setOption("IFILE", "") options = {"opt_problem": opt_prob, "sens_type": grad} return opt, options
def __init__(self, mrobot): ## "Arbitrary" parameters self.N_s = 15 # nb of samples for discretization self.n_knot = 4 # nb of non zero lenght intervals of the knot series self.t_init = 0.0 self.Tc = 0.5 self.Tp = 1.1 tstep = (self.Tp-self.t_init)/(self.N_s-1) Tc_idx = int(round(self.Tc/tstep)) self.detection_radius = 2.0 ## Mobile Robot object self.mrob = mrobot ## Other parameters self.d = self.mrob.l+2 # B-spline order (integer | d > l+1) self.n_ctrlpts = self.n_knot + self.d - 1 # nb of ctrl points ## Constaints values... ## ...for equations: # initial state self.q_init = np.matrix([[0.0], [0.0], [np.pi/2]]) # final state self.q_fin = np.matrix([[2.0], [5.0], [np.pi/2]]) # initial control input self.u_init = np.matrix([[0.0], [0.0]]) # final control input self.u_fin = np.matrix([[0.0], [0.0]]) ## ...for inequations: # Control boundary self.u_abs_max = self.mrob.u_abs_max # Obstacles (Q_occupied) # TODO: Obstacles random generation self.obst_map = np.matrix([0.25, 2.5, 0.2]) self.obst_map = np.append(self.obst_map, np.matrix([2.3, 2.5, 0.5]), axis = 0) self.obst_map = np.append(self.obst_map, np.matrix([1.25, 3, 0.1]), axis = 0) self.obst_map = np.append(self.obst_map, np.matrix([0.3, 1.0, 0.1]), axis = 0) self.obst_map = np.append(self.obst_map, np.matrix([-0.5, 1.5, 0.3]), axis = 0) # self.obst_map = np.append(self.obst_map, np.matrix([1.6, 4.3, 0.2]), # axis = 0) # max distance within Tp self.D = self.Tp * self.u_abs_max[0,0] # Ctrl pts init C = np.array(np.zeros((self.n_ctrlpts,self.mrob.u_dim))) C_lower = np.array([-10, -1]*self.n_ctrlpts) C_upper = np.array([+10, +6]*self.n_ctrlpts) self.detected_obst_idxs = [] # final trajectory self.C_ref = [] ## Generate initial b-spline knots self.knots = self._gen_knots(self.t_init, self.Tp) self.mtime = np.linspace(self.t_init, self.Tp, self.N_s) ## Optimization results self.unsatisf_eq_values = [] self.unsatisf_ieq_values = [] ## Plot initialization plt.ion() self.fig = plt.figure() self.fig_speed = plt.subplots(2) ax = self.fig.gca() # creating obstacles' circles circ = [] for r in range(self.obst_map.shape[0]): # external dashed circles circ = circ + \ [plt.Circle((self.obst_map[r,0], self.obst_map[r,1]), self.obst_map[r,2]+self.mrob.rho,color='k',ls = 'dashed',fill=False)] # internal continous circles circ = circ + \ [plt.Circle((self.obst_map[r,0], self.obst_map[r,1]), self.obst_map[r,2], color='k', fill=False)] # adding circles to axis [ax.add_artist(c) for c in circ] # plot curve and its control points self.rejected_path,self.plt_ctrl_pts,self.plt_curve,self.plt_dot_curve,self.seg_pts = ax.plot( 0.0, 0.0, 'm:', 0.0, 0.0, '*', 0.0, 0.0, 'b-', 0.0, 0.0, 'g.', 0.0, 0.0, 'rd') # formating figure plt.xlabel('x(m)') plt.ylabel('y(m)') plt.title('Generated trajectory') ax.axis('equal') axarray = self.fig_speed[0].axes self.plt_linspeed, = axarray[0].plot(0.0, 0.0) self.plt_angspeed, = axarray[1].plot(0.0, 0.0) axarray[0].set_ylabel('v(m/s)') axarray[0].set_title('Linear speed') axarray[1].set_xlabel('time(s)') axarray[1].set_ylabel('w(rad/s)') axarray[1].set_title('Angular speed') axarray[0].grid() axarray[1].grid() final_z = self.mrob.phi0(self.q_fin) self.last_q = self.q_init self.last_u = self.u_init last_z = self.mrob.phi0(self.last_q) self.all_dz = [] self.all_rejected_z = [] self.itcount = 0 usepyopt = False while LA.norm(last_z - final_z) > self.D: # while the remaining dist (straight line) is greater than the max dist during Tp self.detected_obst_idxs = self._detected_obst_idx(last_z) # print('No of detected obst: {}'.format(len(self.detected_obst_idxs))) # print('Detected obst: {}'.format(self.obst_map[self.detected_obst_idxs,:])) # initiate ctrl points (straight line towards final z) direc = final_z - last_z direc = direc/LA.norm(direc) C[:,0] =np.array(np.linspace(last_z[0,0],\ last_z[0,0]+self.D*direc[0,0], self.n_ctrlpts)).T C[:,1] =np.array(np.linspace(last_z[1,0],\ last_z[1,0]+self.D*direc[1,0], self.n_ctrlpts)).T tic = time.time() if usepyopt: # Define the optimization problem self.opt_prob = pyOpt.Optimization( 'Faster path with obstacles', # name of the problem self._obj_func) # object function (criterium, eq. and ineq.) self.opt_prob.addObj('J') self.opt_prob.addVarGroup( # minimization arguments 'C', self.mrob.u_dim*self.n_ctrlpts, # dimension 'c', # continous lower=list(C_lower), value=list(np.squeeze(C.reshape(1,self.n_ctrlpts*self.mrob.u_dim))), upper=list(C_upper)) self.opt_prob.addConGroup( # equations constraints 'ec', self.mrob.q_dim + self.mrob.u_dim, # dimension 'e') # equations self.opt_prob.addConGroup( # inequations constraints 'ic', self.N_s*self.mrob.u_dim + self.N_s*len(self.detected_obst_idxs), # dimenstion 'i') # inequations # solve constrained optmization # solver = pyOpt.SLSQP(pll_type='POA') # solver.setOption('ACC', 1e-6) # solver.setOption('MAXIT', 30) solver = pyOpt.ALGENCAN(pll_type='POA') solver.setOption('epsfeas', 1e-1) solver.setOption('epsopt', 9e-1) [J, C_aux, information] = solver(self.opt_prob) C_aux = np.array(C_aux) # if information.value != 0 and iformation.value != 9: usepyopt = False else: # solve constrained optmization outp = fmin_slsqp(self._criteria, np.squeeze(C.reshape(1,self.n_ctrlpts*self.mrob.u_dim)), eqcons=(), f_eqcons=self._feqcons, ieqcons=(), f_ieqcons=self._fieqcons, iprint=1, iter=50, acc=1e-6, full_output=True, callback=self._plot_update) C_aux = outp[0] imode = outp[3] print('\n'.format(imode)) if imode != 0 and imode != 9: usepyopt = True continue print('Elapsed time for {} iteraction: {}'.format(self.itcount, time.time()-tic)) print('No of equations unsatisfied: {}'.format(len(self.unsatisf_eq_values))) print('Mean and variance of equations unsatisfied: ({},{})'.format(np.mean(self.unsatisf_eq_values), np.std(self.unsatisf_eq_values))) print('No of inequations unsatisfied: {}'.format(len(self.unsatisf_ieq_values))) print('Mean and variance of inequations unsatisfied: ({},{})'.format(np.mean(self.unsatisf_ieq_values), np.std(self.unsatisf_ieq_values))) # test if opt went well # if yes C = C_aux # if no # continue C = C.reshape(self.n_ctrlpts, self.mrob.u_dim) # store ctrl points and [z dz ddz](t) self.C_ref += [C] dz = self._comb_bsp(self.mtime[0:Tc_idx], C, 0).T for dev in range(1,self.mrob.l+1): dz = np.append(dz,self._comb_bsp( self.mtime[0:Tc_idx], C, dev).T,axis=0) self.all_dz += [dz] rejected_z = self._comb_bsp(self.mtime[Tc_idx:], C, 0).T self.all_rejected_z += [np.append(np.append(dz[0:2,:], rejected_z, axis=1), np.fliplr(rejected_z), axis=1)] # update needed values self.knots = self.knots + self.Tc self.mtime = [tk+self.Tc for tk in self.mtime] last_z = self.all_dz[-1][0:self.mrob.u_dim,-1] # print('Last z: {}', last_z) # print(self.all_dz[-1][:,-1].reshape( # self.mrob.l+1, self.mrob.u_dim).T) self.last_q = self.mrob.phi1(self.all_dz[-1][:,-1].reshape( self.mrob.l+1, self.mrob.u_dim).T) self.last_u = self.mrob.phi2(self.all_dz[-1][:,-1].reshape( self.mrob.l+1, self.mrob.u_dim).T) #raw_input('paradinha') self.itcount += 1 #endwhile self.detected_obst_idxs = self._detected_obst_idx(last_z) print(self.detected_obst_idxs) # initiate ctrl points (straight line towards final z) C[:,0] =np.array(np.linspace(last_z[0,0],\ final_z[0,0], self.n_ctrlpts)).T C[:,1] =np.array(np.linspace(last_z[1,0],\ final_z[1,0], self.n_ctrlpts)).T x_aux = np.append(np.asarray([self.Tp]), np.squeeze(C.reshape(1,self.n_ctrlpts*self.mrob.u_dim)), axis=1) print(x_aux) self._lstep_plot_update(x_aux) tic = time.time() while True: if False: # Define the optimization problem self.opt_prob = pyOpt.Optimization( 'Faster path with obstacles', # name of the problem self._lstep_obj_func) # object function (criterium, eq. and ineq.) self.opt_prob.addObj('J') self.opt_prob.addVarGroup( # minimization arguments 'x', self.mrob.u_dim*self.n_ctrlpts+1, # dimension 'c', # continous lower=[0.0]+list(C_lower), value=[self.Tp]+list(np.squeeze(C.reshape(1,self.n_ctrlpts*self.mrob.u_dim))), upper=[1e10]+list(C_upper)) self.opt_prob.addConGroup( # equations constraints 'ec', 2*self.mrob.q_dim + 2*self.mrob.u_dim, # dimension 'e') # equations self.opt_prob.addConGroup( # inequations constraints 'ic', self.N_s*self.mrob.u_dim + self.N_s*len(self.detected_obst_idxs), # dimenstion 'i') # inequations # solve constrained optmization # solver = pyOpt.SLSQP(pll_type='POA') # solver.setOption('ACC', 1e-6) # solver.setOption('MAXIT', 30) solver = pyOpt.ALGENCAN(pll_type='POA') solver.setOption('epsfeas', 5e-1) solver.setOption('epsopt', 9e-1) [J, x_aux, information] = solver(self.opt_prob) x_aux = np.array(x_aux) break else: # solve constrained optmization outp = fmin_slsqp(self._lstep_criteria, x_aux, eqcons=(), f_eqcons=self._lstep_feqcons, ieqcons=(), f_ieqcons=self._lstep_fieqcons, iprint=1, iter=30, acc=1e-6, full_output=True, callback=self._lstep_plot_update) x_aux = outp[0] imode = outp[3] print('\n'.format(imode)) if imode != 0 and imode != 9: usepyopt = True continue break print('Elapsed time for {} (last) iteraction: {}'.format(self.itcount, time.time()-tic)) print('No of equations unsatisfied: {}'.format(len(self.unsatisf_eq_values))) print('Mean and variance of equations unsatisfied: ({},{})'.format(np.mean(self.unsatisf_eq_values), np.std(self.unsatisf_eq_values))) print('No of inequations unsatisfied: {}'.format(len(self.unsatisf_ieq_values))) print('Mean and variance of inequations unsatisfied: ({},{})'.format(np.mean(self.unsatisf_ieq_values), np.std(self.unsatisf_ieq_values))) # test if opt went well # if yes dt_final = x_aux[0] print(x_aux) self.t_final = self.mtime[0] + dt_final C = x_aux[1:].reshape(self.n_ctrlpts, self.mrob.u_dim) # if no # continue print('Final time: {}'.format(self.t_final)) # store ctrl points and [z dz ddz](t) self.C_ref += [C] self.mtime = np.linspace(self.mtime[0], self.t_final, self.N_s) dz = self._comb_bsp(self.mtime, C, 0).T for dev in range(1,self.mrob.l+1): dz = np.append(dz,self._comb_bsp( self.mtime, C, dev).T,axis=0) self.all_dz += [dz]
def SNOPTrun(vars0, mission, includeDrag, flagFORCE=1): import pyOpt import constraints import costFunction import numpy as np # THESE FUNCTIONS ARE USED BY SNOPT # Define the functions SNOPT optimizer will call def objectiveFunction(inVars, mission, includeDrag): x = costFunction.ObjectiveMass(inVars, mission) eq = constraints.equality(inVars, mission, 'real', includeDrag) ineq = constraints.inequality(inVars, mission, 'real') g = np.concatenate((eq, ineq), 1) fail = 0 return x, g, fail def sensitivityFunction(inVars, f, g, mission, includeDrag): x = costFunction.fprimeObjectiveMass(inVars, mission) eq = constraints.fprimeequality(inVars, mission, '2d', includeDrag) ineq = constraints.fprimeinequality(inVars, mission, '2d') g = np.concatenate((eq, ineq), 0) fail = 0 return x, g, fail numEquality = len(constraints.equality(vars0, mission)) numInequality = len(constraints.inequality(vars0, mission)) # Find the upper and lower bounds #boundsCase = constraints.bounds(mission) lb, ub = constraints.getXLXU(vars0, mission) #TJC opt_prob = pyOpt.Optimization( 'Trajectory Optimization', lambda x: objectiveFunction(x, mission, includeDrag)) opt_prob.addObj('Objective Mass') # Specify all of the variables #print 'Setting up variables in a hackish way. MUST CHANGE!!!' for curVar in range(len(vars0)): opt_prob.addVar('var' + str(curVar), 'c', value=vars0[curVar], lower=lb[curVar], upper=ub[curVar]) # Now add in equality constraints for curCon in range(numEquality): opt_prob.addCon('g' + str(curCon), 'e') # Now add in inequality constraints for curCon in range(numEquality, numEquality + numInequality): opt_prob.addCon('g' + str(curCon), 'i') # Confirm that everything is correct #print opt_prob # Set up the optimizer snopt = pyOpt.pySNOPT.SNOPT() snopt.setOption('Major feasibility tolerance', value=5e-6) snopt.setOption('Major optimality tolerance', value=1e-5) snopt.setOption('Minor feasibility tolerance', value=5e-6) snopt.setOption('Major iterations limit', 500) print 'Using SNOPT' # Optimize and save results sens2 = lambda x, f, g: sensitivityFunction(x, f, g, mission, includeDrag) # by default will try complex step first...if fails...then finite diference exitVal = snopt(opt_prob, sens_type=sens2) infoOpt = exitVal[2]['text'] if infoOpt != 'finished successfully' and flagFORCE == 1: print 'Failed to finish successfully with CS .... trying FD' exitVal = snopt(opt_prob, sens_type='FD') return exitVal
print sys.executable import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from anypytools.abcutils import AnyPyProcess from SensitivityStudyDorsi import run_model, objfunc app = AnyPyProcess() import pyOpt from pyOpt import SNOPT delta = 25 * 5e-5 AnyBody = 0.0004748338 Factor = 2000 opt_prob = pyOpt.Optimization('Joint Strength Analysis2', objfunc) opt_prob.addObj('f') opt_prob.addVar('tarmin', 'c', lower=0.1, upper=0.8, value=0.5) opt_prob.addVar('edlrmin', 'c', lower=0.1, upper=0.8, value=0.5) opt_prob.addVar('ehlrmin', 'c', lower=0.1, upper=0.8, value=0.5) opt_prob.addVar('tarmax', 'c', lower=0.7, upper=1.6, value=1.2) opt_prob.addVar('edlrmax', 'c', lower=0.7, upper=1.6, value=1.2) opt_prob.addVar('ehlrmax', 'c', lower=0.7, upper=1.6, value=1.2) opt_prob.addVar('LocalStrengthFactorDorsiFlexors', 'c', lower=0.1, upper=10, value=1) opt_prob.addVar('x1', 'c', lower=0.0, upper=np.inf, value=0) opt_prob.addVar('x2', 'c', lower=0.0, upper=np.inf, value=0)
def converge_opt(segment): """Interfaces the mission to an optimization algorithm Assumptions: N/A Source: N/A Inputs: state.unknowns [Data] segment [Data] segment.algorithm [string] Outputs: state.unknowns [Any] Properties Used: N/A """ # pack up the array unknowns = segment.state.unknowns.pack_array() # Have the optimizer call the wrapper obj = lambda unknowns: get_objective(unknowns, segment) econ = lambda unknowns: get_econstraints(unknowns, segment) iecon = lambda unknowns: get_ieconstraints(unknowns, segment) # Setup the bnds of the problem bnds = make_bnds(unknowns, segment) # Solve the problem, based on chosen algorithm if segment.algorithm == 'SLSQP': unknowns = opt.fmin_slsqp(obj, unknowns, f_eqcons=econ, f_ieqcons=iecon, bounds=bnds, iter=2000) elif segment.algorithm == 'SNOPT': # SNOPT imports import pyOpt import pyOpt.pySNOPT # Have the optimizer call the wrapper obj_pyopt = lambda unknowns: get_problem_pyopt(unknowns, segment) opt_prob = pyOpt.Optimization('SUAVE', obj_pyopt) opt_prob.addObj(segment.objective) for ii in range(0, len(unknowns)): lbd = (bnds[ii][0]) ubd = (bnds[ii][1]) vartype = 'c' opt_prob.addVar(str(ii), vartype, lower=lbd, upper=ubd, value=unknowns[ii]) # Setup constraints segment_points = segment.state.numerics.number_control_points for ii in range(0, 2 * segment_points): opt_prob.addCon(str(ii), type='e', equal=0.) for ii in range(0, 5 * segment_points - 1): opt_prob.addCon(str(ii + segment_points * 2), type='i', lower=0., upper=np.inf) print(opt_prob) snopt = pyOpt.pySNOPT.SNOPT() outputs = snopt(opt_prob) print(outputs) print(opt_prob.solution(0)) return
if curIter == 0: mission = LDP.processAllMissionData(mission) vars0 = IC.CreateInitialGuess(mission) else: mission, vars0 = postProcessing.UpdateMissionAndInitialGuess(mission) #vars0 = IC.UpdateInitialGuess(mission) numEquality = len(constraints.equality(vars0, mission)) numInequality = len(constraints.inequality(vars0, mission)) # Find the upper and lower bounds #boundsCase = constraints.bounds(mission) lb, ub = constraints.getXLXU(vars0, mission) #TJC opt_prob = pyOpt.Optimization('Trajectory Optimization', lambda x: objectiveFunction(x, mission)) opt_prob.addObj('Objective Mass') # Specify all of the variables print 'Setting up variables in a hackish way. MUST CHANGE!!!' for curVar in range(len(vars0)): opt_prob.addVar('var' + str(curVar), 'c', value=vars0[curVar], lower=lb[curVar], upper=ub[curVar]) # Now add in equality constraints for curCon in range(numEquality): opt_prob.addCon('g' + str(curCon), 'e')
_, mpp_disp, _ = pma(func=lambda u: fcn_g_disp(u, d=x), gradFunc=lambda u: grad_g_disp(u, d=x), u0=u0, pf=pf_disp_target, tfmJac=lambda u: dUdT(u), That=That) grad_con[1] = -sens_g_disp(U=mpp_disp, d=x) fail = 0 except ValueError: fail = 1 return grad_obj, grad_con, fail opt_prob = pyOpt.Optimization("Cantilever Beam", objfunc) opt_prob.addObj("f") opt_prob.addVar("x1", "c", lower=1.0, upper=4.0, value=3.0) opt_prob.addVar("x2", "c", lower=1.0, upper=4.0, value=3.0) opt_prob.addCon("g1", "i") opt_prob.addCon("g2", "i") print(opt_prob) slsqp = pyOpt.SLSQP() slsqp.setOption("IPRINT", -1) [fstr, xstr, inform] = slsqp(opt_prob, sens_type=gradfunc) print(opt_prob.solution(0)) ds = [0] * 2
def pyopt_surrogate_setup(surrogate_function, inputs, constraints): """ sets up a surrogate problem so it can be run by pyOpt. Makes the problem to be run Assumptions: None Source: N/A Inputs: surrogate_function [nexus()] inputs [array] constraints [array] Outputs: opt_problem [pyOpt problem] Properties Used: None """ #taken from initial optimization problem that you set up ini = inputs[:, 1] # values bnd = inputs[:, 2] # Bounds scl = inputs[:, 3] # Scaling input_units = inputs[:, -1] * 1.0 constraint_scale = constraints[:, 3] constraint_units = constraints[:, -1] * 1.0 import pyOpt #use pyOpt to set up the problem opt_problem = pyOpt.Optimization('surrogate', surrogate_function) #constraints bnd_constraints = helper_functions.scale_const_bnds(constraints) scaled_constraints = helper_functions.scale_const_values( constraints, bnd_constraints) constraints_out = scaled_constraints * constraint_units scaled_inputs = ini / scl x = scaled_inputs #*input_units print 'x_setup=', x #bound the input variables for j in range(len(inputs[:, 1])): lbd = bnd[j][0] / (scl[j]) #*input_units[j] ubd = bnd[j][1] / (scl[j]) #*input_units[j] opt_problem.addVar('x%i' % j, 'c', lower=lbd, upper=ubd, value=x[j]) #put in the constraints for j in range(len(constraints[:, 0])): edge = constraints_out[j] if constraints[j][1] == '<': opt_problem.addCon('g%i' % j, type='i', upper=edge) elif constraints[j][1] == '>': opt_problem.addCon('g%i' % j, lower=edge, upper=np.inf) elif constraints[j][1] == '>': opt_problem.addCon('g%i' % j, type='e', equal=edge) opt_problem.addObj('f') return opt_problem
def Opt(): problem = {} # Problem Solution Info # order = 5 # Order should be kept relatively low <=6, if more accuracy is required, increase the number of partitions N = order-1 problem['N'] = N problem['nConstraint'] = 10 problem['nDivisions'] = 1 # number of segments, each fitted with its own polynomial of the specified order # Problem Info # isp = 290 problem['x0'] = -3200 problem['xf'] = 0 problem['y0'] = 2000 problem['yf'] = 0 problem['u0'] = 625 problem['uf'] = 0 problem['v0'] = -270 problem['vf'] = 0 problem['udotf'] = 0 problem['m0'] = 8500 problem['ve'] = isp*9.81 thrust = 600000 problem['Tmax'] = thrust problem['Tmin'] = thrust*0.1 # 10% throttle V0 = (problem['u0']**2 + problem['v0']**2)**0.5 fpa0 = np.arcsin(problem['v0']/V0) problem['mu0'] = np.pi+fpa0 problem['mudotmax'] = 40*np.pi/180 # 40 deg/s problem['mudotmin'] = -problem['mudotmax'] # Initial Guess tf = 12 x = np.linspace(problem['x0'],problem['xf'],order+1) y = np.linspace(problem['y0'],problem['yf'],order+1) # tau = -cos(pi*np.arange(0,N+2)/(N+1)) # t = (tau+1)*0.5*tf # x = interp1d(np.linspace(0,tf,order+1),x)(t) # y = interp1d(np.linspace(0,tf,order+1),y)(t) c0 = np.hstack((x[1:-1],y[1:-1],tf)) # Form D problem['D'] = ChebyshevDiff(order) opt = pyOpt.Optimization('Flat Pseudospectral PDG',lambda c: Cost(c,problem)) # Add the design variables for i,xi in enumerate(x[1:-1]): opt.addVar('x{}'.format(i+1), 'c', lower = problem['x0'], upper = problem['xf'], value = xi) for i,xi in enumerate(y[1:-1]): opt.addVar('y{}'.format(i+1), 'c', lower = problem['yf'], upper = problem['y0'], value = xi) opt.addVar('tf','c', lower = 5, upper = 50, value=tf) # Add the objective and constraints opt.addObj('J') for i in range(1,7): opt.addCon('g{}'.format(i),'e') for i in range(1,4*problem['nConstraint'] + 0*order): opt.addCon('h{}'.format(i),'i') # optimizer = pyOpt.COBYLA() # optimizer = pyOpt.ALPSO() optimizer = pyOpt.ALGENCAN() # optimizer = pyOpt.SLSQP() # optimizer = pyOpt.SDPEN() # optimizer = pyOpt.PSQP() # optimizer = pyOpt.SOLVOPT() sens_type = 'CS' # Differencing Type, options ['FD', CS'] # optimizer.setOption('MAXIT',100) #SLSQP option # optimizer.setOption('MIT',200) # PSQP # fopt,copt,info = optimizer(opt,sens_type=sens_type) fopt,copt,info = optimizer(opt) print info print opt.solution(0) t,x,y,u,v,udot,vdot,m,T,mu,mudot = Parse(copt,problem) plt.figure() plt.plot(x,y) plt.title('Positions') plt.figure() plt.plot(u,v) plt.title('Velocities') plt.figure() plt.plot(udot,vdot) plt.title('Accelerations') plt.figure() plt.plot(t,m) plt.title('Mass') plt.figure() plt.plot(t,mu*180/np.pi) plt.title('Thrust Angle') plt.figure() plt.plot(t,T) plt.title('Thrust') plt.figure() plt.plot(t,x) plt.figure() plt.plot(t,y)