コード例 #1
ファイル: PPSTM_simple.py プロジェクト: ondrejkrejci/PPSTM
                out_curr[:, 2] = tmp_curr.copy()
                f = open(name_file, 'w')
                print("WSxM file copyright Nanotec Electronica", file=f)
                    "WSxM ASCII XYZ file; obtained from dIdV code by Krejci et al.",
                print("X[A]  Y[A]  Z[A]", file=f)
                print("", file=f)
                np.savetxt(f, out_curr)
    print("WSxM files written")

if XSF:
    print("writing XSF files")
    xsf_head = Bu.At2XSF(geom_plot) if plot_atoms else GU.XSF_HEAD_DEFAULT
    for vv in range(NoV):
        if didv_b:
            name_file = 'didv_' + namez[
                vv] + "_tip_" + tip_type + "-" + tip_orb + "_WF_" + str(
                    WorkFunction -
                    Voltages[vv] * WF_decay) + "_eta_" + str(eta) + '.xsf'
            GU.saveXSF(name_file, didv[vv], lvec, head=xsf_head)
        if STM_b:
            name_file = 'STM_' + namez[
                vv] + "_tip_" + tip_type + "-" + tip_orb + "_WF_" + str(
                    WorkFunction) + "_WF_decay_" + str(round(
                        WF_decay, 1)) + "_eta_" + str(eta) + '.xsf'
            GU.saveXSF(name_file, current[vv], lvec, head=xsf_head)
    print("XSF files written")
コード例 #2
    def saveData(self):
        mapType = self.parent.map
        vv = self.parent.Vindx
        k = self.parent.Hindx
        namez = self.parent.plotData['namez']
        tip_type = self.parent.plotData['tip_type']
        WorkFunction = self.parent.plotData['WorkFunction']
        Voltages = self.parent.plotData['Voltages']
        WF_decay = self.parent.plotData['WF_decay']
        eta = self.parent.myDict['etaValue']
        if mapType == 'dIdV':
            fileName, fext = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(
                self, "QFileDialog.getSaveFileName()",
                'didv_' + namez[vv] + "_tip_" + tip_type + "-" + "_WF_" +
                str(WorkFunction - Voltages[vv] * WF_decay) + "_eta_" +
                str(eta) + '_%03d' % k,
                "WSxM Files (*.xyz);;XSF Files (*.xsf);;NPY Files (*.npy)")
            fileName, fext = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(
                self, "QFileDialog.getSaveFileName()",
                'STM_' + namez[vv] + "_tip_" + tip_type + "-" + "_WF_" +
                str(WorkFunction) + "_WF_decay_" + str(round(WF_decay, 1)) +
                "_eta_" + str(eta) + '_%03d' % k,
                "WSxM Files (*.xyz);;XSF Files (*.xsf);;NPY Files (*.npy)")

        if fileName:
            if fext == '(*.xsf)':
                    "For XSF or NPY outputs or tip_type = relaxed you have to have installed PPAFM in your PPSTM directory "
                import pyPPSTM.GridUtils as GU
                print("writing XSF files")
                geom_plot = self.parent.plotData['geom_plot']
                lvec = self.parent.plotData['lvec']
                xsf_head = Bu.At2XSF(
                    geom_plot)  #if plot_atoms else GU.XSF_HEAD_DEFAULT
                if mapType == 'dIdV':
                    didv = self.parent.plotData['didv']
                    GU.saveXSF(fileName, didv[vv], lvec, head=xsf_head)
                elif mapType == 'STM':
                    current = self.parent.plotData['current']
                    GU.saveXSF(fileName, current[vv], lvec, head=xsf_head)
                print("XSF files written")

            elif fext == '(*.npy)':
                    "For XSF or NPY outputs or tip_type = relaxed you have to have installed PPAFM in your PPSTM directory "
                import pyPPSTM.GridUtils as GU
                print("writing npy binary files")
                lvec = self.parent.plotData['lvec']
                if mapType == 'dIdV':
                    didv = self.parent.plotData['didv']
                    GU.saveNpy(fileName, didv[vv],
                               lvec)  #, head=XSF_HEAD_DEFAULT )
                elif mapType == 'STM':
                    current = self.parent.plotData['current']
                    GU.saveNpy(fileName, current[vv],
                               lvec)  #, head=XSF_HEAD_DEFAULT )
                print("npy files written")

                # default write in WSxM
                print("writing WSxM files")
                tip_r0 = self.parent.plotData['tip_r0']
                if mapType == 'dIdV':
                    didv = self.parent.plotData['didv']
                    tmp_curr = didv[vv, k, :, :].flatten()
                    out_curr = np.zeros((len(tmp_curr), 3))
                    out_curr[:, 0] = tip_r0[k, :, :, 0].flatten()
                    out_curr[:, 1] = tip_r0[k, :, :, 1].flatten()
                    out_curr[:, 2] = tmp_curr.copy()
                    f = open(fileName, 'w')
                    print("WSxM file copyright Nanotec Electronica", file=f)
                        "WSxM ASCII XYZ file; obtained from dIdV code by Krejci et al.",
                    print("X[A]  Y[A]  Z[A]", file=f)
                    print("", file=f)
                    np.savetxt(f, out_curr)
                elif mapType == 'STM':
                    current = self.parent.plotData['current']
                    tmp_curr = current[vv, k, :, :].flatten()
                    out_curr = np.zeros((len(tmp_curr), 3))
                    out_curr[:, 0] = tip_r0[k, :, :, 0].flatten()
                    out_curr[:, 1] = tip_r0[k, :, :, 1].flatten()
                    out_curr[:, 2] = tmp_curr.copy()
                    f = open(fileName, 'w')
                    print("WSxM file copyright Nanotec Electronica", file=f)
                        "WSxM ASCII XYZ file; obtained from dIdV code by Krejci et al.",
                    print("X[A]  Y[A]  Z[A]", file=f)
                    print("", file=f)
                    np.savetxt(f, out_curr)
                print("WSxM files written")

        print("Data saved")