import pySALESetup as pss import time vol_frac = .55 X_cells = 500 Y_cells = 500 PR = 0. cppr = 8 vfraclimit = .495 # The changeover point from random to forced contacts. > 1.0 => least contacts; = 0. Max contacts x_length = 1.e-3 y_length = 1.e-3 GRIDSPC = x_length/X_cells mat_no = 5 pss.generate_mesh(X_cells,Y_cells,mat_no,cppr,PR,vol_frac) mats = pss.mats part_area = np.zeros((1)) cppr_range = pss.cppr_max - pss.cppr_min r = pss.cppr_mid pss.mesh_Shps[0,:,:],part_area[0] = pss.gen_circle(r) lx, ly = 35., 35. UC = pss.unit_cell(LX=lx,LY=ly) N = 5 UCX = np.array([0.,lx,lx,0.,lx/2.]) UCY = np.array([0.,0.,ly,ly,ly/2.]) MATS = np.array([1.,1.,1.,1.,1.]) RAD = np.array([8.,8.,8.,8.,8.])
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pySALESetup as pss import time vol_frac = .55 X_cells = 500 Y_cells = 500 PR = 0. cppr = 8 vfraclimit = .495 # The changeover point from random to forced contacts. > 1.0 => least contacts; = 0. Max contacts x_length = 1.e-3 y_length = 1.e-3 GRIDSPC = x_length / X_cells mat_no = 5 pss.generate_mesh(X_cells, Y_cells, mat_no, cppr, PR, vol_frac) mats = pss.mats part_area = np.zeros((1)) cppr_range = pss.cppr_max - pss.cppr_min r = pss.cppr_mid pss.mesh_Shps[0, :, :], part_area[0] = pss.gen_circle(r) lx, ly = 35., 35. UC = pss.unit_cell(LX=lx, LY=ly) N = 5 UCX = np.array([0., lx, lx, 0., lx / 2.]) UCY = np.array([0., 0., ly, ly, ly / 2.]) MATS = np.array([1., 1., 1., 1., 1.]) RAD = np.array([8., 8., 8., 8., 8.])
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pySALESetup as pss # Define details of the particle bed vol_frac = .5 ### default 0.5 X_cells = 500 ### defaults = 500 Y_cells = 500 PR = 0. ### default = 0.1, have to increase to cover the high eccen. shapes cppr = 20 ### default = 20 vfraclimit = 1. # The changeover point from 'placed' to 'dropped' contacts. particles x_length = 1.e-3 y_length = 1.e-3 GRIDSPC = x_length / X_cells # Physical distance/cell mat_no = 5 pss.generate_mesh(X_cells, Y_cells, mat_no, cppr, PR, vol_frac, NS=cppr * 5) # Generate & set up the mesh n = pss.N # n is the number of particles to generated as a 'library' to be placed into the mesh ns = pss.Ns ### added ns ######################################## generate mesh_Shps for each eccentricity, and add it into the mesh_Shps_list ##################################### axis_ratios = np.array( [2.5, 2., 1.5, 1.]) ### list semi-major/semi-minor axis ratios (must be float) # numpy arrays are defined as np.array([...]) and not np.array((...)) eccen_list = np.sqrt(1 - (1 / np.square(axis_ratios)) ) ### calculate list of eccentricities from axis ratios n_eccen = np.size(eccen_list) ### number of eccentricities # length works, but it is better to use size IMO as size is for numpy arrays and len for lists
y = .3e-3*np.sin(theta) + off_set return y L_cells = 500 # T - Transverse, L - Longitudinal T_cells = 500 #L_cells = 100 # T - Transverse, L - Longitudinal #T_cells = 407 r = 8 T_length = 10.e-3 L_length = 10.e-3 GRIDSPC = T_length/T_cells print GRIDSPC pss.generate_mesh(L_cells,T_cells,CPPR=r,mat_no=5,GridSpc=GRIDSPC) mats = pss.mats mats = mats.astype(int) Cu2_T1 = 0.e-3 Cu2_T2 = 10.0e-3 Cu2_L1 = 1.3e-3 Cu2_L2 = 2.6e-3 pss.fill_sinusoid(Cu2_L1,Cu2_T1,func,Cu2_T2,mats[0],mixed=True) Cu1_T1 = 0. Cu1_T2 = 10.e-3 Cu1_L1 = 0. Cu1_L2 = 1.3e-3 pss.fill_rectangle(Cu1_L1,Cu1_T1,Cu1_L2,Cu1_T2,mats[0])
off_set = 2.5e-3 theta = 2.0 * np.pi * x / 2.0e-3 y = 0.3e-3 * np.cos(theta) + off_set return y L_cells = 1000 # T - Transverse, L - Longitudinal T_cells = 300 # L_cells = 100 # T - Transverse, L - Longitudinal # T_cells = 407 r = 8 T_length = 3.0e-3 L_length = 10.0e-3 GRIDSPC = T_length / T_cells print GRIDSPC pss.generate_mesh(L_cells, T_cells, CPPR=r, mat_no=5, GridSpc=GRIDSPC) mats = pss.mats mats = mats.astype(int) """ Cu1_T1 = 0. Cu1_T2 = 10.e-3 Cu1_L1 = 0. Cu1_L2 = 1.3e-3 pss.fill_rectangle(Cu1_L1,Cu1_T1,Cu1_L2,Cu1_T2,mats[0]) Al1_T1 = 6.55e-3 Al1_T2 = 7.7e-3 Al1_L1 = 1.3e-3 Al1_L2 = 13.5e-3 pss.fill_rectangle(Al1_L1,Al1_T1,Al1_L2,Al1_T2,mats[1])
import numpy as np import random import matplotlib.pyplot as plt vol_frac = .3 X_cells = 500 Y_cells = 500 x_length = 1.e-3 # Transverse width of bed y_length = 1.e-3 # Longitudinal width of bed PR = 0. # Particle size range (as a fraction) cppr = 20 # Cells per particle radius GRIDSPC = x_length/X_cells # Physical distance/cell mat_no = 5 pss.generate_mesh(X=X_cells,Y=Y_cells,mat_no=mat_no,CPPR=cppr,pr=PR,VF=vol_frac,GridSpc=GRIDSPC) n = pss.N # n is the number of particles to generated for the 'library' which can be selected from this and placed into the mesh part_area = np.zeros((n)) # N.B. particles can (and likely will) be placed more than once part_radii = np.linspace(pss.cppr_min,pss.cppr_max,n) # part_area and part_radii are arrays to contain the area and radii of the 'library' particles # if PR is non-zero then a range of radii will be generated for i in range(n): pss.mesh_Shps[i,:,:] = pss.gen_circle(part_radii[i]) # Generate a circle and store it in mesh_Shps (an array of meshes) part_area[i] = np.sum(pss.mesh_Shps[i,:,:]) # Record the shape's area A_ = [] # Generate empty lists to store the area xc = [] # x coord yc = [] # y coord I_ = [] # Library index
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt vol_frac = .3 X_cells = 500 Y_cells = 500 x_length = 1.e-3 # Transverse width of bed y_length = 1.e-3 # Longitudinal width of bed PR = 0. # Particle size range (as a fraction) cppr = 20 # Cells per particle radius GRIDSPC = x_length / X_cells # Physical distance/cell mat_no = 5 pss.generate_mesh(X=X_cells, Y=Y_cells, mat_no=mat_no, CPPR=cppr, pr=PR, VF=vol_frac, GridSpc=GRIDSPC) n = pss.N # n is the number of particles to generated for the 'library' which can be selected from this and placed into the mesh part_area = np.zeros( (n)) # N.B. particles can (and likely will) be placed more than once part_radii = np.linspace( pss.cppr_min, pss.cppr_max, n ) # part_area and part_radii are arrays to contain the area and radii of the 'library' particles # if PR is non-zero then a range of radii will be generated for i in range(n): pss.mesh_Shps[i, :, :] = pss.gen_circle( part_radii[i]
import random import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pySALESetup as pss import time X_cells = 1000 Y_cells = 1000 vfraclimit = .5 # The changeover point from random to forced contacts. > 1.0 => least contacts; = 0. Max contacts x_length = 1.e-3 y_length = 1.e-3 GRIDSPC = x_length/X_cells mat_no = 5 CPPR = 24 pss.generate_mesh(X_cells,Y_cells,mat_no,CPPR=24) mats = pss.mats pss.N = 10 # Particles can be placed MORE than once! MM = pss.Ms ii = 0 n = pss.N part_radii = [] pss.mesh_Shps[0,:,:] = pss.gen_shape_fromtxt('../grain_library/grain_aspect-1.026_mesh.txt') pss.mesh_Shps[1,:,:] = pss.gen_shape_fromtxt('../grain_library/grain_aspect-1.085_mesh.txt') pss.mesh_Shps[2,:,:] = pss.gen_shape_fromtxt('../grain_library/grain_aspect-2.005_mesh.txt') pss.mesh_Shps[3,:,:] = pss.gen_shape_fromtxt('../grain_library/grain_aspect-1.516_mesh.txt') pss.mesh_Shps[4,:,:] = pss.gen_shape_fromtxt('../grain_library/grain_aspect-1.249_mesh.txt') pss.mesh_Shps[5,:,:] = pss.gen_shape_fromtxt('../grain_library/grain_aspect-1.158_mesh.txt') pss.mesh_Shps[6,:,:] = pss.gen_shape_fromtxt('../grain_library/grain_aspect-1.834_mesh.txt')
import pySALESetup as pss import numpy as np import scipy.spatial as scsp import scipy as sc import random import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import time L_cells = 1000 # T - Transverse, L - Longitudinal T_cells = 400 T_length = 200.e-6 L_length = 500.e-6 GRIDSPC = L_length/L_cells pss.generate_mesh(L_cells,T_cells,mat_no=1) mats = pss.mats X1 = np.arange(0.,100.,2.) Y1 = X1*25./100. Y1 = Y1[::-1] X2 = np.arange(0.,101.,2.) Y2 = X2*25./100. X2+= 100. X = np.append(X1,X2) Y = np.append(Y1,Y2) Y += 37.5
import pySALESetup as pss import numpy as np import scipy.spatial as scsp import scipy as sc import random import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import time T_length = .5e-3 L_length = 1.e-3 GRIDSPC = 2.e-5 T_cells = int(T_length / GRIDSPC) L_cells = int(L_length / GRIDSPC) # T - Transverse, L - Longitudinal pss.generate_mesh(L_cells, T_cells, mat_no=1, GS=GRIDSPC) pss.mesh_Shps[0, :, :], part_area = pss.gen_circle(r) mats = pss.mats l1 = 0.5 * L_length l2 = 0.9 * L_length t1 = 0.1 * T_length t2 = 0.9 * T_length pss.fill_rectangle(l1, t1, l2, t2, mats[0]) plt.figure() #plt.imshow(pss.mesh,interpolation='nearest',cmap='binary') plt.imshow(pss.materials[0, :, :], interpolation='nearest', cmap='binary') pss.save_general_mesh()
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pySALESetup as pss # Define details of the particle bed vol_frac = .5 X_cells = 500 Y_cells = 500 PR = 0. cppr = 20 vfraclimit = 1. # The changeover point from 'placed' to 'dropped' contacts. particles x_length = 1.e-3 y_length = 1.e-3 GRIDSPC = x_length/X_cells # Physical distance/cell mat_no = 5 pss.generate_mesh(X_cells,Y_cells,mat_no,cppr,PR,vol_frac) # Generate & set up the mesh n = pss.N # n is the number of particles to generated as a 'library' to be placed into the mesh part_area = np.zeros((n)) # N.B. particles can (and likely will) be placed more than once part_radii = np.zeros((n)) # part_area and part_radii are arrays to contain the area and radii of the 'library' particles for i in range(n): eccen = np.sqrt(8./9.) theta = random.random()*np.pi Rad = cppr pss.mesh_Shps[i,:,:] = pss.gen_ellipse(Rad,theta,eccen) # Generate an ellipse of radius: Rad, angled at theta, and with eccentricity: eccen. part_area[i] = np.sum(pss.mesh_Shps[i,:,:]) # Record the shape's area part_radii[i] = cppr # Record the shape's radius (semi-major radius in this case)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pySALESetup as pss # Define details of the particle bed vol_frac = .5 X_cells = 500 Y_cells = 500 PR = 0. cppr = 20 vfraclimit = 1. # The changeover point from 'placed' to 'dropped' contacts. particles x_length = 1.e-3 y_length = 1.e-3 GRIDSPC = x_length / X_cells # Physical distance/cell mat_no = 5 pss.generate_mesh(X_cells, Y_cells, mat_no, cppr, PR, vol_frac) # Generate & set up the mesh n = pss.N # n is the number of particles to generated as a 'library' to be placed into the mesh part_area = np.zeros( (n)) # N.B. particles can (and likely will) be placed more than once part_radii = np.zeros( (n) ) # part_area and part_radii are arrays to contain the area and radii of the 'library' particles for i in range(n): eccen = np.sqrt(8. / 9.) theta = random.random() * np.pi Rad = cppr pss.mesh_Shps[i, :, :] = pss.gen_ellipse( Rad, theta, eccen ) # Generate an ellipse of radius: Rad, angled at theta, and with eccentricity: eccen.
import pySALESetup as pss import numpy as np import scipy.spatial as scsp import scipy as sc import random import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import time L_cells = 500 # T - Transverse, L - Longitudinal T_cells = 200 T_length = 200.e-6 L_length = 500.e-6 GRIDSPC = L_length / L_cells pss.generate_mesh(L_cells, T_cells, mat_no=1) mats = pss.mats pss.fill_plate(0., 50., mats[0]) pss.save_general_mesh() fig, ax = plt.subplots() cax = ax.imshow(pss.mesh, cmap='Greys', interpolation='nearest', vmin=0, vmax=1) cbar = fig.colorbar(cax, orientation='horizontal')
import pySALESetup as pss import numpy as np import scipy.spatial as scsp import scipy as sc import random import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import time T_length = .5e-3 L_length = 1.e-3 GRIDSPC = 2.e-5 T_cells = int(T_length/GRIDSPC) L_cells = int(L_length/GRIDSPC) # T - Transverse, L - Longitudinal pss.generate_mesh(L_cells,T_cells,mat_no=1,GS=GRIDSPC) pss.mesh_Shps[0,:,:],part_area = pss.gen_circle(r) mats = pss.mats l1 = 0.5*L_length l2 = 0.9*L_length t1 = 0.1*T_length t2 = 0.9*T_length pss.fill_rectangle(l1,t1,l2,t2,mats[0]) plt.figure() #plt.imshow(pss.mesh,interpolation='nearest',cmap='binary') plt.imshow(pss.materials[0,:,:],interpolation='nearest',cmap='binary')