コード例 #1
    def _get_output_features_constant(self, neighs_info, k, typefeats=(0, 0)):
        """Get 'output' features. Get the features of the elements in the
        neighbourhood of the elements we want to study. That case is under
        assumption of the constant selection of features.

        neighs_info: pst.Neighs_Info
            the container of all the information of the neighbourhood.
        k: list or np.ndarray
            perturbations indices we want to get.
        typefeats: tuple or list
            the selectors for the features of the neighs of elements `i`.

        feats_neighs: np.ndarray or list
            the features of the neighs of the elements `i`.

        ## Neighs info as an object
        neighs_info = ensuring_neighs_info(neighs_info, k)
        ## Input mapping
        neighs_info = self._maps_input[typefeats[0]](neighs_info)
        ## Features retrieve
        feats_neighs = self.features[typefeats[1]].compute((neighs_info, k))
        ## Outformat
        feats_neighs = self._maps_output(self, feats_neighs)
        return feats_neighs
コード例 #2
    def compute_descriptors(self, i, neighs_info, k=None, feat_selectors=None):
        """General compute descriptors for descriptormodel class.

        i: np.ndarray or list
            the indices of the elements `i`.
        neighs_info: pst.Neighs_Info
            the container of all the information of the neighbourhood.
        k: int or list (default=None)
            the perturbations indices we wantto get.
        feat_selectors: list, tuple or pst.BaseSelector (default=None)
            the selection information.

        descriptors: list
            the descriptors for each perturbation and element.
        vals_i: list or np.ndarray
            the store information index of each element `i`.

        ## 0. Prepare list of k
        ks = list(range(self.k_perturb + 1)) if k is None else k
        ks = [ks] if type(ks) == int else ks
        i_input = [i] if type(i) == int else i
        #        if type(feat_selectors) == tuple:
        #            feat_selectors = [feat_selectors]
        neighs_info = ensuring_neighs_info(neighs_info, k)
        #        sh = neighs_info.shape
        #        print sh, len(i_input), len(ks), ks, i_input
        #        assert(len(i_input) == sh[1])
        #        assert(len(ks) == sh[0])
        ## 1. Prepare selectors
        t_feat_in, t_feat_out, t_feat_des = self.get_type_feats(i, feat_selectors)
        #        print t_feat_in, t_feat_out, t_feat_des
        ## 2. Get pfeats (pfeats 2dim array (krein, jvars))
        desc_i = self._get_input_features(i_input, ks, t_feat_in)
        print i_input, ks, self._get_input_features, type(t_feat_in)
        print "." * 20, desc_i
        desc_neigh = self._get_output_features(neighs_info, ks, t_feat_out)
        #        print i, ks, i_input, neighs_info, neighs_info.ks, neighs_info.idxs
        ## 3. Map vals_i
        vals_i = self._get_vals_i(i, ks)
        #        print '+'*10, vals_i, desc_neigh, desc_i

        ## 4. Complete descriptors (TODO)
        descriptors = self._complete_desc_i(i, neighs_info, desc_i, desc_neigh, vals_i, t_feat_des)
        #        descriptors =\
        #            self.descriptormodel.complete_desc_i(i, neighs_info, desc_i,
        #                                                 desc_neigh, vals_i)
        ## 5. Join descriptors
        descriptors = self._join_descriptors(descriptors)

        return descriptors, vals_i
コード例 #3
    def _get_output_features_variable(self, neighs_info, k, typefeats=(0, 0)):
        """Get 'output' features. Get the features of the elements in the
        neighbourhood of the elements we want to study. That case is under
        assumption of the variable selection of features.

        neighs_info: pst.Neighs_Info
            the container of all the information of the neighbourhood.
        k: list or np.ndarray
            perturbations indices we want to get.
        typefeats: tuple or list
            the selectors for the features of the neighs of elements `i`.

        feats_neighs: np.ndarray or list
            the features of the neighs of the elements `i`.

        ## Neighs info as an object
        neighs_info = ensuring_neighs_info(neighs_info, k)
        ## Loop for all typefeats
        i_l = len(neighs_info.iss)
        #        print i_l, neighs_info.iss, neighs_info.idxs
        k_l = 1 if type(k) == int else len(k)
        typefeats = [typefeats] * i_l if type(typefeats) == tuple else typefeats
        feats_neighs = [[] for kl in range(k_l)]
        for j in range(i_l):
            ## Input mapping
            neighs_info_j = neighs_info.get_copy_iss_by_ind(j)
            neighs_info_j = self._maps_input[typefeats[j][0]](neighs_info_j)
            ## Features retrieve
            feats_neighs_j = self.features[typefeats[j][1]].compute((neighs_info_j, k))
            ## Outformat
            feats_neighs_j = self._maps_output(self, feats_neighs_j)
            ## Store
            for k_j in range(len(feats_neighs_j)):
        assert len(feats_neighs) == k_l
        assert len(feats_neighs[0]) == i_l
        return feats_neighs