コード例 #1
    # Dimesions
    pixel_size = (250, 50)  # um
    z_positions = [0., 1.95, 10.88, 12.83]  # in cm; optional, can be also deduced from data, but usually not with high precision (~ mm)

    output_folder = os.path.split(data_files[0])[0]  # define a folder where all output data and plots are stored
    cluster_files = [data_file[:-3] + '_cluster.h5' for data_file in data_files]

    # The following shows a complete test beam analysis by calling the seperate function in correct order

    # Correlate the row/col of each DUT
    atb.correlate_hits(data_files, alignment_file=output_folder + r'/Alignment.h5', fraction=1)
    atb.plot_correlations(alignment_file=output_folder + r'/Alignment.h5', output_pdf=output_folder + r'/Correlations.pdf')

    # Create alignment data for the DUT positions to the first DUT from the correlation data
    atb.align_hits(alignment_file=output_folder + r'/Alignment.h5', output_pdf=output_folder + r'/Alignment.pdf', fit_offset_cut=(2. / 10., 5.0), fit_error_cut=(15. / 1000., 30. / 1000.))

    # Cluster hits off all DUTs
    Pool().map(atb.cluster_hits, data_files)  # find cluster on all DUT data files in parallel on multiple cores
    atb.plot_cluster_size(cluster_files, output_pdf=output_folder + r'/Cluster_Size.pdf')

    # Correct all DUT hits via alignment information and merge the cluster tables to one tracklets table aligned at the event number
    atb.merge_cluster_data(cluster_files, alignment_file=output_folder + r'/Alignment.h5', tracklets_file=output_folder + r'/Tracklets.h5')

    # Check alignment of hits in position and time
    atb.check_hit_alignment(output_folder + r'/Tracklets.h5', output_folder + r'/Alignment_Check.pdf')

    # Find tracks from the tracklets and stores the with quality indicator into track candidates table
    atb.find_tracks(tracklets_file=output_folder + r'/Tracklets.h5', alignment_file=output_folder + r'/Alignment.h5', track_candidates_file=output_folder + r'/TrackCandidates.h5')

    # optional: try to deduce the devices z positions. Difficult for parallel tracks / bad resolution and does actually not really help here. Still good for cross check.
コード例 #2
# Dimesions
    pixel_size = (250, 50)  # um
    z_positions = [0., 5., 10.]  # in cm; optional, can be also deduced from data, but usually not with high precision (~ mm)

    output_folder = os.path.split(data_files[0])[0]  # define a folder where all output data and plots are stored
    cluster_files = [data_file[:-3] + '_cluster.h5' for data_file in data_files]

    # The following shows a complete test beam analysis by calling the seperate function in correct order

    # Correlate the row/col of each DUT
    atb.correlate_hits(data_files, alignment_file=output_folder + r'/Alignment.h5', fraction=1)
    atb.plot_correlations(alignment_file=output_folder + r'/Alignment.h5', output_pdf=output_folder + r'/Correlations.pdf')

    # Create alignment data for the DUT positions to the first DUT from the correlation data
    atb.align_hits(alignment_file=output_folder + r'/Alignment.h5', output_pdf=output_folder + r'/Alignment.pdf', fit_offset_cut=(2. / 10., 5.0), fit_error_cut=(10. / 1000., 110. / 1000.), show_plots=False)

    # Cluster hits off all DUTs
    Pool().map(atb.cluster_hits, data_files)  # find cluster on all DUT data files in parallel on multiple cores
    atb.plot_cluster_size(cluster_files, output_pdf=output_folder + r'/Cluster_Size.pdf')

    # Correct all DUT hits via alignment information and merge the cluster tables to one tracklets table aligned at the event number
    atb.merge_cluster_data(cluster_files, alignment_file=output_folder + r'/Alignment.h5', tracklets_file=output_folder + r'/Tracklets.h5')

    atb.optimize_hit_alignment(output_folder + r'/Tracklets.h5')

    # Check alignment of hits in position and time
    atb.check_hit_alignment(output_folder + r'/Tracklets.h5', output_folder + r'/Alignment_Check.pdf')

    # Find tracks from the tracklets and stores the with quality indicator into track candidates table
    atb.find_tracks(tracklets_file=output_folder + r'/Tracklets.h5', alignment_file=output_folder + r'/Alignment.h5', track_candidates_file=output_folder + r'/TrackCandidates.h5')