def ult(func): kwargs["func"] = ( lambda e: not e.is_private and not e.via_bot_id and not e.fwd_from) handler = udB.get_key("VC_HNDLR") or HNDLR kwargs["pattern"] = compile_pattern(dec, handler) vc_auth = kwargs.get("vc_auth", True) key = udB.get_key("VC_AUTH_GROUPS") or {} if "vc_auth" in kwargs: del kwargs["vc_auth"] async def vc_handler(e): VCAUTH = list(key.keys()) if not ((e.out) or (e.sender_id in VC_AUTHS()) or (vc_auth and e.chat_id in VCAUTH)): return elif vc_auth and key.get(e.chat_id): cha, adm = key.get(e.chat_id), key[e.chat_id]["admins"] if adm and not (await admin_check(e)): return try: await func(e) except Exception: LOGS.exception(Exception) await asst.send_message( LOG_CHANNEL, f"VC Error - <code>{UltVer}</code>\n\n<code>{e.text}</code>\n\n<code>{format_exc()}</code>", parse_mode="html", ) vcClient.add_event_handler( vc_handler, events.NewMessage(**kwargs), )
def VC_AUTHS(): _vcsudos = udB.get_key("VC_SUDOS") or [] return [int(a) for a in [*owner_and_sudos(), *_vcsudos]]
try: from yt_dlp import YoutubeDL except ImportError: YoutubeDL = None LOGS.error("'yt-dlp' not found!") try: from youtubesearchpython import VideosSearch except ImportError: VideosSearch = None from strings import get_string asstUserName = LOG_CHANNEL = udB.get_key("LOG_CHANNEL") ACTIVE_CALLS, VC_QUEUE = [], {} MSGID_CACHE, VIDEO_ON = {}, {} CLIENTS = {} def VC_AUTHS(): _vcsudos = udB.get_key("VC_SUDOS") or [] return [int(a) for a in [*owner_and_sudos(), *_vcsudos]] class Player: def __init__(self, chat, event=None, video=False): self._chat = chat self._current_chat = event.chat_id if event else LOG_CHANNEL self._video = video
from pyUltroid import udB, LOGS try: from google_trans_new import google_translator Trs = google_translator() except ImportError:"'google_trans_new' not installed!") Trs = None try: from yaml import safe_load except ModuleNotFoundError:"'pyYaml' not installed!\nPlease install it to use Ultroid.") sys.exit() language = [udB.get_key("language") or "en"] languages = {} strings_folder = path.join(path.dirname(path.realpath(__file__)), "strings") for file in listdir(strings_folder): if file.endswith(".yml"): code = file[:-4] try: languages[code] = safe_load( open(path.join(strings_folder, file), encoding="UTF-8"), ) except Exception as er:"Error in {file[:-4]} language file") LOGS.exception(er)