コード例 #1
    def encryptC(self, a, p):
        random = getRandomElement().n
        hR = bn128.bn128_curve.multiply(self.publicKey, random)
        gM = bn128.multiply(bn128.multiply(bn128.G1, a.n), p.n)

        return Ciphertext(bn128.bn128_curve.multiply(bn128.G1, random),
                          bn128.bn128_curve.add(hR, bn128.neg(gM)))
コード例 #2
def Verify(pk1, X1, Y1, pk2, X2, Y2, A1, A2, B1, B2, z1, z2, z3):
    #Fiat Shamir
    hasher = keccak_256()
    hasher.update(A1[0].n.to_bytes(32, 'big'))
    hasher.update(A1[1].n.to_bytes(32, 'big'))
    hasher.update(A2[0].n.to_bytes(32, 'big'))
    hasher.update(A2[1].n.to_bytes(32, 'big'))
    hasher.update(B1[0].n.to_bytes(32, 'big'))
    hasher.update(B1[1].n.to_bytes(32, 'big'))
    hasher.update(B2[0].n.to_bytes(32, 'big'))
    hasher.update(B2[1].n.to_bytes(32, 'big'))
    e = int.from_bytes(hasher.digest(), 'big')

    #Verifier checks
    left = bn128.add(A1, bn128.multiply(X1, e))
    right = bn128.multiply(pk1, z1)
    if not eq(left, right):
        return False

    left = bn128.add(A2, bn128.multiply(X2, e))
    right = bn128.multiply(pk2, z2)
    if not eq(left, right):
        return False

    left = bn128.add(B1, bn128.multiply(Y1, e))
    right = bn128.add(bn128.multiply(bn128.G1, z1), bn128.multiply(H, z3))
    if not eq(left, right):
        return False

    left = bn128.add(B2, bn128.multiply(Y2, e))
    right = bn128.add(bn128.multiply(bn128.G1, z2), bn128.multiply(H, z3))
    if not eq(left, right):
        return False

    return True
コード例 #3
 def set_monitor_parameters(self, address):
   ta, tb, tc, s = self.monitor_parameters(address)
   target1, _ = pedersen_c(ta, tb)
   target2 = multiply(G1, tc)
   shuffle = multiply(G1, s)
   tx_hash = self.contract.functions.setMonitorParameters(address, pasint(target1) + pasint(target2) + pasint(shuffle)).transact()
   receipt = self.wait_tx(tx_hash)
   return ta, tb, tc, s, receipt
コード例 #4
ファイル: signing.py プロジェクト: ciberexplosion/zeth
def gen_signing_keypair() -> SigningKeyPair:
    Return a one-time signature key-pair
    composed of elements of F_q and G1.
    key_size_byte = ceil(len("{0:b}".format(ZETH_PRIME)) / 8)
    x = FQ(int(bytes(urandom(key_size_byte)).hex(), 16) % ZETH_PRIME)
    y = FQ(int(bytes(urandom(key_size_byte)).hex(), 16) % ZETH_PRIME)
    X = ec.multiply(ec.G1, x.n)
    Y = ec.multiply(ec.G1, y.n)
    return SigningKeyPair(x, y, X, Y)
コード例 #5
def gen_signing_keypair() -> SigningKeyPair:
    Return a one-time signature key-pair
    composed of elements of F_q and G1.
    key_size_byte = ceil(len("{0:b}".format(ec.curve_order)) / 8)
    x = FQ(int(bytes(urandom(key_size_byte)).hex(), 16) % ec.curve_order)
    y = FQ(int(bytes(urandom(key_size_byte)).hex(), 16) % ec.curve_order)
    X = ec.multiply(ec.G1, x.n)
    Y = ec.multiply(ec.G1, y.n)

    # We include y_g1 in the signing key
    sk = SigningSecretKey(x, y, Y)
    vk = SigningVerificationKey(X, Y)
    return SigningKeyPair(sk, vk)
コード例 #6
async def constructBinaryRepresentation(client, attemptID, elGamalInstance,
                                        dCipher, answerAttempt, p, secretKey):
    ciphertextArray = []
    nizkps = []
    publicKey = bn128.multiply(bn128.G1, secretKey.n)

    # slice leading 0b
    binaryString = bin(answerAttempt.n)[2:]
    exponent = [i for i in range(len(binaryString))]
    for index in range(len(binaryString)):
        random = getRandomElement()
        if binaryString[index] == '0':
            # case: beta_i = 0 => Random encryption of 0
            encryption = elGamalInstance.encrypt(0, random)
            proof = FirstNIZKP.generateCommitment(publicKey, encryption.second,
                                                  encryption.first, random,
                                                  dCipher.second, True)
            challenge = bn128.FQ(client.getChallengeForNIZKP1(
                attemptID, proof))
            proof = FirstNIZKP.computeProof(proof, challenge)
            element = (bn128.FQ(2)**exponent[index]).n
            # c0,i = d_0 ** (2**i * beta_i) * (g_1 ** r) | case: beta_i = 1
            d0pow = bn128.multiply(dCipher.first, element)
            gr = bn128.multiply(bn128.G1, random.n)
            c0i = bn128.add(d0pow, gr)

            # c1,i = d_1 ** (2**i * beta_i) * (h ** r) | case: beta_i = 1
            d1pow = bn128.multiply(dCipher.second, element)
            hr = bn128.multiply(elGamalInstance.publicKey, random.n)
            c1i = bn128.add(d1pow, hr)

            proof = FirstNIZKP.generateCommitment(publicKey, c1i, c0i, random,
                                                  dCipher.second, False)
            challenge = bn128.FQ(client.getChallengeForNIZKP1(
                attemptID, proof))
            proof = FirstNIZKP.computeProof(proof, challenge)

            encryption = Ciphertext(c0i, c1i)

    return (ciphertextArray, nizkps)
コード例 #7
ファイル: signing.py プロジェクト: ciberexplosion/zeth
def verify(vk: SigningVerificationKey, m: bytes, sigma: int) -> bool:
    Return true if the signature sigma is valid on message m and vk.
    We assume here that the message is an hexadecimal string written in
    less than 256 bits to conform with Ethereum bytes32 type.
    # Encode and hash the verifying key and input hashes
    challenge_to_hash = g1_to_bytes(vk.spk) + m

    challenge = int(sha256(challenge_to_hash).hexdigest(), 16)
    challenge = challenge % ZETH_PRIME

    left_part = ec.multiply(ec.G1, FQ(sigma).n)
    right_part = ec.add(vk.spk, ec.multiply(vk.ppk, FQ(challenge).n))

    return ec.eq(left_part, right_part)
コード例 #8
 def __init__(self, prikey):
     if isinstance(prikey, PriKey):
         self.prikey = prikey
         pk = bn.multiply(bn.G1, self.prikey.sk)  # pk = g^sk
         self.pubkey = PubKey(pk)
         raise TypeError("require PubKey and PriKey type!")
コード例 #9
async def constructPartyPart(senderAddress, ciphertext, challenge,
                             secretKeyPart, x, client, attemptID):
    psi = getRandomElement()

    c0I = bn128.multiply(bn128.multiply(ciphertext.first, psi.n),
    k_i = bn128.multiply(bn128.multiply(bn128.G2, challenge.n),
                         inv(psi.n, bn128.curve_order))

    com = SecondNIZKP.generateCommitment(ciphertext.first)
    challenge = bn128.FQ(
        client.getChallengeNZIK2(attemptID, com[1], com[2], bn128.FQ(x)))

    nzik2 = SecondNIZKP.generateProof(com[0], com[1], com[2], secretKeyPart,

    cost = client.verifyNZIK2(attemptID, senderAddress, nzik2.c_0_tilde_r,
                              nzik2.g_r, nzik2.proof)

    return (c0I, k_i, nzik2, cost)
コード例 #10
def VerifyRangeProofs(proof_bytes, pct_check=100):
    sr = SystemRandom()
    proof_size, proof_count = GetProofSizeAndCount(proof_bytes)

    #Get asset address and H_neg
    asset_address = int.from_bytes(proof_bytes[0:20], 'big')
    G1 = bn128.G1
    H_neg = H_from_address(asset_address)
    H_neg = (H_neg[0], -H_neg[1])

    for i in range(0, proof_count):
        if pct_check == 100 or sr.randint(0, 100) < pct_check:
            #Extract Proof
            start = 20 + i * proof_size
            C = (bn128.FQ(int.from_bytes(proof_bytes[start:start + 32],
                     int.from_bytes(proof_bytes[start + 32:start + 64],

            c0 = int.from_bytes(proof_bytes[start + 64:start + 96], 'big')
            s0 = int.from_bytes(proof_bytes[start + 96:start + 128], 'big')
            s1 = int.from_bytes(proof_bytes[start + 128:start + 160], 'big')

            #Segment 1
            A = bn128.add(bn128.multiply(C, c0), bn128.multiply(G1, s0))
            c1 = int.from_bytes(
                keccak_256(A[0].n.to_bytes(32, 'big') +
                           A[1].n.to_bytes(32, 'big')).digest(), 'big')

            #Segment 2
            A = bn128.add(bn128.multiply(bn128.add(C, H_neg), c1),
                          bn128.multiply(G1, s1))
            c0p = int.from_bytes(
                keccak_256(A[0].n.to_bytes(32, 'big') +
                           A[1].n.to_bytes(32, 'big')).digest(), 'big')

            if (c0 != c0p):
                return i

    return -1
コード例 #11
def Prove(pk1, X1, Y1, pk2, X2, Y2, r1, r2, v):
    sr = SystemRandom()

    #Prover Stage 1
    a1 = sr.getrandbits(256)
    a2 = sr.getrandbits(256)
    b = sr.getrandbits(256)

    A1 = bn128.multiply(pk1, a1)
    A2 = bn128.multiply(pk2, a2)
    B1 = bn128.add(bn128.multiply(bn128.G1, a1), bn128.multiply(H, b))
    B2 = bn128.add(bn128.multiply(bn128.G1, a2), bn128.multiply(H, b))

    #Fiat Shamir
    hasher = keccak_256()
    hasher.update(A1[0].n.to_bytes(32, 'big'))
    hasher.update(A1[1].n.to_bytes(32, 'big'))
    hasher.update(A2[0].n.to_bytes(32, 'big'))
    hasher.update(A2[1].n.to_bytes(32, 'big'))
    hasher.update(B1[0].n.to_bytes(32, 'big'))
    hasher.update(B1[1].n.to_bytes(32, 'big'))
    hasher.update(B2[0].n.to_bytes(32, 'big'))
    hasher.update(B2[1].n.to_bytes(32, 'big'))
    e = int.from_bytes(hasher.digest(), 'big')

    #Prover Stage 2
    z1 = (a1 + e * r1) % bn128.curve_order
    z2 = (a2 + e * r2) % bn128.curve_order
    z3 = (b + e * v) % bn128.curve_order

    return (z1, z2, z3)
コード例 #12
def Dec(sk, X, Y):
    sk_inv = pow(sk, bn128.curve_order - 2, bn128.curve_order)
    denom = bn128.multiply(X, sk_inv)
    denom = (denom[0], -denom[1])

    Hm = bn128.add(Y, denom)
    P_test = H

    m = 1
    while not bn128.eq(Hm, P_test):
        m += 1
        P_test = bn128.add(P_test, H)

    return m
コード例 #13
    def verify(self, proof):
        """Verify if a proof is correct for the given inputs"""
        if not isinstance(proof, Proof):
            raise TypeError("Invalid proof type")

        # Compute the linear combination vk_x
        # vk_x = gammaABC[0] + gammaABC[1]^x[0] + ... + gammaABC[n+1]^x[n]
        vk_x = self.gammaABC[0]
        for i, x in enumerate(proof.input):
            vk_x = add(vk_x, multiply(self.gammaABC[i + 1], x))

        # e(B, A) * e(gamma, -vk_x) * e(delta, -C) * e(beta, -alpha)
        return pairingProd((proof.A, proof.B), (neg(vk_x), self.gamma),
                           (neg(proof.C), self.delta),
                           (neg(self.alpha), self.beta))
コード例 #14
    def verify(self, proof):
        """Verify if a proof is correct for the given inputs"""
        if not isinstance(proof, Proof):
            raise TypeError("Invalid proof type")

        # Compute the linear combination vk_x
        # vk_x = IC[0] + IC[1]^x[0] + ... + IC[n+1]^x[n]
        vk_x = self.IC[0]
        for i, x in enumerate(proof.input):
            IC_mul_x = multiply(self.IC[i + 1], x)
            vk_x = add(vk_x, IC_mul_x)

        # e(V_a,P_a) * e(G2,-P_a_p) == 1
        if not pairingProd((proof.a, self.a), (neg(proof.a_p), bn128.G2)):
            raise RuntimeError("Proof step 1 failed")

        # e(P_b,V_b) * e(G2,-P_b_p) == 1
        if not pairingProd((self.b, proof.b), (neg(proof.b_p), bn128.G2)):
            raise RuntimeError("Proof step 2 failed")

        # e(V_c,P_c) * e(G2,-P_c_p) == 1
        if not pairingProd((proof.c, self.c), (neg(proof.c_p), bn128.G2)):
            raise RuntimeError("Proof step 3 failed")

        # e(V_g,P_k) * e(V_gb2,-(vk_x+P_a+P_c)) * e(P_b,-P_gb1) == 1
        if not pairingProd(
            (proof.k, self.g),
            (neg(add(vk_x, add(proof.a, proof.c))), self.gb2),
            (neg(self.gb1), proof.b)):
            raise RuntimeError("Proof step 4 failed")

        # e(P_b, vk_x+P_a) * e(V_z,-P_h) * e(G2,-P_c) == 1
        if not pairingProd(
            (add(vk_x, proof.a), proof.b),
            (neg(proof.h), self.z),
            (neg(proof.c), bn128.G2)):
            raise RuntimeError("Proof step 5 failed")

        return True
コード例 #15
def GenerateOneBitRangeProofs(
    sr = SystemRandom()

    #Pick values and blinding factors
    #Pick equal number of each
    assert (IsPowerOf2(count))
    if count == 1:
        pc = [(sr.randint(0, 1), sr.getrandbits(256))]
        pcp = []
        pc = [(sr.randint(0, 1), sr.getrandbits(256))
              for i in range(0, count // 2)]
        pcp = [(1 - pc[i][0], sr.getrandbits(256))
               for i in range(0, count // 2)]

    private_commitments = pc + pcp

    if (count % 1 == 1):
        private_commitments += (sr.randint(0, 1), sr.getrandbits(256))

    #Get generator points
    G1 = bn128.G1
    H = H_from_address(asset_address)

    #Initialize proof memory
    proofs = asset_address.to_bytes(20, 'big')

    for x in private_commitments:
        #Calculate Ring
        C = bn128.multiply(G1, x[1])

        if x[0] == 1:
            C = bn128.add(C, H)

            #Random Numbers
            alpha = sr.getrandbits(256)
            s0 = sr.getrandbits(256)

            #Begin Ring
            A = bn128.multiply(G1, alpha)
            c0 = int.from_bytes(
                keccak_256(A[0].n.to_bytes(32, 'big') +
                           A[1].n.to_bytes(32, 'big')).digest(), 'big')

            #Segment 0
            A = bn128.multiply(C, c0)
            B = bn128.multiply(G1, s0)
            A = bn128.add(A, B)
            c1 = int.from_bytes(
                keccak_256(A[0].n.to_bytes(32, 'big') +
                           A[1].n.to_bytes(32, 'big')).digest(), 'big')

            #Complete Ring
            s1 = (alpha - c1 * x[1]) % bn128.curve_order

            #"Random Numbers"
            alpha = sr.getrandbits(256)
            s1 = sr.getrandbits(256)

            #Being Ring
            A = bn128.multiply(G1, alpha)
            c1 = int.from_bytes(
                keccak_256(A[0].n.to_bytes(32, 'big') +
                           A[1].n.to_bytes(32, 'big')).digest(), 'big')

            #Segment 1
            Cp = bn128.add(C, (H[0], -H[1]))
            A = bn128.multiply(Cp, c1)
            B = bn128.multiply(G1, s1)
            A = bn128.add(A, B)
            c0 = int.from_bytes(
                keccak_256(A[0].n.to_bytes(32, 'big') +
                           A[1].n.to_bytes(32, 'big')).digest(), 'big')

            #Complete Ring
            s0 = (alpha - c0 * x[1]) % bn128.curve_order

        #Store proof data
        if compress_proofs:
            c_compressed = C[0].n

            if (C[1].n & 1 == 1):
                c_compressed |= 0x8000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

            proofs += c_compressed.to_bytes(32, 'big')
            proofs += C[0].n.to_bytes(32, 'big')
            proofs += C[1].n.to_bytes(32, 'big')

        proofs += c0.to_bytes(32, 'big')
        proofs += s0.to_bytes(32, 'big')
        proofs += s1.to_bytes(32, 'big')

    if (print_proof):
        print("0x" + proofs.hex())

    return private_commitments, proofs
コード例 #16
def ecMul(p: Point, x: int) -> Point:
    pt = FQ(p[0]), FQ(p[1])
    return fq2point(multiply(pt, x))
コード例 #17
from typing import Tuple, List, Union

from py_ecc import bn128
from py_ecc.bn128 import FQ, add, multiply, double

# Signature :: (Initial construction value, array of public keys, link of unique signer)
Point = Tuple[int, int]
Signature = Tuple[int, List[int], Point]
Scalar = int

asint = lambda x: x.n if isinstance(x, bn128.FQ) else x
fq2point = lambda x: (asint(x[0]), asint(x[1]))
randsn = lambda: randint(1, N - 1)
randsp = lambda: randint(1, P - 1)
sbmul = lambda s: bn128.multiply(G, asint(s))
addmodn = lambda x, y: (x + y) % N
addmodp = lambda x, y: (x + y) % P
mulmodn = lambda x, y: (x * y) % N
mulmodp = lambda x, y: (x * y) % P
submodn = lambda x, y: (x - y) % N
submodp = lambda x, y: (x - y) % P
negp = lambda x: (x[0], -x[1])

def to_hex(x):
    if type(x) is tuple:
        return (to_hex(x[0]), to_hex(x[1]))
    if type(x) is int:
        return (x).to_bytes(32, 'big').hex()
コード例 #18
def test_pairing_python():
    assert pairing(G2, multiply(G1, 5)) == pairing(multiply(G2, 5), G1)
コード例 #19
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import trstools as T
from py_ecc import bn128
from random import randint
from hashlib import sha256
from py_ecc.bn128 import add, multiply, double, curve_order, field_modulus, G1, eq
from py_ecc.bn128.bn128_field_elements import inv

bytes_to_int = lambda x: reduce(lambda o, b: (o << 8) + ord(b), [0] + list(x))
rands = lambda: randint(1, curve_order - 1)
sbmul = lambda s: multiply(G1, s)
hashs = lambda *x: bytes_to_int(
                     for _ in range(0, len(x))]) % x).digest()) % curve_order
hashp = lambda *x: hashs(*[item.n for sublist in x for item in sublist])

expr_funcs = dict(
    Point=lambda x: x if isinstance(x, tuple) else sbmul(x),
    PointInfinity=lambda: None,
    PointDouble=lambda x: double(x),
    Sub=lambda x, y: (x - y) % curve_order,
    Neg=lambda x: -x % curve_order,
    Inv=lambda x: inv(x, curve_order),
    #InvMul=lambda x, y: (x * pow(y, field_modulus-2, field_modulus)),
    Add=lambda x, y: (x + y) % curve_order,
    Mul=lambda x, y: (x * y) % curve_order,
    PointNeg=lambda x: (x[0], -x[1]),
コード例 #20
def Enc(pk, m, r):
    X = bn128.multiply(pk, r)
    Y = bn128.add(bn128.multiply(bn128.G1, r), bn128.multiply(H, m))
    return (X, Y)
コード例 #21
def Gen():

    sk = SystemRandom().getrandbits(256)
    pk = bn128.multiply(bn128.G1, sk)

    return (sk, pk)
コード例 #22
def test_pairing_python_neg():
    assert pairing(G2, multiply(G1, 5)) != pairing(multiply(G2, 5), neg(G1))
コード例 #23
from random import randint
from past.builtins import long

from py_ecc import bn128
from py_ecc.bn128 import add, multiply, curve_order, G1
from py_ecc.bn128.bn128_field_elements import inv, field_modulus, FQ

from .utils import hashs, bytes_to_int, powmod

asint = lambda x: x.n if isinstance(x, FQ) else x

randsn = lambda: randint(1, curve_order - 1)
randsp = lambda: randint(1, field_modulus - 1)
sbmul = lambda s: multiply(G1, asint(s))
hashsn = lambda *x: hashs(*x) % curve_order
hashpn = lambda *x: hashsn(*[item.n for sublist in x for item in sublist])
hashp = lambda *x: hashs(*[item.n for sublist in x for item in sublist])
addmodn = lambda x, y: (x + y) % curve_order
addmodp = lambda x, y: (x + y) % field_modulus
mulmodn = lambda x, y: (x * y) % curve_order
expmodn = lambda x, y: (x ** y) % curve_order
mulmodp = lambda x, y: (x * y) % field_modulus
submodn = lambda x, y: (x - y) % curve_order
submodp = lambda x, y: (x - y) % field_modulus
invmodn = lambda x: inv(x, curve_order)
invmodp = lambda x: inv(x, field_modulus)
negp = lambda x: (x[0], -x[1])

pasint = lambda p: (asint(p[0]), asint(p[1]))
mpasint = lambda *mp: [list(pasint(p)) for p in mp]
serring = lambda *x: [mpasint(*sublist) for sublist in x]
コード例 #24
 def interpolate(self, others):
     return bn128.multiply(bn128.multiply(bn128.G1, self.y.n),
                           getLagrange(self.x, others).n)
コード例 #25
ファイル: mirage.py プロジェクト: HarryR/active-oasis
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import trstools as T
from py_ecc import bn128
from random import randint
from hashlib import sha256
from py_ecc.bn128 import add, multiply, double, curve_order, field_modulus, G1, eq
from py_ecc.bn128.bn128_field_elements import inv

bytes_to_int = lambda x: reduce(lambda o, b: (o << 8) + ord(b), [0] + list(x))
rands = lambda: randint(1, curve_order - 1)
sbmul = lambda s: multiply(G1, s)
hashs = lambda *x: bytes_to_int(
                     for _ in range(0, len(x))]) % x).digest()) % curve_order
hashp = lambda *x: hashs(*[item.n for sublist in x for item in sublist])

fake_g = rands()
fake_G = sbmul(fake_g)
fake_sbmul = lambda x: multiply(fake_G, x)

expr_funcs = dict(
    TypeScalar=lambda x: x,
    TypePoint=lambda x: x,
    Opaque=lambda x: x,
    GDL=lambda: fake_g,
    Point=lambda x: x if isinstance(x, tuple) else fake_sbmul(x),
    PointDouble=lambda x: double(x),
    Sub=lambda x, y: (x - y) % curve_order,
コード例 #26
def mulmodp(x, y):
    return (x * y) % P

    Section 3.4 (Page 16)

    Simple restriction for a single coefficient polynomial

alpha = randsp()
s = randsp()
coefficient = randsp()

# Verifier
g_s = multiply(bn128.G1, s)
g_alpha_s = multiply(bn128.G1, alpha * s)

# Prover (doesn't have alpha)
g_s_c = multiply(g_s, coefficient)
g_alpha_s_c = multiply(g_alpha_s, coefficient)

assert multiply(g_s_c, alpha) == g_alpha_s_c
    Section 3.4 (Page 17)

    Restriction for polynomials with multiple coefficients
polynomial_degree = 4

G = 446827
コード例 #27
from py_ecc import bn128
from sha3 import keccak_256
from random import SystemRandom

#"Private Keys"
sr = SystemRandom()
p = sr.getrandbits(256)
q = sr.getrandbits(256)

#"Random Numbers"
alpha = sr.getrandbits(256)
s0 = sr.getrandbits(256)

G1 = bn128.G1
P = bn128.multiply(G1, p)
Q = bn128.multiply(G1, q)

#Being Ring
A = bn128.multiply(G1, alpha)
c0 = int.from_bytes(
    keccak_256(A[0].n.to_bytes(32, 'big') +
               A[1].n.to_bytes(32, 'big')).digest(), 'big')

#Segment 0
A = bn128.multiply(P, c0)
B = bn128.multiply(G1, s0)
A = bn128.add(A, B)
c1 = int.from_bytes(
    keccak_256(A[0].n.to_bytes(32, 'big') +
               A[1].n.to_bytes(32, 'big')).digest(), 'big')
コード例 #28
if __name__ == "__main__":
    #Open DB
    db = TinyDB('client_db.json')
    tbl = db.table('commitments')
    data = tbl.all()
    assert (len(data) > 0)

    #Index private commitments and sort by hidden value bit
    v = 100
    asset_address = 0
    private_bit_commitments = data[0]['private']
    indices, total_bf = BuildCommitmentPrivate(v,
    C_expected = bn128.add(bn128.multiply(bn128.G1, total_bf),
                           bn128.multiply(H_from_address(asset_address), v))
    print("Commitment Generated")
    print("asset_address = 0x" + asset_address.to_bytes(20, 'big').hex())
    print("value = " + str(v))
    print("bf = " + hex(total_bf)[2:])
    print("(" + C_expected[0].n.to_bytes(32, 'big').hex() + ",")
    print(C_expected[1].n.to_bytes(32, 'big').hex() + ")")

    #Test commitment build
    _, public_bit_commitments = ExtractCommitments(
    C_out = BuildCommitmentPublic(public_bit_commitments, indices)
    print("Assembled Commitment")
    print("(" + C_out[0].n.to_bytes(32, 'big').hex() + ",")
コード例 #29
def test_pairing_check_pyecc():
    sk = random_scalar(seed=1)
    pk = bn128.multiply(bn128.G1, sk)
    bls_pk = bn128.multiply(bn128.G2, sk)
    assert bn128.pairing(bn128.G2, pk) == bn128.pairing(bls_pk, bn128.G1)
コード例 #30
 def generateCommitment(c_0_tilde):
     r = getRandomElement()
     c_0_tilde_r = bn128.multiply(c_0_tilde, r.n)
     g_r = bn128.multiply(bn128.G1, r.n)
     return (r, c_0_tilde_r, g_r)