def compile_model(self): """ Compile the model """ log = logging.getLogger() log.debug("Entered compile_model") # create a directory for the compiled model self.working_dir = os.path.normpath( os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.output_dir)) if not os.path.exists(self.working_dir): os.makedirs(self.working_dir) log.debug("Working dir : {0}".format(self.working_dir)) # write .mos script (short_name is used for output files) if not self.short_name: self.short_name = self.model_name.split('.')[-1] 'Result mat-file name not given using default : {0}_res.mat'. format(self.short_name)) else:'Result mat-file name set to : {0}_res.mat'.format( self.short_name)) self.result_mat = '{0}_res.mat'.format(self.short_name) self.mos_file_name = 'om_sim.mos' self._write_mos_script(log) # print and save revision number self._print_revision_number(log) # Add paths to additional modelica-libraries in OPENMODELICALIBRARY my_env = os.environ if self.lib_package_paths: my_env = self._setup_libs_env_vars(log) # translate the modelica code according to the .mos script self._translate_modelica_model(log, my_env) # compile the c-code into executable self._make_model(log) self.compilation_time = self.translation_time + self.make_time # Load *_init.xml into data-tree-structure xml_file = os.path.join(self.working_dir, '{0}_init.xml'.format(self.short_name)) self.om_etree = OpenModelicaElementTree(xml_file) self.model_statistic = self.om_etree.get_statistics() return self.model_is_compiled
def compile_model(self): """ Compile the model """ log = logging.getLogger() log.debug("Entered compile_model") # create a directory for the compiled model self.working_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.output_dir)) if not os.path.exists(self.working_dir): os.makedirs(self.working_dir) log.debug("Working dir : {0}".format(self.working_dir)) # write .mos script (short_name is used for output files) if not self.short_name: self.short_name = self.model_name.split('.')[-1]'Result mat-file name not given using default : {0}_res.mat'.format( self.short_name)) else:'Result mat-file name set to : {0}_res.mat'.format(self.short_name)) self.result_mat = '{0}_res.mat'.format(self.short_name) self.mos_file_name = 'om_sim.mos' self._write_mos_script(log) # print and save revision number self._print_revision_number(log) # Add paths to additional modelica-libraries in OPENMODELICALIBRARY my_env = os.environ if self.lib_package_paths: my_env = self._setup_libs_env_vars(log) # translate the modelica code according to the .mos script self._translate_modelica_model(log, my_env) # compile the c-code into executable self._make_model(log) self.compilation_time = self.translation_time + self.make_time # Load *_init.xml into data-tree-structure xml_file = os.path.join(self.working_dir, '{0}_init.xml'.format(self.short_name)) self.om_etree = OpenModelicaElementTree(xml_file) self.model_statistic = self.om_etree.get_statistics() return self.model_is_compiled
class OpenModelica(ToolBase): tool_name = "OpenModelica" model_statistics = {} compile_errors = [] om_home = "" om_etree = None # OpenModelicaElementTree for parsing .xml files short_name = "" def __init__(self, model_config, om_home=""): """ Constructor for OpenModelica class, called before ToolBase's _initialize. This method only makes sure that there is a environment OPENMODELICAHOME defined. """ if not om_home: self.om_home = os.getenv("OPENMODELICAHOME") if self.om_home: if os.path.exists(self.om_home): self.tool_path = os.path.join(self.om_home, "bin") else: msg = "OpenModelica path not found at env: {0}".format(self.om_home) raise ModelicaInstantiationError(msg) else: if == "nt": msg = "No environment variable OPENMODELICAHOME defined." raise ModelicaInstantiationError(msg) elif os.path.exists(om_home): self.om_home = om_home self.tool_path = os.path.join(self.om_home, "bin") else: msg = "Given OpenModelica home not found at: {0}".format(om_home) raise ModelicaInstantiationError(msg) self._initialize(model_config) # end of _set_tool_home def _write_mos_script(self, log): """ Write out .mos-script for translation of the modelica model. """ log.debug("Entered _write_mos_script") with open(self.mos_file_name, 'wb') as file_out: lines = ['// OpenModelica script file to run a model'] lines.append('loadModel(Modelica, {"' + self.msl_version + '"});') for lib_name in self.lib_package_names: lines.append('loadModel({0});'.format(lib_name)) if self.model_file_name != "": lines.append('cd("{0}");'.format(self.mo_dir.replace("\\", "/"))) lines.append('loadFile("{0}");'.format(os.path.basename(self.model_file_name))) translate = 'translateModel(' + self.model_name #if self.variable_filter: # translate += ', variable_filter=[' # for var in self.variable_filter: # translate += var # translate += ']' translate += ', fileNamePrefix="{0}"'.format(self.short_name) translate += ');' lines.append(translate) lines.append('getErrorString();') file_out.write("\n".join(lines)) log.debug("Generated .mos-script at : {0}".format(self.mos_file_name)) # end of _write_mos_script def _setup_libs_env_vars(self, log): """ Add given library paths to environment-variable OPENMODELICALIBRARY. Which is updated in os.environ and returned. If path does not exist on hard-drive it looks for it at; /working_dir/Modelica (This is where the packages are put during remote execution.) """ log.debug('Entered _setup_libs_env_vars') my_env = os.environ lib_paths = "" remote = False # supports relative paths and adds the package paths if exist for lib_path in self.lib_package_paths: lib_full_path = os.path.abspath(lib_path) if os.path.exists(lib_full_path): lib_paths += lib_full_path lib_paths += os.pathsep else: print "The library path {0} does not exist, this might lead to errors.".format(lib_full_path) if 'OPENMODELICALIBRARY' in my_env: my_env['OPENMODELICALIBRARY'] += os.pathsep + lib_paths log.debug("Added paths to existing OPENMODELICALIBRARY environment variable; ") else: if == 'nt': om_std_lib = os.path.join(self.om_home, 'lib', 'omlibrary') elif == 'posix': om_std_lib = os.sep + os.path.join('usr', 'lib', 'omlibrary') else: raise ModelicaInstantiationError('Only Windows and Linux are supported by py_modelica.') om_lib = {'OPENMODELICALIBRARY': '{0}{1}{2}'.format(om_std_lib, os.pathsep, lib_paths)} log.debug("No environment variable OPENMODELICALIBRARY found, created;") my_env.update(om_lib) log.debug('OPENMODELICALIBRARY : {0}'.format(my_env['OPENMODELICALIBRARY'])) return my_env # end of _setup_libs_env_vars def _print_revision_number(self, log): """ Get the revision number of the omc-compiler. """ log.debug("Entered _print_revision_number") command = '"{0}" +version'.format(os.path.join(self.tool_path, "omc")) try: return_str = subprocess_call(command, log) version = return_str.split('(') self.tool_version = version[0].strip() if len(version) > 1: self.tool_version_number = version[1].strip().strip(')') else: # Around v.1.9.4 open-modelica changed version format string. # For example v1.9.4-dev-62-g0de2ae0 will now be under self.tool_version as is. self.tool_version_number = 'UNKNOWN' except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err: raise ModelicaCompilationError("Could not call omc.", sp_msg=err.returncode) # end of _print_revision_number def _translate_modelica_model(self, log, my_env): """ Call omc(.exe) to translate the modelica model into c-code. """ os.chdir(self.mo_dir) command = '"{0}" +q +s "{1}"'.format(os.path.join(self.tool_path, 'omc'), self.mos_file_name) # only recompile if there is a .mo file newer than the _init.xml file latest_mtime = -1 for root, dirs, files in os.walk('.'): for name in (f for f in files if f.endswith('.mo')): latest_mtime = max(os.stat(os.path.join(root, name)).st_mtime, latest_mtime) init_xml_name = os.path.join(self.mo_dir, self.short_name) + '_init.xml' if not os.path.isfile(init_xml_name) or os.stat(init_xml_name) < latest_mtime: t_stamp = time.time() try: return_string = subprocess_call(command, log, my_env) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err: raise ModelicaCompilationError('OMC could not compile model.', sp_msg=err.returncode) self.translation_time = time.time() - t_stamp if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.mo_dir, self.short_name) + '_init.xml'): self.model_is_compiled = True else: msg = 'Subprocess call with command = "{0}" returned with 0, but _init.xml does not '\ 'exist - something went wrong during translation of model.'.format(command) raise ModelicaCompilationError(msg, return_string) else: self.model_is_compiled = True os.chdir(self.working_dir) # end of _translate_modelica_model def _make_model(self, log): """ Compile the generated c-code into an executable """ if == 'nt': # Windows # Make model # add incremental build support for .c files makefile = open('{0}.makefile'.format(self.short_name)).read() makefile = makefile.replace('.PHONY: $(CFILES)', '# .PHONY: $(CFILES)') makefile = re.sub('^omc_main_target:', 'omc_main_target: {0}$(EXEEXT)\n{0}$(EXEEXT):'.format(self.short_name), makefile, flags=re.MULTILINE) makefile = makefile + """ %.o: %.c \t$(CC) -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MMD -MP -MF $(<:.c=.d) $< -include $(CFILES:.c=.d) """ with open('Makefile'.format(self.short_name), 'wb') as makefile_out: makefile_out.write(makefile) # Add %OPENMODELICAHOME%\MinGW\bin to environment variables env_var_mingw = os.path.join(os.getenv('OPENMODELICAHOME'), 'mingw', 'bin') my_env = os.environ # META-3623 make sure this path gets resolved first (prepend rather than append). my_env["PATH"] = env_var_mingw + os.pathsep + my_env["PATH"] log.debug('Added "{0}" to beginning of env var PATH.'.format(env_var_mingw)) command = 'mingw32-make.exe -f Makefile omc_main_target' # compile the c-code t_stamp = time.time() try: subprocess_call(command, log, my_env) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err: raise ModelicaCompilationError("Generated C-code from omc could not be compiled", sp_msg=err.returncode) self.make_time = time.time() - t_stamp elif == 'posix': # Unix # make -f model_name.makefile command = "make -f {0}.makefile".format(self.short_name) t_stamp = time.time() try: subprocess_call(command, log) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err: raise ModelicaCompilationError("Generated C-code from omc could not be compiled", sp_msg=err.returncode) self.make_time = time.time() - t_stamp # end of _make_model def compile_model(self): """ Compile the model """ log = logging.getLogger() log.debug("Entered compile_model") # create a directory for the compiled model self.working_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.output_dir)) if not os.path.exists(self.working_dir): os.makedirs(self.working_dir) log.debug("Working dir : {0}".format(self.working_dir)) # write .mos script (short_name is used for output files) if not self.short_name: self.short_name = self.model_name.split('.')[-1]'Result mat-file name not given using default : {0}_res.mat'.format( self.short_name)) else:'Result mat-file name set to : {0}_res.mat'.format(self.short_name)) self.result_mat = '{0}_res.mat'.format(self.short_name) self.mos_file_name = 'om_sim.mos' self._write_mos_script(log) # print and save revision number self._print_revision_number(log) # Add paths to additional modelica-libraries in OPENMODELICALIBRARY my_env = os.environ if self.lib_package_paths: my_env = self._setup_libs_env_vars(log) # translate the modelica code according to the .mos script self._translate_modelica_model(log, my_env) # compile the c-code into executable self._make_model(log) self.compilation_time = self.translation_time + self.make_time # Load *_init.xml into data-tree-structure xml_file = os.path.join(self.working_dir, '{0}_init.xml'.format(self.short_name)) self.om_etree = OpenModelicaElementTree(xml_file) self.model_statistic = self.om_etree.get_statistics() return self.model_is_compiled # end of compile_model def simulate_model(self): """ Simulate model using current settings """ log = logging.getLogger() log.debug("Entered simulate_model") if not self.model_is_compiled: msg = 'The model was never compiled!' log.error(msg) raise ModelicaSimulationError(msg) # change current directory to working directory os.chdir(self.working_dir) # short_name.exe command = '' if == 'nt': command = '{0}.exe'.format(self.short_name) elif == 'posix': command = './{0}'.format(self.short_name) # run the simulation total_cnt = 0 # Counter to check to total elapsed simulation time # FIX for OM 1.9.4, add \bin to path. # Add %OPENMODELICAHOME%\bin to environment variables env_var_bin = os.path.join(os.getenv('OPENMODELICAHOME'), 'bin') my_env = os.environ my_env["PATH"] = env_var_bin + os.pathsep + my_env["PATH"] log.debug('Added "{0}" to beginning of env var PATH.'.format(env_var_bin)) om_stdout = open('om_stdout.txt', 'w') t_stamp = time.time() sim_process = subprocess.Popen([command], stdout=om_stdout, stderr=om_stdout, env=my_env) log.debug('OpenModelica simulation sub-process opened.') while sim_process.poll() is None: time.sleep(1) total_cnt += 1 if total_cnt > self.max_simulation_time: sim_process.kill() raise ModelicaSimulationError("OpenModelica simulation took more than {1:.1f} hours. " "Simulation killed.".format(float(self.max_simulation_time)/3600)) self.simulation_time = time.time() - t_stamp self.total_time = self.compilation_time + self.simulation_time om_stdout.close() with open('om_stdout.txt', 'r') as f_in: return_string = '\n'.join(f_in.readlines())"Simulation output : {0}".format(return_string)) if not os.path.exists(self.result_mat): msg = 'Subprocess call with command = "{0}" returned with 0, but the result '\ '.mat-file does not exist'.format(command) raise ModelicaSimulationError(msg, return_string) else: self.model_did_simulate = True'OpenModelica simulation was successful.') return self.model_did_simulate # end of simulate_model def change_experiment(self, start_time='0', stop_time='1', n_interval='500', tolerance='1e-5', solver='dassl', increment='', max_fixed_step='', output_format='', variable_filter=''): """ Change the default experiment values. """ log = logging.getLogger() log.debug("Entered change_experiment") if not self.model_is_compiled: msg = "Model must be compiled before changing experiment." log.error(msg) return False os.chdir(self.working_dir) self.experiment.clear() self.experiment['StartTime'] = start_time self.experiment['StopTime'] = stop_time self.experiment['NumberOfIntervals'] = n_interval self.experiment['Tolerance'] = tolerance self.experiment['Solver'] = solver if increment: self.experiment['Increment'] = increment else: step_size = (float(stop_time) - float(start_time))/float(n_interval) self.experiment['Increment'] = str(step_size) if output_format: self.experiment['OutputFormat'] = output_format changed = self.om_etree.change_experiment(self.experiment['StartTime'], self.experiment['StopTime'], self.experiment['Increment'], self.experiment['Tolerance'], self.experiment['Solver'], output_format, variable_filter) # generate a new date_time for saving result self.date_time = '{0}'.format( if changed: self.om_etree.write() os.chdir(self.root_dir) if changed:"Experiment has been change to: {0}".format(self.experiment)) else: log.debug("No changes were made.") return changed # end of change_experiment def change_parameter(self, change_dict): """ Change parameters values of those given in change_dict """ log = logging.getLogger() log.debug("Entered change_parameter") if not self.model_is_compiled: log.error("Model not compiled before changing parameters.") return False os.chdir(self.working_dir) changed = self.om_etree.change_parameter(change_dict) if changed: self.om_etree.write() os.chdir(self.root_dir) # generate a new date_time for saving result self.date_time = '{0}'.format( return changed
class OpenModelica(ToolBase): tool_name = "OpenModelica" model_statistics = {} compile_errors = [] om_home = "" om_etree = None # OpenModelicaElementTree for parsing .xml files short_name = "" def __init__(self, model_config, om_home=""): """ Constructor for OpenModelica class, called before ToolBase's _initialize. This method only makes sure that there is a environment OPENMODELICAHOME defined. """ if not om_home: self.om_home = os.getenv("OPENMODELICAHOME") if self.om_home: if os.path.exists(self.om_home): self.tool_path = os.path.join(self.om_home, "bin") else: msg = "OpenModelica path not found at env: {0}".format(self.om_home) raise ModelicaInstantiationError(msg) else: if == "nt": msg = "No environment variable OPENMODELICAHOME defined." raise ModelicaInstantiationError(msg) elif os.path.exists(om_home): self.om_home = om_home self.tool_path = os.path.join(self.om_home, "bin") else: msg = "Given OpenModelica home not found at: {0}".format(om_home) raise ModelicaInstantiationError(msg) self._initialize(model_config) # end of _set_tool_home def _write_mos_script(self, log): """ Write out .mos-script for translation of the modelica model. """ log.debug("Entered _write_mos_script") with open(self.mos_file_name, 'wb') as file_out: lines = ['// OpenModelica script file to run a model'] lines.append('loadModel(Modelica, {"' + self.msl_version + '"});') for lib_name in self.lib_package_names: lines.append('loadModel({0});'.format(lib_name)) if self.model_file_name != "": lines.append('cd("{0}");'.format(self.mo_dir.replace("\\", "/"))) lines.append('loadFile("{0}");'.format(os.path.basename(self.model_file_name))) translate = 'translateModel(' + self.model_name #if self.variable_filter: # translate += ', variable_filter=[' # for var in self.variable_filter: # translate += var # translate += ']' translate += ', fileNamePrefix="{0}"'.format(self.short_name) translate += ');' lines.append(translate) lines.append('getErrorString();') file_out.write("\n".join(lines)) log.debug("Generated .mos-script at : {0}".format(self.mos_file_name)) # end of _write_mos_script def _setup_libs_env_vars(self, log): """ Add given library paths to environment-variable OPENMODELICALIBRARY. Which is updated in os.environ and returned. If path does not exist on hard-drive it looks for it at; /working_dir/Modelica (This is where the packages are put during remote execution.) """ log.debug('Entered _setup_libs_env_vars') my_env = os.environ lib_paths = "" remote = False # supports relative paths and adds the package paths if exist for lib_path in self.lib_package_paths: lib_full_path = os.path.abspath(lib_path) if os.path.exists(lib_full_path): lib_paths += lib_full_path lib_paths += os.pathsep else: print "The library path {0} does not exist, this might lead to errors.".format(lib_full_path) if 'OPENMODELICALIBRARY' in my_env: my_env['OPENMODELICALIBRARY'] += os.pathsep + lib_paths log.debug("Added paths to existing OPENMODELICALIBRARY environment variable; ") else: if == 'nt': om_std_lib = os.path.join(self.om_home, 'lib', 'omlibrary') elif == 'posix': om_std_lib = os.sep + os.path.join('usr', 'lib', 'omlibrary') else: raise ModelicaInstantiationError('Only Windows and Linux are supported by py_modelica.') om_lib = {'OPENMODELICALIBRARY': '{0}{1}{2}'.format(om_std_lib, os.pathsep, lib_paths)} log.debug("No environment variable OPENMODELICALIBRARY found, created;") my_env.update(om_lib) log.debug('OPENMODELICALIBRARY : {0}'.format(my_env['OPENMODELICALIBRARY'])) return my_env # end of _setup_libs_env_vars def _print_revision_number(self, log): """ Get the revision number of the omc-compiler. """ log.debug("Entered _print_revision_number") command = '"{0}" +version'.format(os.path.join(self.tool_path, "omc")) try: return_str = subprocess_call(command, log) version = return_str.split('(') self.tool_version = version[0].strip() if len(version) > 1: self.tool_version_number = version[1].strip().strip(')') else: # Around v.1.9.4 open-modelica changed version format string. # For example v1.9.4-dev-62-g0de2ae0 will now be under self.tool_version as is. self.tool_version_number = 'UNKNOWN' except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err: raise ModelicaCompilationError("Could not call omc.", sp_msg=err.returncode) # end of _print_revision_number def _translate_modelica_model(self, log, my_env): """ Call omc(.exe) to translate the modelica model into c-code. """ os.chdir(self.mo_dir) command = '"{0}" +q +s --std=3.3 "{1}"'.format(os.path.join(self.tool_path, 'omc'), self.mos_file_name) # only recompile if there is a .mo file newer than the _init.xml file latest_mtime = -1 for root, dirs, files in os.walk('.'): for name in (f for f in files if f.endswith('.mo')): latest_mtime = max(os.stat(os.path.join(root, name)).st_mtime, latest_mtime) init_xml_name = os.path.join(self.mo_dir, self.short_name) + '_init.xml' if not os.path.isfile(init_xml_name) or os.stat(init_xml_name) < latest_mtime: t_stamp = time.time() try: return_string = subprocess_call(command, log, my_env) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err: raise ModelicaCompilationError('OMC could not compile model.', sp_msg=err.returncode) self.translation_time = time.time() - t_stamp if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.mo_dir, self.short_name) + '_init.xml'): self.model_is_compiled = True else: msg = 'Subprocess call with command = "{0}" returned with 0, but _init.xml does not '\ 'exist - something went wrong during translation of model.'.format(command) raise ModelicaCompilationError(msg, return_string) else: self.model_is_compiled = True os.chdir(self.working_dir) # end of _translate_modelica_model def _make_model(self, log): """ Compile the generated c-code into an executable """ if == 'nt': # Windows # Make model # add incremental build support for .c files makefile = open('{0}.makefile'.format(self.short_name)).read() makefile = makefile.replace('.PHONY: $(CFILES)', '# .PHONY: $(CFILES)') makefile = re.sub('^omc_main_target:', 'omc_main_target: {0}$(EXEEXT)\n{0}$(EXEEXT):'.format(self.short_name), makefile, flags=re.MULTILINE) makefile = makefile + """ %.o: %.c \t$(CC) -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MMD -MP -MF $(<:.c=.d) $< -include $(CFILES:.c=.d) """ with open('Makefile'.format(self.short_name), 'wb') as makefile_out: makefile_out.write(makefile) # Add %OPENMODELICAHOME%\MinGW\bin to environment variables my_env = os.environ for path in (r'mingw\bin', # OpenModelica 1.9.1, 1.9.3 r'tools\msys\mingw32\bin', # OpenModelica 1.11.0 32bit r'tools\msys\mingw64\bin'): # OpenModelica 1.11.0 64bit env_var_mingw = os.path.join(os.getenv('OPENMODELICAHOME'), path) # META-3623 make sure this path gets resolved first (prepend rather than append). my_env["PATH"] = env_var_mingw + os.pathsep + my_env["PATH"] log.debug('Added "{0}" to beginning of env var PATH.'.format(env_var_mingw)) command = 'mingw32-make.exe -f Makefile omc_main_target' # compile the c-code t_stamp = time.time() try: subprocess_call(command, log, my_env) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err: raise ModelicaCompilationError("Generated C-code from omc could not be compiled", sp_msg=err.returncode) self.make_time = time.time() - t_stamp elif == 'posix': # Unix # make -f model_name.makefile command = "make -f {0}.makefile".format(self.short_name) t_stamp = time.time() try: subprocess_call(command, log) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err: raise ModelicaCompilationError("Generated C-code from omc could not be compiled", sp_msg=err.returncode) self.make_time = time.time() - t_stamp # end of _make_model def compile_model(self): """ Compile the model """ log = logging.getLogger() log.debug("Entered compile_model") # create a directory for the compiled model self.working_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.output_dir)) if not os.path.exists(self.working_dir): os.makedirs(self.working_dir) log.debug("Working dir : {0}".format(self.working_dir)) # write .mos script (short_name is used for output files) if not self.short_name: self.short_name = self.model_name.split('.')[-1]'Result mat-file name not given using default : {0}_res.mat'.format( self.short_name)) else:'Result mat-file name set to : {0}_res.mat'.format(self.short_name)) self.result_mat = '{0}_res.mat'.format(self.short_name) self.mos_file_name = 'om_sim.mos' self._write_mos_script(log) # print and save revision number self._print_revision_number(log) # Add paths to additional modelica-libraries in OPENMODELICALIBRARY my_env = os.environ if self.lib_package_paths: my_env = self._setup_libs_env_vars(log) # translate the modelica code according to the .mos script self._translate_modelica_model(log, my_env) # compile the c-code into executable self._make_model(log) self.compilation_time = self.translation_time + self.make_time # Load *_init.xml into data-tree-structure xml_file = os.path.join(self.working_dir, '{0}_init.xml'.format(self.short_name)) self.om_etree = OpenModelicaElementTree(xml_file) self.model_statistic = self.om_etree.get_statistics() return self.model_is_compiled # end of compile_model def simulate_model(self): """ Simulate model using current settings """ log = logging.getLogger() log.debug("Entered simulate_model") if not self.model_is_compiled: msg = 'The model was never compiled!' log.error(msg) raise ModelicaSimulationError(msg) # change current directory to working directory os.chdir(self.working_dir) # short_name.exe command = '' if == 'nt': command = '{0}.exe'.format(self.short_name) elif == 'posix': command = './{0}'.format(self.short_name) # run the simulation total_cnt = 0 # Counter to check to total elapsed simulation time # FIX for OM 1.9.4, add \bin to path. # Add %OPENMODELICAHOME%\bin to environment variables env_var_bin = os.path.join(os.getenv('OPENMODELICAHOME'), 'bin') my_env = dict(os.environ) my_env["PATH"] = env_var_bin + os.pathsep + my_env["PATH"] log.debug('Added "{0}" to beginning of env var PATH.'.format(env_var_bin)) om_stdout = open('om_stdout.txt', 'w') t_stamp = time.time() sim_process = subprocess.Popen([command], stdout=om_stdout, stderr=om_stdout, env=my_env) log.debug('OpenModelica simulation sub-process opened.') while sim_process.poll() is None: time.sleep(1) total_cnt += 1 if total_cnt > self.max_simulation_time: sim_process.kill() raise ModelicaSimulationError("OpenModelica simulation took more than {1:.1f} hours. " "Simulation killed.".format(float(self.max_simulation_time)/3600)) self.simulation_time = time.time() - t_stamp self.total_time = self.compilation_time + self.simulation_time om_stdout.close() with open('om_stdout.txt', 'r') as f_in: return_string = '\n'.join(f_in.readlines())"Simulation output : {0}".format(return_string)) if sim_process.returncode != 0: msg = 'Subprocess call with command = "{0}" exited with code {1}'.format(command, sim_process.returncode) raise ModelicaSimulationError(msg, return_string) elif not os.path.exists(self.result_mat): msg = 'Subprocess call with command = "{0}" returned with 0, but the result '\ '.mat-file does not exist'.format(command) raise ModelicaSimulationError(msg, return_string) else: self.model_did_simulate = True'OpenModelica simulation was successful.') return self.model_did_simulate # end of simulate_model def change_experiment(self, start_time='0', stop_time='1', n_interval='500', tolerance='1e-5', solver='dassl', increment='', max_fixed_step='', output_format='', variable_filter=''): """ Change the default experiment values. """ log = logging.getLogger() log.debug("Entered change_experiment") if not self.model_is_compiled: msg = "Model must be compiled before changing experiment." log.error(msg) return False os.chdir(self.working_dir) self.experiment.clear() self.experiment['StartTime'] = start_time self.experiment['StopTime'] = stop_time self.experiment['NumberOfIntervals'] = n_interval self.experiment['Tolerance'] = tolerance self.experiment['Solver'] = solver if increment: self.experiment['Increment'] = increment else: step_size = (float(stop_time) - float(start_time))/float(n_interval) self.experiment['Increment'] = str(step_size) if output_format: self.experiment['OutputFormat'] = output_format changed = self.om_etree.change_experiment(self.experiment['StartTime'], self.experiment['StopTime'], self.experiment['Increment'], self.experiment['Tolerance'], self.experiment['Solver'], output_format, variable_filter) # generate a new date_time for saving result self.date_time = '{0}'.format( if changed: self.om_etree.write() os.chdir(self.root_dir) if changed:"Experiment has been change to: {0}".format(self.experiment)) else: log.debug("No changes were made.") return changed # end of change_experiment def change_parameter(self, change_dict): """ Change parameters values of those given in change_dict """ log = logging.getLogger() log.debug("Entered change_parameter") if not self.model_is_compiled: log.error("Model not compiled before changing parameters.") return False os.chdir(self.working_dir) changed = self.om_etree.change_parameter(change_dict) if changed: self.om_etree.write() os.chdir(self.root_dir) # generate a new date_time for saving result self.date_time = '{0}'.format( return changed