def __init__(self, root): """ Initialise the tree with a root. :param root: root node of the tree. :type root: instance or descendant of :py:class:`Behaviour <py_trees.behaviours.Behaviour>` :raises AssertionError: if incoming root variable is not the correct type. """ super(BehaviourTree, self).__init__(root) self.snapshot_visitor = visitors.SnapshotVisitor() self.logging_visitor = visitors.LoggingVisitor() self.visitors.append(self.snapshot_visitor) self.visitors.append(self.logging_visitor) self._bag_closed = False now = topdir = rospkg.get_ros_home() + '/behaviour_trees' subdir = topdir + '/' + now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') if not os.path.exists(topdir): os.makedirs(topdir) if not os.path.exists(subdir): os.makedirs(subdir) # opens in ros home directory for the user self.bag = rosbag.Bag(subdir + '/behaviour_tree_' + now.strftime("%H-%M-%S") + '.bag', 'w') self.last_tree = py_trees_msgs.BehaviourTree() self.lock = threading.Lock() # delay the publishers so we can instantiate this class without connecting to ros (private names need init_node) self.publishers = None # _cleanup must come last as it assumes the existence of the bag rospy.on_shutdown(self._cleanup)
def initialise(self): """ Initialise and stamp a :class:`py_trees_msgs.msg.BehaviourTree` instance. """ self.tree = py_trees_msgs.BehaviourTree() self.tree.header.stamp =
def get_current_message(self): """ Get the message in the list or bag that is being viewed that should be displayed. """ msg = None if self._timeline_listener: try: msg = self._timeline_listener.msg except KeyError: pass return py_trees_msgs.BehaviourTree() if msg is None else msg
def initialise(self): """ Initialise and stamp a :class:`py_trees_msgs.msg.BehaviourTree` instance. """ self.tree = py_trees_msgs.BehaviourTree()
class RosBehaviourTree(QObject): _deferred_fit_in_view = Signal() _refresh_view = Signal() _refresh_combo = Signal() _message_changed = Signal() _message_cleared = Signal() _expected_type = py_trees_msgs.BehaviourTree()._type _empty_topic = "No valid topics available" _unselected_topic = "Not subscribing" no_roscore_switch = "--no-roscore" class ComboBoxEventFilter(QObject): """Event filter for the combo box. Will filter left mouse button presses, calling a signal when they happen """ def __init__(self, signal): """ :param Signal signal: signal that is emitted when a left mouse button press happens """ super(RosBehaviourTree.ComboBoxEventFilter, self).__init__() self.signal = signal def eventFilter(self, obj, event): if event.type() == QEvent.MouseButtonPress and event.button( ) == Qt.LeftButton: self.signal.emit() return False def __init__(self, context): super(RosBehaviourTree, self).__init__(context) self.setObjectName('RosBehaviourTree') parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() RosBehaviourTree.add_arguments(parser, False) # if the context doesn't have an argv attribute then assume we're running with --no-roscore if not hasattr(context, 'argv'): args = sys.argv[1:] # Can run the viewer with or without live updating. Running without is # intended for viewing of bags only self.live_update = False else: args = context.argv() self.live_update = True parsed_args = parser.parse_args(args) self.context = context self.initialized = False self._current_dotcode = None # dotcode for the tree that is currently displayed self._viewing_bag = False # true if a bag file is loaded # True if next or previous buttons are pressed. Reset if the tree being # viewed is the last one in the list. self._browsing_timeline = False self._widget = QWidget() # factory builds generic dotcode items self.dotcode_factory = PygraphvizFactory() # PydotFactory() # self.dotcode_factory = PygraphvizFactory() # generator builds rosgraph self.dotcode_generator = RosBehaviourTreeDotcodeGenerator() self.current_topic = None self.behaviour_sub = None self._tip_message = None # message of the tip of the tree self._saved_settings_topic = None # topic subscribed to by previous instance self.visibility_level = py_trees.common.VisibilityLevel.DETAIL # dot_to_qt transforms into Qt elements using dot layout self.dot_to_qt = DotToQtGenerator() rp = rospkg.RosPack() ui_file = os.path.join(rp.get_path('rqt_py_trees'), 'resource', 'RosBehaviourTree.ui') loadUi(ui_file, self._widget, {'InteractiveGraphicsView': InteractiveGraphicsView}) self._widget.setObjectName('RosBehaviourTreeUi') if hasattr(context, 'serial_number') and context.serial_number() > 1: self._widget.setWindowTitle(self._widget.windowTitle() + (' (%d)' % context.serial_number())) self._scene = QGraphicsScene() self._scene.setBackgroundBrush(Qt.white) self._widget.graphics_view.setScene(self._scene) self._widget.highlight_connections_check_box.toggled.connect( self._redraw_graph_view) self._widget.auto_fit_graph_check_box.toggled.connect( self._redraw_graph_view) self._widget.fit_in_view_push_button.setIcon( QIcon.fromTheme('zoom-original')) self._widget.fit_in_view_push_button.pressed.connect(self._fit_in_view) self._widget.load_bag_push_button.setIcon( QIcon.fromTheme('document-open')) self._widget.load_bag_push_button.pressed.connect(self._load_bag) self._widget.load_dot_push_button.setIcon( QIcon.fromTheme('document-open')) self._widget.load_dot_push_button.pressed.connect(self._load_dot) self._widget.save_dot_push_button.setIcon( QIcon.fromTheme('document-save-as')) self._widget.save_dot_push_button.pressed.connect(self._save_dot) self._widget.save_as_svg_push_button.setIcon( QIcon.fromTheme('document-save-as')) self._widget.save_as_svg_push_button.pressed.connect(self._save_svg) self._widget.save_as_image_push_button.setIcon( QIcon.fromTheme('image')) self._widget.save_as_image_push_button.pressed.connect( self._save_image) for text in visibility.combo_to_py_trees: self._widget.visibility_level_combo_box.addItem(text) self._widget.visibility_level_combo_box.setCurrentIndex( self.visibility_level) self._widget.visibility_level_combo_box.currentIndexChanged[ 'QString'].connect(self._update_visibility_level) # set up the function that is called whenever the box is resized - # ensures that the timeline is correctly drawn. self._widget.resizeEvent = self._resize_event self._timeline = None self._timeline_listener = None # Connect the message changed function of this object to a corresponding # signal. This signal will be activated whenever the message being # viewed changes. self._message_changed.connect(self.message_changed) self._message_cleared.connect(self.message_cleared) # Set up combo box for topic selection # when the refresh_combo signal happens, update the combo topics available self._refresh_combo.connect(self._update_combo_topics) # filter events to catch the event which opens the combo box self._combo_event_filter = RosBehaviourTree.ComboBoxEventFilter( self._refresh_combo) self._widget.topic_combo_box.installEventFilter( self._combo_event_filter) self._widget.topic_combo_box.activated.connect(self._choose_topic) self._update_combo_topics() # Set up navigation buttons self._widget.previous_tool_button.pressed.connect(self._previous) self._widget.previous_tool_button.setIcon( QIcon.fromTheme('go-previous')) self._widget.next_tool_button.pressed.connect(self._next) self._widget.next_tool_button.setIcon(QIcon.fromTheme('go-next')) self._widget.first_tool_button.pressed.connect(self._first) self._widget.first_tool_button.setIcon(QIcon.fromTheme('go-first')) self._widget.last_tool_button.pressed.connect(self._last) self._widget.last_tool_button.setIcon(QIcon.fromTheme('go-last')) # play, pause and stop buttons self._widget.play_tool_button.pressed.connect(self._play) self._widget.play_tool_button.setIcon( QIcon.fromTheme('media-playback-start')) self._widget.stop_tool_button.pressed.connect(self._stop) self._widget.stop_tool_button.setIcon( QIcon.fromTheme('media-playback-stop')) # also connect the navigation buttons so that they stop the timer when # pressed while the tree is playing. self._widget.first_tool_button.pressed.connect(self._stop) self._widget.previous_tool_button.pressed.connect(self._stop) self._widget.last_tool_button.pressed.connect(self._stop) self._widget.next_tool_button.pressed.connect(self._stop) # set up shortcuts for navigation (vim) next_shortcut_vi = QShortcut(QKeySequence("l"), self._widget) next_shortcut_vi.activated.connect( self._widget.next_tool_button.pressed) previous_shortcut_vi = QShortcut(QKeySequence("h"), self._widget) previous_shortcut_vi.activated.connect( self._widget.previous_tool_button.pressed) first_shortcut_vi = QShortcut(QKeySequence("^"), self._widget) first_shortcut_vi.activated.connect( self._widget.first_tool_button.pressed) last_shortcut_vi = QShortcut(QKeySequence("$"), self._widget) last_shortcut_vi.activated.connect( self._widget.last_tool_button.pressed) # shortcuts for emacs next_shortcut_emacs = QShortcut(QKeySequence("Ctrl+f"), self._widget) next_shortcut_emacs.activated.connect( self._widget.next_tool_button.pressed) previous_shortcut_emacs = QShortcut(QKeySequence("Ctrl+b"), self._widget) previous_shortcut_emacs.activated.connect( self._widget.previous_tool_button.pressed) first_shortcut_emacs = QShortcut(QKeySequence("Ctrl+a"), self._widget) first_shortcut_emacs.activated.connect( self._widget.first_tool_button.pressed) last_shortcut_emacs = QShortcut(QKeySequence("Ctrl+e"), self._widget) last_shortcut_emacs.activated.connect( self._widget.last_tool_button.pressed) # set up stuff for dotcode cache self._dotcode_cache_capacity = 50 self._dotcode_cache = {} # cache is ordered on timestamps from messages, but earliest timestamp # isn't necessarily the message that was viewed the longest time ago, so # need to store keys self._dotcode_cache_keys = [] # set up stuff for scene cache (dotcode cache doesn't seem to make much difference) self._scene_cache_capacity = 50 self._scene_cache = {} self._scene_cache_keys = [] # Update the timeline buttons to correspond with a completely # uninitialised state. self._set_timeline_buttons(first_snapshot=False, previous_snapshot=False, next_snapshot=False, last_snapshot=False) self._deferred_fit_in_view.connect(self._fit_in_view, Qt.QueuedConnection) self._deferred_fit_in_view.emit() # This is used to store a timer which controls how fast updates happen when the play button is pressed. self._play_timer = None # updates the view self._refresh_view.connect(self._refresh_tree_graph) self._force_refresh = False if self.live_update: context.add_widget(self._widget) else: self.initialized = True # this needs to be set for trees to be displayed context.setCentralWidget(self._widget) if parsed_args.bag: self._load_bag(parsed_args.bag) elif parsed_args.latest_bag: # if the latest bag is requested, load it from the default directory, or # the one specified in the args bag_dir = parsed_args.bag_dir or os.getenv( 'ROS_HOME', os.path.expanduser('~/.ros')) + '/behaviour_trees' self.open_latest_bag(bag_dir, parsed_args.by_time) @Slot(str) def _update_visibility_level(self, visibility_level): """ We match the combobox index to the visibility levels defined in py_trees.common.VisibilityLevel. """ self.visibility_level = visibility.combo_to_py_trees[visibility_level] self._refresh_tree_graph() @staticmethod def add_arguments(parser, group=True): """Allows for the addition of arguments to the rqt_gui loading method :param bool group: If set to false, this indicates that the function is being called from the rqt_py_trees script as opposed to the inside of rqt_gui.main. We use this to ensure that the same arguments can be passed with and without the --no-roscore argument set. If it is set, the rqt_gui code is bypassed. We need to make sure that all the arguments are displayed with -h. """ operate_object = parser if group: operate_object = parser.add_argument_group( 'Options for the rqt_py_trees viewer') operate_object.add_argument( 'bag', action='store', nargs='?', help='Load this bag when the viewer starts') operate_object.add_argument( '-l', '--latest-bag', action='store_true', help= 'Load the latest bag available in the bag directory. Bag files are expected to be under the bag directory in the following structure: year-month-day/behaviour_tree_hour-minute-second.bag. If this structure is not followed, the bag file which was most recently modified is used.' ) operate_object.add_argument( '--bag-dir', action='store', help= 'Specify the directory in which to look for bag files. The default is $ROS_HOME/behaviour_trees, if $ROS_HOME is set, or ~/.ros/behaviour_trees otherwise.' ) operate_object.add_argument( '-m', '--by-time', action='store_true', help= 'The latest bag is defined by the time at which the file was last modified, rather than the date and time specified in the filename.' ) operate_object.add_argument( RosBehaviourTree.no_roscore_switch, action='store_true', help= 'Run the viewer without roscore. It is only possible to view bag files if this is set.' ) def open_latest_bag(self, bag_dir, by_time=False): """Open the latest bag in the given directory :param str bag_dir: the directory in which to look for bags :param bool by_time: if true, the latest bag is the one with the latest modification time, not the latest date-time specified by its filename """ if not os.path.isdir(bag_dir): rospy.logwarn( "Requested bag directory {0} is invalid. Latest bag will not be loaded." .format(bag_dir)) return files = [] for root, unused_dirnames, filenames in os.walk(bag_dir, topdown=True): files.extend( fnmatch.filter(map(lambda p: os.path.join(root, p), filenames), '*.bag')) if not files: rospy.logwarn( "No files with extension .bag found in directory {0}".format( bag_dir)) return if not by_time: # parse the file list with a regex to get only those which have the # format year-month-day/behaviour_tree_hour-minute-second.bag re_str = '.*\/\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\/behaviour_tree_\d{2}-\d{2}-\d{2}.bag' expr = re.compile(re_str) valid = filter(lambda f: expr.match(f), files) # if no files match the regex, use modification time instead if not valid: by_time = True else: # dates are monotonically increasing, so the last one is the latest latest_bag = sorted(valid)[-1] if by_time: latest_bag = sorted(files, cmp=lambda x, y: cmp(os.path.getctime(x), os.path.getctime(y)))[-1] self._load_bag(latest_bag) def get_current_message(self): """ Get the message in the list or bag that is being viewed that should be displayed. """ msg = None if self._timeline_listener: try: msg = self._timeline_listener.msg except KeyError: pass return py_trees_msgs.BehaviourTree() if msg is None else msg def _choose_topic(self, index): """Updates the topic that is subscribed to based on changes to the combo box text. If the topic is unchanged, nothing will happnen. Otherwise, the old subscriber will be unregistered, and a new one initialised for the updated topic. If the selected topic corresponds to the unselected topic, the subscriber will be unregistered and a new one will not be created. """ selected_topic = self._widget.topic_combo_box.currentText() if selected_topic != self._empty_topic and self.current_topic != selected_topic: self.current_topic = selected_topic # destroy the old timeline and clear the scene if self._timeline: self._timeline.handle_close() self._widget.timeline_graphics_view.setScene(None) if selected_topic != self._unselected_topic: # set up a timeline to track the messages coming from the subscriber self._set_dynamic_timeline() def _update_combo_topics(self): """ Update the topics displayed in the combo box that the user can use to select which topic they want to listen on for trees, filtered so that only topics with the correct message type are shown. """ # Only update topics if we're running with live updating if not self.live_update: self._widget.topic_combo_box.setEnabled(False) return self._widget.topic_combo_box.clear() topic_list = rospy.get_published_topics() valid_topics = [] for topic_path, topic_type in topic_list: if topic_type == RosBehaviourTree._expected_type: valid_topics.append(topic_path) if not valid_topics: self._widget.topic_combo_box.addItem(RosBehaviourTree._empty_topic) return # always add an item which does nothing so that it is possible to listen to nothing. self._widget.topic_combo_box.addItem( RosBehaviourTree._unselected_topic) for topic in valid_topics: self._widget.topic_combo_box.addItem(topic) # if the topic corresponds to the one that was active the last time # the viewer was run, automatically set that one as the one we look # at if topic == self._saved_settings_topic: self._widget.topic_combo_box.setCurrentIndex( self._widget.topic_combo_box.count() - 1) self._choose_topic(self._widget.topic_combo_box.currentIndex()) def _set_timeline_buttons(self, first_snapshot=None, previous_snapshot=None, next_snapshot=None, last_snapshot=None): """ Allows timeline buttons to be enabled and disabled. """ if first_snapshot is not None: self._widget.first_tool_button.setEnabled(first_snapshot) if previous_snapshot is not None: self._widget.previous_tool_button.setEnabled(previous_snapshot) if next_snapshot is not None: self._widget.next_tool_button.setEnabled(next_snapshot) if last_snapshot is not None: self._widget.last_tool_button.setEnabled(last_snapshot) def _play(self): """ Start a timer which will automatically call the next function every time its duration is up. Only works if the current message is not the final one. """ if not self._play_timer: self._play_timer = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(1), self._timer_next) def _timer_next(self, timer): """ Helper function for the timer so that it can call the next function without breaking. """ self._next() def _stop(self): """Stop the play timer, if it exists. """ if self._play_timer: self._play_timer.shutdown() self._play_timer = None def _first(self): """Navigate to the first message. Activates the next and last buttons, disables first and previous, and refreshes the view. Also changes the state to be browsing the timeline. """ self._timeline.navigate_start() self._set_timeline_buttons(first_snapshot=False, previous_snapshot=False, next_snapshot=True, last_snapshot=True) self._refresh_view.emit() self._browsing_timeline = True def _previous(self): """Navigate to the previous message. Activates the next and last buttons, and refreshes the view. If the current message is the second message, then the first and previous buttons are disabled. Changes the state to be browsing the timeline. """ # if already at the beginning, do nothing if self._timeline._timeline_frame.playhead == self._timeline._get_start_stamp( ): return # otherwise, go to the previous message self._timeline.navigate_previous() # now browsing the timeline self._browsing_timeline = True self._set_timeline_buttons(last_snapshot=True, next_snapshot=True) # if now at the beginning, disable timeline buttons. if self._timeline._timeline_frame.playhead == self._timeline._get_end_stamp( ): self._set_timeline_buttons(next_snapshot=False, last_snapshot=False) self._refresh_view.emit() def _last(self): """Navigate to the last message. Activates the first and previous buttons, disables next and last, and refreshes the view. The user is no longer browsing the timeline after this is called. """ self._timeline.navigate_end() self._set_timeline_buttons(first_snapshot=True, previous_snapshot=True, next_snapshot=False, last_snapshot=False) self._refresh_view.emit() self._browsing_timeline = False self._new_messages = 0 def _next(self): """Navigate to the next message. Activates the first and previous buttons. If the current message is the second from last, disables the next and last buttons, and stops browsing the timeline. """ # if already at the end, do nothing if self._timeline._timeline_frame.playhead == self._timeline._get_end_stamp( ): return # otherwise, go to the next message self._timeline.navigate_next() self._set_timeline_buttons(first_snapshot=True, previous_snapshot=True) # if now at the end, disable timeline buttons and shutdown the play timer if active if self._timeline._timeline_frame.playhead == self._timeline._get_end_stamp( ): self._set_timeline_buttons(next_snapshot=False, last_snapshot=False) self._browsing_timeline = False if self._play_timer: self._play_timer.shutdown() self._refresh_view.emit() def save_settings(self, plugin_settings, instance_settings): instance_settings.set_value('visibility_level', self.visibility_level) instance_settings.set_value( 'auto_fit_graph_check_box_state', self._widget.auto_fit_graph_check_box.isChecked()) instance_settings.set_value( 'highlight_connections_check_box_state', self._widget.highlight_connections_check_box.isChecked()) combo_text = self._widget.topic_combo_box.currentText() if combo_text not in [self._empty_topic, self._unselected_topic]: instance_settings.set_value('combo_box_subscribed_topic', combo_text) def restore_settings(self, plugin_settings, instance_settings): try: self._widget.auto_fit_graph_check_box.setChecked( instance_settings.value('auto_fit_graph_check_box_state', True) in [True, 'true']) self._widget.highlight_connections_check_box.setChecked( instance_settings.value( 'highlight_connections_check_box_state', True) in [True, 'true']) self._saved_settings_topic = instance_settings.value( 'combo_box_subscribed_topic', None) saved_visibility_level = instance_settings.value( 'visibility_level', 1) except TypeError as e: self._widget.auto_fit_graph_check_box.setChecked(True) self._widget.highlight_connections_check_box.setChecked(True) self._saved_settings_topic = None saved_visibility_level = 1 rospy.logerr( "Rqt PyTrees: incompatible qt app configuration found, try removing ~/.config/" ) rospy.logerr("Rqt PyTrees: %s" % e) self._widget.visibility_level_combo_box.setCurrentIndex( visibility.saved_setting_to_combo_index[saved_visibility_level]) self.initialized = True self._update_combo_topics() self._refresh_tree_graph() def _refresh_tree_graph(self): """Refresh the graph view by regenerating the dotcode from the current message. """ if not self.initialized: return self._update_graph_view( self._generate_dotcode(self.get_current_message())) def _generate_dotcode(self, message): """ Get the dotcode for the given message, checking the cache for dotcode that was previously generated, and adding to the cache if it wasn't there. Cache replaces LRU. Mostly stolen from rqt_bag.MessageLoaderThread :param py_trees_msgs.BehavoiurTree message """ if message is None: return "" ####################################################### # Get the tip, from the perspective of the root ####################################################### # this is pretty inefficient, and ignores caching tip_id = None self._tip_message = None # reverse behaviour list - construction puts the root at the end (with # visitor, at least) for behaviour in reversed(message.behaviours): # root has empty parent ID if str(behaviour.parent_id) == str(uuid_msgs.UniqueID()): # parent is the root behaviour, so tip_id = behaviour.tip_id # Run through the behaviours and do a couple of things: # - get the tip # - protect against feedback messages with quotes ( if self._tip_message is None: for behaviour in message.behaviours: if str(behaviour.own_id) == str(tip_id): self._tip_message = behaviour.message if '"' in behaviour.message: print("%s" % termcolor.colored( '[ERROR] found double quotes in the feedback message [%s]' % behaviour.message, 'red')) behaviour.message = behaviour.message.replace('"', '') print("%s" % termcolor.colored( '[ERROR] stripped to stop from crashing, but do catch the culprit! [%s]' % behaviour.message, 'red')) key = str(message.header.stamp) # stamps are unique if key in self._dotcode_cache: return self._dotcode_cache[key] force_refresh = self._force_refresh self._force_refresh = False visible_behaviours = visibility.filter_behaviours_by_visibility_level( message.behaviours, self.visibility_level) # cache miss dotcode = self.dotcode_generator.generate_dotcode( dotcode_factory=self.dotcode_factory, behaviours=visible_behaviours, timestamp=message.header.stamp, force_refresh=force_refresh) self._dotcode_cache[key] = dotcode self._dotcode_cache_keys.append(key) if len(self._dotcode_cache) > self._dotcode_cache_capacity: oldest = self._dotcode_cache_keys[0] del self._dotcode_cache[oldest] self._dotcode_cache_keys.remove(oldest) return dotcode def _update_graph_view(self, dotcode): if dotcode == self._current_dotcode: return self._current_dotcode = dotcode self._redraw_graph_view() def _redraw_graph_view(self): key = str(self.get_current_message().header.stamp) if key in self._scene_cache: new_scene = self._scene_cache[key] else: # cache miss new_scene = QGraphicsScene() new_scene.setBackgroundBrush(Qt.white) if self._widget.highlight_connections_check_box.isChecked(): highlight_level = 3 else: highlight_level = 1 # (nodes, edges) = self.dot_to_qt.graph_to_qt_items(self.dotcode_generator.graph, # highlight_level) # this function is very expensive (nodes, edges) = self.dot_to_qt.dotcode_to_qt_items( self._current_dotcode, highlight_level) for node_item in iter(nodes.values()): new_scene.addItem(node_item) for edge_items in iter(edges.values()): for edge_item in edge_items: edge_item.add_to_scene(new_scene) new_scene.setSceneRect(new_scene.itemsBoundingRect()) # put the scene in the cache self._scene_cache[key] = new_scene self._scene_cache_keys.append(key) if len(self._scene_cache) > self._scene_cache_capacity: oldest = self._scene_cache_keys[0] del self._scene_cache[oldest] self._scene_cache_keys.remove(oldest) # after construction, set the scene and fit to the view self._scene = new_scene self._widget.graphics_view.setScene(self._scene) self._widget.message_label.setText(self._tip_message) if self._widget.auto_fit_graph_check_box.isChecked(): self._fit_in_view() def _resize_event(self, event): """Activated when the window is resized. Will re-fit the behaviour tree in the window, and update the size of the timeline scene rectangle so that it is correctly drawn. """ self._fit_in_view() if self._timeline: self._timeline.setSceneRect( 0, 0, self._widget.timeline_graphics_view.width() - 2, max(self._widget.timeline_graphics_view.height() - 2, self._timeline._timeline_frame._history_bottom)) def timeline_changed(self): """Should be called whenever the timeline changes. At the moment this is only used to ensure that the first and previous buttons are correctly disabled when a new message coming in on the timeline pushes the playhead to be at the first message """ if self._timeline._timeline_frame.playhead == self._timeline._get_start_stamp( ): self._set_timeline_buttons(first_snapshot=False, previous_snapshot=False) else: self._set_timeline_buttons(first_snapshot=True, previous_snapshot=True) def message_changed(self): """ This function should be called when the message being viewed changes. Will change the current message and update the view. Also ensures that the timeline buttons are correctly set for the current position of the playhead on the timeline. """ if self._timeline._timeline_frame.playhead == self._timeline._get_end_stamp( ): self._set_timeline_buttons(last_snapshot=False, next_snapshot=False) else: self._set_timeline_buttons(last_snapshot=True, next_snapshot=True) if self._timeline._timeline_frame.playhead == self._timeline._get_start_stamp( ): self._set_timeline_buttons(first_snapshot=False, previous_snapshot=False) else: self._set_timeline_buttons(first_snapshot=True, previous_snapshot=True) self._refresh_view.emit() def message_cleared(self): """ This function should be called when the message being viewed was cleared. Currently no situation where this happens? """ pass def no_right_click_press_event(self, func): """Decorator for ignoring right click events on mouse press """ @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(event): if event.type() == QEvent.MouseButtonPress and event.button( ) == Qt.RightButton: event.ignore() else: func(event) return wrapper def _set_dynamic_timeline(self): """ Set the timeline to a dynamic timeline, listening to messages on the topic selected in the combo box. """ self._timeline = DynamicTimeline(self, publish_clock=False) # connect timeline events so that the timeline will update when events happen self._widget.timeline_graphics_view.mousePressEvent = self.no_right_click_press_event( self._timeline.on_mouse_down) self._widget.timeline_graphics_view.mouseReleaseEvent = self._timeline.on_mouse_up self._widget.timeline_graphics_view.mouseMoveEvent = self._timeline.on_mouse_move self._widget.timeline_graphics_view.wheelEvent = self._timeline.on_mousewheel self._widget.timeline_graphics_view.setScene(self._timeline) # Don't show scrollbars - the timeline adjusts to the size of the view self._widget.timeline_graphics_view.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy( Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) self._widget.timeline_graphics_view.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy( Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) # Send a resize event so that the timeline knows the size of the view it's in self._resize_event(None) self._timeline.add_topic(self.current_topic, py_trees_msgs.BehaviourTree) # Create a listener for the timeline which will call the emit function # on the given signals when the message being viewed changes or is # cleared. The message being viewed changing generally happens when the # user moves the slider around. self._timeline_listener = DynamicTimelineListener( self._timeline, self.current_topic, self._message_changed, self._message_cleared) # Need to add a listener to make sure that we can get information about # messages that are on the topic that we're interested in. self._timeline.add_listener(self.current_topic, self._timeline_listener) self._timeline.navigate_end() self._timeline._redraw_timeline(None) self._timeline.timeline_updated.connect(self.timeline_changed) def _set_bag_timeline(self, bag): """Set the timeline of this object to a bag timeline, hooking the graphics view into mouse and wheel functions of the timeline. """ self._timeline = BagTimeline(self, publish_clock=False) # connect timeline events so that the timeline will update when events happen self._widget.timeline_graphics_view.mousePressEvent = self.no_right_click_press_event( self._timeline.on_mouse_down) self._widget.timeline_graphics_view.mouseReleaseEvent = self._timeline.on_mouse_up self._widget.timeline_graphics_view.mouseMoveEvent = self._timeline.on_mouse_move self._widget.timeline_graphics_view.wheelEvent = self._timeline.on_mousewheel self._widget.timeline_graphics_view.setScene(self._timeline) # Don't show scrollbars - the timeline adjusts to the size of the view self._widget.timeline_graphics_view.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy( Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) self._widget.timeline_graphics_view.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy( Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) # Send a resize event so that the timeline knows the size of the view it's in self._resize_event(None) self._timeline.add_bag(bag) # Create a listener for the timeline which will call the emit function # on the given signals when the message being viewed changes or is # cleared. The message being viewed changing generally happens when the # user moves the slider around. self._timeline_listener = TimelineListener(self._timeline, self.current_topic, self._message_changed, self._message_cleared) # Need to add a listener to make sure that we can get information about # messages that are on the topic that we're interested in. self._timeline.add_listener(self.current_topic, self._timeline_listener) # Go to the first message in the timeline of the bag. self._timeline.navigate_start() def _load_bag(self, file_name=None): """Load a bag from file. If no file name is given, a dialogue will pop up and the user will be asked to select a file. If the bag file selected doesn't have any valid topic, nothing will happen. If there are valid topics, we load the bag and add a timeline for managing it. """ if file_name is None: file_name, _ = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( self._widget,'Open trees from bag file'), None,'ROS bag (*.bag)')) if file_name is None or file_name == "": return rospy.loginfo("Reading bag from {0}".format(file_name)) bag = rosbag.Bag(file_name, 'r') # ugh... topics = list(bag.get_type_and_topic_info()[1].keys()) types = [] for i in range(0, len(bag.get_type_and_topic_info()[1].values())): types.append(list(bag.get_type_and_topic_info()[1].values())[i][0]) tree_topics = [] # only look at the first matching topic for ind, tp in enumerate(types): if tp == 'py_trees_msgs/BehaviourTree': tree_topics.append(topics[ind]) if len(tree_topics) == 0: rospy.logerr('Requested bag did not contain any valid topics.') return self.message_list = [] self._viewing_bag = True rospy.loginfo('Reading behaviour trees from topic {0}'.format( tree_topics[0])) for unused_topic, msg, unused_t in bag.read_messages( topics=[tree_topics[0]]): self.message_list.append(msg) self.current_topic = tree_topics[0] self._set_timeline_buttons(first_snapshot=True, previous_snapshot=True, next_snapshot=False, last_snapshot=False) self._set_bag_timeline(bag) self._refresh_view.emit() def _load_dot(self, file_name=None): if file_name is None: file_name, _ = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( self._widget,'Open tree from DOT file'), None,'DOT graph (*.dot)')) if file_name is None or file_name == '': return try: fhandle = open(file_name, 'rb') dotcode = fhandle.close() except IOError: return self._update_graph_view(dotcode) def _fit_in_view(self): self._widget.graphics_view.fitInView(self._scene.itemsBoundingRect(), Qt.KeepAspectRatio) def _save_dot(self): file_name, _ = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName( self._widget,'Save as DOT'), '','DOT graph (*.dot)')) if file_name is None or file_name == '': return dot_file = QFile(file_name) if not | QIODevice.Text): return dot_file.write(self._current_dotcode) dot_file.close() def _save_svg(self): file_name, _ = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName( self._widget,'Save as SVG'), 'frames.svg','Scalable Vector Graphic (*.svg)')) if file_name is None or file_name == '': return generator = QSvgGenerator() generator.setFileName(file_name) generator.setSize((self._scene.sceneRect().size() * 2.0).toSize()) painter = QPainter(generator) painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing) self._scene.render(painter) painter.end() def _save_image(self): file_name, _ = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName( self._widget,'Save as image'), 'frames.png','Image (*.bmp *.jpg *.png *.tiff)')) if file_name is None or file_name == '': return img = QImage((self._scene.sceneRect().size() * 2.0).toSize(), QImage.Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied) painter = QPainter(img) painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing) self._scene.render(painter) painter.end()
def initialise(self): self.tree = py_trees_msgs.BehaviourTree() self.tree.header.stamp =