def move_phrases(audio_files): phrase_num = get_max_phrase_id() + 1 for file_path in audio_files:'Moving {file_path}...') shutil.move(file_path, os.path.join(AUDIO_ASSETS_DIR, f'phrase_{phrase_num}.mp3')) phrase_num += 1
def remove_phrase(phrase_id): """ Used to delete a phrase from the library, whilst maintaining a consistent, consecutive id order. """'Removing phrase {phrase_id}...') max_id = get_max_phrase_id() max_phrase_file = path.join(AUDIO_ASSETS_DIR, f'phrase_{max_id}.mp3') max_phrase = Phrase.from_mp3(max_id, max_phrase_file) # Update data file data = load_json(DATA_FILE) to_remove = None for category_id, phrase_set in data['phrases'].items(): for i, phrase in enumerate(phrase_set): if phrase['id'] == phrase_id: to_remove = (category_id, i) break del data['phrases'][to_remove[0]][to_remove[1]] for i, phrase in enumerate(data['phrases'][str(max_phrase.category_id)]): if phrase['id'] == max_id: phrase['id'] = phrase_id break save_data(data, DATA_FILE) # Copy audio data = phrase_id max_phrase.save_mp3(max_phrase_file) os.remove(max_phrase_file) check_missing_data()
def assign_metadata(clips, phrases): assert len(clips) == len(phrases) for i, phrase in enumerate(phrases):'Updating {phrase.file_path}...') phrase.save_mp3(clips[i]) os.remove(clips[i]) update_data(phrases)
def audio_to_json(data_file=DATA_FILE): phrases = [] for file_path, phrase_id in loop_phrases(): phrase = Phrase.from_mp3(phrase_id, file_path)'Processing Phrase {phrase_id}...') phrases.append(phrase) phrases = sorted(phrases, key=lambda x: (x.category_id, append_data(phrases, data_file=data_file)
def reduce_noise( phrase_file, noise_file=None, sampling_rate=44100, lufs=-14.0, bitrate=128, ): """ Uses the noisereduce library to produce WAV files reducing the noise and normalising the volume to -14 LUFS """ noise_file = noise_file or path.join(CURRENT_DIR, 'noise.wav') if phrase_file[-3:] != 'wav': phrase_file = convert_audio(phrase_file, 'wav', sampling_rate=sampling_rate) with SuppressWarnings(['librosa', 'audioread']): noise, _ = librosa.load(noise_file, sr=sampling_rate) phrase, _ = librosa.load(phrase_file, sr=sampling_rate) create_tmp_dir()'Reducing noise...') reduced_noise = noisereduce.reduce_noise( audio_clip=phrase, noise_clip=noise, verbose=False, )'Normalising loudness...') meter = pyloudnorm.Meter(sampling_rate) loudness = meter.integrated_loudness(reduced_noise) with SuppressWarnings(['pyloudnorm']): normalised_audio = pyloudnorm.normalize.loudness( reduced_noise, loudness, lufs) def _assign_ext(fpath, extension): return fpath[:len(fpath) - 4] + '.' + extension tmp_file = path.join(TMP_DIR, path.basename(phrase_file)) tmp_mp3 = _assign_ext(tmp_file, 'mp3') tmp_wav = _assign_ext(tmp_file, 'wav') wavfile.write(tmp_wav, sampling_rate, normalised_audio) if os.path.exists(tmp_mp3): os.remove(tmp_mp3) convert_audio(tmp_wav, 'mp3', sampling_rate, bitrate) os.remove(tmp_wav) return tmp_mp3
def split_audio( mp3_path, threshold=500, start_clip=50, end_clip=750, output_prefix='clip-', ): """ Uses a simple algorithm to split clips in an audio file based on silence inbetween noise. """ audio = AudioSegment.from_mp3(mp3_path) create_tmp_dir() clips = [] clip_start = None clip_end = None consecutive = 0 for i, x in enumerate(audio): if x.max > threshold: if not clip_start: consecutive += 1 else: consecutive = 0 else: if not clip_start: consecutive = 0 else: consecutive += 1 if not clip_start and consecutive > start_clip: clip_start = max([0, i - 100]) consecutive = 0 elif clip_start and consecutive > end_clip: clip_end = max([clip_start, (i - end_clip) + 100]) consecutive = 0 clips.append((clip_start, clip_end)) clip_start = None clip_end = None clip_paths = [] for i, start_end in enumerate(clips): start, end = start_end clip = audio[start:end + 1]'Exporting clip {i + 1}...') output_path = path.join(TMP_DIR, f'{output_prefix}{i + 1}.mp3') handler = clip.export(output_path, format='mp3') handler.close() clip_paths.append(output_path) return clip_paths
def convert_audio(input_path, output_ext, sampling_rate=44100, bitrate=128): output_path = input_path[:-3] + output_ext'Converting {input_path} to {output_path}...') opts = [] if input_path[-3:] == 'mp3': opts += [ '-vn', '-ar', str(sampling_rate), '-ac', '2', '-b:a', f'{bitrate}k' ] cmd = ['ffmpeg', '-i', input_path] + opts + [output_path, '-y'] with open(os.devnull, 'w') as devnull:, stdout=devnull, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) return output_path
def save_mp3(self, audio_file=None): audio_file = audio_file or self.file_path clip = AudioSegment.from_mp3(audio_file)'Exporting {self.file_path}...') handler = clip.export(self.file_path, format='mp3', tags=self.tags) handler.close()