def initialize(self, args=None, save=True): if hasattr(args, 'name') and is not None: print(" ", = if hasattr(args, 'batch_size') and is not None: self.batch_size = args.batch_size self.main_dir = os.path.join(self.expr_dir, self.model_dir = os.path.join(self.main_dir, "pth") self.tb_dir = os.path.join(self.main_dir, "log") self.info_dir = os.path.join(self.main_dir, "info") self.output_dir = os.path.join(self.main_dir, "output") ensure_dirs([ self.main_dir, self.model_dir, self.tb_dir, self.info_dir, self.output_dir ]) self.device = torch.device( "cuda:%d" % self.cuda_id if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") if save: self.config_name = args.config cfg_file = "" % self.config_name shutil.copy(pjoin(BASEPATH, cfg_file), os.path.join(self.info_dir, cfg_file))
def get_all_codes(cfg, output_path): print(output_path) if os.path.exists(output_path): return np.load(output_path, allow_pickle=True)['data'].item() ensure_dirs(os.path.dirname(output_path)) print("start over") # Dataloader train_loader = get_dataloader(cfg, 'train', shuffle=False) test_loader = get_dataloader(cfg, 'test', shuffle=False) # Trainer trainer = Trainer(cfg) trainer.resume() with torch.no_grad(): vis_dicts = {} for phase, loader in [['train', train_loader], ['test', test_loader]]: vis_dict = None for t, data in enumerate(loader): vis_codes = trainer.get_latent_codes(data) if vis_dict is None: vis_dict = {} for key, value in vis_codes.items(): vis_dict[key] = [value] else: for key, value in vis_codes.items(): vis_dict[key].append(value) for key, value in vis_dict.items(): if phase == "test" and key == "content_code": continue if key == "meta": secondary_keys = value[0].keys() num = len(value) vis_dict[key] = { secondary_key: [to_float(item) for i in range(num) for item in value[i][secondary_key]] for secondary_key in secondary_keys} else: vis_dict[key] =[key], 0) vis_dict[key] = vis_dict[key].cpu().numpy() vis_dict[key] = to_float(vis_dict[key].reshape(vis_dict[key].shape[0], -1)) vis_dicts[phase] = vis_dict np.savez_compressed(output_path, data=vis_dicts) return vis_dicts
def get_demo_plots(data, output_path): """ data: {"train": dict_train, "test": dict_test} dict_train: {"style2d_code": blabla, etc.} """ ensure_dirs(output_path) def fig_title(title): return pjoin(output_path, title) style_labels = data["train"]["meta"]["style"] adain_raw = [] for key in ["style2d_adain", "style3d_adain"]: for phase in ["train", "test"]: adain_raw.append(data[phase][key]) adain_tsne = calc_many_blas(adain_raw, calc_tsne) plot2D_overlay([adain_tsne[0], adain_tsne[2]], [style_labels, style_labels], [1.0, 0.5], fig_title(f'joint_embedding_adain_tsne')) for key in ["style3d_code", "style3d_adain"]: tsne_code = calc_tsne(data["train"][key]) plot2D(tsne_code, style_labels, fig_title(f'{key}_tsne')) content_code_pca = calc_pca(data["train"]["content_code"]) indices = [ i for i in range(len(data["train"]["meta"]["content"])) if data["train"]["meta"]["content"][i] == "walk" ] walk_code = content_code_pca[np.array(indices)] phase_labels = [data["train"]["meta"]["phase"][i] for i in indices] plot2D_phase(walk_code, phase_labels, fig_title(f'content_by_phase')) plot2D(content_code_pca, style_labels, fig_title(f'content_by_style'))
def get_all_plots(data, output_path, writers, iter, summary=True, style_cluster_protocols=('pca'), separate_compute=False): """ data: {"train": dict_train, "test": dict_test} dict_train: {"style2d_code": blabla, etc.} separate_compute: compute t-SNE for 2D & 3D separately """ ensure_dirs(output_path) def fig_title(title): return pjoin(output_path, title) def add_fig(fig, title, phase): if summary: writers[phase].add_figure(title, fig, global_step=iter) keys = data["train"].keys() has2d = "style2d_code" in keys has3d = "style3d_code" in keys # style codes & adain params for suffix in ["_code", "_adain"]: codes_raw = [] titles = [] phases = [] data_keys = [] if has2d: data_keys.append("style2d" + suffix) if has3d: data_keys.append("style3d" + suffix) for key in data_keys: for phase in ["train", "test"]: codes_raw.append(data[phase][key]) titles.append(f'{phase}_{key}') phases.append(phase) # calc tsne with style2/3d, train/test altogether for name, protocol in zip(['pca', 'tsne'], [calc_pca, calc_tsne]): if name not in style_cluster_protocols: continue style_codes = calc_many_blas(codes_raw, protocol) fig = plot2D_overlay([style_codes[0], style_codes[2]], [ data["train"]["meta"]["style"], data["train"]["meta"]["style"] ], [1.0, 0.5], fig_title(f'joint_embedding_{name}{suffix}')) add_fig(fig, f'joint_embedding_{name}{suffix}', "train") for i, (code, phase, title) in enumerate(zip(style_codes, phases, titles)): if separate_compute: code = protocol(codes_raw[i]) for label_type in ["style", "content"]: fig = plot2D(code, data[phase]["meta"][label_type], fig_title(f'{title}_{name}_{label_type}')) add_fig(fig, f'{title}_{name}_{label_type}', phase) # content codes (train only) content_code_pca = calc_pca(data["train"]["content_code"]) for label in ["style", "content", "phase"]: if label == "phase": indices = [ i for i in range(len(data["train"]["meta"]["content"])) if data["train"]["meta"]["content"][i] == "walk" ] walk_code = content_code_pca[np.array(indices)] phase_labels = [data["train"]["meta"]["phase"][i] for i in indices] fig = plot2D_phase(walk_code, phase_labels, fig_title(f'content_by_{label}')) else: fig = plot2D(content_code_pca, data["train"]["meta"][label], fig_title(f'content_by_{label}')) add_fig(fig, f'content_by_{label}', "train") """