async def main(loop): args = GPSService.parser.parse_args() gpss = await GPSService(ip=args.ipaddr, port=args.port) if args.loglevel: gpss.logger.setLevel(args.loglevel) if args.record: msgid = await gpss.record(args.record) print(f'Sent gps record request with value {args.record} with messageid {msgid}') print(AFBResponse(await gpss.response())) if args.location: msgid = await gpss.location() print(AFBResponse(await gpss.response())) if args.subscribe: for event in args.subscribe: msgid = await gpss.subscribe(event) print(f'Subscribed for event {event} with messageid {msgid}') print(AFBResponse(await gpss.response())) if args.listener: async for response in gpss.listener(): print(response)
async def test_location_events(event_loop, service: GPS): msgid = await service.subscribe('location') resp = AFBResponse(await service.response()) assert resp.msgid == msgid assert resp.status == 'success' # successful subscription try: resp = await asyncio.wait_for(service.afbresponse(), 10) resp = AFBResponse(resp) assert resp.type == AFBT.EVENT, f'Expected EVENT response, got {} instead' # TODO one more assert for the actual received event, haven't received a location event yet except TimeoutError: pytest.xfail("Did not receive location event")
async def main(loop): args = GeoClueService.parser.parse_args() gcs = await GeoClueService(args.ipaddr) if args.location: msgid = await gcs.location() print(f'Sent location request with messageid {msgid}') print(AFBResponse(await gcs.response())) if args.subscribe: for event in args.subscribe: msgid = await gcs.subscribe(event) print(f"Subscribed for {event} with messageid {msgid}") print(AFBResponse(await gcs.response())) if args.listener: async for response in gcs.listener(): print(response)
async def main(loop): args = NFCService.parser.parse_args() nfcs = await NFCService(ip=args.ipaddr, port=args.port) if args.subscribe: for event in args.subscribe: msgid = await nfcs.subscribe(event) print(f"Subscribing for event {event} with messageid {msgid}") r = AFBResponse(await nfcs.response()) print(r) if args.unsubscribe: for event in args.unsubscribe: msgid = await nfcs.unsubscribe(event) print(f"Unsubscribing for event {event} with messageid {msgid}") r = AFBResponse(await nfcs.response()) print(r) if args.listener: async for response in nfcs.listener(): print(response)
async def main(): args = WeatherService.parser.parse_args() aws = await WeatherService(ip=args.ipaddr, port=args.port) if args.current: msgid = await aws.current_weather() resp = AFBResponse(await aws.response()) print(json.dumps(, indent=2)) if args.apikey: msgid = await aws.apikey() resp = AFBResponse(await aws.response()) print(['api_key']) if args.subscribe: for event in args.subscribe: msgid = await aws.subscribe(event) print(f'Subscribed for event {event} with messageid {msgid}') resp = AFBResponse(await aws.response()) print(resp) if args.listener: async for response in aws.listener(): print(response)
async def main(): args = AudioMixerService.parser.parse_args() ams = await AudioMixerService(ip=args.ipaddr, port=args.port) if args.list_controls: resp = await ams.list_controls() print(f'Requesting list_controls with id {resp}') r = AFBResponse(await ams.response()) print(r) if args.setvolume is not None: resp = await ams.volume(args.setvolume) print(f'Setting volume to {args.setvolume} with id {resp}') r = AFBResponse(await ams.response()) print(r) if args.getvolume: resp = await ams.volume() print(f'Requesting volume with id {resp}') r = AFBResponse(await ams.response()) print(r) if args.setmute is not None: resp = await ams.mute(args.setmute) print(f'Setting mute to {args.setmute} with id {resp}') r = AFBResponse(await ams.response()) print(r) if args.getmute: resp = await ams.mute() r = AFBResponse(await ams.response()) print(r) if args.subscribe: for event in args.subscribe: msgid = await ams.subscribe(event) print(f'Subscribing to {event} with id {msgid}') r = AFBResponse(await ams.response()) print(r) if args.unsubscribe: for event in args.unsubscribe: msgid = await ams.unsubscribe(event) print(f'Unsubscribing from {event} with id {msgid}') r = AFBResponse(await ams.response()) print(r) if args.listener: async for response in ams.listener(): print(response)
async def main(loop): args = BluetoothService.parser.parse_args() bts = await BluetoothService(ip=args.ipaddr, port=args.port) if args.default_adapter: msgid = await bts.default_adapter() print(f'Requesting default adapter with id {msgid}') r = AFBResponse(await bts.response()) print(r) if args.adapter_state: pass if args.listener: for response in bts.listener(): print(response) bts.logger.debug(await bts.adapter_state('hci0', {'uuids': ['0000110e-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb']}))
async def test_unsubscribe(event_loop, service: GPS): msgid = await service.unsubscribe('location') resp = AFBResponse(await service.response()) assert resp.msgid == msgid assert resp.status == 'success'
async def test_subscribe_verb(event_loop, service: GPS): msgid = await service.subscribe("") resp = AFBResponse(await service.response()) assert resp.msgid == msgid assert resp.status == 'success'
async def test_location_result(event_loop, service: GPS): msgid = await service.location() resp = AFBResponse(await service.response()) assert resp.status == 'success'
async def test_location_verb(event_loop, service: GPS): msgid = await service.location() resp = AFBResponse(await service.response()) assert resp.msgid == msgid
async def main(loop): args = MediaPlayerService.parser.parse_args() MPS = await MediaPlayerService(ip=args.ipaddr) if args.playlist: msgid = await MPS.playlist() r = AFBResponse(await MPS.response()) for l in['list']: print(l) if args.control: msgid = await MPS.control(args.control) print(f'Sent {args.control} request with messageid {msgid}') r = AFBResponse(await MPS.response()) print(r) if msgid = await MPS.control('seek', print(f'Sent seek request to {} msec with messageid {msgid}') r = AFBResponse(await MPS.response()) print(r) if args.fastforward: msgid = await MPS.control('fast-forward', args.fastforward) print( f'Sent fast-forward request for {args.fastforward} msec with messageid {msgid}' ) r = AFBResponse(await MPS.response()) print(r) if args.rewind: msgid = await MPS.control('rewind', -args.rewind) print( f'Sent rewind request for {args.rewind} msec with messageid {msgid}' ) r = AFBResponse(await MPS.response()) print(r) if args.picktrack: msgid = await MPS.control('pick-track', args.picktrack) print( f'Sent pick-track request with index {args.rewind} with messageid {msgid}' ) r = AFBResponse(await MPS.response()) print(r) if args.volume: msgid = await MPS.control('volume', int(args.volume)) print(f'Sent volume request: {args.rewind} with messageid {msgid}') r = AFBResponse(await MPS.response()) print(r) if args.loop: msgid = await MPS.control('loop', args.loop) print(f'Sent loop-state request: {args.loop} with messageid {msgid}') r = AFBResponse(await MPS.response()) print(r) # if args.avrcp: # id = await MPS.control('avrcp_controls', args.avrcp) # print(f'Sent AVRCP control request: {args.loop} with messageid {id}') # r = AFBResponse(await MPS.response()) # print(r) if args.subscribe: for event in args.subscribe: msgid = await MPS.subscribe(event) print(f"Subscribed for event {event} with messageid {msgid}") r = await MPS.response() print(r) if args.listener: async for response in MPS.listener(): print(response)
async def test_adapter_state(event_loop, service: BTS): msgid = await service.adapter_state('hci0') resp = AFBResponse(await service.response()) assert resp.status == 'success', 'adapter state verb failed'
async def test_has_single_adapter(event_loop, service: BTS): msgid = await service.managed_objects() resp = AFBResponse(await service.response()) assert len(['adapters']) == 1, \ f'Detected {len(["adapters"])} adapters. Multiple adapters may also break testing'
async def test_managed_objects(event_loop, service: BTS): msgid = await service.managed_objects() resp = AFBResponse(await service.response()) assert resp.status == 'success', str(resp)
async def test_default_adapter(event_loop, service: BTS): msgid = await service.default_adapter() resp = AFBResponse(await service.response()) assert resp.status == 'success', resp assert 'adapter' in assert['adapter'] == 'hci0'