コード例 #1
def register(image1, image2):
        trim = 8
        image1 = image1[trim:-trim, trim:-trim]
        image2 = image2[trim:-trim, trim:-trim]
        fft1 = scipy.fftpack.fft2(image1)
        fft2 = scipy.fftpack.fft2(image2)

        fft1 = scipy.fftpack.fftshift(fft1, axes=[0])
        fft2 = scipy.fftpack.fftshift(fft2, axes=[0])

        c = int(fft1.shape[0] / 2.0)
        fft1 = fft1[:,:c+1]
        fft2 = fft2[:,:c+1]

        mag1 = numpy.abs(fft1)
        mag2 = numpy.abs(fft2)
        mrc.write(mag1, 'mag1.mrc')
        mrc.write(mag2, 'mag2.mrc')

        center = c,0
        output_shape = c,c
        print 'P1'
        p1 = polar_transform(mag1, output_shape, center)
        #scipy.misc.imsave('p1.jpg', p1)
        mrc.write(p1, 'p1.mrc')
        print 'P2'
        p2 = polar_transform(mag2, output_shape, center)
        #scipy.misc.imsave('p2.jpg', p2)
        mrc.write(p2, 'p2.mrc')

        pc = correlator.phase_correlate(p1, p2, zero=False)
        #pc = correlator.cross_correlate(p1, p2)
        mrc.write(pc, 'pc.mrc')
コード例 #2
	def correlate_template(self):
		Correlate template that is already created and configured.
		fromimage = 'original'
		if self.__results[fromimage] is None or self.__results['template'] is None:
			raise RuntimeError('need image %s and template before correlation' % (fromimage,))
		edges = self.__results[fromimage]
		edges = self.maskBlack(edges)
		template = self.__results['template']
		cortype = self.correlation_config['cortype']
		corfilt = self.correlation_config['corfilt']
		if cortype == 'cross':
			cc = correlator.cross_correlate(edges, template)
		elif cortype == 'phase':
			cc = correlator.phase_correlate(edges, template, zero=False)
			raise RuntimeError('bad correlation type: %s' % (cortype,))

		if corfilt is not None:
			kernel = convolver.gaussian_kernel(*corfilt)
			cc = self.convolver.convolve(image=cc)
		self.__update_result('correlation', cc)
		if self.save_mrc:
			mrc.write(cc, 'correlation.mrc')
コード例 #3
	def correlate_template(self):
		fromimage = 'edges'

		if None in (self.__results[fromimage], self.__results['template']):
			raise RuntimeError('need image %s and template before correlation' % (fromimage,))
		edges = self.__results[fromimage]
		template = self.__results['template']
		cortype = self.correlation_config['cortype']
		corfilt = self.correlation_config['corfilt']
		if cortype == 'cross':
			cc = correlator.cross_correlate(edges, template)
		elif cortype == 'phase':
			cc = correlator.phase_correlate(edges, template, zero=False)
			raise RuntimeError('bad correlation type: %s' % (cortype,))
		cc = numpy.absolute(cc)

		if corfilt is not None:
			kernel = convolver.gaussian_kernel(*corfilt)
			cc = self.edgefinder.convolve(image=cc)
		#cc = imagefun.zscore(smooth)
		#cc = imagefun.zscore(cc)
		self.__update_result('correlation', cc)
		if self.save_mrc:
			mrc.write(cc, 'correlation.mrc')
コード例 #4
def getShift(imgdata1, imgdata2):
    # assumes images are square
    print "Finding shift between", apDisplay.short(imgdata1["filename"]), "and", apDisplay.short(imgdata2["filename"])
    dimension1 = imgdata1["camera"]["dimension"]["x"]
    binning1 = imgdata1["camera"]["binning"]["x"]
    dimension2 = imgdata2["camera"]["dimension"]["x"]
    binning2 = imgdata2["camera"]["binning"]["x"]
    finalsize = 512

    # test to make sure images are at same mag
    if imgdata1["scope"]["magnification"] != imgdata2["scope"]["magnification"]:
        apDisplay.printWarning("Defocus pairs are at different magnifications, so shift can't be calculated.")
        return None

    # test to see if images capture the same area
    if (dimension1 * binning1) != (dimension2 * binning2):
        apDisplay.printWarning("Defocus pairs do not capture the same imaging area, so shift can't be calculated.")
        return None

    # images must not be less than finalsize (currently 512) pixels. This is arbitrary but for good reason
    if dimension1 < finalsize or dimension2 < finalsize:
        apDisplay.printWarning("Images must be greater than " + finalsize + " pixels to calculate shift.")
        return None

    # low pass filter 2 images to twice the final pixelsize BEFORE binning
    shrinkfactor1 = dimension1 / finalsize
    shrinkfactor2 = dimension2 / finalsize
    binned1 = apImage.filterImg(imgdata1["image"], 1.0, shrinkfactor1 * 2)
    binned2 = apImage.filterImg(imgdata2["image"], 1.0, shrinkfactor2 * 2)

    # now bin 2 images
    binned1 = apImage.binImg(binned1, shrinkfactor1)
    binned2 = apImage.binImg(binned2, shrinkfactor2)

    ### fix for non-square images, correlation fails on non-square images
    mindim = min(binned1.shape)
    binned1 = binned1[:mindim, :mindim]
    binned2 = binned2[:mindim, :mindim]

    ### use phase correlation, performs better than cross
    pc = correlator.phase_correlate(binned1, binned2)
    apImage.arrayToMrc(pc, "phaseCorrelate.mrc")

    ### find peak, filtering to 10.0 helps
    peak = peakfinder.findSubpixelPeak(pc, lpf=10.0)
    subpixpeak = peak["subpixel peak"]
    shift = correlator.wrap_coord(subpixpeak, pc.shape)
    peak["scalefactor"] = dimension2 / float(dimension1)
    # print shift[0]*shrinkfactor1, shift[1]*shrinkfactor1
    xshift = int(round(shift[0] * shrinkfactor1))
    yshift = int(round(shift[1] * shrinkfactor1))
    peak["shift"] = numpy.array((xshift, yshift))
    apDisplay.printMsg("Determined shifts: %f %f" % (peak["shift"][0], peak["shift"][1]))
    # print peak['shift']
    # sys.exit(1)
    return peak
コード例 #5
def register2(image1, image2, angles):
        im2filt = scipy.ndimage.spline_filter(image2)
        peaks = []
        for angle in angles:
                image2 = scipy.ndimage.rotate(im2filt, angle, reshape=False)
                #mrc.write(image2, 'rot.mrc')
                pc = correlator.phase_correlate(image1, image2, zero=False)
                mrc.write(pc, 'pc.mrc')
                peak = peakfinder.findSubpixelPeak(pc)
                result = (angle, peak['pixel peak value'], peak['subpixel peak value'], peak['snr'])
                print result
        return peaks
コード例 #6
    def correlateOriginal(self, index, imagedata):
        if index == 0:
            self.originalimage = imagedata['image']
            unbinned = {'row': 0.0, 'col': 0.0}
            ## correlate
            self.startTimer('scope change correlation')
                correlation_type = self.settings['correlation type']
            except KeyError:
                correlation_type = 'phase'
            if correlation_type == 'cross':
                cor = correlator.cross_correlate(self.originalimage,
            elif correlation_type == 'phase':
                cor = correlator.phase_correlate(self.originalimage,
                raise RuntimeError('invalid correlation type')
            self.stopTimer('scope change correlation')

            ## find peak
            self.startTimer('shift peak')
            peak = peakfinder.findSubpixelPeak(cor)
            self.stopTimer('shift peak')

            self.logger.debug('Peak %s' % (peak, ))

            pixelpeak = peak['subpixel peak']
            self.startTimer('shift display')
            self.stopTimer('shift display')

            peakvalue = peak['subpixel peak value']
            shift = correlator.wrap_coord(peak['subpixel peak'], cor.shape)
            self.logger.debug('pixel shift (row,col): %s' % (shift, ))

            ## need unbinned result
            binx = imagedata['camera']['binning']['x']
            biny = imagedata['camera']['binning']['y']
            unbinned = {'row': shift[0] * biny, 'col': shift[1] * binx}

        shiftinfo = {
            'previous': self.originalimage,
            'next': imagedata,
            'pixel shift': unbinned
        return shiftinfo
コード例 #7
    def checkMoveError(self):
        #maxerror = self.settings['max error']
        #limit = (int(maxerror*2), int(maxerror*2))

        oldshape = self.oldimagedata['image'].shape
        limit = oldshape
        location = oldshape[0] / 2.0 - 0.5 + self.origmove[
            0], oldshape[1] / 2.0 - 0.5 + self.origmove[1]

        im1 = imagefun.crop_at(self.origimagedata['image'],
        im2 = imagefun.crop_at(self.newimagedata['image'], 'center', limit)

        pc = correlator.phase_correlate(im2, im1, zero=False)
        pc = scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter(pc, 1)
        subpixelpeak = self.peakfinder.subpixelPeak(newimage=pc,
                                                    guess=(0.5, 0.5),
        res = self.peakfinder.getResults()
        unsignedpixelpeak = res['unsigned pixel peak']
        peaktargets = [(unsignedpixelpeak[1], unsignedpixelpeak[0])]
        r_error = subpixelpeak[0]
        c_error = subpixelpeak[1]

        self.setImage(pc, 'Correlation')
        peaktargets = [(unsignedpixelpeak[1], unsignedpixelpeak[0])]
        self.setTargets(peaktargets, 'Peak')

        ## calculate error distance
        scope = self.newimagedata['scope']
        camera = self.newimagedata['camera']
        mag = scope['magnification']
        tem = scope['tem']
        ccdcamera = camera['ccdcamera']
        pixelsize = self.pcal.retrievePixelSize(tem, ccdcamera, mag)
        cbin = camera['binning']['x']
        rbin = camera['binning']['y']
        rpix = r_error * rbin
        cpix = c_error * cbin
        pixdist = math.hypot(rpix, cpix)
        distance = pixdist * pixelsize

        return r_error, c_error, distance
コード例 #8
        def correlateOriginal(self,index,imagedata):
                if index == 0:
                        self.originalimage = imagedata['image']
                        unbinned = {'row':0.0, 'col': 0.0}
                        ## correlate
                        self.startTimer('scope change correlation')
                                correlation_type = self.settings['correlation type']
                        except KeyError:
                                correlation_type = 'phase'
                        if correlation_type == 'cross':
                                cor = correlator.cross_correlate(self.originalimage,imagedata['image'])
                        elif correlation_type == 'phase':
                                cor = correlator.phase_correlate(self.originalimage,imagedata['image'],False,wiener=True)
                                raise RuntimeError('invalid correlation type')
                        self.stopTimer('scope change correlation')

                        ## find peak
                        self.startTimer('shift peak')
                        peak = peakfinder.findSubpixelPeak(cor)
                        self.stopTimer('shift peak')

                        self.logger.debug('Peak %s' % (peak,))

                        pixelpeak = peak['subpixel peak']
                        self.startTimer('shift display')
                        self.stopTimer('shift display')

                        peakvalue = peak['subpixel peak value']
                        shift = correlator.wrap_coord(peak['subpixel peak'], cor.shape)
                        self.logger.debug('pixel shift (row,col): %s' % (shift,))

                        ## need unbinned result
                        binx = imagedata['camera']['binning']['x']
                        biny = imagedata['camera']['binning']['y']
                        unbinned = {'row':shift[0] * biny, 'col': shift[1] * binx}

                shiftinfo = {'previous': self.originalimage, 'next': imagedata, 'pixel shift': unbinned}
                return shiftinfo
コード例 #9
	def checkMoveError(self):
		#maxerror = self.settings['max error']
		#limit = (int(maxerror*2), int(maxerror*2))

		oldshape = self.oldimagedata['image'].shape
		limit = oldshape
		location = oldshape[0]/2.0-0.5+self.origmove[0], oldshape[1]/2.0-0.5+self.origmove[1]
		im1 = imagefun.crop_at(self.origimagedata['image'], location, limit, mode='constant', cval=0.0)
		im2 = imagefun.crop_at(self.newimagedata['image'], 'center', limit)

		pc = correlator.phase_correlate(im2, im1, zero=False)
		pc = scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter(pc,1)
		subpixelpeak = self.peakfinder.subpixelPeak(newimage=pc, guess=(0.5,0.5), limit=limit)
		res = self.peakfinder.getResults()
		unsignedpixelpeak = res['unsigned pixel peak']
		peaktargets = [(unsignedpixelpeak[1], unsignedpixelpeak[0])]
		r_error = subpixelpeak[0]
		c_error = subpixelpeak[1]

		self.setImage(pc, 'Correlation')
		peaktargets = [(unsignedpixelpeak[1], unsignedpixelpeak[0])]
		self.setTargets(peaktargets, 'Peak')

		## calculate error distance
		scope = self.newimagedata['scope']
		camera = self.newimagedata['camera']
		mag = scope['magnification']
		tem = scope['tem']
		ccdcamera = camera['ccdcamera']
		pixelsize = self.pcal.retrievePixelSize(tem, ccdcamera, mag)
		cbin = camera['binning']['x']
		rbin = camera['binning']['y']
		rpix = r_error * rbin
		cpix = c_error * cbin
		pixdist = math.hypot(rpix,cpix)
		distance = pixdist * pixelsize

		return r_error, c_error, distance
コード例 #10
    def removeStageAlphaBacklash(self, tilts, preset_name, target, emtarget):
        if len(tilts) < 2:
            raise ValueError

        ## change to parent preset
            parentname = target['image']['preset']['name']
            adjust = False
            adjust = True

        ## acquire parent preset image, initial image
        if adjust:
            isoffset = self.getImageShiftOffset()
            imagedata0 = self.acquireCorrectedCameraImageData(0)

        ## tilt then return in slow increments
        delta = math.radians(5.0)
        n = 5
        increment = delta / n
        if tilts[1] - tilts[0] > 0:
            sign = -1
            sign = 1
        alpha = tilts[0] + sign * delta
        self.instrument.tem.StagePosition = {'a': alpha}
        for i in range(n):
            alpha -= sign * increment
            self.instrument.tem.StagePosition = {'a': alpha}

        if adjust:
            ## acquire parent preset image, final image
            imagedata1 = self.acquireCorrectedCameraImageData(1)

            ## return to tomography preset
            if emtarget['movetype'] == 'image shift':
                presetdata = self.presetsclient.getPresetFromDB(preset_name)
                self.moveAndPreset(presetdata, emtarget)

            ## find shift between image0, image1
            pc = correlator.phase_correlate(imagedata0['image'],
                                            imagedata1['image'], False)
            peakinfo = peakfinder.findSubpixelPeak(pc, lpf=1.5)
            subpixelpeak = peakinfo['subpixel peak']
            shift = correlator.wrap_coord(subpixelpeak,
            shift = {'row': shift[0], 'col': shift[1]}
            ## transform pixel to image shift
            oldscope = imagedata0['scope']
            newscope = self.calclients['image shift'].transform(
                shift, oldscope, imagedata0['camera'])
            ishiftx = newscope['image shift']['x'] - oldscope['image shift'][
            ishifty = newscope['image shift']['y'] - oldscope['image shift'][

            oldishift = self.instrument.tem.ImageShift
            newishift = {
                'x': oldishift['x'] + ishiftx,
                'y': oldishift['y'] + ishifty
                'adjusting imageshift after backlash: dx,dy = %s,%s' %
                (ishiftx, ishifty))
            self.instrument.tem.ImageShift = newishift
コード例 #11
        def removeStageAlphaBacklash(self, tilts, preset_name, target, emtarget):
                if len(tilts) < 2:
                        raise ValueError

                ## change to parent preset
                        parentname = target['image']['preset']['name']
                        adjust = False
                        adjust = True

                ## acquire parent preset image, initial image
                if adjust:
                        isoffset = self.getImageShiftOffset()
                        imagedata0 = self.acquireCorrectedCameraImageData(0)

                ## tilt then return in slow increments
                delta = math.radians(5.0)
                n = 5
                increment = delta/n
                if tilts[1] - tilts[0] > 0:
                        sign = -1
                        sign = 1
                alpha = tilts[0] + sign*delta
                self.instrument.tem.StagePosition = {'a': alpha}
                for i in range(n):
                        alpha -= sign*increment
                        self.instrument.tem.StagePosition = {'a': alpha}

                if adjust:
                        ## acquire parent preset image, final image
                        imagedata1 = self.acquireCorrectedCameraImageData(1)

                        ## return to tomography preset
                        if emtarget['movetype'] == 'image shift':
                                presetdata = self.presetsclient.getPresetFromDB(preset_name)
                                self.moveAndPreset(presetdata, emtarget)

                        ## find shift between image0, image1
                        pc = correlator.phase_correlate(imagedata0['image'], imagedata1['image'], False)
                        peakinfo = peakfinder.findSubpixelPeak(pc, lpf=1.5)
                        subpixelpeak = peakinfo['subpixel peak']
                        shift = correlator.wrap_coord(subpixelpeak, imagedata0['image'].shape)
                        shift = {'row': shift[0], 'col': shift[1]}
                        ## transform pixel to image shift
                        oldscope = imagedata0['scope']
                        newscope = self.calclients['image shift'].transform(shift, oldscope, imagedata0['camera'])
                        ishiftx = newscope['image shift']['x'] - oldscope['image shift']['x']
                        ishifty = newscope['image shift']['y'] - oldscope['image shift']['y']

                        oldishift = self.instrument.tem.ImageShift
                        newishift = {'x': oldishift['x'] + ishiftx, 'y': oldishift['y'] + ishifty}
                        self.logger.info('adjusting imageshift after backlash: dx,dy = %s,%s' % (ishiftx,ishifty))
                        self.instrument.tem.ImageShift = newishift
コード例 #12
def getShift(imgdata1, imgdata2):
    #assumes images are square
    print "Finding shift between", apDisplay.short(
        imgdata1['filename']), "and", apDisplay.short(imgdata2['filename'])
    dimension1 = imgdata1['camera']['dimension']['x']
    binning1 = imgdata1['camera']['binning']['x']
    dimension2 = imgdata2['camera']['dimension']['x']
    binning2 = imgdata2['camera']['binning']['x']
    finalsize = 512

    #test to make sure images are at same mag
    if imgdata1['scope']['magnification'] != imgdata2['scope']['magnification']:
            "Defocus pairs are at different magnifications, so shift can't be calculated."
        return None

    #test to see if images capture the same area
    if (dimension1 * binning1) != (dimension2 * binning2):
            "Defocus pairs do not capture the same imaging area, so shift can't be calculated."
        return None

    #images must not be less than finalsize (currently 512) pixels. This is arbitrary but for good reason
    if dimension1 < finalsize or dimension2 < finalsize:
        apDisplay.printWarning("Images must be greater than " + finalsize +
                               " pixels to calculate shift.")
        return None

    #low pass filter 2 images to twice the final pixelsize BEFORE binning
    shrinkfactor1 = dimension1 / finalsize
    shrinkfactor2 = dimension2 / finalsize
    binned1 = apImage.filterImg(imgdata1['image'], 1.0, shrinkfactor1 * 2)
    binned2 = apImage.filterImg(imgdata2['image'], 1.0, shrinkfactor2 * 2)

    #now bin 2 images
    binned1 = apImage.binImg(binned1, shrinkfactor1)
    binned2 = apImage.binImg(binned2, shrinkfactor2)

    ### fix for non-square images, correlation fails on non-square images
    mindim = min(binned1.shape)
    binned1 = binned1[:mindim, :mindim]
    binned2 = binned2[:mindim, :mindim]

    ### use phase correlation, performs better than cross
    pc = correlator.phase_correlate(binned1, binned2)
    apImage.arrayToMrc(pc, "phaseCorrelate.mrc")

    ### find peak, filtering to 10.0 helps
    peak = peakfinder.findSubpixelPeak(pc, lpf=10.0)
    subpixpeak = peak['subpixel peak']
    shift = correlator.wrap_coord(subpixpeak, pc.shape)
    peak['scalefactor'] = dimension2 / float(dimension1)
    #print shift[0]*shrinkfactor1, shift[1]*shrinkfactor1
    xshift = int(round(shift[0] * shrinkfactor1))
    yshift = int(round(shift[1] * shrinkfactor1))
    peak['shift'] = numpy.array((xshift, yshift))
    apDisplay.printMsg("Determined shifts: %f %f" %
                       (peak['shift'][0], peak['shift'][1]))
    #print peak['shift']
    return peak