コード例 #1
    def _do_autopart(storage, scheme, requests, encrypted=False, luks_fmt_args=None):
        """Perform automatic partitioning.

        :param storage: an instance of Blivet
        :param scheme: a type of the partitioning scheme
        :param requests: list of partitioning requests
        :param encrypted: encrypt the scheduled partitions
        :param luks_fmt_args: arguments for the LUKS format constructor
        log.debug("scheme: %s", scheme)
        log.debug("requests:\n%s", "".join([str(p) for p in requests]))
        log.debug("encrypted: %s", encrypted)
        log.debug("storage.disks: %s", [d.name for d in storage.disks])
        log.debug("storage.partitioned: %s",
                  [d.name for d in storage.partitioned if d.format.supported])
        log.debug("all names: %s", [d.name for d in storage.devices])
        log.debug("boot disk: %s", getattr(storage.bootloader.stage1_disk, "name", None))

        disks = get_candidate_disks(storage)
        log.debug("candidate disks: %s", [d.name for d in disks])

        devs = schedule_implicit_partitions(storage, disks, scheme, encrypted, luks_fmt_args)
        devs = schedule_partitions(storage, disks, devs, scheme, requests, encrypted, luks_fmt_args)

        # run the autopart function to allocate and grow partitions
        schedule_volumes(storage, devs, scheme, requests, encrypted)

        # grow LVs

        # only newly added swaps should appear in the fstab
        new_swaps = (dev for dev in storage.swaps if not dev.format.exists)
コード例 #2
    def _execute_reqpart(self, storage, data):
        """Execute the reqpart command.

        :param storage: an instance of the Blivet's storage object
        :param data: an instance of kickstart data
        if not data.reqpart.reqpart:

        log.debug("Looking for platform-specific requirements.")
        requests = list(platform.partitions)

        for request in requests[:]:
            if request.mountpoint != "/boot":

            if not data.reqpart.addBoot:
                log.debug("Removing the requirement for /boot.")

            # Blivet doesn't know this - anaconda sets up the default boot fstype
            # in various places in this file. We need to duplicate that here.
            request.fstype = storage.default_boot_fstype

        if not requests:

        disks = get_candidate_disks(storage)

        log.debug("Applying requirements:\n%s", "".join(map(str, requests)))
        schedule_partitions(storage, disks, [], scheme=AUTOPART_TYPE_PLAIN, requests=requests)