コード例 #1
    def loss(self, current_file: dict, hypothesis: Annotation) -> float:
        """Compute (1 - coverage) at target purity

        If purity < target, return 1 + (1 - purity)

        current_file : `dict`
            File as provided by a pyannote.database protocol.
        hypothesis : `pyannote.core.Annotation`
            Speech turns.

        error : `float`
            1. - cluster coverage.

        metric = DiarizationPurityCoverageFMeasure()
        reference = current_file["annotation"]
        uem = get_annotated(current_file)
        f_measure = metric(reference, hypothesis, uem=uem)
        purity, coverage, _ = metric.compute_metrics()
        if purity > self.purity:
            return 1.0 - coverage
            return 1.0 + (1.0 - purity)
コード例 #2
    def get_metric(self, parallel=False) -> Union[DiarizationPurityCoverageFMeasure,
        """Return new instance of f-score metric"""

        if not self.fscore:
            raise NotImplementedError()

        if self.diarization:
            return DiarizationPurityCoverageFMeasure(parallel=parallel)

        return SegmentationPurityCoverageFMeasure(tolerance=0.5,
コード例 #3
        def fun(threshold):

            _metric = DiarizationPurityCoverageFMeasure(weighted=False)

            for current_file in getattr(_protocol, subset)():

                uri = get_unique_identifier(current_file)
                uem = get_annotated(current_file)
                reference = current_file["annotation"]

                clusters = fcluster(Z[uri], threshold, criterion="distance")

                hypothesis = Annotation(uri=uri)
                for (start_time, end_time), cluster in zip(t[uri], clusters):
                    hypothesis[Segment(start_time, end_time)] = cluster

                _ = _metric(reference, hypothesis, uem=uem)

            return 1.0 - abs(_metric)
コード例 #4
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# AMI protocol
from pyannote.database import get_protocol
protocol = get_protocol('Test.SpeakerDiarization.MixHeadset')

from pyannote.database import get_annotated

# precomputed scores
from pyannote.audio.features import Precomputed
precomputed = Precomputed('./precomputed/scd')

from pyannote.metrics.diarization import DiarizationPurityCoverageFMeasure
metric = DiarizationPurityCoverageFMeasure()

from pyannote.metrics.segmentation import SegmentationPurityCoverageFMeasure
metric = SegmentationPurityCoverageFMeasure()

# peak detection
min_duration = 1.0
from pyannote.audio.signal import Peak
# alpha / min_duration are tunable parameters (and should be tuned for better performance)
# we use log_scale = True because of the final log-softmax in the StackedRNN model

alphas = np.linspace(0, 1, 20)

purity_list = []
coverage_list = []

for alpha in alphas:
コード例 #5
    def validate_epoch(self, epoch, protocol_name, subset='development',

        target_purity = self.purity

        # load model for current epoch
        model = self.load_model(epoch).to(self.device)

        if isinstance(self.feature_extraction_, Precomputed):
            self.feature_extraction_.use_memmap = False

        duration = self.task_.duration
        step = .25 * duration
        sequence_labeling = SequenceLabeling(
            model, self.feature_extraction_, duration=duration,
            step=.25 * duration, batch_size=self.batch_size,
            source='audio', device=self.device)

        protocol = get_protocol(protocol_name, progress=False,

        # extract predictions for all files.
        predictions = {}
        for current_file in getattr(protocol, subset)():
            uri = get_unique_identifier(current_file)
            predictions[uri] = sequence_labeling.apply(current_file)

        # dichotomic search to find alpha that maximizes coverage
        # while having at least `target_purity`

        lower_alpha = 0.
        upper_alpha = 1.
        best_alpha = .5 * (lower_alpha + upper_alpha)
        best_coverage = 0.

        for _ in range(10):
            current_alpha = .5 * (lower_alpha + upper_alpha)
            peak = Peak(alpha=current_alpha, min_duration=0.0,
            metric = DiarizationPurityCoverageFMeasure()

            # NOTE -- embarrasingly parallel
            # TODO -- parallelize this
            for current_file in getattr(protocol, subset)():
                reference = current_file['annotation']
                uri = get_unique_identifier(current_file)
                hypothesis = peak.apply(predictions[uri], dimension=1)
                hypothesis = hypothesis.to_annotation()
                uem = get_annotated(current_file)
                metric(reference, hypothesis, uem=uem)

            purity, coverage, _ = metric.compute_metrics()

            if purity < target_purity:
                upper_alpha = current_alpha
                lower_alpha = current_alpha
                if coverage > best_coverage:
                    best_coverage = coverage
                    best_alpha = current_alpha

        task = 'speaker_change_detection'
        metric_name = f'{task}/coverage@{target_purity:.2f}purity'
        return {
            metric_name: {'minimize': False, 'value': best_coverage},
            f'{task}/threshold': {'minimize': 'NA', 'value': best_alpha}}