def get_dataframe(self, object_id) -> pd.DataFrame: # Get PlasmaBuffer from ObjectID [data] = self.client.get_buffers([object_id]) buffer = BufferReader(data) reader = RecordBatchStreamReader(buffer) record_batch = reader.read_next_batch() return record_batch.to_pandas()
def readArrow(self, source): ''' description: Read arrow file from disk using apache pyarrow input: source: file path return: pyarrow table ''' reader = RecordBatchStreamReader(source) pa_df = reader.read_all() return pa_df
def read_arrow_to_DF(self,source): ''' description: Read arrow file from disk using apache pyarrow input: source: file path return: pandas dataframe ''' source = source+".arrow" self.pandas_df = RecordBatchStreamReader(source).read_all().to_pandas() self.back_up_dimension_pandas = self.pandas_df return "data read successfully"
def _get_work_unit_results( query_id: str, token_work_unit: Tuple[str, int], client_lakeformation: boto3.client, ) -> Table: token, work_unit = token_work_unit messages: NativeFile = client_lakeformation.get_work_unit_results( QueryId=query_id, WorkUnitToken=token, WorkUnitId=work_unit)["ResultStream"] return RecordBatchStreamReader(
def test_iterate_over_int64_chunk(): stream = BytesIO() field_foo = pyarrow.field("column_foo", pyarrow.int64(), True) field_bar = pyarrow.field("column_bar", pyarrow.int64(), True) schema = pyarrow.schema([field_foo, field_bar]) column_meta = [("column_foo", "FIXED", None, 0, 0, 0, 0), ("column_bar", "FIXED", None, 0, 0, 0, 0)] column_size = 2 batch_row_count = 10 batch_count = 10 expected_data = [] writer = RecordBatchStreamWriter(stream, schema) for i in range(batch_count): column_arrays = [] py_arrays = [] for j in range(column_size): column_data = [] for k in range(batch_row_count): data = None if bool(random.getrandbits(1)) else random.randint( -100, 100) column_data.append(data) column_arrays.append(column_data) py_arrays.append(pyarrow.array(column_data)) expected_data.append(column_arrays) rb = RecordBatch.from_arrays(py_arrays, ["column_foo", "column_bar"]) writer.write_batch(rb) writer.close() # seek stream to begnning so that we can read from stream reader = RecordBatchStreamReader(stream) it = PyArrowChunkIterator() for rb in reader: it.add_record_batch(rb) count = 0 while True: try: val = next(it) assert val[0] == expected_data[int(count / 10)][0][count % 10] assert val[1] == expected_data[int(count / 10)][1][count % 10] count += 1 except StopIteration: assert count == 100 break
def iterate_over_test_chunk(pyarrow_type, column_meta, source_data_generator, expected_data_transformer=None): stream = BytesIO() assert len(pyarrow_type) == len(column_meta) column_size = len(pyarrow_type) batch_row_count = 10 batch_count = 9 fields = [] for i in range(column_size): fields.append( pyarrow.field("column_{}".format(i), pyarrow_type[i], True, column_meta[i])) schema = pyarrow.schema(fields) expected_data = [] writer = RecordBatchStreamWriter(stream, schema) for i in range(batch_count): column_arrays = [] py_arrays = [] for j in range(column_size): column_data = [] not_none_cnt = 0 while not_none_cnt == 0: column_data = [] for k in range(batch_row_count): data = None if bool( random.getrandbits(1)) else source_data_generator() if data != None: not_none_cnt += 1 column_data.append(data) column_arrays.append(column_data) py_arrays.append(pyarrow.array(column_data, type=pyarrow_type[j])) if expected_data_transformer: for i in range(len(column_arrays)): column_arrays[i] = [ expected_data_transformer(data) if data is not None else None for data in column_arrays[i] ] expected_data.append(column_arrays) column_names = ["column_{}".format(i) for i in range(column_size)] rb = RecordBatch.from_arrays(py_arrays, column_names) writer.write_batch(rb) writer.close() # seek stream to begnning so that we can read from stream reader = RecordBatchStreamReader(stream) context = ArrowConverterContext() it = PyArrowIterator(reader, context) it.init(ROW_UNIT) count = 0 while True: try: val = next(it) for i in range(column_size): batch_index = int(count / batch_row_count) assert val[i] == expected_data[batch_index][i][ count - batch_row_count * batch_index] count += 1 except StopIteration: assert count == (batch_count * batch_row_count) break
class pandas_utils: pandas_df = None back_up_dimension_pandas = None dimensions_filters = {} group_by_backups = {} def __init__(self): self.pandas_df = None self.back_up_dimension_pandas = None self.dimensions_filters = {} self.dimensions_filters_response_format = {} self.group_by_backups = {} def hist_numpy(self,data,bins): ''' description: Calculate histogram leveraging gpu via pycuda(using numba jit) input: data: np array, bins: number of bins in the histogram Output: json -> {X:[__values_of_colName_with_max_64_bins__], Y:[__frequencies_per_bin__]} ''' df1 = np.histogram(np.array(data),bins=bins) dict_temp ={} dict_temp['X'] = list(df1[1].astype(float))[1:] dict_temp['Y'] = list(df1[0].astype(float)) return json.dumps(dict_temp) def groupby(self,data,column_name, groupby_agg,groupby_agg_key): ''' description: Calculate groupby on a given column on the pygdf input: data: pygdf row as a series -> gpu mem pointer, column_name: column name Output: json -> {A:[__values_of_colName_with_max_64_bins__], B:[__frequencies_per_bin__]} ''' try: group_appl = data.groupby(by=[column_name]).agg(groupby_agg) group_appl.reset_index(inplace=True) key = column_name+"_"+groupby_agg_key self.group_by_backups[key] = group_appl except Exception as e: return "Exception *** in pandas groupby():"+str(e) return group_appl def get_columns(self): ''' description: Column names in a data frame input: data: pandas df Output: list of column names ''' try: response = str(list(self.pandas_df.columns)) except Exception as e: response = "Exception *** in pandas get_columns():"+str(e) return response def read_arrow_to_DF(self,source): ''' description: Read arrow file from disk using apache pyarrow input: source: file path return: pandas dataframe ''' source = source+".arrow" self.pandas_df = RecordBatchStreamReader(source).read_all().to_pandas() self.back_up_dimension_pandas = self.pandas_df return "data read successfully" def read_data(self,load_type,file): ''' description: Read file as per the load type input: load_type: csv or arrow file: file path return: pandas dataframe ''' #file is in the uploads/ folder, so append that to the path file = str("/usr/src/app/node_server/uploads/"+file) status = self.read_arrow_to_DF(file) return status def default(self,o): if isinstance(o, np.int8) or isinstance(o, np.int16) or isinstance(o, np.int32) or isinstance(o, np.int64): return int(o) elif isinstance(o, np.float16) or isinstance(o, np.float32) or isinstance(o, np.float64): return float(o) raise TypeError def parse_dict(self,data): ''' description: get parsed string format of the dictionary, that can be sent to the socket-client input: data: dataframe return: shape string ''' try: temp_dict = {} for i in data: if i[1] == '': temp_key = i[0] else: temp_key = '_'.join(i[::-1]) temp_dict[temp_key] = list(data[i].values()) return json.dumps(temp_dict,default=self.default) except Exception as e: return "Exception *** in pandas parse_dict() (helper function):"+str(e) def get_size(self): ''' description: get shape of the dataframe input: data: dataframe return: shape tuple ''' try: return str(len(self.pandas_df)) except Exception as e: return "Exception *** in pandas get_size():"+str(e) def reset_filters(self, data, omit=None, include_dim=['all']): ''' description: reset filters on the data_gpu dataframe by executing all filters in the dimensions_filters dictionary input: data: dataset omit: column name, the filters associated to which, are to be omitted include_dim: list of column_names, which are to be included along with dimensions_filters.keys(); ['all'] to include all columns Output: result dataframe after executing the filters using the dataframe.query() command ''' try: temp_list = [] for key in self.dimensions_filters.keys(): if omit is not None and omit == key: continue if len(self.dimensions_filters[key])>0: temp_list.append(self.dimensions_filters[key]) query = ' and '.join(temp_list) if(len(query) >0): # return data.query(query) if include_dim[0] == 'all': return data.query(query) else: column_list = list(set(list(self.dimensions_filters.keys())+include_dim)) try: return_val = data.loc[:,column_list].query(query) except Exception as e: return 'Exception *** in pandas reset_filters():'+str(e) return return_val else: return data except Exception as e: return "Exception *** in pandas reset_filters():"+str(e) def reset_all_filters(self): ''' description: reset all filters on all dimensions for the dataset input: None Output: number_of_rows_left ''' try: self.pandas_df = self.back_up_dimension_pandas self.dimensions_filters.clear() self.dimensions_filters_response_format.clear() return str(len(self.pandas_df)) except Exception as e: return "Exception *** in pandas reset_all_filters():"+str(e) def dimension_load(self, dimension_name): ''' description: load a dimension Get parameters: dimension_name (string) Response: status -> success: dimension loaded successfully/dimension already exists // error: "dimension not initialized" ''' try: if dimension_name not in self.dimensions_filters: self.dimensions_filters[dimension_name] = '' self.dimensions_filters_response_format[dimension_name] = [] res = 'dimension loaded successfully' else: res = 'dimension already exists' return res except Exception as e: return "Exception *** in pandas dimension_load():"+str(e) def dimension_reset(self, dimension_name): ''' description: reset all filters on a dimension for pandas df Get parameters: dimension_name (string) Response: number_of_rows ''' try: self.pandas_df = self.back_up_dimension_pandas self.dimensions_filters[dimension_name] = '' self.dimensions_filters_response_format[dimension_name] = [] self.pandas_df = self.reset_filters(self.pandas_df) return str(len(self.pandas_df)) except Exception as e: return "Exception *** in pandas dimension_reset():"+str(e) def dimension_get_max_min(self, dimension_name): ''' description: get_max_min for a dimension for pandas Get parameters: dimension_name (string) Response: max_min_tuple ''' try: max_min_tuple = (float(self.pandas_df[dimension_name].max()), float(self.pandas_df[dimension_name].min())) return str(max_min_tuple) except Exception as e: return "Exception *** in pandas dimension_get_max_min():"+str(e) def dimension_hist(self, dimension_name, num_of_bins): ''' description: get histogram for a dimension for pandas Get parameters: dimension_name (string) num_of_bins (integer) Response: string(json) -> "{X:[__values_of_colName_with_max_64_bins__], Y:[__frequencies_per_bin__]}" ''' try: num_of_bins = int(num_of_bins) if len(self.dimensions_filters.keys()) == 0 or (dimension_name not in self.dimensions_filters) or (dimension_name in self.dimensions_filters and self.dimensions_filters[dimension_name] == ''): return str(self.hist_numpy(self.pandas_df[str(dimension_name)].values,num_of_bins)) else: temp_df = self.reset_filters(self.back_up_dimension_pandas, omit=dimension_name) return str(self.hist_numpy(temp_df[str(dimension_name)].values,num_of_bins)) except Exception as e: return "Exception *** in pandas dimension_hist():"+str(e) def dimension_filter_order(self, dimension_name, sort_order, num_rows, columns): ''' description: get columns values by a filter_order(all, top(n), bottom(n)) sorted by dimension_name Get parameters: dimension_name (string) sort_order (string): top/bottom/all num_rows (integer): OPTIONAL -> if sort_order= top/bottom columns (string): comma separated column names Response: string(json) -> "{col_1:[__row_values__], col_2:[__row_values__],...}" ''' try: columns = columns.split(',') if(len(columns) == 0 or columns[0]==''): columns = list(self.pandas_df.columns) elif dimension_name not in columns: columns.append(dimension_name) if 'all' == sort_order: temp_df = self.pandas_df.loc[:,columns].to_dict() else: num_rows = int(num_rows) max_rows = max(len(self.pandas_df)-1,0) n_rows = min(num_rows, max_rows) if 'top' == sort_order: temp_df = self.pandas_df.loc[:,columns].nlargest(n_rows,[dimension_name]).to_dict() elif 'bottom' == sort_order: temp_df = self.pandas_df.loc[:,columns].nsmallest(n_rows,[dimension_name]).to_dict() return str(self.parse_dict(temp_df)) except Exception as e: return "Exception *** in pandas dimension_filter_order():"+str(e) def dimension_filter(self, dimension_name, comparison_operation, value, pre_reset): ''' description: cumulative filter dimension_name by comparison_operation and value Get parameters: dimension_name (string) comparison_operation (string) value (float/int) Response: number_of_rows_left ''' try: if pre_reset == True: #implementation of resetThenFilter function self.dimension_reset(dimension_name) query = dimension_name+comparison_operation+value if dimension_name in self.dimensions_filters: if len(self.dimensions_filters[dimension_name])>0: self.dimensions_filters[dimension_name] += ' and '+ query else: self.dimensions_filters[dimension_name] = query self.dimensions_filters_response_format[dimension_name] = [value,value] self.pandas_df = self.pandas_df.query(query) return str(len(self.pandas_df)) except Exception as e: return "Exception *** in pandas dimension_filter():"+str(e) def dimension_filter_range(self, dimension_name, min_value, max_value, pre_reset): ''' description: cumulative filter_range dimension_name between range [min_value,max_value] Get parameters: dimension_name (string) min_value (integer) max_value (integer) Response: number_of_rows_left ''' try: if pre_reset == True: #implementation of resetThenFilter function self.dimension_reset(dimension_name) query = dimension_name+">="+min_value+" and "+dimension_name+"<="+max_value if dimension_name in self.dimensions_filters: if len(self.dimensions_filters[dimension_name])>0: self.dimensions_filters[dimension_name] += ' and '+ query else: self.dimensions_filters[dimension_name] = query self.dimensions_filters_response_format[dimension_name] = [min_value,max_value] self.pandas_df = self.pandas_df.query(query) return str(len(self.pandas_df)) except Exception as e: return "Exception *** in pandas dimension_filter_range():"+str(e) def groupby_load(self, dimension_name, groupby_agg, groupby_agg_key): ''' description: load groupby operation for dimension as per the given groupby_agg input: dimension_name <string>: groupby_agg <dictionary>: groupby_agg_key <string>: return: status: groupby intialized successfully ''' try: key = dimension_name+"_"+groupby_agg_key self.group_by_backups[key] = True response = 'groupby initialized successfully' return response except Exception as e: return 'Exception *** in pandas groupby_load():'+str(e) def groupby_filter_order(self, dimension_name, groupby_agg, groupby_agg_key, sort_order, num_rows, sort_column): ''' description: get groupby values by a filter_order(all, top(n), bottom(n)) for a groupby on a dimension Get parameters: dimension_name (string) groupby_agg (JSON stringified object) groupby_agg_key <string>: sort_order (string): top/bottom/all num_rows (integer): OPTIONAL -> if sort_order= top/bottom sort_column: column name by which the result should be sorted Response: all rows/error => "groupby not initialized" ''' try: key = dimension_name+"_"+groupby_agg_key if(key not in self.group_by_backups): res = "groupby not intialized" else: #removing the cumulative filters on the current dimension for the groupby temp_df = self.reset_filters(self.back_up_dimension_pandas, omit=dimension_name) self.groupby(temp_df,dimension_name,groupby_agg,groupby_agg_key) if 'all' == sort_order: temp_df = self.group_by_backups[key].to_dict() else: max_rows = max(len(self.group_by_backups[key])-1,0) n_rows = min(num_rows,max_rows) try: if 'top' == sort_order: temp_df = self.group_by_backups[key].nlargest(n_rows,[sort_column]).to_dict() elif 'bottom' == sort_order: temp_df = self.group_by_backups[key].nsmallest(n_rows,[sort_column]).to_dict() except Exception as e: return 'Exception *** '+str(e) res = str(self.parse_dict(temp_df)) return res except Exception as e: return 'Exception *** in pandas groupby_filter_order():'+str(e)
def test_iterate_over_decimal_chunk(): # TODO: to add more test case to cover as much code as possible # e.g. Decimal(19, 0) for Int64, Decimal(9, 0) for Int32, Decimal(4, 0) for Int16, Decimal(2, 0) for Int8 def get_random_decimal(precision, scale): data = [] for i in range(precision): data.append(str(random.randint(1,9))) if scale: data.insert(-scale, '.') return decimal.Decimal("".join(data)) stream = BytesIO() column_meta = [ { "logicalType" : "FIXED", "precision" : "10", "scale" : "3" }, { "logicalType" : "FIXED", "precision" : "38", "scale" : "0" } ] field_foo = pyarrow.field("column_foo", pyarrow.decimal128(10, 3), True, column_meta[0]) field_bar = pyarrow.field("column_bar", pyarrow.decimal128(38, 0), True, column_meta[1]) schema = pyarrow.schema([field_foo, field_bar]) column_size = 2 batch_row_count = 10 batch_count = 10 expected_data = [] writer = RecordBatchStreamWriter(stream, schema) for i in range(batch_count): column_arrays = [] py_arrays = [] for j in range(column_size): column_data = [] not_none_cnt = 0 while not_none_cnt == 0: column_data = [] for k in range(batch_row_count): data = None if bool(random.getrandbits(1)) else get_random_decimal(10 if j % 2 == 0 else 38, 3 if j % 2 == 0 else 0) if data != None: not_none_cnt += 1 column_data.append(data) column_arrays.append(column_data if j % 2 == 0 else [int(data) if data is not None else None for data in column_data]) py_arrays.append(pyarrow.array(column_data)) expected_data.append(column_arrays) rb = RecordBatch.from_arrays(py_arrays, ["column_foo", "column_bar"]) writer.write_batch(rb) writer.close() # seek stream to begnning so that we can read from stream reader = RecordBatchStreamReader(stream) context = ArrowConverterContext() it = PyArrowChunkIterator(reader, context) count = 0 while True: try: val = next(it) assert val[0] == expected_data[int(count / 10)][0][count % 10] assert type(val[0]) == type(expected_data[int(count / 10)][0][count % 10]) # Decimal type or NoneType assert val[1] == expected_data[int(count / 10)][1][count % 10] assert type(val[1]) == type(expected_data[int(count / 10)][1][count % 10]) # Int type or NoneType count += 1 except StopIteration: assert count == 100 break