def get_section_three_subsection_one(self): label_value_pairs = ( ('Forced narrative on feature?', 'forced_narrative_feature', 'Does not overlap any credits or other text?', 'overlap_credits_text_1'), ('Forced narrative on trailer?', 'forced_narrative_trailer', 'Does not overlap any credits or other text?', 'overlap_credits_text_2'), ('Subtitles on feature?', 'subtitles_on_feature', 'Does not overlap any credits or other text?', 'overlap_credits_text_3'), ('Subtitles on trailer?', 'subtitles_on_trailer', 'Does not overlap any credits or other text?', 'overlap_credits_text_4'), ) table = Table() for label_value_pair in label_value_pairs: label_1, value_1, label_2, value_2 = label_value_pair table.add_row() table.add_cell(label_1) table.add_cell(self.get_true_false_select_wdg(value_1)) table.add_cell(label_2) table.add_cell(self.get_true_false_select_wdg(value_2)) section_div = DivWdg() section_div.add(table) return section_div
def get_display(my): widget = DivWdg() table = Table() table.add_attr('class','my_preferences_wdg') prefs = my.login_obj.get('twog_preferences').split(',') for pref in prefs: if pref not in [None,'']: kv = pref.split('=') key = kv[0] val = kv[1] table.add_row() desc = table.add_cell(my.key_dict[key]) desc.add_attr('nowrap','nowrap') this_sel = SelectWdg(key) this_sel.add_attr('id',key) this_sel.add_style('width: 100px;') this_sel.append_option('True','true') this_sel.append_option('False','false') this_sel.set_value(val) table.add_cell(this_sel) table.add_row() t2 = Table() t2.add_row() t2.add_cell() tc = t2.add_cell('<input type="button" name="Save My Preferences" value="Save My Preferences"/>') tc.add_attr('width', '50px') tc.add_behavior(my.get_save_preferences()) t2.add_cell() table.add_cell(t2) widget.add(table) return widget
def get_save_wdg(my): from tactic.ui.container import DialogWdg dialog = DialogWdg(display=False, width=200, offset={'x':0,'y':50}, show_pointer=False) dialog_id = dialog.get_id() title = 'Save a New View' dialog.add_title(title) div = DivWdg() dialog.add(div) div.add_style("padding: 5 5 5 20") div.add_color("background", "background") my.table_id = my.kwargs.get("table_id") from tactic.ui.panel import ViewPanelSaveWdg save_wdg = ViewPanelSaveWdg( search_type=my.kwargs.get("search_type"), dialog_id=dialog_id, table_id=my.table_id ) div.add(save_wdg) return dialog
def get_section_four(self): label_value_pairs_1 = ( ('Image is a JPEG (.jpg extension)?', 'image_is_jpeg_chapter'), ('DPI is 72 or greater?', 'dpi_is_72_chapter'), ('Color profile is RGB?', 'color_profile_rgb_chapter'), ('Same aspect ratio as video?', 'same_aspect_ratio_as_video_chapter'), ('Only active pixels are included (no dirty edges)?', 'only_active_pixels_chapter'), ('Horizontal dimension is at least 640?', 'horizontal_dimension_640_chapter'), ('Each chapter has a thumbnail?', 'each_chapter_thumbnail_chapter') ) label_value_pairs_2 = ( ('Image is a JPEG (.jpg extension)?', 'image_is_jpeg_poster'), ('DPI is 72 or greater?', 'dpi_is_72_poster'), ('Color profile is RGB?', 'color_profile_rgb_poster'), ('Resolution is at least 1400x2100?', 'resolution_poster'), ('Aspect ratio is 2:3?', 'aspect_ratio_poster'), ('Contains key art and title only (no film rating on image)?', 'contains_key_art_poster'), ('No DVD cover, date stamp, URL or promo tagging included?', 'no_promo_poster') ) section_div = DivWdg() section_div.add(self.get_section_four_table_one(label_value_pairs_1)) section_div.add(self.get_section_four_table_two(label_value_pairs_2)) return section_div
def get_sobject_info_wdg(my): div = DivWdg() return div attr_table = Table() div.add(attr_table) attr_table.add_color("color", "color") sobject = my.get_sobject() titles, exprs = my.get_sobject_info() for title, expr in zip(titles, exprs): try: value = Search.eval(expr, sobject) except Exception, e: print "WARNING: ", e.message continue if value == '': value = '<i>none</i>' if len(value) > 100: value = "%s..." % value[:100] attr_table.add_row() th = attr_table.add_header("%s: " % title) th.add_style("text-align: left") td = attr_table.add_cell(value)
def get_related_wdg(my, aliases): div = DivWdg() div.add("<b>Related links</b>:  ") div.add_style("margin-top: 5px") div.add_style("margin-bottom: 5px") div.add_style("margin-left: 10px") titles = [Common.get_display_title(x.replace("-"," ")) for x in aliases] for alias, title in zip(aliases, titles): link_div = SpanWdg() div.add(link_div) link_div.add_color("background", "background") link_div.add(title) link_div.add_behavior( { 'type': 'click_up', 'cbjs_action': ''';"%s"); ''' % alias } ) link_div.add_class("spt_link") link_div.add_class("hand") return div
def get_display(self): top = height = self.get_option('height') if not height: height = 300 inner = DivWdg() top.add(inner) inner.add_style("overflow-y: auto") inner.add_style("overflow-x: hidden") inner.add_style("min-width: 300px") inner.add_style("max-width: 300px") inner.add_style("max-height: %s" % height) inner.add_style("margin-right: -3px") sobject = self.get_current_sobject() data = sobject.get_json_value( self.get_name() ) if not data: data = {} keys = data.keys() keys.sort() for key in keys: value = data.get(key) inner.add("%s = %s<br/>"% (key, value)) return top
def get_async_element_wdg(my, xml, element_name, load): tmp_config = WidgetConfig.get('tmp', xml=xml) display_handler = tmp_config.get_display_handler(element_name) display_options = tmp_config.get_display_options(element_name) div = DivWdg() unique_id = div.set_unique_id() if load == "sequence": my.sequence_data.append( { 'class_name': display_handler, 'kwargs': display_options, 'unique_id': unique_id } ) else: div.add_behavior( { 'type': 'load', 'class_name': display_handler, 'kwargs': display_options, 'cbjs_action': ''' spt.panel.async_load(bvr.src_el, bvr.class_name, bvr.kwargs); ''' } ) loading_div = DivWdg() loading_div.add_style("margin: auto auto") loading_div.add_style("width: 150px") loading_div.add_style("text-align: center") loading_div.add_style("padding: 20px") div.add(loading_div) loading_div.add('''<img src="/context/icons/common/indicator_snake.gif" border="0"/> <b>Loading ...</b>''') return div
def get_display(my): search_key = my.kwargs.get('parent_key') div = DivWdg() if not search_key: div.add("Search Key for SObjectHeaderHdg is empty") return div sobject = Search.get_by_search_key( search_key ) if not sobject: div.add("SObject with Search Key [%s] does not exist" % search_key) return div search_type_obj = sobject.get_search_type_obj() title = search_type_obj.get_title() title_wdg = DivWdg() title_wdg.add_style("font-size: 1.8em") name = sobject.get_display_value() title_wdg.add("%s: %s" % (title, name )) div.add(title_wdg) div.add( return div
def get_menu_item(my, element_name, display_handler): content = DivWdg() content.add_attr("spt_element_name", element_name) content.add_class("hand") # add the drag/drop behavior behavior = { "type": "drag", "mouse_btn": "LMB", "modkeys": "", "src_el": "@", "cbfn_setup": "spt.side_bar.pp_setup", "cbfn_motion": "spt.side_bar.pp_motion", "cbfn_action": "spt.side_bar.pp_action", } content.add_behavior(behavior) content.set_id("manage_%s" % element_name) content.add_style("position: relative") content.add_style("margin: 3px") content.add_style("left: 0") content.add_style("top: 0") content.add_style("z-index: 100") if display_handler == "SeparatorWdg": content.add( else: content.add(element_name) return content
def get_section_wdg(my, view, editable=True, default=False): title = "" if editable: edit_mode = "edit" else: edit_mode = "read" kwargs = { "title": title, "config_search_type": my.search_type, "view": view, "width": "300", "mode": edit_mode, "default": str(default), } if view in ["definition", "custom_definition"]: kwargs["recurse"] = "false" from view_section_wdg import ViewSectionWdg section_wdg = ViewSectionWdg(**kwargs) class_path = Common.get_full_class_name(section_wdg) section_div = DivWdg(css="spt_panel") section_div.add_style("display: block") section_div.set_attr("spt_class_name", class_path) for name, value in kwargs.items(): if name == "config": continue section_div.set_attr("spt_%s" % name, value) section_div.add(section_wdg) return section_div
def get_ping_wdg(self): div = DivWdg() div.add_class("spt_diagnostics_ping") ping_div = DivWdg() div.add(ping_div) ping_div.add( CheckboxWdg() ) ping_div.add_behavior( { 'type': 'load', 'cbjs_action': ''' var server = TacticServerStub.get(); var result =; var msg = 'wow'; var status_el = spt.get_cousin(bvr.src_el, ".spt_diagnostics_ping",".spt_diagnostics_ping_status"); status_el.innerHTML = result; ''' } ) # Test database connection ping_div.add("Test Server Ping") status_div = DivWdg() status_div.add_class("spt_diagnostics_ping_status") status_div.add("Checking ...") div.add(status_div) return div
def get_display(my): sobject = my.get_current_sobject() code = sobject.get_code() sk = my.server.build_search_key("twog/movement", code) shipping_class = sobject.get_value("shipping_class") title = sobject.get_value("name") waybill = sobject.get_value("waybill") sending_company_code = sobject.get_value("sending_company_code") receiving_company_code = sobject.get_value("receiving_company_code") shipper_code = sobject.get_value("shipper_code") description = sobject.get_value("description") timestamp = sobject.get_value("timestamp") widget = DivWdg() table = Table() table.add_attr("width", "50px") table.add_row() cell1 = table.add_cell( '<img border="0" style="vertical-align: middle" title="" src="/context/icons/silk/printer.png">' ) launch_behavior = my.get_launch_behavior() cell1.add_attr("sk", sk) cell1.add_attr("shipping_class", shipping_class) cell1.add_attr("to_comp", receiving_company_code) cell1.add_attr("from_comp", sending_company_code) cell1.add_attr("waybill", waybill) cell1.add_attr("title", title) cell1.add_attr("shipper", shipper_code) cell1.add_attr("description", description) cell1.add_attr("timestamp", timestamp) cell1.add_style("cursor: pointer;") cell1.add_behavior(launch_behavior) widget.add(table) return widget
def get_display(self): sobject = self.get_current_sobject() sobject_id = sobject.get_id() result = top = DivWdg() if not result: return top expression = self.get_option("expression") if expression: value = Search.eval(expression, result) else: column = self.get_option("column") if not column: column = self.get_name() try: value = result.get_value(column) except: value = "" top.add(value) return top
def get_display(my): sobject = None code = '' show_checks = False if 'source_code' in my.kwargs.keys(): code = str(my.kwargs.get('source_code')) else: sobject = my.get_current_sobject() code = sobject.get_code() if sobject.get_value('high_security') in [True,'T','t','1']: show_checks = True widget = DivWdg() table = Table() table.add_attr('width', '50px') if show_checks: table.add_style('background-color: #ff0000;') login = Environment.get_login() user_name = login.get_login() table.add_row() cell1 = table.add_cell('<img border="0" style="vertical-align: middle" title="Security Checklist" name="Security Checklist" src="/context/icons/32x32/lock_32_01.png">') cell1.add_attr('user', user_name) launch_behavior = my.get_launch_behavior(code,user_name) cell1.add_style('cursor: pointer;') cell1.add_behavior(launch_behavior) widget.add(table) return widget
def get_display(self): sobject = self.get_current_sobject() snapshots = [] if isinstance(sobject, Layer): # for layer renders, we try to get all render sobjects renders = Render.get_all_by_sobject(sobject) if renders: snapshots = Snapshot.get_by_sobjects(renders, is_current=True) else: # for object that has direct snapshots like plates snapshot = Snapshot.get_current_by_sobject(sobject) if snapshot: snapshots.append(snapshot) if not snapshots: return "<i>- no files -</i>" div = DivWdg() for snapshot in snapshots: file_types = snapshot.get_all_file_types() table = Table(css='embed') for file_type in file_types: table.add_row() table.add_cell( self.get_open_wdg(snapshot, file_type) ) dir = snapshot.get_client_lib_dir(file_type=file_type) table.add_cell( "%s: <i>%s</i>" % (file_type, dir) ) div.add(table) return div
def get_display(my): name = '' if 'code' in my.kwargs.keys(): code = my.kwargs.get('code') else: sobject = my.get_current_sobject() code = sobject.get_code() name = sobject.get_value('name') if 'name' in my.kwargs.keys(): name = my.kwargs.get('name') search_on_load = 'false' if 'search_on_load' in my.kwargs.keys(): search_on_load = my.kwargs.get('search_on_load') widget = DivWdg() table = Table() table.add_attr('width', '50px') table.add_row() cell1 = table.add_cell('<img border="0" style="vertical-align: middle" title="" src="/context/icons/custom/imdb.png">') cell1.add_attr('code', code) cell1.add_attr('name', name) cell1.add_attr('search_on_load', search_on_load) launch_behavior = my.get_launch_behavior() cell1.add_style('cursor: pointer;') cell1.add_behavior(launch_behavior) widget.add(table) return widget
def get_search_wdg(self): filter_div = DivWdg() filter_div.add_style("width: 100px") buttons_list = [ {'label': 'Run Search', 'tip': 'Run search with this criteria' }, ] txt_btn_set = TextBtnSetWdg( position='', buttons=buttons_list, spacing=6, size='large', side_padding=4 ) run_search_bvr = { 'type': 'click_up', 'cbjs_action': ''''Search ...', 'Searching Active Directory for matching users.'); setTimeout( function() { var top = bvr.src_el.getParent('.ad_search_wdg_top'); var values = spt.api.Utility.get_input_values(top); spt.panel.refresh(top, values); spt.app_busy.hide(); }, 100); ''' } txt_btn_set.get_btn_by_label('Run Search').add_behavior( run_search_bvr ) #filter_div.add( txt_btn_set ) div = DivWdg() div.add_behavior(run_search_bvr) button = ProdIconButtonWdg("Run Search") button.add_behavior(run_search_bvr) div.add(button) filter_div.add(div) return filter_div
def get_display(my): my.view = my.kwargs.get('view') if not my.view: my.view = 'publish' widget = Widget() sobject = my.get_current_sobject() search_type = sobject.get_search_type() search_id = sobject.get_id() if my.get_option('preview') != 'false': my.thumb.set_current_index(my.get_current_index()) widget.add(my.thumb) publish_link = PublishLinkWdg(search_type,search_id, config_base=my.view) div = DivWdg(publish_link) div.set_style('clear: left; padding-top: 6px') widget.add(div) # build a popup link to show publish browsing browse_link = IconButtonWdg("Publish Browser", IconWdg.CONTENTS) browse_link.add_behavior({'type': 'click_up', 'cbjs_action': 'spt.popup.get_widget(evt, bvr)', 'options': {'popup_id' : 'publish_browser', 'class_name' : '' , 'title': 'Publish Browser'}, 'args' : { 'search_type': search_type, 'search_id' : search_id } }) div.add(browse_link) div.set_style('padding-top: 6px') return widget
def get_example_display(self): div = DivWdg() # --- Example of using _handoff_ property in behavior ----------------------------------------------------- table = Table() table.add_row() td = table.add_cell() td.set_style( "background: #0f0f0f; color: #9f9f9f; border: 1px solid black; padding: 4px;" ) td_id = 'HandOffSource' td.set_id(td_id) td.add( "Element '%s' with '_handoff_' property in bvr spec" % td_id ) td.add_behavior( { '_handoff_': '$(@.parentNode).getElement("#HandOffTarget")', 'type': 'click', 'cbfn_action': 'spt.ui_play.test_handoff', 'dst_el': '$(@.parentNode).getElement("#DestElForBvr");' } ) td = table.add_cell() td.set_style( "background: #2f2f2f; color: #9f9f9f; border: 1px solid black; padding: 4px; cursor: pointer;" ) td_id = 'HandOffTarget' td.set_id(td_id) td.add( "Element '%s' that receives the handed off behavior" % td_id ); td = table.add_cell() td.set_style( "background: #4f4f4f; color: #9f9f9f; border: 1px solid black; padding: 4px;" ) td_id = 'DestElForBvr' td.set_id(td_id) td.add( "Element '%s' specified as dst_el for handed off behavior" % td_id ); div.add( table ) return div
def get_display(my): widget = DivWdg(id='link_view_select') widget.add_class("link_view_select") if my.refresh: widget = Widget() else: my.set_as_panel(widget) views = [] if my.search_type: from import WidgetDbConfig search = Search( WidgetDbConfig.SEARCH_TYPE ) search.add_filter("search_type", my.search_type) search.add_regex_filter("view", "link_search:|saved_search:", op="NEQI") search.add_order_by('view') widget_dbs = search.get_sobjects() views = SObject.get_values(widget_dbs, 'view') labels = [view for view in views] views.insert(0, 'table') labels.insert(0, 'table (Default)') st_select = SelectWdg('new_link_view', label='View: ') st_select.set_option('values', views) st_select.set_option('labels', labels) widget.add(st_select) return widget
def get_action_html(my): search_key = SearchKey.get_by_sobject(my.sobjects[0]) behavior_submit = { 'type': 'click_up', 'cb_fire_named_event': 'append_pressed', 'element_names': my.element_names, 'search_key': search_key, 'input_prefix': my.input_prefix } behavior_cancel = { 'type': 'click_up', 'cb_fire_named_event': 'preclose_edit_popup', 'cbjs_postaction': "spt.popup.destroy( spt.popup.get_popup( $('edit_popup') ) );" } button_list = [{'label': "%s/Close" % my.mode.capitalize(), 'bvr': behavior_submit}, {'label': "Cancel", 'bvr': behavior_cancel}] edit_close = TextBtnSetWdg( buttons=button_list, spacing =6, size='large', \ align='center',side_padding=10) div = DivWdg() div.add_styles('height: 35px; margin-top: 10px;') div.add(edit_close) return div
def get_camera_wdg(self): widget = Widget() div = DivWdg(css="filter_box") sequence_filter = SequenceFilterWdg() epi_code, sequence_code = sequence_filter.get_value() div.add(sequence_filter) search = Search("prod/camera") columns = ['shot_code', 'description'] search_filter = SearchFilterWdg("camera_search", columns=columns,\ has_persistence=False) search_filter.alter_search(search) div.add(search_filter) widget.add(div) if sequence_code: search.add_where("shot_code in (select code from shot where sequence_code = '%s')" % sequence_code) table = TableWdg("prod/camera") table.set_search(search) widget.add(table) return widget
def get_folder_wdg(my, element_name, config, options, base_path, current_path, info, personal, use_same_config): li = li.add_class("spt_side_bar_link") li.add_class("main_li") title = my._get_title(config, element_name) title_wdg = DivWdg() title_wdg.add_class("menu_header") li.add(title_wdg) title_wdg.add(title) ul = HtmlElement.ul() li.add(ul) ul.add_class("spt_side_bar_section") ul.add_class("sub_ul") # then get view name from options in order to read a new # config and recurse ... options_view_name = options.get('view') if options_view_name: if use_same_config: xml = config.get_xml() sub_config = WidgetConfig.get(xml=xml) sub_config.set_view(options_view_name) else: sub_config = my.get_config( my.config_search_type, options_view_name, default=my.default, personal=personal) info['level'] += 1 my.generate_section( sub_config, ul, info, base_path=current_path, personal=personal, use_same_config=use_same_config ) info['level'] -= 1 return li
def get_display(my): do_button = False if 'work_order_code' not in my.kwargs.keys(): sobject = my.get_current_sobject() code = sobject.get_code() else: code = my.kwargs.get('work_order_code') do_button = True widget = DivWdg() table = Table() table.add_attr('width', '50px') table.add_row() launch_behavior = my.get_launch_behavior(code) what_goes_in = '<img border="0" style="vertical-align: middle" title="" src="/context/icons/silk/printer.png">' if do_button: what_goes_in = ButtonSmallNewWdg(title="Print Work Order", icon=IconWdg.PRINTER) what_goes_in.add_behavior(launch_behavior) cell1 = table.add_cell(what_goes_in) cell1.add_attr('code',code) cell1.add_style('cursor: pointer;') if not do_button: cell1.add_behavior(launch_behavior) widget.add(table) if do_button: return what_goes_in else: return widget
def get_section_wdg(self, view, editable=True, default=False): title = "" target_id = "sobject_relation" if editable: edit_mode = 'edit' else: edit_mode = 'read' kwargs = { 'title': title, 'config_search_type': self.search_type, 'view': view, 'target_id': target_id, 'width': '300', 'prefix': 'manage_side_bar', 'mode': edit_mode, 'default': str(default) } if view in ["definition", "custom_definition"]: kwargs['recurse'] = "false" section_wdg = ViewSectionWdg(**kwargs) class_path = Common.get_full_class_name(section_wdg) section_div = DivWdg() section_div.add_style("display: block") section_div.set_attr('spt_class_name', class_path) for name, value in kwargs.items(): if name == "config": continue section_div.set_attr("spt_%s" % name, value) section_div.add(section_wdg) return section_div
def get_tables_wdg(my): div = DivWdg() div.set_name("Tables") div.add("In order to fully register a database, you must bind it to a TACTIC project") div.add("<br/>") project_code = "mongodb" database = "test_database" db_resource = DbResource( server='localhost', vendor='MongoDb', database=database ) try: connect = DbContainer.get(db_resource) except Exception, e: div.add("Could not connect") div.add_style("padding: 30px") div.add("<br/>"*2) div.add(str(e)) return div
def get_art_reference(self): widget = Widget() help = HelpItemWdg('References', 'References tab lets the user organize art references. Each reference can be [related] to one or more assets defined in TACTIC. It can be set up when you [Edit] the reference.') self.add(help) div = DivWdg(css="filter_box") widget.add(div) columns = ['description','keywords'] search_filter = SearchFilterWdg("art_ref_search", columns=columns,\ has_persistence=False) div.add(search_filter) select = FilterSelectWdg("art_ref_category", label='Category: ', css='snall') select.set_option("setting", "art_reference_category") select.add_empty_option('-- Any --') div.add( select ) table = TableWdg("prod/art_reference") search = Search("prod/art_reference") search_filter.alter_search(search) value = select.get_value() if value != "": search.add_filter("category", value) table.set_search(search) widget.add(table) return widget
def get_example_display(my): div = DivWdg() # --- Example of new spt.fx animation slider -------------------------------------------------------------- slide_div = DivWdg() slide_div.set_id( "ui_play_sliding_thing" ) slide_div.set_style( "background: #9f9f9f; color: #0f0f0f; border: 1px solid black;" ) slide_div.add( "For a moment after Mr. and Mrs. Darling left the house the night-lights by the beds of the three children continued to burn clearly. They were awfully nice little night-lights, and one cannot help wishing that they could have kept awake to see Peter; but Wendy's light blinked and gave such a yawn that the other two yawned also, and before they could close their mouths all the three went out. There was another light in the room now, a thousand times brighter than the night-lights, and in the time we have taken to say this, it had been in all the drawers in the nursery, looking for Peter's shadow, rummaged the wardrobe and turned every pocket inside out. It was not really a light; it made this light by flashing about so quickly, but when it came to rest for a second you saw it was a fairy, no longer than your hand, but still growing. It was a girl called Tinker Bell exquisitely gowned in a skeleton leaf, cut low and square, through which her figure could be seen to the best advantage. She was slightly inclined to embonpoint." ) div.add( slide_div ) div.add( '<br/>' ) click_slide = DivWdg() click_slide.add( "Click Me to Slide!" ) click_slide.set_style( "background: #0f0f0f; color: #9f9f9f; border: 1px solid black; width: 100px; " \ "cursor: pointer;" ) click_slide.add_behavior( { 'type': 'click_up', 'dst_el': 'ui_play_sliding_thing', 'cbfn_action': 'spt.fx.slide_anim_cbk', 'options': { 'direction': 'vertical', 'duration': 500, # time in milliseconds 'frame_rate': 15 # frames per second } } ) div.add( click_slide ) return div
def add_header(my, table, sobj_title): title_str = my.kwargs.get("title") if not title_str: if my.mode == 'insert': action = 'Add New Item' elif my.mode == 'edit': action = 'Save Changes' else: action = my.mode title_str = action.capitalize() + " to " + sobj_title if my.mode == 'edit': title_str = '%s (%s)' %(title_str, my.sobjects[0].get_code()) th = table.add_header() title_div = DivWdg() title_div.set_attr('title', my.view) th.add(title_div) title_div.add(title_str) th.add_color("background", "background3") if my.color_mode == "default": th.add_color("border-color", "table_border", default="border") th.add_style("border-width: 1px") th.add_style("border-style: solid") th.set_attr("colspan", "2") th.add_style("height: 30px")
def get_display(my): web = WebContainer.get_web() show_multi_project = web.get_form_value('show_multi_project') project = Project.get() search_type_objs = project.get_search_types( include_multi_project=show_multi_project) top = top.add_class("spt_panel_stype_list_top") #top.add_style("min-width: 400px") #top.add_style("max-width: 1000px") #top.add_style("width: 100%") button = SingleButtonWdg(title="Advanced Setup", icon=IconWdg.ADVANCED) top.add(button) button.add_style("float: right") button.add_style("margin-top: -8px") button.add_behavior({ 'type': 'click_up', 'cbjs_action': ''' var class_name = '';"project_setup", "Project Setup", class_name) ''' }) button = SingleButtonWdg(title="Add", tip="Add New Searchable Type (sType)", icon=IconWdg.ADD) top.add(button) button.add_style("float: left") button.add_style("margin-top: -8px") button.add_behavior({ 'type': 'click_up', 'cbjs_action': ''' var class_name = ''; var kwargs = { }; var popup = spt.panel.load_popup("Create New Searchable Type", class_name, kwargs); var top = bvr.src_el.getParent(".spt_panel_stype_list_top"); popup.on_register_cbk = function() { spt.panel.refresh(top); } ''' }) cb = CheckboxWdg('show_multi_project', label=' show multi-project') if show_multi_project: cb.set_checked() cb.add_behavior({ 'type': 'click_up', 'cbjs_action': ''' var panel = bvr.src_el.getParent('.spt_panel_stype_list_top') spt.panel.refresh(panel, {show_multi_project: bvr.src_el.checked}); ''' }) span = SpanWdg(css='small') top.add(span) top.add(cb) top.add("<br clear='all'/>") #search_type_objs = [] if not search_type_objs: arrow_div = DivWdg() top.add(arrow_div) icon = IconWdg("Click to Add", IconWdg.ARROW_UP_LEFT_32) icon.add_style("margin-top: -20") icon.add_style("margin-left: -15") icon.add_style("position: absolute") arrow_div.add(icon) arrow_div.add(" " * 5) arrow_div.add("<b>Click to Add</b>") arrow_div.add_style("position: relative") arrow_div.add_style("margin-top: 5px") arrow_div.add_style("margin-left: 20px") arrow_div.add_style("float: left") arrow_div.add_style("padding: 25px") arrow_div.set_box_shadow("0px 5px 20px") arrow_div.set_round_corners(30) arrow_div.add_color("background", "background") div = DivWdg() top.add(div) div.add_border() div.add_style("min-height: 180px") div.add_style("width: 600px") div.add_style("margin: 30px auto") div.add_style("padding: 20px") div.add_color("background", "background3") icon = IconWdg("WARNING", IconWdg.WARNING) div.add(icon) div.add("<b>No Searchable Types have been created</b>") div.add("<br/><br/>") div.add( "Searchables Types contain lists of items that are managed in this project. Each item will automatically have the ability to have files checked into it, track tasks and status and record work hours." ) div.add("<br/>" * 2) div.add("For more information, read the help docs: ") from import HelpButtonWdg help = HelpButtonWdg(alias="main") div.add(help) div.add("<br/>") div.add( "Click on the 'Add' button above to start adding new types.") return top div = DivWdg() top.add(div) #div.add_style("max-height: 300px") #div.add_style("overflow-y: auto") table = Table() div.add(table) table.add_style("margin-top: 10px") table.set_max_width() # group mouse over table.add_relay_behavior({ 'type': "mouseover", 'bvr_match_class': 'spt_row', 'cbjs_action': "spt.mouse.table_layout_hover_over({}, {src_el: bvr.src_el, add_color_modifier: -2})" }) table.add_relay_behavior({ 'type': "mouseout", 'bvr_match_class': 'spt_row', 'cbjs_action': "spt.mouse.table_layout_hover_out({}, {src_el: bvr.src_el})" }) tr = table.add_row() tr.add_color("color", "color") tr.add_gradient("background", "background", -10) th = table.add_header("") th.add_style("text-align: left") th = table.add_header("Title") th.add_style("text-align: left") th = table.add_header("# Items") th.add_style("text-align: left") th = table.add_header("View") th.add_style("text-align: left") th = table.add_header("Add") th.add_style("text-align: left") th = table.add_header("Import") th.add_style("text-align: left") th = table.add_header("Custom Columns") th.add_style("text-align: left") th = table.add_header("Workflow") th.add_style("text-align: left") th = table.add_header("Notifications") th.add_style("text-align: left") th = table.add_header("Triggers") th.add_style("text-align: left") th = table.add_header("Edit") th.add_style("text-align: left") #th = table.add_header("Security") #th.add_style("text-align: left") for i, search_type_obj in enumerate(search_type_objs): tr = table.add_row() tr.add_class("spt_row") if not i or not i % 2: tr.add_color("background", "background3") else: tr.add_color("background", "background", -2) thumb = ThumbWdg() thumb.set_sobject(search_type_obj) thumb.set_icon_size(30) td = table.add_cell(thumb) search_type = search_type_obj.get_value("search_type") title = search_type_obj.get_title() table.add_cell(title) try: search = Search(search_type) count = search.get_count() if count: table.add_cell("%s item/s" % count) else: table.add_cell(" ") except: td = table.add_cell("< No table >") td.add_style("font-style: italic") td.add_style("color: #F00") continue #search = Search(search_type) #search.add_interval_filter("timestamp", "today") #created_today = search.get_count() #table.add_cell(created_today) td = table.add_cell() button = IconButtonWdg(title="View", icon=IconWdg.ZOOM) td.add(button) button.add_behavior({ 'type': 'click_up', 'search_type': search_type, 'title': title, 'cbjs_action': ''' var class_name = 'tactic.ui.panel.ViewPanelWdg'; var kwargs = { search_type: bvr.search_type, view: 'table', 'simple_search_view': 'simple_search' }; // use tab var top = bvr.src_el.getParent(".spt_dashboard_top");;, bvr.title, class_name, kwargs); //spt.panel.load_popup(bvr.title, class_name, kwargs); ''' }) button.add_style("float: left") arrow_button = IconButtonWdg(tip="More Views", icon=IconWdg.ARROWHEAD_DARK_DOWN) arrow_button.add_style("margin-left: 20px") td.add(arrow_button) cbk = ''' var activator = spt.smenu.get_activator(bvr); var class_name = bvr.class_name; var layout = bvr.layout; var kwargs = { search_type: bvr.search_type, layout: layout, view: bvr.view, simple_search_view: 'simple_search', element_names: bvr.element_names, }; // use tab var top = activator.getParent(".spt_dashboard_top");;'%s', '%s', class_name, kwargs); ''' % (title, title) from tactic.ui.panel import SwitchLayoutMenu SwitchLayoutMenu(search_type=search_type, activator=arrow_button, cbk=cbk, is_refresh=False) td = table.add_cell() button = IconButtonWdg(title="Add", icon=IconWdg.ADD) td.add(button) button.add_behavior({ 'type': 'listen', 'search_type': search_type, 'event_name': 'startup_save:' + search_type_obj.get_title(), 'title': search_type_obj.get_title(), 'cbjs_action': ''' var top = bvr.src_el.getParent(".spt_dashboard_top");; var class_name = 'tactic.ui.panel.ViewPanelWdg'; var kwargs = { search_type: bvr.search_type, view: 'table', 'simple_search_view': 'simple_search' };, bvr.title, class_name, kwargs); ''' }) button.add_behavior({ 'type': 'click_up', 'search_type': search_type, 'title': search_type_obj.get_title(), 'cbjs_action': ''' var top = bvr.src_el.getParent(".spt_dashboard_top");; var class_name = 'tactic.ui.panel.EditWdg'; var kwargs = { search_type: bvr.search_type, view: "insert", save_event: "startup_save:" + bvr.title } spt.panel.load_popup("Add New Items ("+bvr.title+")", class_name, kwargs); var class_name = 'tactic.ui.panel.ViewPanelWdg'; var kwargs = { search_type: bvr.search_type, view: 'table', 'simple_search_view': 'simple_search' };, bvr.title, class_name, kwargs); ''' }) """ td = table.add_cell() button = IconButtonWdg(title="Check-in", icon=IconWdg.PUBLISH) td.add(button) button.add_behavior( { 'type': 'click_up', 'search_type': search_type, 'title': title, 'cbjs_action': ''' var class_name = 'tactic.ui.panel.ViewPanelWdg'; var kwargs = { search_type: bvr.search_type, view: 'checkin', element_names: ['preview','code','name','description','history','general_checkin','notes'] }; // use tab var top = bvr.src_el.getParent(".spt_dashboard_top");;, bvr.title, class_name, kwargs); //spt.panel.load_popup(bvr.title, class_name, kwargs); ''' } ) """ td = table.add_cell() button = IconButtonWdg(title="Import", icon=IconWdg.IMPORT) td.add(button) button.add_behavior({ 'type': 'click_up', 'search_type': search_type, 'title': "Import Data", 'cbjs_action': ''' var class_name = 'tactic.ui.widget.CsvImportWdg'; var kwargs = { search_type: bvr.search_type, }; spt.panel.load_popup(bvr.title, class_name, kwargs); ''' }) td = table.add_cell() button = IconButtonWdg(title="Custom Columns", icon=IconWdg.COLUMNS) td.add(button) button.add_behavior({ 'type': 'click_up', 'search_type': search_type, 'title': "Add Custom Columns", 'cbjs_action': ''' var class_name = 'tactic.ui.startup.ColumnEditWdg'; var kwargs = { search_type: bvr.search_type, }; spt.panel.load_popup(bvr.title, class_name, kwargs); ''' }) td = table.add_cell() button = IconButtonWdg(title="Workflow", icon=IconWdg.PIPELINE) button.add_style("float: left") td.add(button) search = Search("sthpw/pipeline") search.add_filter("search_type", search_type) count = search.get_count() if count: check = IconWdg("Has Items", IconWdg.CHECK, width=8) td.add(check) #check.add_style("margin-left: 0px") check.add_style("margin-top: 4px") button.add_behavior({ 'type': 'click_up', 'title': 'Workflow', 'search_type': search_type, 'cbjs_action': ''' var class_name = 'tactic.ui.startup.PipelineEditWdg'; var kwargs = { search_type: bvr.search_type }; spt.panel.load_popup(bvr.title, class_name, kwargs); ''' }) td = table.add_cell() button = IconButtonWdg(title="Notifications", icon=IconWdg.MAIL) button.add_style("float: left") td.add(button) search = Search("sthpw/notification") search.add_filter("search_type", search_type) count = search.get_count() if count: check = IconWdg("Has Items", IconWdg.CHECK, width=8) td.add(check) #check.add_style("margin-left: 0px") check.add_style("margin-top: 4px") button.add_behavior({ 'type': 'click_up', 'title': 'Trigger', 'search_type': search_type, 'cbjs_action': ''' var class_name = ''; var kwargs = { mode: "search_type", search_type: bvr.search_type }; spt.panel.load_popup(bvr.title, class_name, kwargs); ''' }) td = table.add_cell() button = IconButtonWdg(title="Triggers", icon=IconWdg.ARROW_OUT) td.add(button) button.add_style("float: left") search = Search("config/trigger") search.add_filter("search_type", search_type) count = search.get_count() if count: check = IconWdg("Has Items", IconWdg.CHECK, width=8) td.add(check) #check.add_style("margin-left: 0px") check.add_style("margin-top: 4px") button.add_behavior({ 'type': 'click_up', 'title': 'Trigger', 'search_type': search_type, 'cbjs_action': ''' var class_name = ''; var kwargs = { mode: "search_type", search_type: bvr.search_type }; spt.panel.load_popup(bvr.title, class_name, kwargs); ''' }) td = table.add_cell() button = IconButtonWdg(title="Edit Searchable Type", icon=IconWdg.EDIT) td.add(button) button.add_behavior({ 'type': 'click_up', 'search_key': search_type_obj.get_search_key(), 'cbjs_action': ''' var class_name = 'tactic.ui.panel.EditWdg'; var kwargs = { search_type: "sthpw/sobject", view: "edit_startup", search_key: bvr.search_key } spt.panel.load_popup("Edit Searchable Type", class_name, kwargs); ''' }) """ td = table.add_cell() button = IconButtonWdg(title="Security", icon=IconWdg.LOCK) td.add(button) button.add_behavior( { 'type': 'click_up', 'title': 'Trigger', 'search_type': search_type, 'cbjs_action': ''' alert("security"); ''' } ) """ columns_wdg = DivWdg() top.add(columns_wdg) return top
retrieve_button = ButtonWdg("Retrieve Search") behavior = { 'type': 'click', 'cbjs_action': 'spt.dg_table.retrieve_search_cbk(evt, bvr);' } retrieve_button.add_behavior(behavior) cancel_button = ButtonWdg("Cancel") cancel_button.add_event( "onclick", "$('retrieve_search_wdg').style.display = 'none'") div.add( button_div = DivWdg() button_div.add_style("text-align: center") button_div.add(retrieve_button) button_div.add(" ") button_div.add(cancel_button) div.add(button_div) popup.add(div, "content") return popup def get_save_wdg(my): # add the popup popup = PopupWdg(id='save_search_wdg') popup.add("Save Search", "title") div = DivWdg()
def get_display(my): element_data_dict = {} config = my.get_config() element_names = config.get_element_names() content_wdg = DivWdg() if not element_names: element_names = ['keywords'] my.set_content(content_wdg) # this is somewhat duplicated logic from alter_search, but since this is called # in ViewPanelWdg, it's a diff instance and needs to retrieve again filter_data = FilterData.get() data_list = filter_data.get_values_by_prefix(my.prefix) for data in data_list: handler = data.get("handler") element_name = data.get("element_name") if not element_name: continue element_data_dict[element_name] = data elements_wdg = DivWdg() content_wdg.add(elements_wdg) elements_wdg.add_color("color", "color") elements_wdg.add_style("padding-top: 10px") elements_wdg.add_style("padding-bottom: 15px") #elements_wdg.add_color("background", "background3", 0) elements_wdg.add_color("background", "background", -3) elements_wdg.add_border() if len(element_names) == 1: elements_wdg.add_style("border-width: 0px 0px 0px 0px" ) elements_wdg.add_style("padding-right: 50px" ) else: elements_wdg.add_style("border-width: 0px 0px 0px 0px" ) table = Table() table.add_color("color", "color") elements_wdg.add(table) table.add_class("spt_simple_search_table") columns = my.kwargs.get("columns") if not columns: columns = 2 else: columns = int(columns) num_rows = int(len(element_names)/columns)+1 tot_rows = int(len(element_names)/columns)+1 project_code = Project.get_project_code() # my.search_type could be the same as my.base_search_type full_search_type = SearchType.build_search_type(my.search_type, project_code) visible_rows = my.kwargs.get("visible_rows") if visible_rows: visible_rows = int(visible_rows) num_rows = visible_rows else: visible_rows = 0 titles = config.get_element_titles() row_count = 0 for i, element_name in enumerate(element_names): attrs = config.get_element_attributes(element_name) if i % columns == 0: if visible_rows and row_count == visible_rows: tr, td = table.add_row_cell("+ more ...") td.add_class("hand") td.add_class("SPT_DTS") td.add_class("spt_toggle") td.add_style("padding-left: 10px") td.add_behavior( { 'type': 'click_up', 'visible_rows': visible_rows, 'cbjs_action': ''' var top = bvr.src_el.getParent(".spt_simple_search_table"); var expand = true; var rows = top.getElements(".spt_simple_search_row"); for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { var row = rows[i]; if (row.getStyle("display") == "none") { row.setStyle("display", ""); } else { row.setStyle("display", "none"); expand = false; } } var spacer = top.getElements(".spt_spacer"); var cell = top.getElement(".spt_toggle"); if (expand) { spacer.setStyle("height", (rows.length+bvr.visible_rows)*20); cell.innerHTML = "- less ..."; } else { spacer.setStyle("height", bvr.visible_rows*20); cell.innerHTML = "+ more ..."; } ''' } ) tr = table.add_row() if visible_rows and row_count >= visible_rows: tr.add_class("spt_simple_search_row") tr.add_style("display: none") tr.add_style("height: 0px") row_count += 1 icon_td = table.add_cell() title_td = table.add_cell() element_td =table.add_cell() # show the title title_td.add_style("text-align: right") title_td.add_style("padding-right: 5px") title_td.add_style("min-width: 100px") element_wdg = DivWdg() if attrs.get('view') == 'false': element_wdg.add_style('display: none') element_td.add(element_wdg) #title_td.add_style("border: solid 1px red") #element_td.add_style("border: solid 1px blue") #element_wdg.add_style("border: solid 1px yellow") if i >= 0 and i < columns -1 and len(element_names) > 1: spacer = DivWdg() spacer.add_class("spt_spacer") spacer.add_style("border-style: solid") spacer.add_style("border-width: 0 0 0 0") #spacer.add_style("height: %spx" % (num_rows*20)) spacer.add_style("height: %spx" % (num_rows*20)) spacer.add_style("width: 10px") spacer.add_style("border-color: %s" % spacer.get_color("border") ) spacer.add(" ") td = table.add_cell(spacer) td.add_attr("rowspan", tot_rows) #element_wdg.add_color("color", "color3") #element_wdg.add_color("background", "background3") #element_wdg.set_round_corners() #element_wdg.add_border() element_wdg.add_style("padding: 4px 10px 4px 5px") element_wdg.add_class("spt_table_search") element_wdg.add_style("margin: 1px") element_wdg.add_style("min-height: 20px") element_wdg.add_style("min-width: 250px") # this is done at get_top() #element_wdg.add_class("spt_search") element_wdg.add( HiddenWdg("prefix", my.prefix)) display_handler = config.get_display_handler(element_name) element_wdg.add( HiddenWdg("handler", display_handler)) element_wdg.add( HiddenWdg("element_name", element_name)) from pyasm.widget import ExceptionWdg try: widget = config.get_display_widget(element_name) if widget: widget.set_title(titles[i]) except Exception, e: element_wdg.add(ExceptionWdg(e)) continue if not widget: # the default for KeywordFilterElementWdg is mode=keyword if not my.column_choice: my.column_choice = my.get_search_col(my.search_type) widget = KeywordFilterElementWdg(column=my.column_choice) widget.set_name(element_name) from pyasm.widget import IconWdg icon_div = DivWdg() icon_td.add(icon_div) icon_div.add_style("width: 20px") icon_div.add_style("margin-top: 2px") icon_div.add_style("padding-left: 5px") icon_div.add_class("spt_filter_top") widget.set_show_title(False) #element_wdg.add("%s: " % title) data = element_data_dict.get(element_name) view_panel_keywords = my.kwargs.get("keywords") #user data takes precedence over view_panel_keywords if isinstance(widget, KeywordFilterElementWdg): if view_panel_keywords: widget.set_value("value", view_panel_keywords) if data: widget.set_values(data) if isinstance(widget, KeywordFilterElementWdg) and not full_search_type.startswith('sthpw/sobject_list'): widget.set_option('filter_search_type', full_search_type) try: if attrs.get('view') != 'false': title_td.add(widget.get_title_wdg()) element_wdg.add(widget.get_buffer_display()) except Exception, e: element_wdg.add(ExceptionWdg(e)) continue
def get_top(my): top = top.add_color("background", "background", -5) top.add_style("margin-bottom: -2px") top.add_class("spt_filter_top") table = Table() top.add(table) title_div = DivWdg() tr, td = table.add_row_cell() td.add(title_div) title_div.add("<div style='font-size: 16px'>Search Criteria</div>") title_div.add("<div>Select filters to refine your search</div>") title_div.add_style("padding: 20px 0px 0px 20px") table.add_style("margin-left: auto") table.add_style("margin-right: auto") table.add_style("margin-bottom: 15px") table.add_style("width: 100%") tr = table.add_row() if not my.content: my.content = DivWdg() my.content.add("No Content") td = table.add_cell() td.add(my.content) #my.content.add_style("margin: -2 -1 0 -1") show_search = my.kwargs.get("show_search") if show_search in [False, 'false']: show_search = False else: show_search = True show_search = False if show_search: search_wdg = my.get_search_wdg() table.add_row() search_wdg.add_style("float: left") search_wdg.add_style("padding-top: 6px") search_wdg.add_style("padding-left: 10px") search_wdg.add_style("height: 33px") td = table.add_cell() td.add(search_wdg) td.add_style("padding: 5px 20px") #td.add_border() #td.add_color("background", "background", -10) hidden = HiddenWdg("prefix", my.prefix) top.add(hidden) # this cannot be spt_search as it will confuse spt.dg_table.search_cbk() top.add_class("spt_simple_search") return top
def get_widget_from_hash(cls, hash, return_none=False, force_no_index=False, kwargs={}): from pyasm.web import DivWdg if hash.startswith("//"): use_top = False hash = hash[1:] else: use_top = True import re p = re.compile("^/(\w+)") m = if not m: if return_none: return None print "Cannot parse hash[%s]" % hash return DivWdg("Cannot parse hash [%s]" % hash) key = m.groups()[0] if key != 'login': security = Environment.get_security() login = security.get_user_name() # guest user should never be able to see admin site if login == "guest" and key == 'admin': #from pyasm.widget import Error403Wdg #return Error403Wdg().get_buffer_display() from pyasm.widget import WebLoginWdg # HACK: if the guest access is full, the the outer form # is not defined ... force it in here. This is because the # top used it TopWdg and not TitleTopWdg div = DivWdg() div.add( "<form id='form' name='form' method='post' enctype='multipart/form-data'>\n" ) web_login_wdg = WebLoginWdg().get_buffer_display() div.add(web_login_wdg) div.add("</form>\n") return div sobject = cls._get_predefined_url(key, hash) # look up the url if not sobject: search = Search("config/url") search.add_filter("url", "/%s/%%" % key, "like") search.add_filter("url", "/%s" % key) search.add_where("or") sobject = search.get_sobject() if not sobject: if return_none: return None return DivWdg("No Widget found for hash [%s]" % hash) config = sobject.get_value("widget") config = config.replace('&', '&') url = sobject.get_value("url") url = url.strip() # update the config value with expressions options = Common.extract_dict(hash, url) for name, value in options.items(): config = config.replace("{%s}" % name, value) xml = Xml() xml.read_string(config) use_index, use_admin, use_sidebar = cls._get_flags( xml, sobject, force_no_index, kwargs) if use_admin: # use admin from import PageNavContainerWdg top = PageNavContainerWdg(hash=hash, use_sidebar=use_sidebar) return top.get_buffer_display() elif use_index: # check if there is an index search = Search("config/url") search.add_filter("url", "/index") index = search.get_sobject() # just use admin if no index page is found if not index: from import PageNavContainerWdg top = PageNavContainerWdg(hash=hash, use_sidebar=use_sidebar) return top.get_buffer_display() config = index.get_value("widget") xml = Xml() xml.read_string(config) node = xml.get_node("element/display") options.update(xml.get_node_values_of_children(node)) class_name = xml.get_value("element/display/@class") if class_name: options['class_name'] = class_name # this passes the hash value to the index widget # which must handle it accordingly options['hash'] = hash top = cls.build_widget(options) return top.get_buffer_display() # process the options and then build the widget from the xml options = Common.extract_dict(hash, url) for name, value in kwargs.items(): options[name] = value node = xml.get_node("element/display") options.update(xml.get_node_values_of_children(node)) class_name = xml.get_value("element/display/@class") if class_name: options['class_name'] = class_name widget = cls.build_widget(options) name = hash.lstrip("/") name_array = name.split("/") if name_array: name_end = name_array[-1] name_end = name_end.replace("_", " ") widget.set_name(name_end) else: widget.set_name(name) return widget
def get_display(self): outer_div = DivWdg() outer_div.set_id('add_new_files_to_task') if self.division_sobject: outer_div.add(get_label_widget('Path')) outer_div.add(get_text_input_wdg('new_file_path', 800)) outer_div.add(get_label_widget('Classification')) outer_div.add(get_file_classification_select_wdg()) submit_button = SubmitWdg('Submit') submit_button.add_behavior(self.get_submit_button_behavior()) outer_div.add(submit_button) else: outer_div.add( '<div>You cannot add files to an Order until a Client Division has been selected.</div>' ) return outer_div
def get_display(my): search = Search("sthpw/login") logins = search.get_sobjects() top = top.add_class("spt_panel_user_top") top.add_style("min-width: 400px") button = SingleButtonWdg(title="Advanced Security", icon=IconWdg.LOCK) top.add(button) button.add_style("float: right") button.add_style("margin-top: -8px") button.add_behavior({ 'type': 'click_up', 'cbjs_action': ''' var class_name = 'tactic.ui.startup.SecurityWdg';"Security", "Security", class_name) ''' }) button = SingleButtonWdg(title="Add", tip="Add New User", icon=IconWdg.ADD) top.add(button) button.add_style("float: left") button.add_style("margin-top: -8px") top.add("<br clear='all'/>") button.add_behavior({ 'type': 'click_up', 'cbjs_action': ''' var class_name = 'tactic.ui.panel.EditWdg'; var kwargs = { search_type: "sthpw/login", view: "edit", } var popup = spt.panel.load_popup("Create New User", class_name, kwargs); var top = bvr.src_el.getParent(".spt_panel_user_top"); popup.on_save_cbk = function() { spt.panel.refresh(top); } ''' }) #logins = [] if not logins: arrow_div = DivWdg() top.add(arrow_div) arrow_div.add("<b><<< Click to Add</b>") arrow_div.add_style("position: relative") arrow_div.add_style("margin-top: -35px") arrow_div.add_style("margin-left: 35px") arrow_div.add_style("float: left") arrow_div.add_style("padding: 5px") arrow_div.set_box_shadow("1px 1px 2px 2px") arrow_div.set_round_corners(10, corners=['TL', 'BL']) div = DivWdg() top.add(div) div.add_border() div.add_style("min-height: 180px") div.add_style("margin: 15px 30px 30px 30px") div.add_style("padding: 20px") div.add_color("background", "background3") icon = IconWdg("WARNING", IconWdg.WARNING) div.add(icon) div.add("<b>No users have been added</b>") div.add("<br/><br/>") div.add("For more information, read the help docs: ") from import HelpButtonWdg help = HelpButtonWdg(alias=my.get_help_alias()) div.add(help) div.add("<br/>") div.add( "Click on the 'Add' button above to start adding new users.") return top div = DivWdg() top.add(div) #div.add_style("max-height: 300px") #div.add_style("overflow-y: auto") table = Table() table.set_max_width() table.add_style("margin-top: 10px") div.add(table) # group mouse over table.add_relay_behavior({ 'type': "mouseover", 'bvr_match_class': 'spt_row', 'cbjs_action': "spt.mouse.table_layout_hover_over({}, {src_el: bvr.src_el, add_color_modifier: -2})" }) table.add_relay_behavior({ 'type': "mouseout", 'bvr_match_class': 'spt_row', 'cbjs_action': "spt.mouse.table_layout_hover_out({}, {src_el: bvr.src_el})" }) tr = table.add_row() tr.add_color("color", "color") tr.add_gradient("background", "background", -10) th = table.add_header(" ") th.add_style("text-align: left") th = table.add_header("Login") th.add_style("text-align: left") th = table.add_header("First Name") th.add_style("text-align: left") th = table.add_header("Last Name") th.add_style("text-align: left") th = table.add_header("Display Name") th.add_style("text-align: left") th = table.add_header("Activity") th.add_style("text-align: left") th = table.add_header("Groups") th.add_style("text-align: left") th = table.add_header("Security") th.add_style("text-align: left") th = table.add_header("Edit") th.add_style("text-align: left") for i, login in enumerate(logins): tr = table.add_row() tr.add_class("spt_row") if not i or not i % 2: tr.add_color("background", "background3") else: tr.add_color("background", "background", -2) thumb = ThumbWdg() thumb.set_sobject(login) thumb.set_icon_size(30) td = table.add_cell(thumb) td = table.add_cell(login.get_value("login")) td.add_style("padding: 3px") td = table.add_cell(login.get_value("first_name")) td.add_style("padding: 3px") td = table.add_cell(login.get_value("last_name")) td.add_style("padding: 3px") td = table.add_cell(login.get_value("display_name")) td.add_style("padding: 3px") search_key = login.get_search_key() login_code = login.get_code() full_name = login.get_full_name() td = table.add_cell() button = IconButtonWdg(tip="Activity", icon=IconWdg.CALENDAR) td.add(button) button.add_behavior({ 'type': 'click_up', 'login_code': login_code, 'full_name': full_name, 'cbjs_action': ''' var class_name = ''; var kwargs = { login: bvr.login_code } var title = bvr.full_name + ' Schedule'; var top = bvr.src_el.getParent(".spt_dashboard_top");;"user_schedule", title, class_name, kwargs); //spt.panel.load_popup("Activty", class_name, kwargs); ''' }) td = table.add_cell() button = IconButtonWdg(title="Groups", icon=IconWdg.GROUP_LINK) td.add(button) button.add_behavior({ 'type': 'click_up', 'search_key': search_key, 'cbjs_action': ''' var class_name = 'tactic.ui.startup.GroupAssignWdg'; var kwargs = { search_key: bvr.search_key }; var popup = spt.panel.load_popup("Group Assignment", class_name, kwargs); ''' }) td = table.add_cell() button = IconButtonWdg(title="Security", icon=IconWdg.LOCK) td.add(button) button.add_behavior({ 'type': 'click_up', 'search_key': search_key, 'cbjs_action': ''' var class_name = 'tactic.ui.startup.GroupSummaryWdg'; var kwargs = { search_key: bvr.search_key }; var popup = spt.panel.load_popup("Security Summary", class_name, kwargs); ''' }) td = table.add_cell() button = IconButtonWdg(title="Edit User", icon=IconWdg.EDIT) td.add(button) button.add_behavior({ 'type': 'click_up', 'search_key': search_key, 'cbjs_action': ''' var top = bvr.src_el.getParent(".spt_panel_user_top"); var class_name = 'tactic.ui.panel.EditWdg'; var kwargs = { search_type: "sthpw/login", view: "edit", search_key: bvr.search_key } var popup = spt.panel.load_popup("Create New User", class_name, kwargs); popup.on_save_cbk = function() { spt.panel.refresh(top); } ''' }) return top
def get_display(my): div = DivWdg() div.add_class("spt_security") div.add_attr("id", "SecurityManagerWdg") div.add_attr("spt_class_name", Common.get_full_class_name(my)) div.add_attr("spt_search_key", my.search_key) div.add_attr("spt_update", "true") project_div = DivWdg() project_div.add_color("background", "background") project_div.add_color("color", "color") project_div.add_style("padding: 10px") project_div.add_border() project_div.add_style("width: 300px") #project_div = RoundedCornerDivWdg(hex_color_code="949494",corner_size="10") #project_div.set_dimensions( width_str='175px', content_height_str='100px' ) group = SearchKey.get_by_search_key(my.search_key) title = DivWdg() title.add_class("maq_search_bar") name = group.get_value("login_group") title.add("Global security settings for %s" % name) project_div.add(title) access_rules = group.get_xml_value("access_rules") access_manager = AccessManager() access_manager.add_xml_rules(access_rules) group = "builtin" global_default_access = "deny" list_div = DivWdg() list_div.add_style("color: #222") for item in permission_list: if item.get('group'): group_div = DivWdg() list_div.add(group_div) group_div.add_style("margin-top: 10px") group_div.add_style("font-weight: bold") group_div.add(item.get('group')) group_div.add("<hr/>") continue item_div = DivWdg() list_div.add(item_div) item_div.add_style("margin-top: 5px") key = item.get('key') item_default = item.get('default') if item_default: default_access = item_default else: default_access = global_default_access allowed = access_manager.check_access(group, key, "allow", default=default_access) checkbox = CheckboxWdg("rule") if allowed: checkbox.set_checked() checkbox.set_option("value", key) item_div.add(checkbox) item_div.add_style("color: #222") item_div.add(item.get('title')) project_div.add(list_div) project_div.add("<hr>") #close_script = "spt.popup.close(bvr.src_el.getParent('.spt_popup'))" save_button = ActionButtonWdg(title="Save", tip="Save Security Settings") save_button.add_behavior({ "type": "click_up", "cbjs_action": "el=bvr.src_el.getParent('.spt_security');spt.panel.refresh(el);" }) save_button.add_style("margin-left: auto") save_button.add_style("margin-right: auto") project_div.add(save_button) div.add(project_div) if my.update == "true": div.add( div.add(HtmlElement.b(my.description)) return div
if not summary: return None # parse the expression my.vars = my.get_vars() expression, title = my.get_expression(summary) try: result = Search.eval(expression, sobjects=sobjects, vars=my.vars) except Exception, e: print "WARNING: ", e.message result = 0 title = '' div = DivWdg() div.add(str(result)) div.add_style("text-align: right") return div, result def get_expression(my, summary): if summary == 'total': expression = '@SUM(.%s)' % my.get_name() title = "Total: " elif summary == 'average': expression = '@AVG(.%s)' % my.get_name() title = "Avg: " else: expression = '@COUNT()'
def get_display(self): sobject = self.get_current_sobject() search_key = SearchKey.build_by_sobject(sobject) display = DivWdg() display.add_style("position: relative") display.add_class("spt_button_top") display.add_style("width: 26px") display.add_style("margin-left: auto") display.add_style("margin-right: auto") BASE = '/context/themes2/default/' over_div = DivWdg() display.add(over_div) over_div.add_class("spt_button_over") over_img = "<img src='%s/MainButton_over.png'/>" % BASE over_div.add(over_img) over_div.add_style("position: absolute") over_div.add_style("top: -9px") over_div.add_style("left: 0px") over_div.add_style("display: none") click_div = DivWdg() display.add(click_div) click_div.add_class("spt_button_click") click_img = "<img src='%s/MainButton_click.png'/>" % BASE click_div.add(click_img) click_div.add_style("position: absolute") click_div.add_style("top: -9px") click_div.add_style("left: 0px") click_div.add_style("display: none") if self.get_option('align') == 'left': display.add_style("text-align: left") else: display.add_style("text-align: center") icon = self.get_option("icon") if not icon: icon = "create" icon_tip = self.get_option("icon_tip") if not icon_tip: icon_tip = self.get_option("hint") if not icon_tip: icon_tip = "" enable = self.get_option("enable") if enable: result = ExpressionParser().eval(enable, sobject) if not result: return " " if not self.script_obj and not self.script: icon_wdg = IconButtonWdg("No Script Found", IconWdg.ERROR) else: icon_link = icon.upper() icon_wdg = IconButtonWdg(icon_tip, icon=icon_link) if not sobject.is_insert(): icon_wdg.add_class("hand") #icon_wdg.add_behavior(self.behavior) icon_wdg.add_class("spt_button_%s" % icon_div = DivWdg() icon_div.add(icon_wdg) icon_div.add_style("position: absolute") icon_div.add_style("top: 2px") icon_div.add_style("left: 5px") display.add(icon_div) hit_wdg = icon_div hit_wdg.add_class("spt_button_hit") if sobject.is_insert(): hit_wdg.add_style("opacity: 0.4") else: hit_wdg.add_class("spt_button_hit_wdg") display.add_style("height: 18px") display.add_style("min-width: 21px") #display.add_style("overflow: hidden") display.add_style("margin-top: 0px") expression = self.kwargs.get('expression') if expression: value = Search.eval(expression, sobject, single=True) if value: badge = DivWdg() badge.add_style("position: absolute") badge.add_style("right: -30px") badge.add_style("top: -2px") badge.add_style("margin: 4px 3px 3px 6px") badge.add_style("opacity: 0.5") badge.add_style("font-size: 0.7em") badge.add_class("badge") badge.add(value) display.add(badge) display.add_style("position: relative") #return top return display
def init(my): # get the args in the URL args = WebContainer.get_web().get_form_args() search_type = args['search_type'] search_id = args['search_id'] sobject = Search.get_by_id(search_type, search_id) main_div = DivWdg() main_div.add_style("width: 95%") main_div.add_style("float: right") my.add(main_div) if isinstance(sobject, Shot): content_id ='summary_story_%s' %sobject.get_id() title_id = 'story_head_%s' %sobject.get_id() story_div = DivWdg(id=content_id) story_div.add_style('display','block') story_head = HtmlElement.h3("Storyboard") my.add_title_style(story_head, title_id, content_id) main_div.add(story_head) main_div.add(story_div) storyboard_table = TableWdg("prod/storyboard", "summary", css='minimal') search = Search("prod/storyboard") search.add_filter( sobject.get_foreign_key(), sobject.get_code() ) sobjects = search.get_sobjects() storyboard_table.set_sobjects(sobjects) story_div.add(storyboard_table) # add reference material search = Search("sthpw/connection") search.add_filter("src_search_type", search_type) search.add_filter("src_search_id", search_id) connections = search.get_sobjects() if connections: content_id ='summary_ref_%s' %sobject.get_id() title_id = 'ref_head_%s' %sobject.get_id() ref_head = HtmlElement.h3("Reference") my.add_title_style(ref_head, title_id, content_id) ref_div = DivWdg(id = content_id) ref_div.add_style('display','block') for connection in connections: thumb = ThumbWdg() thumb.set_name("snapshot") dst_search_type = connection.get_value("dst_search_type") dst_search_id = connection.get_value("dst_search_id") dst = Search.get_by_id(dst_search_type, dst_search_id) thumb.set_sobject(dst) ref_div.add(thumb) main_div.add(ref_head) main_div.add(ref_div) task_head = HtmlElement.h3("Tasks") content_id ='summary_task_%s' %sobject.get_id() title_id = 'task_head_%s' %sobject.get_id() my.add_title_style(task_head, title_id, content_id) main_div.add(task_head) task_div = DivWdg(id=content_id) task_div.add_style('display','block') main_div.add(task_div) search = Search("sthpw/task") #if process != "": # search.add_filter("process", process) search.add_filter("search_type", search_type) search.add_filter("search_id", search_id) #search.set_limit(4) task_table = TableWdg("sthpw/task", "summary", css='minimal') task_table.set_id('sthpw/task%s' % search_id) task_table.set_search(search) task_div.add(task_table) content_id ='summary_hist_%s' %sobject.get_id() title_id = 'hist_head_%s' %sobject.get_id() hist_head = HtmlElement.h3("Checkin History") my.add_title_style(hist_head, title_id, content_id) hist_div = DivWdg(id=content_id) hist_div.add_style('display','block') main_div.add(hist_head) main_div.add(hist_div) from flash_asset_history_wdg import FlashAssetHistoryWdg history = FlashAssetHistoryWdg() hist_div.add(history) main_div.add(
def get_display(my): sobject = my.get_current_sobject() column = my.kwargs.get('column') if column: name = column else: name = my.get_name() value = my.get_value(name=name) if sobject: data_type = SearchType.get_column_type(sobject.get_search_type(), name) else: data_type = 'text' if type(value) in types.StringTypes: wiki = WikiUtil() value = wiki.convert(value) if name == 'id' and value == -1: value = '' elif data_type in ["timestamp","time"] or name == "timestamp": if value == 'now': value = '' elif value: # This date is assumed to be GMT date = parser.parse(value) # convert to user timezone if not SObject.is_day_column(name): date = my.get_timezone_value(date) try: encoding = locale.getlocale()[1] value = date.strftime("%b %d, %Y - %H:%M").decode(encoding) except: value = date.strftime("%b %d, %Y - %H:%M") else: value = '' else: if isinstance(value, Widget): return value elif not isinstance(value, basestring): try: value + 1 except TypeError: value = str(value) #else: # value_wdg.add_style("float: right") # value_wdg.add_style("padding-right: 3px") if sobject and SearchType.column_exists(sobject.get_search_type(), name): value_wdg = DivWdg() value_wdg.add_update( { 'search_key': sobject.get_search_key(), 'column': name } ) # don't call str() to prevent utf-8 encode error value_wdg.add(value) return value_wdg return value
def get_scale_wdg(my): if my.scale_called == True: return None my.scale_called = True show_scale = my.kwargs.get("show_scale") div = DivWdg() if show_scale in [False, 'false']: div.add_style("display: none") div.add_style("padding: 5px") div.add_class("spt_table_search") hidden = HiddenWdg("prefix", "tile_layout") div.add(hidden) div.add_behavior( { 'type': 'load', 'scale_prefix': my.scale_prefix, 'default_scale': my.scale, 'aspect_ratio': my.aspect_ratio, 'cbjs_action': ''' spt.tile_layout = {} spt.tile_layout.layout = null; spt.tile_layout.set_layout = function(layout) { if (!layout.hasClass("spt_layout")) { layout = layout.getParent(".spt_layout"); } spt.tile_layout.layout = layout; return layout; } spt.tile_layout.get_scale = function() { var scale_value = spt.tile_layout.layout.getElement(".spt_scale_value"); var value = scale_value.value; value = parseInt(value); return value; } spt.tile_layout.set_scale = function(scale) { var scale_value = spt.tile_layout.layout.getElement(".spt_scale_value"); scale_value.value = scale; var size_x = bvr.aspect_ratio[0]*scale/100; var size_y = bvr.aspect_ratio[1]*scale/100; //var top = bvr.src_el.getParent(".spt_tile_layout_top"); var top = spt.tile_layout.layout; var els = top.getElements(".spt_tile_content"); for (var i = 0; i < els.length; i++) { var el = els[i]; el.setStyle( "width", size_x); el.setStyle( "height", size_y); } var container_id = "tile_layout::scale"+bvr.scale_prefix; spt.container.set_value( container_id, scale); } spt.tile_layout.drag_start_x = null; spt.tile_layout.drag_start_value = null; spt.tile_layout.drag_setup = function(evt, bvr, mouse_411) { spt.tile_layout.set_layout(bvr.src_el); spt.tile_layout.drag_start_x = mouse_411.curr_x; var src_el = spt.behavior.get_bvr_src( bvr ); if (!src_el.value) { src_el.value = 0; } spt.tile_layout.drag_start_value = src_el.value; src_el.focus();; } spt.tile_layout.drag_motion = function(evt, bvr, mouse_411) { var start_value = spt.tile_layout.drag_start_value; if (isNaN(parseInt(start_value))) { return; } var dx = mouse_411.curr_x - spt.tile_layout.drag_start_x; var increment = parseInt(dx / 5); var multiplier; if (increment < 0) multiplier = 0.975; else multiplier = 1 / 0.975; increment = Math.abs(increment); var scale = spt.tile_layout.drag_start_value; for (var i = 0; i < increment; i++) { scale = scale * multiplier; } if (scale > 400) scale = 400; scale = parseInt(scale); spt.tile_layout.set_scale(scale); } spt.tile_layout.setup_control = function() { var slider = spt.tile_layout.layout.getElement('.spt_slider'); var container_id = "tile_layout::scale"+bvr.scale_prefix; var initial_value = spt.container.get_value(container_id) ? spt.container.get_value(container_id) : bvr.default_scale; spt.tile_layout.set_scale(initial_value); new Slider(slider, slider.getElement('.knob'), { range: [30, 400], steps: 74, initialStep: initial_value, onChange: function(value){ if (value) spt.tile_layout.set_scale(value); } }); } spt.tile_layout.image_drag_setup = function(evt, bvr, mouse_411) { bvr.use_copy = true; bvr.use_delta = true; //bvr.border_color = border_color; bvr.dx = 10; bvr.dy = 10; bvr.drop_code = 'DROP_ROW'; } spt.tile_layout.image_drag_motion = function(evt, bvr, mouse_411) { spt.mouse._smart_default_drag_motion(evt, bvr, mouse_411); var target_el = spt.get_event_target(evt); target_el = spt.mouse.check_parent(target_el, bvr.drop_code); if (target_el) { var orig_border_color = target_el.getStyle('border-color'); var orig_border_style = target_el.getStyle('border-style'); target_el.setStyle('border','dashed 2px ' + bvr.border_color); if (!target_el.getAttribute('orig_border_color')) { target_el.setAttribute('orig_border_color', orig_border_color); target_el.setAttribute('orig_border_style', orig_border_style); } } } spt.tile_layout.image_drag_action = function(evt, bvr, mouse_411) { if (spt.drop) { spt.drop.sobject_drop_action(evt, bvr); } else { if( bvr._drag_copy_el ) { spt.behavior.destroy_element(bvr._drag_copy_el); } } } ''' } ) scale = my.kwargs.get("scale") div.add_behavior( { 'type': 'load', 'scale': scale, 'cbjs_action': ''' spt.tile_layout.set_layout(bvr.src_el); spt.tile_layout.setup_control(); if (bvr.scale) { spt.tile_layout.set_scale(bvr.scale); } ''' } ) table = Table() div.add(table) table.add_row() """ # TO BE DELETED less_div = DivWdg() less_div.add("<input type='button' value='<<'/>") table.add_cell(less_div) less_div.add_behavior( { 'type': 'click_up', 'cbjs_action': ''' spt.tile_layout.set_layout(bvr.src_el); var scale = spt.tile_layout.get_scale(); scale = scale * 0.95; scale = parseInt(scale); spt.tile_layout.set_scale(scale); ''' } ) """ dark_color = div.get_color("background", -5) light_color = div.get_color('color') med_color = div.get_color('color2') slider_div = DivWdg(css='spt_slider') slider_div.add_styles('valign: bottom; background: %s; height: 6px; width: 100px;'% light_color) knob_div = DivWdg(css='knob') knob_div.add_behavior({'type':'click', 'cbjs_action': 'spt.tile_layout.set_layout(bvr.src_el)' }) knob_div.add_styles('background: %s; bottom: 4px;\ height: 16px; width: 12px; border-radius: 6px 6px 0 0;\ border: 1px %s solid'\ %(dark_color, med_color )) slider_div.add(knob_div) td = table.add_cell(slider_div) value_wdg = TextWdg("scale") value_wdg.add_class("spt_scale_value") td = table.add_cell(value_wdg) td.add(" %") td.add_style("padding: 3px 8px") """ # TO BE DELETED from tactic.ui.filter import FilterData filter_data = FilterData.get() data_list = filter_data.get_values_by_prefix("tile_layout") if data_list: data = data_list[0] else: data = {} my.scale = data.get("scale") if my.scale == None: my.scale = my.kwargs.get("scale") """ if my.scale: value_wdg.set_value(my.scale) value_wdg.add_style("width: 28px") value_wdg.add_style("text-align: center") value_wdg.add_behavior( { 'type': 'change', 'cbjs_action': ''' var value = bvr.src_el.value; var scale = parseInt(value); spt.tile_layout.set_layout(bvr.src_el); spt.tile_layout.set_scale(scale); ''' } ) value_wdg.add_behavior( { 'type': 'load', 'cbjs_action': ''' var value = bvr.src_el.value; if (!value) { value = 100; } var scale = parseInt(value); spt.tile_layout.set_layout(bvr.src_el); spt.tile_layout.set_scale(scale); ''' } ) value_wdg.add_behavior( { 'type': 'smart_drag', 'bvr_match_class': 'spt_scale_value', 'ignore_default_motion' : True, "cbjs_setup": 'spt.tile_layout.drag_setup( evt, bvr, mouse_411 );', "cbjs_motion": 'spt.tile_layout.drag_motion( evt, bvr, mouse_411 );' } ) """ # TO BE DELETED more_div = DivWdg() more_div.add("<input type='button' value='>>'/>") table.add_cell(more_div) more_div.add_behavior( { 'type': 'click_up', 'cbjs_action': ''' spt.tile_layout.set_layout(bvr.src_el); var scale = spt.tile_layout.get_scale(); scale = scale / 0.95; scale = parseInt(scale); spt.tile_layout.set_scale(scale); ''' } ) """ return div
def get_display(self): main_wdg = DivWdg() main_wdg.set_id('prequal_eval_panel') main_wdg.add(self.get_name_section()) main_wdg.add(self.get_client_section()) main_wdg.add(self.get_operator_section()) main_wdg.add(self.get_title_section()) main_wdg.add(self.get_season_section()) main_wdg.add(self.get_episode_section()) main_wdg.add(self.get_version_section()) main_wdg.add(self.get_video_aspect_ratio_section()) main_wdg.add(self.get_general_comments_section()) if hasattr(self, 'prequal_eval_sobject') and self.prequal_eval_sobject: main_wdg.add(PrequalEvalLinesWdg(prequal_eval_code=self.prequal_eval_sobject.get_code())) main_wdg.add(self.get_save_button()) main_wdg.add(self.get_export_to_pdf_button()) main_wdg.add(self.get_save_as_new_button()) else: main_wdg.add(self.get_save_new_button()) return main_wdg
def get_content_wdg(my): div = DivWdg() div.add_class("spt_tile_layout_top") if my.top_styles: div.add_styles(my.top_styles) inner = DivWdg() div.add(inner) menus_in = {} # set up the context menus if my.show_context_menu == True: menus_in['DG_HEADER_CTX'] = [ my.get_smart_header_context_menu_data() ] menus_in['DG_DROW_SMENU_CTX'] = [ my.get_data_row_smart_context_menu_details() ] elif my.show_context_menu == 'none': div.add_event('oncontextmenu', 'return false;') if menus_in: SmartMenu.attach_smart_context_menu( inner, menus_in, False ) temp = my.kwargs.get("temp") has_loading = False inner.add_style("margin-left: 20px") inner.add_attr("ondragenter", "return false") inner.add_attr("ondragover", "return false") inner.add_attr("ondrop", "spt.thumb.background_drop(event, this)") inner.add("<br clear='all'/>") if my.sobjects: inner.add( my.get_scale_wdg() ) for row, sobject in enumerate(my.sobjects): if False and not temp and row > 4: tile_wdg = DivWdg() inner.add(tile_wdg) tile_wdg.add_style("width: 120px") tile_wdg.add_style("height: 120px") tile_wdg.add_style("float: left") tile_wdg.add_style("padding: 20px") tile_wdg.add_style("text-align: center") tile_wdg.add('<img src="/context/icons/common/indicator_snake.gif" border="0"/>') tile_wdg.add(" Loading ...") tile_wdg.add_attr("spt_search_key", sobject.get_search_key()) tile_wdg.add_class("spt_loading") has_loading = True continue kwargs = my.kwargs.copy() tile = my.get_tile_wdg(sobject) inner.add(tile) else: table = Table() inner.add(table) my.handle_no_results(table) chunk_size = 5 if has_loading: inner.add_behavior( { 'type': 'load', 'chunk': chunk_size, 'cbjs_action': ''' var layout = bvr.src_el.getParent(".spt_layout"); spt.table.set_layout(layout); var rows = layout.getElements(".spt_loading"); var jobs = []; var count = 0; var chunk = bvr.chunk; while (true) { var job_item = rows.slice(count, count+chunk); if (job_item.length == 0) { break; } jobs.push(job_item); count += chunk; } var count = -1; var func = function() { count += 1; var rows = jobs[count]; if (! rows || rows.length == 0) { return; } for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { rows[i].removeClass("spt_loading"); } spt.table.refresh_rows(rows, null, null, {on_complete: func}); } func(); ''' } ) inner.add("<br clear='all'/>") return div
def get_display(my): # get the args in the URL args = WebContainer.get_web().get_form_args() search_type = args['search_type'] search_id = args['search_id'] sobject = Search.get_by_id(search_type, search_id) main_div = DivWdg() main_div.add_style("width: 98%") main_div.add_style("float: right") my.add(main_div) # get planned assets planned_head, planned_div = my.get_planned_wdg(sobject) main_div.add(planned_head) main_div.add(planned_div) # add notes notes_head, notes_div = my.get_sobject_wdg(sobject, "sthpw/note", "summary") main_div.add(notes_head) main_div.add(notes_div) # add storyboards story_head, story_div = my.get_sobject_wdg(sobject, "prod/storyboard", "summary") main_div.add(story_head) main_div.add(story_div) # add references ref_head, ref_div = my.get_sobject_wdg(sobject, "sthpw/connection","detail",title="Reference Material") main_div.add(ref_head) main_div.add(ref_div) task_head, task_div = my.get_sobject_wdg(sobject, "sthpw/task", "summary") main_div.add(task_head) main_div.add(task_div) # add dailies: need a special function for this dailies_head, dailies_div = my.get_dailies_wdg(sobject) main_div.add(dailies_head) main_div.add(dailies_div) # add history div hist_head, hist_div = my.get_history_wdg(sobject) main_div.add(hist_head) main_div.add(hist_div) return main_div
def get_display(my): my.check() if my.is_refresh: div = Widget() else: div = DivWdg() my.set_as_panel(div) div.add_style('padding','6px') min_width = '300px' div.add_style('min-width', min_width) div.add_color('background','background') div.add_class('spt_add_task_panel') from import HelpButtonWdg help_button = HelpButtonWdg(alias="creating-tasks") div.add(help_button) help_button.add_style("float: right") help_button.add_style("margin-top: -5px") if not my.search_key_list: msg_div = DivWdg() msg_table = Table() msg_div.add(msg_table) msg_table.add_row() msg_table.add_cell( IconWdg("No items selected", IconWdg.WARNING) ) msg_table.add_cell('Please select at least 1 item to add tasks to.') msg_div.add_style('margin: 10px') msg_table.add_style("font-weight: bold") div.add(msg_div) return div msg_div = DivWdg() msg_div.add_style('margin-left: 4px') div.add(msg_div, 'info') msg_div.add('Total: %s items to add tasks to' %len(my.search_key_list)) div.add( hint = HintWdg('Tasks are added according to the assigned pipeline.') msg_div.add(hint) msg_div.add( option_div = DivWdg(css='spt_ui_options') option_div.add_style('margin-left: 12px') sel = SelectWdg('pipeline_mode', label='Create tasks by: ') sel.set_option('values', ['simple process','context', 'standard']) sel.set_option('labels', ['process','context', 'all contexts in process']) sel.set_persistence() sel.add_behavior({'type':'change', 'cbjs_action': 'spt.panel.refresh(bvr.src_el)'}) option_div.add(sel) value = sel.get_value() # default to simple process if not value: value = 'simple process' msg = '' if value not in ['simple process','context','standard']: value = 'simple process' if value == 'context': msg = 'In context mode, a single task will be created for each selected context.' elif value == 'simple process': msg = 'In process mode, a single task will be created for each selected process.' elif value == 'standard': msg = 'In this mode, a task will be created for all contexts of each selected process.' option_div.add(HintWdg(msg)) div.add(option_div) div.add( title = DivWdg('Assigned Pipelines') title.add_style('padding: 6px') title.add_color('background','background2') title.add_color('color','color', +120) div.add(title) content_div = DivWdg() content_div.add_style('min-height', '150px') div.add(content_div) content_div.add_border() filtered_search_key_list = [] for sk in my.search_key_list: id = SearchKey.extract_id(sk) if id=='-1': continue filtered_search_key_list.append(sk) sobjects = SearchKey.get_by_search_keys(filtered_search_key_list) skipped = [] pipeline_codes = [] for sobject in sobjects: if isinstance(sobject, Task): msg_div = DivWdg('WARNING: Creation of task for [Task] is not allowed.') msg_div.add_style('margin-left: 10px') div.add(msg_div, 'info') return div pipeline_code = sobject.get_value('pipeline_code', no_exception=True) if not pipeline_code: skipped.append(sobject) if pipeline_code not in pipeline_codes: pipeline_codes.append(pipeline_code) pipelines = Search.get_by_code('sthpw/pipeline', pipeline_codes) if pipelines == None: pipelines = [] #if not pipelines: # msg_div = DivWdg('WARNING: No Pipelines found for selected.') # msg_div.add_style('margin-left: 10px') # div.add(msg_div, 'info') # return div # expand the width according to num of pipelines content_div.add_style('min-width', len(pipelines)*250) mode_cb = SelectWdg('pipeline_mode') mode_cb.set_persistence() mode = mode_cb.get_value() if 'context' == mode: mode = 'context' else: mode = 'process' show_subpipeline = True min_height = '150px' # create a temp default pipeline if not pipelines: pipeline = SearchType.create("sthpw/pipeline") pipeline.set_value("code", "__default__") pipeline.set_value("pipeline", ''' <pipeline> <process name='publish'/> </pipeline> ''') # FIXME: HACK to initialize virtual pipeline pipeline.set_pipeline(pipeline.get_value("pipeline")) pipelines = [pipeline] for pipeline in pipelines: span = SpanWdg("Pipeline: %s" % pipeline.get_code()) span.add_style('font-weight: bold') v_div = FloatDivWdg(span) v_div.add_style('margin: 20px') v_div.add_style('min-height', min_height) v_div.add( content_div.add(v_div) processes = pipeline.get_processes(recurse=show_subpipeline) cb_name = '%s|task_process' %pipeline.get_code() master_cb = CheckboxWdg('master_control') master_cb.set_checked() master_cb.add_behavior({'type': 'click_up', 'propagate_evt': True, 'cbjs_action': ''' var inputs = spt.api.Utility.get_inputs(bvr.src_el.getParent('.spt_add_task_panel'),'%s'); for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) inputs[i].checked = bvr.src_el.checked; ''' %cb_name}) toggle_div = DivWdg() toggle_div.add(SpanWdg(master_cb, css='small')) label = HtmlElement.i('toggle all') label.add_style('color: #888') toggle_div.add_styles('border-bottom: 1px solid #888; width: 170px') toggle_div.add(label) v_div.add(toggle_div) process_names = [] for process in processes: process_labels = [] if process.is_from_sub_pipeline(): process_name = process.get_full_name() else: process_name = process.get_name() process_label = process.get_label() if not process_label: process_label = '' if mode =='context': contexts = pipeline.get_output_contexts(process.get_name()) labels = contexts if process.is_from_sub_pipeline(): labels = ['%s/%s'%(process.parent_pipeline_code, x) for x in contexts] for x in labels: process_labels.append(process_label) # prepend process to contexts in this mode to ensure uniqueness contexts = ['%s:%s' %(process_name, x) for x in contexts] else: contexts = [process_name] labels = contexts process_labels.append(process_label) for idx, context in enumerate(contexts): cb = CheckboxWdg(cb_name) cb.set_checked() cb.set_option('value', context) v_div.add(SpanWdg(cb, css='small')) if mode == 'context': span = SpanWdg(process_name, css='med') #span.add_color('color','color') v_div.add(span) v_div.add(SpanWdg(labels[idx])) process_label = process_labels[idx] if process_label: v_div.add(SpanWdg("(%s)" %process_label, css='small')) v_div.add( content_div.add("<br clear='all'/>") skipped = [] #if len(skipped) == len(sobjects): #if skipped: # msg_div = DivWdg('WARNING: No valid item to add task for.') # msg_div.add_style('margin-left: 10px') # div.add(msg_div, 'info') #else: if True: #btn = TextBtnWdg(size='medium', label='Add Tasks', horiz_aligh='center') btn = ActionButtonWdg(title='Add Tasks') btn.add_behavior({'type' : 'click_up', 'post_event': 'search_table_%s'% my.table_id, 'cbjs_action': ''' spt.dg_table.add_task_selected(bvr); ''', 'search_key_list': my.search_key_list }) cb = CheckboxWdg('skip_duplicated', label='skip duplicated') cb.set_checked() option_div =DivWdg(cb) option_div.add_style('width', '130px') hint = HintWdg("If checked, it won't add the task if a task for the checked process has already been created.") option_div.add(hint) option_div.add_style('align: left') div.add(option_div) div.add( btn.add_style("float: right") div.add(btn) div.add("all")) if skipped: content_div.add( skip_div = DivWdg('Missing pipeline code (Skipped)') skip_div.add_style('text-decoration: underline') content_div.add(skip_div) content_div.add( item_div = DivWdg() item_div.add_style('margin-left: 10px') content_div.add(item_div) for skip in skipped: item_div.add(skip.get_code()) item_div.add( return div
def get_tile_wdg(my, sobject): div = DivWdg() div.add_class("spt_tile_top") div.add_class("unselectable") div.add_style('margin', my.spacing) div.add_style('background-color','transparent') div.add_class("spt_table_row") div.add_class("spt_table_row_%s" % my.table_id) if my.kwargs.get("show_title") not in ['false', False]: if my.title_wdg: my.title_wdg.set_sobject(sobject) div.add(my.title_wdg.get_buffer_display()) else: title_wdg = my.get_title(sobject) div.add( title_wdg ) div.add_attr("spt_search_key", sobject.get_search_key(use_id=True)) div.add_attr("spt_search_key_v2", sobject.get_search_key()) div.add_attr("spt_name", sobject.get_name()) div.add_attr("spt_search_code", sobject.get_code()) display_value = sobject.get_display_value(long=True) div.add_attr("spt_display_value", display_value) SmartMenu.assign_as_local_activator( div, 'DG_DROW_SMENU_CTX' ) if my.kwargs.get("show_drop_shadow") not in ['false', False]: div.set_box_shadow() div.add_color("background", "background", -3) div.add_style("overflow: hidden") div.add_style("float: left") border_color = div.get_color('border', modifier=20) thumb_drag_div = DivWdg() div.add(thumb_drag_div) thumb_drag_div.add_class("spt_tile_drag") thumb_drag_div.add_style("width: auto") thumb_drag_div.add_style("height: auto") thumb_drag_div.add_behavior( { "type": "drag", #'drag_el': 'drag_ghost_copy', #//'use_copy': 'true', "drag_el": '@', 'drop_code': 'DROP_ROW', 'border_color': border_color, "cb_set_prefix": 'spt.tile_layout.image_drag' } ) thumb_div = DivWdg() thumb_drag_div.add(thumb_div) thumb_div.add_class("spt_tile_content") thumb_div.add_style("width: %s" % my.aspect_ratio[0]) thumb_div.add_style("height: %s" % my.aspect_ratio[1]) #thumb_div.add_style("overflow: hidden") kwargs = {'show_name_hover': my.show_name_hover} thumb = ThumbWdg2(**kwargs) thumb.set_sobject(sobject) thumb_div.add(thumb) thumb_div.add_border() #bottom_view = my.kwargs.get("bottom_view") #if bottom_view: # div.add( my.get_view_wdg(sobject, bottom_view) ) if my.bottom: my.bottom.set_sobject(sobject) div.add(my.bottom.get_buffer_display()) div.add_attr("ondragenter", "return false") div.add_attr("ondragover", "return false") div.add_attr("ondrop", "spt.thumb.noop(event, this)") return div
def get_display(self): top = top.add_color("background", "background") top.add_color("color", "color") top.add_style("width", "400px") top.add_class('spt_delete_stype_top') top.add_border() project_code = Project.get_project_code() # Note search types should only really be deleted if they were just # created search_type = self.kwargs.get("search_type") if not search_type: node_name = self.kwargs.get("node_name") if node_name: #project_code = Project.get_project_code() search_type = "%s/%s" % (project_code, node_name) assert search_type built_in_stypes = [ 'task', 'note', 'work_hour', 'login', 'login_group', 'schema', 'project', 'login_in_group', 'snapshot', 'file', 'trigger', 'spt_trigger', 'widget_config', 'custom_script', 'notification', 'notification_log', 'file_access', 'cache', 'exception_log', 'milestone', 'pipeline', 'pref_list', 'pref_setting', 'project_type', 'repo', 'remote_repo', 'search_sobject', 'sobject_list', 'ticket', 'db_resource', 'wdg_settings', 'status_log', 'debug_log', 'transaction_log', 'sobject_log' ] for tbl in built_in_stypes: if search_type == 'sthpw/%s' % tbl: top.add("sType [%s] is internal and cannot be deleted!" % search_type) top.add_style("font-size: 14px") top.add_style('padding: 20px') return top search_type_obj = SearchType.get(search_type) if not search_type: top.add("sType [%s] does not exist!" % search_type) top.add_style("font-size: 14px") top.add_style('padding: 20px') return top table = search_type_obj.get_table() db_val = search_type_obj.get_value('database') if db_val == '{project}': label = '' elif db_val == 'sthpw': label = 'built-in' else: label = 'project-specific' # warn if more than 1 sType point to the same table in the same project expr = "@GET(sthpw/search_type['table_name', '%s']['database', 'in', '{project}|%s']['namespace','%s'].search_type)" % ( table, project_code, project_code) rtn = Search.eval(expr) warning_msg = '' if len(rtn) > 1: warning_msg = 'Warning: There is more than 1 sType [%s] pointing to the same table [%s]. Deleting will affect both sTypes.' % ( ', '.join(rtn), table) title_wdg = DivWdg() top.add(title_wdg) title_wdg.add(IconWdg(icon=IconWdg.WARNING)) title_wdg.add("Delete %s sType: %s" % (label, search_type)) title_wdg.add_color("background", "background", -10) title_wdg.add_style("font-weight: bold") title_wdg.add_style("font-size: 14px") content = DivWdg() top.add(content) content.add_style("padding: 10px") if warning_msg: content.add(DivWdg(warning_msg, css='warning')) content.add("<br/>") content.add("This sType uses the table \"%s\" to store items.<br/>" % table) content.add("<br/>") search = Search(search_type) count = search.get_count() content.add("Number of items in the table: %s<br/>" % count) content.add("<br/>") search.add_column("id") sobjects = search.get_sobjects() if sobjects: items_search_type = sobjects[0].get_search_type() search_ids = [x.get_id() for x in sobjects] notes_search = Search("sthpw/note") notes_search.add_filters("search_id", search_ids) notes_search.add_filter("search_type", items_search_type) note_count = notes_search.get_count() cb = CheckboxWdg('related_types') cb.set_attr('value', 'sthpw/note') content.add(cb) content.add( SpanWdg("Number of related notes: %s" % note_count, css='small')) content.add( tasks_search = Search("sthpw/task") tasks_search.add_filters("search_id", search_ids) tasks_search.add_filter("search_type", items_search_type) task_count = tasks_search.get_count() cb = CheckboxWdg('related_types') cb.set_attr('value', 'sthpw/task') content.add(cb) content.add( SpanWdg("Number of related tasks: %s" % task_count, css='small')) content.add( snapshots_search = Search("sthpw/snapshot") snapshots_search.add_filters("search_id", search_ids) snapshots_search.add_filter("search_type", items_search_type) snapshot_count = snapshots_search.get_count() cb = CheckboxWdg('related_types') cb.set_attr('value', 'sthpw/snapshot') content.add(cb) content.add( SpanWdg("Number of related snapshots: %s" % snapshot_count, css='small')) content.add( pipelines_search = Search("sthpw/pipeline") pipelines_search.add_filter("search_type", search_type) pipeline_count = pipelines_search.get_count() cb = CheckboxWdg('related_types') cb.set_attr('value', 'sthpw/pipeline') content.add(cb) content.add( SpanWdg("Number of related pipelines: %s" % pipeline_count, css='small')) content.add( content.add( "<b>WARNING: Deleting the sType will delete all of these items.</b> " ) content.add("<br/>" * 2) content.add("Do you wish to continue deleting?") content.add("<br/>" * 2) button_div = DivWdg() button_div.add_styles('width: 300px; height: 50px') button = ActionButtonWdg(title="Delete") button_div.add(button) content.add(button_div) button.add_style("float: left") button.add_behavior({ 'type': 'click_up', 'search_type': search_type, 'cbjs_action': '''"Deleting sType"); var class_name = ""; var ui_top = bvr.src_el.getParent(".spt_delete_stype_top"); var values = spt.api.Utility.get_input_values(ui_top); var kwargs = { 'search_type': bvr.search_type, 'values': values }; var server = TacticServerStub.get(); try { server.start({'title': 'Delete sType', 'description': 'Delete sType [' + bvr.search_type + ']'}); server.execute_cmd(class_name, kwargs); var top = bvr.src_el.getParent(".spt_popup"); spt.pipeline.remove_node(top.stype_node); // force a schema save spt.named_events.fire_event('schema|save', bvr) top.destroy(); server.finish(); } catch(e) { spt.alert(spt.exception.handler(e)); } spt.app_busy.hide(); spt.notify.show_message("Successfully deleted sType ["+bvr.search_type+"]"); ''' }) button = ActionButtonWdg(title="Cancel") button.add_style("float: left") button_div.add(button) button.add_behavior({ 'type': 'click_up', 'cbjs_action': ''' var top = bvr.src_el.getParent(".spt_popup"); top.destroy(); ''' }) return top
def get_title(my, sobject): div = DivWdg() div.add_class("spt_tile_title") div.add_color("background", "background3") div.add_style("padding: 5px") div.add_style("height: 20px") if sobject.get_base_search_type() not in ["sthpw/snapshot"]: detail_div = DivWdg() div.add(detail_div) detail_div.add_class("spt_tile_detail") detail_div.add_style("float: right") detail_div.add_style("margin-top: -2px") #detail = IconButtonWdg(title="Detail", icon=IconWdg.ZOOM) detail = IconButtonWdg(title="Detail", icon="BS_SEARCH") detail_div.add(detail) header_div = DivWdg() header_div.add_class("spt_tile_select") #header_div.add_attr("title",'[ draggable ]') div.add(header_div) header_div.add_class("SPT_DTS") header_div.add_style("overflow-x: hidden") header_div.add_style("overflow-y: hidden") from pyasm.widget import CheckboxWdg checkbox = CheckboxWdg("select") checkbox.add_class("spt_tile_checkbox") # to prevent clicking on the checkbox directly and not turning on the yellow border #checkbox.add_attr("disabled","disabled") title_expr = my.kwargs.get("title_expr") if title_expr: title = Search.eval(title_expr, sobject, single=True) elif sobject.get_base_search_type() == "sthpw/snapshot": title = sobject.get_value("context") else: title = sobject.get_value("name", no_exception=True) if not title: title = sobject.get_value("code", no_exception=True) table = Table() header_div.add(table) header_div.add_style("position: relative") table.add_cell(checkbox) title_div = DivWdg() td = table.add_cell(title_div) title_div.add(title) title_div.add_style("height: 15px") title_div.add_style("left: 25px") title_div.add_style("top: 3px") title_div.add_style("position: absolute") title_div.add_attr("title", title) #title_div.add_style("white-space", "nowrap") #td.add_style("overflow: hidden") title_div.add("<br clear='all'/>") title_div.add_class("hand") description = sobject.get_value("description", no_exception=True) if description: div.add_attr("title", sobject.get_code()) return div
def get_display(my): top = top.add_color("background", "background") top.add_color("color", "color") top.add_style("width", "400px") top.add_border() top.add_class("spt_delete_project_tool_top") login = Environment.get_user_name() if login != 'admin': top.add(IconWdg(icon=IconWdg.WARNING)) top.add("Only Admin can delete projects") top.add_style("padding: 50px") top.add_style("text-align: center") return top site = my.kwargs.get("site") if site: Site.set_site(site) project_code = my.kwargs.get("project_code") # check if delete permissions exist for this site and project security = Environment.get_security() if False and not security.check_access("project", project_code, "delete"): top.add(IconWdg(icon=IconWdg.WARNING)) top.add("Not permitted to delete this project") top.add_style("padding: 30px") top.add_style("text-align: center") top.add_style("margin: 50px 30px") top.add_border() top.add_color("background", "background3") return top if project_code: project = Project.get_by_code(project_code) if not project: top.add(IconWdg(icon=IconWdg.WARNING)) top.add("No project [%s] exists in this database" % project_code) top.add_style("padding: 30px") top.add_style("text-align: center") top.add_style("margin: 50px 30px") top.add_border() top.add_color("background", "background3") return top search_key = project.get_search_key() else: search_key = my.kwargs.get("search_key") project = Search.get_by_search_key(search_key) if project: project_code = project.get_code() title_wdg = DivWdg() if project: top.add(title_wdg) title_wdg.add(IconWdg(icon=IconWdg.WARNING)) title_wdg.add("Deleting Project: %s" % project.get_value("title") ) title_wdg.add_color("background", "background", -5) title_wdg.add_style("padding: 5px") title_wdg.add_style("font-weight: bold") title_wdg.add_style("font-size: 14px") content = DivWdg() top.add(content) content.add_style("padding: 10px") if not search_key: warning_msg = "Projects must be deleted individually" content.add(DivWdg(warning_msg, css='warning')) content.add("<br/>") return top warning_msg = "Deleting a project will delete the database associated with this project. All data and files will be lost. Please consider carefully before proceeding." if warning_msg: warning_wdg = DivWdg(warning_msg, css='warning') content.add(warning_wdg) warning_wdg.add_style("margin: 20 10px") content.add("<br/>") if not project_code: content.add("This project [%s] has been deleted."%search_key) return top elif not project: content.add("This project [%s] has been deleted."%project_code) return top assert project_code assert project content.add("<br/>") content.add("<b>NOTE: These items will be deleted, but the sTypes entries in search_objects table will be retained.</b> ") content.add("<br/>") content.add("<br/>") total_items_wdg = DivWdg() total_items = 0 content.add(total_items_wdg) # find all of the sTypes details_wdg = DivWdg() content.add(details_wdg) details_wdg.add_style("max-height: 300px") details_wdg.add_style("overflow-y: auto") details_wdg.add_style("padding-left: 15px") details_wdg.add_border() search_types = project.get_search_types() related_types = [] for search_type_obj in search_types: search_type_wdg = DivWdg() title = search_type_obj.get_title() search_type = search_type_obj.get_value("search_type") search_type_wdg.add_style("margin-top: 5px") search_type_wdg.add_style("margin-bottom: 5px") details_wdg.add(search_type_wdg) search_type_wdg.add(title) search_type_wdg.add(" (%s)" % search_type ) search = Search( search_type, project_code=project_code ) count = search.get_count() total_items += count search_type_wdg.add(" - %s item(s)" % count) # TODO: this is similar to SearchType.get_related_types(). streamline at some point. related_types = my.get_related_types(search_type) for related_type in related_types: try: search = Search(related_type) except Exception, e: print "WARNING: ", e continue full_search_type = "%s?project=%s" % (search_type, project_code) if related_type.startswith("sthpw/"): search.add_filter("search_type", full_search_type) count = search.get_count() if count == 0: continue total_items += count related_wdg = DivWdg() related_wdg.add_style('padding-left: 25px') search_type_wdg.add(related_wdg) related_wdg.add(related_type) related_wdg.add(" - %s item(s)" % count)
def get_display(self): top = top.add_color("background", "background") top.add_color("color", "color") top.add_style("width", "400px") top.add_border() top.add_class("spt_delete_project_tool_top") site = self.kwargs.get("site") set_site = self.kwargs.get("set_site") if set_site != False and site: Site.set_site(site) login = Environment.get_user_name() security = Environment.get_security() if not security.is_admin() and not security.is_in_group( self.delete_group): top.add(IconWdg(icon=IconWdg.WARNING)) top.add("Only Admin can delete projects") top.add_style("padding: 50px") top.add_style("text-align: center") if set_site and site: Site.pop_site() return top project_code = self.kwargs.get("project_code") # check if delete permissions exist for this site and project security = Environment.get_security() if False and not security.check_access("project", project_code, "delete"): top.add(IconWdg(icon=IconWdg.WARNING)) top.add("Not permitted to delete this project") top.add_style("padding: 30px") top.add_style("text-align: center") top.add_style("margin: 50px 30px") top.add_border() top.add_color("background", "background3") return top if project_code: project = Project.get_by_code(project_code) if not project: top.add(IconWdg(icon=IconWdg.WARNING)) top.add("No project [%s] exists in this database" % project_code) top.add_style("padding: 30px") top.add_style("text-align: center") top.add_style("margin: 50px 30px") top.add_border() top.add_color("background", "background3") return top search_key = project.get_search_key() else: search_key = self.kwargs.get("search_key") project = Search.get_by_search_key(search_key) if project: project_code = project.get_code() title_wdg = DivWdg() if project: top.add(title_wdg) title_wdg.add(IconWdg(icon=IconWdg.WARNING)) title_wdg.add("Deleting Project: %s" % project.get_value("title")) title_wdg.add_color("background", "background", -5) title_wdg.add_style("padding: 5px") title_wdg.add_style("font-weight: bold") title_wdg.add_style("font-size: 14px") content = DivWdg() top.add(content) content.add_style("padding: 10px") if not search_key: warning_msg = "Projects must be deleted individually" content.add(DivWdg(warning_msg, css='warning')) content.add("<br/>") return top warning_msg = "Deleting a project will delete the database associated with this project. All data and files will be lost. Please consider carefully before proceeding." if warning_msg: warning_wdg = DivWdg(warning_msg, css='warning') content.add(warning_wdg) warning_wdg.add_style("margin: 20 10px") content.add("<br/>") if not project_code: content.add("This project [%s] has been deleted." % search_key) return top elif not project: content.add("This project [%s] has been deleted." % project_code) return top assert project_code assert project content.add("<br/>") content.add( "<b>NOTE: These items will be deleted, but the sTypes entries in search_objects table will be retained.</b> " ) content.add("<br/>") content.add("<br/>") total_items_wdg = DivWdg() total_items = 0 content.add(total_items_wdg) # find all of the sTypes details_wdg = DivWdg() content.add(details_wdg) details_wdg.add_style("max-height: 300px") details_wdg.add_style("overflow-y: auto") details_wdg.add_style("padding-left: 15px") details_wdg.add_border() search_types = project.get_search_types() related_types = [] for search_type_obj in search_types: search_type_wdg = DivWdg() title = search_type_obj.get_title() search_type = search_type_obj.get_value("search_type") search_type_wdg.add_style("margin-top: 5px") search_type_wdg.add_style("margin-bottom: 5px") details_wdg.add(search_type_wdg) search_type_wdg.add(title) search_type_wdg.add(" (%s)" % search_type) search = Search(search_type, project_code=project_code) count = search.get_count() total_items += count search_type_wdg.add(" - %s item(s)" % count) # TODO: this is similar to SearchType.get_related_types(). streamline at some point. related_types = self.get_related_types(search_type) for related_type in related_types: try: search = Search(related_type) except Exception as e: print("WARNING: ", e) continue full_search_type = "%s?project=%s" % (search_type, project_code) if related_type.startswith("sthpw/"): search.add_filter("search_type", full_search_type) count = search.get_count() if count == 0: continue total_items += count related_wdg = DivWdg() related_wdg.add_style('padding-left: 25px') search_type_wdg.add(related_wdg) related_wdg.add(related_type) related_wdg.add(" - %s item(s)" % count) if total_items: total_items_wdg.add("Total # of items to be deleted: ") total_items_wdg.add(total_items) total_items_wdg.add_style("font-size: 14px") total_items_wdg.add_style("font-weight: bold") total_items_wdg.add("<br/>") content.add("<br/>" * 2) content.add("<b>Do you wish to continue deleting? </b>") radio = RadioWdg("mode") radio.add_class("spt_mode_radio") radio.set_value("delete") radio.add_style("margin-left: 15") radio.add_style("margin-top: 5") content.add(radio) content.add("<br/>" * 3) #content.add("<b>Or do you just wish to retire the project? </b>") #radio = RadioWdg("mode") #radio.add_class("spt_mode_radio") #radio.set_value("retire") #content.add(radio) #content.add(radio) #content.add("<br/>"*2) #button = ActionButtonWdg(title="Retire") #content.add(button) #button.add_style("float: left") buttons = Table() content.add(buttons) buttons.add_row() buttons.add_style("margin-left: auto") buttons.add_style("margin-right: auto") buttons.add_style("width: 250px") button = ActionButtonWdg(title="Delete", color="danger") buttons.add_cell(button) command_class = self.kwargs.get("command_class") if not command_class: command_class = '' on_complete = self.kwargs.get("on_complete") button.add_behavior({ 'type': 'click_up', #'search_type': search_type, 'project_code': project_code, 'site': site, 'related_types': related_types, 'command_class': command_class, 'on_complete': on_complete, 'cbjs_action': '''"Deleting"); var class_name = bvr.command_class; var kwargs = { 'site':, 'project_code': bvr.project_code, 'related_types': bvr.related_types }; var top = bvr.src_el.getParent(".spt_delete_project_tool_top"); var radios = top.getElements(".spt_mode_radio"); //if (!radios[0].checked && !radios[1].checked) { if (!radios[0].checked) { spt.alert("Please confirm the delete by checking the radio button."); spt.app_busy.hide(); return; } var mode = 'retire'; if (radios[0].checked == true) { mode = 'delete'; } if (mode == 'retire') { return; } var success = false; var server = TacticServerStub.get(); setTimeout(function() {"Deleting Project ["+bvr.project_code+"]") var error_message = "Error deleting project ["+bvr.project_code+"]"; try { server.start({'title': 'Deleted Project ', 'description': 'Deleted Project [' + bvr.project_code + ']'}); server.execute_cmd(class_name, kwargs); success = true; } catch(e) { error_message = spt.exception.handler(e); } spt.app_busy.hide(); if (success) { if (bvr.on_complete) { on_complete = function() { eval(bvr.on_complete); } on_complete(); } spt.notify.show_message("Successfully deleted project ["+bvr.project_code+"]");;; } else { if (error_message.test(/does not exist/)) error_message += '. You are advised to sign out and log in again.'; spt.error(error_message); } var top = bvr.src_el.getParent(".spt_popup"); spt.popup.destroy(top); server.finish(); }, 100); ''' }) button = ActionButtonWdg(title="Cancel") buttons.add_cell(button) button.add_behavior({ 'type': 'click_up', 'cbjs_action': ''' var top = bvr.src_el.getParent(".spt_popup"); spt.popup.destroy(top); ''' }) if site: Site.pop_site() return top
def get_example_display(self): div = DivWdg() div.add_styles("background: grey; padding: 10px; width: 450px;") div.add("<br/><br/>") from tactic.ui.container import RoundedCornerDivWdg rc_wdg = RoundedCornerDivWdg(corner_size=10) # rc_wdg.set_dimensions(width_str="100%", content_height_str='100%', height_str="100%") rs0_wdg = ResizeScrollWdg( width=300, height=200, scroll_bar_size_str='thin', scroll_expansion='inside', # max_content_w=500, max_content_h=400, set_max_to_content_size=True, min_content_w=100, min_content_h=50) rs0_wdg.add(self.get_popwin_oversize_content()) rc_wdg.add(rs0_wdg) div.add(rc_wdg) div.add("<br/><br/>") div.add( "<p style='color: black;'>Resize/Scroll Widget example ...</p>") rs_wdg = ResizeScrollWdg(width=300, height=200, scroll_bar_size_str='thin', scroll_expansion='inside') rs_wdg.add(self.get_popwin_oversize_content()) div.add(rs_wdg) div.add("<br/><br/>") div.add( "<p style='color: black;'>Resize/Scroll Widget example WITH NO RESIZE CAPABILITY" \ " (just scroll bars) ...</p>" ) rs2_wdg = ResizeScrollWdg(width=300, height=200, scroll_bar_size_str='thin', scroll_expansion='inside', no_resize=True) rs2_wdg.add(self.get_popwin_oversize_content()) div.add(rs2_wdg) div.add("<br/><br/>") popwin_id = "NewPopupWindowTest" popwin_title = "New Popup Window Widget Test" popwin = PopWindowWdg(top_id=popwin_id, title=popwin_title, width=150, height=150) popwin.add(self.get_popwin_oversize_content()) div.add(popwin) pwin_launch = DivWdg() pwin_launch.add_styles( "cursor: pointer; background-color: red; color: black; border: 1px solid black; width: 100px; height: 50px;" ) pwin_launch.add_behavior({ 'type': 'click_up', 'cbjs_action': '"' + popwin_id + '");' }) pwin_launch.add("Click to launch New Popup Window") div.add(pwin_launch) div.add("<br/><br/>") test_div = DivWdg() test_div.add_styles( "background: black; padding: 10px; width: 350px; text-align: center;" ) test_div.add( SpanWdg("This black DIV has<br/>text-align set to center")) my_table = Table() my_table.add_row() my_table.add_cell("This").add_styles( "border: 1px solid white; padding: 4px;") my_table.add_cell("that").add_styles( "border: 1px solid white; padding: 4px;") my_table.add_cell("and").add_styles( "border: 1px solid white; padding: 4px;") my_table.add_cell("The").add_styles( "border: 1px solid white; padding: 4px;") my_table.add_cell("other").add_styles( "border: 1px solid white; padding: 4px;") test_div.add("<br/><br/>") test_div.add(my_table) test_div.add("<br/><br/>") tmp_div = DivWdg() tmp_div.add_styles( "width: 200px; background-color: green; color: black; padding: 10px;" ) tmp_div.add("I am a DIV without self margins set") test_div.add(tmp_div) test_div.add("<br/><br/>") tmp_div = DivWdg() tmp_div.add_styles( "width: 200px; background-color: green; color: black; padding: 10px;" ) tmp_div.add( "I am a DIV with self margins<br/>set using") test_div.add(tmp_div) test_div.add("<br/><br/>") buttons_list = [{ 'label': "Insert", 'tip': "This is an insert", 'bvr': { 'cbjs_action': 'alert("Insert!");' } }, { 'label': 'Cancel', 'tip': 'Cancel', 'bvr': { 'cbjs_action': 'alert("Cancel!");' } }] buttons = TextBtnSetWdg(float="", align="center", buttons=buttons_list, spacing=6, size='medium', side_padding=4) test_div.add(buttons) div.add(test_div) div.add("<br/><br/>") div.add("<br/><br/>") buttons_list = [ { 'label': 'One', 'tip': 'Button One', 'bvr': { 'cbjs_action': 'alert("First button!");' } }, { 'label': 'Two', 'tip': 'Button Two', 'bvr': { 'cbjs_action': 'alert("Second button!");' } }, { 'label': 'Three', 'tip': 'Button Three', 'bvr': { 'cbjs_action': 'alert("Third button!");' } }, { 'label': 'Four', 'tip': 'Button Four', 'bvr': { 'cbjs_action': 'alert("Fourth button!");' } }, ] txt_btn_set = TextBtnSetWdg(float='right', buttons=buttons_list, spacing=6, size='large', side_padding=4) txt_btn_set.get_btn_by_label('Three').add_behavior({ 'type': 'click_up', 'modkeys': 'SHIFT', 'cbjs_action': 'alert("SHIFT happened!");' }) div.add(txt_btn_set) div.add("<br/><br/>") div.add("<br/><br/>") d1 = self.get_simple_div( "Drop Zone (runs cbjs_action of drag-drop element on drop)", None) d1.set_attr("SPT_ACCEPT_DROP", "Qweejibo") d1.add_behavior({ 'type': 'hover', 'mod_styles': 'background-color: green;' }) table1 = Table() tr = table1.add_row() tr.add_behavior({ 'type': 'hover', 'mod_styles': 'background-color: #f11; color: green' }) td = table1.add_cell('what') #td.add_behavior( { 'type': 'hover', 'mod_styles': 'background-color: orange;' } ) td = table1.add_cell('is') #td.add_behavior( { 'type': 'hover', 'mod_styles': 'background-color: green;' } ) div.add(table1) # d2 = self.get_simple_div( "Pick Up!", "white" ) d2 = self.get_simple_div("Override with 'accept_drop' behavior!", None) d2.add_looks("menu") # NOTE: with 'accept_drop' behavior you do not need to set the "SPT_ACCEPT_DROP" attribute on the # given drop-on element, just need to add the same value to a 'drop_code' attribute in the # 'accept_drop' bvr spec (doing this will automatically add it to the SPT_ACCEPT_DROP at # behavior construction time # so we do not need this here --> d2.set_attr("SPT_ACCEPT_DROP","Qweejibo") d2.add_behavior({ 'type': 'accept_drop', 'cbjs_action': 'log.debug("Override #1 on Qweejibo");', 'drop_code': 'Qweejibo' }) d2.add_behavior({ 'type': 'accept_drop', 'cbjs_action': ''' log.debug("Override #2 on Qweejibo"); var el = bvr._drop_source_bvr.src_el; el.setStyle("background-color", "white"); ''', 'drop_code': 'Qweejibo' }) d2.add_behavior({'type': 'hover', 'add_looks': 'menu_hover'}) d2.add_behavior({ 'type': 'hover', 'mod_styles': 'border: 1px solid red;', 'drag_drop_codes': 'Qweejibo', }) div.add(d1) div.add("<br/>") div.add(d2) div.add("<br/><br/>") div.add("<br/><br/>") btn = DivWdg() btn.add("TEST JS LOG TIME") btn.add_styles( "padding: 4px; width: 150px; cursor: pointer; background: red; color: white; " + "border: 1px solid white;") btn.add_behavior({ 'type': 'click', 'cbjs_action': 'spt.js_log.test_perf();' }) div.add(btn) div.add("<br/><br/>") dragme = DivWdg() dragme.add_styles( "background: blue; padding: 10px; width: 200px; border: 1px solid black; " \ "position: absolute; top: 200px; left: 400px; cursor: default;" ) dragme.add("Click me OR Drag me!") # dragme.add_behavior( { 'type': 'drag', 'drag_el': '@', 'use_default_cbs': 'true', # 'cbjs_action_onnomotion': 'alert("I\'ve been clicked!");' } ) dragme.add_behavior({ 'type': 'smart_drag', 'drag_el': '@', 'use_copy': 'true', 'use_delta': 'true', 'dx': 1, 'dy': 1, 'drop_code': 'Qweejibo', 'copy_styles': 'background: red; opacity: .3;', 'cbjs_action': 'alert("Got Qweejibo");', 'cbjs_action_onnomotion': 'alert("I\'ve been clicked!");' }) div.add(dragme) div.add("<br/><br/>") select = SelectWdg("OnChangeTestSelectWidget") select.add_behavior({ 'type': 'change', 'cbjs_preaction': ''' alert("Click OK then see Web Client Output Log for 'change' behavior activity"); log.debug("[preaction] My value is now: "+bvr.src_el.value); ''', 'cbjs_action': 'log.debug("[action] My value is now: "+bvr.src_el.value);', 'cbjs_postaction': 'log.debug("[postaction] My value is now: "+bvr.src_el.value);' }) select.add_behavior({ 'type': 'change', 'cbjs_action': 'log.debug("ORIG - stacked change behavior #2!");' }) select.add_behavior({ 'type': 'change', 'cbjs_action': 'log.debug("ORIG - stacked change behavior #3!");' }) select.add_behavior({ 'type': 'change', 'cbjs_action': 'log.debug("ORIG - stacked change behavior #4!");' }) select.set_option("values", "One|Day|In|Your|Life") select.set_value("Life") # Test for set_behavior override with stacked onchange behaviors ... ''' select.set_behavior( {'type': 'change', 'cbjs_action': 'alert("This is what me gots: "+bvr.src_el.value);'} ); select.add_behavior( {'type': 'change', 'cbjs_action': 'log.debug("OVERRIDE - stacked change behavior #5!");'} ); select.add_behavior( {'type': 'change', 'cbjs_action': 'log.debug("OVERRIDE - stacked change behavior #6!");'} ); ''' div.add(select) div.add("<br/><br/>") click_core_div = DivWdg() click_core_div.add_styles( "background-color: blue; color: white; border: 1px solid black; padding: 10px" ) click_core_div.add_styles("cursor: pointer;") click_core_div.add("Click me for preaction, action, postaction test") click_core_div.add_behavior({ 'type': 'click', 'cbjs_preaction': ''' alert("Click OK then see Web output log for 'click' behavior activity"); log.debug("Click pre-action"); ''', 'cbjs_action': 'log.debug("Click action");', 'cbjs_postaction': 'log.debug("Click post-action");' }) div.add(click_core_div) div.add("<br/><br/>") override = DivWdg() override.add_styles( "padding: 4px; background: white; color: black; border: 1px solid black; cursor: pointer;" ) override.add("Set Behavior Override Test") bvr = { 'type': 'click', 'modkeys': 'SHIFT', 'cbjs_action': 'alert("Load ONE");' } override.add_behavior(bvr) bvr = { 'type': 'click', 'modkeys': 'SHIFT', 'cbjs_action': 'alert("Load ONE OVERRIDDEN!");' } override.set_behavior(bvr) div.add(override) div.add("<br/><br/>") div1 = DivWdg() div1.add_styles( "background: #444477; border: solid 1px black; padding: 10px;") div1.add("Div1") div1.set_id("Div_1") div2 = DivWdg() div2.add_styles( "background: #4444BB; border: solid 1px black; padding: 10px; cursor: pointer;" ) div2.add("Div2") div2.set_id("Div_2") # div2.add_behavior( { 'type': 'click_up', 'cbjs_action': '$("Div_3").inject("Div_2","after");' } ) div2.add_behavior({ 'type': 'click_up', 'cbjs_action': '$("Div_3").inject("Div_1","bottom");' }) div1.add(div2) div.add(div1) div.add("<br/><br/>") div3 = DivWdg() div3.add_styles( "background: #4444FF; border: solid 1px black; padding: 10px;") div3.add("Div3") div3.set_id("Div_3") div.add(div3) return div
def get_display(self): top = self.set_as_panel(top) top.add_class("spt_delete_top") top.add_color("background", "background") top.add_color("color", "color") top.add_border() top.add_style("width: 400px") top.add_border() search_key = self.kwargs.get("search_key") search_keys = self.kwargs.get("search_keys") if search_key: sobject = Search.get_by_search_key(search_key) sobjects = [sobject] search_keys = [search_key] elif search_keys: sobjects = Search.get_by_search_keys(search_keys) sobject = sobjects[0] if not sobjects or not sobject: msg = "%s not found" % search_key return msg search_type = sobject.get_base_search_type() if search_type in ['sthpw/project', 'sthpw/search_object']: msg = 'You cannot delete these items with this tool' return msg self.search_keys = search_keys title = DivWdg() top.add(title) icon = IconWdg("WARNING", IconWdg.WARNING) icon.add_style("float: left") title.add(icon) if len(self.search_keys) > 1: title.add("Delete %s Items" % len(self.search_keys)) else: title.add("Delete Item [%s]" % (sobject.get_code())) title.add_style("font-size: 20px") title.add_style("font-weight: bold") title.add_style("padding: 10px") title.add("<hr/>") content = DivWdg() top.add(content) content.add_style("margin: 5px 10px 20px 10px") content.add( "The item to be deleted has a number of dependencies as described below:<br/>", 'heading') # find all the relationships related_types = SearchType.get_related_types(search_type, direction='children') items_div = DivWdg() content.add(items_div) items_div.add_style("padding: 10px") valid_related_ctr = 0 for related_type in related_types: if related_type == "*": print("WARNING: related_type is *") continue if related_type == search_type: continue if related_type in ['sthpw/search_object', 'sthpw/search_type']: continue item_div = self.get_item_div(sobjects, related_type) if item_div: items_div.add(item_div) valid_related_ctr += 1 if valid_related_ctr > 0: #icon = IconWdg("Note", "BS_NOTE") #icon.add_style("float: left") #content.add( icon ) content.add( "<div><b>By selecting the above, the corresponding related items will be deleted as well.</b></div>" ) content.add("<br/>" * 2) else: # changed the heading to say no dependencies content.add("The item to be deleted has no dependencies.<br/>", 'heading') num_items = len(self.search_keys) if num_items == 1: verb = "is 1 item" else: verb = "are %s items" % num_items content.add("There %s to be deleted" % verb) content.add("<br/>" * 2) content.add("Do you wish to continue deleting?") content.add("<br/>" * 3) button_div = DivWdg() button_div.add_class("spt_buttons") content.add(button_div) button_div.add_style('text-align: center') button = ActionButtonWdg(title="Delete", width=100, color="danger") button_div.add(button) button.add_style("display: inline-block") deleting_div = DivWdg() content.add(deleting_div) deleting_div.add( "<img src='/context/icons/common/indicator_snake.gif'/>") deleting_div.add_class("spt_delete_msg") deleting_div.add(" Deleting ...") deleting_div.add_style("text-align: center") deleting_div.add_style("font-size: 16px") deleting_div.add_style("margin: 20px") deleting_div.add_style("display: none") on_complete = self.kwargs.get("on_complete") button.add_behavior({ 'type': 'click_up', 'search_keys': self.search_keys, 'on_complete': on_complete, 'cbjs_action': '''"Deleting"); //spt.notify.show_message("Deleting ..."); //var button_el = bvr.src_el.getParent(".spt_buttons"); //button_el.setStyle("display", "none"); var top = bvr.src_el.getParent(".spt_delete_top"); var values = spt.api.Utility.get_input_values(top); var class_name = ""; var kwargs = { 'search_keys': bvr.search_keys, 'values': values }; var del_trigger = function() { // for fast table var tmps = spt.split_search_key(bvr.search_keys[0]) var tmps2 = tmps[0].split('?'); var del_st_event = "delete|" + tmps2[0]; var bvr_fire = {}; var input = {'search_keys': bvr.search_keys}; bvr_fire.options = input; spt.named_events.fire_event(del_st_event, bvr_fire); } var server = TacticServerStub.get(); server.execute_cmd(class_name, kwargs, null, { on_complete: function() { //spt.notify.show_message("Finshed deleting ..."); // run the post delete and destroy the popup var popup = bvr.src_el.getParent(".spt_popup"); if (popup.spt_on_post_delete) { popup.spt_on_post_delete(); } del_trigger(); spt.popup.destroy(popup); if (bvr.on_complete) { on_complete = function() { eval(bvr.on_complete); } on_complete(); } spt.app_busy.hide(); }, on_error: function(e) { spt.notify.show_message("Error on delete"); spt.alert(spt.exception.handler(e)); spt.app_busy.hide(); } } ); ''' }) button = ActionButtonWdg(title="Cancel", width=100) button_div.add(button) button.add_style("display: inline-block") button.add_behavior({ 'type': 'click_up', 'cbjs_action': ''' var top = bvr.src_el.getParent(".spt_popup"); top.destroy(); ''' }) content.add("<br clear='all'/>") return top
def get_tile_wdg(my, sobject): div = DivWdg() div.add_class("spt_tile_top") div.add_style('margin', my.spacing) div.add_style('background-color','transparent') div.add_class("spt_table_row") div.add_class("spt_table_row_%s" % my.table_id) if my.kwargs.get("show_title") not in ['false', False]: if my.title_wdg: my.title_wdg.set_sobject(sobject) div.add(my.title_wdg.get_buffer_display()) else: title_wdg = my.get_title(sobject) div.add( title_wdg ) div.add_attr("spt_search_key", sobject.get_search_key()) div.add_attr("spt_name", sobject.get_name()) div.add_attr("spt_search_code", sobject.get_code()) SmartMenu.assign_as_local_activator( div, 'DG_DROW_SMENU_CTX' ) if my.kwargs.get("show_drop_shadow") not in ['false', False]: div.set_box_shadow() div.add_color("background", "background", -3) div.add_style("overflow: hidden") div.add_style("float: left") thumb_div = DivWdg() #thumb_div.add_styles('margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto') thumb_div.add_class("spt_tile_content") #thumb_div.add_class("spt_tile_detail") div.add(thumb_div) thumb_div.add_style("width: %s" % my.aspect_ratio[0]) thumb_div.add_style("height: %s" % my.aspect_ratio[1]) #thumb_div.add_style("overflow: hidden") thumb = ThumbWdg2() thumb.set_sobject(sobject) thumb_div.add(thumb) thumb_div.add_border() #bottom_view = my.kwargs.get("bottom_view") #if bottom_view: # div.add( my.get_view_wdg(sobject, bottom_view) ) if my.bottom: my.bottom.set_sobject(sobject) div.add(my.bottom.get_buffer_display()) div.add_attr("ondragenter", "return false") div.add_attr("ondragover", "return false") div.add_attr("ondrop", "spt.thumb.noop(event, this)") return div
def get_popwin_oversize_content(self): div = DivWdg() div.add_styles( "background-color: orange; color: black; padding: 20px; width: 600px;" ) div.add(''' <p>SCENE I. DUKE ORSINO's palace.</p> <p>Enter DUKE ORSINO, CURIO, and other Lords; Musicians attending</p> <h2>DUKE ORSINO</h2> <p>If music be the food of love, play on; Give me excess of it, that, surfeiting, The appetite may sicken, and so die. That strain again! it had a dying fall: O, it came o'er self ear like the sweet sound, That breathes upon a bank of violets, Stealing and giving odour! Enough; no more: 'Tis not so sweet now as it was before. O spirit of love! how quick and fresh art thou, That, notwithstanding thy capacity Receiveth as the sea, nought enters there, Of what validity and pitch soe'er, But falls into abatement and low price, Even in a minute: so full of shapes is fancy That it alone is high fantastical.</p> <h2>CURIO</h2> <p>Will you go hunt, self lord?</p> <h2>DUKE ORSINO</h2> <p>What, Curio?</p> <h2>CURIO</h2> <p>The hart.</p> <h2>DUKE ORSINO</h2> <p>Why, so I do, the noblest that I have: O, when mine eyes did see Olivia first, Methought she purged the air of pestilence! That instant was I turn'd into a hart; And self desires, like fell and cruel hounds, E'er since pursue me.</p> <p><i>Enter VALENTINE</i><p> <p>How now! what news from her?</p> <h2>VALENTINE</h2> <p>So please self lord, I might not be admitted; But from her handmaid do return this answer: The element itself, till seven years' heat, Shall not behold her face at ample view; But, like a cloistress, she will veiled walk And water once a day her chamber round With eye-offending brine: all this to season A brother's dead love, which she would keep fresh And lasting in her sad remembrance.</p> <h2>DUKE ORSINO</h2> <p>O, she that hath a heart of that fine frame To pay this debt of love but to a brother, How will she love, when the rich golden shaft Hath kill'd the flock of all affections else That live in her; when liver, brain and heart, These sovereign thrones, are all supplied, and fill'd Her sweet perfections with one self king! Away before me to sweet beds of flowers: Love-thoughts lie rich when canopied with bowers.</p> <p><i>Exeunt</i></p> ''') return div
def get_display(self): self.sobject_data = {} top = top.add_style top.add_class("spt_gallery_top") inner = DivWdg() top.add(inner) # make the whole Gallery unselectable inner.add_class('unselectable') inner.add_style("position: fixed") inner.add_style("top: 0px") inner.add_style("left: 0px") inner.add_style("width: 100%") #inner.add_style("height: 100%") inner.add_style("bottom: 0px") inner.add_style("padding-bottom: 40px") #inner.add_style("background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5)") inner.add_style("background: rgba(0,0,0,1)") inner.add_style("z-index: 2000") width = self.kwargs.get("width") height = self.kwargs.get("height") # default to top. align = self.kwargs.get("align") if not align: align = "top" if not width: width = 1300 else: width = int(width) paths = self.get_paths(file_type='main') # icon type may be too small thumb_paths = self.get_paths(file_type='web') descriptions = [] for path in paths: sobject = self.sobject_data.get(path) if not sobject: descriptions.append("") else: description = sobject.get("description") if not description: description = "" descriptions.append(description) total_width = width * len(paths) inner.add_behavior({ 'type': 'load', 'width': width, 'total_width': total_width, 'descriptions': descriptions, 'cbjs_action': ''' = {}; // 1250 is defined also in the css styles = window.innerWidth < 1250; = false = bvr.src_el; =".spt_gallery_content");'opacity','0.1') =".spt_gallery_description"); //window.addEvent('domready', function() { setTimeout(function() { // set the img h or w directly var items = bvr.src_el.getElements('.spt_gallery_item img'); // fade in'tween', {duration: 250}).fade('in'); /* for (var k=0; k < items.length; k++) { var sizes = items[k].getSize(); var item_h = sizes.y; var item_w = sizes.x; if (item_h >= item_w){ //items[k].setStyle('width', 'auto'); //items[k].setStyle('height', '100%'); } else { //items[k].setStyle('width','auto'); //items[k].setStyle('height','100%'); } } */ }, 50) = bvr.width; = bvr.descriptions; = 0; = bvr.descriptions.length; = bvr.src_el.getElement('.spt_left_arrow'); = bvr.src_el.getElement('.spt_right_arrow'); = {}; = function() { } = []; = function(key) {; } = function(src_el) { if (!src_el) src_el =; if ( >= { spt.hide(src_el); } if ( == { return; } += 1;; } = function(src_el) { if (!src_el) src_el =; if ( <= 1) { spt.hide(src_el); } if ( == 0) { return; } -= 1;; } = function(index) { // stop all videos var videos =".video-js"); for (var i = 0; i < videos.length; i++) { try { var video = videos[i]; var video_id = video.get("id"); var video_obj = videojs(video_id, {"nativeControlsForTouch": false}); video_obj.pause(); } catch(e) { } } // can't tween percentage with this library??? var width =; var margin = - width * index; var content =; //content.setStyle("margin-left", margin + "px"); new Fx.Tween(content,{duration: 250}).start("margin-left", margin); = index; var total =; if (index == 0) { spt.hide(;; } else if (index == total - 1) {; spt.hide(; } else {;; } var description =[index]; if (!description) { description = (index+1)+" of "+total; } else { description = (index+1)+" of "+total+" - " + description; }; } = function() { var content =; var top = content.getParent(".spt_gallery_top"); spt.behavior.destroy_element(top); } = function(desc) { var desc_el =; desc_el.innerHTML = desc; } ''' }) scroll = DivWdg(css='spt_gallery_scroll') inner.add(scroll) scroll.set_box_shadow() scroll.add_style("width: %s" % width) if height: scroll.add_style("height: %s" % height) scroll.add_style("overflow-x: hidden") scroll.add_style("overflow-y: hidden") scroll.add_style("background: #000") #scroll.add_style("position: absolute") scroll.add_style("margin-left: auto") scroll.add_style("margin-right: auto") content = DivWdg() top.add_attr('tabindex', '-1') scroll.add(content) content.add_class("spt_gallery_content") # make the items vertically align to bottom (flex-emd) # on a regular monitor, align to top (flex-start) is better if align == 'bottom': align_items = 'flex-end' else: align_items = 'flex-start' content.add_styles( "display: flex; flex-flow: row nowrap; align-items: %s; justify-content: center;" % align_items) content.add_style("width: %s" % total_width) top.add_behavior({ 'type': 'load', 'cbjs_action': ''' bvr.src_el.focus(); ''' }) top.add_behavior({ 'type': 'mouseenter', 'cbjs_action': ''' bvr.src_el.focus(); ''' }) top.add_behavior({ 'type': 'mouseleave', 'cbjs_action': ''' bvr.src_el.blur(); ''' }) """ input = TextWdg("keydown") content.add(input) input.add_style("position: absolute") input.add_style("left: -5000px") """ top.add_behavior({ 'type': 'keydown', 'cbjs_action': ''' var key = evt.key; if (key == "left") {;; } else if (key == "right") {;; } else if (key == "esc" || key == "enter") { var top = bvr.src_el spt.behavior.destroy_element(top); } ''' }) curr_index = 0 for i, path in enumerate(paths): path_div = DivWdg(css='spt_gallery_item') content.add(path_div) #path_div.add_style("float: left") path_div.add_style("display: inline-block") path_div.add_style("vertical-align: middle") if path == self.curr_path: curr_index = i try: thumb_path = thumb_paths[i] except IndexError: print "Cannot find the thumb_path [%s] " % i thumb_path = '' #path_div.add_style("width: %s" % width) #if height: # path_div.add_style("height: %s" % height) path_div.add_style("width: 100%") path_div.add_style("height: 100%") path_div.add_style("overflow-x: hidden") path_div.add_style("overflow-y: hidden") from tactic.ui.widget import EmbedWdg embed = EmbedWdg(src=path, click=False, thumb_path=thumb_path, index=i, controls="true") path_div.add(embed) content.add_behavior({ 'type': 'load', 'index': curr_index, 'cbjs_action': ''' if (!bvr.index) bvr.index = 0;; ''' }) #icon = IconWdg(title="Close", icon="/plugins/remington/pos/icons/close.png") icon = IconWdg(title="Close", icon="/context/icons/glyphs/close.png", width="40px") inner.add(icon) icon.add_style("position: absolute") icon.add_style("cursor: pointer") icon.add_style("top: 30px") icon.add_style("right: 38px") icon.add_style("opacity: 0.5") icon.add_behavior({ 'type': 'click_up', 'cbjs_action': ''' var top = bvr.src_el.getParent(".spt_gallery_top"); spt.behavior.destroy_element(top); ''' }) icon.add_style("background", "rgba(48,48,48,0.7)") icon.add_style("border-radius", "5px") icon = IconWdg(title="Previous", icon="/context/icons/glyphs/chevron_left.png") inner.add(icon) icon.add_class('spt_left_arrow') icon.add_style("cursor: pointer") icon.add_style("position: absolute") icon.add_style("top: 40%") icon.add_style("left: 0px") icon.add_style("opacity: 0.5") icon.add_behavior({ 'type': 'click_up', 'cbjs_action': ''' var arrow = bvr.src_el;; ''' }) icon.add_style("background", "rgba(48,48,48,0.7)") icon.add_style("border-radius", "5px") icon = IconWdg(title="Next", icon="/context/icons/glyphs/chevron_right.png") inner.add(icon) icon.add_class('spt_right_arrow') icon.add_style("position: absolute") icon.add_style("cursor: pointer") icon.add_style("top: 40%") icon.add_style("right: 0px") icon.add_style("opacity: 0.5") icon.add_behavior({ 'type': 'click_up', 'cbjs_action': ''' var arrow = bvr.src_el;; ''' }) icon.add_style("background", "rgba(48,48,48,0.7)") icon.add_style("border-radius", "5px") desc_div = DivWdg() desc_div.add_class("spt_gallery_description") desc_div.add_style("height: 30px") desc_div.add_style("width: %s" % width) desc_div.add_style("text-align: center") desc_div.add_style("background: rgba(0,0,0,1)") desc_div.add_style("color: #bbb") desc_div.add_style("font-weight: bold") desc_div.add_style("font-size: 16px") desc_div.add_style("padding-top: 10px") desc_div.add_style("margin-left: -%s" % (width / 2)) desc_div.add_style("z-index: 1000") desc_div.add("") desc_outer_div = DivWdg() inner.add(desc_outer_div) desc_outer_div.add_style("position: fixed") desc_outer_div.add(desc_div) desc_outer_div.add_style("bottom: 0px") desc_outer_div.add_style("left: 50%") return top
def get_title(my, sobject): div = DivWdg() div.add_class("spt_tile_title") div.add_color("background", "background3") div.add_style("padding: 5px") div.add_style("height: 16px") detail_div = DivWdg() div.add(detail_div) detail_div.add_class("spt_tile_detail") detail_div.add_style("float: right") detail_div.add_style("margin-top: -2px") detail = IconButtonWdg(title="Detail", icon=IconWdg.ZOOM) detail_div.add(detail) header_div = DivWdg() header_div.add_class("spt_tile_select") header_div.add_class("hand") div.add(header_div) header_div.add_class("SPT_DTS") header_div.add_style("overflow-x: hidden") from pyasm.widget import CheckboxWdg checkbox = CheckboxWdg("select") checkbox.add_class("spt_tile_checkbox") title = sobject.get_name() if not title: title = sobject.get_code() table = Table() header_div.add(table) header_div.add_style("position: relative") table.add_cell(checkbox) title_div = DivWdg() td = table.add_cell(title_div) title_div.add(title) title_div.add_style("height: 15px") title_div.add_style("left: 25px") title_div.add_style("top: 3px") title_div.add_style("position: absolute") title_div.add_attr("title", title) #title_div.add_style("white-space", "nowrap") #td.add_style("overflow: hidden") title_div.add("<br clear='all'/>") description = sobject.get_value("description", no_exception=True) if description: div.add_attr("title", sobject.get_code()) return div
def get_subdisplay(self, views): div = DivWdg() div.set_attr('spt_class_name', Common.get_full_class_name(self)) div.add(self.get_bookmark_menu_wdg("", None, views)) return div
def init(self): self.item_cls = self.kwargs.get('left_search_type') self.container_cls = self.kwargs.get('right_search_type') self.grouping_cls = self.kwargs.get('search_type') self.item_sobj = self.container_sobj = None # List the items search = Search(self.item_cls) self._order_search(search) items = search.get_sobjects() if items: self.item_sobj = items[0] #select = MultiSelectWdg("item_ids") #select.set_search_for_options(search,"login", "get_full_name()") user_span = SpanWdg(css='med') user_table = Table(css='table') user_table.add_style("margin-left: 6px") user_table.set_max_width() user_table.add_col(css='small') user_table.add_col() user_table.add_style("min-width: 14em") user_table.add_row_cell(search.get_search_type_obj()\ .get_description(), "heading") for item in items: user_table.add_row() checkbox = CheckboxWdg("item_ids") checkbox.set_option("value", item.get_primary_key_value()) user_table.add_cell(checkbox) project_code = item.get_value("project_code", no_exception=True) if project_code: user_table.add_cell("[ %s ]" % project_code) else: user_table.add_cell("[ * ]") user_table.add_cell(item.get_description()) user_span.add(user_table) # control widget in the middle control_div = DivWdg() control_div.add_style('padding: 100px 10px 0 10px') button = IconSubmitWdg(self.ADD_LABEL, "stock_insert-slide.png", True) button.add_style('padding: 2px 30px 4px 30px') control_div.add(button) main_table = Table(css='collapse') main_table.set_max_width() main_table.add_row(css='plain_bg') main_table.add_cell(user_span, 'valign_top') td = main_table.add_cell(control_div, 'valign_top') td.add_style('width', '12em') main_table.add_cell(self._get_target_span(), 'valign_top') self.add(main_table) # register command here if self.item_sobj and self.container_sobj: marshaller = WebContainer.register_cmd( "pyasm.widget.SObjectGroupCmd") marshaller.set_option("grouping_search_type", self.grouping_cls) marshaller.set_option("item_foreign_key", self.item_sobj.get_foreign_key()) marshaller.set_option("container_foreign_key", self.container_sobj.get_foreign_key())