def wipe(): """ Blocks map in disco board 0: MBR 1 - 255: reserved 256 - 447: internal flash 448 - 33215: QSPI """ # delete files normally in simulator try: delete_recursively(fpath("/flash")) delete_recursively(fpath("/qspi")) except: pass # on real hardware overwrite flash with random data if not simulator: os.umount("/flash") os.umount("/qspi") f = pyb.Flash() block_size = f.ioctl(5, None) # wipe internal flash with random bytes for i in range(256, 450): b = os.urandom(block_size) f.writeblocks(i, b) del b gc.collect() # mpy will reformat fs on reboot reboot()
def wipe_flash_filesystem(): # erase and re-format the flash filesystem (/flash/) import ckcc, pyb from main import dis, settings dis.fullscreen('Erasing...') os.umount('/flash') # from extmod/vfs.h BP_IOCTL_SEC_COUNT = (4) BP_IOCTL_SEC_SIZE = (5) # block-level erase fl = pyb.Flash() bsize = fl.ioctl(BP_IOCTL_SEC_SIZE, 0) assert bsize == 512 bcount = fl.ioctl(BP_IOCTL_SEC_COUNT, 0) blk = bytearray(bsize) ckcc.rng_bytes(blk) # trickiness: actual flash blocks are offset by 0x100 (FLASH_PART1_START_BLOCK) # so fake MBR can be inserted. Count also inflated by 2X, but not from ioctl above. for n in range(bcount): fl.writeblocks(n + 0x100, blk) ckcc.rng_bytes(blk) dis.progress_bar_show(n * 2 / bcount) # rebuild and mount /flash dis.fullscreen('Rebuilding...') ckcc.wipe_fs() # re-store settings
# - handle safemode, start the watchdog and logging # Copyright © 2020 by Thorsten von Eicken. import gc, sys, machine, os, uctypes, stm, pyb # set a GC threshold early on to reduce heap fragmentation woes gc.threshold(4096) # chdir to / to make pybd look like esp32 (ouch!) os.umount("/flash") os.mount(pyb.Flash(start=0), "/") os.chdir("/") sys.path[:] = ["", "/lib"] # BkpRAM class copied from # Copyright 2016 Peter Hinch # This code is released under the MIT licence class BkpRAM(object): BKPSRAM = 0x40024000 def __init__(self): stm.mem32[stm.RCC + stm.RCC_APB1ENR] |= 0x10000000 # PWREN bit stm.mem32[ stm.PWR + stm. PWR_CR] |= 0x100 # Set the DBP bit in the PWR power control register stm.mem32[stm.RCC + stm.RCC_AHB1ENR] |= 0x40000 # enable BKPSRAMEN stm.mem32[stm.PWR + stm.PWR_CSR] |= 0x200 # BRE backup register enable bit self._ba = uctypes.bytearray_at(self.BKPSRAM, 4096)
pyb.ExtInt(pyb.Pin('B1'), pyb.ExtInt.IRQ_FALLING, pyb.Pin.PULL_NONE, pwrcb) # configure usb from start if you want, # otherwise will be configured after PIN # pyb.usb_mode("VCP+MSC") # debug mode without USB from start # disable at start # pyb.usb_mode(None) # os.dupterm(None,0) # os.dupterm(None,1) # last 512 kB are used for secrets FLASH_SIZE = 512 * 1024 # check and mount internal flash if os.statvfs('/flash') == os.statvfs('/qspi'): os.umount('/flash') f = pyb.Flash() numblocks = f.ioctl(4, None) blocksize = f.ioctl(5, None) # 512 size = numblocks * blocksize # we use last 512 kB start = numblocks * blocksize - FLASH_SIZE if start < 0: start = 0 # try to mount try: os.mount(pyb.Flash(start=start), '/flash') # if fail - format and mount except: os.VfsFat.mkfs(pyb.Flash(start=start)) os.mount(pyb.Flash(start=start), '/flash')
# -- run on boot-up # can run arbitrary Python, but best to keep it minimal import machine import pyb import os import utime'GB') # ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 code, eg US, GB, DE, AU # # The board has a built-in micro SD card slot. If an SD card is inserted, by default it will not be automatically # mount in the board’s filesystem but it will be exposed as a mass storage device if USB is used. To automatically # mount the SD card if it is inserted, put the following in your # Enable power supply to sdcard pyb.Pin.board.EN_3V3.on() utime.sleep_ms(10) if pyb.SDCard().present(): # Extra delay to let the SDCard start up before mounting. utime.sleep_ms(500) os.mount(pyb.SDCard(), '/sd') pyb.usb_mode('VCP+MSC', msc=(pyb.Flash(), pyb.SDCard())) # act as a serial and a storage device else: pyb.usb_mode('VCP+MSC') # act as a serial and a storage device pyb.main('') # main script to run after this one
# MIT license; Copyright (c) 2022 Damien P. George from micropython import const import struct, machine, fwupdate, spiflash, pyb _IOCTL_BLOCK_COUNT = const(4) _IOCTL_BLOCK_SIZE = const(5) _SPIFLASH_UPDATE_KEY_ADDR = const(1020 * 1024) _SPIFLASH_UPDATE_KEY_VALUE = const(0x12345678) _FILESYSTEM_ADDR = const(0x8000_0000 + 1024 * 1024) # Roundabout way to get actual filesystem size from config. # This takes into account the 1M "reserved" section of the flash memory. flash = pyb.Flash(start=0) _FILESYSTEM_LEN = flash.ioctl(_IOCTL_BLOCK_COUNT, None) * flash.ioctl( _IOCTL_BLOCK_SIZE, None) def update_app(filename): print(f"Updating application firmware from {filename}") # Create the elements for the mboot filesystem-load operation. elems = fwupdate.update_app_elements(filename, _FILESYSTEM_ADDR, _FILESYSTEM_LEN) if not elems: return # Create the update key. key = struct.pack("<I", _SPIFLASH_UPDATE_KEY_VALUE)'GB') # ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 code, eg US, GB, DE, AU # # The CPU frequency can be set to any multiple of 2MHz between 48MHz and 216MHz, via machine.freq(<freq>). # By default the SF2 model runs at 120MHz and the SF6 model at 144MHz in order to conserve electricity. # It is possible to go below 48MHz but then the WiFi cannot be used. # From: # This sometimes causes problems with USB and possibly SDCard if done later. # Best done in boot before usb and sdcard are initialised. # machine.freq(48000000) # Set to lowest usable frequency # # The board has a built-in micro SD card slot. If an SD card is inserted, by default it will not be automatically # mount in the board's filesystem but it will be exposed as a mass storage device if USB is used. To automatically # mount the SD card if it is inserted, put the following in your # Enable power supply to sdcard pyb.Pin.board.EN_3V3.on() utime.sleep_ms(10) if pyb.SDCard().present(): # Extra delay to let the SDCard start up before mounting. utime.sleep_ms(500) os.mount(pyb.SDCard(), '/sd') pyb.usb_mode('VCP+MSC', msc=(pyb.Flash(), pyb.SDCard())) # act as a serial and a storage device else: pyb.usb_mode('VCP+MSC') # act as a serial and a storage device pyb.main('') # main script to run after this one run after this one