class JYMCU(object): """JY-MCU Bluetooth serial device driver. This is simply a light UART wrapper with addition AT command methods to customize the device.""" def __init__(self, uart, baudrate): """ uart = uart #1-6, baudrate must match what is set on the JY-MCU. Needs to be a #1-C. """ self._uart = UART(uart, baudrate) def __del__(self): self._uart.deinit() def any(self): return self._uart.any() def write(self, astring): return self._uart.write(astring) def writechar(self, achar): self._uart.writechar(achar) def read(self, num=None): return def readline(self): return self._uart.readline() def readchar(self): return self._uart.readchar() def readall(self): return self._uart.readall() def readinto(self, buf, count=None): return self._uart.readinto(buf, count) def _cmd(self, cmd): """ Send AT command, wait a bit then return result string. """ self._uart.write("AT+" + cmd) udelay(500) return self.readline() def baudrate(self, rate): """ Set the baud rate. Needs to be #1-C. """ return self._cmd("BAUD" + str(rate)) def name(self, name): """ Set the name to show up on the connecting device. """ return self._cmd("NAME" + name) def pin(self, pin): """ Set the given 4 digit numeric pin. """ return self._cmd("PIN" + str(pin)) def version(self): return self._cmd("VERSION") def setrepl(self): repl_uart(self._uart)
class Sensor(): def __init__(self, num, value): self.data1 = 0 self.data2 = 0 self.data3 = 0 self.data4 = 0 self.state = 0 self.uart = UART(num, value) time.sleep(1) def open_s(self): data = [0x11, 0x02, 0x0b, 0x00, 0xe2] for i in range(0, len(data)): self.uart.writechar(data[i]) time.sleep(0.03) while self.uart.any() == 0: continue def close_s(self): data = [0x11, 0x03, 0x0c, 0x01, 0x1e, 0xc1] for i in range(0, len(data)): self.uart.writechar(data[i]) time.sleep(0.03) while self.uart.any() == 0: continue def work_s(self): data = [0x11, 0x01, 0x0b, 0xe3] for i in range(0, len(data)): self.uart.writechar(data[i]) time.sleep(0.03) while self.uart.any() == 0: continue data_ = [] for i in range(0, 20): a = self.uart.readchar() if i >= 2: data_.append(a) self.data1 = data_[1] * 256**3 + data_[2] * 256**2 + data_[ 3] * 256 + data_[4] self.data2 = data_[5] * 256**3 + data_[6] * 256**2 + data_[ 7] * 256 + data_[8] self.data3 = data_[9] * 256 + data_[10] self.data4 = data_[11] * 256 + data_[12] def read_s(self): if self.state == 3: self.open_s() self.state = 2 if self.state == 2: self.work_s() if self.state == 1: self.close_s() self.state = 0 return self.data1, self.data2, self.data3, self.data4
class Wifi_Driver(object): def __init__(self, uart_num=2, uart_baud=9600): self.uart = UART(uart_num, uart_baud) self.uart.init(uart_baud, bits=8, parity=None, stop=1) def receive_char(self): temp = self.uart.readchar() if temp == -1: return None temp = chr(temp) return temp
class UART_Port: """Implements a port which can send or receive commands with a bioloid device using the pyboard UART class. This particular class takes advantage of some features which are only available on the STM32F4xx processors. """ def __init__(self, uart_num, baud): self.uart = UART(uart_num) self.baud = 0 self.set_baud(baud) base_str = 'USART{}'.format(uart_num) if not hasattr(stm, base_str): base_str = 'UART{}'.format(uart_num) self.uart_base = getattr(stm, base_str) # Set HDSEL (bit 3) in CR3 - which puts the UART in half-duplex # mode. This connects Rx to Tx internally, and only enables the # transmitter when there is data to send. stm.mem16[self.uart_base + stm.USART_CR3] |= (1 << 3) def any(self): return self.uart.any() def read_byte(self): """Reads a byte from the bus. This function will return None if no character was read within the designated timeout (set when we call self.uart.init). """ byte = self.uart.readchar() if byte >= 0: return byte def set_baud(self, baud): """Sets the baud rate. Note, the pyb.UART class doesn't have a method for setting the baud rate, so we need to reinitialize the uart object. """ if self.baud != baud: self.baud = baud # The max Return Delay Time is 254 * 2 usec = 508 usec. The default # is 500 usec. So using a timeout of 2 ensures that we wait for # at least 1 msec before considering a timeout. self.uart.init(baudrate=baud, timeout=2) def write_packet(self, packet_data): """Writes an entire packet to the serial port.""" _write_packet(self.uart_base, packet_data, len(packet_data))
class JYMCU(object): """JY-MCU Bluetooth serial device driver. This is simply a light UART wrapper with addition AT command methods to customize the device.""" def __init__( self, uart, baudrate ): """ uart = uart #1-6, baudrate must match what is set on the JY-MCU. Needs to be a #1-C. """ self._uart = UART(uart, baudrate) def __del__( self ) : self._uart.deinit() def any( self ) : return self._uart.any() def write( self, astring ) : return self._uart.write(astring) def writechar( self, achar ) : self._uart.writechar(achar) def read( self, num = None ) : return def readline( self ) : return self._uart.readline() def readchar( self ) : return self._uart.readchar() def readall( self ) : return self._uart.readall() def readinto( self, buf, count = None ) : return self._uart.readinto(buf, count) def _cmd( self, cmd ) : """ Send AT command, wait a bit then return result string. """ self._uart.write("AT+" + cmd) udelay(500) return self.readline() def baudrate( self, rate ) : """ Set the baud rate. Needs to be #1-C. """ return self._cmd("BAUD" + str(rate)) def name( self, name ) : """ Set the name to show up on the connecting device. """ return self._cmd("NAME" + name) def pin( self, pin ) : """ Set the given 4 digit numeric pin. """ return self._cmd("PIN" + str(pin)) def version( self ) : return self._cmd("VERSION") def setrepl( self ) : repl_uart(self._uart)
def pps_callback(line): print("Updated GPS Object...") global new_data # Use Global to trigger update new_data = True print('GPS Interrupt Tester') # Instantiate the micropyGPS object my_gps = MicropyGPS() # Setup the connection to your GPS here # This example uses UART 3 with RX on pin Y10 # Baudrate is 9600bps, with the standard 8 bits, 1 stop bit, no parity # Also made the buffer size very large (1000 chars) to accommodate all the characters that stack up # each second uart = UART(3, 9600, read_buf_len=1000) # Create an external interrupt on pin X8 pps_pin = pyb.Pin.board.X8 extint = pyb.ExtInt(pps_pin, pyb.ExtInt.IRQ_FALLING, pyb.Pin.PULL_UP, pps_callback) # Main Infinite Loop while 1: # Do Other Stuff Here....... # Update the GPS Object when flag is tripped if new_data: while uart.any(): my_gps.update(chr(uart.readchar())) # Note the conversion to to chr, UART outputs ints normally print('UTC Timestamp:', my_gps.timestamp) print('Date:', my_gps.date_string('long')) print('Latitude:', my_gps.latitude_string()) print('Longitude:', my_gps.longitude_string()) print('Horizontal Dilution of Precision:', my_gps.hdop) print() new_data = False # Clear the flag
sleep(0.4) blue.toggle() sleep(0.4) #X second loop, get data every half second and write to backup.csv, and also transmit to ground station for tag in range(1,61): temp = bmp180.temperature pres = bmp180.pressure alt = bmp180.altitude #if there is gps data to be read while uart.any(): my_sentence = chr(uart.readchar()) for x in my_sentence: my_gps.update(x) latitude = my_gps.latitude_string() longitude = my_gps.longitude_string() timestamp = my_gps.timestamp #alt2 = my_gps.altitude #open backup.csv to write data to, write to it, then close it backup = open('/sd/backup.csv', 'a') backup.write('{},{},{},{},{},{},{}\n'.format(tag,timestamp,temp,pres,alt,latitude,longitude)) backup.close() data = str(tag) + ',' + str(temp) + ',' + str(pres) + ',' + str(alt) + ',' + str(latitude) + ',' + str(longitude) #concatenate data with commas
last_bias_down = bias_down return pwm def find_max(blobs): max_size=0 for blob in blobs: if blob[2]*blob[3] > max_size : max_blob = blob max_size = blob[2]*blob[3] return max_blob while(True): clock.tick() while UART.any(UART(3)): mode_choose = UART.readchar(UART(3)) # mode_choose = 2 # continue if mode_choose != 1 and mode_choose != 2 and mode_choose != 3: print("while: %d" % mode_choose) mode_choose = mode_choose_last print("real: %d" % mode_choose) # print("NOW: %d" % mode_choose) mode_choose_last = mode_choose if mode_choose == 2:#打气球程序段 # clock.tick() img = sensor.snapshot() blobs = img.find_blobs([red_threshold]) if blobs: max_blob = find_max(blobs) down_error_ori =
#color_b=statistics.b_mode() #print("center area:") #print(color_l,color_a,color_b) #print(colorMiddle_a) img.draw_rectangle(ROI_M) statistics=img.get_statistics(roi=ROI_R) #color_l=statistics.l_mode() colorRight_a=statistics.a_mode() #color_b=statistics.b_mode() #print("right area:") #print(color_l,color_a,color_b) #print(colorRight_a) img.draw_rectangle(ROI_R) while(True): if(uart.readchar()==83): LED(2).off() LED(1).on() time.sleep(1000) print('ok') img = sensor.snapshot() # Take a picture and return the image. #print('waiting for host') #print(uart.readchar()) statistics=img.get_statistics(roi=ROI_L) #color_l=statistics.l_mode() colorLeft_a=statistics.a_mode() #color_b=statistics.b_mode() #print("left area:") #print(color_l,color_a,color_b) #print(colorLeft_a)
indicator = pyb.LED(4) increase = True sensor_queue = SensorQueue(tmp36, mcp9808, accel, gps ) command_pool = CommandPool(servo1, motor_a) communicator = Communicator(sensor_queue, command_pool) while True: if new_data: while uart.any(): gps.update(chr(uart.readchar())) new_data = False communicator.write_packet() communicator.read_command() if increase: indicator.intensity(indicator.intensity() + 5) else: indicator.intensity(indicator.intensity() - 5) if indicator.intensity() <= 0: increase = True elif indicator.intensity() >= 255: increase = False
class SPO2: def __init__(self): self.uart6 = UART(6, baudrate=4800, bits=8, parity=1, stop=1) def fill(self, sData): l = len(sData) lData = '0' * (8 - l) + sData return lData def binToInt(self, bData): iData = 0 for i in range(len(bData)): if (bData[-(i + 1)] == '1'): iData = iData + 2**i return iData def receiveData(self): while True: byte1 = self.uart6.readchar() if byte1 >= 128: byte2 = self.uart6.readchar() byte3 = self.uart6.readchar() byte4 = self.uart6.readchar() byte5 = self.uart6.readchar() if byte2 < 128 and byte3 < 128 and byte4 < 128 and byte5 < 128: dataList = ['', '', '', '', ''] dataList[0] = self.fill(bin(byte1)[2:]) dataList[1] = self.fill(bin(byte2)[2:]) dataList[2] = self.fill(bin(byte3)[2:]) dataList[3] = self.fill(bin(byte4)[2:]) dataList[4] = self.fill(bin(byte5)[2:]) return dataList def getSpList(self): dataList = self.receiveData() spList = [] if (dataList[0][-7] == '1'): print("Pulse rate sound is on") if (dataList[0][-5] == '1'): print("Too long time in searching") elif (dataList[0][-6] == '1'): print("Oxygen saturation is getting lower") elif (dataList[2][-5] == '1'): print("Probe has something wrong") elif (dataList[2][-6] == '1'): print("Detecting pulse rate") else: signalStrength = self.binToInt(dataList[0][-4:]) volumeGraph = self.binToInt(dataList[1][-7:]) barGraph = self.binToInt(dataList[2][-4:]) pulseRate = self.binToInt(dataList[2][-7] + dataList[3][-7:]) spO2 = self.binToInt(dataList[4][-7:]) spList.append(signalStrength) spList.append(volumeGraph) spList.append(barGraph) spList.append(pulseRate) spList.append(spO2) return spList
uart.write("\n") time.sleep(5) else: if gap_available > 0: if len(pos) == 0: print(len(pos), -99, sep=", ") else: print(len(pos), pos, sep=", ") else: print(len(pos), 99, sep=", ") #Read serial if anything available if Serial == 1: if uart.any() > 0: setMode = uart.readchar() setLighting(setMode) # modify image in case you want to suppose actual image analzed #img.blend("bg.bmp", alpha=127) if WiFi == 1: cimage = img.compressed(quality=20) client.send("\r\n--openmv\r\n" \ "Content-Type: image/jpeg\r\n" \ "Content-Length:"+str(cimage.size())+"\r\n\r\n") client.send(cimage) #print(clock.fps()) #img = sensor.snapshot() # Take a picture and return the image.
from pyb import UART from micropyGPS import MicropyGPS uart = UART(3, 9600) my_gps = MicropyGPS() # Reads 300 sentences and reports how many were parsed and if any failed the CRC check sentence_count = 0 while True: if uart.any(): stat = my_gps.update(chr(uart.readchar())) if stat: print(stat) stat = None sentence_count += 1 if sentence_count == 300: break; print('Sentences Found:', my_gps.clean_sentences) print('Sentences Parsed:', my_gps.parsed_sentences) print('CRC_Fails:', my_gps.crc_fails)
finishROIS = [(0, 90, 160, 10)] roiX = 1 c = '0' xIndex = 0 xdiff = 0 errorBuff = [0, 0, 0, 0] widthBuff = [0, 0, 0, 0] brakeFlag = 0 noBrake = 0 straightCount = 0 forward() while (1): if (uart.any()): c = uart.readchar() # save characters ch2.pulse_width(int(0)) while (1): #if(uart.any()): #check if UART has characters #c = uart.readchar() # save characters #print(c) clock.tick() # Update the FPS clock. img = sensor.snapshot() # Take a picture and return the image. #for rfinish in finishROIS : #finishblobs = img.find_blobs([thresholds], roi=rfinish, pixels_threshold=100, area_threshold=100, merge=True) #if len(finishblobs) == 3: #while(1):
#green=[(36, 58, -39, -24, -3, 19)]#green #red=[(41, 54, 67, 80, 30, 63)] # generic_blue_thresholds,green(36, 58, -39, -24, -3, 19), #blue (41, 54, 57, 80, 16, 63) #sensor.reset() #sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.RGB565) #sensor.set_framesize(sensor.QQVGA) #sensor.skip_frames(time = 2000) #sensor.set_auto_gain(False) # must be turned off for color tracking #sensor.set_auto_whitebal(False) # must be turned off for color tracking #sensor.set_vflip(False) #sensor.set_hmirror(False) #clock = time.clock() uart=UART(3,19200) #track_color() color_track() while True: key=uart.readchar() if key==1: cal() elif key==2: color_track() elif key==3: print(3) elif key==4: print(4)
from pyb import UART # Setup the connection to your GPS here # This example uses UART 3 with RX on pin Y10 # Baudrate is 9600bps, with the standard 8 bits, 1 stop bit, no parity uart = UART(3, 9600) # Basic UART --> terminal printer, use to test your GPS module while True: if uart.any(): print(chr(uart.readchar()), end='')
import sensor, image, time from pyb import UART #Sensor Setup ################################# sensor.reset() sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.RGB565) sensor.set_framesize(sensor.QVGA) sensor.skip_frames(time = 2000) ################################# #Communication Setup ################################# uart = UART(1, 9600, timeout_char=1000) # init with given baudrate uart.init(9600, bits=8, parity=None, stop=1, timeout_char=1000) # init with given parameters ################################# #Main Loop ################################# clock = time.clock() while(True): clock.tick() while(uart.any() ==0): continue #print(20) while(uart.any() !=0): print("The returned value is: " ,uart.readchar()) time.sleep(1000) uart.writechar(8) #################################
from pyb import UART uart = UART(1, 115200, bits=8, parity=None, stop=1) uart.writechar(0x55) uart.writechar(0xaa) uart.writechar(0x55) uart.writechar(0xaa) uart.write('\r\n') uart.write('>>') read_char = 0 while (read_char != 113): #exit if received 'q' if (uart.any() != 0): read_char = uart.readchar() print(read_char) uart.writechar(read_char)
sleep(0.4) blue.toggle() sleep(0.4) #X second loop, get data every half second and write to backup.csv, and also transmit to ground station for tag in range(1, 61): temp = bmp180.temperature pres = bmp180.pressure alt = bmp180.altitude #if there is gps data to be read while uart.any(): my_sentence = chr(uart.readchar()) for x in my_sentence: my_gps.update(x) latitude = my_gps.latitude_string() longitude = my_gps.longitude_string() timestamp = my_gps.timestamp #alt2 = my_gps.altitude #open backup.csv to write data to, write to it, then close it backup = open('/sd/backup.csv', 'a') backup.write('{},{},{},{},{},{},{}\n'.format( tag, timestamp, temp, pres, alt, latitude, longitude)) backup.close()
pwm = 1600 motor = max_speed - 50 elif (char == 56 or char == 107): pwm = 1700 motor = max_speed - 75 elif (char == 57 or char == 108): #To the Right pwm = 1800 motor = max_speed - 100 while (True): #Prints to UART and Terminal clock.tick() # Track elapsed milliseconds between snapshots(). if (uart.any()): #Checks for UART char = uart.readchar() #Grab Bluetooth Command if (char == 113): #Press Q to turn ON Auto Mode STATE = ON forward() if (char == 101): #Press E to turn OFF Car STATE = OFF if (char == 98): #Press B to turn to Bluetooth Mode STATE = BLUETOOTH #State Machine if (STATE == OFF): #Turn Car OFF led1.on() #Turn Red ON
#Gps Testing to get NMEA Data #PyBoard #Created by: Joseph Fuentes [08/09/2017] import pyb from pyb import UART import micropyGPS #Use GPS on UART 6 #Connect RX of GPS to 'Y1', TX to 'Y2' uart = UART(6, 9600) # init with given baudrate uart.init(9600, bits=8, parity=None, stop=1) # init with given parameters ultimate_GPS= MicropyGPS() while uart.any() ultimate_gps.update(chr(uart.readchar())) pres_lat = convert_latitude(ultimate_gps.latitude) pres_long = convert_longitude(ultimate_gps.longitude) present_point = (pres_lat, pres_long) print(present_point)
#counterUart = bufferUartLength line5Len = 16 - len(radTextSum) - len(readTextAdd) whspcL5 = ' ' * line5Len uart1.readinto(buf, 3) Line5text = radTextSum + readTextAdd + whspcL5 #+ chr(buf[0]) #+ str(mfreq) textArray_axis_x = Line1text + LineBreak + Line2text + Line3text + whiteSpaceL3 + Line5text #+ str(buf[0]) # function for formating text: l1 = , L2 = , ... textSpace = displayText(textArray_axis_x, 0) c_ar = bytearray(c) b = textSpace + c_ar #################### SENDING BUFFER ################################ buffer = bytearray(b) if uart1.any() > 0: rec_data = uart1.readchar() else: rec_data = 'a' for cmd in display_cmds: write_command(cmd) dc.high() spi.send(buffer) #can1.send('a', 257) pyb.delay(10)
import sensor, image, time from pyb import UART #Sensor Setup ################################# sensor.reset() sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.RGB565) sensor.set_framesize(sensor.QVGA) sensor.skip_frames(time=2000) ################################# #Communication Setup ################################# uart = UART(1, 9600, timeout_char=1000) # init with given baudrate uart.init(9600, bits=8, parity=None, stop=1, timeout_char=1000) # init with given parameters ################################# #Main Loop ################################# clock = time.clock() while (True): clock.tick() while (uart.any() == 0): continue print(20) while (uart.any() != 0): print(uart.readchar()) time.sleep(1000) uart.writechar(8) #################################
# micropyGPS Sentence Test # When properly connected to working GPS module, # will print the names of the sentences it receives # If you are having issues receiving sentences, use to ensure # your UART is hooked up and configured correctly from pyb import UART from micropyGPS import MicropyGPS # Setup the connection to your GPS here # This example uses UART 3 with RX on pin Y10 # Baudrate is 9600bps, with the standard 8 bits, 1 stop bit, no parity uart = UART(3, 9600) # Instatntiate the micropyGPS object my_gps = MicropyGPS() # Continuous Tests for characters available in the UART buffer, any characters are feed into the GPS # object. When enough char are feed to represent a whole, valid sentence, stat is set as the name of the # sentence and printed while True: if uart.any(): stat = my_gps.update(chr(uart.readchar())) # Note the conversion to to chr, UART outputs ints normally if stat: print(stat) stat = None
if blobs[i].pixels() > most_pixels: most_pixels = blobs[i].pixels() largest_blob = i #位置环用到的变量 [x, y, w, h] = blobs[largest_blob].rect() err_x = int(120 - blobs[largest_blob].cy()) err_y = int(blobs[largest_blob].cx() - 160) img.draw_cross(blobs[largest_blob].cx(), blobs[largest_blob].cy()) #调试使用 img.draw_rectangle(blobs[largest_blob].rect()) #lcd.display(img) else: err_x = 0 err_y = 0 if (uart.any()): #判断是否有串口数据 uart_data = uart.readchar() if uart_data == 0XAA: err_min = err_min + 1 elif uart_data == 0XBB: err_max = err_min - 1 elif uart_data == 0XCC: err_max = err_max + 1 elif uart_data == 0XDD: err_max = err_max - 1 if err_x > err_min and err_x < err_max: red_led.on() pin0.value(0) pin1.value(0) elif err_x < err_min:
if (abs(SteerDiff) > BrakeThreshold) and (cross == False) and (brakeCounter > 60): uart.write('braking') ch3 =, pyb.Timer.PWM, pin=pyb.Pin("P6"), pulse_width_percent = 0) brakeCounter = 0 INA.low() INB.high() pyb.delay(int(BrakeTime * DutyCycle * 0.017)) # Delay in ms, proportional to duty cycle INA.high() INB.low() # Some braking parameters cross = False ######## BLUETOOTH ######### if (uart.any() != 0): # if there are characters to be read p = uart.readchar() # read first character print(p) if (p == ord('s')): # Stop, ascii: 115 stop = True print("stop = ", stop) if (p == ord('r')): # Restart, ascii: 114 stop = False print("stop = ", stop) blue_led.on() if (p == ord('p')): # Kp value, ascii: 112 # Read ascii values and convert to integer. n1 = uart.readchar() - 48 n2 = uart.readchar() - 48 Kp1 = (n1 * 10) + n2
xbee_uart = UART(2, 9600) Razor_IMU = IMU.Razor(3, 57600) # Razor_IMU.set_angle_output() Razor_IMU.set_all_calibrated_output() # while True: # a,b,c = Razor_IMU.get_one_frame() # print(a,b,c) # Countdown Timer start = pyb.millis() backup_timer = 5400000 # Don't do anything until GPS is found while gps_uart.any() >= 0: my_gps.update(chr(gps_uart.readchar())) print('No GPS signal!!!\n') print(my_gps.latitude) if my_gps.latitude[0] != 0: init_lat = convert_latitude(my_gps.latitude) init_long = convert_longitude(my_gps.longitude) initial_point = (init_lat, init_long) print('Initial Point: {}'.format(initial_point)) break # initial_point = (40.870242, -119.106354) # while True: # print('not landed yet') # if pyb.elapsed_millis(start) >= backup_timer: #This is 90 minutes # break
else: err_x = int(60 - y - h / 2) err_y = int(x - 80) #画跟踪线 img.draw_line([int(err_y + 80), int(60 - err_x), int(err_y + 80), 60]) img.draw_line([int(err_y + 80), int(60 - err_x), 80, int(60 - err_x)]) img.draw_cross(int(x + w / 2), int(y + h / 2)) img.draw_rectangle([x, y, w, h]) else: err_x = 0 err_y = 0 m = m + 1 #数据发送频率 num = uart.any() #读取串口接收到的字符数 #串口接收超声波数据 if (num == 2): uart_rebuf[0] = uart.readchar() uart_rebuf[1] = uart.readchar() rebuf_temp = uart_rebuf[0] = int(uart_rebuf[0] << 8 | uart_rebuf[1]) if (rebuf_temp <= 4000): high = rebuf_temp if (num > 2): error_sta = error_sta + 1 for i in range(num): uart.readchar() #数组中数据写入 uart_buf = bytearray([ 0x55, 0xAA, 0x10, 0x01, 0x00, high >> 8, high, err_x >> 8, err_x, err_y >> 8, err_y, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xAA, 0x0D, 0x0a ])
xbee_uart = UART(2, 9600) Razor_IMU = IMU.Razor(3, 57600) # Razor_IMU.set_angle_output() Razor_IMU.set_all_calibrated_output() # while True: # a,b,c = Razor_IMU.get_one_frame() # print(a,b,c) # Countdown Timer start = pyb.millis() backup_timer = 5400000 # Don't do anything until GPS is found while gps_uart.any() >= 0: my_gps.update(chr(gps_uart.readchar())) print("No GPS signal!!!\n") print(my_gps.latitude) if my_gps.latitude[0] != 0: init_lat = convert_latitude(my_gps.latitude) init_long = convert_longitude(my_gps.longitude) initial_point = (init_lat, init_long) print("Initial Point: {}".format(initial_point)) break # initial_point = (40.870242, -119.106354) # while True: # print('not landed yet') # if pyb.elapsed_millis(start) >= backup_timer: #This is 90 minutes # break
from pyb import UART uart = UART(6, 115200) # init with given baudrate cmdStr = "" for i in range(1000): uart.write("hello ") pyb.delay(100) if uart.any() > 0: for i in range(uart.any()): ch = uart.readchar() if ch == 0x0d: print("Command is:", cmdStr) cmdStr = "" continue if ch == 0x0a: continue cmdStr += chr(ch) print(chr(ch))
# Setup the connection to your GPS here # This example uses UART 3 with RX on pin Y10 # Baudrate is 9600bps, with the standard 8 bits, 1 stop bit, no parity # Also made the buffer size very large (1000 chars) to accommodate all the characters that stack up # each second uart = UART(3, 9600, read_buf_len=1000) # Create an external interrupt on pin X8 pps_pin = pyb.Pin.board.X8 extint = pyb.ExtInt(pps_pin, pyb.ExtInt.IRQ_FALLING, pyb.Pin.PULL_UP, pps_callback) # Main Infinite Loop while 1: # Do Other Stuff Here....... # Update the GPS Object when flag is tripped if new_data: while uart.any(): my_gps.update(chr(uart.readchar( ))) # Note the conversion to to chr, UART outputs ints normally print('UTC Timestamp:', my_gps.timestamp) print('Date:', my_gps.date_string('long')) print('Latitude:', my_gps.latitude_string()) print('Longitude:', my_gps.longitude_string()) print('Horizontal Dilution of Precision:', my_gps.hdop) print() new_data = False # Clear the flag
class Lora(): LoraErrors = { "": LoraErrorTimeout, # empty buffer "+ERR": LoraError, "+ERR_PARAM": LoraErrorParam, "+ERR_BUSY": LoraErrorBusy, "+ERR_PARAM_OVERFLOW": LoraErrorOverflow, "+ERR_NO_NETWORK": LoraErrorNoNetwork, "+ERR_RX": LoraErrorRX, "+ERR_UNKNOWN": LoraErrorUnknown } def __init__(self, uart=None, rst_pin=None, boot_pin=None, band=BAND_EU868, poll_ms=300000, debug=False): self.debug = debug self.uart = uart self.rst_pin = rst_pin self.boot_pin = boot_pin = band self.poll_ms = poll_ms self.last_poll_ms = ticks_ms() self.init_modem() # Reset module self.boot_pin.value(0) self.rst_pin.value(1) sleep_ms(200) self.rst_pin.value(0) sleep_ms(200) self.rst_pin.value(1) # Restart module self.restart() def init_modem(self): # Portenta vision shield configuration if not self.rst_pin: self.rst_pin = Pin('PC6', Pin.OUT_PP, Pin.PULL_UP, value=1) if not self.boot_pin: self.boot_pin = Pin('PG7', Pin.OUT_PP, Pin.PULL_DOWN, value=0) if not self.uart: self.uart = UART(8, 19200) #self.uart = UART(1, 19200) # Use external module self.uart.init(19200, bits=8, parity=None, stop=2, timeout=250, timeout_char=100) def debug_print(self, data): if self.debug: print(data) def is_arduino_firmware(self): return 'ARD-078' in self.fw_version def configure_class(self, _class): self.send_command("+CLASS=", _class) def configure_band(self, band): self.send_command("+BAND=", band) if (band == BAND_EU868 and self.is_arduino_firmware()): self.send_command("+DUTYCYCLE=", 1) return True def set_baudrate(self, baudrate): self.send_command("+UART=", baudrate) def set_autobaud(self, timeout=10000): start = ticks_ms() while ((ticks_ms() - start) < timeout): if (self.send_command('', timeout=200, raise_error=False) == '+OK'): sleep_ms(200) while (self.uart.any()): self.uart.readchar() return True return False def get_fw_version(self): dev = self.send_command("+DEV?") fw_ver = self.send_command("+VER?") return dev + " " + fw_ver def get_device_eui(self): return self.send_command("+DEVEUI?") def factory_default(self): self.send_command("+FACNEW") def restart(self): if (self.set_autobaud() == False): raise(LoraError("Failed to set autobaud")) # Different delimiter as REBOOT response EVENT doesn't end with '\r'. if (self.send_command("+REBOOT", delimiter="+EVENT=0,0", timeout=10000) != "+EVENT=0,0"): raise(LoraError("Failed to reboot module")) sleep_ms(1000) self.fw_version = self.get_fw_version() self.configure_band( def set_rf_power(self, mode, power): self.send_command("+RFPOWER=", mode, ",", power) def set_port(self, port): self.send_command("+PORT=", port) def set_public_network(self, enable): self.send_command("+NWK=", int(enable)) def sleep(self, enable): self.send_command("+SLEEP=", int(enable)) def format(self, hexMode): self.send_command("+DFORMAT=", int(hexMode)) def set_datarate(self, dr): self.send_command("+DR=", dr) def get_datarate(self): return int(self.send_command("+DR?")) def set_adr(self, adr): self.send_command("+ADR=", int(adr)) def get_adr(self): return int(self.send_command("+ADR?")) def get_devaddr(self): return self.send_command("+DEVADDR?") def get_nwk_skey(self): return self.send_command("+NWKSKEY?") def get_appskey(self): return self.send_command("+APPSKEY?") def get_rx2dr(self): return int(self.send_command("+RX2DR?")) def set_rx2dr(self, dr): self.send_command("+RX2DR=", dr) def get_ex2freq(self): return int(self.send_command("+RX2FQ?")) def set_rx2freq(self, freq): self.send_command("+RX2FQ=", freq) def set_fcu(self, fcu): self.send_command("+FCU=", fcu) def get_fcu(self): return int(self.send_command("+FCU?")) def set_fcd(self, fcd): self.send_command("+FCD=", fcd) def get_fcd(self): return int(self.send_command("+FCD?")) def change_mode(self, mode): self.send_command("+MODE=", mode) def join(self, timeout_ms): if self.send_command("+JOIN", timeout=timeout_ms) != "+ACK": return False response = self.receive('\r', timeout=timeout_ms) return response == "+EVENT=1,1" def get_join_status(self): return int(self.send_command("+NJS?")) == 1 def get_max_size(self): if (self.is_arduino_firmware()): return 64 return int(self.send_command("+MSIZE?", timeout=2000)) def poll(self): if ((ticks_ms() - self.last_poll_ms) > self.poll_ms): self.last_poll_ms = ticks_ms() # Triggers a fake write self.send_data('\0', True) def send_data(self, buff, confirmed=True): max_len = self.get_max_size() if (len(buff) > max_len): raise(LoraError("Packet exceeds max length")) if self.send_command("+CTX " if confirmed else "+UTX ", len(buff), data=buff) != "+OK": return False if confirmed: response = self.receive('\r', timeout=10000) return response == "+ACK" return True def receive_data(self, timeout=1000): response = self.receive('\r', timeout=timeout) if response.startswith("+RECV"): params = response.split("=")[1].split(",") port = params[0] length = int(params[1]) dummy_data_length = 2 # Data starts with \n\n sequence data = self.receive(max_bytes=length+dummy_data_length, timeout=timeout)[dummy_data_length:] return {'port' : port, 'data' : data} def receive(self, delimiter=None, max_bytes=None, timeout=1000): buf = [] start = ticks_ms() while ((ticks_ms() - start) < timeout): while (self.uart.any()): buf += chr(self.uart.readchar()) if max_bytes and len(buf) == max_bytes: data = ''.join(buf) self.debug_print(data) return data if (len(buf) and delimiter != None): data = ''.join(buf) trimmed = data[0:-1] if data[-1] == '\r' else data if (isinstance(delimiter, str) and len(delimiter) == 1 and buf[-1] == delimiter): self.debug_print(trimmed) return trimmed if (isinstance(delimiter, str) and trimmed == delimiter): self.debug_print(trimmed) return trimmed if (isinstance(delimiter, list) and trimmed in delimiter): self.debug_print(trimmed) return trimmed data = ''.join(buf) self.debug_print(data) return data[0:-1] if len(data) != 0 and data[-1] == '\r' else data def available(self): return self.uart.any() def join_OTAA(self, appEui, appKey, devEui=None, timeout=60000): self.change_mode(MODE_OTAA) self.send_command("+APPEUI=", appEui) self.send_command("+APPKEY=", appKey) if (devEui): self.send_command("+DEVEUI=", devEui) network_joined = self.join(timeout) # This delay was in MKRWAN.h #delay(1000); return network_joined def join_ABP(self, nwkId, devAddr, nwkSKey, appSKey, timeout=60000): self.change_mode(MODE_ABP) # Commented in MKRWAN.h #self.send_command("+IDNWK=", nwkId) self.send_command("+DEVADDR=", devAddr) self.send_command("+NWKSKEY=", nwkSKey) self.send_command("+APPSKEY=", appSKey) self.join(timeout) return self.get_join_status() def handle_error(self, command, data): if not data.startswith("+ERR") and data != "": return if (data in self.LoraErrors): raise(self.LoraErrors[data]('Command "%s" has failed!'%command)) raise(LoraError('Command: "%s" failed with unknown status: "%s"'%(command, data))) def send_command(self, cmd, *args, delimiter='\r', data=None, timeout=1000, raise_error=True): # Write command and args uart_cmd = 'AT'+cmd+''.join([str(x) for x in args])+'\r' self.debug_print(uart_cmd) self.uart.write(uart_cmd) # Attach raw data if data: self.debug_print(data) self.uart.write(data) # Read status and value (if any) response = self.receive(delimiter, timeout=timeout) # Error handling if raise_error: self.handle_error(cmd, response) if cmd.endswith('?'): return response.split('=')[1] return response
# log.write('\n\n-----------------------------\n\n') xbee.write('\nprogram initiated at: {}'.format(my_gps.timestamp)) xbee.write('\ntarget point: {}'.format(finish_point)) xbee.write('\nlaunching at: {}'.format(launch_point)) # Landing-check loop sw = pyb.Switch() while True: # Update the GPS Object when flag is tripped # if sw(): # log.close() # break if new_data: while uart.any(): my_gps.update(chr(uart.readchar())) if my_gps.latitude[0] != 0: xbee.write('\nChecking GPS and altitude to see if landed...') initial_lat = convert_latitude(my_gps.latitude) initial_long = convert_longitude(my_gps.longitude) initial_point = (initial_lat, initial_long) xbee.write('\nCurrent point: {}'.format(initial_point)) dist_from_launch = calculate_distance(launch_point, initial_point) xbee.write('\nDistance from launch: {}'.format(dist_from_launch)) # acceptable distance is currently set for simple testing if dist_from_launch < acceptable_dist_from_launch: # pyb.stop() pyb.delay(100) elif dist_from_launch > acceptable_dist_from_launch: altitude_1 = my_gps.altitude pyb.delay(10000) # change to 10000 for real launch
class Receiver: # Allowed System Field values _DSM2_1024_22MS = 0x01 _DSM2_2048_11MS = 0x12 _DSMS_2048_22MS = 0xa2 _DSMX_2048_11MS = 0xb2 _SYSTEM_FIELD_VALUES = (_DSM2_1024_22MS, _DSM2_2048_11MS, _DSMS_2048_22MS, _DSMX_2048_11MS) # Channel formats depending on system field value _MASK_1024_CHANID = 0xFC00 # when 11ms _MASK_1024_SXPOS = 0x03FF # when 11ms _MASK_2048_CHANID = 0x7800 # when 22ms _MASK_2048_SXPOS = 0x07FF # when 22ms # Serial configuration _uart = None _uart_port = 0 # Which UART port to use? _uart_speed = 0 # Which UART speed to use? # Serial buffer and frame data _system_field = None _frame = [0] * 16 # Assumption: frames are received correctly, no need of intermediate buffer and controls _channels = [0] * 20 # Up-to 20 channels can be used by SPM4648 _debug = False # ######################################################################## # ### Properties # ######################################################################## @property def port(self): return self._uart_port @property def speed(self): return self._uart_speed @property def frame(self): return self._frame @property def channels(self): return self._channels @property def system_field(self): return self._system_field # ######################################################################## # ### Constructor and destructor # ######################################################################## def __init__(self, port, speed, debug=False): self._debug = debug self._uart_port = port self._uart_speed = speed self._uart = UART(self._uart_port, self._uart_speed) # ######################################################################## # ### Functions # ######################################################################## def read_serial(self): # Lire un frame if self._uart.any(): index = 0 while index < 16: self._frame[index] = self._uart.readchar() index += 1 self._decode_frame() return True else: return False def _decode_frame(self): # Verify the system field (_channels[2]) if self._frame[1] in self._SYSTEM_FIELD_VALUES: self._system_field = self._frame[1] if self._frame[1] == self._DSM2_1024_22MS: for i in range(1, 7): data = self._frame[i * 2] * 256 + self._frame[(i * 2) + 1] channel = (data & self._MASK_1024_CHANID) >> 10 value = data & self._MASK_1024_SXPOS self._channels[channel] = value else: for i in range(1, 7): data = self._frame[i * 2] * 256 + self._frame[(i * 2) + 1] channel = (data & self._MASK_2048_CHANID) >> 11 value = data & self._MASK_2048_SXPOS self._channels[channel] = value else: pass # Invalid system field value -> Do nothing if self._debug: self.debug() def debug(self): if not self._debug: return print("RX OUT: ", end="") for i in range(0, 4): print("CH%2d: %4d" % (i, self._channels[i]), end=" || ") print("")
from pyb import UART uart = UART(6, 115200) # init with given baudrate cmdStr = "" for i in range(1000): uart.write("hello ") pyb.delay(100) if uart.any() > 0: for i in range(uart.any()): ch = uart.readchar() if ch == 0x0d: print("Command is:", cmdStr) cmdStr = "" continue if ch == 0x0a: continue cmdStr += chr(ch) print (chr(ch))
FACE_TIMEOUT = 500 X_MAG = 80 Y_MAG = 80 c = pyb.millis() saved = [] while (True): img = sensor.snapshot() # Take a picture and return the image. blobs = list( img.find_features(front_face, threshold=0.95, scale_factor=1.25)) invalidated = (pyb.millis() - c > FACE_TIMEOUT) or \ len(blobs) != len(saved) or \ any([abs(f[0] - l[0]) > X_MAG or abs(f[1] - l[1]) > Y_MAG for f, l in zip(blobs, saved)]) if invalidated: c = pyb.millis() if pi.any() and pi.readchar() == 55: print("Request Received") cimg = img.compress() valid = 11 if invalidated and blobs else 00 print("Sending image. Detect: {}".format(valid)) pi.writechar(valid) pi.write(pack('>i', cimg.size())) pi.write(cimg) saved = list(blobs)