def __init__(self, master, max=None, items=None, min=0, step=1, format=None, title="", hint="", initialval=None, class_=None, *a, **kw): class_ = class_ or "TkRangeChooser" if items is not None: # using list of pairs to spinning initialval = [v for k,v in items if k==initialval] if initialval: initialval = initialval[0] self.items = collections.OrderedDict((unicode(v), unicode(k)) for k,v in items) self.v = StringVar() = dict(textvariable=self.v, values=self.items.keys()) else: # else use numeric values to spinning if type(max) is float: self.v = DoubleVar() else: self.v = IntVar() = dict(textvariable=self.v, from_=min, to=max, increment=step, format=format) self._iv = initialval if hint: self._h = hint else: self._h = "Enter value from range:" Dialog.__init__(self, master, title=title, class_=class_, *a, **kw)
def __init__(self, master, text="", title="", hint="", class_=None, *a, **kw): class_ = class_ or "TkTextDialog" self._t = text if hint: self._h = hint else: self._h = "Edit text lines:" Dialog.__init__(self, master, title=title, class_=class_, *a, **kw)
def destroy(self): self.hint.unbind_all("<Configure>") if self.edttracename: self.edtvar.trace_vdelete('w', self.edttracename) self.edttracename = None self.edtvar = None self.validhintvar = None self.hint = None self.edtbtnimg = None Dialog.destroy(self)
def __init__(self, master, title="", headers=None, class_=None, *a, **kw): """headers is the pair, default is ('Name', 'Value') """ class_ = class_ or "TkPropsDialog" if headers: self._h = headers else: self._h = ("Name", "Value") = None # ScrolledText # modal is False to allow users to add properties with add_prop() Dialog.__init__(self, master, title=title, class_=class_, modal=False, *a, **kw) self.bind_all("<Configure>", self._onconfigure)
def __init__(self, master, items=(), title="", hint="", selectmode=Tix.SINGLE, initialsel=None, class_=None, *a, **kw): """items is list of pairs (key, value): key is returned when selected, value is shown in list, hint is the text under items list, selectmode is SINGLE or EXTENDED, initialsel is the string like 'a,b,c,d' (only keys of selected items) """ class_ = class_ or "TkItemsChooser" self.items = collections.OrderedDict((unicode(k), unicode(v)) for k,v in items) self._sm = selectmode self._is = initialsel if hint: self._h = hint else: if selectmode in (Tix.SINGLE, Tix.BROWSE): self._h = "Select some item:" else: self._h = "Select one or more items:" Dialog.__init__(self, master, title=title, class_=class_, *a, **kw)
def destroy(self): self.unbind_all("<Return>") self.unbind_all("<Escape>") Dialog.destroy(self)
def __init__(self, master, dotcfgobj, title="", class_=None, *a, **kw): """dotcfgobj is DotCfg (parsed) """ self.dotcfg = dotcfgobj class_ = class_ or "TkDotCfg" Dialog.__init__(self, master, title=title, class_=class_, *a, **kw)
def destroy(self): self.unbind_all("<Escape>") self.unbind_all("<Configure>") Dialog.destroy(self)
def __init__(self, master, authfunc=None, title="", class_=None, *a, **kw): """dotcfgobj is DotCfg (opened) """ self.authfunc = authfunc or (lambda u,p: None) class_ = class_ or "TkPwdLogin" Dialog.__init__(self, master, title=title, class_=class_, *a, **kw)