def _add_function_obj(self, wrapper): assert isinstance(wrapper, Function) name = utils.ascii(wrapper.custom_name) if name is None: name = self.c_function_name_transformer(wrapper.function_name) name = utils.get_mangled_name(name, wrapper.template_parameters) try: overload = self.functions[name] except KeyError: overload = OverloadedFunction(name) self.functions[name] = overload wrapper.module = self wrapper.section = self.current_section overload.add(wrapper)
def set_custom_name(self, custom_name): if custom_name is None: self.mangled_name = utils.get_mangled_name(self.method_name, self.template_parameters) else: self.mangled_name = custom_name
def get_custom_name(self): if self.mangled_name != utils.get_mangled_name(self.method_name, self.template_parameters): return self.mangled_name else: return None
def __init__(self, function_name, return_value, parameters, docstring=None, unblock_threads=None, template_parameters=(), custom_name=None, deprecated=False, foreign_cpp_namespace=None, throw=()): """ :param function_name: name of the C function :param return_value: the function return value :type return_value: L{ReturnValue} :param parameters: the function parameters :type parameters: list of L{Parameter} :param custom_name: an alternative name to give to this function at python-side; if omitted, the name of the function in the python module will be the same name as the function in C++ (minus namespace). :param deprecated: deprecation state for this API: - False: Not deprecated - True: Deprecated - "message": Deprecated, and deprecation warning contains the given message :param foreign_cpp_namespace: if set, the function is assumed to belong to the given C++ namespace, regardless of the C++ namespace of the python module it will be added to. :param throw: list of C++ exceptions that the function may throw :type throw: list of L{CppException} """ self.stack_where_defined = traceback.extract_stack() if unblock_threads is None: unblock_threads = settings.unblock_threads ## backward compatibility check if isinstance(return_value, string_types) and isinstance( function_name, ReturnValue): warnings.warn( "Function has changed API; see the API documentation (but trying to correct...)", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) function_name, return_value = return_value, function_name if return_value is None: return_value ='void') return_value = utils.eval_retval(return_value, self) parameters = [utils.eval_param(param, self) for param in parameters] super(Function, self).__init__(return_value, parameters, parse_error_return="return NULL;", error_return="return NULL;", unblock_threads=unblock_threads) self.deprecated = deprecated self.foreign_cpp_namespace = foreign_cpp_namespace self._module = None function_name = utils.ascii(function_name) self.function_name = function_name self.wrapper_base_name = None self.wrapper_actual_name = None self.docstring = docstring self.self_parameter_pystruct = None self.template_parameters = template_parameters self.custom_name = custom_name self.mangled_name = utils.get_mangled_name(function_name, self.template_parameters) for t in throw: assert isinstance(t, CppException) self.throw = list(throw) self.custodians_and_wards = [] # list of (custodian, ward, postcall) from pybindgen import cppclass cppclass.scan_custodians_and_wards(self)