コード例 #1
    def sinc_detrend(self, signal):

        trend = core.sinc_smooth(signal, self.T_c, self.dt, self.M)

        detrended = signal - trend

        # for easier interface return directly
        return detrended
コード例 #2
ファイル: api.py プロジェクト: tensionhead/pyBOAT
    def sinc_detrend(self, signal, T_c):

        Convenience function which right away subtracts the
        trend obtained by sinc filtering. See 'sinc_smooth'
        for details.

        trend = core.sinc_smooth(signal, T_c, self.dt, self.M)

        detrended = signal - trend

        return detrended
コード例 #3
ファイル: api.py プロジェクト: tensionhead/pyBOAT
    def sinc_smooth(self, signal, T_c):

        Convolve the signal with a sinc filter
        of cut-off period *T_c*. Returns
        the smoothed signal representing
        the non-linear trend.

        signal : a sequence
        T_c : float, Cut off period for the sinc-filter detrending, all periods
              larger than that one are removed from the signal

        trend : numpy 1d-array

        trend = core.sinc_smooth(signal, T_c, self.dt, M=self.M)

        return trend
コード例 #4
    def get_trend(self, signal):

        trend = core.sinc_smooth(signal, self.T_c, self.dt, M=self.M)

        return trend
コード例 #5
ファイル: processing.py プロジェクト: IvicaL/SpyBOAT
def transform_stack(movie, dt, Tmin, Tmax, nT, T_c = None, win_size = None):

    Analyzes a 3-dimensional array 
    with shape (NFrames, ydim, xdim) along
    its 1st axis 'pixel-by-pixel'.

    Returns four arrays with the same shape as the input
    array holding the results of the transform for each pixel.

    For high spatial resolution input this might take a very
    long time as ydim \times xdim transformations have to be calculated!
    Parallel execution is recommended (see `run_parallel` below).


    movie : ndarray with ndim = 3, transform is done along 1st axis 
    dt    : float, sampling interval               
    Tmin : float, smallest period
    Tmax : float, largest period
    nT  : int,  number of periods/transforms
    T_c : float, sinc cut off period, defaults to None to disable 
                 sinc-detrending (not recommended!)
    win_size   : float, amplitude normalization sliding window size. 
                 Default is None which disables normalization.

    results : dictionary, with keys holding the output movies
          'phase' : 32bit ndarray, holding the instantaneous phases
          'period' : 32bit ndarray, holding the instantaneous periods 
          'power' : 32bit ndarray, holding the wavelet powers 
          'amplitude' : 32bit ndarray, holding the instantaneous amplitudes 


    if Tmin < 2 * dt:
        logger.warning('Warning, Nyquist limit is 2 times the sampling interval!')
        logger.info('..setting Tmin to {:.2f}'.format( 2 * dt ))
        Tmin = 2 * dt

    if Tmax > dt * movie.shape[0]: 
        logger.warning('Warning: Very large periods chosen!')
        logger.info('..setting Tmax to {:.2f}'.format( dt * Nt ))
        Tmax = dt * Nt
    # the periods to scan for
    periods = np.linspace(Tmin, Tmax, nT)
    # create output arrays, needs 32bit for Fiji FloatProcessor :/
    period_movie = np.zeros(movie.shape, dtype=np.float32)  
    phase_movie = np.zeros(movie.shape, dtype=np.float32)  
    power_movie = np.zeros(movie.shape, dtype=np.float32)  
    amplitude_movie = np.zeros(movie.shape, dtype=np.float32)  

    ydim, xdim = movie.shape[1:] # F, Y, X ordering
    Npixels = ydim * xdim
    logger.info(f'Computing the transforms for {Npixels} pixels')

    # loop over pixel coordinates
    for x in range(xdim):

        for y in range(ydim):

            # show progress
            if Npixels < 10:
                logger.info(f"Processed {(ydim*x + y)/Npixels * 100 :.1f}%..")

            elif (ydim*x + y)%(int(Npixels/5)) == 0 and x != 0:
                logger.info(f"Processed {(ydim*x + y)/Npixels * 100 :.1f}%..")
            input_vec = movie[:, y, x]  # the time_series at pixel (x,y)

            signal = input_vec
            # detrending
            if T_c is not None:
                trend = pbcore.sinc_smooth(signal, T_c, dt)
                signal = signal - trend
            # amplitude normalization?
            if win_size is not None:
                signal = pbcore.normalize_with_envelope(signal, win_size, dt)

            sigma = np.std(signal)
            Nt = len(signal)
            modulus, wlet = pbcore.compute_spectrum(signal, dt, periods)
            ridge_ys = pbcore.get_maxRidge_ys(modulus)

            ridge_periods = periods[ridge_ys]
            powers = modulus[ridge_ys, np.arange(Nt)]
            phases = np.angle(wlet[ridge_ys, np.arange(Nt)])
            # map to [0, 2pi]
            phases = phases % (2 * np.pi)
            amplitudes = pbcore.power_to_amplitude(ridge_periods,
                                                    powers, sigma, dt)
            phase_movie[:, y, x] = phases
            period_movie[:, y, x] = ridge_periods
            power_movie[:, y, x] = powers
            amplitude_movie[:, y, x] = amplitudes

    results = {'phase' : phase_movie, 'period' : period_movie,
               'power' : power_movie, 'amplitude' : amplitude_movie}
    return results