コード例 #1
def create_individual_dict_from_csv(project_short_name = None, user_ids_to_include = None, user_ids_to_exclude = None):
    """ Create an individual dictionary for each segment

        project_short_name: Input the project short name
        user_ids_to_include: Input the user ids to include
        user_ids_to_exclude: Input the user ids to exclude, i.e. test user ids

        task_data dictionary keyed on task_id, row, col, values - link to image, answers for that particular segment or csv file (uncomment code)


    # pull data on tasks (images) and task_runs (classifications)
    task_run_items = pd.read_csv(project_short_name + '_task_run.csv')
    tasks = pd.read_csv(project_short_name + '_task.csv')

    # create output dict
    task_data = dict()
    # create dictionary for skip data (if needed)
    skips = dict()

    # iterate through all tasks (images) - fastest way to create dictionaries for each image segment
    for i, task in tasks.iterrows():
        task_id = task['task__id'] # find image ID

        #iterate through all sections of image
        for row in range(6):
            for col in range(6):
                # call function from pybossautils for unique identifier for each segment
                key = create_key(task_id, row, col)

                # construct dictionary of segment information
                # could be a dataframe
                task_data[key] = {"task_id": task_id,
                                  ### Uncomment if doing matlab visual representation
                                  # "img_num": id_only,
                                  "row": row,
                                  "col": col,
                                  'user_answers': dict()

        # create space for skip button info, only needed if skip button present
        # built as a separate dictionary to avoid storing unneeded data
        skips[task_id] = {
            'blank':{'id':[], 'reverse':[]},
            'qual':{'id':[], 'reverse':[]},
            'diff':{'id':[], 'reverse':[]},

    # iterate through all task_runs (classifications) and add data to appropriate section of segment dictionary
    for i, task_run in task_run_items.iterrows():

        task_id = task_run['task_run__task_id']

        # links task run to task info, not currently needed
        # candidate_tasks = [t for j, t in tasks.iterrows() if unicode(t['task__id']) == unicode(task_id)]
        # task = candidate_tasks[0]

        # pull user ID and check if its in a list to include/exclude
        user_id = task_run['task_run__user_id']
        if (user_ids_to_include is None and user_ids_to_exclude is None) \
                or (user_ids_to_include is not None and user_id in user_ids_to_include) \
                or (user_ids_to_exclude is not None and user_id not in user_ids_to_exclude) \
                : # If we passed in a list of user ids then check that this user_id is in it

            # pull info, including answers, must be read through JSON enterpreter
            task_answers = json.loads(task_run['task_run__info'])

            # iterate through all segments in this task run and add answers
            segments = task_answers['squares']

            # determine if answers should be skipped due to user action in tasks with skip button
            isSkipped = 0
            if project_short_name in skip_versions:
                skip_answers = task_answers['skipSlide']
                # only skip if user skipped and did not change mind
                if (skip_answers['reason']) and not (skip_answers['changeOfMind']):
                    isSkipped = 1

            if isSkipped == 0:
                for seg in segments:
                    row = seg['row']
                    col = seg["column"]
                    answer = seg['answer']
                    key = create_key(task_id, row, col)
                    # pull info from task dictionary
                    task_data_item = task_data.get(key)
                    # answers stored in full in nested dictionary
                    task_data_item['user_answers'][user_id] = {"answer": answer}

            # if skip button included then extract skip usage info
            if project_short_name in skip_versions:
                # iterate through skips dictionary keys created above
                # if key is part of the string that is the reason
                # skip_answers = task_answers['skipSlide']
                for i in skips[task_id].keys():
                    if skip_answers['reason'] != None: # reason is none when not skipped
                        if i in skip_answers['reason']:
                            skips[task_id][i]['id'].append(user_id) # create list of users who skip
                            if skip_answers['changeOfMind']:
                                skips[task_id][i]['reverse'].append(user_id) # create list of users who change minds
                skips[task_id]['count_users']+=1 # counts how many users have seen the image

    # print skip dictionary to main section dictionary if needed
    if project_short_name in skip_versions:
        for i, task in tasks.iterrows():
            task_id = task['task__id']
            for r in range(6):
                for c in range(6):
                    key = create_key(task_id, r, c)
                    task_data[key]['skip_ans'] = skips[task_id]

    ### Return the task data
    return task_data
コード例 #2
tasks = pd.read_csv('tb2-r1.2_task.csv')

with open('results_mvp2_1.2.csv','wb') as f:
    # create file structure and write protocol
    fieldnamz = ['task_id', 'qual_skip', 'q_reverse', 'q_total', 'blank_skip', 'b_reverse', 'b_total', 'diff_skip', 'd_reverse', 'd_total', 'count']
    id_write = csv.DictWriter(f, fieldnames=fieldnamz, lineterminator = '\n')
    w = csv.writer(f)

    # iterate through tasks
    for i, task in tasks.iterrows():
        task_id = task['task__id']
        row = 0
        col = 0
        key = create_key(task_id, row, col)

        # poor quality skip data
        qual = task_data[key]['skip_ans']['qual']
        # calculate number of poor quality skips where user didn't change mind
        qual_diff = len(qual['id'])-len(qual['reverse'])
        # same for blank skips
        blank = task_data[key]['skip_ans']['blank']
        blank_diff = len(blank['id'])-len(blank['reverse'])
        # same for too dfficult skips
        diff = task_data[key]['skip_ans']['diff']
        diff_diff = len(diff['id'])-len(diff['reverse'])

        # compile the above into a line and write to file
        dat = [task['taskinfo__original_name'], len(qual['id']), len(qual['reverse']), qual_diff, len(blank['id']), len(blank['reverse']), blank_diff, len(diff['id']), len(diff['reverse']), diff_diff, task_data[key]['skip_ans']['count_users']]