def publish_cloud_markers(pub_ns, _arr, c='b', stamp=None, flip_rb=False, frame_id='map'): """ Publish point cloud on: pub_ns: Namespace on which the cloud will be published arr: numpy array (N x 3) for point cloud data c: Option 1: 'c', 'b', 'r' etc colors accepted by matplotlibs color Option 2: float ranging from 0 to 1 via matplotlib's jet colormap Option 3: numpy array (N x 3) with r,g,b vals ranging from 0 to 1 s: supported only by matplotlib plotting alpha: supported only by matplotlib plotting """ arr, carr = copy_pointcloud_data(_arr, c, flip_rb=flip_rb) marker = vis_msg.Marker(type=vis_msg.Marker.SPHERE_LIST, ns=pub_ns, action=vis_msg.Marker.ADD) marker.header.frame_id = frame_id marker.header.stamp = stamp if stamp is not None else marker.scale.x = 0.01 marker.scale.y = 0.01 # XYZ inds, = np.where(~np.isnan(arr).any(axis=1)) marker.points = [geom_msg.Point(arr[j,0], arr[j,1], arr[j,2]) for j in inds] # RGB (optionally alpha) N, D = arr.shape[:2] if D == 3: marker.colors = [std_msg.ColorRGBA(carr[j,0], carr[j,1], carr[j,2], 1.0) for j in inds] elif D == 4: marker.colors = [std_msg.ColorRGBA(carr[j,0], carr[j,1], carr[j,2], carr[j,3]) for j in inds] marker.lifetime = rospy.Duration() _publish_marker(marker) print 'Publishing marker', N
def publish_line_segments(pub_ns, _arr1, _arr2, c='b', stamp=None, frame_id='camera', flip_rb=False, size=0.002): """ Publish point cloud on: pub_ns: Namespace on which the cloud will be published arr: numpy array (N x 3) for point cloud data c: Option 1: 'c', 'b', 'r' etc colors accepted by matplotlibs color Option 2: float ranging from 0 to 1 via matplotlib's jet colormap Option 3: numpy array (N x 3) with r,g,b vals ranging from 0 to 1 s: supported only by matplotlib plotting alpha: supported only by matplotlib plotting """ arr1, carr = copy_pointcloud_data(_arr1, c, flip_rb=flip_rb) arr2 = (deepcopy(_arr2)).reshape(-1, 3) marker = vis_msg.Marker(type=vis_msg.Marker.LINE_LIST, ns=pub_ns, action=vis_msg.Marker.ADD) if not arr1.shape == arr2.shape: raise AssertionError marker.header.frame_id = frame_id marker.header.stamp = stamp if stamp is not None else marker.scale.x = size marker.scale.y = size marker.color.b = 1.0 marker.color.a = 1.0 marker.pose.position = geom_msg.Point(0, 0, 0) marker.pose.orientation = geom_msg.Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 1) # Handle 3D data: [ndarray or list of ndarrays] arr12 = np.hstack([arr1, arr2]) inds, = np.where(~np.isnan(arr12).any(axis=1)) marker.points = [] for j in inds: marker.points.extend([ geom_msg.Point(arr1[j, 0], arr1[j, 1], arr1[j, 2]), geom_msg.Point(arr2[j, 0], arr2[j, 1], arr2[j, 2]) ]) # RGB (optionally alpha) marker.colors = [ std_msg.ColorRGBA(carr[j, 0], carr[j, 1], carr[j, 2], 1.0) for j in inds ] marker.lifetime = rospy.Duration() _publish_marker(marker)
def publish_cloud(pub_ns, _arr, c='b', stamp=None, flip_rb=False, frame_id='map', seq=None): """ Publish point cloud on: pub_ns: Namespace on which the cloud will be published arr: numpy array (N x 3) for point cloud data c: Option 1: 'c', 'b', 'r' etc colors accepted by matplotlibs color Option 2: float ranging from 0 to 1 via matplotlib's jet colormap Option 3: numpy array (N x 3) with r,g,b vals ranging from 0 to 1 s: supported only by matplotlib plotting alpha: supported only by matplotlib plotting """ arr, carr = copy_pointcloud_data(_arr, c, flip_rb=flip_rb) pc = xyzrgb_array_to_pointcloud2(arr, carr, stamp=stamp, frame_id=frame_id, seq=seq) _publish_pc(pub_ns, pc)
def publish_point_type(pub_channel, _arr, c='r', point_type='POINT', flip_rb=False, frame_id='camera', element_id=0, reset=True): """ Publish point cloud on: pub_channel: Channel on which the cloud will be published arr: numpy array (N x 3) for point cloud data c: Option 1: 'c', 'b', 'r' etc colors accepted by matplotlibs color Option 2: float ranging from 0 to 1 via matplotlib's jet colormap Option 3: numpy array (N x 3) with r,g,b vals ranging from 0 to 1 s: supported only by matplotlib plotting alpha: supported only by matplotlib plotting Supports POINT=1, LINE_STRIP=2, LINE_LOOP=3, LINES=4, TRIANGLE_STRIP=5, TRIANGLE_FAN=6, TRIANGLES=7, QUAD_STRIP=8, QUADS=9, POLYGON=10 """ global g_viz_pub # point3d list collection msg pc_list_msg = vs.point3d_list_collection_t() = g_viz_pub.channel_uid(pub_channel) = pub_channel pc_list_msg.type = getattr(vs.point3d_list_collection_t, point_type) pc_list_msg.reset = reset # pc_list_msg.point_lists = [] # Create the point cloud msg if isinstance(_arr, list) or isinstance(_arr, deque): element_ids = element_id if isinstance(element_id, list) else [0] * len(_arr) # print 'Multiple elements: ', element_ids assert (len(c) == len(_arr)) for element_id, _arr_item, _carr_item in izip(element_ids, _arr, c): arr, carr = copy_pointcloud_data(_arr_item, _carr_item, flip_rb=flip_rb) pc_msg = arr_msg(arr, carr=carr, frame_uid=g_viz_pub.channel_uid(frame_id), element_id=element_id) pc_list_msg.point_lists.extend([pc_msg]) else: # print 'Single element: ', element_id arr, carr = copy_pointcloud_data(_arr, c, flip_rb=flip_rb) pc_msg = arr_msg(arr, carr=carr, frame_uid=g_viz_pub.channel_uid(frame_id), element_id=element_id) pc_list_msg.point_lists.extend([pc_msg]) # add to point cloud list # print('published %i lists %s' % (len(_arr), reset)) pc_list_msg.nlists = len(pc_list_msg.point_lists) g_viz_pub.publish("POINTS_COLLECTION", serialize(pc_list_msg))