def equilibrium(dbf, comps, phases, conditions, **kwargs): """ Calculate the equilibrium state of a system containing the specified components and phases, under the specified conditions. Model parameters are taken from 'dbf'. Parameters ---------- dbf : Database Thermodynamic database containing the relevant parameters. comps : list Names of components to consider in the calculation. phases : list or dict Names of phases to consider in the calculation. conditions : dict or (list of dict) StateVariables and their corresponding value. verbose : bool, optional (Default: True) Show progress of calculations. grid_opts : dict, optional Keyword arguments to pass to the initial grid routine. Returns ------- Structured equilibrium calculation. Examples -------- None yet. """ active_phases = unpack_phases(phases) or sorted(dbf.phases.keys()) comps = sorted(comps) indep_vars = ['T', 'P'] grid_opts = kwargs.pop('grid_opts', dict()) verbose = kwargs.pop('verbose', True) phase_records = dict() callable_dict = kwargs.pop('callables', dict()) grad_callable_dict = kwargs.pop('grad_callables', dict()) hess_callable_dict = kwargs.pop('hess_callables', dict()) points_dict = dict() maximum_internal_dof = 0 conds = OrderedDict((key, unpack_condition(value)) for key, value in sorted(conditions.items(), key=str)) str_conds = OrderedDict((str(key), value) for key, value in conds.items()) indep_vals = list([float(x) for x in np.atleast_1d(val)] for key, val in str_conds.items() if key in indep_vars) components = [x for x in sorted(comps) if not x.startswith('VA')] # Construct models for each phase; prioritize user models models = unpack_kwarg(kwargs.pop('model', Model), default_arg=Model) if verbose: print('Components:', ' '.join(comps)) print('Phases:', end=' ') for name in active_phases: mod = models[name] if isinstance(mod, type): models[name] = mod = mod(dbf, comps, name) variables = sorted( {key for key in conditions.keys() if key in [v.T, v.P]}), key=str) site_fracs = sorted(, key=str) maximum_internal_dof = max(maximum_internal_dof, len(site_fracs)) # Extra factor '1e-100...' is to work around an annoying broadcasting bug for zero gradient entries #models[name].models['_broadcaster'] = 1e-100 * Mul(*variables) ** 3 out = models[name].energy undefs = list(out.atoms(Symbol) - out.atoms(v.StateVariable)) for undef in undefs: out = out.xreplace({undef: float(0)}) callable_dict[name], grad_callable_dict[name], hess_callable_dict[name] = \ build_functions(out, [v.P, v.T] + site_fracs) # Adjust gradient by the approximate chemical potentials hyperplane = Add(*[ v.MU(i) * mole_fraction(dbf.phases[name], comps, i) for i in comps if i != 'VA' ]) plane_obj, plane_grad, plane_hess = build_functions( hyperplane, [v.MU(i) for i in comps if i != 'VA'] + site_fracs) phase_records[name.upper()] = PhaseRecord( variables=variables, grad=grad_callable_dict[name], hess=hess_callable_dict[name], plane_grad=plane_grad, plane_hess=plane_hess) if verbose: print(name, end=' ') if verbose: print('[done]', end='\n') # 'calculate' accepts conditions through its keyword arguments grid_opts.update( {key: value for key, value in str_conds.items() if key in indep_vars}) if 'pdens' not in grid_opts: grid_opts['pdens'] = 100 coord_dict = str_conds.copy() coord_dict['vertex'] = np.arange(len(components)) grid_shape = np.meshgrid(*coord_dict.values(), indexing='ij', sparse=False)[0].shape coord_dict['component'] = components if verbose: print('Computing initial grid', end=' ') grid = calculate(dbf, comps, active_phases, output='GM', model=models, callables=callable_dict, fake_points=True, **grid_opts) if verbose: print('[{0} points, {1}]'.format(len(grid.points), sizeof_fmt(grid.nbytes)), end='\n') properties = xray.Dataset( { 'NP': (list(str_conds.keys()) + ['vertex'], np.empty(grid_shape)), 'GM': (list(str_conds.keys()), np.empty(grid_shape[:-1])), 'MU': (list(str_conds.keys()) + ['component'], np.empty(grid_shape)), 'points': (list(str_conds.keys()) + ['vertex'], np.empty(grid_shape, }, coords=coord_dict, attrs={'iterations': 1}, ) # Store the potentials from the previous iteration current_potentials = properties.MU.copy() for iteration in range(MAX_ITERATIONS): if verbose: print('Computing convex hull [iteration {}]'.format( properties.attrs['iterations'])) # lower_convex_hull will modify properties lower_convex_hull(grid, properties) progress = np.abs(current_potentials - properties.MU).values converged = (progress < MIN_PROGRESS).all(axis=-1) if verbose: print('progress', progress.max(), '[{} conditions updated]'.format(np.sum(~converged))) if progress.max() < MIN_PROGRESS: if verbose: print('Convergence achieved') break current_potentials[...] = properties.MU.values if verbose: print('Refining convex hull') # Insert extra dimensions for non-T,P conditions so GM broadcasts correctly energy_broadcast_shape = grid.GM.values.shape[:len(indep_vals)] + \ (1,) * (len(str_conds) - len(indep_vals)) + (grid.GM.values.shape[-1],) driving_forces = np.einsum('...i,...i', properties.MU.values[..., np.newaxis, :].astype(np.float), grid.X.values[np.index_exp[...] + (np.newaxis,) * (len(str_conds) - len(indep_vals)) + np.index_exp[:, :]].astype(np.float)) - \ grid.GM.values.view().reshape(energy_broadcast_shape) for name in active_phases: dof = len(models[name].energy.atoms(v.SiteFraction)) current_phase_indices = (grid.Phase.values == name ).reshape(energy_broadcast_shape[:-1] + (-1, )) # Broadcast to capture all conditions current_phase_indices = np.broadcast_arrays( current_phase_indices, np.empty(driving_forces.shape))[0] # This reshape is safe as long as phases have the same number of points at all indep. conditions current_phase_driving_forces = driving_forces[ current_phase_indices].reshape( current_phase_indices.shape[:-1] + (-1, )) # Note: This works as long as all points are in the same phase order for all T, P current_site_fractions = grid.Y.values[..., current_phase_indices[ (0, ) * len(str_conds)], :] if np.sum( current_site_fractions[(0, ) * len(indep_vals)][..., :dof]) == dof: # All site fractions are 1, aka zero internal degrees of freedom # Impossible to refine these points, so skip this phase points_dict[name] = current_site_fractions[ (0, ) * len(indep_vals)][..., :dof] continue # Find the N points with largest driving force for a given set of conditions # Remember that driving force has a sign, so we want the "most positive" values # N is the number of components, in this context # N points define a 'best simplex' for every set of conditions # We also need to restrict ourselves to one phase at a time trial_indices = np.argpartition(current_phase_driving_forces, -len(components), axis=-1)[..., -len(components):] trial_indices = trial_indices.ravel() statevar_indices = np.unravel_index( np.arange( np.multiply.reduce(properties.GM.values.shape + (len(components), ))), properties.GM.values.shape + (len(components), ))[:len(indep_vals)] points = current_site_fractions[np.index_exp[statevar_indices + (trial_indices, )]] points.shape = properties.points.shape[:-1] + ( -1, maximum_internal_dof) # The Y arrays have been padded, so we should slice off the padding points = points[..., :dof] #print('Starting points shape: ', points.shape) #print(points) if len(points) == 0: if name in points_dict: del points_dict[name] # No nearly stable points: skip this phase continue num_vars = len(phase_records[name].variables) plane_grad = phase_records[name].plane_grad plane_hess = phase_records[name].plane_hess statevar_grid = np.meshgrid(*itertools.chain(indep_vals), sparse=True, indexing='ij') # TODO: A more sophisticated treatment of constraints num_constraints = len(dbf.phases[name].sublattices) constraint_jac = np.zeros( (num_constraints, num_vars - len(indep_vars))) # Independent variables are always fixed (in this limited implementation) #for idx in range(len(indep_vals)): # constraint_jac[idx, idx] = 1 # This is for site fraction balance constraints var_idx = 0 #len(indep_vals) for idx in range(len(dbf.phases[name].sublattices)): active_in_subl = set( dbf.phases[name].constituents[idx]).intersection(comps) constraint_jac[idx, var_idx:var_idx + len(active_in_subl)] = 1 var_idx += len(active_in_subl) newton_iteration = 0 while newton_iteration < MAX_NEWTON_ITERATIONS: flattened_points = points.reshape( points.shape[:len(indep_vals)] + (-1, points.shape[-1])) grad_args = itertools.chain( [i[..., None] for i in statevar_grid], [ flattened_points[..., i] for i in range(flattened_points.shape[-1]) ]) grad = np.array(phase_records[name].grad(*grad_args), dtype=np.float) # Remove derivatives wrt T,P grad = grad[..., len(indep_vars):] grad.shape = points.shape grad[np.isnan(grad).any( axis=-1 )] = 0 # This is necessary for gradients on the edge of space hess_args = itertools.chain( [i[..., None] for i in statevar_grid], [ flattened_points[..., i] for i in range(flattened_points.shape[-1]) ]) hess = np.array(phase_records[name].hess(*hess_args), dtype=np.float) # Remove derivatives wrt T,P hess = hess[..., len(indep_vars):, len(indep_vars):] hess.shape = points.shape + (hess.shape[-1], ) hess[np.isnan(hess).any(axis=(-2, -1))] = np.eye(hess.shape[-1]) plane_args = itertools.chain([ properties.MU.values[..., i][..., None] for i in range(properties.MU.shape[-1]) ], [points[..., i] for i in range(points.shape[-1])]) cast_grad = np.array(plane_grad(*plane_args), dtype=np.float) # Remove derivatives wrt chemical potentials cast_grad = cast_grad[..., properties.MU.shape[-1]:] grad = grad - cast_grad plane_args = itertools.chain([ properties.MU.values[..., i][..., None] for i in range(properties.MU.shape[-1]) ], [points[..., i] for i in range(points.shape[-1])]) cast_hess = np.array(plane_hess(*plane_args), dtype=np.float) # Remove derivatives wrt chemical potentials cast_hess = cast_hess[..., properties.MU.shape[-1]:, properties.MU.shape[-1]:] cast_hess = -cast_hess + hess hess = cast_hess.astype(np.float, copy=False) try: e_matrix = np.linalg.inv(hess) except np.linalg.LinAlgError: print(hess) raise current = calculate( dbf, comps, name, output='GM', model=models, callables=callable_dict, fake_points=False, points=points.reshape(points.shape[:len(indep_vals)] + (-1, points.shape[-1])), **grid_opts) current_plane = np.multiply( current.X.values.reshape(points.shape[:-1] + (len(components), )), properties.MU.values[..., np.newaxis, :]).sum(axis=-1) current_df = current.GM.values.reshape( points.shape[:-1]) - current_plane #print('Inv hess check: ', np.isnan(e_matrix).any()) #print('grad check: ', np.isnan(grad).any()) dy_unconstrained = -np.einsum('...ij,...j->...i', e_matrix, grad) #print('dy_unconstrained check: ', np.isnan(dy_unconstrained).any()) proj_matrix =, constraint_jac.T) inv_matrix = np.rollaxis(, proj_matrix), 0, -1) inv_term = np.linalg.inv(inv_matrix) #print('inv_term check: ', np.isnan(inv_term).any()) first_term = np.einsum('...ij,...jk->...ik', proj_matrix, inv_term) #print('first_term check: ', np.isnan(first_term).any()) # Normally a term for the residual here # We only choose starting points which obey the constraints, so r = 0 cons_summation = np.einsum('...i,...ji->...j', dy_unconstrained, constraint_jac) #print('cons_summation check: ', np.isnan(cons_summation).any()) cons_correction = np.einsum('...ij,...j->...i', first_term, cons_summation) #print('cons_correction check: ', np.isnan(cons_correction).any()) dy_constrained = dy_unconstrained - cons_correction #print('dy_constrained check: ', np.isnan(dy_constrained).any()) # TODO: Support for adaptive changing independent variable steps new_direction = dy_constrained #print('new_direction', new_direction) #print('points', points) # Backtracking line search if np.isnan(new_direction).any(): print('new_direction', new_direction) #print('Convergence angle:', -(grad*new_direction).sum(axis=-1) / (np.linalg.norm(grad, axis=-1) * np.linalg.norm(new_direction, axis=-1))) new_points = points + INITIAL_STEP_SIZE * new_direction alpha = np.full(new_points.shape[:-1], INITIAL_STEP_SIZE, dtype=np.float) alpha[np.all(np.linalg.norm(new_direction, axis=-1) < MIN_DIRECTION_NORM, axis=-1)] = 0 negative_points = np.any(new_points < 0., axis=-1) while np.any(negative_points): alpha[negative_points] *= 0.5 new_points = points + alpha[..., np.newaxis] * new_direction negative_points = np.any(new_points < 0., axis=-1) # Backtracking line search # alpha now contains maximum possible values that keep us inside the space # but we don't just want to take the biggest step; we want the biggest step which reduces energy new_points = new_points.reshape( new_points.shape[:len(indep_vals)] + (-1, new_points.shape[-1])) candidates = calculate(dbf, comps, name, output='GM', model=models, callables=callable_dict, fake_points=False, points=new_points, **grid_opts) candidate_plane = np.multiply( candidates.X.values.reshape(points.shape[:-1] + (len(components), )), properties.MU.values[..., np.newaxis, :]).sum(axis=-1) energy_diff = (candidates.GM.values.reshape( new_direction.shape[:-1]) - candidate_plane) - current_df new_points.shape = new_direction.shape bad_steps = energy_diff > alpha * 1e-4 * (new_direction * grad).sum(axis=-1) backtracking_iterations = 0 while np.any(bad_steps): alpha[bad_steps] *= 0.5 new_points = points + alpha[..., np.newaxis] * new_direction #print('new_points', new_points) #print('bad_steps', bad_steps) new_points = new_points.reshape( new_points.shape[:len(indep_vals)] + (-1, new_points.shape[-1])) candidates = calculate(dbf, comps, name, output='GM', model=models, callables=callable_dict, fake_points=False, points=new_points, **grid_opts) candidate_plane = np.multiply( candidates.X.values.reshape(points.shape[:-1] + (len(components), )), properties.MU.values[..., np.newaxis, :]).sum(axis=-1) energy_diff = (candidates.GM.values.reshape( new_direction.shape[:-1]) - candidate_plane) - current_df #print('energy_diff', energy_diff) new_points.shape = new_direction.shape bad_steps = energy_diff > alpha * 1e-4 * ( new_direction * grad).sum(axis=-1) backtracking_iterations += 1 if backtracking_iterations > MAX_BACKTRACKING: break biggest_step = np.max( np.linalg.norm(new_points - points, axis=-1)) if biggest_step < 1e-2: if verbose: print('N-R convergence on mini-iteration', newton_iteration, '[{}]'.format(name)) points = new_points break if verbose: #print('Biggest step:', biggest_step) #print('points', points) #print('grad of points', grad) #print('new_direction', new_direction) #print('alpha', alpha) #print('new_points', new_points) pass points = new_points newton_iteration += 1 new_points = points.reshape(points.shape[:len(indep_vals)] + (-1, points.shape[-1])) new_points = np.concatenate( (current_site_fractions[..., :dof], new_points), axis=-2) points_dict[name] = new_points if verbose: print('Rebuilding grid', end=' ') grid = calculate(dbf, comps, active_phases, output='GM', model=models, callables=callable_dict, fake_points=True, points=points_dict, **grid_opts) if verbose: print('[{0} points, {1}]'.format(len(grid.points), sizeof_fmt(grid.nbytes)), end='\n') properties.attrs['iterations'] += 1 # One last call to ensure 'properties' and 'grid' are consistent with one another lower_convex_hull(grid, properties) ravelled_X_view = grid['X'].values.view().reshape( -1, grid['X'].values.shape[-1]) ravelled_Y_view = grid['Y'].values.view().reshape( -1, grid['Y'].values.shape[-1]) ravelled_Phase_view = grid['Phase'].values.view().reshape(-1) # Copy final point values from the grid and drop the index array # For some reason direct construction doesn't work. We have to create empty and then assign. properties['X'] = xray.DataArray( np.empty_like(ravelled_X_view[properties['points'].values]), dims=properties['points'].dims + ('component', )) properties['X'].values[...] = ravelled_X_view[properties['points'].values] properties['Y'] = xray.DataArray( np.empty_like(ravelled_Y_view[properties['points'].values]), dims=properties['points'].dims + ('internal_dof', )) properties['Y'].values[...] = ravelled_Y_view[properties['points'].values] # TODO: What about invariant reactions? We should perform a final driving force calculation here. # We can handle that in the same post-processing step where we identify single-phase regions. properties['Phase'] = xray.DataArray(np.empty_like( ravelled_Phase_view[properties['points'].values]), dims=properties['points'].dims) properties['Phase'].values[...] = ravelled_Phase_view[ properties['points'].values] del properties['points'] return properties
def equilibrium(dbf, comps, phases, conditions, **kwargs): """ Calculate the equilibrium state of a system containing the specified components and phases, under the specified conditions. Model parameters are taken from 'dbf'. Parameters ---------- dbf : Database Thermodynamic database containing the relevant parameters. comps : list Names of components to consider in the calculation. phases : list or dict Names of phases to consider in the calculation. conditions : dict or (list of dict) StateVariables and their corresponding value. verbose : bool, optional (Default: True) Show progress of calculations. grid_opts : dict, optional Keyword arguments to pass to the initial grid routine. Returns ------- Structured equilibrium calculation. Examples -------- None yet. """ active_phases = unpack_phases(phases) or sorted(dbf.phases.keys()) comps = sorted(comps) indep_vars = ['T', 'P'] grid_opts = kwargs.pop('grid_opts', dict()) verbose = kwargs.pop('verbose', True) phase_records = dict() callable_dict = kwargs.pop('callables', dict()) grad_callable_dict = kwargs.pop('grad_callables', dict()) hess_callable_dict = kwargs.pop('hess_callables', dict()) points_dict = dict() maximum_internal_dof = 0 conds = OrderedDict((key, unpack_condition(value)) for key, value in sorted(conditions.items(), key=str)) str_conds = OrderedDict((str(key), value) for key, value in conds.items()) indep_vals = list([float(x) for x in np.atleast_1d(val)] for key, val in str_conds.items() if key in indep_vars) components = [x for x in sorted(comps) if not x.startswith('VA')] # Construct models for each phase; prioritize user models models = unpack_kwarg(kwargs.pop('model', Model), default_arg=Model) if verbose: print('Components:', ' '.join(comps)) print('Phases:', end=' ') for name in active_phases: mod = models[name] if isinstance(mod, type): models[name] = mod = mod(dbf, comps, name) variables = sorted({key for key in conditions.keys() if key in [v.T, v.P]}), key=str) site_fracs = sorted(, key=str) maximum_internal_dof = max(maximum_internal_dof, len(site_fracs)) # Extra factor '1e-100...' is to work around an annoying broadcasting bug for zero gradient entries #models[name].models['_broadcaster'] = 1e-100 * Mul(*variables) ** 3 out = models[name].energy undefs = list(out.atoms(Symbol) - out.atoms(v.StateVariable)) for undef in undefs: out = out.xreplace({undef: float(0)}) callable_dict[name], grad_callable_dict[name], hess_callable_dict[name] = \ build_functions(out, [v.P, v.T] + site_fracs) # Adjust gradient by the approximate chemical potentials hyperplane = Add(*[v.MU(i)*mole_fraction(dbf.phases[name], comps, i) for i in comps if i != 'VA']) plane_obj, plane_grad, plane_hess = build_functions(hyperplane, [v.MU(i) for i in comps if i != 'VA']+site_fracs) phase_records[name.upper()] = PhaseRecord(variables=variables, grad=grad_callable_dict[name], hess=hess_callable_dict[name], plane_grad=plane_grad, plane_hess=plane_hess) if verbose: print(name, end=' ') if verbose: print('[done]', end='\n') # 'calculate' accepts conditions through its keyword arguments grid_opts.update({key: value for key, value in str_conds.items() if key in indep_vars}) if 'pdens' not in grid_opts: grid_opts['pdens'] = 100 coord_dict = str_conds.copy() coord_dict['vertex'] = np.arange(len(components)) grid_shape = np.meshgrid(*coord_dict.values(), indexing='ij', sparse=False)[0].shape coord_dict['component'] = components if verbose: print('Computing initial grid', end=' ') grid = calculate(dbf, comps, active_phases, output='GM', model=models, callables=callable_dict, fake_points=True, **grid_opts) if verbose: print('[{0} points, {1}]'.format(len(grid.points), sizeof_fmt(grid.nbytes)), end='\n') properties = xray.Dataset({'NP': (list(str_conds.keys()) + ['vertex'], np.empty(grid_shape)), 'GM': (list(str_conds.keys()), np.empty(grid_shape[:-1])), 'MU': (list(str_conds.keys()) + ['component'], np.empty(grid_shape)), 'points': (list(str_conds.keys()) + ['vertex'], np.empty(grid_shape, }, coords=coord_dict, attrs={'iterations': 1}, ) # Store the potentials from the previous iteration current_potentials = properties.MU.copy() for iteration in range(MAX_ITERATIONS): if verbose: print('Computing convex hull [iteration {}]'.format(properties.attrs['iterations'])) # lower_convex_hull will modify properties lower_convex_hull(grid, properties) progress = np.abs(current_potentials - properties.MU).values converged = (progress < MIN_PROGRESS).all(axis=-1) if verbose: print('progress', progress.max(), '[{} conditions updated]'.format(np.sum(~converged))) if progress.max() < MIN_PROGRESS: if verbose: print('Convergence achieved') break current_potentials[...] = properties.MU.values if verbose: print('Refining convex hull') # Insert extra dimensions for non-T,P conditions so GM broadcasts correctly energy_broadcast_shape = grid.GM.values.shape[:len(indep_vals)] + \ (1,) * (len(str_conds) - len(indep_vals)) + (grid.GM.values.shape[-1],) driving_forces = np.einsum('...i,...i', properties.MU.values[..., np.newaxis, :].astype(np.float), grid.X.values[np.index_exp[...] + (np.newaxis,) * (len(str_conds) - len(indep_vals)) + np.index_exp[:, :]].astype(np.float)) - \ grid.GM.values.view().reshape(energy_broadcast_shape) for name in active_phases: dof = len(models[name].energy.atoms(v.SiteFraction)) current_phase_indices = (grid.Phase.values == name).reshape(energy_broadcast_shape[:-1] + (-1,)) # Broadcast to capture all conditions current_phase_indices = np.broadcast_arrays(current_phase_indices, np.empty(driving_forces.shape))[0] # This reshape is safe as long as phases have the same number of points at all indep. conditions current_phase_driving_forces = driving_forces[current_phase_indices].reshape( current_phase_indices.shape[:-1] + (-1,)) # Note: This works as long as all points are in the same phase order for all T, P current_site_fractions = grid.Y.values[..., current_phase_indices[(0,) * len(str_conds)], :] if np.sum(current_site_fractions[(0,) * len(indep_vals)][..., :dof]) == dof: # All site fractions are 1, aka zero internal degrees of freedom # Impossible to refine these points, so skip this phase points_dict[name] = current_site_fractions[(0,) * len(indep_vals)][..., :dof] continue # Find the N points with largest driving force for a given set of conditions # Remember that driving force has a sign, so we want the "most positive" values # N is the number of components, in this context # N points define a 'best simplex' for every set of conditions # We also need to restrict ourselves to one phase at a time trial_indices = np.argpartition(current_phase_driving_forces, -len(components), axis=-1)[..., -len(components):] trial_indices = trial_indices.ravel() statevar_indices = np.unravel_index(np.arange(np.multiply.reduce(properties.GM.values.shape + (len(components),))), properties.GM.values.shape + (len(components),))[:len(indep_vals)] points = current_site_fractions[np.index_exp[statevar_indices + (trial_indices,)]] points.shape = properties.points.shape[:-1] + (-1, maximum_internal_dof) # The Y arrays have been padded, so we should slice off the padding points = points[..., :dof] #print('Starting points shape: ', points.shape) #print(points) if len(points) == 0: if name in points_dict: del points_dict[name] # No nearly stable points: skip this phase continue num_vars = len(phase_records[name].variables) plane_grad = phase_records[name].plane_grad plane_hess = phase_records[name].plane_hess statevar_grid = np.meshgrid(*itertools.chain(indep_vals), sparse=True, indexing='ij') # TODO: A more sophisticated treatment of constraints num_constraints = len(dbf.phases[name].sublattices) constraint_jac = np.zeros((num_constraints, num_vars-len(indep_vars))) # Independent variables are always fixed (in this limited implementation) #for idx in range(len(indep_vals)): # constraint_jac[idx, idx] = 1 # This is for site fraction balance constraints var_idx = 0#len(indep_vals) for idx in range(len(dbf.phases[name].sublattices)): active_in_subl = set(dbf.phases[name].constituents[idx]).intersection(comps) constraint_jac[idx, var_idx:var_idx + len(active_in_subl)] = 1 var_idx += len(active_in_subl) newton_iteration = 0 while newton_iteration < MAX_NEWTON_ITERATIONS: flattened_points = points.reshape(points.shape[:len(indep_vals)] + (-1, points.shape[-1])) grad_args = itertools.chain([i[..., None] for i in statevar_grid], [flattened_points[..., i] for i in range(flattened_points.shape[-1])]) grad = np.array(phase_records[name].grad(*grad_args), dtype=np.float) # Remove derivatives wrt T,P grad = grad[..., len(indep_vars):] grad.shape = points.shape grad[np.isnan(grad).any(axis=-1)] = 0 # This is necessary for gradients on the edge of space hess_args = itertools.chain([i[..., None] for i in statevar_grid], [flattened_points[..., i] for i in range(flattened_points.shape[-1])]) hess = np.array(phase_records[name].hess(*hess_args), dtype=np.float) # Remove derivatives wrt T,P hess = hess[..., len(indep_vars):, len(indep_vars):] hess.shape = points.shape + (hess.shape[-1],) hess[np.isnan(hess).any(axis=(-2, -1))] = np.eye(hess.shape[-1]) plane_args = itertools.chain([properties.MU.values[..., i][..., None] for i in range(properties.MU.shape[-1])], [points[..., i] for i in range(points.shape[-1])]) cast_grad = np.array(plane_grad(*plane_args), dtype=np.float) # Remove derivatives wrt chemical potentials cast_grad = cast_grad[..., properties.MU.shape[-1]:] grad = grad - cast_grad plane_args = itertools.chain([properties.MU.values[..., i][..., None] for i in range(properties.MU.shape[-1])], [points[..., i] for i in range(points.shape[-1])]) cast_hess = np.array(plane_hess(*plane_args), dtype=np.float) # Remove derivatives wrt chemical potentials cast_hess = cast_hess[..., properties.MU.shape[-1]:, properties.MU.shape[-1]:] cast_hess = -cast_hess + hess hess = cast_hess.astype(np.float, copy=False) try: e_matrix = np.linalg.inv(hess) except np.linalg.LinAlgError: print(hess) raise current = calculate(dbf, comps, name, output='GM', model=models, callables=callable_dict, fake_points=False, points=points.reshape(points.shape[:len(indep_vals)] + (-1, points.shape[-1])), **grid_opts) current_plane = np.multiply(current.X.values.reshape(points.shape[:-1] + (len(components),)), properties.MU.values[..., np.newaxis, :]).sum(axis=-1) current_df = current.GM.values.reshape(points.shape[:-1]) - current_plane #print('Inv hess check: ', np.isnan(e_matrix).any()) #print('grad check: ', np.isnan(grad).any()) dy_unconstrained = -np.einsum('...ij,...j->...i', e_matrix, grad) #print('dy_unconstrained check: ', np.isnan(dy_unconstrained).any()) proj_matrix =, constraint_jac.T) inv_matrix = np.rollaxis(, proj_matrix), 0, -1) inv_term = np.linalg.inv(inv_matrix) #print('inv_term check: ', np.isnan(inv_term).any()) first_term = np.einsum('...ij,...jk->...ik', proj_matrix, inv_term) #print('first_term check: ', np.isnan(first_term).any()) # Normally a term for the residual here # We only choose starting points which obey the constraints, so r = 0 cons_summation = np.einsum('...i,...ji->...j', dy_unconstrained, constraint_jac) #print('cons_summation check: ', np.isnan(cons_summation).any()) cons_correction = np.einsum('...ij,...j->...i', first_term, cons_summation) #print('cons_correction check: ', np.isnan(cons_correction).any()) dy_constrained = dy_unconstrained - cons_correction #print('dy_constrained check: ', np.isnan(dy_constrained).any()) # TODO: Support for adaptive changing independent variable steps new_direction = dy_constrained #print('new_direction', new_direction) #print('points', points) # Backtracking line search if np.isnan(new_direction).any(): print('new_direction', new_direction) #print('Convergence angle:', -(grad*new_direction).sum(axis=-1) / (np.linalg.norm(grad, axis=-1) * np.linalg.norm(new_direction, axis=-1))) new_points = points + INITIAL_STEP_SIZE * new_direction alpha = np.full(new_points.shape[:-1], INITIAL_STEP_SIZE, dtype=np.float) alpha[np.all(np.linalg.norm(new_direction, axis=-1) < MIN_DIRECTION_NORM, axis=-1)] = 0 negative_points = np.any(new_points < 0., axis=-1) while np.any(negative_points): alpha[negative_points] *= 0.5 new_points = points + alpha[..., np.newaxis] * new_direction negative_points = np.any(new_points < 0., axis=-1) # Backtracking line search # alpha now contains maximum possible values that keep us inside the space # but we don't just want to take the biggest step; we want the biggest step which reduces energy new_points = new_points.reshape(new_points.shape[:len(indep_vals)] + (-1, new_points.shape[-1])) candidates = calculate(dbf, comps, name, output='GM', model=models, callables=callable_dict, fake_points=False, points=new_points, **grid_opts) candidate_plane = np.multiply(candidates.X.values.reshape(points.shape[:-1] + (len(components),)), properties.MU.values[..., np.newaxis, :]).sum(axis=-1) energy_diff = (candidates.GM.values.reshape(new_direction.shape[:-1]) - candidate_plane) - current_df new_points.shape = new_direction.shape bad_steps = energy_diff > alpha * 1e-4 * (new_direction * grad).sum(axis=-1) backtracking_iterations = 0 while np.any(bad_steps): alpha[bad_steps] *= 0.5 new_points = points + alpha[..., np.newaxis] * new_direction #print('new_points', new_points) #print('bad_steps', bad_steps) new_points = new_points.reshape(new_points.shape[:len(indep_vals)] + (-1, new_points.shape[-1])) candidates = calculate(dbf, comps, name, output='GM', model=models, callables=callable_dict, fake_points=False, points=new_points, **grid_opts) candidate_plane = np.multiply(candidates.X.values.reshape(points.shape[:-1] + (len(components),)), properties.MU.values[..., np.newaxis, :]).sum(axis=-1) energy_diff = (candidates.GM.values.reshape(new_direction.shape[:-1]) - candidate_plane) - current_df #print('energy_diff', energy_diff) new_points.shape = new_direction.shape bad_steps = energy_diff > alpha * 1e-4 * (new_direction * grad).sum(axis=-1) backtracking_iterations += 1 if backtracking_iterations > MAX_BACKTRACKING: break biggest_step = np.max(np.linalg.norm(new_points - points, axis=-1)) if biggest_step < 1e-2: if verbose: print('N-R convergence on mini-iteration', newton_iteration, '[{}]'.format(name)) points = new_points break if verbose: #print('Biggest step:', biggest_step) #print('points', points) #print('grad of points', grad) #print('new_direction', new_direction) #print('alpha', alpha) #print('new_points', new_points) pass points = new_points newton_iteration += 1 new_points = points.reshape(points.shape[:len(indep_vals)] + (-1, points.shape[-1])) new_points = np.concatenate((current_site_fractions[..., :dof], new_points), axis=-2) points_dict[name] = new_points if verbose: print('Rebuilding grid', end=' ') grid = calculate(dbf, comps, active_phases, output='GM', model=models, callables=callable_dict, fake_points=True, points=points_dict, **grid_opts) if verbose: print('[{0} points, {1}]'.format(len(grid.points), sizeof_fmt(grid.nbytes)), end='\n') properties.attrs['iterations'] += 1 # One last call to ensure 'properties' and 'grid' are consistent with one another lower_convex_hull(grid, properties) ravelled_X_view = grid['X'].values.view().reshape(-1, grid['X'].values.shape[-1]) ravelled_Y_view = grid['Y'].values.view().reshape(-1, grid['Y'].values.shape[-1]) ravelled_Phase_view = grid['Phase'].values.view().reshape(-1) # Copy final point values from the grid and drop the index array # For some reason direct construction doesn't work. We have to create empty and then assign. properties['X'] = xray.DataArray(np.empty_like(ravelled_X_view[properties['points'].values]), dims=properties['points'].dims + ('component',)) properties['X'].values[...] = ravelled_X_view[properties['points'].values] properties['Y'] = xray.DataArray(np.empty_like(ravelled_Y_view[properties['points'].values]), dims=properties['points'].dims + ('internal_dof',)) properties['Y'].values[...] = ravelled_Y_view[properties['points'].values] # TODO: What about invariant reactions? We should perform a final driving force calculation here. # We can handle that in the same post-processing step where we identify single-phase regions. properties['Phase'] = xray.DataArray(np.empty_like(ravelled_Phase_view[properties['points'].values]), dims=properties['points'].dims) properties['Phase'].values[...] = ravelled_Phase_view[properties['points'].values] del properties['points'] return properties
def equilibrium(dbf, comps, phases, conditions, **kwargs): """ Calculate the equilibrium state of a system containing the specified components and phases, under the specified conditions. Model parameters are taken from 'dbf'. Parameters ---------- dbf : Database Thermodynamic database containing the relevant parameters. comps : list Names of components to consider in the calculation. phases : list or dict Names of phases to consider in the calculation. conditions : dict or (list of dict) StateVariables and their corresponding value. verbose : bool, optional (Default: True) Show progress of calculations. grid_opts : dict, optional Keyword arguments to pass to the initial grid routine. Returns ------- Structured equilibrium calculation. Examples -------- None yet. """ active_phases = unpack_phases(phases) or sorted(dbf.phases.keys()) comps = sorted(comps) indep_vars = ['T', 'P'] grid_opts = kwargs.pop('grid_opts', dict()) verbose = kwargs.pop('verbose', True) phase_records = dict() callable_dict = kwargs.pop('callables', dict()) grad_callable_dict = kwargs.pop('grad_callables', dict()) points_dict = dict() maximum_internal_dof = 0 # Construct models for each phase; prioritize user models models = unpack_kwarg(kwargs.pop('model', Model), default_arg=Model) if verbose: print('Components:', ' '.join(comps)) print('Phases:', end=' ') for name in active_phases: mod = models[name] if isinstance(mod, type): models[name] = mod = mod(dbf, comps, name) variables = sorted( {key for key in conditions.keys() if key in [v.T, v.P]}), key=str) site_fracs = sorted(, key=str) maximum_internal_dof = max(maximum_internal_dof, len(site_fracs)) # Extra factor '1e-100...' is to work around an annoying broadcasting bug for zero gradient entries models[name].models['_broadcaster'] = 1e-100 * Mul(*variables)**3 out = models[name].energy if name not in callable_dict: undefs = list(out.atoms(Symbol) - out.atoms(v.StateVariable)) for undef in undefs: out = out.xreplace({undef: float(0)}) # callable_dict takes variables in a different order due to calculate() pecularities callable_dict[name] = make_callable( out, sorted((key for key in conditions.keys() if key in [v.T, v.P]), key=str) + site_fracs) if name not in grad_callable_dict: grad_func = make_callable( Matrix([out]).jacobian(variables), variables) else: grad_func = grad_callable_dict[name] # Adjust gradient by the approximate chemical potentials plane_vars = sorted(models[name].energy.atoms(v.SiteFraction), key=str) hyperplane = Add(*[ v.MU(i) * mole_fraction(dbf.phases[name], comps, i) for i in comps if i != 'VA' ]) # Workaround an annoying bug with zero gradient entries # This forces numerically zero entries to broadcast correctly hyperplane += 1e-100 * Mul(*([v.MU(i) for i in comps if i != 'VA'] + plane_vars + [v.T, v.P]))**3 plane_grad = make_callable( Matrix([hyperplane]).jacobian(variables), [v.MU(i) for i in comps if i != 'VA'] + plane_vars + [v.T, v.P]) plane_hess = make_callable(hessian(hyperplane, variables), [v.MU(i) for i in comps if i != 'VA'] + plane_vars + [v.T, v.P]) phase_records[name.upper()] = PhaseRecord(variables=variables, grad=grad_func, plane_grad=plane_grad, plane_hess=plane_hess) if verbose: print(name, end=' ') if verbose: print('[done]', end='\n') conds = OrderedDict((key, unpack_condition(value)) for key, value in sorted(conditions.items(), key=str)) str_conds = OrderedDict((str(key), value) for key, value in conds.items()) indep_vals = list([float(x) for x in np.atleast_1d(val)] for key, val in str_conds.items() if key in indep_vars) components = [x for x in sorted(comps) if not x.startswith('VA')] # 'calculate' accepts conditions through its keyword arguments grid_opts.update( {key: value for key, value in str_conds.items() if key in indep_vars}) if 'pdens' not in grid_opts: grid_opts['pdens'] = 10 coord_dict = str_conds.copy() coord_dict['vertex'] = np.arange(len(components)) grid_shape = np.meshgrid(*coord_dict.values(), indexing='ij', sparse=False)[0].shape coord_dict['component'] = components if verbose: print('Computing initial grid', end=' ') grid = calculate(dbf, comps, active_phases, output='GM', model=models, callables=callable_dict, fake_points=True, **grid_opts) if verbose: print('[{0} points, {1}]'.format(len(grid.points), sizeof_fmt(grid.nbytes)), end='\n') properties = xray.Dataset( { 'NP': (list(str_conds.keys()) + ['vertex'], np.empty(grid_shape)), 'GM': (list(str_conds.keys()), np.empty(grid_shape[:-1])), 'MU': (list(str_conds.keys()) + ['component'], np.empty(grid_shape)), 'points': (list(str_conds.keys()) + ['vertex'], np.empty(grid_shape, }, coords=coord_dict, attrs={'iterations': 1}, ) # Store the potentials from the previous iteration current_potentials = properties.MU.copy() for iteration in range(MAX_ITERATIONS): if verbose: print('Computing convex hull [iteration {}]'.format( properties.attrs['iterations'])) # lower_convex_hull will modify properties lower_convex_hull(grid, properties) progress = np.abs(current_potentials - properties.MU).max().values if verbose: print('progress', progress) if progress < MIN_PROGRESS: if verbose: print('Convergence achieved') break current_potentials[...] = properties.MU.values if verbose: print('Refining convex hull') # Insert extra dimensions for non-T,P conditions so GM broadcasts correctly energy_broadcast_shape = grid.GM.values.shape[:len(indep_vals)] + \ (1,) * (len(str_conds) - len(indep_vals)) + (grid.GM.values.shape[-1],) driving_forces = np.einsum('...i,...i', properties.MU.values[..., np.newaxis, :], grid.X.values[np.index_exp[...] + (np.newaxis,) * (len(str_conds) - len(indep_vals)) + np.index_exp[:, :]]) - \ grid.GM.values.view().reshape(energy_broadcast_shape) for name in active_phases: dof = len(models[name].energy.atoms(v.SiteFraction)) current_phase_indices = (grid.Phase.values == name ).reshape(energy_broadcast_shape[:-1] + (-1, )) # Broadcast to capture all conditions current_phase_indices = np.broadcast_arrays( current_phase_indices, np.empty(driving_forces.shape))[0] # This reshape is safe as long as phases have the same number of points at all indep. conditions current_phase_driving_forces = driving_forces[ current_phase_indices].reshape( current_phase_indices.shape[:-1] + (-1, )) # Note: This works as long as all points are in the same phase order for all T, P current_site_fractions = grid.Y.values[..., current_phase_indices[ (0, ) * len(str_conds)], :] if np.sum( current_site_fractions[(0, ) * len(indep_vals)][..., :dof]) == dof: # All site fractions are 1, aka zero internal degrees of freedom # Impossible to refine these points, so skip this phase points_dict[name] = current_site_fractions[ (0, ) * len(indep_vals)][..., :dof] continue # Find the N points with largest driving force for a given set of conditions # Remember that driving force has a sign, so we want the "most positive" values # N is the number of components, in this context # N points define a 'best simplex' for every set of conditions # We also need to restrict ourselves to one phase at a time trial_indices = np.argpartition(current_phase_driving_forces, -len(components), axis=-1)[..., -len(components):] trial_indices = trial_indices.ravel() statevar_indices = np.unravel_index( np.arange( np.multiply.reduce(properties.GM.values.shape + (len(components), ))), properties.GM.values.shape + (len(components), ))[:len(indep_vals)] points = current_site_fractions[np.index_exp[statevar_indices + (trial_indices, )]] points.shape = properties.points.shape[:-1] + ( -1, maximum_internal_dof) # The Y arrays have been padded, so we should slice off the padding points = points[..., :dof] # Workaround for derivative issues at endmembers points[points == 0.] = MIN_SITE_FRACTION if len(points) == 0: if name in points_dict: del points_dict[name] # No nearly stable points: skip this phase continue num_vars = len(phase_records[name].variables) plane_grad = phase_records[name].plane_grad plane_hess = phase_records[name].plane_hess statevar_grid = np.meshgrid(*itertools.chain(indep_vals), sparse=True, indexing='xy') # TODO: A more sophisticated treatment of constraints num_constraints = len(indep_vals) + len( dbf.phases[name].sublattices) constraint_jac = np.zeros((num_constraints, num_vars)) # Independent variables are always fixed (in this limited implementation) for idx in range(len(indep_vals)): constraint_jac[idx, idx] = 1 # This is for site fraction balance constraints var_idx = len(indep_vals) for idx in range(len(dbf.phases[name].sublattices)): active_in_subl = set( dbf.phases[name].constituents[idx]).intersection(comps) constraint_jac[len(indep_vals) + idx, var_idx:var_idx + len(active_in_subl)] = 1 var_idx += len(active_in_subl) grad = phase_records[name].grad( *itertools.chain(statevar_grid, points.T)) if grad.dtype == 'object': # Workaround a bug in zero gradient entries grad_zeros = np.zeros(points.T.shape[1:], dtype=np.float) for i in np.arange(grad.shape[0]): if isinstance(grad[i], int): grad[i] = grad_zeros grad = np.array(grad.tolist(), dtype=np.float) bcasts = np.broadcast_arrays( *itertools.chain(properties.MU.values.T, points.T)) cast_grad = -plane_grad(*itertools.chain(bcasts, [0], [0])) cast_grad = cast_grad.T + grad.T grad = cast_grad grad.shape = grad.shape[:-1] # Remove extraneous dimension # This Hessian is an approximation updated using the BFGS method # See Nocedal and Wright, ch.3, p. 198 # Initialize as identity matrix hess = broadcast_to(np.eye(num_vars), grad.shape + (grad.shape[-1], )).copy() newton_iteration = 0 while newton_iteration < MAX_NEWTON_ITERATIONS: e_matrix = np.linalg.inv(hess) dy_unconstrained = -np.einsum('...ij,...j->...i', e_matrix, grad) proj_matrix =, constraint_jac.T) inv_matrix = np.rollaxis(, proj_matrix), 0, -1) inv_term = np.linalg.inv(inv_matrix) first_term = np.einsum('...ij,...jk->...ik', proj_matrix, inv_term) # Normally a term for the residual here # We only choose starting points which obey the constraints, so r = 0 cons_summation = np.einsum('...i,...ji->...j', dy_unconstrained, constraint_jac) cons_correction = np.einsum('...ij,...j->...i', first_term, cons_summation) dy_constrained = dy_unconstrained - cons_correction # TODO: Support for adaptive changing independent variable steps new_direction = dy_constrained[..., len(indep_vals):] # Backtracking line search new_points = points + INITIAL_STEP_SIZE * new_direction alpha = np.full(new_points.shape[:-1], INITIAL_STEP_SIZE, dtype=np.float) negative_points = np.any(new_points < 0., axis=-1) while np.any(negative_points): alpha[negative_points] *= 0.1 new_points = points + alpha[..., np.newaxis] * new_direction negative_points = np.any(new_points < 0., axis=-1) # If we made "near" zero progress on any points, don't update the Hessian until # we've rebuilt the convex hull # Nocedal and Wright recommend against skipping Hessian updates # They recommend using a damped update approach, pp. 538-539 of their book # TODO: Check the projected gradient norm, not the step length if np.any( np.max(np.abs(alpha[..., np.newaxis] * new_direction), axis=-1) < MIN_STEP_LENGTH): break # Workaround for derivative issues at endmembers new_points[new_points == 0.] = 1e-16 # BFGS update to Hessian new_grad = phase_records[name].grad( *itertools.chain(statevar_grid, new_points.T)) if new_grad.dtype == 'object': # Workaround a bug in zero gradient entries grad_zeros = np.zeros(new_points.T.shape[1:], dtype=np.float) for i in np.arange(new_grad.shape[0]): if isinstance(new_grad[i], int): new_grad[i] = grad_zeros new_grad = np.array(new_grad.tolist(), dtype=np.float) bcasts = np.broadcast_arrays( *itertools.chain(properties.MU.values.T, new_points.T)) cast_grad = -plane_grad(*itertools.chain(bcasts, [0], [0])) cast_grad = cast_grad.T + new_grad.T new_grad = cast_grad new_grad.shape = new_grad.shape[: -1] # Remove extraneous dimension # Notation used here consistent with Nocedal and Wright s_k = np.empty(points.shape[:-1] + (points.shape[-1] + len(indep_vals), )) # Zero out independent variable changes for now s_k[..., :len(indep_vals)] = 0 s_k[..., len(indep_vals):] = new_points - points y_k = new_grad - grad s_s_term = np.einsum('...j,...k->...jk', s_k, s_k) s_b_s_term = np.einsum('...i,...ij,...j', s_k, hess, s_k) y_y_y_s_term = np.einsum('...j,...k->...jk', y_k, y_k) / \ np.einsum('...i,...i', y_k, s_k)[..., np.newaxis, np.newaxis] update = np.einsum('...ij,...jk,...kl->', hess, s_s_term, hess) / \ s_b_s_term[..., np.newaxis, np.newaxis] + y_y_y_s_term hess = hess - update cast_hess = -plane_hess( *itertools.chain(bcasts, [0], [0])).T + hess hess = -cast_hess #TODO: Why does this fix things? # TODO: Verify that the chosen step lengths reduce the energy points = new_points grad = new_grad newton_iteration += 1 new_points = new_points.reshape( new_points.shape[:len(indep_vals)] + (-1, new_points.shape[-1])) new_points = np.concatenate( (current_site_fractions[..., :dof], new_points), axis=-2) points_dict[name] = new_points if verbose: print('Rebuilding grid', end=' ') grid = calculate(dbf, comps, active_phases, output='GM', model=models, callables=callable_dict, fake_points=True, points=points_dict, **grid_opts) if verbose: print('[{0} points, {1}]'.format(len(grid.points), sizeof_fmt(grid.nbytes)), end='\n') properties.attrs['iterations'] += 1 # One last call to ensure 'properties' and 'grid' are consistent with one another lower_convex_hull(grid, properties) ravelled_X_view = grid['X'].values.view().reshape( -1, grid['X'].values.shape[-1]) ravelled_Y_view = grid['Y'].values.view().reshape( -1, grid['Y'].values.shape[-1]) ravelled_Phase_view = grid['Phase'].values.view().reshape(-1) # Copy final point values from the grid and drop the index array # For some reason direct construction doesn't work. We have to create empty and then assign. properties['X'] = xray.DataArray( np.empty_like(ravelled_X_view[properties['points'].values]), dims=properties['points'].dims + ('component', )) properties['X'].values[...] = ravelled_X_view[properties['points'].values] properties['Y'] = xray.DataArray( np.empty_like(ravelled_Y_view[properties['points'].values]), dims=properties['points'].dims + ('internal_dof', )) properties['Y'].values[...] = ravelled_Y_view[properties['points'].values] # TODO: What about invariant reactions? We should perform a final driving force calculation here. # We can handle that in the same post-processing step where we identify single-phase regions. properties['Phase'] = xray.DataArray(np.empty_like( ravelled_Phase_view[properties['points'].values]), dims=properties['points'].dims) properties['Phase'].values[...] = ravelled_Phase_view[ properties['points'].values] del properties['points'] return properties
def equilibrium(dbf, comps, phases, conditions, **kwargs): """ Calculate the equilibrium state of a system containing the specified components and phases, under the specified conditions. Model parameters are taken from 'dbf'. Parameters ---------- dbf : Database Thermodynamic database containing the relevant parameters. comps : list Names of components to consider in the calculation. phases : list or dict Names of phases to consider in the calculation. conditions : dict or (list of dict) StateVariables and their corresponding value. verbose : bool, optional (Default: True) Show progress of calculations. grid_opts : dict, optional Keyword arguments to pass to the initial grid routine. Returns ------- Structured equilibrium calculation. Examples -------- None yet. """ active_phases = unpack_phases(phases) or sorted(dbf.phases.keys()) comps = sorted(comps) indep_vars = ['T', 'P'] grid_opts = kwargs.pop('grid_opts', dict()) verbose = kwargs.pop('verbose', True) phase_records = dict() callable_dict = kwargs.pop('callables', dict()) grad_callable_dict = kwargs.pop('grad_callables', dict()) points_dict = dict() maximum_internal_dof = 0 # Construct models for each phase; prioritize user models models = unpack_kwarg(kwargs.pop('model', Model), default_arg=Model) if verbose: print('Components:', ' '.join(comps)) print('Phases:', end=' ') for name in active_phases: mod = models[name] if isinstance(mod, type): models[name] = mod = mod(dbf, comps, name) variables = sorted({key for key in conditions.keys() if key in [v.T, v.P]}), key=str) site_fracs = sorted(, key=str) maximum_internal_dof = max(maximum_internal_dof, len(site_fracs)) # Extra factor '1e-100...' is to work around an annoying broadcasting bug for zero gradient entries models[name].models['_broadcaster'] = 1e-100 * Mul(*variables) ** 3 out = models[name].energy if name not in callable_dict: undefs = list(out.atoms(Symbol) - out.atoms(v.StateVariable)) for undef in undefs: out = out.xreplace({undef: float(0)}) # callable_dict takes variables in a different order due to calculate() pecularities callable_dict[name] = make_callable(out, sorted((key for key in conditions.keys() if key in [v.T, v.P]), key=str) + site_fracs) if name not in grad_callable_dict: grad_func = make_callable(Matrix([out]).jacobian(variables), variables) else: grad_func = grad_callable_dict[name] # Adjust gradient by the approximate chemical potentials plane_vars = sorted(models[name].energy.atoms(v.SiteFraction), key=str) hyperplane = Add(*[v.MU(i)*mole_fraction(dbf.phases[name], comps, i) for i in comps if i != 'VA']) # Workaround an annoying bug with zero gradient entries # This forces numerically zero entries to broadcast correctly hyperplane += 1e-100 * Mul(*([v.MU(i) for i in comps if i != 'VA'] + plane_vars + [v.T, v.P])) ** 3 plane_grad = make_callable(Matrix([hyperplane]).jacobian(variables), [v.MU(i) for i in comps if i != 'VA'] + plane_vars + [v.T, v.P]) plane_hess = make_callable(hessian(hyperplane, variables), [v.MU(i) for i in comps if i != 'VA'] + plane_vars + [v.T, v.P]) phase_records[name.upper()] = PhaseRecord(variables=variables, grad=grad_func, plane_grad=plane_grad, plane_hess=plane_hess) if verbose: print(name, end=' ') if verbose: print('[done]', end='\n') conds = OrderedDict((key, unpack_condition(value)) for key, value in sorted(conditions.items(), key=str)) str_conds = OrderedDict((str(key), value) for key, value in conds.items()) indep_vals = list([float(x) for x in np.atleast_1d(val)] for key, val in str_conds.items() if key in indep_vars) components = [x for x in sorted(comps) if not x.startswith('VA')] # 'calculate' accepts conditions through its keyword arguments grid_opts.update({key: value for key, value in str_conds.items() if key in indep_vars}) if 'pdens' not in grid_opts: grid_opts['pdens'] = 10 coord_dict = str_conds.copy() coord_dict['vertex'] = np.arange(len(components)) grid_shape = np.meshgrid(*coord_dict.values(), indexing='ij', sparse=False)[0].shape coord_dict['component'] = components if verbose: print('Computing initial grid', end=' ') grid = calculate(dbf, comps, active_phases, output='GM', model=models, callables=callable_dict, fake_points=True, **grid_opts) if verbose: print('[{0} points, {1}]'.format(len(grid.points), sizeof_fmt(grid.nbytes)), end='\n') properties = xray.Dataset({'NP': (list(str_conds.keys()) + ['vertex'], np.empty(grid_shape)), 'GM': (list(str_conds.keys()), np.empty(grid_shape[:-1])), 'MU': (list(str_conds.keys()) + ['component'], np.empty(grid_shape)), 'points': (list(str_conds.keys()) + ['vertex'], np.empty(grid_shape, }, coords=coord_dict, attrs={'iterations': 1}, ) # Store the potentials from the previous iteration current_potentials = properties.MU.copy() for iteration in range(MAX_ITERATIONS): if verbose: print('Computing convex hull [iteration {}]'.format(properties.attrs['iterations'])) # lower_convex_hull will modify properties lower_convex_hull(grid, properties) progress = np.abs(current_potentials - properties.MU).max().values if verbose: print('progress', progress) if progress < MIN_PROGRESS: if verbose: print('Convergence achieved') break current_potentials[...] = properties.MU.values if verbose: print('Refining convex hull') # Insert extra dimensions for non-T,P conditions so GM broadcasts correctly energy_broadcast_shape = grid.GM.values.shape[:len(indep_vals)] + \ (1,) * (len(str_conds) - len(indep_vals)) + (grid.GM.values.shape[-1],) driving_forces = np.einsum('...i,...i', properties.MU.values[..., np.newaxis, :], grid.X.values[np.index_exp[...] + (np.newaxis,) * (len(str_conds) - len(indep_vals)) + np.index_exp[:, :]]) - \ grid.GM.values.view().reshape(energy_broadcast_shape) for name in active_phases: dof = len(models[name].energy.atoms(v.SiteFraction)) current_phase_indices = (grid.Phase.values == name).reshape(energy_broadcast_shape[:-1] + (-1,)) # Broadcast to capture all conditions current_phase_indices = np.broadcast_arrays(current_phase_indices, np.empty(driving_forces.shape))[0] # This reshape is safe as long as phases have the same number of points at all indep. conditions current_phase_driving_forces = driving_forces[current_phase_indices].reshape( current_phase_indices.shape[:-1] + (-1,)) # Note: This works as long as all points are in the same phase order for all T, P current_site_fractions = grid.Y.values[..., current_phase_indices[(0,) * len(str_conds)], :] if np.sum(current_site_fractions[(0,) * len(indep_vals)][..., :dof]) == dof: # All site fractions are 1, aka zero internal degrees of freedom # Impossible to refine these points, so skip this phase points_dict[name] = current_site_fractions[(0,) * len(indep_vals)][..., :dof] continue # Find the N points with largest driving force for a given set of conditions # Remember that driving force has a sign, so we want the "most positive" values # N is the number of components, in this context # N points define a 'best simplex' for every set of conditions # We also need to restrict ourselves to one phase at a time trial_indices = np.argpartition(current_phase_driving_forces, -len(components), axis=-1)[..., -len(components):] trial_indices = trial_indices.ravel() statevar_indices = np.unravel_index(np.arange(np.multiply.reduce(properties.GM.values.shape + (len(components),))), properties.GM.values.shape + (len(components),))[:len(indep_vals)] points = current_site_fractions[np.index_exp[statevar_indices + (trial_indices,)]] points.shape = properties.points.shape[:-1] + (-1, maximum_internal_dof) # The Y arrays have been padded, so we should slice off the padding points = points[..., :dof] # Workaround for derivative issues at endmembers points[points == 0.] = MIN_SITE_FRACTION if len(points) == 0: if name in points_dict: del points_dict[name] # No nearly stable points: skip this phase continue num_vars = len(phase_records[name].variables) plane_grad = phase_records[name].plane_grad plane_hess = phase_records[name].plane_hess statevar_grid = np.meshgrid(*itertools.chain(indep_vals), sparse=True, indexing='xy') # TODO: A more sophisticated treatment of constraints num_constraints = len(indep_vals) + len(dbf.phases[name].sublattices) constraint_jac = np.zeros((num_constraints, num_vars)) # Independent variables are always fixed (in this limited implementation) for idx in range(len(indep_vals)): constraint_jac[idx, idx] = 1 # This is for site fraction balance constraints var_idx = len(indep_vals) for idx in range(len(dbf.phases[name].sublattices)): active_in_subl = set(dbf.phases[name].constituents[idx]).intersection(comps) constraint_jac[len(indep_vals) + idx, var_idx:var_idx + len(active_in_subl)] = 1 var_idx += len(active_in_subl) grad = phase_records[name].grad(*itertools.chain(statevar_grid, points.T)) if grad.dtype == 'object': # Workaround a bug in zero gradient entries grad_zeros = np.zeros(points.T.shape[1:], dtype=np.float) for i in np.arange(grad.shape[0]): if isinstance(grad[i], int): grad[i] = grad_zeros grad = np.array(grad.tolist(), dtype=np.float) bcasts = np.broadcast_arrays(*itertools.chain(properties.MU.values.T, points.T)) cast_grad = -plane_grad(*itertools.chain(bcasts, [0], [0])) cast_grad = cast_grad.T + grad.T grad = cast_grad grad.shape = grad.shape[:-1] # Remove extraneous dimension # This Hessian is an approximation updated using the BFGS method # See Nocedal and Wright, ch.3, p. 198 # Initialize as identity matrix hess = broadcast_to(np.eye(num_vars), grad.shape + (grad.shape[-1],)).copy() newton_iteration = 0 while newton_iteration < MAX_NEWTON_ITERATIONS: e_matrix = np.linalg.inv(hess) dy_unconstrained = -np.einsum('...ij,...j->...i', e_matrix, grad) proj_matrix =, constraint_jac.T) inv_matrix = np.rollaxis(, proj_matrix), 0, -1) inv_term = np.linalg.inv(inv_matrix) first_term = np.einsum('...ij,...jk->...ik', proj_matrix, inv_term) # Normally a term for the residual here # We only choose starting points which obey the constraints, so r = 0 cons_summation = np.einsum('...i,...ji->...j', dy_unconstrained, constraint_jac) cons_correction = np.einsum('...ij,...j->...i', first_term, cons_summation) dy_constrained = dy_unconstrained - cons_correction # TODO: Support for adaptive changing independent variable steps new_direction = dy_constrained[..., len(indep_vals):] # Backtracking line search new_points = points + INITIAL_STEP_SIZE * new_direction alpha = np.full(new_points.shape[:-1], INITIAL_STEP_SIZE, dtype=np.float) negative_points = np.any(new_points < 0., axis=-1) while np.any(negative_points): alpha[negative_points] *= 0.1 new_points = points + alpha[..., np.newaxis] * new_direction negative_points = np.any(new_points < 0., axis=-1) # If we made "near" zero progress on any points, don't update the Hessian until # we've rebuilt the convex hull # Nocedal and Wright recommend against skipping Hessian updates # They recommend using a damped update approach, pp. 538-539 of their book # TODO: Check the projected gradient norm, not the step length if np.any(np.max(np.abs(alpha[..., np.newaxis] * new_direction), axis=-1) < MIN_STEP_LENGTH): break # Workaround for derivative issues at endmembers new_points[new_points == 0.] = 1e-16 # BFGS update to Hessian new_grad = phase_records[name].grad(*itertools.chain(statevar_grid, new_points.T)) if new_grad.dtype == 'object': # Workaround a bug in zero gradient entries grad_zeros = np.zeros(new_points.T.shape[1:], dtype=np.float) for i in np.arange(new_grad.shape[0]): if isinstance(new_grad[i], int): new_grad[i] = grad_zeros new_grad = np.array(new_grad.tolist(), dtype=np.float) bcasts = np.broadcast_arrays(*itertools.chain(properties.MU.values.T, new_points.T)) cast_grad = -plane_grad(*itertools.chain(bcasts, [0], [0])) cast_grad = cast_grad.T + new_grad.T new_grad = cast_grad new_grad.shape = new_grad.shape[:-1] # Remove extraneous dimension # Notation used here consistent with Nocedal and Wright s_k = np.empty(points.shape[:-1] + (points.shape[-1] + len(indep_vals),)) # Zero out independent variable changes for now s_k[..., :len(indep_vals)] = 0 s_k[..., len(indep_vals):] = new_points - points y_k = new_grad - grad s_s_term = np.einsum('...j,...k->...jk', s_k, s_k) s_b_s_term = np.einsum('...i,...ij,...j', s_k, hess, s_k) y_y_y_s_term = np.einsum('...j,...k->...jk', y_k, y_k) / \ np.einsum('...i,...i', y_k, s_k)[..., np.newaxis, np.newaxis] update = np.einsum('...ij,...jk,...kl->', hess, s_s_term, hess) / \ s_b_s_term[..., np.newaxis, np.newaxis] + y_y_y_s_term hess = hess - update cast_hess = -plane_hess(*itertools.chain(bcasts, [0], [0])).T + hess hess = -cast_hess #TODO: Why does this fix things? # TODO: Verify that the chosen step lengths reduce the energy points = new_points grad = new_grad newton_iteration += 1 new_points = new_points.reshape(new_points.shape[:len(indep_vals)] + (-1, new_points.shape[-1])) new_points = np.concatenate((current_site_fractions[..., :dof], new_points), axis=-2) points_dict[name] = new_points if verbose: print('Rebuilding grid', end=' ') grid = calculate(dbf, comps, active_phases, output='GM', model=models, callables=callable_dict, fake_points=True, points=points_dict, **grid_opts) if verbose: print('[{0} points, {1}]'.format(len(grid.points), sizeof_fmt(grid.nbytes)), end='\n') properties.attrs['iterations'] += 1 # One last call to ensure 'properties' and 'grid' are consistent with one another lower_convex_hull(grid, properties) ravelled_X_view = grid['X'].values.view().reshape(-1, grid['X'].values.shape[-1]) ravelled_Y_view = grid['Y'].values.view().reshape(-1, grid['Y'].values.shape[-1]) ravelled_Phase_view = grid['Phase'].values.view().reshape(-1) # Copy final point values from the grid and drop the index array # For some reason direct construction doesn't work. We have to create empty and then assign. properties['X'] = xray.DataArray(np.empty_like(ravelled_X_view[properties['points'].values]), dims=properties['points'].dims + ('component',)) properties['X'].values[...] = ravelled_X_view[properties['points'].values] properties['Y'] = xray.DataArray(np.empty_like(ravelled_Y_view[properties['points'].values]), dims=properties['points'].dims + ('internal_dof',)) properties['Y'].values[...] = ravelled_Y_view[properties['points'].values] # TODO: What about invariant reactions? We should perform a final driving force calculation here. # We can handle that in the same post-processing step where we identify single-phase regions. properties['Phase'] = xray.DataArray(np.empty_like(ravelled_Phase_view[properties['points'].values]), dims=properties['points'].dims) properties['Phase'].values[...] = ravelled_Phase_view[properties['points'].values] del properties['points'] return properties