コード例 #1
 def get_intersection(self, line, infinite_lines=False):
     """ Get the point of intersection between two lines. Intersections
     outside the length of these lines are ignored.
     Returns (None, None) if no valid intersection was found.
     Otherwise the result is (CollisionPoint, distance). Distance is between
     0 and 1.
     x1, x2, x3, x4 = self.p1, self.p2, line.p1, line.p2
     a = psub(x2, x1)
     b = psub(x4, x3)
     c = psub(x3, x1)
     # see http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Line-LineIntersection.html (24)
         factor = pdot(pcross(c, b), pcross(a, b)) / pnormsq(pcross(a, b))
     except ZeroDivisionError:
         # lines are parallel
         # check if they are _one_ line
         if pnorm(pcross(a, c)) != 0:
             # the lines are parallel with a distance
             return None, None
         # the lines are on one straight
         candidates = []
         if self.is_point_inside(x3):
             candidates.append((x3, pnorm(c) / pnorm(a)))
         elif self.is_point_inside(x4):
             candidates.append((x4, pdist(line.p2, self.p1) / pnorm(a)))
         elif line.is_point_inside(x1):
             candidates.append((x1, 0))
         elif line.is_point_inside(x2):
             candidates.append((x2, 1))
             return None, None
         # return the collision candidate with the lowest distance
         candidates.sort(key=lambda collision: collision[1])
         return candidates[0]
     if infinite_lines or (-epsilon <= factor <= 1 + epsilon):
         intersec = padd(x1, pmul(a, factor))
         # check if the intersection is between x3 and x4
         if infinite_lines:
             return intersec, factor
         elif ((min(x3[0], x4[0]) - epsilon <= intersec[0] <=
                max(x3[0], x4[0]) + epsilon)
               and (min(x3[1], x4[1]) - epsilon <= intersec[1] <=
                    max(x3[1], x4[1]) + epsilon)
               and (min(x3[2], x4[2]) - epsilon <= intersec[2] <=
                    max(x3[2], x4[2]) + epsilon)):
             return intersec, factor
             # intersection outside of the length of line(x3, x4)
             return None, None
         # intersection outside of the length of line(x1, x2)
         return None, None
コード例 #2
ファイル: Model.py プロジェクト: zancas/pycam
 def calculate_point_height(self, x, y, func):
     point = (x, y, self.outer.minz)
     if not self.outer.is_point_inside(point):
         return None
     for poly in self.inner:
         if poly.is_point_inside(point):
             return None
     point = (x, y, self.outer.minz)
     line_distances = []
     for line in self.lines:
         cross_product = pcross(line.dir, psub(point, line.p1))
         if cross_product[2] > 0:
             close_points = []
             close_point = line.closest_point(point)
             if not line.is_point_inside(close_point):
             for p in close_points:
                 direction = psub(point, p)
                 dist = pnorm(direction)
         elif cross_product[2] == 0:
             # the point is on the line
             # no other line can get closer than this
             # the point is in the left of this line
     return self.z_level + func(line_distances[0])
コード例 #3
def intersect_sphere_line(center, radius, radiussq, direction, edge):
    # make a plane by sliding the line along the direction (1)
    d = edge.dir
    n = pcross(d, direction)
    if pnorm(n) == 0:
        # no contact point, but should check here if sphere *always* intersects
        # line...
        return (None, None, INFINITE)
    n = pnormalized(n)

    # calculate the distance from the sphere center to the plane
    dist = -pdot(center, n) + pdot(edge.p1, n)
    if abs(dist) > radius - epsilon:
        return (None, None, INFINITE)
    # this gives us the intersection circle on the sphere

    # now take a plane through the edge and perpendicular to the direction (2)
    # find the center on the circle closest to this plane

    # which means the other component is perpendicular to this plane (2)
    n2 = pnormalized(pcross(n, d))

    # the contact point is on a big circle through the sphere...
    dist2 = sqrt(radiussq - dist * dist)

    # ... and it's on the plane (1)
    ccp = padd(center, padd(pmul(n, dist), pmul(n2, dist2)))

    # now intersect a line through this point with the plane (2)
    plane = Plane(edge.p1, n2)
    (cp, l) = plane.intersect_point(direction, ccp)
    return (ccp, cp, l)
コード例 #4
ファイル: ContourFollow.py プロジェクト: yummyburger/pycam
def _process_one_triangle(extra_args):
    model, cutter, up_vector, triangle, z = extra_args
    result = []
    # ignore triangles below the z level
    if triangle.maxz < z:
        # Case 1a
        return result, None
    # ignore triangles pointing upwards or downwards
    if pnorm(pcross(triangle.normal, up_vector)) == 0:
        # Case 1b
        return result, None
    edge_collisions = get_collision_waterline_of_triangle(
        model, cutter, up_vector, triangle, z)
    if edge_collisions is None:
        # don't try to use this edge again
        return result, [id(triangle)]
    elif len(edge_collisions) == 0:
        return result, None
        for cutter_location, edge in edge_collisions:
            shifted_edge = get_shifted_waterline(up_vector, edge,
            if shifted_edge is not None:
                    result.append((edge, edge))
                    result.append((edge, shifted_edge))
        return result, None
コード例 #5
ファイル: Triangle.py プロジェクト: yummyburger/pycam
 def reset_cache(self):
     self.minx = min(self.p1[0], self.p2[0], self.p3[0])
     self.miny = min(self.p1[1], self.p2[1], self.p3[1])
     self.minz = min(self.p1[2], self.p2[2], self.p3[2])
     self.maxx = max(self.p1[0], self.p2[0], self.p3[0])
     self.maxy = max(self.p1[1], self.p2[1], self.p3[1])
     self.maxz = max(self.p1[2], self.p2[2], self.p3[2])
     self.e1 = Line(self.p1, self.p2)
     self.e2 = Line(self.p2, self.p3)
     self.e3 = Line(self.p3, self.p1)
     # calculate normal, if p1-p2-pe are in clockwise order
     if self.normal is None:
         self.normal = pnormalized(
             pcross(psub(self.p3, self.p1), psub(self.p2, self.p1)))
     if not len(self.normal) > 3:
         self.normal = (self.normal[0], self.normal[1], self.normal[2], 'v')
     self.center = pdiv(padd(padd(self.p1, self.p2), self.p3), 3)
     self.plane = Plane(self.center, self.normal)
     # calculate circumcircle (resulting in radius and middle)
     denom = pnorm(pcross(psub(self.p2, self.p1), psub(self.p3, self.p2)))
     self.radius = (pdist(self.p2, self.p1) * pdist(self.p3, self.p2) *
                    pdist(self.p3, self.p1)) / (2 * denom)
     self.radiussq = self.radius**2
     denom2 = 2 * denom * denom
     alpha = pdist_sq(self.p3, self.p2) * pdot(psub(
         self.p1, self.p2), psub(self.p1, self.p3)) / denom2
     beta = pdist_sq(self.p1, self.p3) * pdot(psub(
         self.p2, self.p1), psub(self.p2, self.p3)) / denom2
     gamma = pdist_sq(self.p1, self.p2) * pdot(psub(
         self.p3, self.p1), psub(self.p3, self.p2)) / denom2
     self.middle = (self.p1[0] * alpha + self.p2[0] * beta +
                    self.p3[0] * gamma, self.p1[1] * alpha +
                    self.p2[1] * beta + self.p3[1] * gamma,
                    self.p1[2] * alpha + self.p2[2] * beta +
                    self.p3[2] * gamma)
コード例 #6
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: eddeliu/pycam-1
def _check_deviance_of_adjacent_points(p1, p2, p3, min_distance):
    straight = psub(p3, p1)
    added = pdist(p2, p1) + pdist(p3, p2)
    # compare only the x/y distance of p1 and p3 with min_distance
    if straight[0]**2 + straight[1]**2 < min_distance**2:
        # the points are too close together
        return True
        # allow 0.1% deviance - this is an angle of around 2 degrees
        return (added / pnorm(straight)) < 1.001
コード例 #7
ファイル: Plane.py プロジェクト: zancas/pycam
 def intersect_point(self, direction, point):
     if (direction is not None) and (pnorm(direction) != 1):
         # calculations will go wrong, if the direction is not a unit vector
         direction = pnormalized(direction)
     if direction is None:
         return (None, INFINITE)
     denom = pdot(self.n, direction)
     if denom == 0:
         return (None, INFINITE)
     l = -(pdot(self.n, point) - pdot(self.n, self.p)) / denom
     cp = padd(point, pmul(direction, l))
     return (cp, l)
コード例 #8
 def draw_direction_cone_mesh(self,
     distance = psub(p2, p1)
     length = pnorm(distance)
     direction = pnormalized(distance)
     if direction is None or length < 0.5:
         # zero-length line
         return []
     cone_length = length * size
     cone_radius = cone_length / 3.0
     bottom = padd(p1, pmul(psub(p2, p1), position - size / 2))
     top = padd(p1, pmul(psub(p2, p1), position + size / 2))
     # generate a a line perpendicular to this line, cross product is good at this
     cross = pcross(direction, (0, 0, -1))
     conepoints = []
     if pnorm(cross) != 0:
         # The line direction is not in line with the z axis.
         conep1 = padd(bottom, pmul(cross, cone_radius))
         conepoints = [
             self._rotate_point(conep1, bottom, direction, x)
             for x in numpy.linspace(0, 2 * math.pi, precision)
         # Z axis
         # just add cone radius to the x axis and rotate the point
         conep1 = (bottom[0] + cone_radius, bottom[1], bottom[2])
         conepoints = [
             self._rotate_point(conep1, p1, direction, x)
             for x in numpy.linspace(0, 2 * math.pi, precision)
     triangles = [(top, conepoints[idx], conepoints[idx + 1])
                  for idx in range(len(conepoints) - 1)]
     return triangles
コード例 #9
ファイル: OpenGLTools.py プロジェクト: jtpedersen/pycam
def draw_direction_cone(p1, p2, position=0.5, precision=12, size=0.1):
    distance = psub(p2, p1)
    length = pnorm(distance)
    direction = pnormalized(distance)
    if direction is None:
        # zero-length line
    cone_length = length * size
    cone_radius = cone_length / 3.0
    # move the cone to the middle of the line
    GL.glTranslatef((p1[0] + p2[0]) * position, (p1[1] + p2[1]) * position,
                    (p1[2] + p2[2]) * position)
    # rotate the cone according to the line direction
    # The cross product is a good rotation axis.
    cross = pcross(direction, (0, 0, -1))
    if pnorm(cross) != 0:
        # The line direction is not in line with the z axis.
            angle = math.asin(sqrt(direction[0]**2 + direction[1]**2))
        except ValueError:
            # invalid angle - just ignore this cone
        # convert from radians to degree
        angle = angle / math.pi * 180
        if direction[2] < 0:
            angle = 180 - angle
        GL.glRotatef(angle, cross[0], cross[1], cross[2])
    elif direction[2] == -1:
        # The line goes down the z axis - turn it around.
        GL.glRotatef(180, 1, 0, 0)
        # The line goes up the z axis - nothing to be done.
    # center the cone
    GL.glTranslatef(0, 0, -cone_length * position)
    # draw the cone
    GLUT.glutSolidCone(cone_radius, cone_length, precision, 1)
コード例 #10
def intersect_cylinder_line(center, axis, radius, radiussq, direction, edge):
    d = edge.dir
    # take a plane throught the line and along the cylinder axis (1)
    n = pcross(d, axis)
    if pnorm(n) == 0:
        # no contact point, but should check here if cylinder *always*
        # intersects line...
        return (None, None, INFINITE)
    n = pnormalized(n)
    # the contact line between the cylinder and this plane (1)
    # is where the surface normal is perpendicular to the plane
    # so line := ccl + \lambda * axis
    if pdot(n, direction) < 0:
        ccl = psub(center, pmul(n, radius))
        ccl = padd(center, pmul(n, radius))
    # now extrude the contact line along the direction, this is a plane (2)
    n2 = pcross(direction, axis)
    if pnorm(n2) == 0:
        # no contact point, but should check here if cylinder *always*
        # intersects line...
        return (None, None, INFINITE)
    n2 = pnormalized(n2)
    plane1 = Plane(ccl, n2)
    # intersect this plane with the line, this gives us the contact point
    (cp, l) = plane1.intersect_point(d, edge.p1)
    if not cp:
        return (None, None, INFINITE)
    # now take a plane through the contact line and perpendicular to the
    # direction (3)
    plane2 = Plane(ccl, direction)
    # the intersection of this plane (3) with the line through the contact point
    # gives us the cutter contact point
    (ccp, l) = plane2.intersect_point(direction, cp)
    cp = padd(ccp, pmul(direction, -l))
    return (ccp, cp, -l)
コード例 #11
def intersect_circle_plane(center, radius, direction, triangle):
    # let n be the normal to the plane
    n = triangle.normal
    if pdot(n, direction) == 0:
        return (None, None, INFINITE)
    # project onto z=0
    n2 = (n[0], n[1], 0)
    if pnorm(n2) == 0:
        (cp, d) = triangle.plane.intersect_point(direction, center)
        ccp = psub(cp, pmul(direction, d))
        return (ccp, cp, d)
    n2 = pnormalized(n2)
    # the cutter contact point is on the circle, where the surface normal is n
    ccp = padd(center, pmul(n2, -radius))
    # intersect the plane with a line through the contact point
    (cp, d) = triangle.plane.intersect_point(direction, ccp)
    return (ccp, cp, d)
コード例 #12
def intersect_circle_line(center, axis, radius, radiussq, direction, edge):
    # make a plane by sliding the line along the direction (1)
    d = edge.dir
    if pdot(d, axis) == 0:
        if pdot(direction, axis) == 0:
            return (None, None, INFINITE)
        plane = Plane(center, axis)
        (p1, l) = plane.intersect_point(direction, edge.p1)
        (p2, l) = plane.intersect_point(direction, edge.p2)
        pc = Line(p1, p2).closest_point(center)
        d_sq = pnormsq(psub(pc, center))
        if d_sq >= radiussq:
            return (None, None, INFINITE)
        a = sqrt(radiussq - d_sq)
        d1 = pdot(psub(p1, pc), d)
        d2 = pdot(psub(p2, pc), d)
        ccp = None
        cp = None
        if abs(d1) < a - epsilon:
            ccp = p1
            cp = psub(p1, pmul(direction, l))
        elif abs(d2) < a - epsilon:
            ccp = p2
            cp = psub(p2, pmul(direction, l))
        elif ((d1 < -a + epsilon) and (d2 > a - epsilon)) \
                or ((d2 < -a + epsilon) and (d1 > a - epsilon)):
            ccp = pc
            cp = psub(pc, pmul(direction, l))
        return (ccp, cp, -l)
    n = pcross(d, direction)
    if pnorm(n) == 0:
        # no contact point, but should check here if circle *always* intersects
        # line...
        return (None, None, INFINITE)
    n = pnormalized(n)
    # take a plane through the base
    plane = Plane(center, axis)
    # intersect base with line
    (lp, l) = plane.intersect_point(d, edge.p1)
    if not lp:
        return (None, None, INFINITE)
    # intersection of 2 planes: lp + \lambda v
    v = pcross(axis, n)
    if pnorm(v) == 0:
        return (None, None, INFINITE)
    v = pnormalized(v)
    # take plane through intersection line and parallel to axis
    n2 = pcross(v, axis)
    if pnorm(n2) == 0:
        return (None, None, INFINITE)
    n2 = pnormalized(n2)
    # distance from center to this plane
    dist = pdot(n2, center) - pdot(n2, lp)
    distsq = dist * dist
    if distsq > radiussq - epsilon:
        return (None, None, INFINITE)
    # must be on circle
    dist2 = sqrt(radiussq - distsq)
    if pdot(d, axis) < 0:
        dist2 = -dist2
    ccp = psub(center, psub(pmul(n2, dist), pmul(v, dist2)))
    plane = Plane(edge.p1, pcross(pcross(d, direction), d))
    (cp, l) = plane.intersect_point(direction, ccp)
    return (ccp, cp, l)
コード例 #13
 def len(self):
     return pnorm(self.vector)
コード例 #14
ファイル: Triangle.py プロジェクト: yummyburger/pycam
 def get_area(self):
     cross = pcross(psub(self.p2, self.p1), psub(self.p3, self.p1))
     return pnorm(cross) / 2
コード例 #15
    def get_offset_polygons_validated(self, offset):
        if self.is_outer():
            inside_shifting = max(0, -offset)
            inside_shifting = max(0, offset)
        if inside_shifting * 2 >= self.get_max_inside_distance():
            # no polygons will be left
            return []
        points = []
        for index in range(len(self._points)):
            points.append(self.get_shifted_vertex(index, offset))
        max_dist = 1000 * epsilon

        def test_point_near(p, others):
            for o in others:
                if pdist(p, o) < max_dist:
                    return True
            return False

        reverse_lines = []
        shifted_lines = []
        for index, p1 in enumerate(points):
            next_index = (index + 1) % len(points)
            p2 = points[next_index]
            diff = psub(p2, p1)
            old_dir = pnormalized(
                psub(self._points[next_index], self._points[index]))
            if pnormalized(diff) != old_dir:
                # the direction turned around
                if pnorm(diff) > max_dist:
                    # the offset was too big
                    return None
                shifted_lines.append((True, Line(p1, p2)))
                shifted_lines.append((False, Line(p1, p2)))
        # look for reversed lines
        index = 0
        while index < len(shifted_lines):
            line_reverse, line = shifted_lines[index]
            if line_reverse:
                prev_index = (index - 1) % len(shifted_lines)
                next_index = (index + 1) % len(shifted_lines)
                prev_reverse, prev_line = shifted_lines[prev_index]
                while prev_reverse and (prev_index != next_index):
                    prev_index = (prev_index - 1) % len(shifted_lines)
                    prev_reverse, prev_line = shifted_lines[prev_index]
                if prev_index == next_index:
                    # no lines are left
                    print("out 1")
                    return []
                next_reverse, next_line = shifted_lines[next_index]
                while next_reverse and (prev_index != next_index):
                    next_index = (next_index + 1) % len(shifted_lines)
                    next_reverse, next_line = shifted_lines[next_index]
                if prev_index == next_index:
                    # no lines are left
                    print("out 2")
                    return []
                if pdist(prev_line.p2, next_line.p1) > max_dist:
                    cp, dist = prev_line.get_intersection(next_line)
                    cp = prev_line.p2
                if cp:
                    shifted_lines[prev_index] = (False, Line(prev_line.p1, cp))
                    shifted_lines[next_index] = (False, Line(cp, next_line.p2))
                    cp, dist = prev_line.get_intersection(next_line,
                    raise BaseException(
                        "Expected intersection not found: %s - %s - %s(%d) / %s(%d)"
                        % (cp, shifted_lines[prev_index + 1:next_index],
                           prev_line, prev_index, next_line, next_index))
                if index > next_index:
                    # we wrapped around the end of the list
                    index = next_index + 1
                index += 1
        non_reversed = [
            one_line for rev, one_line in shifted_lines
            if not rev and one_line.len > 0
        # split the list of lines into groups (based on intersections)
        split_points = []
        index = 0
        while index < len(non_reversed):
            other_index = 0
            while other_index < len(non_reversed):
                other_line = non_reversed[other_index]
                if (other_index == index) \
                        or (other_index == ((index - 1) % len(non_reversed))) \
                        or (other_index == ((index + 1) % len(non_reversed))):
                    # skip neighbours
                    other_index += 1
                line = non_reversed[index]
                cp, dist = line.get_intersection(other_line)
                if cp:
                    if not test_point_near(
                        (line.p1, line.p2, other_line.p1, other_line.p2)):
                        # the collision is not close to an end of the line
                        return None
                    elif (cp == line.p1) or (cp == line.p2):
                        # maybe we have been here before
                        if cp not in split_points:
                    elif (pdist(cp, line.p1) < max_dist) or (pdist(
                            cp, line.p2) < max_dist):
                        if pdist(cp, line.p1) < pdist(cp, line.p2):
                            non_reversed[index] = Line(cp, line.p2)
                            non_reversed[index] = Line(line.p1, cp)
                                            Line(other_line.p1, cp))
                        non_reversed.insert(other_index + 1,
                                            Line(cp, other_line.p2))
                        if other_index < index:
                            index += 1
                        # skip the second part of this line
                        other_index += 1
                        # the split of 'other_line' will be handled later
                other_index += 1
            index += 1
        groups = [[]]
        current_group = 0
        split_here = False
        for line in non_reversed:
            if line.p1 in split_points:
                split_here = True
            if split_here:
                split_here = False
                # check if any preceding group fits to the point
                for index, group in enumerate(groups):
                    if not group:
                    if index == current_group:
                    if group[0].p1 == group[-1].p2:
                        # the group is already closed
                    if line.p1 == group[-1].p2:
                        current_group = index
                    current_group = len(groups)
            if line.p2 in split_points:
                split_here = True

        # try to combine open groups
        for index1, group1 in enumerate(groups):
            if not group1:
            for index2, group2 in enumerate(groups):
                if not group2:
                if index2 <= index1:
                if (group1[-1].p2 == group2[0].p1) \
                        and (group1[0].p1 == group2[-1].p2):
                    groups[index2] = []
        result_polygons = []
        print("********** GROUPS **************")
        for a in groups:
        for group in groups:
            if len(group) <= 2:
            poly = Polygon(self.plane)
            for line in group:
                except ValueError:
                    for a in non_reversed:
            if self.is_closed and ((not poly.is_closed) or
                                   (self.is_outer() != poly.is_outer())):
            elif (not self.is_closed) and (poly.get_area() != 0):
        return result_polygons