def test_settings_return_custom_value_for_tests_dirs(): settings = Settings({"tests_dirs": ["a", "b"]}) expected = [abspath("a"), abspath("b")] assert settings.tests_dirs == expected, "The tests dir should be %s but was %s." % ( expected, settings.tests_dirs)
def test_settings_return_default_value_for_actions_dir(): settings = Settings({"actions_dir": "a"}) assert settings.actions_dir == "a", "The actions_dir dir should be %s but was %s." % ( "a", settings.actions_dir)
def test_settings_return_default_value_for_extra_args(): settings = Settings({}) assert settings.extra_args == {}, "The extra_args should be an empty dict but was %s." % ( settings.extra_args)
def test_settings_return_default_value_for_browser_driver(): settings = Settings({}) assert settings.browser_driver == "selenium", "The browser_driver should be selenium but was %s." % ( settings.browser_driver)
def test_settings_return_default_value_for_custom_actions_dir(): settings = Settings({}) assert settings.custom_actions_dir == [ cur_dir ], "The custom actions dir should be %s but was %s." % ( cur_dir, settings.custom_actions_dir)
def test_settings_return_default_value_for_pages_dir(): settings = Settings({}) assert settings.pages_dir == [ cur_dir ], "The pages dir should be %s but was %s." % (cur_dir, settings.pages_dir)
def test_settings_return_default_value_for_languages_dir(): settings = Settings({}) assert settings.languages_dir == languages_dir, "The languages_dir dir should be %s but was %s." % ( languages_dir, settings.languages_dir)