コード例 #1
def creator(platform_info, sensor_info, data):
    title_str = sensor_info['description']+' at '+ sensor_info['location']
    global_atts = { 
        # Required
        'title' : title_str,
        'institution' : platform_info['institution'],
        'institution_url' : platform_info['institution_url'],
        'institution_dods_url' : platform_info['institution_dods_url'],
        'contact' : platform_info['contact'],
        'Conventions' : platform_info['conventions'],
        # Required by Scout
        'format_category_code' : platform_info['format_category_code'],
        'institution_code' : platform_info['institution_code'],
        'platform_code' : platform_info['id'],
        'package_code' : sensor_info['id'],
        # Required by Version tracking
        'format' : platform_info['format'],
        'seacoos_rt_version' : platform_info['seacoos_rt_version'],
        # Recommended
        '_FillValue' : n.nan,
        'missing_value' : n.nan,
        'source' : platform_info['source'],
        'references' : platform_info['references'],
        'metadata_url' : platform_info['metadata_url'],
        'history' : 'raw2proc using ' + sensor_info['process_module'],
        'comment' : 'File created using pycdf ' + \
                    pycdf.pycdfVersion() + ' and ' + \
                    pycdf.pycdfArrayPkg() + ' ' + \
        'project' : platform_info['project'],
        'project_url' : platform_info['project_url'],
        # timeframe of data contained in file yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS
        # first date in monthly file
        'start_date' : data['dt'][0].strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
        # last date in monthly file
        'end_date' : data['dt'][-1].strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), 
        'release_date' : nowDt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
        'creation_date' : nowDt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
        'modification_date' : nowDt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
        'process_level' : 'level1',
        # Custom
        'id_number' : platform_info['id_number'],
        'description' : platform_info['description'],
        'serial_number' : platform_info['serial_number'],
        'product_number' : platform_info['product_number'],
        'product_name' : platform_info['product_name'],
        'type' : platform_info['type'],
        'protocol_version' : platform_info['protocol_version'],
        'xmlns' : platform_info['xmlns'],
        'location' : platform_info['location'],
        'vertical_position': platform_info['vertical_position'],
        'owner' : platform_info['owner'],
        'package_id_number' : sensor_info['id_number'],
        'package_description' : sensor_info['description'],
        'package_serial_number' : sensor_info['serial_number'],
        'package_product_number' : sensor_info['product_number'],
        'package_product_name' : sensor_info['product_name'],
        'package_adr' : sensor_info['adr'],
        'package_protocol_version' : sensor_info['protocol_version'],
        'package_vertical_position' : sensor_info['vertical_position'],
    var_atts = {
        # coordinate variables
        'time' : {'short_name': 'time',
                  'long_name': 'Time',
                  'standard_name': 'time',
                  'units': 'seconds since 1970-1-1 00:00:00 -0', # UTC
                  'axis': 'T',
        'lat' : {'short_name': 'lat',
                 'long_name': 'Latitude',
                 'standard_name': 'latitude',
                 'reference':'geographic coordinates',
                 'units': 'degrees_north',
                 'axis': 'Y',
        'lon' : {'short_name': 'lon',
                 'long_name': 'Longtitude',
                 'standard_name': 'longtitude',
                 'reference':'geographic coordinates',
                 'units': 'degrees_east',
                 'axis': 'Y',
        'z' : {'short_name': 'z',
               'long_name': 'Height',
               'standard_name': 'height',
               'reference':'zero at sea-surface',
               'positive' : 'up',
               'units': 'meters',
               'axis': 'Z',
        # data variables
        'ptime' : {'short_name': 'ptime',
                   'long_name': 'Package Time',
                   'standard_name': 'none',
                   'units': 'seconds since 1970-1-1 00:00:00 -0', # UTC
        'session' : {'short_name': 'session',
                     'long_name': 'Session ID',
                     'standard_name': 'none',
                     'units': 'seconds since 1970-1-1 00:00:00 -0', # UTC
        'psession' : {'short_name': 'ptime',
                      'long_name': 'Package Session ID',
                      'standard_name': 'none',
                      'units': 'seconds since 1970-1-1 00:00:00 -0', # UTC
        'record' : {'short_name': 'record',
                    'long_name': 'Record Number',
                    'standard_name': 'none',
                    'units' : 'none',
        'status': {'short_name' : 'status',
                   'long_name': 'Platform Status Code',
                   'standard_name': 'none',
                   'units' : 'none',
                   'value_map' : platform_info['status_map'],
        'pstatus': {'short_name' : 'pstatus',
                    'long_name': 'Package Status Code',
                    'standard_name': 'none',
                    'units' : 'none',
                    'value_map' : sensor_info['status_map'],
        'abs_speed' : {'short_name' : 'c_spd',
                       'long_name': sensor_info['abs_speed_description'],
                       'standard_name': 'current_speed',
                       'units': 'cm s-1',
                       'id_number' : sensor_info['abs_speed_id'],
                       'type' : sensor_info['abs_speed_type'],
                       'format' : sensor_info['abs_speed_format'],
                       'non_standard_units' : sensor_info['abs_speed_units'],
                       'range_min' : sensor_info['abs_speed_range_min'],
                       'range_max' : sensor_info['abs_speed_range_max'],
        'direction' : {'short_name' : 'c_dir',
                       'long_name': sensor_info['direction_description'],
                       'standard_name': 'current_to_direction',
                       'units': 'degrees_true',
                       'id_number' : sensor_info['direction_id'],
                       'type' : sensor_info['direction_type'],
                       'format' : sensor_info['direction_format'],
                       'non_standard_units' : sensor_info['direction_units'],
                       'range_min' : sensor_info['direction_range_min'],
                       'range_max' : sensor_info['direction_range_max'],
        'v' : {'short_name' : 'water_v',
               'long_name': sensor_info['v_description'],
               'standard_name': 'northward_current',
               'units': 'cm s-1',
               'id_number' : sensor_info['v_id'],
               'type' : sensor_info['v_type'],
               'format' : sensor_info['v_format'],
               'non_standard_units' : sensor_info['v_units'],
               'range_min' : sensor_info['v_range_min'],
               'range_max' : sensor_info['v_range_max'],
        'u' : {'short_name' : 'water_u',
               'long_name': sensor_info['u_description'],
               'standard_name': 'eastward_current',
               'units': 'cm s-1',
               'id_number' : sensor_info['u_id'],
               'type' : sensor_info['u_type'],
               'format' : sensor_info['u_format'],
               'non_standard_units' : sensor_info['u_units'],
               'range_min' : sensor_info['u_range_min'],
               'range_max' : sensor_info['u_range_max'],
        'heading' : {'short_name' : 'heading',
                     'long_name': sensor_info['heading_description'],
                     'standard_name': 'none',
                     'units': 'none',
                     'id_number' : sensor_info['heading_id'],
                     'type' : sensor_info['heading_type'],
                     'format' : sensor_info['heading_format'],
                     'non_standard_units' : sensor_info['heading_units'],
                     'range_min' : sensor_info['heading_range_min'],
                     'range_max' : sensor_info['heading_range_max'],
        'tiltx' : {'short_name' : 'tiltx',
                   'long_name': sensor_info['tiltx_description'],
                   'standard_name': 'none',
                   'units': 'none',
                   'id_number' : sensor_info['tiltx_id'],
                   'type' : sensor_info['tiltx_type'],
                   'format' : sensor_info['tiltx_format'],
                   'non_standard_units' : sensor_info['tiltx_units'],
                   'range_min' : sensor_info['tiltx_range_min'],
                   'range_max' : sensor_info['tiltx_range_max'],
        'tilty' : {'short_name' : 'tilty',
                   'long_name': sensor_info['tilty_description'],
                   'standard_name': 'none',
                   'units': 'none',
                   'id_number' : sensor_info['tilty_id'],
                   'type' : sensor_info['tilty_type'],
                   'format' : sensor_info['tilty_format'],
                   'non_standard_units' : sensor_info['tilty_units'],
                   'range_min' : sensor_info['tilty_range_min'],
                   'range_max' : sensor_info['tilty_range_max'],
        'std_speed' : {'short_name' : 'beam_vel',
                       'long_name': sensor_info['std_speed_description'],
                       'standard_name': 'beam_velocity',
                       'units': 'cm s-1',
                       'id_number' : sensor_info['std_speed_id'],
                       'type' : sensor_info['std_speed_type'],
                       'format' : sensor_info['std_speed_format'],
                       'non_standard_units' : sensor_info['std_speed_units'],
                       'range_min' : sensor_info['std_speed_range_min'],
                       'range_max' : sensor_info['std_speed_range_max'],
        'strength' : {'short_name' : 'beam_echo',
                      'long_name': sensor_info['strength_description'],
                      'standard_name': 'beam_echo_intensity',
                      'units': 'db',
                      'id_number' : sensor_info['strength_id'],
                      'type' : sensor_info['strength_type'],
                      'format' : sensor_info['strength_format'],
                      'non_standard_units' : sensor_info['strength_units'],
                      'range_min' : sensor_info['strength_range_min'],
                      'range_max' : sensor_info['strength_range_max'],
        'pings' : {'short_name' : 'pings',
                       'long_name': sensor_info['pings_description'],
                       'standard_name': 'none',
                       'units': 'none',
                       'id_number' : sensor_info['pings_id'],
                       'type' : sensor_info['pings_type'],
                       'format' : sensor_info['pings_format'],
                       'non_standard_units' : sensor_info['pings_units'],
                       'range_min' : sensor_info['pings_range_min'],
                       'range_max' : sensor_info['pings_range_max'],
    # dimension names use tuple so order of initialization is maintained
    dim_inits = (
        ('ntime', pycdf.NC.UNLIMITED),
        ('nlat', 1),
        ('nlon', 1),
        ('nz', 1),
    # using tuple of tuples so order of initialization is maintained
    # using dict for attributes order of init not important
    # use dimension names not values
    # (varName, varType, (dimName1, [dimName2], ...))
    var_inits = (
        # coordinate variables
        ('time',  pycdf.NC.INT,   ('ntime',)),
        ('lat',   pycdf.NC.FLOAT, ('nlat',)),
        ('lon',   pycdf.NC.FLOAT, ('nlon',)),
        ('z',     pycdf.NC.FLOAT, ('nz',)),
        # data variables
        ('ptime',     pycdf.NC.INT, ('ntime',)),
        ('session',   pycdf.NC.INT, ('ntime',)),
        ('psession',  pycdf.NC.INT, ('ntime',)),
        ('record',    pycdf.NC.INT, ('ntime',)),
        ('status',    pycdf.NC.INT, ('ntime',)),
        ('pstatus',   pycdf.NC.INT, ('ntime',)),
        ('abs_speed', pycdf.NC.FLOAT, ('ntime',)),
        ('direction', pycdf.NC.FLOAT, ('ntime',)),
        ('v',         pycdf.NC.FLOAT, ('ntime',)),
        ('u',         pycdf.NC.FLOAT, ('ntime',)),
        ('heading',   pycdf.NC.FLOAT, ('ntime',)),
        ('tiltx',     pycdf.NC.FLOAT, ('ntime',)),
        ('tilty',     pycdf.NC.FLOAT, ('ntime',)),
        ('std_speed', pycdf.NC.FLOAT, ('ntime',)),
        ('strength',  pycdf.NC.FLOAT, ('ntime',)),
        ('pings',     pycdf.NC.INT, ('ntime',)),
    # subset data only to month being processed (see raw2proc.process())
    i = data['in']
    # var data 
    var_data = (
        ('time',      data['time'][i]),
        ('lat',       sensor_info['lat']),
        ('lon',       sensor_info['lat']),
        ('z',         sensor_info['elevation']),
        ('ptime',     data['ptime'][i]),
        ('session',   data['session'][i]),
        ('psession',  data['psession'][i]),
        ('record',    data['record'][i]),
        ('status',    data['status'][i]),
        ('pstatus',   data['pstatus'][i]),
        ('abs_speed', data['abs_speed'][i]),
        ('direction', data['direction'][i]),
        ('v',         data['v'][i]),
        ('u',         data['u'][i]),
        ('heading',   data['heading'][i]),
        ('tiltx',     data['tiltx'][i]),
        ('tilty',     data['tilty'][i]),
        ('std_speed', data['std_speed'][i]),
        ('strength',  data['strength'][i]),
        ('pings',     data['pings'][i]),
    return (global_atts, var_atts, dim_inits, var_inits, var_data)
コード例 #2
def creator(platform_info, sensor_info, data):
    title_str = sensor_info['description']+' at '+ platform_info['location']
    global_atts = { 
        'title' : title_str,
        'institution' : 'Unversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC-CH)',
        'institution_url' : 'http://nccoos.unc.edu',
        'institution_dods_url' : 'http://nccoos.unc.edu',
        'metadata_url' : 'http://nccoos.unc.edu',
        'references' : 'http://nccoos.unc.edu',
        'contact' : 'cbc ([email protected])',
        'source' : 'fixed-profiler (acoustic doppler) observation',
        'history' : 'raw2proc using ' + sensor_info['process_module'],
        'comment' : 'File created using pycdf'+pycdf.pycdfVersion()+' and numpy '+pycdf.pycdfArrayPkg(),
        # conventions
        'Conventions' : 'CF-1.0; SEACOOS-CDL-v2.0',
        # SEACOOS CDL codes
        'format_category_code' : 'fixed-profiler',
        'institution_code' : platform_info['institution'],
        'platform_code' : platform_info['id'],
        'package_code' : sensor_info['id'],
        # institution specific
        'project' : 'North Carolina Coastal Ocean Observing System (NCCOOS)',
        'project_url' : 'http://nccoos.unc.edu',
        # timeframe of data contained in file yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS
        # first date in monthly file
        'start_date' : data['dt'][0].strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
        # last date in monthly file
        'end_date' : data['dt'][-1].strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), 
        'release_date' : nowDt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
        'creation_date' : nowDt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
        'modification_date' : nowDt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
        'process_level' : 'level1',
        # must type match to data (e.g. fillvalue is real if data is real)
        '_FillValue' : -99999.,
    var_atts = {
        # coordinate variables
        'time' : {'short_name': 'time',
                  'long_name': 'Time',
                  'standard_name': 'time',
                  'units': 'seconds since 1970-1-1 00:00:00 -0', # UTC
                  'axis': 'T',
        'lat' : {'short_name': 'lat',
                 'long_name': 'Latitude',
                 'standard_name': 'latitude',
                 'reference':'geographic coordinates',
                 'units': 'degrees_north',
                 'axis': 'Y',
        'lon' : {'short_name': 'lon',
                 'long_name': 'Longtitude',
                 'standard_name': 'longtitude',
                 'reference':'geographic coordinates',
                 'units': 'degrees_east',
                 'axis': 'X',
        'z' : {'short_name': 'z',
               'long_name': 'Height',
               'standard_name': 'height',
               'reference':'zero at sea-surface',
               'positive' : 'up',
               'units': 'm',
               'axis': 'Z',
        # data variables
        'u': {'short_name' : 'u',
              'long_name': 'East/West Component of Wind',
              'standard_name': 'eastward_wind',
              'positive': 'to the east',
              'units': 'm s-1',
        'v': {'short_name' : 'v',
              'long_name': 'North/South Component of Wind',
              'standard_name': 'northward_wind',
              'positive': 'to the north',         
              'units': 'm s-1',
        'w': {'short_name' : 'w',
              'long_name': 'Vertical Component of Wind',
              'standard_name': 'upward_wind',
              'positive': 'from the surface',                          
              'units': 'm s-1',
        'sigw': {'short_name' : 'sigw',
                 'long_name': 'Standard Deviation of Vertical Component',
                 'standard_name': 'sigma_upward_wind',
        'bck' : {'short_name': 'bck',
                 'long_name': 'Backscatter',
                 'standard_name': 'backscatter'
        'error' : {'short_name': 'error',
                   'long_name': 'Error Code',
                   'standard_name': 'error_code'
    # dimension names use tuple so order of initialization is maintained
    dim_inits = (
        ('ntime', pycdf.NC.UNLIMITED),
        ('nlat', 1),
        ('nlon', 1),
        ('nz', sensor_info['num_altitudes'])
    # using tuple of tuples so order of initialization is maintained
    # using dict for attributes order of init not important
    # use dimension names not values
    # (varName, varType, (dimName1, [dimName2], ...))
    var_inits = (
        # coordinate variables
        ('time',  pycdf.NC.INT,   ('ntime',)),
        ('lat',   pycdf.NC.FLOAT, ('nlat',)),
        ('lon',   pycdf.NC.FLOAT, ('nlon',)),
        ('z',     pycdf.NC.FLOAT, ('nz',)),
        # data variables
        ('u',     pycdf.NC.FLOAT, ('ntime', 'nz')),
        ('v',     pycdf.NC.FLOAT, ('ntime', 'nz')),
        ('w',     pycdf.NC.FLOAT, ('ntime', 'nz')),
        ('sigw',  pycdf.NC.FLOAT, ('ntime', 'nz')),
        ('bck',   pycdf.NC.FLOAT, ('ntime', 'nz')),
        ('error', pycdf.NC.INT,   ('ntime', 'nz')),
    # subset data only to month being processed (see raw2proc.process())
    i = data['in']
    # var data 
    var_data = (
        ('time',  data['time'][i]),
        ('lat',   platform_info['lat']),
        ('lon',   platform_info['lon']),
        ('z',     data['z']),
        ('u',     data['u'][i]),
        ('v',     data['v'][i]),
        ('w',     data['w'][i]),
        ('sigw',  data['sigw'][i]),
        ('bck',   data['bck'][i]),
        ('error', data['error'][i]),
    return (global_atts, var_atts, dim_inits, var_inits, var_data)