コード例 #1
ファイル: pycgm_embed.py プロジェクト: manansaxena/pyCGM
def main():
    #Load the filenames
    dynamic_trial, static_trial, vsk_file, outputfile = getfilenames()
    #Load a dynamic trial, static trial, and vsk (subject measurements)
    motionData, vskData, staticData = loadData(dynamic_trial, static_trial,

    #Calculate the static offsets
    flat_foot = False
    calibratedMeasurements = pycgmStatic.getStatic(staticData, vskData,
    #Calculate the dynamic trial
    # passing the calibrated subject measurements
    motionData = motionData[:500]  #temporary, just to speed up the calculation
    result = pycgmCalc.calcAngles(motionData,

    #Write the results to a csv file, if wanted,
    # otherwise could just return the angles/axis to some other function
    pycgmIO.writeResult(result, outputfile)

コード例 #2
ファイル: runpyCGM.py プロジェクト: luwangg/pyCGM
def main(argv):
    Take in motion data file, time span
    returns output file of angles
    pyCGM.py -i <motionFile> -o <outputfile> -s <start> -e <end> 
    flat_foot = False
    global vskdata
    start,end = None,None
        opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv,"h:i:o:s:e:v:x",["ifile=","ofile=","start=","end=","vskfile=","staticinput="])
    except getopt.GetoptError:
        print 'pyCGM.py -i <motionFile> -o <outputfile> -s <start> -e <end>'
    for opt, arg in opts:
        if opt == '-h':
                print 'pyCGM.py -i <motionFile> -o <outputfile> -s <start> -e <end>'
        elif opt in ("-i", "--ifile"):
                inputfile = arg
        elif opt in ("-o", "--ofile"):
                outputfile = arg
        elif opt in ("-s", "--start"):
                start = int(arg)
        elif opt in ("-e", "--end"):
                end = int(arg)
        elif opt in ("-v","--vskfile"):
                inputvsk = arg
        elif opt in ("-x","--staticinput"):
                staticfile = arg

#TODO -x is not working for input
    filename = './'+inputfile
    motionData  = pycgmIO.loadData(filename) 
    if len(motionData) == 0 or motionData == None:
        print "No Data Loaded"
    if inputvsk != None:
        vskdata = pycgmIO.loadVSK(inputvsk)
        if vskdata!=None:
                vsk = pycgmIO.createVskDataDict(vskdata[0],vskdata[1])
    if staticfile != None:
        staticData = pycgmIO.loadData(staticfile)
        calibratedMeasurements = pycgmStatic.getStatic(staticData,vsk,flat_foot)


コード例 #3
def mainMPI(argv):
    testtime = time.strftime("%d_%H_%M_%S", time.gmtime())
    runfolder = str(testtime) + '/'

        opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "h:i:o:s:e:c:f:p:v:x:r", [
            "ifile=", "ofile=", "start=", "end=", "calctype=", "singleframe=",
            "nprocs=", "vskfile=", "staticinput=", "rank="
    except getopt.GetoptError:
        print 'pyCGM.py -i <motionFile> -o <outputfile> -s <start> -e <end> -c <calctype> -sf <singleframe>'

    for opt, arg in opts:
        if opt == '-h':
            print 'pyCGM.py -i <motionFile> -o <outputfile> -s <start> -e <end> -c <calctype> -sf <singleframe> -p <procs>'
        elif opt in ("-i", "--ifile"):
            inputfile = arg
        elif opt in ("-o", "--ofile"):
            outputfile = arg
        elif opt in ("-s", "--start"):
            start = int(arg)
        elif opt in ("-e", "--end"):
            end = int(arg)
        elif opt in ("-c", "--calctype"):
            calctype = arg
        elif opt in ("-f", "--singleframe"):
            singleframe = arg
        elif opt in ("-p", "--nprocs"):
            procs = int(arg)
        elif opt in ("-v", "--vskfile"):
            inputvsk = arg
        elif opt in ("-x", "--staticinput"):
            staticfile = arg
        elif opt in ("-r", "--rank"):
            rank = arg

    #Get this processes rank and the size of the mpi rank call
    comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
    rank = comm.Get_rank()
    rank_size = comm.Get_size()

    #Set the variable motiondata to none at start for all ranks
    motiondata = None
    vsk = None
    static = None
    motiondata_lab = None
    if rank == 0:
        #File to use in calculation
        start = 0
        flat_foot = False
        filename = './' + inputfile

        #Time setup
        totalTime = time.time()
        loadDataTime = time.time()

        #Load motion data from file
        motionData = pycgmIO.loadData(filename)

        loadDataTime = time.time() - loadDataTime

        if len(motionData) == 0:
            print "No Data Loaded"

        #Load VSK File and parse into dict
        if inputvsk != None:
            loadVskTime = time.time()
            vskdata = pycgmIO.loadVSK(inputvsk)
            if vskdata == None:
                print "VSK Not Loaded"
            vsk = pycgmIO.createVskDataDict(vskdata[0], vskdata[1])
            loadVskTime = time.time() - loadVskTime

        if staticfile != None:
            #Load static file and time it
            loadStaticTime = time.time()
            staticData = pycgmIO.loadData(staticfile)
            loadStaticTime = time.time() - loadStaticTime
            #Calculate Static and time it
            calculateStaticTime = time.time()
            vsk = pycgmStatic.getStatic(staticData, vsk, flat_foot)
            calculateStaticTime = time.time() - calculateStaticTime

        #Split the motion data to labels and values to send faster with MPI
        # then combine again in each process
        motiondata_val, motiondata_lab = pycgmIO.splitDataDict(motionData)

    #Start timing the calculation time
    calculateAnglesTime = time.time()

    if rank == 0:
        #Split the data evenly for the processes
        motionData_val_scatter = []
        l = len(motiondata_val) / (rank_size - 1)
        for i in range(rank_size - 1):
            start = i * l
            end = (i + 1) * l
            if i == rank_size - 2:
                end = len(motiondata_val)
            #Append each dataset as an array of the data, vsk info, and static

        #Set the master rank single_result value to None so there is a variable
        # for it to read when gathering
        single_result = None
        motionData_val_scatter = []
        single_result = None

    motionData = comm.scatter(motionData_val_scatter, root=0)
    vsk = comm.bcast(vsk, root=0)
    static = comm.bcast(static, root=0)
    motiondata_lab = comm.bcast(motiondata_lab, root=0)

    if rank != 0:
        #combine the values and labels back into a dict
        motionData = pycgmIO.combineDataDict(motionData, motiondata_lab)
        single_result = pycgmCalc.calcFramesMPI(motionData, vsk)

    result_total = comm.gather(single_result, root=0)

    if rank == 0:
        results = np.asarray(result_total)[1:]

        #Put all angles in a list instead of separate arrays
        angles = []
        for i in results:
            angles = angles + i
        result = angles

        #Check the time
        calculateAnglesTime = time.time() - calculateAnglesTime
        savaDataTime = time.time()
        #Write the result to file
        angles = ['R Hip', 'L Hip', 'R Knee', 'L Knee', 'R Ankle', 'L Ankle']
        axis = [
            "PELO", "PELX", "PELY", "PELZ", "HIPO", "HIPX", "HIPY", "HIPZ",
            "R KNEO", "R KNEX", "R KNEY", "R KNEZ", "L KNEO", "L KNEX",
            "L KNEY", "L KNEZ", "R ANKO", "R ANKX", "R ANKY", "R ANKZ",
            "L ANKO", "L ANKX", "L ANKY", "L ANKZ", "R FOOO", "R FOOX",
            "R FOOY", "R FOOZ", "L FOOO", "L FOOX", "L FOOY", "L FOOZ"

                            runfolder + outputfile,
        savaDataTime = time.time() - savaDataTime

        totalTimes = time.time() - totalTime
        totalTime = totalTimes / 100
        with open(runfolder + str(time.time()) + '_Root_Node_Stats.txt',
                  'wb') as f:
            f.write("Total time = %.10fs" % (totalTimes, ) + '\n')
            f.write("Cores = " + str(rank_size) + '\n')
                "Total time to load data     \t= %.10fs\t%0.4f%%" %
                (loadStaticTime + loadVskTime + loadDataTime,
                 (loadStaticTime + loadVskTime + loadDataTime) / totalTime) +
            f.write("\tTime to load VSK            = %.10fs\t%0.4f%%" %
                    (loadVskTime, (loadVskTime) / totalTime) + '\n')
            f.write("\tTime to load static data    = %.10fs\t%0.4f%%" %
                    (loadStaticTime, (loadStaticTime) / totalTime) + '\n')
            f.write("\tTime to load data           = %.10fs\t%0.4f%%" %
                    (loadDataTime, (loadDataTime) / totalTime) + '\n')
            f.write("Total time for calculations \t= %.10fs\t%0.4f%%" %
                    (calculateStaticTime + calculateAnglesTime,
                     (calculateStaticTime + calculateAnglesTime) / totalTime) +
            f.write("\tTime to calculate static    = %.10fs\t%0.4f%%" %
                     (calculateStaticTime) / totalTime) + '\n')
            f.write("\tTime to calculate angles    = %.10fs\t%0.4f%%" %
                     (calculateAnglesTime) / totalTime) + '\n')
            f.write("Total time to save output      \t= %.10fs\t%0.4f%%" %
                    (savaDataTime, (savaDataTime) / totalTime) + '\n')
